Really, unless you’re a size 6 or less, the fitted women’s shirts like that are SO uncomfortable! They dig into the armpits something fierce if you have any fat there. Nope. Men’s shirts all the way. Or as they used to be called, T Shirts.
@Jamileigh17 you’re so right I don’t know a real woman that has a 20" chest. I ain’t saying that they don’t exist but they are far and few between. The runways during fashion week have alot and quite a few movie star’s but Women’s shirts don’t run in a 20" bust size. That’s extra small, small and misses in the U.S.A. size. No offense given and please none taken. I am just a clothes fanatic and know my sizes. Next time sell American Women shirts please. Peace ✌ out.
@hotwheels53 This debate was raised back in the days at shirt.woot. Women come in different sizes and vanity sizing has screwed up size label for everybody.
When xxl does not fit most people of a given gender, there is a prob with the health of the population, and also with shirt sizing labels and practices
Esp if the discrepancy in fit and availability is more pronounced with one gender’s clothing than another gender’ clothing.
@Jamileigh17 Yes!
My main issue is with the “sleeve” length. Why can nothing in a women’s size have a sleeve which lands somewhere just above my elbow? Why is it always either somewhere between my wrist and elbow or like half an inch below my shoulder?
@gt0163c Here here! It’s SUPER annoying. Shorts are just as bad. What, you want a pair of shorts that are a few inches above the knee and you’re a woman? Nope. Ass cheeks or men’s shorts that don’t fit right. Enjoy!
@Felicianomiko there’s a particular store that I don’t really enjoy shopping at, but I go there because they carry Bermuda shorts which are the perfect length. Even there they are hard to come by sometimes.
@hotwheels53 i can’t resist pointing out that if you know your sizes you’d know that chest width is not the same as chest circumference. maybe less for you than for the for people that liked your comment. i personally don’t fit into these shirts but tons of people are a 40" chest or less.
@Jamileigh17 The thing is, the women’s cut is meant to be skin tight. I know women who only wear these types of shirts, they don’t like baggy shirts (what I’d consider a normal shirt) at all. I personally can’t stand feeling constricted or purposefully wearing things that make people focus on my chest (which is what this style is really for). It would have been instant buy for me if not for the women’s cut
@Felicianomiko I actually found some reasonable length women’s shorts at Kohl’s this spring. I bought three pairs in different colors (had to order one color, but woo-hoo! for the in-store kiosk). I was surprised that they fit me fairly well (waist is still a little lower than I like, but I’ll take what I can get.)
@gt0163c I love Kohl’s. Crazy sales and clothes that don’t assume anyone over age 25 is set to frump like Barbara Bush.
@darkdragon I imagine the reason for the offloading to Meh is that this particular cut has proven unpopular, probably with good reason. Entertainingly, I had a TeeTurtle shirt which I ordered assuming it was undersized, then couldn’t wear because waaaaay too big (but it wasn’t slim cut). I’m eager to see how this meh item fails me.
Of course, if it doesn’t, and the lovely people at Meh find themselves staring in despair at an unmovable pile of shirts no one wants, I went size L. Just so you know.
@brainmist Just way too much inventory. Unlike Threadless, shirt.woot, and several other sites, TeeTurtle shirts are almost all screen printed (versus DTG). With releasing new designs almost every day, the stock really adds up. Some of these designs were released 3+ years ago, before the women’s relaxed fit shirts were offered.
Since art is so subjective, production planning is still imprecise. Yes, there’s gauging when they (pre)release a new design, but it can sell a few hundred, a few dozen, or a few thousand. Or many thousands; IIRC, General Leia Organa did about 18,000 sales in its first week.
@narfcake I’m wasn’t around in the shirt woot days but I have to agree with what you said. To me that seems to be the way things have gone in the past 20-30 yrs. When they have a product that is great someone comes along to make it better and usually screws it up. I wish they would leave good things alone.
@jerk_nugget well being a woman a great deal of my life it’s not to hard to know women’s sizing. When of course utilizing the video that is posted under the shirt description there is no doubling of numbers just stretch a cotton tape across the chest then scroll down the chart to the size. I am a size medium in women’s and in misses a large.The shirts are not fit for the everyday female as I stated once before. They run small for most everyday women. On that note here’s a clothing tip on shopping for pants in department stores if anyone still does. To get the correct waist size take the pants button or snap hold each end wrap around your neck with the end’s facing to the front. If they fit your neck comfortably then they will fit you waist. Have a wonderful blessed day to all!
I, on the other hand, am absolutely gobsmacked that anyone alive considers those the measurements for an XXL shirt. Regardless of, you know, gender. I’m really pissed, in case you can’t tell, Meh.
@f00l The sizing is actually very typical for the imprint industry here in the US.
In this case, these could be printed on blanks supplied by either
Next Level Apparel (based out of California) or Live And Tell (Georgia). All are sewn elsewhere, though.
@narfcake Not exactly true - there are still a number of American shops that haven’t sold out their sizing for the youngest generation (and their choice of wearing clothing the wrong size).
It’s a little strange that L to XL is only a half inch difference. These sizes probably should be spread out over a wider range. Just please stop embiggening my smalls.
With apparently lots of Totoro / Zelda / cat content either my wife or daughter will appreciate these (or fight over them). Either way, I score husband and/or dad points!
@marcee i’m a G cup (and probably bigger but i can’t afford larger bras) so i feel you! i was trying to make a joke about pouring boobs into “cups” but it didn’t really come together and then i just left it there all pointless and lonely, lol.
(but on a serious note sometimes i feel this is relevant to buying bras because if my boobs fit but can’t actually be held up properly then what’s the point? i mean, besides that one ‘only slightly better than nothing’ bra you throw on because the pizza’s here.)
Is this fate’s way of telling me that it’s time to complete my gender transition and begin presenting as female full-time, or is it just Mediocre’s usual mediocrity?
@Rowsdower If you complete your transition: 1. Way to go! 2. Don’t get boobs if you want to fit into a teeturtle shirt. 3. If you don’t care about teeturtle shirts then Definitely get boobs! Got mine, shall we say…, “enhanced” a while back and looove them!
I’ve been on estrogen (and spironolactone) for 19 months, so that ship has sailed.
I’m not thin, so I was able to pass these things off as man boobs for a while. I still can, but only with the assistance of a sports bra or compression vest. And now that I’ve added progesterone to my regimen, I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to keep this up.
There’s just the niggling matter of coming out to my family and friends and fundamentally altering the way I present myself to the world. Piece of cake, right?
@Rowsdower Bless Spironolactone, right? I’m a cis woman but I’ve got hormone issues that I have starting taking it for and I love it. The unwanted hair is not super less noticeable yet but it’s getting thinner and thinner and that’s just so great.
Also, go you!
Also, Rowsdower. The best Canadian horror film, right?
@Rowsdower 80% happy for you, 20% envious. That’s fair, right? Those unknowns of how people will handle such a major change are… some terrifying unknowns.
The thought of what it would take to do/say/assert/own the following statement, or similar, blows my mind:
“There are these fundamental things about me that make me into a very different person that the one you thought you knew.
And yet you know me, and know me well in many ways.
But I was and am a good person; not a psychopath or pervert or a disturbed acting-out mentally deranged soul.
I was and am kind. I was and still am generous and productive and sensitive to others.
I am the same person, but I’m not; not completely.
I have always been this soul on the inside; now it’s time to make this my public identity also.
We all have to get used to this.
If I had good character and decent all along, then I have the same good character and decency now.
Let’s be good to each other.”
If I felt this way, as above: I dunno if I would ever have what it took to deal with the emotional or social or family or work sides of this.
I hope it’s all good, or mostly good, as you deal with your days. I hope the people who ought to fully love you can just keep doing that and doing it well, without struggling too much with it.
@Rowsdower as usual @f00l always finds a way with words and as stated above you are still you. If the ones who may not be able to come to terms, due to their own fears and/or misconceptions, right now will hopefully come around. You wanted and needed this journey so own it, live it and I’m sure you’ll love it.
@PlacidPenguin you don’t buy much, you’re not a vmp, in fact you may send us more than we send you. Not quite sure what the scalable business concept is for this.
@denboy You heard it here first, folks. THE Stig is in our office. He will not leave and will not tell us what he wants. I think he might live in the warehouse.
@tinsami1 one thing that has proven immensely helpful for me is that i took some time one day and measured two tshirts from my drawer that fit well (one slimmer, one looser) as well as a pair of leggings, and a shirt and a hoodie from my partner’s wardrobe. i also measured his head for hats. i now keep all the collected data in the notepad app on my phone under “clothing measurements.” it’s probably the most referenced note i have besides the grocery list, and i never have to guess when i buy clothes online from a new source anymore. (or get out the tape measure for the billionth time.)
@trisk There’s a whole Ghibli festival sort of thing happening over the next six months, one film each month. I think Kiki’s Delivery Service is up next. Excited for all of them.
@f00l I starred your most awesomeness order # post to steal your giphy for my profile list and starred @narfcake to steal the cute response. Felt guilty for the thefts so trying to reverse my karma by admitting it. Sorry (but not sorry).
/giphy "karma’s a bitch!"
