Goat Ewe When September Ends - Blame Thread Sept 2017
12I think @mfladd summed this month’s scapegoat when he said:
Unless @Kidsandliz can prove she is hospitalized in an ICU, step down and general floors do not count - she has exhausted all excuses for not being goat. I have excused her for what I deemed to be legitimate excuses a number of times, but that ends now. She will comply with goatly duties for being a kind and long time participant in this hell, running an exchange, and for having a cat that is a goat.
So, @Kidsandliz - you’ve been caught, you’re our scapegoat, even if the community had to drag you into it. Congrats!
Blame Away!
- 56 comments, 184 replies
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So, I think this means I can blame @kidsandliz for the fact that I’ve never bothered to figure out what’s up with the constant blaming that happens in these forums?? Am I doing this right?
@UncleVinny No. The date and time stamp of your post as it came through my email is still yesterday by a half hour so it is not my fault. It is still @2many2no’s fault.
@UncleVinny @Kidsandliz @2many2no How about blaming BOTH goats for the time zone differences?
Sidenote: Where has @PlacidPenguin been?
MIA for a while.
: (
Am just in a blaming mood.
/giphy blame.

@f00l That’s purty. What 'tis? Oh…never mind. Just a random giphy. Alas!
@UncleVinny anime named Blame.

So we have a ourselves Hostile Goat?
Ok, that could rock.
@f00l Rules: You have to have a specific misfortunate you want to blame on the goat, otherwise it is just general whining which has nothing to do with the goat.
@Kidsandliz NOT TRUE. Anything and everything falls on the GoaT. Take it, we will try to be gentle - OR NOT.
Calling Goatly @kidsandliz!
I blame you for something or other.
Come accept your blame!

@kidsandliz Welcome to the club, fucker.
@Pavlov Isn’t that how they greet the new guy in prison?
@huja Nope. They’d never let you hear them coming . . .
@Pavlov shudder
@Pavlov Don’t you mean ha ha you are now a member of

i blame @kidsandliz that i don’t have a ‘v’ and can’t buy a ‘k’
/giphy don’t have a v

/giphy can’t buy a k

@Yoda_Daenerys You might want to try buying a vowel.

@Yoda_Daenerys Here

now you have one
I’m blaming @kidsandliz that the nomination thread is still spotlighted.
I should probably blame @dave while I’m at it too. As for the percentage of much blame you each get …
You rolled a total of 97
You rolled a total of 50
/roll 1d100
/roll 1d100
I see it’s been fixed. What’s the percentage of unblame now for -
You rolled a total of 52
/roll 1d100
You rolled a total of 97
/roll 1d100
You rolled a total of 93
% not my fault
/roll d100
97% blame - 52% unblame x 93% innocence
You rolled a total of 100
What percentage goat is @Kidsandliz goat this month?
/roll 100d1
@narfcake This must be new math. In actual math you get an “F”.
/youtube Tom Lehrer new math
/image f grade cat

@narfcake I had forgotten about that Tom Lehrer song. He has so many really funny songs.
@Kidsandliz His inspiration was carried on in later forms:
/youtube Animaniacs multiplication
I blame @kidsandliz that all my summer SciFi shows are over…wahhhhh!!!
/giphy crying

@mehbee Here use this to solve your problems

@kidsandliz . . . what’s with the shitty weather world wide?!
Normal should be 93.
@narfcake The sun is pissed because we tried to block it with our moon.
@narfcake You clearly need this

@Kidsandliz Yep. And I’m blaming you that I don’t.
@narfcake Problem solved. You can buy ice almost anywhere. You are welcome.
@Kidsandliz gets the blame because when I stepped out of my car in a parking lot, my shoe landed splat on a loaded diaper that some pig had tossed there.
@OldCatLady Eww… Shopping at Walmart again?
@OldCatLady Did it smell like old Indian food?

