Fukobukuro: Meh-rathon Edition - Shipping? Reveal?
30Your choice. Go right ahead.
I didn’t get one. I’m not bitter or anything. That would be contrary to my personal orientation toward inner peace and deep wisdom.
Hey, all you winners! Have fun! Show off!
I hope it’s great. Really.
Have a great time. Awesome. Really.
- 187 comments, 374 replies
- Comment
I got one, but it’s still processing. I am taking that to mean that Mediocre employees are still busy digging through Dallas-area dumpsters and haven’t quite gotten enough trash to put in the bags yet.
@lljk Let’s hope they’re not at the Goodwill bulk center. Again.
@sammydog01 Well they could then maybe write that off as donating to charity perhaps?
@lljk Who told you my methods?
@f00l - I threw an edit in there so it’s easier for people to local this particular fuko thread.
(BTW the bolding feature doesn’t work in thread titles.)
Much thx!
Hi to @puppycat!
Heh heh - Waiting for the forum corrector squad to pop up and say you did this wrong.
Maybe this will head them off?
Processing… processing… processing…
Hope that means they are trying to figure out how to put one of those $110 shark vacs that was in the Meh-rathon in my box. And a large (working) monitor and and and… Oh wait. This is meh. Not Santa Claus.
Well maybe they are hunting for some TX air to put in there so everything doesn’t arrive broken?
Yeah right. And maybe the sky is going to rain money too. Ya think? LOL
@Kidsandliz Most of it is broken before it even goes in the box. Unless TX air has magical powers of repairing it’s really just a waste of space.
Tx Air had magical powers of head and ego expansion.
That’ll do.
@Kidsandliz they’ve sent me an entire vacuum before. It was broke as shit and never turned on, but they did send me this gargantuan box filled with vacuum (pieces.)
@SSteve @vinuash well my box just resized to 9x9x9 and 2 pounds so I don’t think I am getting anything on my wish list (shark $110 vac, monitor…) LOL
tracking number seems to have appeared on my fedex account today. So it looks like we are getting closer. That is unless there is some other meh order I have forgotten about…hmmmm
No signs of it, or my random shirt, having shipped.
/giphy processing

@MrGlass My randoms shipped on the 15th. Yours will probably be soon.
inb4 at least one person gets a light switch and a dollar store watch shaped like an apple.
added on edit: fuck. i said it so it’s probably going to be me.
Oh I’m bitter. I’ll admit it.
@AnnaB Me 3
Here’s my reveal:
“Wow. These are selling really fast. Try again.”
“Sold out.”
At least I was let down instantly rather than after a week or two
i got a ship notification. i got excited.
19x12x1, .5 lb. i got sad.
thought it might be a framed letter from @snapster et al. declaring the mehcronomicon as the official book of meh. i got excited.
it’s actually the shirts i ordered. i got drunk.
@thumperchick - did you see this… (just sayin’)
Label created,
Dimensions 14x9x6 in.
Weight 2.2 lbs / 1 kgs
That’s your placeholder weight. It will probably be worse than that.
@Barney updated to 4.7lbs and 17x15x14
@APDWaldo6 Hey, that’s good, it went up. Mine is still processing
@APDWaldo6 @barney Mine went from the standard placeholder down to 9x9x9 and 2 pounds… so probably not much in that one. Sigh. Hmm well on the up side maybe nothing will break in transit because when a couple of tubes of texas air are thrown in there then there won’t be any space left. LOL.
@APDWaldo6 Mine is the exact same as APDWaldo’s.
OK now this is weird. Mine just changed again to 17x14x14 and 2 pounds - that would mostly be an empty box I would imagine.
Placeholder label for me so far.
Those of you who scored a fuko are all barely alleged human types, of questionable ethics and decency, and are complete and total luzers
Just sayin’.
/giphy "lizard loser"

Those of us who didn’t score a fuko are not angry and not resentful and not bitter.
We are all filled with inner light and wisdom.
/giphy "inner light"

@f00l my inner light is glowing
@f00l and you are $5-10 richer
@f00l Nobody tell @f00l the number of fukos and fukus they may or may not have won over time. It might affect the aforementioned inner light and wisdom.
Am I going to regret having this shipped to my work address?..
/giphy forklift

@Oneroundrobb Well, now that you let them know that there is maximum hijinks opportunity…
@Oneroundrobb it arrived at work today at noon, but I was at the brewfest so the reveal will have to wait for tomorrow.

/giphy hungover
My fuko must be AMAZING since it hasn’t shipped yet and still is processing.

Amazingly mediocre, of course.
/giphy amazeballs
Label Created!
2.2 lbs
14x9x6 in.
Total pieces: 1
Packaging: Package
/giphy creating meh labels

Mine just officially shipped. Still placeholders for size and weight.
Left Hutchinson fedex at 11:30am. Still placeholders…
Got my shipping email. Placeholders still showing.
Found mine:
aaaand still processing.
@arbdef me too
@arbdef Ditto
@arbdef Same here
Got my shipping email this morning. Can’t wait to be let down!
Ooooohhhhhh got the notice. 1 box (too bad, was hoping for the jackpot. Guess not LOL) placeholder of 14x9x6 and 2.2 pounds… supposed to arrive Thursday so in 6 more days to go around 450 miles.
Mine shipped today, but it’s still got the placeholder size and weight.
/giphy ticklish-bendy-sorcerer

My woot one came in. Pretty nice stuff. I’ll post comparisons soon.
So, my family bought a house in Georgia, and we are leaving Texas on the 30th of July, the “estimehted delivery date” is the 31st of july to the 3rd of August. When I talked to service, they told me that my fuko was boxed and queued for shipment, but to make sure to set up mail forwarding just in case. But I’m wondering, can fedex smartship packages even be forwarded? If my package weighs 68.4lbs(yes pls) does the usps just eat the extra shipping cost of rerouting my package to Georgia?
@hugh0spaz USPS will leave a note on your (new) door saying how much payment is due to get your package, which they will hold as ransom at the post office.
@MsMightySqueaks Awesome, that doesn’t sound so bad.
@hugh0spaz yes smartpost can be FORWARDED
it cost money. apparently smartpost is classified as third class mail and it costs money to forward it.
first class mail is free to forward though.
if you want to save money i would guess putting a hold on your mail for that week and picking up the box at the local post office
@communist I won’t be coming back to Texas though, which is where they want to send it.
which means I’ll have to rely on mail forwarding.
@hugh0spaz it probably gonna cost a couple dollars to forward it
@communist since USPS practically gives away their portion of Smartpost inorder to eat FedEx and UPS’s lunch, it isn’t too surprising they’d charge to forward.
Some argue USPS is pricing their part of Smartpost below cost since they’re already delivering mail - and that they really should be allocating more cost to it.
So thank your fellow taxpayers for subsidizing govt competition against two companies.
Mines arriving Thursday which happens to be the day I come home from vacation!!! I’m excited
Just like @kidsandliz it’s 2.2 lbs are the Fuko boxes all the same or do the items vary?
@candiedisilvio1 they vary and likely this is a placeholder size for the “usual” box
Mine is (was as of noon on Sunday in Halsey, OR) still with placeholder weight en route to Portland and with a scheduled delivery date of 7/31. It must be being delivered by tortoise as it’s got a week to travel <100 miles.
@ciabelle That sounds about right. Mine once was such I could have walked faster then it was going to take by vehicle.
@ciabelle Halsey? That seems odd. All of my packages, to Portland, come through Utah to Troutdale…
@Oneroundrobb Mine has taken a decidedly southwestern route: Hutchins, TX; Las Cruces, NM; Phoenix, AZ, Los Banos, CA; Halsey, OR; Troutdale, OR (where it apparently never left the truck); Puyallup, WA; Tacoma, WA; Kent, WA where it was finally checked in and placeholder weight replaced with 9.1 pounds. They’ve also updated the delivery date to the 29th.
So it should be transferred to USPS today, they’ll take it back to Portland tomorrow, and deliver it on Saturday…
2.2 placeholder … Sat delivery currently
I has same…2.2 pounder, Sat delivery. Usually arrives a day before estimation…so maybe I’ll see what the deal is on Friday.
Supposed 7/29 but it was ~40 miles away yesterday with placeholders. Maybe they’ll be nice and deliver tomorrow.

/giphy hopeful-meh-guy
Ugh I edited and lost the cat gif

/giphy upset
@dzieciom Not the cat gif!

/giphy lost the cat gif
Thanks for the fix
/giphy cat fix

Departed Fedex location
Departed Fedex location
Departed Fedex location
Mine says it will arrive on Friday and still has the 2.2lb weight
Even if the weight doesn’t change I’m still 

super excited 
@GeeNay Good for you! I hope you get something cool!

/giphy super excited
mine is still processing. my order phrase is helpful-quiet-operation. so, i can only assume it’s going to be an obnoxiously loud drum set for my 4.75 year old.
feel free to keep processing meh.
/giphy outrageous-surging-vase

/giphy rigorous-creative-roadrunner

Mine is showing in my city already, but delivery on Friday. It may get delivered before then.
@jchewitt83 mine is 3.5 hours away and the delivery date changed from Thursday to Friday… Lets see - this is Monday… I could bicycle there faster but likely not walk there faster. Stagecoach mail would be faster too…
/giphy droopy-glad-crow

@zachary …this really is droopy…geez! LOL
@musmagic Seriously that was like… a total buzzkill.
“Childhood is over the moment you see what’s in your Fuko.”
@zachary Dammit!..wasn’t trying to be Buzz Killington
/giphy magnetic-harsh-gambler

/giphy info-sent-to-fedex

Working its way through Oregon, due next Sat.
My operatic-crummy-amusement is sure to be a speaker. right?
Operatic precursor to Hammer Time?
Still processing.
Can we get rid of this thread and do a real reveal thread as there are already dozens of posts to scroll thru complaining
@CaptAmehrican this is only the shipping thread, generally when the first one arrives a separate reveal thread is made
Moving from NJ into New York, we’re close.
/giphy scattered-laden-ant

Not whining, just checking in. My organic-rural-partridge is still processing…

/giphy organic rural partridge
Great job, giphy. Spot on.