I’m in…went for xxl even though I usually buy women’s large (or men’s med. or lg. depending on manf.) for a more baggy fit (and for the case in tee turtle I have boobs!). If they don’t fit - our high school has a free store for kids who can’t afford anything. PLEASE MEH- I’m begging you- pppllleeeaaasssee let one of my Radom ones be the “I’m only antisocial when I’m around people”. *Pretty Please?**please oh please?Order #
/giphy fanciful-cheerful-market
@narfcake Thank you for that but I went there before and the prices and sizing made me leave. But, I will consider it if @dave or @Thumperchick don’t take pity on me. Pllleeassee take pity on me I really want/need the antisocial tee shirt! It fits me to a T (pun intended).
@rattata the size l photo looks like a b or c cup they look bigger due to angle. The size m photo the shirt looks like it is pulling on her b cup boobs.
I am not sure if you are trying to imply we c to d cup gals are silly for being worried about size or should not be worried because b cups fit.
@rattata to echo others, yes, we know what boobs look like, heh. mine haven’t been that small since elementary school.
i do think these comments are a bit skewed - i think plenty of people would fit into these sizes just fine, it’s just i’m not one of them, largely because of my boob size.
@RiotDemon Yes, this too. I was just trying to address the people commenting about “real women” and “child sizes” by pointing out, imo, the least child-like figure in the examples provided.
@CaptAmehrican As I pointed out above, I am one of you d cup gals. I am only commenting this to ask that everyone please use bra sizes properly (cup AND band).
In the store, with casual clothing, I can often tell by looking. But I do try on, if not certain.
If it’s too big, I wear a belt w it.
Boxy bothers me not in the slightest. I quite like it. (I don’t expect everyone to feel this way, tastes vary.)
I don’t bother with the measurements you specify. Ever. Not sure why I would. (I don’t expect everyone to share this attitude. People and bodies vary.)
Underwear designed for sports is a good thing for me. I size it by “guessing”. This practice tends to work just fine for me.
Nor do I complain about “fit”. I’m happy enough.
For dress clothing, I’d have to try it on anyway.
I rarely dress according to conventional female standards, but I do not deviate so very much either. I try to be appropriate and comfortable, not make some sort of “independence” or"rebel" statement with clothing. I’m dressing to fit the situation, not to attract attention.
If the requirements of dress for a particular situation are restrictive enough to annoy me, I either don’t go, or get as close as possible to the expressed or implied expectations without annoying myself further.
This last is a very rare occurrence.
Not criticizing your approach at all. Just pointing out that there are other possible solutions. Every person has to negotiate this for themself.
The biggest annoyance I have is that the clothing industry does seem not seem to make what I want, either at Walmart/Target, or at Nieman’s/Nordstrom’s. And they don’t seem to size and fit things in a way that makes their female customers very happy.
I do well at vintage stores when I need something special.
I don’t care about developing a “personal look”. This obviously influences my attitude.
It’s just one person’s approach. Not intended as prescriptive or recommended.
@f00l You’ve never measured your bra size? The main reason to do so would be to avoid back and shoulder pain, for those with larger breasts. You want the band to be tight enough that it’s providing most of the support, not the straps. A very common mistake (perpetuated by stores like Victoria’s Secret) is to choose bras with too large a band and too small cups.
A secondary reason is that it just gives you a better shape, which I understand is not important to everyone.
Or did you mean to reply to someone else? I don’t think my comments had much to do with the fit of clothing other than bras.
I wear sports bras. I haven’t worn any other sort in forever.
Yeah I did those measurements things as a teenager. Everyone did. My mother knew hers.
Then I stopped caring or measuring. That was decades and decades and decades ago.
It hasn’t been an issue for me. I understand that it might be the preferred or necessary approach for many.
PS. Altho Victoria’s Secret items are very beautiful to look at, I have no interest in wearing stuff like that. The items are quite lovely as cultural artifacts. That’s it (to me); I’ve no further curiosity.
I have gone w friends into a nice Victoria’s Secret store or that type of store. I never ever wanted to buy/own anything, or to imagine myself wearing anything I saw.
To me, it’s an interesting and curious place to look around in. For me, a bit like being a tourist.
I have the same reaction to bridal and wedding boutiques - I don’t belong there, but I’m happy to be there once in a long interval, and look around. For a short time. Then I want out.
If other people want to wear that sort of undergarment, that’s great. If that’s what fits them best, I understand. It can be tough to get what’s right for one’s self. Also, that sort of clothing works for some peoples’ tastes and aesthetics. Variety is good here.
Just so long as that sort of garment doesn’t get near my personal wardrobe.
I suppose if I were wearing something really structured and fashionable, or it was some unusual occasion that made me want to, I might wear that sort of undergarment.
I am worried about a few things but I bought a set anyway
I am busty and so my best fitting tee is stretched in the bust. The idea of slim fit worries me
I measured my current best fitting tee and measurements fit but when people say go up a size I have been losing weight but still doing size L is worrisome
Honestly I only like about 20% of teeturles designs so I hope I get one I like maybe a star wars one
I will say, I am a 38C or 40B depending on bra style and manufacturer, with a 36" waist. The Large is too snug, the XL is fitted on me but comfortable on days when I feel pretty. (Yes, we girls tend to have ‘pretty’ days, blame hormones) I would go XXL on my next order.
They are good quality shirts. The fabric is soft and not super thin. So far the seams have stayed straight, with no trunk twisting and the neck doesn’t try and choke me to death either. Solid shirts.
@RedOak right? my partner is a lootcrate tshirt subscriber and a couple of them are just particularly wonky. they look fine on so we kept them but every time i’m at the laundromat folding (like yesterday) i’m like ‘wait wtf?’ it really annoys me probably more than it should, but damn. curse you, seams!
@jerk_nugget It’s a valid annoyance. It probably doesn’t help that Loot Crate has tended to get their shirt blanks from whoever can supply them the cheapest that month.
@narfcake yup. sometimes we get a really nice triblend shirt, sometimes we get a decent cotton one, but sometimes we get a stiff crappy papery-cotton one. were it not for the socks & underwear which are pretty consistent in quality i personally would have cancelled ages ago but it’s his thing his money. he is at least cancelling the crate, that stuff is all cast off promotional junk, and the ‘nice’ items are things we aren’t interested in anyway. he could take the $50 and buy something he actually wants. (we did like the aliens dx crate & the recent primal dx crate very much though, and i am really enjoying their sanrio box subscription so far.)
anyway, we actually decided when the sub expires he’ll allot me the money and i’ll get to make my own “jerk crate” for him pretty excited about that tbh.
If the randomness was slightly less random, I’d buy my limit. For example; my daughter would love any of the ‘cute animal’ or Miyazaki shirts, but the TARDIS or Link ones are not in her wheelhouse.
@wickhameh Depends what kind of people she spends time around. Lots of geeks/nerds would happily be seen with someone wearing shirts like these. In many nerd crowds this kind of thing can make her MORE attractive, as it would show she has a sense of humor and shares their interests.
@Darth_Wooper They may be attracted to her, but boys who can’t figure out that it’s not actually better to run with your head forward and your hands behind you are not going to have a clue what to do with the complicated intricacies of romancing a lady!
But yeah, a lot of the guys she hangs around would find that attractive!
@wickhameh Yeah, to anyone who believes geekiness =/= sexually active, I invite a googling of “cosplay” and “pon farr”.
I used to go to cons. By Sunday, you’d better just avoid the primordial soup that is the hot tub, because, chlorine and uterus availability notwithstanding, it will impregnate you.
that said, from all the size bashing i expected to see a very different size chart. i am a plus size woman with a large bust (42G at least). i wear a 2X at torrid which is a 46-50" chest but can go as small as 44" especially if a shirt runs small or is a unisex/mens size since i know ahead of time i’ll be cutting the top off.
so ‘slim’ would be smaller than that and something ‘extra slim’ would be a bit smaller still. 40" seems in the right ballpark.
what i do wish is that the ‘womens’ shirts (at all these companies) would still encompass their unisex size range. i personally hate boxy shirts with longer sleeves but i am always outside the size range for the cute cuts - and usually by way more than this. it’s extremely frustrating to be plus size and dislike baggy/long clothing. the torrid tees are amazing but they are very limited in designs i like and they overprice to take advantage of their customers who can’t find clothes anywhere else. (they recently wanted almost $70 for a line of ‘vintage’ tees and i lost my shit, especially after seeing one design at f21 for $17.) sigh. /rant
@sammydog01 I kinda wonder whether @mandirose was even involved in this or not. I’m leaning towards @dave being the one to blame credit for making the deal, what with TeeTurtle being based in St. Louis and all.
@jerk_nugget I had a friend who was very large breasted. We went shopping back in the day looking for shirts and bathing suits for her. I know we went to at 10 or more store’s that day. I watched her try on so many things and she couldn’t find anything to fit her chest size. I really felt bad for her but it opened my eyes to how difficult it is for women like her too be able to walk into everyday stores to find something to for them to wear. I did like going shopping at this transvestite and female impersonator store. They were some really badass clothes and shoes ect…, I took my friend there she was able to find shirts, bathing suits even some great hip huggers. It was so awesome to see the smile on her face when we left that store it made my day. That’s about the only place I still like to go shopping at even if it is 60 miles away. She was a full figured woman too by the way Peace out!