@Barney No, Panera’s. They’re giving me a free bagel every day this month.
@OldCatLady You can clean up a lot of mess with a properly applied bagel.
@OldCatLady This might prevent future problems with this

@thumperchick @woodhouse (sorry, those are the only two staff names I have memorized):
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, take this thread (and ANY community thread that has interaction) out of the oh, so stupid spotlight thing. It really reduces the give and take when you stick something there, because no one sees that there’s new activity, unless they go to the bother, each and every time, of looking.
Why does there even need to be a topic in the spotlight thing, anyway? Honestly, you are making me sad, and for no good reason. (Please note, when I use the word “you” in this case, I’m referring to the person who decided to stick this in spotlight purgatory, and not necessarily either one of you two innocents.)
Please take this out, and let it fly free. Pretty please?
@Shrdlu I just came here to bitch about the same thing. Also replies in the middle are invisible unless you have the whole mess shipped to your email. I’m OK if Uksi goes here but anything else is a pain.
@Shrdlu Nope needs put back. Dead thread = good thread.

Undead thread = excellent thread.
@Shrdlu The broadcasted topic used to disappear once you opened/read it. That feature seems to have been lost with one of the mehdown upgrades.
I have my forum preferences set to show me new comments and replies, so I see broadcasted threads the same way I see everything else.
The updated thread info would be handy to have back for broadcasts, too.
Ah @kidsandliz at last.
I blame you for the fact that I worked late tonight and had to miss a social engagement to which I was invited as a result.
@jbartus So let me get this straight - you had to work late so you were invited to a social engagement. You then missed it. So I am only to blame for the missing part since if you hadn’t worked late you wouldn’t have been invited… so working late was good. Got it.

I. think you figured out the whole Goat thing.
@Kidsandliz maybe I wasn’t clear. It was a prior invitation that I had to miss because I worked late.
So now you are trying to blame me for your failure to add appropriate punctuation to your sentence as well? Oh wait. I shouldn’t give you additional reasons to blame me. (grin)
I opened an email and found this. I really want it. Stupid email.

@sammydog01 so that is not a blame. Right? It is just a want…
I blame you for trying to regulate blaming behavior. Half the fun is ignoring all the rules.
I also blame you for failing to control my behavior.

I am ignoring the rules by making the rules
Maybe we should try this to control your behavior?
@kidsandliz I blame you for forgetting my pajamas on a round of family visits squeezed into one three-day weekend.
@lbcausey You want to borrow some of mine?

I blame you for figuring out how to be an effective Goat pretty quickly.
/giphy effective

@f00l Well then I need to figure out how to be a fail so that I lower expectations…
@f00l missed the edit window to add this about where your expectations should be

Hey @Kidsandliz, you cranky-goat bitch, bout time ya got yours!
That being said, I blame you that I was bored, tuned on Fire TV and ended up watch a really bad B-comedy called The Last Lovecraft: The Relic of Cthulu. In my defense it was, well, Cthulu! Best line was "Either of you boys ever been fish-raped?"

More blame comes after I found out Veronica Belmont was born the year I graduated high school. Sooooooo old!!! Blame!!!

Well have one of these. Then use it.
Problem solved. You are welcome.
Blaming @kidsandliz because I still have to wait two more days to resume this:
@narfcake I have no idea what you area talking about even after clicking on your link so no idea what to do about the blame.
@Kidsandliz Ignoring the blame! You’re doing GREAT as a goat!
@narfcake I have empty boxes. Where do you want one sent? Actually meh has a ton of them. Order something else and likely you’ll get a big one.

(giant gif version)
@kidsandliz said:
I blame you because I have not yet lowered my expectations.
AOL your fault!
And all your fault, as well!
@f00l I am ignoring this. Are your expectations now low enough?
Wow, @kidsandliz is going for some kind of weather blame championship. Three active hurricanes, and one of them is the strongest ever recorded.
@OldCatLady Just wait, I have tornados, earthquakes and volcanos held in reserve. Seriously though, keep safe.
@OldCatLady PS I see I don’t have an earthquake in reserve anymore (Mexico). Maybe we need to vote in a different goat so the carnage will stop.
@Kidsandliz Multiples are allowed. Two hurricanes and one himacane, earthquakes and tsunamis. Could you at least give a hint about what’s next?
@OldCatLady I was sort of hoping this…

