My browsing around looking for headphone jacks resulted in discovering many other issues with the Pixel 2 such as not connecting to mesh routers, burned in displays, black smearing, clicking and high pitched sounds, 10 db difference between two of it’s speakers, and random reboots. I’m disappointed because I like Google and use many of their services so I would have expected more from this company.
@grimblegromble I think it’s around the beginning of November, right before thanksgiving/holiday shopping. If you have any large Aldis in your area, when I went last week one of them still had a bunch of their electronics available. It is probably different post-xmas though. I was all about their giant silicon pastry mats for $9 though and didn’t pay too much attention. My pies were amazing thanks to that mat.
Digital volume adjust. Will this work with Android phones? My past history with headphones using buttons instead of a dial or slider has always been good on iOS, but bad on Android. (The two mobile OSes adopted different standards.)
As far as quality goes I can say that these are pretty solid. I work 10h shifts in a burn lab that has a lot of duct work and brick between our prep room and the testing room aisles and I can stay connected to my phone in the prep room through about 250ft of it before it cuts out. The battery also tends to last for 9h of music, don’t know about calls or other uses.
we have an ALDI here is Louisville…Love that store, the tomato marinara sauce is awesome…and so is everything else…I’ll wait till they go on sale there…
What’s in the Box?
2x Pairs of headphones
2x 20-inch micro usb cable
2x Carrying case
Ear bit
Ear bit
Price Comparison
$43.98 (for 2 kind-of similar) at Amazon
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Feb 3 - Tuesday, Feb 4
If you’re going to have that long of a wire on a Bluetooth headset, you may as well just buy a plug-in headset.
@cengland0 'less your phone ain’t got a jack.
@medz Haha, what modern phone doesn’t have a headphone jack? Oh…i know.
@medz that problem is only for Apple fanboys.
@cengland0 I thought the Google pixel 2 didn’t have one
Correct, @medz.
@cengland0 Google Pixel 2 and 2 XL lack a jack too, along with some HTC U11 and Moto Z models.
@cengland0 I saw the wires, and must have skipped over that big font “bluetooth”, until i saw your post.
see ya tomorrow.
@medz @narfcake Wow, it’s true. I looked it up and the Google Pixel 2 doesn’t come with a headphone jack. At least they came with an adapter. Unfortunately, many of those adapters were defective so Google is having to replace them.
My browsing around looking for headphone jacks resulted in discovering many other issues with the Pixel 2 such as not connecting to mesh routers, burned in displays, black smearing, clicking and high pitched sounds, 10 db difference between two of it’s speakers, and random reboots. I’m disappointed because I like Google and use many of their services so I would have expected more from this company.
@cengland0 the iPhone literally comes with an adapter as well. And their adapter appears to work.
@narfcake Hey, I didn’t know a jack about this…
@cengland0 long wires… for folks with big heads?
aac support?
wait… are these ALDI headphones???
Why, do you have to insert a quarter every time you use them?
@thismyusername I believe so.
@RedOak You get the quarter back while it’s charging though.
Just FYI Bauhn is one of Aldi’s house brands, and once a year they will carry these for around $7 each.
@andrd cool. Be sure to stock up and sell them on eBay.
@medz cool. You first.
@andrd I just said almost the same thing. Timing is everything
@heartny You barely avoided medz’ impotent ire
@andrd When does that happen? I like them but dont want to pay near full price for them.
@grimblegromble I think it’s around the beginning of November, right before thanksgiving/holiday shopping. If you have any large Aldis in your area, when I went last week one of them still had a bunch of their electronics available. It is probably different post-xmas though. I was all about their giant silicon pastry mats for $9 though and didn’t pay too much attention. My pies were amazing thanks to that mat.
Hmmm, I see this brand in Aldi all the time. Never thought of Aldi as a source for quality electronics, although I do like many of their gadgets.
No photos of how they fit the human ear. Or any ear for that matter. And the amazon comparison product is not that similar.
@Stumpy91 my concern exactly. My ears are, I guess, too big and earbuds just tend to fall out when I attempt exercise.
@hchavers You can buy after-market cushions of all sizes. In addition, if you are not getting a good seal, you are missing a lot of the lows.
@JT954 James Bauhn
@JT954 Humbug along.
I wonder if they will stay in my big ears, you know, so I can hear the “high-resolution audio”? At least they won’t fall off when I attempt exercise.
@hchavers You can buy aftermarket cushions of all sizes and many materials
Digital volume adjust. Will this work with Android phones? My past history with headphones using buttons instead of a dial or slider has always been good on iOS, but bad on Android. (The two mobile OSes adopted different standards.)
For what it’s worth, I have a couple pairs of Bauhn headphones purchased from Aldi’ s (non-bluetooth) and they sound pretty good.
As far as quality goes I can say that these are pretty solid. I work 10h shifts in a burn lab that has a lot of duct work and brick between our prep room and the testing room aisles and I can stay connected to my phone in the prep room through about 250ft of it before it cuts out. The battery also tends to last for 9h of music, don’t know about calls or other uses.
@RemyG Burn lab? Is that a fancy name for a crematory?
@cengland0 I thought it might be a clandestine drug lab of some sort.
@cengland0 I was thinking it was where they develop the “your momma so…” statements.
we have an ALDI here is Louisville…Love that store, the tomato marinara sauce is awesome…and so is everything else…I’ll wait till they go on sale there…
@fastharry I love Aldi as well! But I wonder if there will be a “next time” since meh is selling these out.
Might it not be a discontinued product?
@therealjrn you had to ruin my day, lol…I’ll check aldi on the way home…(thanks for the logic!)
What the hey…
/buy — coupon ChristmasCrush
@ManBehindPlan It worked! Your order number is: lockable-persuasive-medic
/image lockable persuasive medic

I need a record player
Just about everyone likes earphones, except
Vincent van Gogh.
@Brasssong that’s just wrong.
Shitty Beats knockoff? I hate Beats anyway… Way over rated with too much bass emphasis
@robson I hate to piss on your shitting on the product, but nowhere have these been compared to Beats…
It sounds like you are obsessed with Beats…maybe try some journaling to work through your resentments.
Hey, @sohmageek, did you see the link to the Pen Addict podcast?