Got WAY too excited when I saw the “Kitty Cloud” one and ordered. Then I read the sizes, and comments, and realized there’s no way in hell these will fit. I’ll look like a poorly cased sausage. -sigh- Perhaps I can figure out a way to put my sewing skills to use and embiggen them.
@narfcake While I would wear the shit out of that shirt (even though my black kitty was very unlucky) it’s not the one that caught my eye. The middle one here - I’m a FFVII geek, so I made a very loud girlish noise when I saw it.
@ACraigL Thanks! I’ve made t-shirts both larger and smaller, and done other aesthetic changes to 'em, so I’m not too worried. But what’s more likely to happen is that they’ll get thrown on the “project pile” and I’ll get around to altering them…someday.
Meh. I want to click buy, but the ultra slim is stopping me. I’m normally a medium in the standard women’s sized woot shirts. Any slimmer and the fabric will be hugging things a bit too much for my comfort and going up a few sizes would make them too long.
Back when I still Tee Furied, there was a t exchange. I’m hoping for Batman and unicorns, and will likely be rehoming any anime-related ones. Just putting that out there.
Someone apparently felt though that they shouldn’t offer the combo which I wanted.
(Either that, or they decided that there was no market interest for the combo.OR it didn’t fact financial sense to offer the combo which I wanted. These last two reasons are of course ridiculous, so I’m sticking with my original theory.)
One of my TeeTurtle randoms is a catshirt. Since it was sold through meh, technically that means that meh sold me a catshirt. (Dammit and thank you, @Trillian!)
/8ball Is @snapster off the hook from my constant tagging about the lack of catshirts here? My reply is no
/8ball How about temporarily? Yes definitely
For how many months?
/roll 1d12 You rolled a total of 2
Another is a penguin shirt.
/8ball Does @PlacidPenguin get some unblame for that? Very doubtful
/8ball How about some blame instead? Signs point to yes
/8ball Is @Trillian to blame also? It is certain
@CaptAmehrican well bright side is large fits. Downside is I really don’t see myself wearing any of these ever… I am not a pink or violent person, the wrong generation for tmnt, and single and the ghost thing seems for someone in love.
@narfcake do you know what cat is outside the box(looks like a bear), the one in the front with the orange striped paws, and the one with multiple tails is?
Tracking shows delivery last Wednesday. I did get a package, from amazon. So I don’t know where my shirts went, but they aren’t here. Already sent an e-mail to CS about it. I know they weren’t stolen, because the other box was still there, plus my husband was working in the front yard between delivery time and when I got home on my lunch break. We do have a camera system, so I’ll have to go back and check it just to make sure.
@remo28 Check with your post office. The shirt package will have a GPS reading on where it was delivered. They will have your mail carrier take his GPS device and check it out. Better yet, if you can talk to your mail carrier about doing this.
@Thumperchick thanks. I’ll try to get there tomorrow after work. The package that I did get was ups. My husband talked to the carrier that day since he was fixing a fence that a tree limb took out. And the carrier gave him 1 piece of mail and said he thought he had a couple packages for us. My husband thought the ups box was it, but that wasn’t usps, so he never came back buy with any packages. Just weird. I hope it’s sitting around the post office somewhere.
@remo28 My shirts were double bagged and shipped out directly from TeeTurtle’s warehouse in St. Louis; outbound is via DHL, final delivery is via USPS.
@narfcake Thanks. The package has been found. It was in the house. I’m thinking my father (visiting for the 4th) brought it in and set it down, then it fell behind the furniture. Of course this was after the post office looked and said it was scanned at the house. So I started looking behind things and in weird places.
What’s in the Box?
3x Shirts
One option
Another option
Here’s some more
and more!
One last one
Wearing one
Wearing another
Wearing a third
Wearing one more
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Nov 2 - Monday, Nov 6
Way to kick them while they’re down (I approve)
Saw this on the RSS feed before the main site loaded, and I burst out laughing.
Dunno why the last pic is labeled ‘frogs’ though.
I’ll take any of those ultra slim models in the photos. Nice.
Really, unless you’re a size 6 or less, the fitted women’s shirts like that are SO uncomfortable! They dig into the armpits something fierce if you have any fat there. Nope. Men’s shirts all the way. Or as they used to be called, T Shirts.
That. But then I’m a man.
And has that ever stopped you from being an asshole bitch?
Then order some.
@Jamileigh17 you’re so right I don’t know a real woman that has a 20" chest. I ain’t saying that they don’t exist but they are far and few between. The runways during fashion week have alot and quite a few movie star’s but Women’s shirts don’t run in a 20" bust size. That’s extra small, small and misses in the U.S.A. size. No offense given and please none taken. I am just a clothes fanatic and know my sizes. Next time sell American Women shirts please. Peace ✌ out.
@hotwheels53 This debate was raised back in the days at shirt.woot. Women come in different sizes and vanity sizing has screwed up size label for everybody.
@hotwheels53 Um. That’s shirt width, isn’t it? So circumference would be double.
When xxl does not fit most people of a given gender, there is a prob with the health of the population, and also with shirt sizing labels and practices
Esp if the discrepancy in fit and availability is more pronounced with one gender’s clothing than another gender’ clothing.
@Jamileigh17 Yes!
My main issue is with the “sleeve” length. Why can nothing in a women’s size have a sleeve which lands somewhere just above my elbow? Why is it always either somewhere between my wrist and elbow or like half an inch below my shoulder?
@gt0163c Here here! It’s SUPER annoying. Shorts are just as bad. What, you want a pair of shorts that are a few inches above the knee and you’re a woman? Nope. Ass cheeks or men’s shorts that don’t fit right. Enjoy!
@Felicianomiko there’s a particular store that I don’t really enjoy shopping at, but I go there because they carry Bermuda shorts which are the perfect length. Even there they are hard to come by sometimes.
@hotwheels53 i can’t resist pointing out that if you know your sizes you’d know that chest width is not the same as chest circumference. maybe less for you than for the for people that liked your comment. i personally don’t fit into these shirts but tons of people are a 40" chest or less.
dammit, four not “for” in the second use.
@Jamileigh17 The thing is, the women’s cut is meant to be skin tight. I know women who only wear these types of shirts, they don’t like baggy shirts (what I’d consider a normal shirt) at all. I personally can’t stand feeling constricted or purposefully wearing things that make people focus on my chest (which is what this style is really for). It would have been instant buy for me if not for the women’s cut
@Felicianomiko I actually found some reasonable length women’s shorts at Kohl’s this spring. I bought three pairs in different colors (had to order one color, but woo-hoo! for the in-store kiosk). I was surprised that they fit me fairly well (waist is still a little lower than I like, but I’ll take what I can get.)
@gt0163c I love Kohl’s. Crazy sales and clothes that don’t assume anyone over age 25 is set to frump like Barbara Bush.
@darkdragon I imagine the reason for the offloading to Meh is that this particular cut has proven unpopular, probably with good reason. Entertainingly, I had a TeeTurtle shirt which I ordered assuming it was undersized, then couldn’t wear because waaaaay too big (but it wasn’t slim cut). I’m eager to see how this meh item fails me.
Of course, if it doesn’t, and the lovely people at Meh find themselves staring in despair at an unmovable pile of shirts no one wants, I went size L. Just so you know.
@brainmist Just way too much inventory. Unlike Threadless, shirt.woot, and several other sites, TeeTurtle shirts are almost all screen printed (versus DTG). With releasing new designs almost every day, the stock really adds up. Some of these designs were released 3+ years ago, before the women’s relaxed fit shirts were offered.
Since art is so subjective, production planning is still imprecise. Yes, there’s gauging when they (pre)release a new design, but it can sell a few hundred, a few dozen, or a few thousand. Or many thousands; IIRC, General Leia Organa did about 18,000 sales in its first week.
That sleeve length thing makes me shop in the men’s section unless I’m purchasing dress-up clothing.
Hate hate hate that. Esp on t’s.
There is a pretty big divide between what the clothing industry thinks I want to wear and what I want to wear.
@narfcake I’m wasn’t around in the shirt woot days but I have to agree with what you said. To me that seems to be the way things have gone in the past 20-30 yrs. When they have a product that is great someone comes along to make it better and usually screws it up. I wish they would leave good things alone.
@jerk_nugget well being a woman a great deal of my life it’s not to hard to know women’s sizing. When of course utilizing the video that is posted under the shirt description there is no doubling of numbers just stretch a cotton tape across the chest then scroll down the chart to the size. I am a size medium in women’s and in misses a large.The shirts are not fit for the everyday female as I stated once before. They run small for most everyday women. On that note here’s a clothing tip on shopping for pants
in department stores if anyone still does. To get the correct waist size take the pants button or snap hold each end wrap around your neck with the end’s facing to the front. If they fit your neck comfortably then they will fit you waist. Have a wonderful blessed day to all!
@brainmist Not according to the video under description also on TeeTurtle.
Congrats @RamyB!! I bought a bundle just to show some love. I’m thinking a shout-out to @narfcake is also in order?
@Thumperchick how has @narfcake not even commented here yet?
@Ignorant I don’t check meh while I’m driving.
@narfcake I figured your tee turtle alarm would’ve gone off and you’d pull over.
@Ignorant Nope.
With that said, who’s that shirtgoat guy we can blame everything on today?
What about a reward for the CatShirt guy?
@f00l You mean that guy that keeps pestering @snapster about catshirts? Blame him too!
You are SO fucking blamed.
/giphy blamed

