@Barney oh, but it is the one who will still snuggle with me!
The other one is working at camp for two weeks, and on her one night off…she is going to stay with her grandparents… I won’t see her for a week and a half!
@mikibell check out office max rewards. This week you get batteries 16 pack up to 2 packs and get all but 1 cent back in rewards vouchers. Last week was things like tp and paper towels 100%back in rewards. I cycle my rewards credits. Basically getting whatever is close to 100 percentage back on reward credits. I thus never run out of batteries , paper ect.
@Barney LOL. I have been to 6 Dollar trees and 2 Wal-Mart’s and looked for fly swatters at each with no success. The desert dryness has gotten to mine and they disintegrate when I use them. Not that I want to pay shipping, just laughing because they’ve proven more elusive than I expected. I’ve also been on a fruitless search for a cheap wall mount paper towel holder for the game room, Zephyr broke the existing one in an uncharacteristic bout of separation anxiety. That’s normally Tempest’s domain.
@huja You need Lady to train that pup on how to act right. One of the “looks” from Lady and your little puppy will get into line. Uh, what did you name your doggie?
Decent dash cam. Maybe one of the kind that integrates nav system with dash cam.
$100 Nintendo Switch.
Wifi NVR security camera system. Like with wifi cameras that only need a power connection. Bonus points for ONVIF.
Radar detector. I bought one of the basic Cobra detectors when they were first offered here like 2 years ago, and it’s saved my hide a few times. But I’m tired of lugging it between vehicles.
Patriotic colored pearl necklace. JK!! Put that on the list of stuff I never want to see again.
@ruouttaurmind I’m not sure there are any GPS + dash cam units I consider as decent. Woot has a Magellan 6230-LM, which according to some reviews, manages to not be good at either function.
I did pick up a Magellan 420 since my G1W has become unreliable. So far it’s fine; I’ll pull some images this weekend to post.
IMHO, I’ll say that the daytime images/videos are excellent, so long as it wasn’t directly facing the sun. Nighttime is good; definitely some compression artifacts, but given the Woot price, I can’t ask for more. It’d be a poor value at $180, since the extra features (LDW, etc.) are more gimmick than functional, but at $70, I say it’s a deal.
@narfcake I can actually make out most of the plate numbers in the daylight pics. Night pics… not so much.
Since the admission fee for 4K technology has dropped significantly in the last several months, I’m thinking I might be more satisfied in the long run finding a fair price on 4K.
@ruouttaurmind It’s going to be a while. Action cams for short clips, great. Dash cams, with the high heat inside the car and working non-stop for hours at a time, not so great. Also the current crop of lower cost sensors do a lot worse in low light situations.
A camera with a narrower FOV will do a lot better when it comes to readability. The drawback is that you lose the peripheral view which is a big factor in a dashcam. It’s all a tradeoff, really.
Until a good 4k comes out, at least I have something that works and a better chance of claiming a warranty if something goes wrong. There was zero point to ship something back to China for a warranty because of how much it costs to do so.
@narfcake Saw the Magellan 420 on eBay. New, not refurb, no tax, free ship for $70. Same price as Woot! but no tax and no extra five bucks for shipping.
@huja I don’t think they have, that I remember. WooT did on wine.woot. bought cheese, coffee, chocolates, gourmet goodies and i remember, I think, them selling those steaks or was that QVC? meh
Nice cooking stuff at meh prices so I can justify the expense given how horrible my cooking/baking forays have been. I saw this almond cake they had on The Great British Baking Show Masterclass Christmas class and tried it. It let you cheat w store-bought puff pastry. No one liked it, but my husband, trying to make me feel better, said “hey you got the pastry perfect!!” I told him I’d inform the company that made it that even my baking couldn’t destroy their perfection.
