Is Anyone Else Tired Of
18Any and all Christmas music?
There has been Christmas music playing non-stop for over a month. It is insidious. If I could just use a bat to smash every electronic device that has been ruthlessly using it to tear my head apart from the inside, without repercussions (besides the sweet relief from my migraines), this would be the best Christmas ever.
-Sent from the sanctuary of the bathroom
- 20 comments, 36 replies
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Do you hear what I hear?
You get an unblame for that one.
only the vibes elevator music versions.
@cranky1950 those are the only good ones
I don’t think I’ve heard three Christmas songs this year. The advantage of listening to my own playlist in the car, and not spending very much time in public places this season.
Surprisingly I tuned most of it out this year. Occasionally I found myself singing along to a few at work.
I don’t think I’ve heard any Christmas music at all this year other than at my kids’ (THREE!) Orchestra concerts. Sirius XM in the car and I can’t ever hear music in stores, so I’ve lucked out. When I used to only have regular radio in my older vehicles I’d get furious every year when my favorite radio station would switch over to Christmas music 24/7 from Thanksgiving to Christmas. I always refused to listen to that station for the entirety of the season in hopes that enough people doing the same would make them change.
@PurplePawprints Do you live in So Cal? I also refuse the listen to the station that only plays Christmas music for a month. But they keep doing it, year after year…
@Fuzzalini Nope, I’m in West, by God, Virginia for now. The station was based in either MD or PA. Apparently, this is a common thing for some radio stations and I don’t understand it at all. I could maybe see a country station, or a Christian station, getting away with it, but this was a pop/top40 station (we don’t have a lot of options here.)
Pop stations are particularly likely to do that. Dunno why. Markets and demographics.
Stick with soul or rock or alt or jazz or rap or country stations, and less likely.
@f00l My music of choice has been either Alt Nation or Lithium on Sirius. Locally, there’s not a lot of choices that I consider listenable. Bob Rocks is okay, but often the DJs aren’t kid friendly.
@PurplePawprints December and May-Concert season, or
"I don’t have black pants/white shirt/black shoe/a tie for tomorrow "
@naropa Oh God, yes. I was doing good this year with both kids having properly fitted clothes until the week or so before the concerts when the director changed the rules about footwear. No heels, no boots, flats only. My daughter has cute ankle length boots with a boot-style one-inch heel. The only black flats she had were still too big. My mom was in town for her first concert (regular middle school) and loaned her some ugly black loafers. Tons of other girls were wearing “forbidden” footwear. So, for her next concert which is the more exclusive “All-County” (and in which she had a solo) I told her to just wear the boots since I wasn’t buying anything else and my mom had gone home. Every single other girl was wearing the appropriate flats. Dammit.
I must be fortunate in my environment.
I managed only to hear the music I deliberately chose, plus:
the Xmas Eve service (something I do for family, and one soloist there was … uh … not a born soloist, shall we say … (but family, so ok)
And the only seasonal music I played deliberately was the Kings College Chapel choir music I chose on YouTube.
I avoid retail environments. And use Bluetooth headphones. All that must be a better “exposure limiter” than I had realized.
But it’s nearly over. You can do this. Don’t dispair.
I have to ask- The King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, PA?
I only ask 'cuz I went to that school for my PA training too long ago.
Sorry, a bit of a distance from yours to the one I had in mind. Discussed on Xmas Eve in the blame topic.
This one

The Chapel at Kings College Cambridge, UK.
The college and chapel were founded by order of Henry VI during the War of the Roses. The choir, and it’s composition, was also founded by his order.
Hence the college name.
Here is a sample of what they do:
Thanks for the enlightening reply- that’s awesome!
If you wanna know more, I got very long winded about this choir, in this month’s blame thread, on the 24th.
They tour sometimes.