@f00l Damn.

You can handle more blame than that.
/giphy more blame


Can you handle Yet More Blame?
/giphy "so much blame"


@narfcake well likely some of these are catshirts
@CaptAmehrican That’s true.

/image cats teeturtle 2
/image cats teeturtle 3
/image cats teeturtle 4
/image cats teeturtle 5
/image cats teeturtle 8
/image cats teeturtle 9
/image cats teeturtle 11
/giphy virtuoso!

I think there’s an error in the writeup. I’m fairly certain that 90% of the web’s content is pornography.
Could it all be the same thing?
BTW, the quality of internet pr0n has been really sucky lately.
I mean, has any one even looked at how bad it is!
Come on people. You can’t really complain if you don’t look first.
/giphy whiner

In other words, these are child sizes.
Heheh hello ladies!
Very graphic deal tonight
I, on the other hand, am absolutely gobsmacked that anyone alive considers those the measurements for an XXL shirt. Regardless of, you know, gender. I’m really pissed, in case you can’t tell, Meh.

/giphy eat a salad
Just kidding. I agree. Tiny shirts.
Whoever labeled those shirt sizes must have never visited America.
@f00l The sizing is actually very typical for the imprint industry here in the US.
In this case, these could be printed on blanks supplied by either
Next Level Apparel (based out of California) or Live And Tell (Georgia). All are sewn elsewhere, though.
Like I said then
/giphy "never visited America"

@narfcake Not exactly true - there are still a number of American shops that haven’t sold out their sizing for the youngest generation (and their choice of wearing clothing the wrong size).
It’s a little strange that L to XL is only a half inch difference. These sizes probably should be spread out over a wider range. Just please stop embiggening my smalls.