@Kidsandliz I blame you that kneeling down I have pain on the lateral side of my left kneecap, with excessive fluid buildup in that area. Damn.
@mfladd Use this as an excuse to get others to do everything for you around the house. Hope it heals soon.
@mfladd Housemaid’s knee?
@OldCatLady Ha! But probably my meniscus. I injured it not too long ago, but I thought it was on the mend. Not being able to do yoga is the worst part. That and the way I injured it. I got my leg caught in the arm rest of one of the kids booster seats in the car. WTF?!
@mfladd Ooh- meniscus surgery and patella resurfacing are such fun. Look at YouTube for chair yoga. It’s better than nothing. Really, you are so creative.
I’m blaming @kidsandliz that I haven’t resumed tagging @snapster over the lack of catshirts here even though the two months passed already.
@narfcake See later response to your blame repetition…
I’m blaming @kidsandliz that Irk pronounced my name wrong on today’s video!
@Kawa Seemed fine to me, Kavva.
@medz It’s a w, not a v. The username does not refer to a Pacific Island-sourced beverage.
/giphy "Kawa"

/giphy "Kava"

@Kawa looks like two v’s to me.

/image kavva
@medz @kawa The letter ‘w’ is a double ‘u’. Ka-ooo-a. Unique.
@Kawa Maybe this?

@Kawa You may want to watch some of the other Ask Irk segments for (mis) pronunciation …
Dammit, @kidsandliz! I said I wasn’t going to unblame you for any shirt.woot finds this month, but I failed to excuse the finds from other shirt sites – which means that I have to unblame you for the copy of @kevlar51’s and @fishbiscuit’s “A Real Boy” I bought today. And that means I have a third copy now.
This is only the 3rd GoodJoe shirt I’ve ever found second hand.
How many unblames?
You rolled a total of 4
/roll 3d6
FYI, I kept rolling until the edit window closed. Blame the goat for the dice roll results.
I did resume tagging @snapster about the lack of catshirts, though, so that’s one extra unblame, at least.
@narfcake I’ll accept unblames. You were trying to roll zero? LOL
So what you have is a shirt collection rather than having shirts that you actually wear? Seems to me you keep buying shirts. Lots of shirts. Like if you’d put that money in the bank instead of buying shirts you’d be a millionaire number of shirts. Do you have an entire room in a house just for your shirts? Are they enshrined? Framed? Archivally preserved? Or are they just sat on by cats? And what do you do with multiple copies of the same shirt?
@Kidsandliz Three dice, so the lowest would’ve been 3.
I usually change when I get home and then again when I sleep, so 2-3 shirts a day is typical.
Yes, there’s a quantity over quality aspect at times, but even for those I don’t wear, I can look at the art.
Multiple copies means wear-leveling; see this thread.
@narfcake So they will all wear out at once then…
@Kidsandliz In theory, but some still end up being worn more than others by virtue of age or prior care. I usually hang dry my shirts (zero energy cost), but the same can’t be said about shirts I buy second hand.
On a different note, heads is larger, tails is smaller.
Your coin bounced off of your shoe and landed on HEADS!
@narfcake I guess I’d wear one until it was worn out then pull out a new one. That way I wouldn’t look raggedy all the time as all of them wore out together.
Well this was a whole $1.08 I wasted earlier today:

Unblames for @kidsandliz:
You rolled a total of 5
/roll 1d6
@narfcake You need to figure out who it is that donates all the shirts you buy and just get them to donate directly to you rather than where ever it is you are buying these all from. Clearly there is someone out there with the same taste (and more money) than you have.
@Kidsandliz True, except I can’t give them a tax write off and I’d probably be paying more.
BTW, in some cases, it’s the same lack of taste.
Additional unblame. A box!
@narfcake Keep those unblames coming. I plan to use them them to counter future blames.
@Kidsandliz I’m blaming you for thinking I have a lot more unblames to offer.
@narfcake Pfffff. Don’t you want to have more good luck come your way? (The by product, of course, is more unblames for me).Never knew anyone who preferred more bad crap heaped on them rather than good crap. You a masochist or something? LOL
@Kidsandliz No black cat here.

@KidsandlizUnblame on behalf of @Barney, because these are on MorningSave right now:

@OldCatLady How many unblame credits do I get with an unblame against blames? So did you buy any for her? Or for you for that matter…?
@OldCatLady Ohhhh, these are really cool. I received one of them from that poor misunderstood sweetie, @Yoda_Daenerys. (Thanks again.)
Hmm, do I need 2 more. Noooo. Do I want 2 more? Yes! Dammit, @OldCatLady, I think I’m going to go ahead and blame you for this.
@Kidsandliz It’s all about me. Yes.
@Barney hmmm, misunderstood am i?
/image yoda

@Yoda_Daenerys Yep, misunderstood.
@OldCatLady You been goat yet? Then it would always be about you. : )
Yes. My reign lasted an additional 36 hours because someone at meh TOOK SATURDAY OFF.
@OldCatLady Well we could always vote you in again so you could again experience everything being about you LOL… and that extra 36 hours, I presume they blamed you?
Cat hats!