I could use:
attachments for my 40 yr old Kitchen Aid mixer
a new mixer, at 40 year this one has 10 speeds, all “medium fast”
@mollama also, if it is “mary’s galette” you attempted…that is not an easy recipe…especially since you have to weigh the ingredients to follow their recipe!
@mikibell near Virginia Beach, but I wasn’t looking for one of you wonderful Meh’ers to offer one. So don’t try proving again how nice you are.
And yes I know I set myself up for failure trying one of Mary’s recipes. But the same would be true for a Paul Hollywood. Maybe even worse for his. My only attempts so far with breads are biscuits (took 3 tries) and banana nut bread (5 tries). I’ve not tried yeast ever.
@mollama wellll…at least you are on the East Coast! Won’t be down Virginia way for a little while. Have a friend in Chesapeake who would let me stay if you ever want help!
I am not sure why you all think I am nice…jeeeppppeers… A girl’s reputation can get ruined around here
@mfladd that looks like a nice mixer! I love my kitchenaid though…going to use it to make pasta for Christmas presents this year…it also makes a mean sausage mix!
@mollama Your 40 year old Kitchen-Aid is probably made in USA by Hobart. Quality compared to what has been made since they separated. I bet you can find a replacement switch, get the unit cleaned up and the switch replaced, and get another 30 years of use out of it for less than a new one of equivalent capability but probably lower quality would cost…
And if you want it to look different and fresh you can get some pretty cool decals for it; I like the WW2 fighter plane sharkteeth myself.
My latest (I used epsom salts for the salted rim The photo really doesn’t do it justice.:
I used glitter brushes for the margarita liquid. For the part behind the glass, I embossed (using my sizzix big shot) some card stock, then used glitter glue and a brayer to get the raised embossed area to shine. (see the how to video below).
@JT954 We got Squatty Pottys at CostCo. Two for $30. He likes his, mine is in the garage by the water heater. Just couldn’t get used to it even being in my bathroom.
@huja Cool. My Sansa could use a new outfit, or three. It doesn’t look like the cutout will line up with the button on the one I have with the round dial, but for a dollar I’ll risk custom cutting an opening.
As i was scanning destinations for shopping, So i discovered some valuable locales from where i can purchase clothes, shoes, sunglasses in bulk, fashion accessories and numerous more things.
{If you’re going to spam, I’m going to take advantage of it. ~TC}
Meh boxed wine. No really you do bottled wine but well meh boxed wine would be funny and box wine is known as meh but I actually love it because I don’t go thru a whole bottle of wine in a day or two.
@f00l Based on his litter mates it’s unlikely he has any terrier in him. More likely a hunting dog of some sort. A pointer or sight hound. Wife said she saw him point yesterday. I know he has Australian Cattle Dog in him based on his mother. His nipping at our heels is further proof of that.
@f00l Got it covered. Experienced dog owner. Last one was an Aussie Cattle Dog mixed with an Akita or some sort of sled dog. He was strong as a bull and as willful as a mule. I loved him dearly and miss him every day.
@f00l Tennis balls are choking hazards for my guys, and they’ll destroy one in a single play session. I got an indestructible ball made for big cats from a zoo catalog for Simba (speaking of dogs dearly missed). I made this video just a few months ago, Simba was already 10. I was trying to figure out how to fix the color scale on my camera’s video function.
@f00l I’m assuming it triggers prey drive. On tilted or complex terrain, it runs away. It also makes a satisfying noise. And for Simba it was also about showing off. He never played with any of his toys unless there was a human audience to admire his strength, agility and cleverness. When he first got it, Simba would struggle to bite it, pressing his open mouth on it till he triggered his gag reflex and barfed. He eventually figured out he wasn’t going to get anywhere with that approach and switched to a complex wrestling game. When he was younger he’d also wrap his arms around it, balance his weight on top on his chest, and use his back legs to spin around in circles and shove the ball along. As he got older his back legs lost the strength for that.