/giphy organic rural partridge

/giphy organic rural partridge
@sammydog01 I like it. How many tries to get this one?
@ruouttaurmind - You might be interested in Command, a Chrome extension I’ve been using.
Type / giphy and your text, and it gives you about 6 little gif thumbnails to choose from.
But you’re so cute when you get mad - so maybe don’t use it?
@KDemo So it looks like (minus the space between the / and giphy)
[/ giphy help] [6]
to get 6 thumbnails for “help”?
@KDemo 90% of my activity in here is on iOS Safari. I tried iOS Chrome and didn’t have much love for it. I do use Chrome on the WIndows machines though.
@ruouttaurmind First try on both.
@Kidsandliz - You don’t specify the number, it just returns an assortment.
Oh, there are 8 choices I guess. I think it varies.
@sammydog01 Ya, I guess @f00l is right… giphy hates me.
@ruouttaurmind Yep, he knows your URL.
Shipping notice received. 14x9x6, 2 lbs. Just a wee little parcel, innit. In fact, just the correct size for the frozen carcass of that organic-rural-partridge!
/giphy particular-lucky-sodium

@SkyyPunk Shipping weight/size updated:
17x15x14 in
Eta updated to be Thursday even though its about 30min away from me right meow
Still processing…

/giphy uninviting-priceless-bedbug
Still Processing, but bracing for disappointment at the same time.
Mine will be here on Friday. Im checking the fed ex tracking every hour or so
Waiting for a fuku…among my happiest days. Then the fall. Almost like a VH-1 Behind the Music.
Looks like Monday is the day of reckoning for mine.
/youtube monday monday
I hope you get coffee makers.
Purple ones.
/giphy purple coffee

@f00l And you’d be happy to take one off of my hands?
Mine was finally dropped off at the FedEx location just after midnight last night. I imagine a meh staffer hand-delivering it because its contents are so precious.
Final leg update:
17x15x14 in.
4.30 lb.
Shipment fact update:
4 lbs.
I’m guessing a mostly empty box.
@Pantheist well mine is 9x9x9 and 2 pounds so likely also mostly an empty box only empty with smaller stuff LOL
@Pantheist Lucky you, same exact dimensions at 2.4lbs.
Updated at final stop before it goes to USPS:
18x15x15 2.6 LBs.
ETA of Thursday.
Mine just updated from the placeholder size and weight, now 17x15x14 in. and 4.1 lbs. Should be here tomorrow or Thursday.
/giphy gimme dat box

It’s out for delivery. Don’t want to spoil the contents so I’ll be back after I have it opened (which will be much later this evening).
2.2 lbs of pure disappointment in transit. Best part will certainly be the order number: chaste-kept-pilsner
/giphy chaste-kept-pilsner

Shipping weight update!
Delivery Friday.
Weight 5 lbs / 2.27 kgs
Dimensions 17x15x14 in.
@bdp just updated my delivery to the exact same size and weight. Interesting - maybe . . . .
@dauth We’re equally Fuked!
Mine is in a town just 100 miles away, scheduled for delivery a week from today.
1kg and 14x9x6 so I’m not expecting much.
@jandrese Looks like Christmas in July came early. Got the box today.
Reference corrupt-glowing-wax
Dimensions 14x9x6 in.
Weight 2.2 lbs / 1 kgs
I’m afraid i’m getting nuclear waste.

/giphy nuclear
@rileyper corrupt-glowing-wax
Dimensions 17x15x14 in.
Weight 4.6 lbs / 2.09 kgs
My stuff got updated
Delivery scheduled for Thursday.
Dimensions 17x15x14 in.
Weight 11.1 pounds!! Thats some heavy air
I just received mine. I think this is legitimately worth less than the $5 I paid for it:
2x Player piano rolls (no player piano)
1x Galaxy S3 rubber case
1x 2Pac Shot Glass
1x Meh Bag
I’m not too Meh’d because I’ve scored in the past. Maybe someone out there is getting a player piano?
@bradandcoffee - But you have the distinct honor of being the first! The harbinger of things to come for the rest of us.
The one who receives the first usually has the honor of creating a new reveal thread, if you’re so inclined?
@KDemo It’s all downhill from here!
@bradandcoffee What was your box dimensions/weight per fedex?
@bradandcoffee @KDemo “Fuko reveal – It’s all downhill from here,” would be a great name for the reveal thread. Do it @bradandcoffee!
Depending on the music, these can have some value at an auction site. Minimum, you’ll get your five bucks back, but potentially up to 5x your initial investment.
/giphy looking on the bright side

WAIT! That gives me a great idea, giphy… I’m going to hire Mike to kick your ass!!!
@ruouttaurmind Bright colors. Duh.
@sammydog01 giphy has you brainwashed…
@ruouttaurmind I hate to be the one breaking bad news to you, but Mike is dead.
@michaelgj2002 Ya, right. What next? You gonna tell me @giphy isn’t really a transcendent technological singularity, plotting with evil intent to overthrow the human race?
I see what you did there.
By the way, thanks for saving me the trouble of watching the last season of Breaking Bad, Captain Buzzkill!
@ruouttaurmind Sorry I thought every huge fan of the show had watched it by now. Trust me there’s more reasons to watch than that.
@michaelgj2002 I was yanking yer chain. I actually finished it up about a year ago.
@ruouttaurmind Yoooooooooooooouu jerk…lol
@michaelgj2002 I am a season behind on Better Call Saul, if you wanna spoil that one for me?
NO! JUST KIDDING! PLEASE DON’T!!! I’m sort of OCD about spoilers. I can’t even watch the "Next time on (program name here) at the end of a TV show.
@ruouttaurmind Oh, I could really really ruin you right now because of what you did, but I will be nice. This was a good season for BCS. Let’s just say the pieces began to fall into place and then the puzzle gets undone. You should binge watch it.
@bradandcoffee What are the song titles on the piano rolls? I have a player piano that plays those.
Got it. Have to wait for the wife to get home she said.
@bgallant I had assumed she was just coming home from work, apparently she is on a vacation by herself! Would your wife let you open it with her on skype or facetime?
Mine isn’t arriving until Sat, but delivering to my work so I have to wait until Monday and have to live vicariously through the people that have them.
GOT MINE. It’s actually remarkably un-meh.
“Divine Time” Clock - a different verse from the bible announced every hour - riveting!
Kensington Si750m - Wireless Laser Mouse.
A.Buds - Aluminum Bluetooth Earbuds.
Insect-Zapper - Zaps Insects.
Meh Bag
Meh Sticker
And, the pees de resistunce, I think one of you mediocre folk accidentally slipped your blockbuster sleeve of Wrong Turn 2 into my bag (though I’m really perplexed as to why you would pay to rent that movie to begin with). Let me know if you need me to ship that back to y’all so you don’t get hit with late fees…
@pyudin Hey, that bag says #fukubukuro and not #fukobukuro. Fukus were so last year.
Nice stuff, by the way.
@pyudin Fun assortment of goods ya got there!
2.7 lbs, 17x15x14. which happens to be the exact size of this thing!
@carl669 that’s the exact thing I was thinking when I saw the dimensions and weight. It must be it.
@carl669 Weight is a bit off. Maybe meh used less packing material.
3.4 lbs, 17x15x14 in.
Yep, blended, air-whipped, and Texas sun dried elephant shit.
Special just for you.
Is there anyway to lock me out of this thread until mine is delivered. Can’t be that hard to code. You have my tracking number just attached that tracking to some sort of lockout. Couldn’t take more than 5 minutes to code.
But I’m not an IT professional. Shocking I know.
@MrMark Or you could choose just not to read it…
@Kidsandliz If I could do that would I be asking for this service?
@MrMark Tisk tisk you need more self control LOL
@Kidsandliz Thanks mom.
@MrMark You are welcome and don’t forget to eat your veggies.
I would pay five more dollars for shipping if I wasn’t getting it for free. $5.46 well spent!
Updated again… arrives tomorrow!
13.4 lbs, 17x15x14 in.
How much Play Doh Poop is 13.4 lbs of Play Doh Poop?
@Madboy121 About 13.4 lbs worth.
Weight 4.3 lbs / 1.95 kgs
Dimensions 17x15x15
I got my fuko.
ipulse massager
Tennis racquet
Edward scissor hands photo album
Disc 7 of twin peaks
Fuko bag and sticker
Plus amazingly a foscam video camera so I can watch my dog all day.
Thanks meh!!!
Updated to Sat delivery
Dimensions 19x15x12 in.
Weight 33.8 lbs
@oldguybob YUUUGE!

/giphy yuge
@oldguybob Wow. I wonder what it could be!?!!!
So I got in my Woot BOC last week and Meh Fuko Yesterday. Let the battle begin!!!
First up WOOT, cost $10, 10 items plus bag.
Next up MEH, cost $5, 5 items plus bag
I have to give this one to Woot as the t-shirt was a home run that alone is over $10. Time to step it up meh
@StrangerDanger Piranha shades, bug zapper and mouse… you got more than your entry fee in value there though!
@ruouttaurmind Oh yea no regrets, since I scored 2 different boxes I had to compare them.
@StrangerDanger Cool Imported Nirvana West Coast disk. That’s worth it imho.
bulked up to 2.5 woo!!
@sthiede1 hoo?
@StrangerDanger well i thought it was getting bigger so Woo… but then i scroll up and see a 33 pounder and it turned into meh ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@sthiede1 That’s what she said.
Dear meh, I asked for disappointment and you did not disappoint by delivering the said disappointment I asked for.
Mine upped to 3.3 pounds a couple of days ago.
Using The Measure of Things (http://www.bluebulbprojects.com/measureofthings/default.php)
I was thinking it may have been:
5,000,000 Poppy Seeds or
2,000 Nails or
1,000 Paper clips or
200 Human eyes or
70 Live Mice or
7 Live Hamsters or
4 1/2 cans of soup
But no, none of that. The reveal:
Definitely, a dud but still fun and the cup made it all worthwhile!
@patti Not looking good for my 2.4 pounder then. Will be delivered today at least.
@dzieciom mine weighs less than that… Friday,
@Kidsandliz Mine is a petite 14x9x6 at 2.2lb. Starting to look like meh bought up those 5000 BOC from Woot and forwarded them along for fuks!
@ruouttaurmind I’ve seen several comments that that’s a placeholder size, but mine has the same dimensions and weight. It’s in town, but still scheduled for delivery on the 31st. Obviously, I’m hoping it will get here tomorrow.
My order number seems appropriate.
/giphy horrible-waiting-sand

@blaineg Same here… mine arrived in town this morning, but delivery date shows Tuesday. Obviously making it’s way into the USPS system is a slow and painful process.
/giphy USPS SmartPost

@ruouttaurmind Oh, yea, Smartpost. Monday it is then.
Tracking currently shows it orbiting inside the local FedEx depot.
Delivered but i need to wait 7+ hours to get home and open it.
/giphy rushing home

Got my shipping notification a couple of days ago and finally got updated shipping info. 33x17x17in @ 14.9 lbs. Coming in on Friday!
You can call it a Fukobukuro, but believe me it’s a bag of crap!
@MrJazz We’ll be the judges of whether it clashes. Take a picture with it on.
@MrJazz Yep. Pictures required.
@MrJazz I see no clash. You may need to wear this at least once a week from now on.
@MrJazz your tutu matches my hair.
@MrJazz The beard is fine, you just need a hat with sequins.
@MrJazz You look Elizabethan
@MrJazz Its the hat that clashes silly!
Tracking info says it’s 120 miles to the North. It’s coming by Wells Fargo Wagon, so I’ll see it in Winter (End of the Week/ Next Week)
@afullbeard According to GOT winter is here.
Got mine in today!
Contents are:
Tennis Racket Bug Zapper
Candy Crush tote bag
Violife toothbrush sanitizer
Double Vision DVD movie
meh bag and sticker
Living up to the meh name but worth the price of admission for a first time fuko! Definitely getting a lot of use from the toothbrush sanitizer though
@itzd4n forgot to mention my box was 4.2 lbs at 18x15x14
So, I gotta say, this is my first Fukobukuro where I had to watch you all play while I press my forehead against the window and wish I were outside, too.
It’s bittersweet.
You know what would help a bit, though? Pictures. Pictures of your fuko’s, pets, pets in your fuko boxes, videos, etc. If I have to live the excitement of fukobukuro vicariously through you all, I need photos, man!

/giphy give them to me
@Thumperchick listen, giphy - get it together.

/giphy bittersweet
/image pet-in-a-box

@Thumperchick Do you get judged based on the number of responses/pictures like thunderthighs, or is that purely a woot thing?
@Pantheist That would require a level of babysitting that would likely unnerve @dave.

/giphy excellent
@Pantheist Keep in mind that I run the BOC program from start to finish. Obviously, I’m going to be rated on how well I run it.
@Del I prefer to imagine that some things don’t have to be quantified.
Got mine today! Wife says it’s the least disappointing one yet.
Awkward Family Photos book
10 Makeup brushes
Creepy skull cup
The Monkeys at Home
Ladybug cleaner that may never see the light of day…
4 apples in a wood frame
iPhone/USB connector
Twilight in Forks DVD
Meh bag/sticker
Oh and packaged Texas air…but I guess I inhale that every day
@hpsmith The Awkward Family Photos book and the cup with stuff in it has been around since the first fuku… they must have bought out the entire world supply or something.
@hpsmith That’s the least disappointing one yet? Yikes!
@hpsmith I curse those monkey at home chairs and tables. Hurt like the dickens when you step on them.
@medz The bottom of the table already got me…a true unlucky bag
@hpsmith Does your wife need those makeup brushes? I can swap for a fancy Rowena iron or some new Tevas, men’s size 11.
@hpsmith nice makeup brushes
@patti She’s already made plans for them, sorry. Although I’m not sure how she will use 10 brushes for one face…but there are a lot of things I’ll never understand.
@hpsmith - At least you will have clean ladybugs.
First world problems.
@hpsmith I covet your The Monkeys At Home. Disappointed since the very first fuko that I never received one. On the other hand, had I received one it would possibly have been in the basement that was recently filled with (some say) up to eight feet of water, so I still wouldn’t have it. Seriously, though, bask in your The Monkeys at Home.
@mossygreen You have that awful mess cleaned up yet?
@Kidsandliz Heh. Mostly? We finally hired a remediation (?) company, but they seem to be fitting us in between other jobs so it’s taking way longer than we were originally told. Everything non-appliance or furnace is out, the city arranged a special garbage pick up so the stinking mess is no longer on the lawn, we finally got power back yesterday, they still need to fog for mold. Everything we saved will probably fit in six or so plastic totes (we had the basement packed with stuff, very little of which was made to withstand soaking in filthy flood water for a week). It’s been weird and horrible, the future will be weird and horrible in different ways. Anyway, thanks for asking!
Well, this one was better than the filthy watch I got last time, but not by much…
Considering I’m a large, non-battery acid eating, no very small video camera owning, normal glasses wearing, no movie watching guy, I guess I’ll enjoy my bluetooth speaker until the charge is gone.
@Tin_Foil looks like the case goes to the 720p version here
@Tin_Foil This picture of the pants is tripping me out. I can’t tell if its shorts or long pants with weird cuffs.
Got mine today:
Thanks Meh?:

Meh Bag/sticker
Deer Hunter dvd from Blockbuster
Awkward Family Photos Book
Galaxy S III case
Pearl Hair remover
Orange Caribbean trucker hat
@johnbagdonas epic hat
Well didn’t expect much from a 2 pound box but was excited until I picked up the large box and actually realized how light that is.
I peek inside and see the magical red bag.
The meh bag and sticker, good stuff.
My rental DVD is…
Followed by another bag, some sort of powerwalk small zipper hand held carry bag.
Edward scissorhands photo album? Well that’s an interesting one.
A Tupac shot glass with msrp $5, so I’m at a profit now.
Of course there’s a picture of Tupac on the bottom. Guess this will be one way to pour one out for the lost homies.
Finally this. Yep its fabric of some sort. Those are also socks I bough from Meh.
Well I put it on to see what it is. Shield your eyes now.
And I got sent a photo of a dog while going through this so this is (not my) dog tax.
So all in all this was pretty meh and unlucky indeed. Wish I at least got a bug zapper. Good luck to those yet to receive, especially those 10+ pounders. Better luck on the next one I guess. Time to drink away my disappointment with Tupac.
Edit - my eye looks so strange in this photo, too lazy to remove so enjoy the crap photo
@dzieciom The top is not your style. However you are cute guy. The box is suposed to be meh
This is the fabric pre wearing

@medz You’re the hero I didn’t ask for but deserved.
Someone is in need of a Harmony remote!
@dzieciom This post has it all! Excitement, disappointment, more disappointment, human photo, puppy photo, socks in sandals - everything!
Thanks for sharing.
@Thumperchick Wait I’m wearing sandals? Actually if I wore sandals and whatever the black thing is I could pretend to be an ancient Greek.

/giphy socks sandals
@ruouttaurmind Ironically enough the second from the right is a universal and controls everything. I also have a harmony remote somewhere that needs to be programmed. Only issue here is the soundbar and TV volume overlap and the soundbar turns on when I try to change the TV volume.
Good reminder though, need to program the harmony.
/giphy harmony

@dzieciom Why does that gif make me feel so smarmy?
Mine arrived today, and for the first time the actual weight matched the shipping weight of 4.1 pounds.
Red Fuko bag
Foscam camera
Mushroom desk vacuum
Skull creepy cup
Cutting board safety mat
Falcon & Snowman DVD
Visitors DVD (this movie made a whopping $34,270 in Australia!)
Meh sticker
Solid effort by the shipping crew. Everything arrived well-packed and unbroken.
Thanks, Meh!
@Trillian Compared to most who’ve posted so far, you scored pretty well.

Size/weight update when passed off to Smartpost. Was 14x9x6 @ 1kg, grew to 18x14x14 @ 2.77kg.
@ruouttaurmind kg? You Canadian or something?
Kilos, eh!
/giphy important-update

24x13x12 in.
7.3 lbs
July 29th estimated delivery
Updated to 6.6 pounds and 17x17x14, delivered this morning. Slit the top and peeked in…not very efficient packing.

Red bag
IPA shirt
Awkward photos book
Small figure
Tube thing?
Comic books
Random card packs
@speediedelivery crap… I think Meh has been stalking my Amazon history when building this round of Fukos, I am reasonably certain I know the origin of the mixed comic books and trading cards. (I may or may not have sourced same for FML prizes that I need to get mailed this weekend)
@speediedelivery. The anamaniacs comic makes me a bit jeleous.
here is the opening of my 'kookaburra’
also there was a 6th figurine, a Trees Lounge DVD, and a meh sticker. good stuff
@m5rammy Nicely done.
Could that clock sticker be a cast-off from one of the Oregon Scientific Talking Alarm Clock radios sold by Meh? (You know, the “this is what it looks like when plugged in” simulation sticker.)
@m5rammy i love that movie! hidden jackpot if you had never heard of it before
@m5rammy Hey, I gave that Bar Master Deluxe to Meh in my Easter basket! What the hell, @Woodhouse?
@Trillian They liked it so much they bought one for the fukos?
@RedOak could be. I realized that the sticker was not “with” the baster, it just happened to be stuck to it, so yes, I figured it was something like that, who knows how or why it got in. a mystery of the fuko-verse.
@jalopatin I haven’t, I’ll have to check it out.
@Trillian Don’t blame me, you’re the goat.
Still waiting here in flyover country. 17x15x14 in. and 3.6 lbs. Estimated delivery of next Tuesday, even though it is only 3 hours away now.
Meh, you’ve outdone yourself, yet again:
And of course…
One DVD copy of “Malibu Spring Break!” Unrated! An 82-minute masterpiece featuring Playboy model and thespian Pilar Lastra, this film was snubbed during the 2004 Oscar season. This “coed romp” is guaranteed to bring the sexy. How do we know? It says so right on the disc!
Thanks, Meh! One of these items will help teach kids. One of these items will helps treat kids. And at least one of these items will help make kids.
@Madboy121 wait did meh actually send you pornography?

@communist Yeah – the Kindergarten flashcards are raunchy AF.
Nothing was broken! My wife really likes the pillow. (I do too.) The Kindle Fire case will go to the AnimalSave thrift store. Not sure about the glasses yet. They might look good on my wife. Not sure what’ll happen to the DVD. It doesn’t look like a movie that will appeal to me.
WHAT? The Descent starring Shauna Macdonald? Surely you saw her other big hits including Mutant Chronicles and the 2013 runaway hit Filth? Of course none of her performances rival her ongoing role as Professor Squawkencluck on CBBC-TV’s smash hit Danger Mouse!
/giphy sarcasm

Not relevant, but leaving it because, Fargo, eh.
@ruouttaurmind looks relevant to me.
@jbartus me too.
Arriving today, instead of tomorrow.
Placeholder stats replaced with a box that’s 27x12x10 inches, 11.3 pounds.
Hmm. Bigger and heavier than average. Could this break my cycle of always getting the very crappiest of crap bags? Or will my expectations get crushed yet again?
Oh, who am I kidding? I’ll get my expectations crushed. Again.
And, the box is opened:
Of course, when I opened it, I saw that it was obviously a return that was poorly-repacked by the original customer. But, all the parts were there, and it does seem to be generating only a little bit of steam.
There are a lot of youtube videos on how to fix these things… I’ll give it a shot.
Overall, even if it’s just a swiffer mop, it’s worth the $5. Amazingly, I’m not crushingly disappointed!
Mine is coming Friday and is 18x17x17 and 34.8 pounds. Intriguing.
@tabacco WOW - heavy. Hopefully whatever is that heavy isn’t broken already.
@Kidsandliz I’m assuming it’s a pile of old textbooks or something. At least I get the satisfaction of knowing they paid well over $5 to ship it to me
Came home to a box from USPS that had clearly been rooted around in.
The sticker looks pretty sweet on my garage cabinet so there’s that.
Got mine!
1x Animated alarm clock (train)
1x Queen sheet set
1x Creature cup (shark)
2x Leakfrogs! (I now have an army of 6 guarding the house)
1x BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD Vol 4, Disc 2 DVD (won’t play in my Laptop, but maybe it’ll play in a regular DVD player)
1x Meh bag
1x Meh laptop sticker
Thanks Meh!
@jsh139 I like the train clock!
@jsh139 my fingers are crossed for leak frogs!
@jsh139 leakfrogs lucky
Got my junk, and I gotta say it was the THE most meh fuko ever.
Here’s a shot of a very big box with very little inside:

And the items:

1x Fuko Bag
1x Set of silicone baking cups
1x DVD from (hilariously) Blockbuster (disk 1 of Family Affair)
1x Meh sticker
1x Afterlife video game
1x Awkward Family Photos book (have 2 already from woot)
1x Mota JetJat Ultra Drone
Have to admit I was excited about the drone. Expectations weren’t too high, as the box was pretty torn up, so I figured it was a defect return or something. But hey, good news… Everything was there – prop guard, charging cable, extra propellers, antennal and controller. Awesome!
Only I get out the controller and…

This is pretty meh, even for you guys. How dare you get my hopes up like that! Anyway, thanks for the laughs and crushing disappointment.
@ACraigL Bummer about the drone.
That’s the one that’s supposed to stream video to your phone.
@ruouttaurmind I know. I looked it up first to see what I was dealing with. It’s even VR ready. All that build up and…
/giphy fuckubag
@Pantheist giphy is still sleeping. Or ignoring you. Or just lame.
/giphy lame

/giphy fuckubag
@ruouttaurmind looks like it just doesn’t like my “word”
@Pantheist I prefer to believe giphy is just lame.
/giphy giphy is lame

I… ug. Never mind. Just… never mind.
@ACraigL wish I had those baking cups though, I’d trade you a tiny drone for sure
@metageist You can have 'em. If you want to PM me on woot I’ll send them to you.
@ACraigL I can’t even remember the last time I logged in to woot. Thanks for the offer, maybe we’ll just send each other stuff in the next mehrican exchange
@ruouttaurmind I’m sure Meh feels really bad about it and will send me a drone right away to make up for the missing one. Right, @dave?
I actually contacted Mota to see if they offer drone-only replacements. I figure people must lose these all the time. If it’s cheap enough I may go for it, just to see how this thing works. If I’m not into it, I’m sure I could resell it on ebay.
I’ll post back once I get their reply.
My first Fuku! Thanks!
@robm Now I know where the rest of the Star Trek VHS Collection wound up.
@robm Whoa! TNG & DSN?
@robm That frog is the one that @JonT used as the model for the drawing he made on my “Fuko Note” back a couple of years ago
My box of Meh arrived…
Not a bad haul of loot. I would say 4 out of 10, where 1 is complete trash, and 10 is a working lightsaber.!
1x Red Meh bag with handles (Generic- does not say Fukubukuro)
1x Aprons & Attitudes “That’s the last time we do it in the kitchen” wine glass…cool
1ea Red & Green Mushroom desk cleaners… destined for my 13 year-old daughter’s desk
1x Non-slip Cutting Board Mat…destined to be a drawer liner
8x Silicone cupcake baking cups… useful
1x The Monkeys at home playset…meh
1x Galaxy SIII silicone phone case…Apple household - will re-gift
2x Tyvek billfolds “Poison Ivy” & “Joker”… for my 16 and 11 year-old boys
1x Creature Cups “Shark” coffee cup…cool
1x “The Wicker Man” Blockbuster DVD…were these DVD’s supposed to be dumped next to the Atari cartridge hoard in Alamogordo, NM?
11x bags of Texair
@crow I believe the bag says fukobokuru in Japanese.
@sammydog01 Some bags have it printed in English also, that’s what I was referring to. Some mehtizens like to keep track of what bags are going out. Thanks for having my back tho’. I guess that’s false bag-vertising, as a fukO would have had better stuff
@crow which Wicked Man, the awesome original with Christopher Lee or the lame Nick Cage remake?
@crow I gave you a like for mentioning Almagordo LOL.
@nalesean lame of course. This is a fukU after all
Ok, so mine arrived yesterday.
I received the following:
-Meh bag
-Meh sticker
-A few bags of Texas air!
-Green Mushroom desk vacuum
-Insect-Zapper - Zaps Insects
-Pink Iphone 5 phone case
-Boombotix bluetooth speaker
-Adventures of Sherlock Holmes DVD
-Blue silicone pan scrapers
Fuko arrived today: 17x15x14, 2.9 lbs
@Einherjar13 that is a fukU bag by the way
@Einherjar13 Nice umbrella!
Mine came a day early
generic fukO meh bag (some are getting the fukU bags look at the Japanese - the pink one above this post is a fukU bag)
candy crush bag
sunglasses unscratched (in box)
solar grasshopper was in clamshell but not charging - at least not so far
VHS: star trek deep space 9
R rated dvd: A very Harold & Kumar Christmas totally scratched up
meh sticker
At least this time the box wasn’t empty like last time (meh did then send me a couple of meh branded things because it was their taping failure so all was not lost) but it is very, very meh.
This was a 2 pound box that was huge with one pointless texas air tube in there. Mostly empty space. And a great taping job.
This is for the better. Takes away the temptation to watch it, thereby saving you 108 minutes of agony.
@ruouttaurmind You seen it? It starts out saying stoned people blah blah blah… based on that it is already in the trash.
@Kidsandliz I watched the first one about White Castle because White Castle. And NPH. That was enough Harold and Kumar for a lifetime.
/giphy SMH

@ruouttaurmind Glad it came gouged up then.
Red bag and sticker
"Chill" DVD
Awkward Family Photos book
Dirty Laundry Socks
Mini Cap Gun
A.Buds Bluetooth Headphones
Justin iPad Air Power Keyboard Case
As always, a pleasure meh. #3 of these for me and the anticipation alone is always well worth my $10.
@bdp Oooh, I had that cap gun when I was kid! We used it to play The Wild Wild West (the real one, not the Will Smith abomination). Figuring out ways to conceal it was most of the fun. Never did get the sleeve gadget working as well as Jim West’s.
Had a huge box and got excited then picked it up and I swear it was like… 1lb ha!
Anyway I got:
1 X HBO Documentary DVD from Blockbuster Online
1 X Star Trek VHS
1 X Cheap Phone Case
1 X Edward Scissor Hands Photo Album
1 X Meh bag and sticker
1 X Set of open flash cards
6 X Set of boxed Fifth Element Action Figures (awwwww yeah!)
@zachary 4X the Leeloo is 4X the fun!
Just got my Fuku today. Inside was:
9 x Bags of Texas Air
1 x Hair Trim kit minus the trimmer
1 x Johnny Cash Collector’s Edition CD set minus the CDs.
1 x Blockbuster Chill DVD
1 x Disguise Kit
1 x Sunglasses
1 x Meh Sticker
1 x Meh bag
I would have to say that Meh out did themselves on the Meh factor this time.
You’re welcome, other Fuku buyers.
Mine clearly subsidized yours. Oh well. Not a big surprise so not a big letdown. BTW, did meh run out of appropriately sized boxes?
I got a pretty good haul from this Fuko.
Fuko bag
Turtle Beach Wireless Headset
Martian Notifier
Hello Kitty Kite
Dog Toy
Mount for some bootleg Go Pro
@mypiesarepiff Dang, you did get a good haul! Does the Martian watch and headset work?
@ruouttaurmind The watch is charging now and the headset is set up on my pc and working nicely.
@mypiesarepiff SCORE!
@mypiesarepiff lol photo*ucket
Fucking photobucket. here is the pic again
@rileyper Photobucket wants their extortion money!
I’ve seen Weiners thousands of times in my life. Maybe even tens of thousands. But I haven’t seen the movie, so thanks Meh!
This was definitely the Mehest Fuko I’ve received so far. The first where I’ve wondered if the contents even cost $5. But I still love it.
Nothing will ever top the creepy paper mache effigy I got from a Fuko Past (it’s been placed behind archival glass so I can enjoy it forever, or until it decomposes). Thanks again Meh, and happy belated mehniversary.
@andrd i forgot to list everything, oops. and i misspelled wieners.
Weiners* DVD
Star Trek TNG ‘Collectors Edition’ VHS
Sassy Cougar Print Piranha Sunglasses
A li’l ceramic box thing with a rose on it. I’m guessing it’s for me to keep pills in? I need to get some pills to keep in it.
A well-loved plastic child’s saber saw (it’s a jigsaw) toy
Meh Grocery Bag
Meh Sticker
My operatic-crummy-amusement did not contain a speaker after all.
I got a red drawstring bag, a player piano roll, monkeys at home set, a plastic mini derringer toy, and a 1” Despicable Me figure.
And there was a DVD in the bag:
ThunderCats season 1 volume 2 Disc 8
Time to find a 4-yr-old to play games with.
Thank you meh. It’s always a fun time.
PS - Can I send you anything or everything from this fuko, @f00l?

@KDemo Aww, I was hoping Meh would send you a set of TTM jewelry!

@KDemo What is the song title on the piano roll? I have a player piano that plays those.
@ilovecincinnati - “My Sweet Lord”. Lol
You got ripped off - plastic? Mine is die cast white metal. Now I feel much better about the contents.
@RedOak - Not to demoralize you, but I obviously didn’t show the proper respect. I looked again and it is metal. Didn’t realize it was a capgun.
This changes everything!
2.6 pounder delivered. The box was beat up.
Red bag (not pictured)

Star trek vhs.
Van Wilder:Freshman year DVD
Piranha sunglasses
Cap gun (i must of accidently received the box for @capguncowboy)
Fitbit charge - small. I’m sad, wife is happy. So in the end I’m happy.
@MrMark It was meant for me. I think I might be the only person on this forums not to get one of those in a fuku
With apologies to Siskel & Ebert, my “At the Movies” Fuko… sci-fi edition!

Well dang if it ain’t better than a used toothbrush! Oh wait, that already happened.
@SColburn And as previously stated…
4X the Leeloo is 4X the fun!
12 pounder arrived today:

GermFree humidifer (previously returned to Walgreens, no idea if it works)

Cheapo toy power tool

Creepy cup

Disk 1 of Season 5 of Hawaii Five-O

2 GoJo “wireless headsets” that suction-cup to your phone and hold it to your head (!)

Weighty stick-um tablet stand

Obligatory tote bag, sticker and Texas air

All in all, not terrible - the tablet stand is a thing, and if the humidifier actually humidifies, then it might see some use this winter. I have an old Motorola Razr phone somewhere - that’s going with the GoJo things for the next crappy/trashy yankee swap Xmas party
My first ever Fuko arrived at 17x15x14 in., 2.4lb! And boy was it fuko-tacular!
-15 bags of Texas Air
-Red Meh bag
-Die-cast Gambler Mini cap pistol
-Not-so-plush skunk plush toy
-Necklace bottle opener ($5.99 retail value!)
-Star Trek TNG Collectors Edition VHS with episodes Peak Performance and Shades of Gray
-Meh sticker (not pictured)
-A Single Man DVD from Blockbuster (not pictured)
I am happy to say that I got both my first Fuko and my first Bag of Crap in the last week and oh the joy…
My Fuko included:
Meh bag and sticker
A random math flashcard to help with my subtraction
A pair of Piranha sunglasses
A Star Trek VHS
Mr. and Mrs. Who playing cards
A Better Tomorrow Blockbuster DVD
A knock off Faberge Egg-plant with the $1.99 sticker still in place.
Gotta say my BOC might have won out here!

@pcole_fan That BOC is like the early fukU’s.
Received my first Fuko today after over two years of trying to get one! It was in a WAY oversized box, with a shitload of Texas air in it!
The box contained:
2 Meh Bags and 2 Meh Stickers!!
1 Rocky IV DVD
1 Deliver Us From Evil DVD
1 Star Trek: The Next Generation VHS tape
1 Star Wars ruler
1 Flattened Skunk Dog Toy
Will attach pictures soon…
Well, that box was overkill for the meager contents.
8 bags TX air (Ahh, the scent of home!)
2 leak frogs (Good present for the father outlaw, his basement will enjoy them)
1 Gray silicone “holster”-I have 2 of these already, but that’s okay! This one’s getting attached to the bar in the bathroom to act as a kindle holder for when I need to set it down temporarily while on the toilet. Others are currently being remote holders on the recliner/laptop trays.
A bluetooth speaker block that lights up in random patterns-Someone will enjoy that for the holiday gift swap at work.
Cap gun- I have an impulsive coworker I feel like needs this. It’s going to sneak onto their desk for hilarity to ensue.
Meh bag
Meh sticker
I’d give this one a D minus. It didn’t quite fail, at least one item in it was useful to me! So, meh.
My obliging-contentious-money package changed from 2.2 lbs arriving Friday to 17x15x14 in., 5.5lbs arriving Wednesday. (which it did)
Inside my first Fuko I found:
24 bags of Texas air
The insect zapper (can’t wait to try this on our sudden fly invasion)
The House of the Devil Blockbuster DVD (Pretty sure we don’t have a DVD player in the house except on a PC)
Meh bag and sticker (So excited for these!)
Roadside emergency kit (Handy)
Piranha sunglasses (That makes 11 pair of sunglasses from Meh this month)
Tupac shotglass (How did you know I collect shot glasses???)
This was tons of fun, thank you Meh!
@callow looks like a decent haul
Fuko was delivered…yay!?
Red bag
Meh sticker
Choc lab mug with a big chip in it
Skull creepy cup mug
Barbie purse collectible
Passport leather cover wallet
Cutting board non slip safety mat
Jet jat ultra drone
Always fun. Thanks meh!
@bradyson oops, I almost forgot…
and a Drawn Together Season One, disc 2 DVD
@sinimsdp and let’s not forget the most important part… The box!
@sinimsdp Are you sure that isn’t a cat in that box? (grin)
Thrilling. The DVD is “A Better Tomorrow.”
Fuko has arrived!
1 beer bottle opener
1 Tupac shot glass
1 package tissues with kittens on it
1 Zebra toothbrush holder
1 plastic dinosaur
1 Van Wilder Freshman Year DVD
A Victrola Bluetooth turntable, this thing seems pretty awesome, I don’t own any vinyl though to test it out, but I know where I can get some.
1 meh sticker
1 meh bag
First Fuko and a total disappointment. Well played, Meh…
Pink Meh Bag and Sticker

Betty Boop Dog Bed
2 Identical Pairs of Piranha Brown Tortoise Sunglasses
A cover for a Kindle Fire HD 7
and A blockbuser DVD of Snakes on a Plane
I don’t think the sunglasses are really my style, I guess they can live in the box of randoms to potentially be lost on river trips or whatever.
And I’m not sure the dogbed is going to work out either. Had to bribe her with a treat to get her to lay down on it for the picture…
@Oneroundrobb Dude, the shades look good on you. Makes you look like a badass biker.
I can’t offer any advice on the Betty Boop bed though. If pup no likey, she no likey!
@Oneroundrobb I feel like this is the perfect representation of fuko.
I can’t seem to edit my own post so let’s try again:
My meh box:
A “pearl” hair remover - new in box!
A candy crush tote bag - new in plastic bag!
A Deer Hunter DVD from blockbuster by mail!
A meh sticker!
A fuku bag!
A USB 2.0 “hub man” with 4 USB ports!
A hat made by “icing” with a price tag of $14.50 US. It’s like a hat with stuff on the brim like a toucan and some idol with an island backdrop!
Please don’t all be jealous!
@IcedCorn Hey, didn’t you steal that hat from Jimmy Buffett?
Got this puppy in the mail yesterday morning!
Obligatory Texas air
Two black Meh bags
Two Meh stickers
One Puresteam travel clothing steamer - I actually already have one of these, works great! Now I have a backup in case my other one ever craps out
Some sort of bluetooth TV antenna for iPads - intriguing, now if only they sent me an iPad
A tennis racket electric bug swatter, which I’m really stoked about for some reason
Highlander the Series Season 2 Disc 5 in a Blockbuster sleeve
Some sort of tattoo documentary in a Blockbuster sleeve
A 3XL tshirt with the letter V on it (does anybody know what that logo is?), that my 4’11" girlfriend wouldn’t take off for a while so that was fun
All in all, I’m feeling pretty indifferent with my new artifacts, as it should be. Either way, I am one of the ten lucky bastards who snagged the cheap Switch console, so they could have sent me a literal box of turds and I would have kept smiling.
Thanks, Meh! Also, damn you, Meh!
@theanthonyya You were honored with the ultra rare and coveted “V”! The “V” signifies the VMP badge some of still have. VMP was something that was offered by meh, which basically was a program where you paid $5 a month for unlimited shipping.
EDIT: I just saw that you have been around for a while, so I am sure you knew about VMP. I’m such a dummy, I should of checked before I went into that explanation.
@theanthonyya That V is the “VMP” logo, they sold that shirt once a while back.
@DJP519 yea, I paid for my V shirt
@ConAndLibrarian oh of course I know what VMP is/was! I didn’t put it together in my head. Thanks for the answer! Now I can swim in this shirt with pride!
lol did you guys buy out the failed Blockbuster Redbox clones? or are those from the failed Blockbuster mail thing?
Mine arrived today, and I had avoided this thread, so I was opening with no expectations except prepared for disappointment. Instead, I cannot complain.
And, last but certainly not least…
Thanks, Meh!
@DJP519 You can buy a bigger band for the Fitbit on Amazon, they’re pretty inexpensive. Nice haul!
@tinkertime I know they have replacement bands for the Charge HR and the Charge 2, but as far as I can tell, for the plain original Charge model, the band is not replaceable. I could be wrong, if so, by all means, find me a link! Thanks!
I got mine today! (on my birthday too!)
Thanks, Meh!

/giphy happy birthday!
Got mine:
Thanks Meh, always interesting with you!
Box came in yesterday!
Thanks Meh!
Wow based on these bags I must say I’m in the bottom in terms of Fuko quality, how unlucky.
At least I can wipe my tears with that strange black tarp/dress/rag/shirt/wtfisit thing.
/giphy unlucky

@dzieciom And of course I can get through the rest of my 21’st birthday tequila (1.2 years, barely touched) with Tupac
/giphy tupac drink

@dzieciom gah, typing a comment is hard with that gif pulsing…

/giphy happy birthday?
@dzieciom I got the bottom of the barrel as well. The nicest thing I received was the Betty Boop dog pillow, the rest was $1 store junk. I did get another meh sticker, to me that’s worth the $5.
@ConAndLibrarian Its all about the experience though so that’s enough for me I guess. Until next time.
Alrighty, a pretty decent haul:
Meh Bag
TWO Meh stickers
Ginormous sheet set (the pillow case providing the blue under all the swag), it must be a California Super King or something, I can use the pillow case for a sleeping bag.
RL Stein movie (unrated, but not, I think, Australian porn)
Silicone baking cups (muffin sized my wife thinks)
VGA cable
Peanuts Brand Snoopy Snow Cone Machine! All the parts, albeit three disgusting paper cups and without any syrup packs, but easy enough to make.
Pretty sweet!
Just got mine this morning (first one ever!):
Feeling VERY meh about this! Thanks Meh!
Wooo! It didn’t get nicked this time!
And last but not least…
Also seriously, where do you guys get the ultra 80s garage sale stuff? I want my blast caps.
@DrunkCat You got the Tweety night lights! Lucky!
Gotta say, these keep getting progressively worse lol. The box wasn’t even taped all the way shut by the looks of it.
Meh bag
Flourescent pink paw patrol kids cereal bowl with integrated straw for all those kids with severe arthritis that can’t tip over the bowl and drink out of it.
4 Green 12 inch silicone spoons. Don’t know why I would ever need 4, but I guess I have them now.
Van Wilder: Freshman Year. A blockbuster DVD that has the title on the disc and sleeve, yet someone felt the need to put a sticky note with the name on the sleeve over the name printed on the sleeve. When you google this movie, the first thing that comes up is a common sense media rating. That’s how you know it’s a good movie, when only hyperactive hover parents have bothered to review this and give it a 1 star rating with a bold 18+.
Piranha sun glasses. The exact same pair I got in a previous bag. I don’t mind though as I’ve recently lost the pair.
And the highlight of it all;
I don’t own a VHS player anymore, otherwise I’d totally watch this. And then stop watching it when I remember I can just watch them all on Netflix in not 1995 vision.
I would’ve rather had a TNG VHS for the novelty of it, but hey it’s something at least.
@Nexar You bastard, that DS9 VHS is awesome.
@DrunkCat you want mine?
@Nexar Parents Guide for
Van Wilder: Freshman Year
@DrunkCat didn’t say it wasn’t
I’m just a generic TNG fan.
@communist Van Wilder: Freshman Year on ‘to see’ list. Check.
woohoo! mine gained weight!
went from 2.7 to 2.8 lbs! must have stopped at taco bell or something.
First Fuko. 5.4 lbs.
Three Creature Cups
2 Sharks
1 Skull
One DVD Copy of Wieners
100% Beef Edition
One Yu-Gi-Oh Border and Wall Art
Combo Pack
12 stickers
5-yard border
One Laura Ashley Flip Photo Album
Holds 80 4x6" photos
One Meh Bag
One Meh Sticker
For sticking
mine arrived!
red meh bag with “the firm - power half hour” workout DVD and meh sticker hidden inside
duracell powermat (definitely refurb but worth a try)
electronic collar training for dogs dvd
martian notifier smartwatch x2 (one black, one white)
waterproof case for some sort of camera that I don’t have
Got my 7.3lb box! (cat for scale)

Gotta wait for all to be home to open.
It’s here!
I was excited about the watch, but it looks like the joke might be on me. The API servers for this watch are non-existent and so it won’t start up.
False alarm on that API server being down. The wifi my phone connected to wasn’t working.
After getting a BoC from Woot that was much crappier than usual, I was hoping my Fuko would be good… but it’s even worse than my BoC.
@SPARTEN2 Ours was identically crapmeh.
Hot dog!
@shooootz That movie sounds good.
Got mine today:
I am a college professor and I have a Crap Bag that students may take “prizes” from when they amuse me. So really any garbage Meh cares to send me is a win.
The wife’s Fuko, refined-queasy-office, arrived today (pics later this evening or tomorrow):
22 Giant Flyswatters.
1 red Meh bag with sticker.
1 Blockbuster DVD The Lord of the Flies.
That is all.
Well played, fuckers. Very well played.
@Pavlov someone laughed a lot while packing that box.
@RiotDemon I laughed a lot while reading what was in the box
@Pavlov Now I’m sad that my Fuko contained neither a Falcon nor a Snowman. Sigh.
@CaptAmehrican Got my box today
Two neoprene sleeves for iPad I don’t own.
Two will not charge mophie powerbanks
One meh bag
One meh sticker
One blockbuster movie “Romeo is Bleeding”
@CaptAmehrican interestingly, the one I got at least appears to charge, haven’t tested it yet to see if it holds a charge
Just figured I’d follow up. It pretends to charge, but if you unplug it and plug it back in, it’s back to no charge. Sad.
I think I did good!
The headphones go for $70 on Amazon. They seem decent. And the white/blue matches my “Really Blue” Google Pixel!
@Skitals Damn forgot the “Martian Notifier” smartwatch which has a © 2014 date so it must be good.
@Skitals Bonus: instructions included with the watch are in entirely… not english. This thing is $40 on Amazon.
@Skitals I have a martian, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit, only reason I no longer wear it is I now have a fancy garmin that does notifications AND activity tracking.
I really do miss the custom vibration notifications it could give, which you could set on an app by app basis.
@Skitals don’t loose the charging cord, you’ll never find another one to fit the watch to charge it.
Base charging Apple Watch ftw
@Skitals Jammin’ with the Doodleboops! Now I am jealous that it was in YOUR Fuku not ours.
We got to meet them and they were great with all the little kids in the room before a concert. Spent time with each one, not just a big rush like some folks. Sad to see they are not together after only a couple of years.
Mine was scheduled to arrive 8/2 and was just updated to 8/1. The weight has also increased to 5.9 pounds. The anticipation is always worth it.
Yay, my first Fuko arrived ahead of Monday’s estimate. It also increased in size (17x15x14 in.) and weight (6.1 lbs) when the post office got their hands on it.
The good news: No Candy Crush handbag.
The bad news: No derringer capgun (see earlier comment on The Wild Wild West
Very Meh packing job, with token Texas air:


I must have done something amazing to deserve #10. It’s broken piece of glass, with sharp edges. Maybe part of a shot glass?

It says “Peace”.
That’s a pretty Meh peace offering!
@blaineg I think that broken piece is part of the tupac shot glass?
It was indeed part of the Tupac shot glass. Guess I’ll be taking three shots every time from now on. One for me, one for you, and one for Tupac of course.
/giphy krunk

@blaineg It’s a piece that says peace.
@Thumperchick Yup.
@Thumperchick So, did anyone else get the rest of the glass? Or maybe multiple lucky winners of peaceless pieces?
@blaineg Not a clue.
Got mine in today!
Meh bag and sticker
Mr&Mrs Who? Cards (think it’s my second pack.)
Gambler mini Derringer cap pistol(depressingly no caps included ;_; )
Necklace bottle opener
Silicon case for galaxy s3
Blockbuster DVD of The Human Spark with Alan Alda
And last but least meh, Shred Emulsifier! A blender to surpass metal gear!
Pretty good fuko over all! Decidedly Meh.
(Sips home-made slushy)
Pictures coming later, but I got:
A creepy skull mug (my second one, wish I could have gotten a different creature at least)
A precious moments God loveth a cheerful giver statue
A shadow box with Apple halves in it
A toy power drill
A neurona connected life camera
A cutting board safety mat (that was hanging out of the bottom of the box)
But the biggest disappointment… No meh bag or sticker! I think they must have fallen out of the bottom of the box where I almost lost the cutting board safety mat… So that’s two fukos for me, and no bags… Since my first was the DIY fuko… Sad day.
@RdiPr contact customer service. Last time when my box arrived empty (poor tape job) they sent me a few things. I’d think they’d likely will find you a bag.
@RdiPr Bwaahaahaa! You got a Precious Moments! Hey @KDemo! Hey @RiotDemon!
@OldCatLady I wonder where you got yours from.

/giphy precious moments
@OldCatLady a 1998 collectors edition too! I’ll make sure to take a close up picture when i get back home tonight so everyone can appreciate such a precious and exclusive item
@Kidsandliz i just want stuff with meh printed on it. Anything and everything that says meh to go with my stuff that is meh, you know?
@RdiPr I have an extra bag and sticker I can send if Meh doesn’t make it right.
@Trillian - That would be so nice!
And perhaps @RdiPr can show appreciation by cheerfully gifting you a lovely Precious Moments keepsake. Win-win!
@RiotDemon - Bwaahaahaa!

@Trillian - I guess it doesn’t say anything about a cheerful receiver. Maybe that’s a less precious moment?
@Trillian That’s an incredibly nice offer! And i think once you look into the eyes of the precious moments keepsake you’ll just fall in love and that moment will be a precious moment itself. @kdemo what a good idea!
Here’s the pictures

All together, missing red bag
The offending/missing tape
@RdiPr Like I would put my real address on the return label. Maybe this address:

@Trillian Then we would see a precious moment on his desk next time he issues an executive order. https://giphy.com/gifs/SlY0SxHIL319S
@RdiPr I wish I didn’t suck at photoshop.
I’m loving all the Star Trek VHS’s! Even though I have all the series on DVD and/or Bluray and don’t even own a VCR anymore those old boxes will always hold a special place for me.
@stardate820926 I think I. Just opened the motherload. 39 Vhs tapes of the original series with two episodes per tape.
So excited that I came home to the package I thought was arriving tomorrow sitting at my front door!!!
Contents of my second ever Fuko listed below
Worth noting that my package size had finally updated to 17x15x14 and 3.6lbs
Good Luck to the rest of you still waiting
@GeeNay The same watch I got in my bag today works & synced just fine! congrats on a $500+ MSRP watch!
Opened my rather heavy 30+ lb fukobukoro and I must say. Well played meh.
1 fukobukoro bag
1 Yu-Gi-Oh bag
1 woot off bag
1 meh sticker
1 old school iPhone case
1 Lily facial hair removal spring
And 39 CBS/Columbia House Original Series Star Trek
VHS tapes
@oldguybob That…is…awesome… Well played indeed Meh.com
It seems I left off two other items in the box.
1 Jabra extreme 2 Bluetooth. It seems to work.
1 Blockbuster DVD of Do the Right Thing.
@oldguybob take solace in the fact that it probably cost meh.com A sh*t-ton to ship those tapes to you.
@oldguybob hey old guy, get a VCR. Those TNG tapes were so far out of my reach as a kid. Enjoy!
Phone’s off (screen protector is drying), so pictures will have to wait for tomorrow, but my hilariously oversized box (17x15x15@2.4lbs) arrived today with:
Guess I’m still waiting for that robo vacuum to clean up my nasty house. Maybe next time!
Anyways, until I can post my actual fuko, here’s some cat tax collage of my boys Ash and Gary for @Thumperchick

@smigit2002 awwww
@smigit2002 sweet kitties
@Kidsandliz They just love each other so much
@smigit2002 ohmygoodness.
@Thumperchick Alright, here we go:
Giant box of air:

So much room for activities!

Look at all that stuff! Oh my, that empty plastic bag is AMAZING!

The pants say they’re one size fits all… I guess it’s not technically wrong

Tried to get Bruno in the last picture, but he wasn’t having it

He can be a derp sometimes, though

@smigit2002 I’m a sucker for upside-down puppy smiles. Between the cute pup and wearing all of the wearable items we sent you, you win the reveal thread. There’s no prize, but here’s a
@Thumperchick Fail! – @smigit2002 should also have been holding the Meh bag on his arm.
@Barney @Thumperchick Huh, dunno why I didn’t see this… maybe it was eaten by the Gmail monsters. Anyways, here ya go, with the bonus Meh birthday shirt that arrived the same day
Is this better?

It’s almost like Bruno hasn’t moved at all…
@smigit2002 I love your dog, but you scare me, you really do.
Fuko Win!
Got my fist Fuko bag in today and I think I won the internet!
My bag consisted of the following (which all of it works!):
Here’s where it gets good!
6) One Samsung Gear Circle “QC…Open Used” But works! Which someone wrote “No Apple or Gopro” on it. Silly Apple products.
7) and one Olio Model One Smart Watch!
Best $5 I have ever spent! The watch seems to be working just fine along with the Gear Circle. The watch synced to my phone through the Olio Assist app on android. Now I can complete my “Tool” look with a fancy smart watch, sweet Bluetooth headset, and a kickass backpack that will carry my mug! Also grocery getting will be much more eco-friendly with my re-usable meh. bag!
Thank You Meh.com!

Hmmm, I got a couple of these items in the last fuko bag I got.
FedEx also said it would arrive On a Monday, then updated it to Saturday, then Friday, and it arrived on Thursday.
1 Meh bag
1 Meh sticker
6 flyswatters ( which I got in the last bag. Now I have 12 )
2 creepy cups ( also in the last bag, but are still cool. need 4 more to make a set. )
1 Thundercats DVD from blockbuster
1 Bios bullet cam, which exploded during transit and every piece was loose in the box
1 Monique Leshman necklace, which took two hours to untangle.
1 smartphone lens kit ( not pictured )
Well, I know not all of them have been posted, but I will be quite surprised if anyone gets a crappier Fuko than I did.
Some air
A red bag
Meh Sticker
Desperate Housewives: The Complete First Season - Disc 4
Flash Kids Summer Study Cards (they match the ones I got in my last fuko!)
Piranha Sunglasses (wrap arounds that are totally too small for me)
ST: DS9 Collector’s Edition VHS “Blaze Of Glory”/“Empok Nor”
And the crappiest crap of all:
Craps table felt
@Potatoboy sounds fun bro. Game night and DS9!
@Potatoboy See Carl’s post below. It may make you feel better.
Foam blocks
Meh bag
Meh sticker
DVD of humbolt county
Fly swatters
Spider coffee cup
Fitness tracker
I don’t have high hopes for the fitness tracker…
Here’s my bag of crap:

Pretty excited about my haul:
@bdbolduc damn, two solar chargers and a Kindle Fire, that’s awesome, congrats!
@bdbolduc Looks like you may have won the Fuk lottery this time around!

@bdbolduc Yes - outstanding haul!
@bdbolduc That horse was inside the goat piñata I made for Meh’s last birthday.
I’m gonna have to stop reading this thread.
@Trillian disappointing…
@Trillian - Pretty sure that someone above got some post-its I sent them too. I guess regifting is the name of the game?
Pretty soon nothing will be new - everyone will keep recycling all the same things over and over.
As they say - it’s new to someone!
Supporting the Post Office, one regift at a time.
@KDemo They must be clearing out the crap so they don’t have to move it to the new warehouse. I wonder if the Seligman stuff will be in future Fukos.
@Trillian Would be rather funny if we started getting back our own Seligman stuff.
Got mine. First a palm nrg tens unit brand new, an hp lc200w camera nib, a creepy cup with a spider in it… Love it, 6 fly swatters, 1 electric tennis racket fly swatter, random old blockbusters dvd heavily damahed, miller beer bottle opener, some cheap kids drill circa 1985 it seems… Son loves it, sierra mist elf bottle topper, a question card from a set, 1 orange balloon, 1 fukobag, and 3 airbags. All in all this has been the best mystery bag i have ever gotten. Thanks meh.
Contents of my first Fuko (probable-dangling-warlord). Package size (17x14x14 in.) and weight (7.8 lbs). I’m definitely not disappointed.
ok folks. I’m pretty sure I lost the fuko lottery.
1 bag
8 fly swatters
4 spatulas
beat that!
@carl669 Write to CS- they owe you a crappy used DVD.
@carl669 Dang Carl, who’d you piss on at meh HQ to cause them to do you that way?
@ruouttaurmind I’m guessing it’s because I haven’t been around as much lately and I’ve been slacking on keeping up my share of the “fuck” count.
update: inside the fuko bag, there was an EMPTY DVD sleeve of CSI, season 6, disc 1. the hits just keep on coming.
@carl669 Wow, that’s the fukiest of fukos.
@carl669 Hey, you didn’t get any broken glass!
@blaineg at least that would have given a mystery to solve.
@carl669 The empty sleeve IS the mystery to solve.
@carl669 I think I may be in the race for worst:
(but yours is pretty terrible)
@ACraigL at least you got a drone controller. take it with you every where you go and just use it. maybe you’ll be lucky and it’ll just start randomly controlling someone else’s drone.
@carl669 - I think mine is among the worst too.
But on the brighter side, they are getting here much faster.
@KDemo Thunder-thunder-thunder-cats. Freaking THUNDERCATS!!! That might be the best fuko item ever.
@ACraigL - I stand humbly corrected.
Wanna buy it? Only $100!
(But if your check bounced, that would be okay too).
@KDemo It was fated to you. The Eye of Thundera has seen to it.
Notable Items:
3X Comic book style fly swappers
3X Creepy Mugs, Which I have been waiting a long time to get
1X Andromeda Season 2 Blockbuster Rental
1X Meh Bag
1X Barbie porcelain thing.
And my most favorite of all the things
I am so god damn happy for the leak frogs. My other pair I have from woot and I have been trying to find them again for a while.
@darkzrobe leak frogs you won the mehrathon
@CaptAmehrican It made the whole thing worth it. And it was a very pleasant surprise considering I really just wanted the mugs.
The frogs were the last thing I opened as they were unmarked and I was like what junk is this. Then I squeeeed.
I can’t complain about my first fuko:
1 red fuko bag
1 meh sticker
1 BlockBuster copy of Do the Right Thing
1 random piece of blue plastic
6 fly swatters
2 fragrance disks (cinnamon stick and green apple)
1 skull creepy cup
1 shark creature cup
1 Pursonic sonic toothbrush in @Barney purple
@twpaulson Hey, your discs go with my scent warmer.
@twpaulson What a beautiful toothbrush. You are so lucky.
Black fuko bag
GoPro Camera Accessory Kit
Insect Zapper
Skull mug
Rocky IV DVD (from Blockbuster!)
Meh sticker
MeUndies green sweats
And that’s a wrap!
First Fuko, first post.
straps missing - No box or instructions
Thank you, Meh

/giphy welcome to the madhouse
Not gonna lie – I’ve been able to snag six Fukos so far, but after the first two it has been a steep descent into an abyss of…meh…
Not complaining though! The anticipation alone is worth 5 bucks. I didn’t even post the last one I got, so I take this latest box of disappointment as my punishment.
@spleener Damn something polish in a fuku and it doesn’t go to me. Lame. Dziekuje meh
@spleener Whoah, do you realize what you’ve got there? That’s a Howard Tayler / Schlock Mercenary “Not My Monkeys” challenge coin.
Schlock Mercenary is a humorous Sci-Fi web comic that has updated every single day for 17 years. Even a data center exploding and catching fire only delayed the daily update!
As a taste: http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2017-07-23
(How many Chekov’s Gun references can you spot?)
@blaineg Looks like the edit with an image didn’t work.
Thus was I Fuku’d for the first time:
I’ll treasure the bag and sticker. Thanks, Meh.
My very first Fuku contained the following:
-Red Fuku bag
-Grey camo utility knife with a broken snap (you know, the snap on the end of the nylon loop that makes the knife stay protectively covered), letting it come easily free from its sheath when our kitten knocked the box over one night. I almost stepped on the bare blade the next morning. Fun times. Shoutout to our kitten, Howl, who has one upped his game of “Kill The Humans!” since tripping us each time we walk downstairs hasn’t worked yet.
-VHS of Star Trek (two episodes)
-Black Lab mug, good condition
-Fin the human from “Adventure Time” book bag. Essentially a creepy human wearing a book bag whose head was also a small book bag.
My WOOT BOC contained three pairs of women’s knee length shorts in a size 38 waist, a used Macroeconomics textbook, a new netbook case, a very funky apron, a WOOT sticker, and two t-shirts (generic white v-neck short sleeve in 3x and Wil Wheaton’s dice design in 2x).
What is a Woot BOC? I feel dumb asking but I’ve seen it mentioned a few times…
@moonhat It’s a “bag of crap” or “random crap” from the ecommerce site woot.com. A mystery box of at least 3 crappy items and 1 bag of some sort. $5 plus $5 shipping.
@moonhat long story short, meh.com owner @snapster used to own woot.com he started the Bag Of Crap(BOC) . its like a fuko but much easier to get. you pay $10 and you have no idea what you receive
heres a recent BOC reveal thread
@moonhat It’s pretty much the same kind of junk we get in fukos. Here’s my last couple bags of crap:
@SPARTEN2 oooh, fun! So every once in a while, woot just puts this offer on their main page instead of their daily deal? What time do these pop up?
@communist how often are these offered? Look pretty fun to me…
@moonhat about once a month- sign up for wootstalker notifications and watch for Woot-offs (wootstalker.com, thanks @lichme).
@moonhat on sunday at game of thrones time(9:00EST) they have been doing BOC if they get bingo on thier game of thrones twitter bingo board)
so if you arent busy at that time you could try for one
@sammydog01 ok thanks, I will. What is wootstalker though? I’m looking at it and can’t really figure it out
@moonhat http://www.wootstalker.com/ tracks the various Woots, and meh.com. If you sign up, they’ll email you when a Woot-off starts.
See also http://www.mehstalker.com/
Got notification that my Fuko arrived at my mailbox on Saturday just after I crawled into bed… So finally tore into my 9.1 lb box this morning.
Inside were:
Several hermetically sealed samples of Texas air.
A plastic shaving set toy priced at 98¢. Guess the 30 razors I bought a few weeks ago weren’t enough?
A Built NY Kindle sleeve. Guess it’s been a while since you gave us a ‘bath’, but thought you cleared the warehouse of these things. Or did one of the recipients later get a job working for meh?
A Blockbuster by Mail copy of “Oprah Unauthorized”.
A red FukU bag with meh sticker. And…
A Vicks GermFree cool moisture humidifier. May be helpful in the coming triple-digit weather in Portland in our apartment without A/C, or just make me feel like I’m in Tallahassee again with a sticky, yucky heat, Hmmm…
A very mediocre bundle. You’ve outdone yourselves!
My BoC and my Fuko came a day apart so here’s the comparison.

In the Fuko:
35 freaking bags of Texas air. Uh, you guys know that stuff only works when there’s another item inside big enough that the air capsules prevent it from flying around, right?
The bag of course with meh sticker inside.
One pair of Piranha sunglasses.
The Complete Second Season of The Wild Wild West. It might be a little too wild for me.
One Metawatch (Frame model) with no accessories. Guess I could buy a charger for it but I already have an Apple Watch.
Two sweet little Leak Frogs. You can never have enough leak frogs.
One r00t pen cam. There was no usb cable included and it was taped twice so it appears it’s a return. I’ll have to give it a try. Any requests on where I can risk being arrested?
Now for my crap:

Woot shirt bag. I would’ve preferred the drawstring version others received.
Tricorn sticker and woot disappointment magnet.
Crappy screwdriver set.
Crappier cookie cutter set.
Not so crappy cheese slicer.
Theater and Film textbook. Must’ve been a boring class, it looks like it was never opened. Gave it to a friend that acts.
Girls Hello Kitty sleeper.
Skull neck gaitor.
Extra crappy a/c vent phone holder that doesn’t open wide enough for my phone.
Micro USB wall charger. At least useful.
Lightning car charger and cable. Yay - I have an iPhone!
And finally a pretty decent LED bike light set. Comes with a mount and a blinking red rear light.
Alas, no monkey.
Pretty much a toss-up.
on the last fuko thread, with @dave or @shawn said you shouldnt bother buying a charger if you got the watch. they probably dont work and you would be wasting your money
@communistjack I wouldn’t bother anyway. Seems silly since I have an Apple Watch. It’ll go to the trash.
@cinoclav I got a draw string one you can have.
@cinoclav The Wild Wild West DVD clinched it- we own the entire box set. Great show.
@cinoclav the watch band is genuine leather and a normal 22 mm band(so it will work with many other watches and smartwatches) that might be the only part worth keeping
@speediedelivery That’s mighty kind, but not at all necessary. Thank you though!
@communist Well, if anyone can use it, it’s theirs. The only other watches I wear all have metal bands.
@sammydog01 But now I’ll have to find Season 1 to start from the beginning. Damn you meh!
@cinoclav pretty jealous. That kitchenaid cheese slicer matches my mixer. The only ones that I had been able to find when shopping online were marked up ridiculously high.
@RiotDemon If it wasn’t for the fact that the gf immediately picked it up and claimed it, I’d have sent it to you. Try places like TJ Maxx or Marshalls maybe? I’ll keep you in mind if I run across one.
@cinoclav thanks for the thought. I’m always looking for neon orange utensils. Unfortunately I can always find KitchenAid utensils in black or red, but not the orange. KitchenAid also made two different oranges which is frustrating because the neon one isn’t as popular, apparently.

/image KitchenAid tangerine vs persimmon
@RiotDemon I was in the store Ollie’s yesterday and they had a boatload of those exact cheese slicers. I have all KitchenAid appliances and accessories and I’m always looking for new stuff, but my color is red.
@cinoclav Shame you didn’t get the derringer cap gun to go with The Wild Wild West disc.
Anyone else still waiting? On the tracking page it was supposed to arrive last week but now only says “Pending”, and “No scheduled delivery date available at this time”. Seems to have gotten as far as Ohio before getting stuck in limbo.
@rux try checking the tracking number on the usps site.
@thismyusername usps cannot find the tracking #
@rux ok so it’s still inside the fedex machine. I would ask them about what that means… the shipping window was July 31st - Thursday, August 3rd so it’s not technically late yet.
also check the email you use to order from meh, just in case you are very unlucky.
if you are lucky it has been lost to the fedex machine, I would buy a lotto ticket if this is the case.
@thismyusername If it is lost by the fedex machine the odds are high that @rux would get a better payout from meh rather than a lottery ticket (Likely the statistics are marginally in meh’s favor. I mean I do realize what I am saying here as I have taught stats on occasion, but still… LOL). When my box arrived empty due to a poor taping job, meh made good and while I didn’t get the quantity of stuff you’d usually get in a fuku I did get a couple of meh branded items.
@rux I had a Woot Bag of Crap disappear into the shipping ether once. It never got beyond “entered into the system”.
Woot made good on it though, when I contacted them.
@blaineg @thisismyusername @kidsandliz still “in transit”, will buy a lottery ticket and also send support an email, thanks
@hashybrown I guess 1 of 2 makes up for getting a good movie.
I received a perfectly MEH fuku.
-awkward family photo book
-disk 2 dvd of some comedian
-power walk DVD
-blue hair extensions
-a LION!
-bag / sticker / air
somebodies baseball card collection. which I know nothing about. Includes some unopened mylar packs which seem to hold 3 cards. My boy kinda likes them. Anybody know anything about baseball cards?
This might be my favorite one yet.
One size yoga pants.
Indiana Jones 4, which is actually one of the better bad movies I could have gotten.
The earbuds said they didn’t hold a charge but after I chiseled all the earwax out of them and charged them up, they seem to work fine.
I save up all my money for VMP so I can’t afford to buy headphones and I have been using these horrible corded ones I got in a Fuko for a while now. These have been a very welcomed change.
Thanks Meh.
@zachhh that camera housing is for a midland XTC series action cam.
@thismyusername Wonderful. I will trade you yoga pants for one if you have one.
@zachhh oh… well… such a nice offer… ya know… i would but… well… ok gotta go now, nice talking to ya.
My 5.9 lbs. should arrive tomorrow. I’ll have it opened sometime after I get home from work in the evening.
Tracking page shows delivered. But I’m at work.
Got mine yesterday but the wife opened it before I got home.

Wife and kids say no DVD was in the box. Oh well.

For comparison, here is the BOC I got from Woot.
Overall, I have to give it to Meh. But it seems both Woot and Meh think I need more devices for making hot beverages.
@billlbo Did you check inside the bag for the DVD?
@sammydog01 Oops. Apparently the wife didn’t look there. One Meh sticker and one copy of “Reuniting the Rubins”.
I was out of town when my box arrived but people were getting such garbage that I didn’t really care. I did pretty well:
Fuko bag
Wrong Turn 2 DVD (not rated)
Nice sunglasses
case for Midland camera
pair of Logitech computer speakers that have an aux in
Also a box of Hotwheels that no longer holds a charge or syncs:
Yep, they’re those Star Wars Hotwheels- set of 12.
Now I wish I hadn’t bought a set. Oh well, one to save and one to play with.
Nice stuff guys!
@sammydog01 I’m envious of your Hot Wheels score! Want to trade for my broken piece of glass?
@blaineg Nope, I’m opening one to play with every time I clean a bathroom.
I finally stopped by the mailroom yesterday and got my fuko and the meh birthday t-shirts and the cold coffee brewers and a shipment of drugs and maybe something else that I’m not remembering atm…
I’m not sure if I should complain or not, but my fukObukuro came with a fukUbukuro bag (I verified this with a co-worker who can read them). Regardless…
All in all, a most mehsome haul of stuff…
I got:
Red Meh bag
Meh Sticker
Nova: Newton’s Dark Secrets - 1 of 1 in a blockbuster sleeve
Pow & Splat flyswatter pack
Foam Alphabet pack (my 3 year old claimed them instantly)
Just my 3cents here, but I make a motion that the next Meh-rathon has a Full or generic “surprise bag” every hour. But, you can only buy once. That’s how slow pokes like me have a chance to get one . . . Finally
Very late to post but I finally remembered.

Here’s the shipping box:
Here’s the contents:

Haven’t even tried to see if the printer works but I find it odd that it’s a different version than what’s on the box.
VERY tardy to the party, but couldn’t forgive myself for not contributing.

Disappointment? Not one bit. Solid score.