Don’t count on it
Yes definitely
/8ball Do I need them?
/8ball Does the goat get blame for this outcome?
@narfcake 1st photo is a dead box with a “?” in it (although clicking on it does bring up the photo). I presume you are blaming that on me too?
@Kidsandliz I had the image brackets wrong. You get a pass for that.
At least the/8ball knows that fuzzy headgear is unnecessary when it’s been 100+ here in SoCal …
So, @Kidsandliz, I guess you’re to blame for my soreness today.
We have an FIV cat who has lost weight this summer (he always does) and also has a URI. I started him on l-Lysine last Friday and Saturday, we went to a local Petco and got some different flavors of wet food. Skippy had been put in my bathroom with food, water, litter box and a cool, mist humidifier.
Figured maybe a higher quality food than Fancy Feast wasn’t a bad idea.
So, he really liked the Instinct Lamb. Saturday evening, I check Chewy.com. It’s cheaper. I tell my husband “it’s cheaper”. For some reason, over the past couple of years, everything I say is wrong. He disagrees. “It’s not cheaper, it was around $1.69 at Petco.” I paid for it. I should know. If we can buy it online for cheaper, I’d rather buy it online for cheaper. No brainer. He would not take my word for it.
I walked out to the car and got the receipt. Walking back in, I tripped over a berm that he has in front of the car. It hangs way over on the passenger side. I don’t know why.
My forward progress from my trip was stopped by my head hitting the garage door. I guess on the way down, I also hit the other side of my head, where my glasses were. I’ve never hit my head that hard on anything. Stuff fell off of shelves in the garage.
I yelled for him, he helped me up. My knees are scraped and bruised, my toe is bruised, my neck is stiff, the left side of my head hurts when I touch it, the top right where I hit the garage door hurts and still has a squishy spot (the only comparison for how it feels to the touch is a blister). My upper right arm doesn’t have the range of motion it did without pain. I’m not as bad today as I was yesterday and I’m sure I’ll be even better tomorrow. Sat night I searched for concussion symptoms and I had none of them.
(And I was right about the price. Petco was $1.99.)
Thanks, goat.
Signs point to yes
/8ball Is a dice roll necessary to determine the true number of blames?
@lisaviolet Please, please go have a head x-ray. Brain bleeds do not announce themselves ahead of time. Please.
@OldCatLady If I show any of the signs, I will. Thank you. If I have any changes, yes, we’ll get me to the er.
@lisaviolet You are welcome although that is quite a pile of bad luck crammed into one day. Hope you, the cat and everything else gets better sooner rather than later.
@thismyusername Implying…??? When I worked in the UK we used to have to rescue sheep from cliffs. The dumb things could climb up but not down. I do wonder when I see some of these goats climbing walls, dams, etc. how many of them, were we to come back later, would have ended up vulture dinner after they fell.
@Kidsandliz no implication, I see goat pic, I post goat pic into current blame thread. it’s my thing.
I’ve seen eagles and other large birds shove them off cliffs for a “togo” snack
@thismyusername but how did they glue themselves to the wall that high up?
My washing machine is pouring water out of the side. I bought it in 1989 and an tired of fixing it.
@sammydog01 Mine is 1983 (although it has been in storage for the last bunch of years). So you fixing it yet again or buying a new one?
@sammydog01 If it’s just a hose, repair it. They don’t make them like they used to.
If it’s the outer tub is leaking, it’s done for.
(What brand anyway?)
@narfcake It’s a Maytag. I haven’t had a chance to get in there yet. I’ll find a youtube video about repairing it and decide if it’s worth it.
@sammydog01 Yeah I agree on the fix it they don’t make them like they used to. In fact someone I was living at their house for a while tried to talk me into trading them my old ones for their new ones. Nope nope nope not about ready to do that. Good luck and I hope it is something cheap. Mine are Kenmore so that means who knows who made it.
@Kidsandliz For top loaders, Kenmore usually means Whirlpool. Front loaders, it could be Whirlpool, Frigidaire, or LG.
@narfcake Top loader. 1983. Dryer is has a moisture sensor but is otherwise not fancy. Both have only had to be repaired one since I first bought them. The washer makes noises out of the drum when it spins so likely I will need to get that fixed before I use it again.
@Kidsandliz Possibly a weak stablizer/shock causing that. Nothing catastrophic to replace.
@narfcake Or then again dry rot in rubber, old age in other parts… I don’t have a place to put them right now so I am not bothering to fix it right now. Not ever going to sell though since 30 min wash 30 min dry and does a good job.
Unblame: The day is finally here.
Blame: The day is finally here. Also scheduled for 10:15 and still sitting in the waiting room.
@jbartus Good luck. How did it go?
@Kidsandliz I’m told it went fine. From my perspective though I traded a kidney stone that only ever hurt me the one time for persistent pain and discomfort for the last 24 hours. Not sure it was a worthy trade-off.
@jbartus Hopefully it will be in a week or so…
I’ve been watching Ramy livestreaming unicorns instead of working. And it’s past noon already. BLAME!
@narfcake Thanks – loving this.
@ACraigL You’re welcome! – and sorry!
On a different note, I found my (your) copy of Music Pirate.
It’s a size large (instead of medium), though.
@narfcake Tisk tisk tisk. This is your mother telling you to Get. To. Work!