I almost walked out of Home Depot IN NOVEMBER because they were playing horrible country Christmas music. I was really close.
So yeah, I’m sick of it, and can’t wait for tomorrow.
@luvche21 I’ve walked out of stores because of music before. I hate country music so much but I don’t mind if store plays it in the background because I’m not planning on being there forever.
However, if they are playing it so loud that I cannot drown it out in my own thoughts, that’s a problem and I’ll just go.
@cengland0 What about the other kind of music? The western music?
@therealjrn hehe.
@cengland0 this time it was medium loud. I always hate country music, at normal hate levels. But country Christmas music? That falls into the level of loathing. 99% of the time pop Christmas music is up to the normal level of hate (its just too… cheesy), but some of the classics are fine, especially when singing or playing them (I’m a volunteer choir director, so some Christmas music I really enjoy).
With you on this.
Just me:. I enjoy (not in store) light doses of “classic” holidays standards (Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, etc) and trad carols, because they take me back to good memories of portions of my childhood. And they are seasonal. And, in my case, very lightly sampled.
In store, if the store wants to play holiday music, I hope it is strictly instrumental, fairly trad arrangements, and at background levels. I might lightly find that pleasant.
Vocals are ok if the music is played low, and is as unobtrusive as possible. And if it isn’t C/W. Never C/W please.
I don’t wanna hear modern pop artists’ versions of this music ever (even from those few artists I might enjoy enough to listen to deliberately at other times. Sorry, Charlie.)
To me, the entire point is “very light-touch nostalgia” and memory of another time in my life, and of some of the best parts of family life.
Unforced, please.
Don’t make me notice the music, please, esp in a commercial environment. If I am forced to notice it, I will despise it; and will likely abandon my purpose for being there, and escape quickly.
I make an exception for certain religious music performed or sung within certain long historical or musical traditions, because I find those music traditions to be so exquisite.
I listen to those deliberately, now and then, even having only, at best, a cultural adherence to the religious affiliation to which the music speaks. And again, there is the going back to idealized portions of my childhood.
And it can be lovely. And I still seem to remember many of the lyrics.
I heard the same version of the same song repeat within 15 mins in a supermarket this season.
@thismyusername I feel so bad for the employees there
So, I’m not the only one then?
Wait, you have sanctuary in the bathroom? I’m sure Meh has a few Bluetooth shower speakers buried in the warehouse somewhere.
I love Christmas music, I was singing Christmas songs earlier. Not tired of them. I listen to what I want to at home/car, in stores, the songs make me happy.


@Calabama me too!
@Calabama I just bought a ball pit for my two boys for Christmas. They LOVE it (even more than Christmas music).
I don’t play any holiday music before around 21 Dec, and I avoid shopping between Halloween and New Year as much as possible.
Seems to work ok.
The only Christmas music I can tolerate is by Vince Guaraldi(Peanuts).
Must. Resist. Posting. Christmas. Music…
Aaaaaahhhhhh!!! Please help me.
@2many2no I don’t normally listen to Christmas music after Christmas, but I’ll make an exception for Leo.
@RiotDemon Just recently discovered him.
Don’t know how I missed it for so long.
@2many2no I don’t know! I’ve been sharing him around the site for probably around a year or more.
Ok, That Does Not Suck.
Agreed, there are about 5 Christmas songs with 9k remakes of the same songs so it gets old quickly. Really, the whole Christmas build up is a sort of anti-climax anyway. There is this looming “here it comes” since just before Thanksgiving sitting on our shoulders. Then after all the Christmas bell jingling and the charities, the presents, the parties and friends etc it’s just…over. Honestly, I’m tired of music, peppermint everything the minute I’m done unwrapping my last present. We get a short ramp up again for New Year’s Eve but really Christmas is whole point of the winter. I dunno maybe it’s just me.
@Targaryen We still have pumpkin spice tho, right?
@therealjrn shudder I’m not Team PSL, I am an apple cider guy though.
@Targaryen i’m with any warm beverage that mixes well with brandy.
I liked it and listen to it until our Christmas celebration as a family is over on Christmas day. Then, I’m done. The moment I get in the car to head back home. It’s over.
My daughter and one of her daughter’s listen to it on and off all year long.
It’s missing the first minute though.
But …
Star Wars Christmas Special!!!
Holiday spirit, peeps!
1hr 40min (more or less) of wishing this show was over, already.
Wow, so much grinching and scrooging! I feel sorry for most of y’all. Sure there’s crappy Christmas music, mostly ‘arrangements’ but including such drek as the ‘thundercat’ song. And it seems to get too much play on the radio. But there’s also such a huge variety of both sacred and normal Christmas songs, and many arrangements and performances by artists who care about the music more than getting to show off their warbling woo woo ability.
I’m listening to Diana Krall crooning out Christmas songs now. On the way to work I had Winterlude (instrumental). The Carpenters and the King’s Singers were playing at home on Christmas day, and Mannheim Steamroller and Narada filled the weeks before. And there’s Winter on the Moors still to play when I have time.
Good Christmas music is awesome and wonderful.
It can be wonderful.
Esp if it’s voluntary, and self-selected.
But, glad you have a full season for listening to some of what you love, each year.
@f00l Its the one time of year when even the elevator music or environmental muzak has a chance of being nice. And I didn’t hear the ‘thundercat’ song at all this year, a pretty nice bonus!
@duodec Yes, I watched a few videos, there was a little girl from Ireland who sang “Hallelujah” the Christmas version, was soooo beautiful! That sweet innocent child and a choir of children.
There was a stream of them, two contractors that sang on the work sight, I was amazed!
I have several favorite people to listen too.
The Carpenters were wonderful!
I have to dissent on that.
Altho if it is instrumental and of low volume, I can potentially enjoy …
@f00l So, in other words ‘has a chance of being nice’
In my experience, that alleged “chance” is rare.
But I mostly avoid any places that have decided the customers or visitors are better off for hearing seasonal holiday themed music.
Private invitations are exceptions. Those are normally ok by me. The music comes with the generosity of the hosts.