I used to love participating in lots of different forums, but damn near every time I really enjoyed one, they would wind up asking me to be admin, and I was too dumb to say no. So then it became work, and I didn’t enjoy it anymore. Now I just don’t visit forums except for this one, and even that isn’t all that often.
I… actually have an account on Badger & Blade. I have not frequented it much in the last couple years, but when I was trying to reduce shaving costs, it had a lot of helpful info.
I’m much lazier about it now, but I used to shave my head 2-3 times a week and using the razors like these was costing me a fortune. I switched to older-school single/double edged razors after finding B&B. I also used a straight razor for a bit, but it was nerve-racking doing the back of my head with it.
not really. ‘if it comes up in a google search result that looks promising’ is the #1 reason you’ll find me on a forum.
i do occasionally comment on apartment therapy/the kitchn, and i use instagram, but that’s the extent of my online commenting/participation beyond meh. i’m an HSP so i just find it too stressful to get involved with much online. hard for my brain to leave it behind and sleep at night so i’ve taken the step of simply not engaging to begin with and life is much better.
i did make the horrible mistake of asking a question on the amazon forums a couple weeks ago, but i won’t make that mistake a second time.
@jerk_nugget i saw a comment from jerk nugget on (possibly) the kitchn (or some related cooking site) not too long ago and wondered if it was you, but not enough to creepily ask.
@earlyre Keep your vehicle away from me. I have managed to break every one I tried to drive. Anyone else could drive them. Me, it would die and not restart within a block or so. Once I got a few miles away, picked up an ice cream cake and it would not start in the parking lot. This was 3 different cars quite awhile back but I would not press my luck with one.
When I was younger I used to be involved in a couple forums for bands I liked. Man, I loved those people on those forums. But over time we stopped talking and the forums died…I miss them a lot. Now I occasionally post on here, but that’s about it.
90% of the visitors to @meh discovered it through w00t and slickdeals so some variation of ‘yes’ should win this poll.
@elimanningface don’t visit me.
@elimanningface I voted 1 or 2, but I don’t visit the woot forums anymore. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
I used to love participating in lots of different forums, but damn near every time I really enjoyed one, they would wind up asking me to be admin, and I was too dumb to say no. So then it became work, and I didn’t enjoy it anymore. Now I just don’t visit forums except for this one, and even that isn’t all that often.
@Pony pretty sure that’s why certain former mediocre employees never returned. Lucky for me forum discussion wasn’t part of my job.
I… actually have an account on Badger & Blade. I have not frequented it much in the last couple years, but when I was trying to reduce shaving costs, it had a lot of helpful info.
I’m much lazier about it now, but I used to shave my head 2-3 times a week and using the razors like these was costing me a fortune. I switched to older-school single/double edged razors after finding B&B. I also used a straight razor for a bit, but it was nerve-racking doing the back of my head with it.
I will neither confirm nor deny that I have an addiction to message forums.
Hell, I don’t even frequent this forum.
I would say Facebook only counts if you’re active in a group or page you don’t admin.
@jqubed Oh then I guess I used the wrong option!
I may or may not occasionally visit the Discordian forums. For old times’ sake, of course. Yup. Not in hopes of an Erisian Renaissance. Not at all.
I’ve been known to stage a triumphal procession in front of the Temple of Vespasian and Titus, if that’s what you mean
/image a funny thing happened on the way to the forum

Yeah, woot polls (mostly), YouTube comments, and Thingiverse discussion groups.
At last count, I have accounts with something like 15 different fora, though I only “actively” post on 5 or so.
Mostly Linux forums. It’s the quickest way to discover the strengths & weaknesses of a distro.
@rtjhnstn that makes me wonder… does stackoverflow count? Because if so i need to change my vote.
Twitter and Facebook.
At the risk of showing my age, I still occasionally participate in Usenet groups! (Youngsters can Google it.)
@macromeh comp.os.vms
not really. ‘if it comes up in a google search result that looks promising’ is the #1 reason you’ll find me on a forum.
i do occasionally comment on apartment therapy/the kitchn, and i use instagram, but that’s the extent of my online commenting/participation beyond meh. i’m an HSP so i just find it too stressful to get involved with much online. hard for my brain to leave it behind and sleep at night so i’ve taken the step of simply not engaging to begin with and life is much better.
i did make the horrible mistake of asking a question on the amazon forums a couple weeks ago, but i won’t make that mistake a second time.
@jerk_nugget i saw a comment from jerk nugget on (possibly) the kitchn (or some related cooking site) not too long ago and wondered if it was you, but not enough to creepily ask.
@djslack it’s me! i was actually a contributor for their food budget diary series this week as well.
Mainly on Bitog, and here @ meh.
far less frequently over @ the TCCA .
BITOG= Bobistheoilguy.com/forums
TCCA= Taurusclub.com (wanna guess what i drive?)
@earlyre Keep your vehicle away from me. I have managed to break every one I tried to drive. Anyone else could drive them. Me, it would die and not restart within a block or so. Once I got a few miles away, picked up an ice cream cake and it would not start in the parking lot. This was 3 different cars quite awhile back but I would not press my luck with one.
Yes, a number of them but far fewer than in the past. Just not enough hours in the day to keep up with more than a few.
When I was younger I used to be involved in a couple forums for bands I liked. Man, I loved those people on those forums. But over time we stopped talking and the forums died…I miss them a lot. Now I occasionally post on here, but that’s about it.
I used to like Fark.com but it has deteriorated to polarizing political comments in nearly every thread.
I wish I could find a politically neutral news aggregator.
@therealjrn try twitter. I heard it is pretty neutral and noninflammatory.
Like I would converse with all you FREAKS online!