@narfcake If they are trained that’ll do. I see they have saved an empty seat for you. (grin).
@narfcake So size does matter?
Thanks for thinking of me, Narf.
@ACraigL Well there’s more that just that one. And I promise they’re not all catshirts!
@narfcake Ramy’s still at it BTW. Insane. Also he’s a friggin’ millionaire from this KS. Nuts.
@ACraigL I know. I’ve had it up since he started almost 4 hours ago!
Also he’s raked in millions (in revenue) for years already. This was back in July 2014:
Source: http://www.bizjournals.com/stlouis/print-edition/2014/07/11/ramy-badie-25-founder-and-ceo-teeturtle-llc.html
ETA: Also made it to Fortune today.
@narfcake Yeah, pretty unbelievable story. I’m jealous, but mostly amazed. Good on him.
@ACraigL Yeah. I mean, how many folks can say “I quit my pursuit of a PhD so I can make more money drawing bunnies and turtles all day?”
Sidenote: Apparently DianaSprinkle is a staff artist at TeeTurtle also. No wonder she hasn’t submitted anything to Woot.
He’s not done drawing yet!!
@narfcake I’m still amazed when I look at someone’s catalog, like DianaSprinkle, and there’s only 23 shirts. Granted, there may have been stiffer competition in her time, and maybe no side sales?
@ACraigL Definitely competition; much of her work was back in the days when it took like 1,000+ votes to print. Honorable mentions were only once a quarter, not once a week.
Side sales didn’t come more into play until 2012 also.
@Kidsandliz Blame! About two hours ago, on a Friday evening, my house thermostat quit. This is Jacksonville, and every electrician in the world is occupied elsewhere. The circuit breaker was fine, but I flipped it a couple of times anyway. Nothing. I had to find, download, and RTFM. It said nothing about how to fix the problem, but it did show a place where batteries could be inserted. I’ve had it six years and never known about it. So I pulled the drawer out- no batteries in place. I put it back- still no display, and no cooling. I changed the only thing I could- put batteries in for the first time. The display clicked to life, and we have cooling. I’ll change the thermostat as soon as I can get someone in. That’s hard on the nerves.
@OldCatLady Glad at least you got it going again.
UNBLAME: My new family member is awesome. He is my new best friend. I

@mfladd cute dog. What is his name?
@mfladd Yay doggie!
@mfladd Congratulations! You are now a dog god, in his world.
@Kidsandliz Yoshi. Took the kids 3 days to name him.
@mfladd What breed? Resembles a Havanese.
@ACraigL Shih tzu (rescue). I saw a Havanese the other day. They are cute. I had not seen one before.

