20-Pack: Schick Hydro 3 Men Refills (Unboxed)

  • You get 20 replacement razors for the Schick Hydro 3
  • These are not as the Schick Hydro 5 we sold recently though these razors are compatible with those “sticks” (as they’re called)
  • “Unboxed” means they won’t be shipped in retail packaging, though they will have covers over the blades to protect them (and the unboxer)
  • “Advanced Lubrication For Effortless Glide and Hydration. Hydro has a deep reservoir full of 100% pure conditioner that lasts up to three times longer.” Jeez, Schick – this is a family site
  • Model: Hydro 3 (Part of us wants to reject this model number on the grounds that it is the same as the name of the product. The other part wishes there were no such thing as model numbers and we could stop talking about them)
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Badger & 3 Blades (B3B)

A few weeks back we sold a Schick 5-bladed razor and today we’re selling its 3-bladed cousin. You might assume these are inferior – 3 is less than 5 after all – but the online shaving community isn’t so sure. In fact, many argue that fewer blades are better.

To answer your question, yes there is really an online shaving community. While researching the 3 vs. 5 blade debate, we came across the Badger & Blade forums, a place where shaving experts dole out advice like so much rich foam and shaving newbs ask dumb questions. Questions like this on the very topic of the Schick 5- or 3-bladed razor, from B&B user StanSmith:

Schick Hydro 3 or Schick Hydro 5? I have sensitive/acne prone/razor burn prone skin. Which of those razors should I get?

Which of course drew unhelpful non-answers like this from user pz93c:

I hear the problem stems from inadequate face prep, but my face is like shoe leather so I don’t know for sure.

But also sincere answers like ShaveAddict’s:

…For WTG pass the Hydro 3 performs better while the Hydro 5 performs better on ATG passes.

“What the goodness does WTG mean?” we asked ourselves as the ground beneath our feet began to crumble “What does that mean?” And that sealed it – we were falling down an online-shaving-community rabbit hole. Googling “Badger & Blade abbreviations” brought us to this exhaustive list. We Control-effed “WTG” found this first result:

CCS: Close, comfortable shave. Perhaps a notch less than a DFS. WTG is completely smooth, XTG and ATG both can detect very tiny levels of stubble. (see also BBS, DFS, and SAS)​

Hoo boy. Here we go.

DFS: Damn Fine Shave. A near-BBS. WTG/XTG is completely smooth, ATG will feel a little bit of light stubble. (see BBS, CCS)​

Now we were falling, falling helplessly down the rabbit hole, watching abbreviations and phrases zip by

WTG: With the grain (direction for stroke with a razor)​

Finally an answer to our original question, but now it was too late. If you’re like us you want to look at that glossary some more, where you’ll learn that ATG means “Against The Grain” and XTG means “Across the grain.” We needed to know more about this dumb little microcosm so we kept going deeper and deeper.

WOW: Woods of Windsor but also, more commonly elsewhere, "World of Warcraft"​

But … what is Woods of Windsor and --?

SWMBO: She who must be obeyed (wife / girlfriend); see also LOTH and TWGW. From the Victorian novel She: A History of Adventure by Henry Rider Haggard.​

Uh oh, we see where this is going. It was time to exhume ourselves.

Do that many people really spend this much of their time thinking about, discussing, and abbreviating the act of shaving? It’s something that literally takes up, at most, 1% of a person’s waking day. Who are these people who spend all day in online forums discussing something that matters so little?

Oh wait … cough … yes … umm, but y’all are different: You don’t have a huge list of abbreviations for common Meh phrases. Or have we unwittingly encouraged someone to make one merely by mentioning it? FML

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