6-Pack Color Changing LED Eggs

- They look sorta like eggs, right?
- Cool and hypnotic sensory items
- Six different modes: Flashing, Color Changing, Steady On, Blue Flash, Green Flash, and Red Flash
- Perfect for holidays with eggs involved (e.g. Easter, Halloween, St. Egg’s Day)
- Cute and spooky
- Model: L16HT-TH15-W4Y
Light Is Always
There’s stuff that’s very obviously seasonal. Like, you’re not wearing lined pants to the beach in August. And you’re not wearing a tank top and board shorts to go skiing in January.
Then there’s other stuff where it has nothing to do with health or comfort, per season, but still feels weird out of season. A piping hot bowl of beef stew in the summer’s not going to kill you, especially if you’ve got the air conditioning on. But it might not sit as well as it does on a cold winter’s night. And you can bundle up in late November and throw a few steaks on the grill, we guess, but isn’t the joy of grilling outside about how free it feels?
Then there’s obviously what’s in stock, what produce is freshest, all that.
Point is: it makes sense that we enjoy some things seasonally. But then there are plenty of other things that have an assigned season when they should really be year-round treats.
Take Christmas lights for example. Sure, they wrap easily around a tree. Sure, strewn throughout your house, they give a soft warm quality to things that feel delightfully wintery. Sure, they look festive hung around your eaves and windows and whatnot. But you know where else they look great? In July, in a webbed canopy over the patio outside the bar. In fact, to see Christmas lights in the warmer months, you’re likely to think: wow, there’s just nothing more summery than some Christmas lights!
Why are we talking about Christmas lights when these are definitely not Christmas lights? To make the basic point that you might see these and think, oh, cute, some lights for glamming up the Easter egg hunt. And that’s true. They are that. But they’re also just some cool moody orbs. You can set them around come the holiday season. You can take them out to the deck to give a little glow to that post-work glass of wine. You can set them up around the basement for a soft spooky aura.
Really, what we’re saying is that they’re cool lights. And cool lights know no season.
So buy them for now, and also for other times too.