2-for-Tuesday: Bauhn Bluetooth Sport Headphones with Case

  • You get a pair of a pair of Bluetooth sport headphones
  • They won’t make you exercise, but they’ll help distract you from the fact that you’re exercising
  • Pick either red or black to cleanse the Christmas palette from your palate
  • 8-hour battery life means you’ll only have to recharge them once a year with your current fitness routine
  • Model: LE34 (Fools! Why try to compete in search results with Denmark’s hippest and most Danish surveying company??)
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Owning decent Bluetooth headphones like these will encourage you to exercise more, but that’s only half the battle. The other half is motivation. And the third half is finding something good to listen to during your workouts.

You could listen to music. We’ve got plenty of favorites from 2017 to recommend, like this smooth jam from Client Liaison:

Or this synthwave cover of the unfortunate late-90s hit “Summer Girls”:

But those will only distract you from the extreme discomfort of exercise for a few minutes. You need something longer. You need a niche, rambling podcast that lasts for hours and hours.

Start with the song-by-song analysis of R. Kelly’s hip-hopera “Trapped In The Closet” by BBC radio host Scott Mills. If you’ve heard “Trapped In The Closet” before, you have some idea what’s coming. If you haven’t, you’re in for a real treat.

In a similar vein, how about this minute-by-minute analysis of the 2013 film “A Talking Cat!?!” We’ll admit, we haven’t listened to all of this one, but we applaud the creators for seeing it through and recording all 87 episodes.

But that’s only scratching the surface of the bizarrely specific podcast universe. Work up a sweat while listening to the “For Amusement Only: The E.M. & Bingo Pinball Podcast”, a podcast about pinball repair that recently released its 411th episode. That’s more episodes than “ER,” NCIS,” or “Dallas.”

If pinball repair sounds a bit too flashy and heart-pounding for your exercise routine, consider “The Pen Addict,” a podcast about … umm … pens. Hosts Myke Hurley and Brad Dowdy are celebrating their 288th episode, which may not sound like much compared to the “For Amusement Only” canon, until you consider that episodes average in the hour range compared to E.M. & Bingo’s 20 minutes. That’s 12 straight days of pen talk.

Myke and Brad can’t rest on their laurals, however, because The Anderson Pen Podcast is nibbing at their heels with 254 episodes of their own.

And if that’s all too mainstream and people-pleasing for your taste, you can always check out the “Beef and Dairy Network Podcast,” which purports to be "The number one podcast for those involved or just interested in the production of beef animals and dairy herds,” but which is in fact an incredibly dry British comedy podcast … about beef.

Whichever podcast you choose, these Bauhn headphones will keep it playing during even your most vigorous workouts. But that’s only half the battle. The other halves are motivation, persistence, routine, and an engaged core.

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