/giphy jiggly underwhelmed tent
With apparently lots of Totoro / Zelda / cat content either my wife or daughter will appreciate these (or fight over them). Either way, I score husband and/or dad points!
Trying to figure out a women-to-men size formula because these are kawaii as hell.
@TheOneAlex let’s try…

/image TeeTurtle men’s size chart
/image TeeTurtle women’s size chart

So! Xxl is like a men’s medium but sleeves that are 4.5" shorter.
Wow. Thx.
I like tee turtle. Hate women’s shirts. Even if they fit me around my torso, the sleeves and length are way too short. Curse me for my Viking roots.
@RiotDemon Also not good if your cup size is larger than a 34. Bummer cause the shirts are cute - in men’s sizes.
@venussuz Cups don’t come in number-sizes. Just sayin.
@marcee kind of want to know how many ounces my boob is now though.
@jerk_nugget Gotta measure mine in pounds.
@marcee i’m a G cup (and probably bigger but i can’t afford larger bras) so i feel you! i was trying to make a joke about pouring boobs into “cups” but it didn’t really come together and then i just left it there all pointless and lonely, lol.
(but on a serious note sometimes i feel this is relevant to buying bras because if my boobs fit but can’t actually be held up properly then what’s the point? i mean, besides that one ‘only slightly better than nothing’ bra you throw on because the pizza’s here.)
@jerk_nugget I overflow DDs, but that’s what I wear. They’re very heavy and make almost all my clothes uncomfortable to wear. sigh
@jerk_nugget @marcee - So, your cup runneth over?
Needed that.
No men’s sizes, eh?
Is this fate’s way of telling me that it’s time to complete my gender transition and begin presenting as female full-time, or is it just Mediocre’s usual mediocrity?
I’m pretty sure it’s one of those.
Prob the first one.
The second one is too expensive.
@Rowsdower If you complete your transition: 1. Way to go! 2. Don’t get boobs if you want to fit into a teeturtle shirt. 3. If you don’t care about teeturtle shirts then Definitely get boobs! Got mine, shall we say…, “enhanced” a while back and looove them!
I’ve been on estrogen (and spironolactone) for 19 months, so that ship has sailed.
I’m not thin, so I was able to pass these things off as man boobs for a while. I still can, but only with the assistance of a sports bra or compression vest. And now that I’ve added progesterone to my regimen, I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to keep this up.
There’s just the niggling matter of coming out to my family and friends and fundamentally altering the way I present myself to the world. Piece of cake, right?
You got guts.
Just sayin’.
@Rowsdower Yes. I admire your courage. May all go well for you.
@Rowsdower Bless Spironolactone, right? I’m a cis woman but I’ve got hormone issues that I have starting taking it for and I love it. The unwanted hair is not super less noticeable yet but it’s getting thinner and thinner and that’s just so great.
Also, go you!
Also, Rowsdower. The best Canadian horror film, right?
@Rowsdower 80% happy for you, 20% envious. That’s fair, right?
Those unknowns of how people will handle such a major change are… some terrifying unknowns.
The thought of what it would take to do/say/assert/own the following statement, or similar, blows my mind:
“There are these fundamental things about me that make me into a very different person that the one you thought you knew.
And yet you know me, and know me well in many ways.
But I was and am a good person; not a psychopath or pervert or a disturbed acting-out mentally deranged soul.
I was and am kind. I was and still am generous and productive and sensitive to others.
I am the same person, but I’m not; not completely.
I have always been this soul on the inside; now it’s time to make this my public identity also.
We all have to get used to this.
If I had good character and decent all along, then I have the same good character and decency now.
Let’s be good to each other.”
If I felt this way, as above: I dunno if I would ever have what it took to deal with the emotional or social or family or work sides of this.
I hope it’s all good, or mostly good, as you deal with your days. I hope the people who ought to fully love you can just keep doing that and doing it well, without struggling too much with it.
Perhaps we will have a better world someday.
@Rowsdower as usual @f00l always finds a way with words and as stated above you are still you. If the ones who may not be able to come to terms, due to their own fears and/or misconceptions, right now will hopefully come around. You wanted and needed this journey so own it, live it and I’m sure you’ll love it.
Nice design work, but uninterested in any of the subject matter. Would love to see future random shirt offerings though.
Pretty sure the sizing chart meh linked is wrong. RiotDemon posted one in this thread that looks right.
@Beardmancer Thanks for that, I updated it now. Have a coupon for $1 off - it’s coupon code THANKSFORTHAT
Could you update the name of the last pic? (Or is it purposely entitled ‘frogs’ ?)
@PlacidPenguin You will have to ask @moose about that.
@PlacidPenguin okay, I updated the label for you.
@Moose Much better.
@PlacidPenguin I know, I know.
@Moose Psst.

/image TMNT.

I am not really confident, but I think it’s a group of people in costumes.
@PlacidPenguin oh TMNT frogs?
Apparently the bot can’t differentiate between turtles and humans.
Which reminds me…

I am not really confident, but I think it’s a giraffe standing next to a body of water.
@Moose @narfcake
Like I suspected, there’s some intent.
Especially since TMNT literally has what they are in it.
(@Moose - Ask @denboy to share the snack which I bought for him last week with you. It might make you feel better.)
@PlacidPenguin Coincidentally I’ve been working remote this week. Are you saying I might actually want to go into to the office to see what you sent?
Not a chance, because one of the items is someone who could replace you.
(I just hope the crickets didn’t die…)

/giphy dead crickets
The sad part is is that I think that you think I’m kidding.
@PlacidPenguin why would i think that since dead bugs have already come my way?
You cleaned out the light fixtures? I thought that was the job of @ThomasF.
@PlacidPenguin wrong wrong wrong. That’s my jobby job and nobody else, especially not a greenhorn like @ThomasF, is getting their dirty hoofs on it.
@denboy @PlacidPenguin Hooves… You’ve ratted me out.

@ThomasF is that why you always wear a helmet and full racing suit around the office? Can’t let the sexy out I guess.

/giphy let the sexy out
Don’t worry, I’m currently working on what he’s gonna be getting.
@PlacidPenguin Hope it’s as good as what you’re not getting from us…whatever that means.
Maybe you could share some of what came today with him.
@PlacidPenguin not in the office today. For all I know everything’s already been distributed throughout.
I’m not getting a lot of things from Meh.
(6 purchases in 1031 days.)
@denboy No… I’m not the racing suit guy… Wait, I thought you were the racing suit guy. Who is the racing suit guy that’s been around the office??

/image The Stig
@PlacidPenguin you don’t buy much, you’re not a vmp, in fact you may send us more than we send you. Not quite sure what the scalable business concept is for this.
@denboy You heard it here first, folks. THE Stig is in our office. He will not leave and will not tell us what he wants. I think he might live in the warehouse.
@ThomasF Are you sure? I’m thinking it’s just A Stig …
/image stig farm

Anything which I send to Carrollton is either free, or I got paid to send.
But… but… I have testicles, and not sure if my body type will wear these curvy shirts well. #sadness.
@sleepyjoey Wear the shirt (they won’t actually look curvy), but make sure your testicles are visible so nobody gets the wrong idea.
@sleepyjoey You put curvy shirts on your testicles?
The mind boggles.
Last time, I bought a size Medium Women’s AA shirt here and it fit my daughter ok. What size should I get for this one?
@tinsami1 The sizes are similar to AA women’s sizes.
Thanks, @narfcake
@tinsami1 one thing that has proven immensely helpful for me is that i took some time one day and measured two tshirts from my drawer that fit well (one slimmer, one looser) as well as a pair of leggings, and a shirt and a hoodie from my partner’s wardrobe. i also measured his head for hats. i now keep all the collected data in the notepad app on my phone under “clothing measurements.” it’s probably the most referenced note i have besides the grocery list, and i never have to guess when i buy clothes online from a new source anymore. (or get out the tape measure for the billionth time.)
Wait, since when is Catbus a convertible?
P.S. I saw My Neighbor Totoro in the theater this past weekend and ginormous Catbus is awesome Catbus.
@brhfl omg I am so jealous
@trisk There’s a whole Ghibli festival sort of thing happening over the next six months, one film each month. I think Kiki’s Delivery Service is up next. Excited for all of them.
Wait, is that Totoro Batman and Robin?
@gyozilla Yes.
Lately I have been missing the old shirt.woot shirts that have met their demise after years of wear. In for a set.
I wonder if I could even fit my head in the body of a ‘small’. Send me one for free and let’s find out!
@nogoodwithnames Pictures would be obligatory.
@medz Well yeah, I mean, you don’t just get your head stuck in a thing and not take a picture.
Feh! Being a fat lady (or also average size of US women) none of these would fit… Darned boobs!
@inanna Do they come in xxxxl? That might work for me.
@inanna I’ve even had a mastectomy but ain’t no part of me fitting in those threads.
/giphy curse you boobs!

