What happened to all the political posts?
1I’d have thought there’d be a bunch what with the upcoming election and a Supreme Court seat to fill.
/giphy asking for friend
- 79 comments, 309 replies
- This topic was locked by Thumperchick
I’d have thought there’d be a bunch what with the upcoming election and a Supreme Court seat to fill.
/giphy asking for friend
@RiotDemon Because there’s an upcoming election and a Supreme Court seat to fill…
@eonfifty no I meant why did you have to make another thread?
@RiotDemon I haven’t been dutiful in participating, actively or otherwise, on the forum, and tonight, after a sojourn, however brief, I checked in on the forum and was slightly taken aback at the lack of political posts, and naturally, as a curious individual, I was just just wondering what was up with that.

/giphy what’s up with that
@eonfifty @RiotDemon
The topics that went all political were pretty hateful, and maybe people got their fill of hate for a while
Maybe people are happy to find a place where they can be relatively free of said drama.

Maybe people finally just took them where they belong. It sucks watching good people at Meh deteriorate into hate-hurling idiots. Please, oh please let Meh remain a neutral-ground respite…

/giphy more kittens please
@sammydog01 Can it be puppies instead? Maybe a little of both?

/giphy more puppies please
@sammydog01 @shahnm
@shahnm Facebook?



@eonfifty There are so very many places to go for political content. There are your echo chambers for when you want validation from fellow travelers. There are your contrarian sources, for when you want to troll the stupidest people who ever lived. There are endless lists of places to go if you want to circle jerk with those of like mind, or to say the vilest shit imaginable to random strangers you’ll never meet because they disagree/are too stupid to live/are not worthy of your wisdom/etc.
Meh should not be one of those places.
@eonfifty @shahnm Best post in thread award right here.
/giphy neutral ground respite

@eonfifty @shahnm

/image thumbs down to farsebook
might as well talk about politics
@eonfifty @PooltoyWolf @shahnm
No, the photo of the puppies was the best AND I WILL FIGHT YOU TO THE DEATH OVER IT!
@eonfifty @PooltoyWolf @sammydog01 @shahnm
/giphy let’s get ready to rumble

Hopefully all the political posts are done never to be resurrected again.
Of course the sky could rain money too…

Political Dog!


Basically every single one devolved into people name calling and fighting instead of having a civil discourse. And we called for people to be civil. I’m surprised if that’s actually happening. You’re a day or two late to see some awful shit being posted about RBG on a memorial thread.
If you want to discuss what an open seat means and if it should happen before the election you can create a thread. Just please please state in the opening be civil and no name calling. Once one side starts the other does and it’s just a downhill slide.

@unksol That’s pretty much the reason for this topic - I would have expected the forum to be abuzz when there is a Supreme Court seat vacant with just over a month until a Presidential election with a viable incumbent.

/giphy interesting times curse
@eonfifty but I bet it will spin up this morning. Hopefully with a more civil tone. It was the weekend


/giphy pussies
@cranky1950 It is really fucking hard to get giphy to show any actual cat gifs for the word ‘pussies’…
@cranky1950 @shahnm

/giphy pussy cat
@cranky1950 @unksol Well that’s cheating…!
@cranky1950 @shahnm
Lol I tried pussies and pussy and even pussy cat took a few tries.
@cranky1950 @shahnm @unksol google has a dirty mind I think…
@cranky1950 @Kidsandliz @shahnm lol didn’t pull up anything bad. Just not kitties
You may or may not have a filthy mouth.
But you’re definitely cranky.
@cranky1950 To quote Team America, World Police:
Gary: We’re dicks! We’re reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the Film Actors Guild are pussies. And Kim Jong-ll is an asshole. Pussies don’t like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes — assholes who just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is that sometimes they fuck too much or fuck when it isn’t appropriate — and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies get so full of shit that they become assholes themselves… because pussies are only an inch and a half away from assholes. I don’t know much in this crazy, crazy world, but I do know that if you don’t let us fuck this asshole, we’re going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!
Thanks. I take that as high praise.

/giphy downvote

I got my absentee ballot in the mail today, and plan to have it completed and mailed by the end of the week. Even though I try to do research ahead of time, I was surprised to find a referendum and a state constitutional amendment on the ballot that I had never seen before. One great thing about getting the ballot early is that there is time to look this stuff up and evaluate pros and cons, and not have something come as a surprise when voting in person. There’s also a bar code on the return envelope, so I will be able to track it in the mail. I could definitely learn to live with this kind of voting on a permanent basis.

Bonus cat vid:
@rockblossom I’ve been doing vote by mail for years now. It’s the best.
@rockblossom that chicken is kicking ass
@unksol Yup. Never send a cat to do a chicken’s job. Cats like to stalk, but the feathered dinosaur-brains just say “Oooh, dinner!” and grab the mouse.
@rockblossom most states have a way to look up a sample ballot online. Good way to know before you go to the polls.
@rockblossom looks like a buff orpington to me. Didn’t know the little dinos would go mouse hunting. Although I want some.
@rockblossom @unksol yeah, and buffs are usually pretty mellow… unless you look like dinner…
@chienfou @rockblossom been looking up breeds for a few years intending to let them free range on the field and come back into the coop at night to be safe from the racoons. Haven’t built it yet though. It’s just on the list. Lots of things are lol
@medz Yes, I’ve printed off a copy of the sample ballot in past elections, then done some research. In 2016, I still got surprised at the polls by a ballot initiative that was approved/added at the last minute before ballots were finalized. I much prefer having the actual ballot in hand.
@medz @rockblossom so stupid question, but I am curious. How can something be added last minute? Doesn’t that affect the early, absentee, mail in voting? Just curious how that works?
@tinamarie1974 Here, absentee ballots start going out a few days after the ballots are finalized and printed, which is usually in late September. Early voting begins 15 days before election day. The problem in 2016 was that between the time the ballot was finalized and the opening of early voting, no one updated the online sample ballot.
@rockblossom oooohhhhhhhhhh that makes sense and kinda sucks too
@rockblossom @tinamarie1974 We have already started absentee in person voting. It seems early to me. I think I’ll order a ballot and drop it off.
@rockblossom @sammydog01 it does seem early, but then again I still think it is March.
@rockblossom @unksol
Only problem with that is you end up having to go out every night to lock up the chicken coop after they go back in at dusk(ish). The one day you forget will be the day Rocky Raccoon comes to visit.
@chienfou @rockblossom except… You can set up dust to dawn sensors or timers with linear actuators pretty cheaply if you can do some basic wiring to close it for you along with signaling if you want to let you know if it jams. Much cheaper than buying a kit.
But yes by definition if you choose to own any sort of animal you are obligated to check on them twice a day at a minimum. You know. Other than fish. Or cats. Cats you can kinda just leave a huge bowl of food and plenty of water for and they’ll be fine for a few days.
I mean I’ll admit I did stalk them and talk to them through the cameras here and there but they would have been fine.
@chienfou @rockblossom
And this gorgeous girl showed up a few years ago and roosted on the peak of the roof at night for a week or two. None of the neighbors said she was missing so idk where she came from. But any racoon could get on the roof cause built into a hill.
Never mind the fox.
@rockblossom @unksol she looks like the star of the above video, so maybe they are too scared to mess with her…
@chienfou @rockblossom I would also guess she was a buff and was cool to have around but with no shelter she was only around a few weeks. never found any feathers… I like to think she found her way home but practically something ate her. And practically even if she had… Someone would have eventually ate her.
They’re still food even if you keep a group of egg layers
@rockblossom @unksol
I keep mine mainly because I’m too lazy… errrhh busy… to turn a compost heap. Eggs are a side benefit. I have a hard time eating my chickens (not philosophically, but due to the availability of cheap rotisserie chickens at Sam’s/Costco. I found it was a PITA to clean the little critters.) When these stop laying I will find them new homes with folks that will probably eat them… problem solved.
@chienfou @rockblossom unfortunately you have to cull the ones that stop laying and if your bothering it may be worth to raise some meat chickens in the summer. If you can handle the butchering…
Idk if I can or not cause haven’t got there and it would definitely help to have two people.
@unksol actual butchering doesn’t bother me, Plucking feathers is a HUGE PITA. We generally skinned ours for that reason. Hard to justify the time investment when chicken is so cheap to buy.
When the kids were younger we homeschooled them so butchering was a tie in to the biology/anatomy lessons.
@chienfou If I get around to it I was just going to skin them. The whole defeathering progress sounds like a massive pain…
When I get a whole chicken from the store I usually just throw it in the crockpot to stew then pull half the meat for a big pot of soup and the other half for chicken salad or other things.
Crisping up the skin is nice for a roast chicken or other things.
Honestly, I think the topic of the Supreme Court seat has the power to devolve into the worst of all the posts.
Let’s just put them all the fuck away, never to be seen again.
@cinoclav Yes please.

