Well, I blew it.
18My Mother was reading a book that had a robot vacuum in it and she said “how cute! I wish I had one”. So, Meh had one for sale and I thought “score!”. She unwrapped it this morning, and kinda wrinkled her nose and said “I can’t use this… can you return it?” It was supposed to be the piece de resistance! Shucks. I thought she would really be excited about it. Oh well.
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No good deed goes unpunished? Sorry you struck out. Not your fault though. I would have concluded the same thing (that she would have liked one).
@Kidsandliz I know, right? She says I don’t listen to her, but when I do… well, her birthday is coming up in 7 months. Maybe I’ll do better then. I hope your Christmas was happy.
I know how you feel. I’m sorry this one didn’t work out. I’m sure she appreciated the thought and the effort. Maybe revisit the topic in a couple days and possibly even set it up for her and convince her to try it out for a bit to see what it’ll do for her?
@ruouttaurmind Good idea. I’ll get it charged up and running and then maybe she’ll see that it really is helpful. She is 84 years old and doesn’t need to be running that heavy vacuum around the house every day. Thanks for the advise.
On the bright side you just scored a sweet Roomba for yourself. Go power that puppy up!
@sammydog01 I said I bought this from Meh. You think Meh sells Roomba’s? HaHa Ha. Thanks for the laugh. Merry Christmas.
@mehnyblooms Meh has sold Roombas many times but none in the past two years.
@cengland0 You’re right. My mistake. Thanks.
@Flipit We got my 89 year old mom hooked up with the Geek Squad because we live out of town and couldn’t stand calls about the computer anymore. She can drive over and visit them. Have fun, Geek Squad.
@Flipit My mom was just the opposite. She was almost 80 when she developed this fascination for tech stuff, especially computers. (Me? Nope!) Anyway, I had to learn so that I could teach her. And then she would buy, buy, buy crap.
I have found 3 printers, 1 roomba, one very nice little laptop, two TV’s and all sorts of new, unused stuff tucked away at her house.
It looked like she had my “learning” days all planned out for me.
You didn’t develop a tech fascination when you were almost 80?
I could sworn you did … but …
Such a long time ago; I’m no longer certain of those ancient memories.
/giphy Jurassic Park

@f00l Gawd, I hate you.
Edit: How do you know that I’m not at least 80?
I have always assumed you are several millennia past 80.
Have I been a tiny bit off the exact age, all these years?
/giphy "land before time"


Wrong color.
Colors were different before time started.
Think back. You remember!
Here was purple, back then:
/image “taupe”

Math and logic.
I used math.
I used logic.
I also used “torment potential”.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
I do not believe in math and logic.
Heh. But I do.
@Barney When I think of a purple dinosaur named Barney, that’s not what I pictured…
@spitfire6006006 I’ve been on a diet.
@f00l So you are telling me that you use logic?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
@Barney Well, it’s probably good to not hang around a bunch of children all the time as well
I use my logic.
Tho there’s nothing at all personal about my logic (at least in formal terms).
Think about how “sufficiently advanced tech” looks just like magic (or like bullshit) under certain circumstances.
So how does one tell which label applies?
I can (theoretically) answer that one, also.
@spitfire6006006 “Well, it’s probably good to not hang around a bunch of children all the time as well.” They are bad for a dinosaur’s diet, being so irresistably delicious. No one can eat just one.

Awww, now.
Don’t take it personally, @mehnyblooms.
My mother, too, is in her 80s and has zero grace or empathy when rejecting gifts. It can hurt if you let it, but remember you did everything right.
You did not blow it.
@KDemo Thank you for the support. I take solace in the fact that she liked her other gifts (she picked them out, haha) and she was tickled by the meh.com t-shirt I got her.
Maybe you needed to add googly eyes? Ups the cuteness factor…
I hate to say I told you so, but this is why you should always gift people with things you want to use or borrow yourself. Now you’ll either have to re-gift or start vacuuming your own home.