I still haven’t gone through all the randoms from shirt.woot …

/image fascinating underrated army
How many did you order?
@f00l Unlike at catshirtswoot, just one pack.
I ordered just one.
Considering …
/giphy thinking

These are epic! Too bad the SO isn’t nerdy enough to get them (or want to wear them if I explain them). Men’s sizes soon please Meh!
The very next day, I might add.
I’m subscribed to
/image cuteofthemonth

/image cuteofthemonth 2
Side note: does anyone have Mr. XYU’s contact?
@narfcake This is what I get when I try to subscribe. Bummer.
I wanted to buy! And then I saw the size chart. WTF. I am not a giant. I just have boobs.
Since @RamyB isn’t posting, I blame @narfcake.
/giphy envious-dazzling-kitten

@f00l Dammit!

I win for Most Awesome Order Number, don’t I?
@f00l Yep.

/giphy awesome order with kittens
@f00l I starred your most awesomeness order # post to steal your giphy for my profile list and starred @narfcake to steal the cute response. Felt guilty for the thefts so trying to reverse my karma by admitting it. Sorry (but not sorry).

/giphy "karma’s a bitch!"
Good doggy!
Steal and steal some more.
Giphy torments us.
We steal.
It is The Way Of Giphy.
/giphy "the way"

These seem pricey considering their random lameness.
Random, yes.
Lame, no.
Small, extremely.
You had fun composing that sentence.
You had fun noticing, didn’t you?
People of Meh
Can I ship to an alt shipping address, not my billing address or my regular shipping address?
Can I can I can I can I?
@narfcake, if you think about it a bit, you’ll know why I’m asking.
Not gonna say anything more right here right now.
So gimme an honest answer pls. If you happen to know.
@f00l Yes, but alas, I don’t have an answer.

@f00l - I’ve done it. Just change the shipping address in your account before ordering. Then change it back the next day.
PS Why are you asking?
@f00l yep. Just uncheck the box on the checkout screen that says “billing and shipping address are the same.”
None of the results I expected. I must have the porn filter on.
I’m in…went for xxl even though I usually buy women’s large (or men’s med. or lg. depending on manf.) for a more baggy fit (and for the case in tee turtle I have boobs!). If they don’t fit - our high school has a free store for kids who can’t afford anything. PLEASE MEH- I’m begging you- pppllleeeaaasssee let one of my Radom ones be the “I’m only antisocial when I’m around people”. *Pretty Please?**please oh please?Order #

/giphy fanciful-cheerful-market
@WTFsunshine Barring that, here’s the direct shirt page:
@narfcake Thank you for that but I went there before and the prices and sizing made me leave. But, I will consider it if @dave or @Thumperchick don’t take pity on me. Pllleeassee take pity on me I really want/need the antisocial tee shirt! It fits me to a T (pun intended).

/giphy May the odds be ever in your favor
@Thumperchick Please oh please oh please!
Let’s do a shirt swap fellow Meh-ers! I’m in Los Angeles.
Wondering if all these “I have boobs” commenters saw the size large photo…
@rattata the size l photo looks like a b or c cup they look bigger due to angle. The size m photo the shirt looks like it is pulling on her b cup boobs.
I am not sure if you are trying to imply we c to d cup gals are silly for being worried about size or should not be worried because b cups fit.
@rattata technically, all of the women have boobs, not just the large.
@rattata Because those aren’t that big, that’s why. Those are B cups, not C, not D and certainly not DD.
@rattata to echo others, yes, we know what boobs look like, heh. mine haven’t been that small since elementary school.
i do think these comments are a bit skewed - i think plenty of people would fit into these sizes just fine, it’s just i’m not one of them, largely because of my boob size.
@Felicianomiko As a size 28DDD-30DD, those absolutely could be D cups. Cup size without band size is not a useful measurement.
@RiotDemon Yes, this too. I was just trying to address the people commenting about “real women” and “child sizes” by pointing out, imo, the least child-like figure in the examples provided.
@CaptAmehrican As I pointed out above, I am one of you d cup gals. I am only commenting this to ask that everyone please use bra sizes properly (cup AND band).
In the store, with casual clothing, I can often tell by looking. But I do try on, if not certain.
If it’s too big, I wear a belt w it.
Boxy bothers me not in the slightest. I quite like it. (I don’t expect everyone to feel this way, tastes vary.)
I don’t bother with the measurements you specify. Ever. Not sure why I would. (I don’t expect everyone to share this attitude. People and bodies vary.)
Underwear designed for sports is a good thing for me. I size it by “guessing”. This practice tends to work just fine for me.
Nor do I complain about “fit”. I’m happy enough.
For dress clothing, I’d have to try it on anyway.
I rarely dress according to conventional female standards, but I do not deviate so very much either. I try to be appropriate and comfortable, not make some sort of “independence” or"rebel" statement with clothing. I’m dressing to fit the situation, not to attract attention.
If the requirements of dress for a particular situation are restrictive enough to annoy me, I either don’t go, or get as close as possible to the expressed or implied expectations without annoying myself further.
This last is a very rare occurrence.
Not criticizing your approach at all. Just pointing out that there are other possible solutions. Every person has to negotiate this for themself.
The biggest annoyance I have is that the clothing industry does seem not seem to make what I want, either at Walmart/Target, or at Nieman’s/Nordstrom’s. And they don’t seem to size and fit things in a way that makes their female customers very happy.
I do well at vintage stores when I need something special.
I don’t care about developing a “personal look”. This obviously influences my attitude.
It’s just one person’s approach. Not intended as prescriptive or recommended.
@f00l You’ve never measured your bra size? The main reason to do so would be to avoid back and shoulder pain, for those with larger breasts. You want the band to be tight enough that it’s providing most of the support, not the straps. A very common mistake (perpetuated by stores like Victoria’s Secret) is to choose bras with too large a band and too small cups.
A secondary reason is that it just gives you a better shape, which I understand is not important to everyone.
Or did you mean to reply to someone else? I don’t think my comments had much to do with the fit of clothing other than bras.
I wear sports bras. I haven’t worn any other sort in forever.
Yeah I did those measurements things as a teenager. Everyone did. My mother knew hers.
Then I stopped caring or measuring. That was decades and decades and decades ago.
It hasn’t been an issue for me. I understand that it might be the preferred or necessary approach for many.
PS. Altho Victoria’s Secret items are very beautiful to look at, I have no interest in wearing stuff like that. The items are quite lovely as cultural artifacts. That’s it (to me); I’ve no further curiosity.
I have gone w friends into a nice Victoria’s Secret store or that type of store. I never ever wanted to buy/own anything, or to imagine myself wearing anything I saw.
To me, it’s an interesting and curious place to look around in. For me, a bit like being a tourist.
I have the same reaction to bridal and wedding boutiques - I don’t belong there, but I’m happy to be there once in a long interval, and look around. For a short time. Then I want out.
If other people want to wear that sort of undergarment, that’s great. If that’s what fits them best, I understand. It can be tough to get what’s right for one’s self. Also, that sort of clothing works for some peoples’ tastes and aesthetics. Variety is good here.
Just so long as that sort of garment doesn’t get near my personal wardrobe.
I suppose if I were wearing something really structured and fashionable, or it was some unusual occasion that made me want to, I might wear that sort of undergarment.
No event has come up in the last few decades tho.
I wonder if this is in part driven by the cultural commonality of a marketing pitch that resembles “wear this and you will look like a supermodel”.
The sizing design might play into that, if the clothing line wanted to associate with that subtle or less-subtle customer image ploy.
Order ID is a possible t-shirt design:
/image undersized-sorry-osprey