/giphy good riddance
@cinoclav @sammydog01 probably true which is why I haven’t opened one. I would hope people could have a respectful conversation about such an important issue. But I’m not optimistic.
Republicans are hypocrites. Not surprising in politics, but it really wasn’t that long ago and they were so adamant that this would be the precedent.
If Trump is so sure he’ll win, what’s the big hurry?

/giphy and we’re off…
"The historical precedent is clear, as set out by National Review’s Dan McLaughlin. When a vacancy occurs in a presidential year and the opposition party has a majority in the Senate, the president can nominate, but the nominee is almost never confirmed. There have been 10 such vacancies in the history of the republic. Presidents made pre-Election Day nominations in six cases, but only one nominee was confirmed before the election. That was in 1888.
Presidents whose parties had Senate majorities selected nominees in election years 19 times, and 17 of those nominees were confirmed. The two rejections came together in 1968, when President Lyndon Johnson’s nominee for chief justice, Abe Fortas, and his nominee to replace Fortas as associate justice were blocked by a bipartisan filibuster.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell thus was following precedent when he blocked consideration of President Barack Obama’s nominee to fill Antonin Scalia’s seat, and now, he is following precedent again by promising a floor vote on Trump’s nominee to fill Ginsburg’s seat.
Democrats are the ones being inconsistent here…"
@onlyonetruth sure, but several republicans claimed flat-out they would have said the same if it were a republican president at that time. Lindsey Graham was probably the most direct in stating his belief should also apply to a republican president in 2020.
@medz He conveniently forgot to mention that point. I thought Comrade said we were never going to hear from him again and he would be on the first plane back to Russia.
@medz Yeah - your points are well taken. It’s an ugly situation in a lot of ways, at a particularly ugly time for our nation. There are going to be a lot of angry people for a very long time, whichever way this would have gone.
I am of course relieved that a constitutionalist is likely to be added to the court, and that will hopefully significantly decrease the amount of judicial activism and judicial “law-making” for a while. But I get the angst. I wish it didn’t happen this way.
@Felton10 I said that I would never post a political thread at Meh, except as a counterpoint to any leftist threads that someone else (usually you) post.
As for the Russia scam, the irrational belief of which seems to define the very essence of your being, the facts (which have been plainly obvious to rational people from the beginning) are going to be very painful for you. They will wound you deeply. The sad thing is that you will still cling bitterly to the lies you need to believe. And you will call me a turd that needs to be flushed. And I will shake my head slowly in pity for you. Some things will never, ever change…
"Documents being declassified will show that former CIA Director John Brennan deliberately suppressed intelligence evidence that indicated Russian President Vladimir Putin preferred “the more predictable and malleable” Hillary Clinton in 2016, according to sources.
Former CIA analyst Fred Fleitz first reported on this last month in an oped at Fox News, and American Greatness covered the story at that time, as well.
“House Intelligence Committee staff told me that after an exhaustive investigation reviewing intelligence and interviewing intelligence officers, they found that Brennan suppressed high-quality intelligence suggesting that Putin actually wanted the more predictable and malleable Clinton to win the 2016 election,” Fleitz wrote.
“I separately have an intelligence source tonight who confirmed that information,” Henry said, adding that rather than issuing a balanced report that reflected all of the intelligence, Brennan “set the narrative that Russia wanted Trump to win.”"
Maybe those constitutionalists will get around to that “well regulated militia” part of the 2nd amendment and do something about the armed vigilante terrorist gangs running around pretending they’re exercising their 2nd amendment rights while ICE and DHS trample the 4th and police trample the 14th right along side them.
Let’s say I’m skeptical the Republicans are being truthful this time. Yeah, right. Where’s that ACA replacement?
@onlyonetruth Lets say I and everybody else should be skeptical of any information posted by someone who had to create a fake account to post right wing lies. If you truly believed the crap you spew forth, you would have no problems in posting via your originally created account.
So you totally fit the MO of a Russian troll.
@medz @mike808 He’s quoting the Washington Examiner, one of the biggest piece of shit biased rags ever written. The same person who will make fun of people for watching CNN or reading The Washington Post. Just like the rest of them, a complete fucking hypocrite. Every single time.
@cinoclav @medz @mike808 I read everything. If there was any possibility that the legacy “news” sources were objective, comprehensive, and/or balanced in their coverage, I’d be happy to stick with sources that would please you. However, this information is being embargoed by your “news” sources.
This particular article had the most concise summary of this bit of information, but the information can be found elsewhere as well. I really don’t think it would matter much what source I use though - every single time you are faced with information that violates your programming, you attack the source…
Wouldn’t it make more sense to have one thread on Republican stuff and one thread on Democrat stuff? That way there’s no need to create new threads on political stuff.
@JT954 so…segregation?
@JT954 Part of the problem is that people think that “Republican” and “Democrat” covers it. And that that offers much of a choice. It doesn’t. So, no.
But I’m okay not discussing politics here and there are many people I’d rather not discuss politics with, who are usually the fuckers that show up and shit all over everything.
@JT954 But I do reserve the right to make political comments in passing.
The reason for that historical precedent is largely because, until recently, SCJ needed a 60 vote supermajority to confirm, so bipartisan support was almost always needed. The Dems very short sightedly got rid of this around 2013, a simple majority is all that’s needed to overcome a fillibuster. There are a few Republican senators who have expressed some qualms about taking advantage of this so close to an election, because that’s exactly what they are doing, and yes it does make them hypocrites. However, they will likely cave to party pressure because they will have the opportunity to have conservative control the Supreme Court for at least a decade or two. This whole thing is a result of the increased rancor between the parties, each trying to obstruct and “stick it to” the other and average people are going to pay the price.

Actually the Democrats used the nuclear option for judicial appointments other than the Supreme Court. It was the Republicans who used it to get Neil Gorsuch confirmed.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002
Doesn’t justify its use by the Republicans.
“They did it first” is proof they are both morally and politically bankrupt.
Tell us you have no objections to North Korea nuking South Korea or Iran nuking Israel or Russia nuking Belarus or India nuking Pakistan, or China nuking the US. Because we nuked Japan to end a war first, and by your logic it is perfectly reasonable for them to do the same.
Bullshit is bullshit. You know it. Just stop.
It’s not a goid look for you. There is help.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002
I expect my congressional representatives to act better than toddlers in the job we elected them to do.
I also expect them to represent all of the constituents they swore to represent, and not act solely to benefit those that voted for them at the expense of those that didn’t.
The world is not better off in the “I got mine, so fuck you” utopia that the Republican party envisions it to be.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808
I am a democrat, the republicans are absolutely taking advantage of a door the dems opened (because the republicans were being so obstructionist). It is absolutely shitty. And there isn’t a god damn thing we can do about it except vote them all out in a month or whenever they’re up for re-election. I’m just explaining the situation to people who think the historical precedents in the case justify what is happening (ie trying to say the republicans aren’t being hypocrites), because it doesn’t.
@mike808 I made a statement of fact. I did not state opinion in any way. I did not make judgment of right or wrong. I did not say Ds bad - Rs good or vice versa. I will however make a judgment of you. You seem to be spring-loaded to argument and personal attack. I would say that is not a good look for you but I’ve honestly never seen anything else from you to compare with. Your obsession with nations nuking other nations is of some concern. Please seek help. https://www.betterhelp.com
@mtb002 You are correct to a point. But you failed to mention why the Republicans opened that door even wider. It was basically the same excuse the Democrats used: obstructionism. Obstruction seems to be the norm anymore for the minority party. R or D. IMHO this has got to stop as it’s only making matters worse.
@onlyonetruth So what can we do about it?
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @onlyonetruth
I understand that partisan politics has been a thing for as long as this country has been a thing. For some reason,though, if feels like it got really contentious during the Gengrich vs Clinton years and no one has been willing to back down/reach across the isle since. We had a few moments after 9/11 but they didn’t last long. The closest we cames since was Obama nominating Garland as a replacement for Scalia. Garland really is pretty moderate centrist, which I think actually represents what the majority of Americans actually are, whether they fall left or right of that center. But the republicans threw a giant fit, and it’s paying off for them in spades right now. They currently have no incentive to play nice.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
Sad that they need an incentive to play nice. It speaks volumes. They would rather destroy America than compromise and participate in … democracy like adults. Assholes to their core.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
Mike, it would do you good to be a little less militant and a little more open minded. The right isn’t as wretched as you claim, and the left most certainly isn’t as righteous as you believe. There are good people out there on both political sides - it’s therapeutic to take a breather every now and then and remember that.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
You mistake my position. I don’t claim the left is full of nobility. I claim the right is full of assholery.
If there are “good people” on the right as you claim, then they would be doing everything they could to remove the assholes from the party. But instead they embrace and enable them. So your “both siderism” argument is specious at best and dishonest at worst, and your claim is a false equivalency.
You excuse bad behavior by inaction to eject those elements from the party, and are complicit in the consequences. Don’t like being tarred with the same brush? Then stop cheerleading for them.
Even the Lincoln Project people can’t stomach the actions of the Dear Leader or Moscow Mitch. That should tell you something about having hitched your wagon to the wrong horse headed to the wrong side of history.
am I missing something here?
@chienfou Every single one of Republican Senators and Representatives for starters, especially the leadership and party loyalists. From Lindsey Graham and Roy Blunt to Josh Hawley and Jim Jordan. Even Susan Collins won’t go further than saying she’s “concerned”.
They’re not leaders, they’re enablers and sycophantic supplicants.
I’m sorry, I don’t see how this reinforces your opinion of ALL Republicans being asshats.
@chienfou None of those people have a vote in either the Senate or the House, whose job and sworn oath is to represent everyone in their state or district.
@mike808 OK, my bad. I wasn’t aware that you were ONLY speaking about elected officials in your "good people” on the right comment. I took it at face value…
I withdraw my comments…
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
Mike, I’m not going to keep trying to communicate with you. It’s not that I can’t spend a lot of time pointing out the fallacy in everything you seem to believe, without question, as incontrovertible fact, it’s that nothing will come of it. You go ahead and seethe with hate - be convinced that everyone on the right is an asshole. I hope you grow up someday and come to realize otherwise, for your sake and sanity. As for me, I could not care what brush you tar me with, nor do I believe that you’re not going to have a change of heart and decide that I’m just swell. I just mean, in a broad sense, that you can vehemently disagree with people without coming to the conclusion that they are all, every one, without exception, assholes.
I’ll add only this clarification to your litany of errors. The Lincoln Project is comprised of the refuse from the professional Right who lost their clout after the 2016 election. These are the neocon, corporate welfare, talk-a-good-game grifters who will never again be taken seriously by the conservatives who used to think those scam artists were actually conservative. As I have said about them before - you guys on the left can have them. They lost their audience on the right, and have found that they can sell their “I’m a conservative with muh principlez who can never support Trump and those who support Trump” to leftist benefactors (I imagine you lack the curiosity to look up the list of leftist billionaires who fund the Lincoln Project). The “Never Trump” grifters get paid for selling that schtick. It works on people like you - you’re their target audience. Like I said - you can keep the whole lot of them. They fit in much better in your party then they ever did in mine.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
I am not a member of the Lincoln Project. I am conservative as hell. I was going to vote for Alan Keyes in the 2000 primary except that I was a month or so too young.
President Trump is not conservative. He’s a populist. He doesn’t support limited government. He’s an authoritarian. He doesn’t support national defense. He undermines, smears, and ignores his own intelligence agencies. He is pro-business, but he supports the corporate socialism type as we saw with the bail-outs at the beginning of the pandemic. This is the same kind of corporate socialism that the Tea Party railed against ten years ago. He doesn’t support free trade. He enacted tariffs and started a trade war with China.
This might be what the Republican Party stands for these days, but it’s not Conservatism. I don’t count on Republicans to be conservative anymore.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
So, The Lincoln Project folks gets the “No True Scotsman” treatment. I don’t think you know what conservativism really means. And I don’t think the Trumpistas care, you included. Trump and his core advisors are narcissistic sociopathic liars who will simply use whatever label furthers their self interest and discard it without any principled integrity behind any position. It is a fantasy-land of intellectual disconnects and a philosophy built entirely on denying the contradictions and cognitive dissonance your own arguments create.
There is intellectual dishonesty in your every word, and zero integrity in your positions.
I posit you actually don’t have a position, and your abilities are limited to merely formulating an oppositional diatribe or parroting talking points with nothing constructive to contribute.
Anyone can destroy. What is it you and your fellow Trumpistas want to build? Surely you can formulate words around your vision of America? “Destroy the other tribe” isn’t a vision or constructive or a net positive outcome. So what is the Utopia you think awaits you after successfully “owning the libtards”? Do tell.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
Mike, please explain to me who exactly is destroying. I’ll limit this question to actual literal acts of destruction, to keep it simple enough for even you to maybe understand. Let’s take a survey of the land and catalog which side has chosen to destroy. I’m sure it’s all just justifiable “peaceful” protests and freedom of speech, blah blah leftist bullshit (BIRM) blah…
The only platform the political left really has is “Destroy the other tribe”. This isn’t even subject to debate. It’s been 100% their course of action since before Trump took office.
Your indoctrination into the jaundiced views of leftism is thorough. No doubt about that. I don’t think that quite qualifies you to expound upon what conservatism means. Trump and his core advisors may arguably be “narcissistic sociopathic liars”, but no more than any democrat politician in recent history, and certainly far less than Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, “the Squad”, and the rest of the band of traitors before whom you kneel. Biden’s track record has been exemplary as a card-carrying member of the “narcissistic sociopathic liar” club, but at this point his mental deterioration is to the point that he’s just reading or repeating the script his puppetmasters are giving him. It’s elder abuse, and I’ll leave it to them to do the abusing for the time being.
I don’t think you understand the meaning of the words “intellectual” and “integrity”. No. You clearly do not understand those concepts.
You mean, like screeching (not as concisely, mind you) OrangeManBad! as your argument to everything you cannot understand (which is everything, apparently).
And yes, the Lincoln Project is a hive of scum and villainy who you’d probably really get along with. With that said, there are absolutely legitimate criticisms of Trump and his administration. There are constructive and honorable (there’s another word you won’t understand…) ways to hold discussions and debates about policies. The Lincoln Project has taken the lefty approach, though at least they get paid pretty well to screech “OrangeManBad!!”…
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
Sure, he’s a populist. And despite a great deal of justifiable concern about him before he took office, he has managed to nudge the political goalposts back toward the center (from the far left where they had been further and further pushed by both parties in the past couple of decades). That qualifies him as conservative enough to have gotten a lot of peoples’ attention and their support for him to keep at it.
That’s the political environment Trump inherited. We don’t have a limited government. We have had a government of ever expanding power and greed for generations. He has been one of the first “republican” presidents to actually try to do something about this, but I agree it’s not enough yet. Four more years… And then additional like-minded administrations for the indefinite future thereafter. That’s what we need to get back to core government principles.
No he’s not. That’s entirely a leftist talking point.
This doesn’t even make sense. Of course he supports national defense. He had to fill a pretty big hole dug by the prior administration, but he has certainly made a priority of this issue. He does not support the career military brass who are primarily political manipulators - that much is true. But those asshats are the ones who don’t support national defense - they just support themselves and their power. Don’t conflate Trump’s skirmishes with them as lack of support for national defense - that’s just misguided.
“His” intelligence agencies (at least the swampy heads of those agencies) mounted a coup against him from the moment he won the nomination. This has been one of our greatest national disgraces, and there is no amount of vitriol and retribution that is too much for what those assholes have done to this country and Americans’ collective faith in the integrity of those agencies.
What kind of deal do you suppose he could have gotten through a democrat controlled congress? Remember what Pelosi was really trying to ram down our throats. If you believe bail-outs were necessary, then you have to accept that there are ideals and there are achievable possibilities. No one works in a vacuum in DC.
What we had before was not free trade. You can make an argument about whether or not tariffs are an effective coercive measure to even the playing field, but you cannot reasonably conclude that the trade situation that existed before was “free”. Trump does support free trade, but there is a process to get back to that ideal. You can pick nits with his methods, but your comment is incongruous.
Without doubt, the professional republicans have not been conservative for a very long time. Watching the inevitable “failure theater” of republicans always campaigning on conservative principles, but then always governing as democrat-light leftists (sometimes not even all that light) has been infuriating to those of us who have been voting for the past few decades. Hence the election of a populist who actually seems to have heard us, and much more so than the “republicans” of prior years, is actually doing some good for the country.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
Was there anything in there to articulate something you were actually for? Amongst the personal attacks and excuses of “it was so bad before Trump” (while pretending that is nothing like an implicit “destroy the other tribe” attack), I don’t think there was any substantively ideals or goals actually mentioned or stated clearly.
There was something possibly about “limited government”, and yet Trump has overseen and directed the most expansive federal government in history. So that can’t be it.
Then something about needing more time and like minded administrations to complete the work towards “actually doing some good for the country”. And yet what that means seems to be entirely lacking in the entirety of your “OrangeManGood, my alternate facts prove it, and You Suck” rant.
You did everything but answer the question: What does your vision of America look like?
Keeping in mind that less than half the country supports whatever it is that you think that is, and I want to know how that is “good” for me, exactly. Since I’m so thick and you’re so smart. You can use big words, I know how to work a dictionary.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
Mike, I’m not sure how to make this clear enough for you to understand, your working knowledge of dictionary usage notwithstanding. But because of my generous giving nature, here goes:
Start here:
Then go here:
There is a part 2 to this:
Our current education system, cultural rot, and fucked up entertainment and media have created a generation or two of brainwashed NPC drones, as your spiritual guru Vlad Lenin predicted.
Remember the part about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (see above if you’ve already forgotten)? Take that, subtract the Lenin shit, and live happily ever after.
@Limewater f*ck me for voluntarily getting involved into this “conversation” but dude(tte), Trump is not a populist. He’s popular but he is not a populist (and just because he tells us he is one, doesn’t mean we have to believe him!).
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
Maybe you should brush up on the 4th, 10th, and 14th. And someone should tell Trump, too. Being a “law and order” kinda sorta guy when it suits him.
And that part about “well regulated” in the 2nd also comes to mind.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
President Trump’s lack of support for limited government and his authoritarian streak are not leftist talking points. Or, at least, they are not just leftist talking points. I wouldn’t know. I don’t really read or listen to a lot of political commentators, particularly not leftist ones.
I say that President Trump is authoritarian because of his actions. He routinely fires his advisers and leadership who he perceives to be disloyal to him personally rather than based upon their their loyalty to their mission or their country. He appears to view personal loyalty as the highest ideal. He fired his Attorney General for recusing himself in the Russia investigation, an action he was legally and morally obligated to do. He is endorsing a who group of congressional hopefuls whose entire platform is that they will be sock puppets for the President and serve his agenda. Tommy Tuberville is running this exact campaign in my state. This is a dereliction of duty, a subversion of the separation of powers, and a rubber-stamp for supreme executive authority for the President.
I also say that he is authoritarian because he deployed ICE against U.S. citizens in land-locked cities.
And I will fully concede that this concentration of power in the executive branch has been going on for at least two administrations before President Trump took office. It was wrong then and it is wrong now. President Trump could have combated this himself and taken steps to restore a balance of power between the branches of government. Instead he has chosen to push it to crazy new heights.
He lowered taxes, which I generally support, even though he did it in a really weird way and I actually got a tax increase. But he did not accompany that cut with a cut in spending. That is not smaller government. It is also not fiscal conservatism.
I don’t know if the bail-out is the biggest in U.S. history, but it was multiple trillions of dollars. That is not smaller government. It is also not fiscal conservatism.
And look, I work in the Defense industry. I benefit a lot from the taxpayer money that the President has kept flowing to private defense contractors like my employer. He has not substantially increased the defense budget. It is still down significantly from its peak midway through the Obama administration, which is not something I am complaining about.
But I’m not talking about the financial aspects of Defense. I’m talking about listening to advisors who know what the fuck they’re talking about.
You dismiss positions as “liberal talking points” if you disagree with them. But this paragraph is absolutely a political hack talking point. The U.S. Intelligence Community is made up of tens of thousands of individuals, both government and contractor, ranging from hyper-liberal transgender twenty-year-olds to sixty-year-old white male conservatives. When President Trump won, a good number of those people pitched a fit. A good number of those people celebrated. If the leadership of those agencies mounted a coup against the President there would be a whistleblower. There would be a lot of whistleblowers. There weren’t.
You suggest maybe it’s just the leadership.
As a specific, publicly-verifiable counter-example, I’ll point to Adm. Mike Rogers, former director of the NSA. After President Trump’s election, Adm. Rogers went to New York to meet with the President-elect and actually got in a bit of trouble for it because he didn’t tell anyone before he disappeared. Those aren’t the moves of someone planning to overthrow the president.
Further, I am not aware of any intelligence agency ever suggesting that President Trump was in on the election interference. They shouldn’t bury the investigation just because it makes the President look bad.
I am out of time and need to get to work. I don’t have time to talk about the Constitution. I want to make my perspective clear, though. President Trump has done some conservative things. His Supreme Court picks, for example, have been very conservative. And I agree with you that the general media has been unfair to the President. The Democrats have been unfair to the President. But you know the old saying, “Just because you’re paranoid, that doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you?” There’s a corollary to that.
Just because they’re out to get you, that doesn’t mean you don’t have it coming.
The media does create scandals around President Trump. I believe this is overall a bad strategy because it hurts their credibility when reporting the stream of legitimate scandals that have been coming from the administration.
@njfan President Trump does not claim to be a Populist, as far as I know.
From the second paragraph of the Wikipedia entry on Populism:
This is pretty much President Trump’s political strategy in a nutshell. He got his “people,” mostly white, working and middle-class Americans and contrasted them with the “Coastal Elites,” the “Washington Insiders,” the “Liberal Media,” and illegal immigrants.
It’s not a new strategy, but he seems to have been particularly effective at it.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
Uh. Yeah. They’re all important, not just the ones you like or the ones that can be most easily twisted by activist judges to create laws suitable to the left.
As for the 2nd, the “shall not be infringed” part really is the most relevant and important.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
So you’re saying they’re all important, not just the ones you like, but it is OK to cherry pick the parts of the ones you like and leave out the parts you don’t?
And you keep saying nonsense like “activist judges to create laws” when you really mean “judges that make decisions you don’t like” - again you don’t get to cherry pick which laws you like or don’t like or which ones you want to enforce or not.
Eat your own dog food before you shove it down other’s throats. You don’t get to say pre-born life is sacred while racist cops and unregulated armed vigilante gangs killing fellow Americans and depriving them of due process isn’t.
People might take you more seriously if you weren’t such a blatant hippocrite and pathological liar. The same goes for the Republican leadership, starting with Trump. The fish rots from the head down.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
I was just responding to your silly comment. I’d prefer the constitution and bill of rights be taken as they are, at face value (as I’ve said, but you cannot seem to make yourself understand).
Try again - the left has used the SC (and lower courts when possible) to create and pass legislation that they could not get through actual legislative channels for years. The leftist SC justices have been selected for their “social justice” views, and their rulings uniformly reflect that. That is why you people freak the hell out when the right appoints constitutionalist judges. It puts the brakes on your “judicial legislation” ops.
So you are contending that “racist cops and unregulated armed vigilante gangs killing fellow Americans and depriving them of due process” is sacred to you? I mean, the things you say and support do go along with that insanity, but most of your ilk aren’t silly enough to say that sort of thing out loud…
That’s cute. You go with that, you genteel, open-minded, all-welcoming benefactor of all the world’s society, you!
BTW, that dictionary with which you mentioned having personal expertise would suggest a different spelling for “hypocrite”, but that’s probably just because it’s a far-right extremist dictionary.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
You really don’t understand how our government works if you think the judiciary can “create and pass legislation”. Feel free to fly your ignorance flag high, though. Trump loves you and your fellow rubes precisely because you are so gullible to his lies and will repeat the propaganda without question.
There is no shame in feeling victimized by the Republican party and Trump. There is help. https://rvat.org/
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
Maybe you should. If you think you’re primarily getting news from “centrist sources”, you’re probably missing a lot. I would contend that there really aren’t any “centrist” news sources at this point, so it’s worthwhile to read the stuff on the left and the right. It’s eye-opening, in fact. It’s incumbent upon each of us to assess that information and make judgments regarding how to interpret it. Clearly, there are differences among us in this regard. Still, if you’re going to take a position, it’s good to know as much as possible, from everywhere.
He didn’t come to DC with any political history or background. He therefore hired a lot of people who were longstanding members of the DC community. I think it’s objectively fair to say that a lot of those people turned out not to be loyal at all to mission or country, but instead to the DC community and their longstanding sinecures. Firing them is/was a feature, not a bug. I wish he’d have done it sooner, and I wish he’d do it more.
Yeah. You kinda gotta be able to trust the people you work with. He’s loyal to those who are loyal to him as well. I don’t know why anyone would consider this a negative.
Jeff Sessions should have resigned as Attorney General but instead allowed the president, his family, his campaign, his Transition Team, innocent men and women and the nation to be steamrolled for over two years by a criminal cabal. This occurred before Jeff Sessions was sworn in and during his time as Attorney General.
In Sessions’ own words:
Jeff Sessions: “The world needs to know how this happened. I’m very, very supportive of Attorney General Barr who’s made clear that he is going to find out how this got started. Whether there was a sufficient predicate or basis to even commence this investigation. Now we see how the Flynn matter was handled. It was stunningly improper. It should never have happened that way. It came from the very top of the FBI, Comey himself. The notes about how they would do the interviews whether they were into the truth or whether they were in to catch him in a lie. That was notes from the meeting Comey himself. He infected this investigation and he went after Flynn improperly in my view.”
There is so, so much more to this. It’s worth looking into if you want to be fully informed. You won’t get it from “mainstream” news sources. They aren’t mainstream anymore.
I have no idea what you’re talking about. ICE is, by definition, an agency that responds to illegal aliens, not U.S. citizens. If you’ll provide references, I promise to read them.
I dismiss liberal talking points as liberal talking points, with which, yes, I disagree.
It’s this comment in particular that suggests to me you tend to just watch network news, read the New York Times, and periodically check in on what’s left of the Drudge Report. It is maddening that this process is taking as long as it is. It is maddening that the D.C. establishment protects the D.C. establishment above and beyond all else, including truth and justice. It is maddening that you have to actively seek out information about the biggest political scandal in our nation’s history. Again, if you are actually interested in being informed, this is something to look into, including reading the partisan stuff from both the left and the right.
Please list the legitimate scandals coming from the administration.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
Mike, I think you just (again) proved that you have no idea what is actually going on. You have your set of prejudices, beliefs, and NPC programming, and that is all there is. No amount of reality, information, nor education can penetrate that barrier.
You go right on ahead and applaud when Sotomayor, Kagan, your late heroine RBG, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and countless other leftist judges and judiciary bodies “interpret” the constitution and legislation according to their SJW mores. I would disagree with you vehemently about that, but I could at least respect that you were being honest. But you can’t even see it. You think that those are honest jurists who stick to the law, with blind justice as their only guiding light.
How on earth is it possible for anyone to be this blind?
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
You should ask the 96-3 Senators who affirmed RBG about that. Many of them are still in office. Unlike Kavanaugh with only Manchin, the only Democrat and a DINO from WV who believed the lie that Trump was going to bring coal back as an industry and got left holding a bag of steaming intestinal till.
As I said before, if Trump weren’t a pathological liar, maybe people might believe even a few of the words he says, when he can manage to string them together into a coherent sentence these days.
I guess we’ll see tonight, the self-proclaimed “genius” in action, eh?
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
If Biden can stay awake that long…
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
As for the RBG vote - that used to be the way it was. Both parties held their noses and voted for the president’s choice. It was a “speak now or forever hold your peace” kind of thing. Senators historically would have had to have had some very specific reason to thumbs-down a vetted and reasonable SC pick (irrespective of their feelings about that candidate’s politics).
The democrats fixed that but good. Starting specifically with Bork, with your fearless leader Biden leading the mudslinging, character assassinating charge. Even still, no republican congress has ever done to another human being what your democrat braintrust does to every SC candidate with whose president they disagree.
@Limewater but by the wiki explanation provided, most politicians are Populists. I am not saying you’re wrong. I think my issue is with the evolving definition of what it means. Thank you for the clarification.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
So, Republicans win the race to the bottom. You must be proud there is no behavior or moral bound too abhorrent nor too offensive to which Trump and his merry band of sycophants, er, loyalists, will stoop.
@Limewater @mike808 @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
Mike, I’m not understanding how you came to that conclusion. The Chairman Biden and his Democrat controlled committee borked Bork so Republicans bad?
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002 This is how Mike “thinks”. It’s NPC programming, through and through. Pitiful…
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
You used what happened to Bork’s nomination as justification to do worse. The conclusion is straightforward.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
Uh. No I didn’t. And even if I had, republicans have never done worse. I’ve gotta ask - what are you even talking about?
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
Merrick Garland sends a fuck you. I’m all out.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002 Not getting a vote because your party doesn’t control the senate is not the same as character assassination. The former is politics. There is over a century of precedent for it from both parties. The latter is evil.
@Limewater @mike808 @mtb002 @onlyonetruth I totally agree with @onlyonetruth on this one. There is no comparison between the two. Besides. twenty-nine times in our nation’s history we’ve seen a Supreme Court vacancy in an election year or before an inauguration and in every instance, the sitting president proceeded with a nomination.
Nine presidents, including George Washington, Woodrow Wilson, William Taft, and Herbert Hoover, faced with whether to fill a Supreme Court vacancy in an election year, did so before Election Day when their party held the majority in the Senate.
And on nineteen different occasions up to 1968, the president sought to fill a Supreme Court vacancy while his own party controlled the Senate. Nine out of the ten nominations made before Election Day were successfully confirmed, while eight out of the nine nominations made after Election Day were also successfully confirmed.
Three presidents, who had already lost the presidential election, have filled lame-duck Supreme Court vacancies.
In 1992, then-Senator Joe Biden made clear the Senate had the right to proceed. He noted, however, that the Senate should ensure the process is ‘fair’ to the nominee.
In 1988, the Democratic-controlled Senate voted 97-0 to confirm Anthony Kennedy to the high court during the last year of Republican Ronald Reagan’s presidency.
Bottom line, there is precedence for President Trump to nominate, and the Senate to confirm, a new justice to the SCOTUS prior to the election. Or at a time prior to the inauguration even if the President is a lame duck. There is NO precedence for President Trump to ignore his Constitutional duty and NOT nominate a candidate to the Supreme Court. These are verifiable facts. Prove me wrong using facts.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @onlyonetruth
So, women who have been assaulted or sexually harassed should just keep quiet because a man’s reputation is more important? Thomas and Kavanaugh’s characters were assassinated, alright, but not by who you seem to think.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002 @onlyonetruth unfortunately that is reality. It is wrong, but yes that is what happens.
I have personally dealt with this topic and you have no idea how many times police would roll their eyes and tell me they were not going to go after him for breaking a RO or fill out any paperwork. Was not “worth their time”. I had to fight tooth and nail screaming and threatening the entire way to get resolution.
The system is badly broken
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002 @tinamarie1974 Tinamarie, with respect to you and what sounds like a truly horrible situation you had to endure, Thomas and Kavanaugh were victims of political hit jobs. There is no compelling reason to believe that the accusations against them were anything other than political hit jobs.
I realize that some people are going to believe otherwise irrespective of facts or reality, but another tragedy of that is that these false-accusation hit jobs dilute the tragedy of real sexual assault issues.
Don’t you know, @tinamarie1974, that all those “uppity” womenfolk are just fake news and part of the vast leftist antifa conspiracy?