Here he is after his first grooming. Here you can see the Shih tzu
@mfladd Cute! Love the coloring on him! We’ve had several Shih tzu’s over the years, our first departure from them was the Havanese, almost entirely because he was too cute to resist, and we’re likely going to stick with this breed for a while. Here’s Cody when we got him/now:

@ACraigL He is tooo cute, especially the Vermont Teddy Bear pic on top. Do they have the same amazing temperament as the Shih tzu’s?
@mfladd I had a mixed experience with my shih tzu’s. Our male was obedient, but was often mean and over-territorial, even to our own kids. We had him before the children, so I think there was always a bit of jealously/protective behavior there. Our female was sweet as could be but got really (overly) needy as she got older.
I do like the personality of the Havanese a little better. I think of him more as my buddy whereas the shih tzu’s were just a pet. But that could be due my own level of involvement/interest. Only downside to the breed is they are nervous pee’ers and will squirt a little every time you pick them up. We’ve gotten used to it and use a towel or get him outside first. Other than that, perfect pet.
@ACraigL Oh, my shih tzu is needy as having to always be near me. But he already has become a friend. My best friend. His personality with my kids is why we adopted him. I live near a park/athletic fields where I walk him. He loves all people and children. He only barks if he is playing, or in watch dog mode. If I didn’t have a leash he would run to all the children instantly. He is definitely going to obedience school as he is quite intelligent. I think I hit the shih tzu lottery.
@mfladd Sounds awesome! Enjoy that pup, he’s adorable!
How is it that it’s been 10 minutes and you still haven’t gotten any blame for meh’s “dumpster quality” items today?
@narfcake Have they run out of things to buy? Have they just stopped buying? This place is starting to scare me
Blame the GoaT!
@mfladd I think the real issue is that they need to raid better dumpsters.
@narfcake I just posted over at Morningsave. When did Morningsave become better than meh? I am much more likely to buy something over there. I am contemplating the clearance headphones right now.
@mfladd When they got more sales than meh?
I’ll be honest - I haven’t looked over there in a while, but it’s probably because I’m not in “need” of anything, hence the beauty of Meh (and the old, simple Woot). One item, take it or leave it.
@narfcake Perhaps because it is such a colossal blame that it is above my pay grade and station?
@Kidsandliz Valid reasoning. Which reminds me that it’s Caturday and I haven’t bugged @snapster about the lack of catshirts here. I’m blaming you about that.
@narfcake Getting @snapster to do anything about catshirts is also beyond the capabilities of the goat. You do know there is no magic wand issued to goat draftees. Right? Not even a pretend magic wand made with a sharpie. Heck the kingdom of meh hasn’t even followed through with the promised goat rewards for probably a year’s worth of goats we are so inconsequential… LOL.
@narfcake I would like to know what caused the spike in February. Mario Lopez?
Last night I dreamed that I had a pet goat that had, instead of a hoof, at least ten mangled fingers. On one leg. They looked like raw shrimp. @Kidsandliz, this is clearly your fault.
@InnocuousFarmer You’re on the NyQuil again, aren’t ya?