Btw @meh daughter loves Potter and penguins…
@lehigh /shrug
I am worried about a few things but I bought a set anyway
Back in the day, it used to really annoy me that shirt.woot was flooded with not just cutesy shit, but the exact same style of cutesy shit.
/giphy cutesy shit makes me despair

You could wear them ironically or sardonically,if you could pull off projecting the “twisted attitude” message.
/giphy sardonic

I will say, I am a 38C or 40B depending on bra style and manufacturer, with a 36" waist. The Large is too snug, the XL is fitted on me but comfortable on days when I feel pretty. (Yes, we girls tend to have ‘pretty’ days, blame hormones) I would go XXL on my next order.
They are good quality shirts. The fabric is soft and not super thin. So far the seams have stayed straight, with no trunk twisting and the neck doesn’t try and choke me to death either. Solid shirts.
@Felicianomiko super useful info
Thanks for the terminology education - trunk twisting is detestable in any clothing. #NoWayToProperlyFold.
@RedOak right? my partner is a lootcrate tshirt subscriber and a couple of them are just particularly wonky. they look fine on so we kept them but every time i’m at the laundromat folding (like yesterday) i’m like ‘wait wtf?’ it really annoys me probably more than it should, but damn. curse you, seams!
@jerk_nugget It’s a valid annoyance. It probably doesn’t help that Loot Crate has tended to get their shirt blanks from whoever can supply them the cheapest that month.
@narfcake yup. sometimes we get a really nice triblend shirt, sometimes we get a decent cotton one, but sometimes we get a stiff crappy papery-cotton one. were it not for the socks & underwear which are pretty consistent in quality i personally would have cancelled ages ago but it’s his thing his money. he is at least cancelling the crate, that stuff is all cast off promotional junk, and the ‘nice’ items are things we aren’t interested in anyway. he could take the $50 and buy something he actually wants. (we did like the aliens dx crate & the recent primal dx crate very much though, and i am really enjoying their sanrio box subscription so far.)
anyway, we actually decided when the sub expires he’ll allot me the money and i’ll get to make my own “jerk crate” for him
pretty excited about that tbh.
@Felicianomiko Super useful! Hm. I may double my order.
stares at closet piled with more t’s than I can ever use
If the randomness was slightly less random, I’d buy my limit. For example; my daughter would love any of the ‘cute animal’ or Miyazaki shirts, but the TARDIS or Link ones are not in her wheelhouse.
$20 to extend my daughter’s virginity for a year?..
@wickhameh Depends what kind of people she spends time around. Lots of geeks/nerds would happily be seen with someone wearing shirts like these. In many nerd crowds this kind of thing can make her MORE attractive, as it would show she has a sense of humor and shares their interests.
@Darth_Wooper They may be attracted to her, but boys who can’t figure out that it’s not actually better to run with your head forward and your hands behind you are not going to have a clue what to do with the complicated intricacies of romancing a lady!
But yeah, a lot of the guys she hangs around would find that attractive!
@wickhameh Yeah, to anyone who believes geekiness =/= sexually active, I invite a googling of “cosplay” and “pon farr”.
I used to go to cons. By Sunday, you’d better just avoid the primordial soup that is the hot tub, because, chlorine and uterus availability notwithstanding, it will impregnate you.
yeah, a bit too random for me and also too small.
that said, from all the size bashing i expected to see a very different size chart. i am a plus size woman with a large bust (42G at least). i wear a 2X at torrid which is a 46-50" chest but can go as small as 44" especially if a shirt runs small or is a unisex/mens size since i know ahead of time i’ll be cutting the top off.
so ‘slim’ would be smaller than that and something ‘extra slim’ would be a bit smaller still. 40" seems in the right ballpark.
what i do wish is that the ‘womens’ shirts (at all these companies) would still encompass their unisex size range. i personally hate boxy shirts with longer sleeves but i am always outside the size range for the cute cuts - and usually by way more than this. it’s extremely frustrating to be plus size and dislike baggy/long clothing. the torrid tees are amazing but they are very limited in designs i like and they overprice to take advantage of their customers who can’t find clothes anywhere else. (they recently wanted almost $70 for a line of ‘vintage’ tees and i lost my shit, especially after seeing one design at f21 for $17.) sigh. /rant
@jerk_nugget TT offers a relaxed-fit for women too.

@mandirose, get these next time, OK?

/giphy I feel fat
@narfcake thanks!
@sammydog01 I kinda wonder whether @mandirose was even involved in this or not. I’m leaning towards @dave being the one to
blamecredit for making the deal, what with TeeTurtle being based in St. Louis and all.@narfcake @sammydog01 Yea where did I come in here???
The front door.
(Unless you snuck in through a window.)
@mandirose You’re the only buyer whose name I can remember. Pass it on, OK?
I’ll head over to Woot now and PM you a partial list of Mediocre buyers.
@jerk_nugget I had a friend who was very large breasted. We went shopping back in the day looking for shirts and bathing suits for her. I know we went to at 10 or more store’s that day. I watched her try on so many things and she couldn’t find anything to fit her chest size. I really felt bad for her but it opened my eyes to how difficult it is for women like her too be able to walk into everyday stores to find something to for them to wear. I did like going shopping at this transvestite and female impersonator store. They were some really badass clothes and shoes ect…, I took my friend there she was able to find shirts, bathing suits even some great hip huggers. It was so awesome to see the smile on her face when we left that store it made my day. That’s about the only place I still like to go shopping at even if it is 60 miles away. She was a full figured woman too by the way
Peace out!
Got WAY too excited when I saw the “Kitty Cloud” one and ordered. Then I read the sizes, and comments, and realized there’s no way in hell these will fit. I’ll look like a poorly cased sausage. -sigh- Perhaps I can figure out a way to put my sewing skills to use and embiggen them.
@QuietDelusions You mean Lucky Kitty?
@narfcake While I would wear the shit out of that shirt (even though my black kitty was very unlucky) it’s not the one that caught my eye. The middle one here - I’m a FFVII geek, so I made a very loud girlish noise when I saw it.

@QuietDelusions Ah, okay. Alas, that one is a discontinued design.
@narfcake Yeah. And there’s a very low chance I’ll get it in a mystery pack anyway. But the excitement caused a moment of weakness!
@ACraigL Thanks! I’ve made t-shirts both larger and smaller, and done other aesthetic changes to 'em, so I’m not too worried. But what’s more likely to happen is that they’ll get thrown on the “project pile” and I’ll get around to altering them…someday.
@QuietDelusions My project pile looks more like a project mountain …
And my project pile is Bigger Than Texas.
/giphy map of Texas

Hey giphy!
/giphy "wake up!"