Male/Gender Privilege is just as systemically and instititionally entrenched even more so than White/Racial Privilege. And I recognize that as a member of both, while doing what I can to have those same 14th Amendment rights recognized for everyone, especially those that have been and continue to be disenfranchised of them.
The answer isn’t giving up an inherently immutable privilege conferred upon me by others (e.g. by the police or bankers or landlords or employers as to what race or gender they believe me to be), but ensuring everyone else enjoys those same privileges.
I took tinamarie out of this - she said elsewhere that she does not want to be caught in these back-and-forths.
Mike, I await your condemnation of Joe Biden for his repulsive conduct toward women and girls for apparently his entire adult life, and for plausibly finger-raping Tara Reade. I just don’t thinks it’s quite right or fair that he gets to get away with it because he’s a democrat.
@mike808 @onlyonetruth But Tara Reade, who was collaborated by her co-workers, obviously lied because Biden says so. Meanwhile, Christine Blasey Ford, who could produce no collaborating whitnesses, must be believed because she’s a woman.
Double standard much? So the take-away from this is that we should believe ALL women except of course those who accuse a Democrat.
I know Bill Clinton will verify that.
@Limewater @mike808 @onlyonetruth
@mtb002 Please see the above post from me. You said:
NO! Every woman must be heard. It doesn’t matter the race, creed, color, politics, and/or whatever. They must be heard. Christine Blasey Ford was heard and it was a bipartisan effort to allow it to happen. Remember the Republicans controlled things at the time. So the woman who accused someone of sexual assault at a high school party without a single collaborating witness got heard.
Do you think Tara Reade should be heard?
She does have collaborating witnesses. She claims to have been assaulted, to the point of penetration, by then Senator Joe Biden in the halls of Congress. He gets to say, “No I didn’t.” and walk away. Where’s the FBI investigation? Where’s the outrage? Even Kamala Harris stated she believed Tara Reade before she was shut up by being given the VP slot.
When does Tara Reade get heard?
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @onlyonetruth
She has been heard. Trump is no better than Biden in this department, so you may want to pick another hill to plant your flag on. I also believed Flowers. I think this country owes Monica Lewinsky an apology.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
Bill and Hillary Clinton both owe Monica Lewinsky and the country an apology.
Trump has probably done some adulterous and possibly paid shit with women that I find wretched, but they were consensual. The accusations against him for nonconsensual assault do not strike me as true. Those accusations have been vetted, given that the desire to get OrangeManBad has been quite the motivation for many on the hypocritical left (BIRM). And yet those accusations remain implausible.
Biden, on the other hand, should have some ‘splainin’ to do, but he gets away with a whimpered “come on, man…”, and suddenly #somewomenlie…
@Limewater @mike808 @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
So that makes it OK? So Biden gets a pass? Wow! And that’s all folks for the #metoo movement. Cancelled.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002 @onlyonetruth Hillary Clinton absolutely does not owe Monica Lewinsky an apology. In no reality does the betrayed spouse owe the “other man” or “other woman” an apology.
@Limewater @mike808 @mtb002 @onlyonetruth I totally agree with this.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002 Are you familiar with what Hillary personally did to destroy Ms. Lewinsky in an effort to protect her husband’s (and therefore her) power?
If she had been an innocent spouse of a cheating slimeball, I’d wholeheartedly agree with you. However, what she did to Lewinsky is unforgivable.
@Limewater @mike808 @mtb002 @onlyonetruth Sorry OOT. but I can’t back you fully on this one. Monica had a consensual but illicit relationship with a married man. They were caught. I can say I’ve been there and had that done to me by an x-wife. So in my book whatever Monica got, Monica deserved.
These four women: Juanita Broaddrick who accused Clinton of raping her in 1978; Leslie Millwee who accused Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1980; Paula Jones who accused Clinton of exposing himself to her in 1991 as well as sexually harassing her; and Kathleen Willey who accused Clinton of groping her without her consent in 1993 did not deserve what they lived through from Hillary.
Yes I remember that time. When was it the term suicided started?
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
Fair enough. I’m not a Monica fan or apologist. I do think that the power imbalance between the president in the oval office and a young intern is somewhat mitigating as far as her conduct. Hillary set out to destroy her anyway, to try and save face for herself and her husband. Monica was still an adult and still made a conscious choice, so she is certainly deserving of suffering the consequences of her conduct. With that said, Hillary is one hell of an executioner…
This list is incomplete, but it’s close:
Complete List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously or Committed Suicide Before Testimony, Including Jeffrey Epstein
@Limewater @mike808 @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
I said that I don’t read or listen to political commentators. Commentators are not news sources. No legitimate news source is going to refer to an FBI investigation as a “criminal cabal.” I read and listen to news from a number of sources. I also work a lot of hours and have young children. I don’t have time to listen to other people telling me what to think. The talking heads don’t generally have access to information that is not out there in the news to get for yourself.
And personal loyalty is fine, but never over the country or the law or the Constitution. That is why President Trump’s valuing of personal loyalty over all is a problem.
I am no fan of Jeff Sessions, but the man recused himself on an investigation because he had a personal conflict of interest. This is absolutely and unquestionably the right thing to do. Trump condemned him for NOT VIOLATING THE LAW.
That is not Conservatism.
So President Trump came in, built a team of people who were not loyal to mission or country, then replaced all of those people with new ones who were also not loyal to mission or country and had to be replaced again?
From my recollection, every time the President fires someone he doesn’t accuse them of being disloyal to the country. If he mentions loyalty at all, it’s loyalty to him. He also calls a lot of them RINOs and liars. It’s amazing that he’s so incredibly good at hiring such terrible people…
And yes, there were mistakes made in the Russia investigation. Mueller said as much in his testimony yesterday. But it was based upon real intelligence and it needed to happen and the final conclusions are valid.
And I think I misspoke about ICE. It was Customs and Border Protection who the President deployed against the U.S. citizens. I am not on board with a lot of the stuff the protestors in rioters in Portland were doing. There was a lot of criminal activity going on. But sending CBP against U.S. Citizens was absolutely wrong. It was a clear violation of states rights, for one thing. And I can say that without even humanizing the protestors/rioters.
And I’ve worked with some CBP guys. I don’t have anything against CBP, and I bet a lot of the guys sent to Portland didn’t really want to go and weren’t too happy with what they were being commanded to do.
It’s funny that you dismiss what I said about the Intelligence Community because I’m probably just watching network news and reading the New York Times. First because it’s not true, and second because my sources for my points on this topic are not news outlets. Period.
As far as legitimate scandals, sure:
Hurricane Dorian: The President made a small mistake and refused to admit it and then forced NOAA to issue a statement saying he’d been right all along. I don’t like to call it “Sharpiegate” because I hate the practice of sticking the “-gate” suffix on something to denote it as a scandal. Also because I don’t know what brand of permanent marker was used.
The revelation that President Trump knew how serious Covid-19 was back in February but downplayed it to the public to not panic people.
President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine which led to his impeachment.
The latest scandal involving President Trump’s tax returns.
The Trump family’s continued use of private e-mail for official business, sidestepping federal records laws, which is the same thing Hillary Clinton had a huge scandal over.
The President ordering officials to give Jared Kushner a security clearance.
I could go on, but I have already spent more time than I can afford writing this. At this point I wish I had just dropped the scandals and stuff and just focused on why President Trump is not a Conservative. Oh well.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
Have you heard how the “legitimate news sources” refer to Trump and many of his associates, or how they present “news” and “information”? Sorry Limewater, but everyone is now a political commentator.
If you want to be well informed, then it’s incumbent upon you to recognize that and seek balance in your information sources. If you think you’re getting that from “legitimate news sources”, then you’re either purposefully or mistakenly deluding yourself.
If it’s purposeful, then that’s fine but stop calling yourself a conservative.
This is the kind of thing you should want to be better informed about. The following is not made up or out of context. This information isn’t even hard to find, though your “legitimate news sources” have embargoed it (because they are in fact political commentators). These are two of many articles that immediately came to mind. They are both good synopses, but you can find this information discussed elsewhere if you prefer. The one place you will not find it, however, is in “legitimate news sources”:
Obama, Biden Oval Office Meeting On January 5 Was Key To Entire Anti-Trump Operation
‘Trump Was Right’: Explosive New FBI Texts Detail Internal Furor Over Handling Of ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ Investigation
Sessions was pressured to recuse himself by a very interested Obama transition team, which included names you will recognize. An attorney general should stand for truth and justice - Sessions cowered under the pressure and slunk off into the shadows. He was feckless, weak, and manipulatable, to the significant detriment of this country. That is why he was fired.
Uh yeah ok. This again is information that’s freely available, just not in “legitimate news sources”. I quoted it from here, but again do your own research.
*"…on Tuesday, Lindsey Graham released a letter from John Ratcliffe, the director of National Intelligence. In it, Ratcliffe wrote that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were both involved in originating the Russia hoax and that former CIA director John Brennan pushed the investigation.
Ratcliffe’s letter to Graham contained three specific pieces of new information: {here is the actual letter from Brennan}.
Here’s what Ratcliffe revealed: in July 2016, American intelligence learned that Russia claimed to have learned that the Hillary Clinton campaign planned to undermine Trump. According to Russia, the Clinton group was going to say Trump had ties both to Putin and to the alleged Russian hacking of the Democrat National Committee email account. (There’s still no proof, beyond Clinton camp claims, that Russia was behind the hacking.)
Armed with this information, former CIA director John Brennan went to the White House to brief President Obama and senior national security officials. According to Brennan’s handwritten notes, this briefing included telling them about the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her former policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.”
A little over a month after these revelations, national security officials sent a referral to Trump-haters Comey and Strzok regarding “U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s approval of a plan concerning U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private mail service.”
I understand the quoted language, above, to mean that national security officials were telling Comey and Strzok to investigate Hillary Clinton’s campaign — as in, please find out whether Clinton actually approved a plan to accuse Trump of colluding with the Russians as a way to distract from her crimes.
But that’s not how the FBI interpreted it. Instead, with substantial assists from the White House and the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ launched a full investigation into Donald Trump, the victim of Hillary’s corrupt plan…"*
If I’m an innocent bystander or victim of riots or other systematic assaults against me, my family, or my property, and the local authorities are doing nothing to help (or in fact are fanning the flames), I’d like to believe that the federal government will assist to reestablish law and order (and protect my rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness).
In the current situations, I wish that the government could do more. The role for government should be as limited as possible, but one of their most important roles is the safety and security of it’s law-abiding citizens.
None of those are scandals. Some of them are silly or stupid. To clarify:
If this kind of stupidity is a scandal, then you have your panties on way too tight. It’s an egotistical man doing something dumb and being embarrassed about it. Not really a scandal, methinks.
While assembling and adhering to the recommendations of a task-force made up of people with all the right credentials, working with healthcare systems, government agencies, and private industry to do everything possible to produce and make available testing and PPE supplies, dealing with domestic shutdowns and international travel restrictions, the leader of the free world said and did what he could to avoid stoking a mass panic.
That isn’t a scandal - that’s leadership. The scandal is the way it’s reported and spun.
Come on, man. There never was any impropriety or scandal here. Again, you can believe what you want here, but don’t say this and then try to say you’re a conservative.
A businessman used existing tax law (under the direction of Obama/Biden) to legally minimize his tax burden. That’s a scandal?
You can say that Obama’s tax policy was a scandal, but then you’d have to acknowledge that Trump has been trying to fix it.
The only real scandal here is that the NY Times committed a series of felonies in accessing and reviewing the tax records of private citizens. No one will go to jail for their crimes, because democrats are never held accountable to such standards (particularly when going after OrangeManBad). That’s the scandal.
The use of private email in this context is inappropriate, and those who did it should be instructed to stop (as well as deal with any consequences). This is not the same as having an unsecure private server for such emails to avoid any scrutiny of official/personal/private communications, and then scrubbing the data and physically destroying the hardware and devices that had access to that email, despite a subpoena to protect that information.
You strike me as smart enough not to fall for this motte and bailey fallacy scam…
Just because you or some people don’t like the family connection doesn’t make it a scandal. Just as food for thought, was it a scandal that Obama was given security clearances, though his established connections with convicted domestic terrorists disqualified him for such?
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002 @onlyonetruth I have a couple of minutes. I’ll write a little bit more about how President Trump is not really conservative. I may be repeating myself.
A decade ago the Tea Party became a big deal. Conservatives were pissed off at the taxpayer money being used to bail out the large automakers who were “too big to fail.” It was corporate welfare.
President Trump still references the Tea Party. He did it just the other day talking about the IRS. He said (paraphrased) “The IRS treats me very badly. They treat me like the Tea Party.”
Yet President Trump just presided over a GIGANTIC corporate bail-out for the airlines. He was adamant that the airlines get bailed out. In fact, when a congressman said, “Hey, the United States Constitution says that we need a quorum to pass this huge bailout” he was called an “asshole” and the President tweeted that he should be kicked out of the Republican Party.
Again, the President tweeted that this congressman should be kicked out of the Republican Party for trying to get Congress to follow the Constitution.
That is NOT conservatism.
And yes, the congressman in question is an asshole for lots of reasons. They all are. But nobody who claims to stand for the Constitution should ever condemn another person upholding the Constitution. I shouldn’t even have to write this.
Again, it’s not all terrible. I think that the President has selected very conservative nominees for the Supreme Court, though he probably could have found someone less otherwise-sketchy than Kavanaugh. And I don’t blame the President at all for what is going on right now with the controversy over this recent nomination. I think the real problem there is what Mitch McConnell did four years ago. But I don’t want to talk about McConnell. I just write that to clarify that I don’t think that the President is doing anything wrong in nominating a Justice.
Other unconstitutional things that the President has done include bypassing congress to get border wall funding and attempting “absolute authority” over state and local governments regarding Covid-19. Absolute executive authority is not part of American Conservatism.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
Thanks for these thoughts.
I also want to restate that I don’t think that Trump or all of his actions are 100% within the bounds of conservatism. I only contend that, on balance, he has been far more conservative a president than any other in my lifetime, save perhaps Reagan. But even Reagan had some notable caves to the left (ahem amnesty…).
No one is flawless. Some (OrangeManBad apparently) are more flawed than others. I think we have to take the package deal. Trump has been infinitely better for this country than Jeb! would have been. I had voted for Cruz in the primary, and there are days I really wish he had been the nominee. But I wonder if Cruz would actually have won the election. I doubt it, actually.
I have made the decision to stop picking nits over the legislative salad that comes out of DC. I’m pleased that, on balance, more of the ingredients are conservative or conservative-leaning under this administration. I’m pleased that OrangeManBad fights for conservative principles, albeit clumsily and sometimes boorishly.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
*Ratcliffe - I meant Ratcliffe where I said “{here is the actual letter from Brennan}”.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
Whoa! I clearly came into this conversation with some wrong assumptions.
What exactly do you think “conservative” means?
American Conservatism is a political ideology that holds a general set of values. These values typically include limited government, individual liberty, Constitutionalism, fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, free trade, and Judeo-Christian values. I’ll be honest, I do kind of take issue with the Christian values part because I honestly think that aspect of American Conservatism is very bad for the Church, but that’s a separate topic.
But Conservatism is about support of these principles. Conservatism has absolutely nothing to do with where you choose to get your news, or if you even choose to follow the news at all. I’m still a Conservative when I listen to NPR and hear Steve Inskeep desperately try (and fail) to remain neutral and objective because believe in and support conservative values. I am still a Conservative when I listen to all of the Lifelock and prostate supplement ads on AM talk radio, because I believe in and support conservative values. I was a Conservative for several years when I didn’t follow the news at all, because I believed in and supported conservative values. Not following the news was great. I recommend it.
“Conservative” isn’t a club or a team or (in the U.S.) a political party. There aren’t membership dues. I don’t have to read certain things to maintain my eligibility, or believe certain conspiracy theories, or promise to give President Trump or any other Republican a free pass to maintain my status as a Conservative. I just have to believe in and support the principles of American Conservatism.
I write about Conservatism and you write about Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and horrible things they may or may not have done to Donald Trump. None of that has anything to do with American Conservatism. That’s just partisan bullshit.
If your definition of “Conservatism” is loyalty to the Republican Party and/or President Trump then you’ve just defining it tautologically.
“Donald Trump supports conservative principles?”
What are conservative principles?
“The ones Donald Trump supports.”
I am not saying that is necessarily what you are doing, but your last post makes it look an awful lot like that is what you are doing.
I may respond to the rest but, again, I have gone way over my time budget just talking about the definition of “Conservative.” I read one of the link you posted. It… didn’t really change anything in relation to Donald Trump’s status as a Conservative. I will read the others.
@Limewater @Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002
@Limewater, I owe you an apology. I can’t actually know what’s in your heart, and my comments about your conservatism as a reflection of your assessment of a specific issue were not fair to you. Thanks for your reply - you were far more patient in it than my comment above merited.
If we get back to that topic in the future, I will keep it on a more factual and less knee-jerk level.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @mtb002 @onlyonetruth
Thanks, but if it were about my heart I probably wouldn’t be a Conservative.
Bottom line. We don’t get to vote on any of this. What Trump is doing to manipulate votes. Or the supreme court appointment. Fighting on a forum does nothing. If you want your senators to vote one way tell them and hope they actually read their stuff or at least get a summary. If you don’t like what they do try and vote them out.
I wish that calling them mattered, but unless you are a huge party donor, who ever is answering the phone will nod and smile and pretend to take a message. They are playing political chicken, banking that conservatives controlling the Supreme Court for the foreseeable future is worth losing the presidency and possibly control of the senate for the next 4-8 years.
@mtb002 I’m aware but if even that doesn’t matter maybe we’re fucked and have to sort out a better way which we can’t do this close to an election. Might have to just ride it out.
@unksol agreed,