That said, it is the GoaT’s fault!
@mfladd I’d suggest the next time you have a nightmare like that then stay up all night. Safer.
@Kidsandliz It wasn’t me. I had a sex dream last night.
@InnocuousFarmer @mfladd @Kidsandliz @Shrdlu Well, that went downhill fast.
@mfladd oops sorry. I am busy and only read quickly.
Hey @InnocuousFarmer I’d suggest the next time you have a nightmare like that then stay up all night. Safer.
@Kidsandliz the last time I didn’t sleep I accidentally left my front door open all night. But that was before your tenure.
@InnocuousFarmer Good. Then not my fault.
@kidsandliz Two blames here- I went to visit Meh.com as usual, and not only is it a Mehrathon (which I was shocked at), it was the Fuko. You get blame for the unexpected Mehrathon, and either me not typing the new card info fast enough or the silly recapcha.
@dashcloud well based on the fact that the last mehrathon had fuko’s up 3 times and they haven’t sold 600 of them yet, likely they will be up for sale at least one more time. The other two were, what, maybe 8 hours apart?
Bought a book on Amazon last week for several dollars.
Prime wasn’t an option, so because I needed it by the 18th, I was willing to pay for expedited shipping.
Seller charged about $14.
They shipped it 2nd Day Air via UPS.
While the book was intact, the box came damaged.
What’s worse, the seller used a USPS small flat rate box (illegally).
Keep in mind that those pictures are from BEFORE I opened the box.
And to show I’m not making it up about USPS box being used for UPS:
I blame you not only for the box being ruined, but for the cost of expected shipping (especially when you take into account how it was shipped vs how it SHOULD have been shipped)
@mflassy trash the seller on the reviews and complain to amazon. If you paid by credit card complain to them you didn’t get what you paid for.
Spoke to seller, they gave excuses.
Spoke to UPS, pictures I sent were enough for the claim to be approved without an inspection needed.
Contacted the seller. Was told that if/when they get credit for the claim, I’ll get reimbursed.
I blame you for my decision to finally disable the Gmail app on my phone (will take care of other devices later) and start using Inbox.
I was in the invite-only beta, but I didn’t like Inbox.
Tried Inbox several times over the last few years, but kept on uninstalling it.
Reinstalled it last week and had both Inbox and Gmail running at same time.
Decided to just take the plunge and switch.
@mflassy I’m confused. This sounds like you made a good choice?? So an unblame.
More blame for you. Things are crummy. Tried to get back to working yesterday and things did not go well. If you count the drive out there I made it a full 4.5 hours before having to throw in the towel and go home to assume the fetal position in bed. Cannot wait for Monday to have this stupid stent removed.
@jbartus That seriously sucks. Hope once the stent is out things start to improve.
@jbartus Missed the edit window… this image brought to you because, despite rumors to the contrary, I am not a goat (and I couldn’t find a good goat one).
We need another goat for me to blame them for all the fucking shit going on in my life right now that is leaving me beyond stressed out. Medical shit, death in the family shit, brat child shit, work shit at my temp job, slum lord apt shit, stuff that got stolen shit (namely every single thing of value and all the “family” stuff I own, along with the only photos I have of several family members)… I can’t handle all this shit!!!
@Kidsandliz Soon, ole GoaT. Sorry, your pasture is sucking right now. You are stronger than you think and things will get better. BTW, you might wanna let it all out in my 2017 Sucks thread - that is what it is for. Plus, you stuff is almost private since only 2 people ever go to it
@Kidsandliz I wish I’d seen this before the straight talk thread. Sorry to hear about all this crap, hope I didn’t make things too much worse.
@jbartus I am surviving but have spent more time than I have time for crying and being upset with myself for not unpacking the valuables box as likely then I would have only lost some of that stuff and not all of it. On the other hand I got to use a mean meme of the goat telling you to fuck off so likely we are even (grin).
@Kidsandliz what happened vis a vis the theft?
@jbartus Had packed every single thing of value I owed in one box: jewelry, family stuff including great grandmother stuff (jewelry) and grandparent stuff (jewelry, copper place of the wedding announcement made into a small bowl), silver from my grandmother, important papers (couldn’t afford a safety deposit box) some of which I can’t replace, family photos I had no space for, etc. When I put it in storage I labeled what was in it).
Put in the storage unit as there was stealing out of the HUD by people with master keys. My apt had been entered (I rigged it with a cat whisker more than once to see) so I took that box I had not yet unpacked and moved it. Then moved from 2 small to one large unit as it was cheaper. Someone I didn’t know who was helping me said he was going to his car, thought it was odd he didn’t pass by the new unit, realized he wouldn’t be able to get back in, went outside and he slammed the trunk shut.
Thought it was odd, but didn’t really think about it. Of course in retrospect I wish I had. Sigh. No one entered the unit again until I did to move. People who packed the uhaul had no car with them as I went and got them. Saw the box was missing. Working to get the church who helped me find help figure out who that college kid (there were 4 of them) was who stole it. Storage until already dumped the tape. Been long enough even if we identify the kid likely I’ll never see any of it again. Might as well had a fire. Most of my nice stuff is gone because I have had to sell it to keep myself in health care, rent and vet bills. Now the one box of things that I’d save in a fire or flood is gone.
@Kidsandliz wow that’s horrible. I’m so sorry to hear that.
@jbartus Yes it is really upsetting because of what was stolen. When I first moved in there all my tools were stolen and I had in that box every single screw, etc, that went with each piece of furniture I took apart. I wasn’t pleased about that but compared to this, that was nothing.
Part of me is just tempted to get rid of every single thing else I own except a bed, chair, table, a few kitchen things, computer and TV and say fuck it. I am going to be beyond broke the rest of my life anyway due to all the cancer crap so might as well own nothing as well. Then there will be nothing left to steal.
Unblame: Things are looking up. After a few days of purging my system and eating only a package of saltines in a 48 hour period most of the discomfort has cleared up. I actually ate some real ish food last night and didn’t end up in pain so here’s hoping I’m in the clear.
@jbartus Well for that I am glad. Hopefully now things will start to improve quickly.
@thismyusername I see stuff like this and I wonder why on earth climb cliffs like they do. Mostly no, or not much, food on them. Of course likely safe from predators but I do wonder how many fall off.
@Kidsandliz the weeds that grow in the cracks way up high are the tastiest snacks.
@Kidsandliz @thismyusername they’re looking for Cliff Bars.
@jbartus Here I thought they had plans to smoke the grass, not eat it.
Unblame, for today anyway. A box arrived, which wasn’t from anyone I recognized. Oh. The NY Times sent me a surprise freebie tote, because I’m a subscriber. Nice!
@OldCatLady cool!
I got a replacement Pixel from Google, and unfortunately there is a scratch on it which means that I cannot sell it in new condition.
I blame you that this is clearly a first world problem.
I also blame you for the fact that I bought 4 phones in the last two months.
I also blame you that I’m looking at a 5th phone.
@mflassy Why that many phones? You have kids who lose them or break them (my kid goes through at least 2 phones a year - not at my expense fortunately but it means I can’t change my phone number because she will never remember a new one)?
Can’t you send it back since it is scratched?
Here I’ll have a tantrum for you so you can still claim being an adult over it.
/giphy tantrum