@f00l I stopped getting my dog tennis balls because during fetch, when running back to me, she would chomp on them very hard and they had a tendency to split. These were decent branded ones. The Chuck-it rubber ball worked much better. She hasn’t been able to destroy it yet during fetch.
Another fun option for bigger dogs and horses is the jolly ball. They have a handle so they can pick it up.
@ConAndLibrarian Yes. Go to your local thrift store; thermal (metal) Keurig carafes were $1.95 at mine. There was a glass one for less, but I didn’t want it.
@OldCatLady I was at the Goodwill yesterday and actually found a Keurig in great condition for sale. It did not have the carafe, but for $3 I could not turn it down. I am in the process right now of cleaning it out with vinegar and making sure it works well. Right now things are looking good!
@ConAndLibrarian That’s a slippery slope. First a unit without carafe, then a complete unit with carafe, then a carafe by itself. I just unloaded my duplicate onto a friend. Don’t forget the water filter; one of mine was disgusting.
I second the pet accessories, jumbo sized and indestructible. No treats, I won’t buy edibles of uncertain provenance. Solar lighting. Solar fan. Most anything solar powered. Car accessories that aren’t electronics. Clever travel accessories.
Oh (sorry not sorry for spamming the thread, blame goat @2many2no for all these ideas coming on different days) PopSockets seem exactly like the cheap weirdness Meh deserves. Bonus points for making them Meh branded (faces would be really neat, so would flasks or just Meh logos.)
Solar powered wildlife camera. I have an uneasy feeling that I’m hosting more than the snakes, possums, occasional gators, and armadillos that I’ve already seen. The first couple of years I spotted a great horned owl, but didn’t get a picture. This is summertime in Florida; anything could be out there, and I’m right on a pond.
I was reading the description of today’s speaker on Amazon and they recommended this handmade gnome Bluetooth speaker. I need one. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B06ZXYNKHV
Working, full size tele-transporter, working magic wand, and last but not least full time job with benefits (or at least health insurance). If you’d sell me a job cheap first then I could afford to buy other stuff.
Either meh or woot about a year ago did a 6 pack of basic bras in plain white black and tan along with 3 weird bright colors. I would like these again ok maybe only the white black tan ones.
My bra size has changed from 38c to 34d and I need new ones.
My sister is going to Tennessee for the solar eclipse and borrowed the mist machine I bought from MorningSave. MorningSave isn’t offering it anymore; I’ll buy more than one if Meh decides to sell it.
Scratch the carpet cleaner. Just found one on sale at Amazon
@f00l I got my Fuko today. Not very interesting. Do you want a fly swatter? I’ve got 6 of them. You could use them on that mangy cow of yours.
Not my cattle in this case. Just a special emissary.
That animal probably lives better than I do.
Is it a meh fly swatter? I didn’t know they existed.
@f00l Nope not a meh fly swatter, but they are meh.
We have one or two Walmarts here. You hardly need to spend on postage for those.
@f00l You gotta check out what @MrsPavlov got in her Fuko.
Link? Or which Fuku/fuko?
@f00l https://meh.com/forum/topics/fukobukuro-bragging--shipping--reveal#597ba9f3b695570ddcbc2c37
@mikibell Exactly. You’re too fast for me.
I have been boycotting that thread for a few days, out sulking and filled with pique. Since I didn’t get a fuko.
And of course the no one noticed. Do you like my well-planned supremely effective invisible boycott?
You think it will melt the stone hearts of Meh staff?
Nah. Me neither.
/giphy "Stone heart"

Congrats to @MrsPavlov tho.
Ain’t no flies landing on that one.
@f00l I didn’t get one either :(…so I wholeheartedly understand!
@f00l Sorry @mikibell and I caused you to break your thread fasting.
@mikibell But you got a giant bag of Woot Crap! Lady ain’t gonna take no pity on you.
@Barney that I did…even after I complained about the price of the calendars to @del… I am surprised she didn’t strike through my usernname
I now have to buy $29 worth of batteries for the drone they sent. It has gone EVERYwhere with the kid!
@mikibell I’d sell the kid.
@Barney oh, but it is the one who will still snuggle with me!
The other one is working at camp for two weeks, and on her one night off…she is going to stay with her grandparents…
I won’t see her for a week and a half!
@mikibell What are you going to do when they get married?
@Barney pray fervently for grandchildren!!
@mikibell Lol. Yeah, I bet you will.
@mikibell check out office max rewards. This week you get batteries 16 pack up to 2 packs and get all but 1 cent back in rewards vouchers. Last week was things like tp and paper towels 100%back in rewards. I cycle my rewards credits. Basically getting whatever is close to 100 percentage back on reward credits. I thus never run out of batteries , paper ect.
@CaptAmehrican thank you…but these are device specific rechargable battery on an item I received in my extra box o crap!
Also, officemax is no longer in our area and most of their deals are in store only
OfficeMax and office depot merged. I think.
@f00l they did…and for some reason at the same time they eliminated the stores in our area…so now we only have staples…
@Barney LOL. I have been to 6 Dollar trees and 2 Wal-Mart’s and looked for fly swatters at each with no success. The desert dryness has gotten to mine and they disintegrate when I use them. Not that I want to pay shipping, just laughing because they’ve proven more elusive than I expected. I’ve also been on a fruitless search for a cheap wall mount paper towel holder for the game room, Zephyr broke the existing one in an uncharacteristic bout of separation anxiety. That’s normally Tempest’s domain.
@huja You need Lady to train that pup on how to act right. One of the “looks” from Lady and your little puppy will get into line. Uh, what did you name your doggie?
@Barney Meh’hem. Not really, but it fits.
Decent dash cam. Maybe one of the kind that integrates nav system with dash cam.
$100 Nintendo Switch.
Wifi NVR security camera system. Like with wifi cameras that only need a power connection. Bonus points for ONVIF.
Radar detector. I bought one of the basic Cobra detectors when they were first offered here like 2 years ago, and it’s saved my hide a few times. But I’m tired of lugging it between vehicles.
Patriotic colored pearl necklace. JK!! Put that on the list of stuff I never want to see again.
Ugears kits:
@ruouttaurmind I’m not sure there are any GPS + dash cam units I consider as decent. Woot has a Magellan 6230-LM, which according to some reviews, manages to not be good at either function.
I did pick up a Magellan 420 since my G1W has become unreliable. So far it’s fine; I’ll pull some images this weekend to post.
@ruouttaurmind Decent dashcam might be useful
@ruouttaurmind @huja I’ve posted some pics off the 420 here. These were saved off Magellan’s MiVue Manager software.
IMHO, I’ll say that the daytime images/videos are excellent, so long as it wasn’t directly facing the sun. Nighttime is good; definitely some compression artifacts, but given the Woot price, I can’t ask for more. It’d be a poor value at $180, since the extra features (LDW, etc.) are more gimmick than functional, but at $70, I say it’s a deal.
@narfcake I can actually make out most of the plate numbers in the daylight pics. Night pics… not so much.
Since the admission fee for 4K technology has dropped significantly in the last several months, I’m thinking I might be more satisfied in the long run finding a fair price on 4K.
@ruouttaurmind It’s going to be a while. Action cams for short clips, great. Dash cams, with the high heat inside the car and working non-stop for hours at a time, not so great. Also the current crop of lower cost sensors do a lot worse in low light situations.
A camera with a narrower FOV will do a lot better when it comes to readability. The drawback is that you lose the peripheral view which is a big factor in a dashcam. It’s all a tradeoff, really.
Until a good 4k comes out, at least I have something that works and a better chance of claiming a warranty if something goes wrong. There was zero point to ship something back to China for a warranty because of how much it costs to do so.
@narfcake Saw the Magellan 420 on eBay. New, not refurb, no tax, free ship for $70. Same price as Woot! but no tax and no extra five bucks for shipping.
@narfcake What’s that, again, I can’t hear you.

@narfcake What’s that? Shat cirts?

/giphy shat cirts
/giphy cat shirts


/image purple cat shirt
That is lovely.
That’s some /Shat.
Come look at the vintage /Shat!
(In @narfcake’s post)
They didn’t rip them muscles then the way they do now tho.
@narfcake I would buy that instantly.
@OldCatLady The catshirt is probably available. Shatner, probably not.
Need annoying things to mail to niece who is going away to college at the end of the month!
@mikibell mail her food, and money.
Motivational posters
Demotivational posters
Large collection of magazine and newspaper story clippings about proper study habits
pop tarts
think maybe i’m hungry
@Cerridwyn What food items has meh offered in the past? Any at all?
@huja I don’t think they have, that I remember. WooT did on wine.woot. bought cheese, coffee, chocolates, gourmet goodies and i remember, I think, them selling those steaks or was that QVC? meh
@Cerridwyn @huja
Meh sold gummy bears. Yum!
I might be mistaken, but I think gummy bears are one on the basic food groups.
Biobu bamboo plates, bowls, mugs.
@OldCatLady Bamboo sheets, towels, etc.
Nice cooking stuff at meh prices so I can justify the expense given how horrible my cooking/baking forays have been. I saw this almond cake they had on The Great British Baking Show Masterclass Christmas class and tried it. It let you cheat w store-bought puff pastry. No one liked it, but my husband, trying to make me feel better, said “hey you got the pastry perfect!!” I told him I’d inform the company that made it that even my baking couldn’t destroy their perfection.
I could use:
@mollama sooo…in what part of the country do you live??
@mollama also, if it is “mary’s galette” you attempted…that is not an easy recipe…especially since you have to weigh the ingredients to follow their recipe!
@mikibell near Virginia Beach, but I wasn’t looking for one of you wonderful Meh’ers to offer one. So don’t try proving again how nice you are.
And yes I know I set myself up for failure trying one of Mary’s recipes. But the same would be true for a Paul Hollywood. Maybe even worse for his. My only attempts so far with breads are biscuits (took 3 tries) and banana nut bread (5 tries). I’ve not tried yeast ever.
@mollama I love old mixers. I was just looking at one in a antique/vintage store. It was the same my mom has/had and brings back memories.

@mollama wellll…at least you are on the East Coast! Won’t be down Virginia way for a little while. Have a friend in Chesapeake who would let me stay if you ever want help!
I am not sure why you all think I am nice…jeeeppppeers… A girl’s reputation can get ruined around here
@mfladd that looks like a nice mixer! I love my kitchenaid though…going to use it to make pasta for Christmas presents this year…it also makes a mean sausage mix!
Very similar to my Mom’s.
@mollama Your 40 year old Kitchen-Aid is probably made in USA by Hobart. Quality compared to what has been made since they separated. I bet you can find a replacement switch, get the unit cleaned up and the switch replaced, and get another 30 years of use out of it for less than a new one of equivalent capability but probably lower quality would cost…
And if you want it to look different and fresh you can get some pretty cool decals for it; I like the WW2 fighter plane sharkteeth myself.
@mollama That think looked awesome!! Glad I didn’t attempt it now!
Crafting stuff. Glitter. Machines. Glitter glue. Cardstock. Vinyl. Glitter pens. Ink pads. Glitter brushes. Coloring books. Glitter spray.
@lisaviolet clearly

/giphy glitter
@mollama Perfect!
@lisaviolet glitter brushes? I have lots of glitter glue I can send you…left over from cub scouts!!
@mikibell Save your glitter glue!!!
My latest (I used epsom salts for the salted rim
The photo really doesn’t do it justice.:
I used glitter brushes for the margarita liquid. For the part behind the glass, I embossed (using my sizzix big shot) some card stock, then used glitter glue and a brayer to get the raised embossed area to shine. (see the how to video below).
@lisaviolet oh mannnnnn…ok…those are going on the “want” list…
Going to dick blicks today…pray for the hubby’s wallet!
Can I borrow some of your energy and effectiveness please?
@f00l I’ll share my cold with you. Lots of snot and coughing.
Shipping snot and coughing and germs is prohibited. So I hear.
I’ll wait until you can ship pure energy and effectiveness that’s uncontaminated.
@f00l Pure energy? HAAAAA hahahahahaha!
@JT954 We got Squatty Pottys at CostCo. Two for $30. He likes his, mine is in the garage by the water heater. Just couldn’t get used to it even being in my bathroom.
Since it’s a wishlist:
I need a new 4-person tent. An iron or steel wok. I’d buy a generic solo stove. And some Ziploc bags.
@Nate311 Yes ziplocks! The ones I bought before are finally used up. Freezer ones would be nice too.
@Nate311 if they offer a tent, make it one of those instant pop-up kind.
@Nate311 @Kidsandliz Definitely need more Ziploc bags.
A pearl necklace.
@Ignorant Pacific Pearls, of course.
A pony
@sammydog01 This is meh we’re talking about. You might get a lame donkey
@huja in for 3!
@sammydog01 said:
For @Barney, right?
/giphy pony

@Barney, come see! A
Sweet adorable pony
And horse just for you!

/giphy lame donkey
@f00l Ewww! Smells like Texas goat.

/image Texas goat
I woulda thought someone from Kansas could tell cattle apart from goats.
Guess not.
Hi, cute baby Bevo!
@f00l Interesting how /image gave me the above picture of a Texas goat.
Irk plushies. They are way overdue, dammit.

/giphy stomp your foot
@Barney Thank you for changing that giphy - that was disgusting!
@Trillian More than one of them were pretty gross.
@Trillian I wish!
/youtube ask irk: plush irks?
@heartny I regret I have but one like to give to this post.
@heartny Yes! Where are the Sansas of yesteryear?
@Trillian I own all of the purple ones. Bwahahaha!
@Barney Blue is half purple. Close enough for government work.

@heartny @Trillian@Barney I found these at the dollar store today . . .
@huja Cool. My Sansa could use a new outfit, or three. It doesn’t look like the cutout will line up with the button on the one I have with the round dial, but for a dollar I’ll risk custom cutting an opening.
@heartny These are for the E-series. Not the beloved Clip.
@huja Gotcha. Then my Clip will have to go commando.
@heartny How risqué
More of this
@heartny No more Zinfandel. Break out the Meh’lot. Or since it’s the heart the of summer a Gewürztrameh’ner would hit the spot.
No Zinfandel for
Summer. GewurstraMEHner
Sounds delicious.
Bulk batteries
As i was scanning destinations for shopping, So i discovered some valuable locales from where i can purchase clothes, shoes, sunglasses in bulk, fashion accessories and numerous more things.
{If you’re going to spam, I’m going to take advantage of it. ~TC}
Spilled spam to cleanup in aisle 5, @thumperchick.
Hey! Meh are the only ones selling sunglasses in bulk around these parts.
@thumperchick just won the internet. Well done, you!

/image winning internet
Meh boxed wine. No really you do bottled wine but well meh boxed wine would be funny and box wine is known as meh but I actually love it because I don’t go thru a whole bottle of wine in a day or two.
I should start charging
For the price of two t-shirts
Custom verse for you
To celebrate the “silly season” Meh should offer to sell the stupidest cheapest thing people might actual buy just for the hell of it.
I know that sounds a lot like Meh every day, but they can always try to break they own records.
Why not?
Refurbished Teslas
@cranky1950 (batteries not included)
@cranky1950 I’d settle for a dealer demo.
@OldCatLady How about two lame goats . . . on a Tuesday?
4ID LED dog leash and collar. Well played, meh. Well played.
@f00l Yep
That pup likes like it might be a “grower”.
@f00l I think so. He’s only 10 weeks old and a mutt (or as I like to to say, an Americano) so who knows what he’ll look like at 18 month.
Perhaps like this
@huja I wonder in these situations if they actually added a dog lease sale just for you or if it was coincidence.
@CaptAmehrican If I had m̶u̶c̶h̶ any pull with meh, there would be fewer pearl items and more obsolete, slightly-broken-but-now-fixed mp3 players.
@f00l Please, no.
Hey. At least that big one looks laid back.
I hate (not really) to tell you this.
But yours looks like it could have some Jack Russell Terrier or rat terrier breeding.
If so, you should know.
These are wonderful dogs.
They Do Not Get Tired.
Get used tennis balls for throwing. Expect to throw them a lot.
Just so you know.
@f00l Based on his litter mates it’s unlikely he has any terrier in him. More likely a hunting dog of some sort. A pointer or sight hound. Wife said she saw him point yesterday. I know he has Australian Cattle Dog in him based on his mother. His nipping at our heels is further proof of that.
Those are bigger than the terriers and they also Do Not Get Tired.
Good tennis players use new tennis balls every time they play. (my dad did).
Make some tennis friends and leech off them. They will be happy to oblige.
Your dog will take years to go thru a few balls.
@f00l Got it covered. Experienced dog owner. Last one was an Aussie Cattle Dog mixed with an Akita or some sort of sled dog. He was strong as a bull and as willful as a mule. I loved him dearly and miss him every day.
Sorry about the one you lost.
But happy for you.
Keep that in mind if you know tennis players tho. I got tennis players to donate used balls to the no kill shelters.
Used tennis balls also make great play balls (any use) and also tennis training balls for kids.
They keep a lot of bounce approx forever.
Eventually the terrier would tear the tennis balls to shreds but it took months and months
I was given lots of the used yellow tennis balls.
The terrier liked them
So he decided that everything on the planet that was yellow and round belonged personally to him and to no other being.
So people used to throw 20 tennis balls plus a few lemons all at once. He would go nuts trying to corral them all.
But he still did not get tired.
I miss him too.
@f00l Tennis balls are choking hazards for my guys, and they’ll destroy one in a single play session. I got an indestructible ball made for big cats from a zoo catalog for Simba (speaking of dogs dearly missed). I made this video just a few months ago, Simba was already 10. I was trying to figure out how to fix the color scale on my camera’s video function.

What keeps the cats and dogs interested in this ball?
My rat terrier was not so much interested in chewing on them, or he could have destroyed them much sooner.
He was interested in chasing them, assuming they were considerate enough to go flying thru the air for him.
And he was interested in “owning” them. Which meant keeping them away from all other humans and critters.
When I went to get one to throw, even tho he wanted me to do this , there was always a bit of a struggle.
I would take them away from him when we were done playing. Because of the potential hazards. I did not allow them to be chew-toys
Taking them away was a contest also.
Tennis balls do bounce just right for fetching.
@f00l I’m assuming it triggers prey drive. On tilted or complex terrain, it runs away. It also makes a satisfying noise. And for Simba it was also about showing off. He never played with any of his toys unless there was a human audience to admire his strength, agility and cleverness. When he first got it, Simba would struggle to bite it, pressing his open mouth on it till he triggered his gag reflex and barfed. He eventually figured out he wasn’t going to get anywhere with that approach and switched to a complex wrestling game. When he was younger he’d also wrap his arms around it, balance his weight on top on his chest, and use his back legs to spin around in circles and shove the ball along. As he got older his back legs lost the strength for that.
@f00l I stopped getting my dog tennis balls because during fetch, when running back to me, she would chomp on them very hard and they had a tendency to split. These were decent branded ones. The Chuck-it rubber ball worked much better. She hasn’t been able to destroy it yet during fetch.
Another fun option for bigger dogs and horses is the jolly ball. They have a handle so they can pick it up.
/youtube jolly ball handle dog
/youtube jolly ball horse
A genuine leather bifold wallet with a zip up coin pocket, in not-obnoxious colors.
The massagers from the Meh-rathon.
I need a Keurig Carafe. Is that too specific?
@ConAndLibrarian Yes. Go to your local thrift store; thermal (metal) Keurig carafes were $1.95 at mine. There was a glass one for less, but I didn’t want it.
@OldCatLady I was at the Goodwill yesterday and actually found a Keurig in great condition for sale. It did not have the carafe, but for $3 I could not turn it down. I am in the process right now of cleaning it out with vinegar and making sure it works well. Right now things are looking good!
@ConAndLibrarian That’s a slippery slope. First a unit without carafe, then a complete unit with carafe, then a carafe by itself. I just unloaded my duplicate onto a friend. Don’t forget the water filter; one of mine was disgusting.
This seems like something Meh would offer. A plaid Alexa enabled Bluetooth speaker.
could we get some failed kickstarter items please?
What is this we of which you speak?
could I get some failed kickstarter items please?
@f00l we. we the people of the united site of mehrica. you are already part of we.
I’m a very selfish and inconsiderate and grabby and “all mine” type person within the greater “we” of Meh though.
Do you think this might possibly be a sort of character flaw?
@f00l not for meh’s accounting department
Also, since apparently I lost mine now, more wired cheap earbuds with inline microphone (like the Guppies) and cheap Bluetooth/USB headsets.
I second the pet accessories, jumbo sized and indestructible. No treats, I won’t buy edibles of uncertain provenance. Solar lighting. Solar fan. Most anything solar powered. Car accessories that aren’t electronics. Clever travel accessories.
@moondrake I’m rather picky about the food my pup eats as well.
Misting fan something like this
@tinamarie1974 Here’s something similar for $75
@moondrake oh thanks! That is not too bad
Low-operating-cost wide-area outdoor air conditioners.
Perhaps that could handle an area of at least an acre all day during the Phoenix summer?
@f00l They’re available, but unfortunately they are all up in British Columbia.
: (
@f00l I’ve spent a summer in Scottsdale. Never again.
Oh (sorry not sorry for spamming the thread, blame goat @2many2no for all these ideas coming on different days) PopSockets seem exactly like the cheap weirdness Meh deserves. Bonus points for making them Meh branded (faces would be really neat, so would flasks or just Meh logos.)
/giphy popsocket