@f00l Blame the goat that /giphy is fucked up … again.

/giphy Is a map of San Francisco bigger than Texas?
Here is a more accurate image.
Meh. I want to click buy, but the ultra slim is stopping me. I’m normally a medium in the standard women’s sized woot shirts. Any slimmer and the fabric will be hugging things a bit too much for my comfort and going up a few sizes would make them too long.
@Avalora You can always cut down a shirt that’s too long.
I want that Hello,Human so badly. Of course it would be for my lady but…
@boredashell that’s the one i liked, too. i also like the rainbow alpaca…beyond that though not much.
Absolute sentimental impulse buy/waste of money.
Yeah, I pulled the trigger- Meh triggered my “ZOMG, Totoro!” button.
Would buy, but only Women’s! :|
You get a grudging Meh! today…
Back when I still Tee Furied, there was a t exchange. I’m hoping for Batman and unicorns, and will likely be rehoming any anime-related ones. Just putting that out there.
I’m gonna cut them up and make tank tops out of them. Back to Flash Dance my friends!
/giphy fiery-giddy-goose

“Y’all got one uh dem camera cell phones? Here, hold mah Beer!”
Demographic fail. Meh.
@Dengue 850 sold so far.
Even if they had t-shirts for men, they’d probably do what they did March 1st and not have certain size/color combos…
@PlacidPenguin Oh, I got the exact one I wanted from that sale that fits perfectly but alas, it is still meh to me.
I really wanted a Meh shirt.
Someone apparently felt though that they shouldn’t offer the combo which I wanted.
(Either that, or they decided that there was no market interest for the combo.OR it didn’t fact financial sense to offer the combo which I wanted. These last two reasons are of course ridiculous, so I’m sticking with my original theory.)
I’m about as bitter over this as @narfcake is with regards to the lack of catshirtmeh.
@PlacidPenguin A lack of catshirts here? What grudge? I hold no grudges against @snapster. Nope. None whatsoever …

Good to hear.
I was a bit worried that you held a grudge.
Already shipped out! Looks like the back-end integrated well between meh and TeeTurtle, since they’re being shipped directly from the TT warehouse.
I can’t believe I missed this sale. Stupid vacation.
@themutilator Sorry, the
command is currently only available to VMP members.@themutilator It’s still available at TeeTurtle, albeit at full price.
@narfcake I actually just bought the 2 pack random hoodies. Just don’t like missing out on a deal
/8ball Do I need more random
Don’t count on it
t-shirtstank tops?/8ball Should I buy another pack anyways?
@Trillian@djslack!One of my TeeTurtle randoms is a catshirt. Since it was sold through meh, technically that means that meh sold me a catshirt. (Dammit and thank you, @Trillian!)
My reply is no
/8ball Is @snapster off the hook from my constant tagging about the lack of catshirts here?
/8ball How about temporarily?
Yes definitely
For how many months?
You rolled a total of 2
/roll 1d12
/8ball Is that final?
You may rely on it
Another is a penguin shirt.
Very doubtful
Signs point to yes
It is certain
/8ball Does @PlacidPenguin get some unblame for that?
/8ball How about some blame instead?
/8ball Is @Trillian to blame also?
@narfcake Meh sold a catshirt?

@Trillian Indirectly, yes.

/image TeeTurtle Ninja Kitty

/image catpocalypse
@narfcake ok let’s see pics of your randoms.

I should be fine cutting them into a tank. The print is low enough to work if I pattern it after a NL tank (versus an AA tank).

@narfcake love the DBZ one.
@CaptAmehrican well bright side is large fits. Downside is I really don’t see myself wearing any of these ever… I am not a pink or violent person, the wrong generation for tmnt, and single and the ghost thing seems for someone in love.
@CaptAmehrican I bought that ghost shirt probably a year ago. I just think it’s cute cuz now they can be together forever.
@CaptAmehrican I love that unicorn. I guess I am a violent person?
@sammydog01 hey would you fit womens large? I will mail it to you.
@RiotDemon it is my favourite of the 3. Maybe i should save it for Valentine’s day
@CaptAmehrican haha, I suppose it would be appropriate then.
@RiotDemon the ghost of my love life
@CaptAmehrican I’m pretty sure there it wouldn’t fit which is a shame. Thanks for the offer though.
@narfcake I would like to comment none of my meh t shirts were catshirts. Can I blame @snapster???
Got my t’s yesterday. Got a Tardis, kitty free box, and pandas. Meh. To the Gift Drawer they go.
@kathologist tardis is awesome
@kathologist This one?

What’s the panda one? They’ve sold tons of panda (and red panda) designs.
@narfcake Yep. Meowth…Didn’t see the pandas on sticks design on their site.
@kathologist Hmmm … closest one I can think of is the discontinued Smash Pandas.

/image TeeTurtle Smash Pandas
@narfcake do you know what cat is outside the box(looks like a bear), the one in the front with the orange striped paws, and the one with multiple tails is?
@RiotDemon I think Nyamsus, Gatomon and Kirara, respectively.

/image Nyamsus
/image Gatomon
/image Kirara
@narfcake thanks. Never watched any of those.
@RiotDemon I didn’t either!
@kathologist Would you be interested in a trade? I have a
and a
in 2X. I’d be interested in the free kittens or panda.
@Carebear Dang! Pink is my least favorite color. Let me think on it.
Got mines today. Zelda green tee, 11th Dr Who black tee and kitty blue tee “I do bad things when you’re sleeping”!
@ishoppe247 One of my favorite catshirts.

/image TeeTurtle Bad Kitty 1
/image TeeTurtle Bad Kitty 2
Tracking shows delivery last Wednesday. I did get a package, from amazon. So I don’t know where my shirts went, but they aren’t here. Already sent an e-mail to CS about it. I know they weren’t stolen, because the other box was still there, plus my husband was working in the front yard between delivery time and when I got home on my lunch break. We do have a camera system, so I’ll have to go back and check it just to make sure.
@remo28 Check with your post office. The shirt package will have a GPS reading on where it was delivered. They will have your mail carrier take his GPS device and check it out. Better yet, if you can talk to your mail carrier about doing this.
@remo28 Call or stop by your Post Office. USPS mis-scans stuff all the time.
@Thumperchick thanks. I’ll try to get there tomorrow after work. The package that I did get was ups. My husband talked to the carrier that day since he was fixing a fence that a tree limb took out. And the carrier gave him 1 piece of mail and said he thought he had a couple packages for us. My husband thought the ups box was it, but that wasn’t usps, so he never came back buy with any packages. Just weird. I hope it’s sitting around the post office somewhere.
@remo28 My shirts were double bagged and shipped out directly from TeeTurtle’s warehouse in St. Louis; outbound is via DHL, final delivery is via USPS.
@narfcake Thanks. The package has been found. It was in the house. I’m thinking my father (visiting for the 4th) brought it in and set it down, then it fell behind the furniture. Of course this was after the post office looked and said it was scanned at the house. So I started looking behind things and in weird places.
@remo28 Woo, yay!
Soooo … what did you get?
I got mine, they were these three. The rainbow unicorn will probably get some wear, not so much for the other two.

Ordered & payed for 2 sets of 3shirts. Only got one set. Damn!
@Kubitwo Drop a note into support if you haven’t done so yet.
Round 2 yielded two variants of Stabby the Unicorn and Waiting for the Bus: