Soccer Physics - the best local versus game I've played in years
Soccer Physics mania has gripped the office, with the first inaugural championship tournament concluding minutes ago when @troy defeated @hart 5-3 in an exhilarating final game of their best of 5 contest.
This game is so ridiculously fun. 1 button mode is mostly pure silliness but it allows for a surprising amount of skill and different strategies if you play 2 button mode.
Random modes like American (replaces the soccer ball with a football), huge goals, and no heads make every match different.
It's also completely absurd and funny to watch. It's best played with 2 players and an audience, and would probably make a hell of a drinking game.
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I'd like to thank our new Saeco Talea Giro espresso machine in the back breakroom for fueling my aggression during @hart and I's intense final match. Had it not been for you, Saeco Talea Giro espresso machine, I don't know that I'd be where I am today.
Humph, who knew there was an actual gif of @Troy out there on the interwebs already?
@troy remind us not to buy this brand and model if meh decides to sell it...
@Kidsandliz Nonsense... of course you should buy it! We use it all day every day and it really does make a good cup'a'joe.
@troy gif didn’t work for me, and when I tried to open image in new tab the site it brought me to tried to install a malicious chrome extension…
The iOS version is definitely worth the $2, if only for the ability to save replays. Some of my finer moments:
Soccer Gymnastics Floor Routine
Save & Score
Nah it's fine I can get by only moving my goalie
This game looks like a lot of fun. Is it on Android? Nope. I has a sad :(
@capguncowboy nope :( but if you go to the link JonT posted above you can play in a browser
@harrison you can play it on computer at their official website
Breaking News - there's been an update that adds more uniforms and another random mode called "Acrobatic" where you move both legs when you jump the players are shirtless for some reason:

@JonT 🙀game on.
Why in the hell are they playing in their underwear?
No. Not this time. I am not going to let @JonT suck me into another game.
@Thumperchick Smart move. I'm wondering what else I could have done with that $2 I spent on this.
@pitamuffin you could have bought another game that isn't as fun
This game is amazing. I am already building support for a tournament at my place of business.
@bruceoite Yesss, it deserves to be in every office.
wait so is it time for a second soccer physics tournament now?
@Lotsofgoats Yes, yes it is
@MEHcus sooo... can we get a bracket? I need to pick a horse to back at random and laugh at weird physical soccer plays.
@Lotsofgoats The last time we tried to do a company wide tournament it ended because a certain someone (@JonT) was afraid to play the opponent he was matched up with - the ever terrifying breakfast octopus himself - @snapster
@MEHcus pfffffffttttt see I knew this whole ~*new job*~ thing was a cover
I forgot that I found this game because of meh! It's been on the ipad mini for a year now, and my kids (especially my 22 month old daughter) love it! It's one of her preferred apps! She doesn't like to "play" it, so much as to hear the music and press every button she can find (including the back, exit, and options buttons). Good times!
RIP Soccer Physics.
I hope this gem finds a home in a free arcade somewhere. If anyone knows a place to download for iOS/Android, I’m all ears
@TheAlmighty1 there are several Android clones out there. Expect lots of ads though.
@medz It’s also a 32-bit application. So when iOS 11 is released with full 64-bit support, Soccer Physics will no longer run.
(I’m running iOS 11 Beta)
@medz Soccer Physics Clones just aren’t the same. If you do go down that road, I recommend Tipsoccer for Android. It has good gameplay and no ads.
Huzzah! Soccer Physics may be dead but IT IS NOT LOST YET!
Soccer Physics is alive right now by visiting:
And to future proof this from a shutdown, go save the page to your computer:
(with a Mac, Ctrl+Click, then Save Page as…) and you’ve got your own archive of Soccer Physics
…if someone can confirm this for Windows it would be appreciated