@Kawa I am sorry – did you say YOU wanted to be Goat next???
@mikibell As was already pointed out above, it’s my fault that @Kawa has so many strange ideas.
I thought @Kidsandliz was pre-selected for next month, but it’s always good to have promising candidates in the wings.
@2many2no If someone does something goat worthy, like you did, then all bets are off.
@Kidsandliz Oh no! @f00l made the case for no repeats in the nomination thread, and now I’m taking that side too.
/giphy don’t even go there

I keep getting emails about a Bluetooth salt shaker and speaker. How about some of these when the company goes under?
@sammydog01 let’s see… 129 before launch, 199 retail… meh suggested price: $8 or 2 for $15
@thismyusername I would pay $8 for one.
Gold prospecting and metal detecting stuff
And I really need a low rise garage car lift for cheap
@duodec How very . . . specific.
@huja Wishful thinking often is
A high rise lift wouldn’t fit in my garage.
Solar powered wildlife camera. I have an uneasy feeling that I’m hosting more than the snakes, possums, occasional gators, and armadillos that I’ve already seen. The first couple of years I spotted a great horned owl, but didn’t get a picture. This is summertime in Florida; anything could be out there, and I’m right on a pond.
Gators fer sher then.
/giphy gators

@OldCatLady My nephew caught coyotes on tape by our weekend place. We try to keep our elderly dog in at night now.
I was reading the description of today’s speaker on Amazon and they recommended this handmade gnome Bluetooth speaker. I need one.

/image bluetooth all the things!
Working, full size tele-transporter, working magic wand, and last but not least full time job with benefits (or at least health insurance). If you’d sell me a job cheap first then I could afford to buy other stuff.
@Kidsandliz how about winning powerball numbers too…that would be sweet!
@tinamarie1974 Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Add that to my (our) list.
@Kidsandliz i got your back lol
Can there just be a rando crate of school supplies? Notebooks, pens, pencils, expo markers, that sorta shit? Id be alllllllll over that!
@studerc Probably, in like, January - March.
@Thumperchick I can wait. Im good at waiting.
@studerc If they sell one I’ll send you a couple.
Pet gate. Please. Two-fer tonight?
Enormous bags of money.
Edit: Moderately sized bags of money.
@capguncowboy it’s more likely they’ll just sell a bag.
@capguncowboy @DaveInSoCal Woot sold a dime bag before.

@narfcake authenticated! Fancy.
@DaveInSoCal The bag of pot came with a COA also.

Either meh or woot about a year ago did a 6 pack of basic bras in plain white black and tan along with 3 weird bright colors. I would like these again ok maybe only the white black tan ones.
My bra size has changed from 38c to 34d and I need new ones.
Halloween Decorations. And not in 5 months. And not CANDY CORN.
@mfladd Picky.
How about
/giphy "automated candy corn"

@f00l disclaimer: this user does not respond or star automated gifs. (except this one last time for a response) Viva la non-slash gif!

/giphy pfffft
@sammydog01 Yikes!
My sister is going to Tennessee for the solar eclipse and borrowed the mist machine I bought from MorningSave. MorningSave isn’t offering it anymore; I’ll buy more than one if Meh decides to sell it.
Cast iron griddle.
@Ignorant With or without a meh face like the Woot skillet?

@narfcake I’d prefer with the meh face but I’ll take without too.
I bought four of those 32 ounce Contigo bottles- I’m down to three straws, two bottles, and one lid. Darn kids. I could use some more.