Nah. I buy them for fun.
Which reminds me:
I wanna try out a Windows Phone. Which would you suggest? I want one which would give a decent experience without being overly costly.
@mflassy None of the above. WP8.1 isn’t supported anymore, and I believe the only older models that officially got the W10M upgrade are the 640 and 640XL.
Keep in mind that W10M is slated to be EOL in 2018.
My daily is an updated 640XL – and I won’t call it a great experience.
I had plans for today. Very important adult outdoor plans. It’s raining now and will continue to rain until 4 p.m. at the earliest. My plans for today are scrapped. You get to be blamed. Cheers!
@jbartus Sheesh and I made the contest where I didn’t pick the winner… opps I only have myself to blame for that. About your plans… that sucks…
/image rain sucks

(although I think you’d likely prefer more than 5 minutes)
Been doing research on a town in Oregon.
The problem is, I keep on leaving out the “g”.
I blame you @Kidsandliz.
@mflassy here are a bunch of them for you in case you are doing this because there is a shortage
hope there are enough for you now. Carry on.
Who’s to blame that it’s October and @kidsandliz still has her goat badge?
/8ball Blame the current goat?
Without a doubt
Ask again later
It is decidedly so
/8ball Blame the new goat?
/8ball Blame the goatapus for not selling catshirts?
@kidsandliz Huh, someone already had the idea to blame you since you still have the goat icon, so that’s your fault for me not being quicker (or Meh not having someone do this over a weekend- your choice).
@dashcloud Sheesh you expect me to work while being uncompensated for my overtime because someone was a slacker? Oh wait. I wasn’t being paid to begin with and I was drafted into this.
All the signs say that you are still goat.
I blame you because two NFL teams I kinda wanted to win today both lost.
I unblame you because I am whomping my nephew in the family fantasy league this weekend.
Net:. More than 30 points ahead for me. I don’t think his one remaining player can make that up on Monday night.
Conclusion: Unblame.
@f00l Thank god. Didn’t want to end my overtime reign with a blame.
I blame you for the fact that @ThomasF claimed that he couldn’t fulfill a promise he made last week.
Hey @ThomasF

/image shame shame shame
@gumtreertmug so sorry
I blame you for the low turnout this Sunday for Meh gaming.
@gumtreertmug Well I knew nothing about that so couldn’t ping them all…sorry
I blame you that I didn’t get to be goat for every day of October.
I unblame you because I’m not goat yet.
@RiotDemon Sigh. You just can’t let me sleep can you (doing laundry actually but wish I was asleep). I am sure if you asked @thumperchick nicely she’d let you run over in to November by a day - you know so all those late night halloween parties can be on your watch.
@RiotDemon You were the goat. You just didn’t have the shiny badge yet.
I blame you because a few days ago I found out that in March I’ll need to go to Canada.
@gumtreertmug Please remember to blame the March 2018 goat… meanwhile have one of these

/image wild suitcase