We did stuff like that in the snow in upstate NY when I was a stupid college student. One kid wore shorts and filp flops all winter (although with socks in the snow. A bunch of us wore converse canvas sneakers with no socks regard less of how deep the snow (or slush) was… And then there was my childhood sliding down the sidewalk hill in bare feet to turn it to ice… (and then standing on the radiator to thaw one’s feet, then going out to do it again until it was sold ice. Then and only then we’d put our boots on).
@f00l@tinamarie1974 OK so maybe we need a thread of photos of people’s flip flop collection. I have some but not a zillion of them. I have some vintage Scott something or other ones from Hawaii that have boat soles on them that are still holding up. Actually have 3 pairs of those and maybe 4 other pairs of various vintages. I used to have the Walmart “cheapies” that would, if one was lucky, last all summer before part of the strap would pull out of the hole. I grew up with those, although we were expected to be in bare feet all summer and only wear those if we had to go into a store or something. I don’t buy those anymore as I like the thicker padding of the soles of the other ones I own.
No flip-flop collection
I just find something I like and I wear it until it’s horrible or falling apart or hurting my feet or something and then I throw it away and go on to the next one I like
They have to be somewhat durable and they have a good tread on them
Aside from that the less fancy and the more cheap the better
The most simple basic utilitarian is the ideal for these. Anything that makes them look more stylish just makes them less functional or less comfortable
But now cute shoes means they get to looking awful quickly or they don’t fit my feet or really hurt or there’s something else wrong with them or they simply make me feel like I have some sort of problem with walking.
So I avoid cute shoes now. I do like them on other people
@f00l@tinamarie1974 When I find a pair of shoes that I really like and are incredibly comfortable I buy a second pair to put aside for whenever the first pair wears out. That has served me well over the years. Well except when the second pair wears out and a third pair can’t be found (I do look for lightly used but usually by then all is left on the market is ones that have been much more heavily used and I don’t buy shoes broken in to fit someone else’s foot - learned that lesson the hard way).
No snow here today at least, but maybe tomorrow or Thursday. I’m not really a sandal kind of guy. My feet always end up stinking. I’ll wear floppy flips to the beach or pool but that’s about it.
It’s technically potentially always sandal season here, because temperatures really only get prohibitively low at night, but I’ve been mostly used to wearing socks and a pair of Skechers indoors and swapping between boots and some aerated clogs outdoors because it’s been wet a lot and I have a big backyard, but used to live in a tiny apartment space with no yard of my own, wearing flip flops indoors daily.
@jitc I go barefoot in my apt most of the time. Even if there is an ice storm outside. Actually I’ll walk barefoot from my car to the building in the rain if the mud is too deep or the water running across the parking lot is too deep. Some of the people here look at me like I am nuts but feet wash and dry easier and faster than shoes do.
@Kidsandliz my kids are barefoot, everywhere except on trips outside the home. I can’t do barefoot. Even with no one in the house wearing outdoor shoes, the floors still get filthy between kids leaving scraps after meals and whatever is tracked in on those bare feet. It’s the same reason I wore flip flops all the time at the apartment. I can’t stand getting crud all over my feet.
I wore sandels today. Wore them with socks the other day when it was in the 50’s.
I have a pair that are currently at the shoe repair shop. They are ancient and I love them. I had repaired one of the straps using sail thread, curved sail needle and a palm. The shoe place is gluing the bottom of a strap back under the foot part. He asked me if I wanted him to sew the strap I mended. Nope. I mended that while working on a ship and it reminds me of them.
I’m in SoCal. It’s always sandal season, even in winter.
/giphy absolutely this


@Pony Snow, the only natural enemy of the sandal. I hate wet footbeds and frozen toes.
@Pony Well you could wear them…
We did stuff like that in the snow in upstate NY when I was a stupid college student. One kid wore shorts and filp flops all winter (although with socks in the snow. A bunch of us wore converse canvas sneakers with no socks regard less of how deep the snow (or slush) was… And then there was my childhood sliding down the sidewalk hill in bare feet to turn it to ice… (and then standing on the radiator to thaw one’s feet, then going out to do it again until it was sold ice. Then and only then we’d put our boots on).
It is but I don’t.
Last week yes, this week hell no. I wonder what next week will bring??
No, but it might be by next week, at least for a little while.
It’s sleeting so that’s a nope.
It was for the last week, but we got snow today. Should be good for sandals by the weekend.
Almost always.
Flipflops tho. Not sandals.
@f00l I thought flip-flops were a type of sandal. Wikipedia agrees.
Wikipedia, smickipedia. I’m talking about a fanboi distinction here.
Yes, flip-flops are sandals. But I try live always as a flip-flop aficionado.
So, I give extra respect and mad props towards an exalted (by me) subset of the sandal universe.
I stand by my (slightly nonsensical) earlier statement, while I stand in my flip-flops.
/giphy flip-flops

@DrWorm @f00l
Hell, “I” remember when those were called “thongs”
@chienfou @DrWorm
/giphy flip-flop thong

@f00l So do you have a fancy collection of them then - like a flip flop collection that would rival @Tinamarie1974’s spike heel collection?
@f00l @Kidsandliz I have a flip flop collection too!!!
@f00l @tinamarie1974 OK so maybe we need a thread of photos of people’s flip flop collection. I have some but not a zillion of them. I have some vintage Scott something or other ones from Hawaii that have boat soles on them that are still holding up. Actually have 3 pairs of those and maybe 4 other pairs of various vintages. I used to have the Walmart “cheapies” that would, if one was lucky, last all summer before part of the strap would pull out of the hole. I grew up with those, although we were expected to be in bare feet all summer and only wear those if we had to go into a store or something. I don’t buy those anymore as I like the thicker padding of the soles of the other ones I own.
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974
No flip-flop collection
I just find something I like and I wear it until it’s horrible or falling apart or hurting my feet or something and then I throw it away and go on to the next one I like
They have to be somewhat durable and they have a good tread on them
Aside from that the less fancy and the more cheap the better
The most simple basic utilitarian is the ideal for these. Anything that makes them look more stylish just makes them less functional or less comfortable
@f00l @Kidsandliz but cute is good
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974
When I was young I think I cared about cute shoes
And I had some I liked.
But now cute shoes means they get to looking awful quickly or they don’t fit my feet or really hurt or there’s something else wrong with them or they simply make me feel like I have some sort of problem with walking.
So I avoid cute shoes now. I do like them on other people
@f00l @tinamarie1974 When I find a pair of shoes that I really like and are incredibly comfortable I buy a second pair to put aside for whenever the first pair wears out. That has served me well over the years. Well except when the second pair wears out and a third pair can’t be found (I do look for lightly used but usually by then all is left on the market is ones that have been much more heavily used and I don’t buy shoes broken in to fit someone else’s foot - learned that lesson the hard way).
@f00l @Kidsandliz I am a big fan of the two pair rule! But it is a bitch when the second pair wears out and they are no longer made.
Having that issue now with a pair of Adidas flip flops I love. They are beat down and there are no reasonable replacements available.
@f00l @tinamarie1974 Yeah that seriously sucks. I am in that state of affairs with a pair of sneakers and with a pair of black work shoes.
Always sandal season for me
The last time I wore sandals… well, let’s just say the socks where not welcomed. And no, my bare feet would be worse.
Still fur-lined boots with ice cleats here. Fresh snow coming down. Will wait until after the plow guy has done his job.
No snow here today at least, but maybe tomorrow or Thursday. I’m not really a sandal kind of guy. My feet always end up stinking. I’ll wear floppy flips to the beach or pool but that’s about it.
It’s sandals to check the mail, season.
It’s sandal season, but I don’t go outside with exposed skin because it’s also burning acid-flies season.
I wish it were sandal weather already.
It’s technically potentially always sandal season here, because temperatures really only get prohibitively low at night, but I’ve been mostly used to wearing socks and a pair of Skechers indoors and swapping between boots and some aerated clogs outdoors because it’s been wet a lot and I have a big backyard, but used to live in a tiny apartment space with no yard of my own, wearing flip flops indoors daily.
@jitc I go barefoot in my apt most of the time. Even if there is an ice storm outside. Actually I’ll walk barefoot from my car to the building in the rain if the mud is too deep or the water running across the parking lot is too deep. Some of the people here look at me like I am nuts but feet wash and dry easier and faster than shoes do.
@Kidsandliz my kids are barefoot, everywhere except on trips outside the home. I can’t do barefoot. Even with no one in the house wearing outdoor shoes, the floors still get filthy between kids leaving scraps after meals and whatever is tracked in on those bare feet. It’s the same reason I wore flip flops all the time at the apartment. I can’t stand getting crud all over my feet.
Wore sandals out today,so I guess: yes, it’s sandal season.
Still cold here
I wore sandels today. Wore them with socks the other day when it was in the 50’s.
I have a pair that are currently at the shoe repair shop. They are ancient and I love them. I had repaired one of the straps using sail thread, curved sail needle and a palm. The shoe place is gluing the bottom of a strap back under the foot part. He asked me if I wanted him to sew the strap I mended. Nope. I mended that while working on a ship and it reminds me of them.