/giphy hold on to your butts
/youtube put your head between your legs and kiss your bum goodbye chicken run
Sad for our country.
They turned into a giant shitshow and many mehtizens started to ignore them.
@chienfou Which speaks highly of Mehtizens as a group…
Arguing about arguing about politics. Cool!
@cranky1950 Actually this was closer to a discussion than it has been. Now if we can just dispense with the name calling and personal attacks…
@cranky1950 @Mehrocco_Mole
@chienfou Santa? Did I miss something?
unfortunately, both beliefs are about as likely.
@chienfou So you say Santa is real? By your logic the peace agreements signed by United Arab Emirates-Israel-Bahrain, and between Serbia and Kosovo don’t exist. As Meghan McCain said on The View, “…appreciate the fact that there’s going to be embassies for Israel in Middle Eastern countries right now and it really is an amazing step forward for peace in the Middle East and for any pro-Israel American, it was a really big day.”
It can happen, it does happen! On a large world stage or in a lowly Meh forum. All we have to do is try.
Recognize this?
For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals
Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination
We learned to talk
It doesn’t have to be like this
All we need to do is make sure we keep talking
My point (albeit perhaps poorly made, since you didn’t get it…) was that the likelihood of the first occurring any time soon was about the same as the second being true.
As for the
By your logic, dispensing with the name calling and personal attacks is ill-advised since this too is ‘talking’.
As important as it is to keep talking, it REALLY helps if people also LISTEN and try to comprehend. That part of the equation has sadly been lacking all around.
PS I love Pink Floyd and really like that song… so thanks for that.
@chienfou Oh I understood your point and I disagreed with it. It’s sorta like the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek. Star Wars is SF fantasy that’s (to most sane people) literally impossible. Star Trek on the other hand while improbable is highly possible. You stated an impossibility while I presented a possible. It was really just that. I don’t think either one of us initially did a good job of that one.
Have you heard of the Arab-Israeli Peace Talks & Listenings? Of course you haven’t. The listenings are literally silent. (see what I did there?) The listenings are implied and integral to any ‘talks’. Notice that ‘talks’ is plural? Without the listen we would have a tree falling in the forest. So you saying that my logic implies.
I disagree. Be it name calling, personal attacks, mud slinging, or stamping your foot and holding your breath. none of these imply ‘talking’. This is all yelling, throwing temper tantrums, and, well, stamping your foot and holding your breath. Nothing more. It conveys no usable information so therefore IMHO it does not fall into the classification of ‘talks’.
A bit of personal90 history: I literally followed Pink Floyd from coast to coast to coast. While stationed in Norfolk, VA. we returned from a mini-det 2 days after tickets went on sale for a Philly concert. A few months later we gave away our helicopters (RH53D), decommissioned our squadron (HM-16) and commissioned our new squadron (HM-15) with new model helicopters (MH53E) and a new home in Alameda, CA. In the days before we arrived the San Francisco Pink Floyd concerts sold out. When I retired I traveled to Lakeland, FL to visit with family and arrived the same day the tickets to the Pink Floyd concert sold out. I was (and still am) not destined to ever see the greatest of all time band live. On the other hand I have seen the Moody Blues 3 times so there is that.
That’s not entirely true. It does tend to convey the mental age of the person doing the yelling, throwing of temper tantrums, and stomping their foot whist holding their breath. While this could be considered by some a form of communication I still wouldn’t call it talking.
BTW: It was my own quote I was correcting.
Needs to be said.
Couldn’t resist…
OK, this has devolved into a semantics discussion that I didn’t really foresee. Here are the definitions of “talk” from the Cambridge dictionary site:
My point is that the act of talking includes speech that may be unproductive due to it’s content, but it is still ‘talking’.
I understand your wishing that more people would talk (B2 above) and wholeheartedly agree that would be awesome. Unfortunately the cynic in me doesn’t see that happening in the current day. It is my sincere wish that it will, some day (hopefully soon…), be a reality, but I am not holding my breath…
Re your PF experiences. That’s a bummer. Though seeing the MB would have been pretty cool. I truly enjoyed the Emerson, Lake and Palmer show I saw back in the day.
That last bit sounds like Schrödinger’s cat… or the meh toothbrushes of a few years back.
Oh, and lastly… at the risk of sounding trite;
Thank you for your Service.
(Having parents who came to the US from France in 1951 I often tell vets that if it wasn’t for the American GI I would probably speak German instead of French… )
Saw this and thought it was important to share.
@tinamarie1974 YES!!! THIS!!!
@Mehrocco_Mole @tinamarie1974
So, does legislating/adjudicating to abolish voting protections and reproductive rights for over half the citizenry count as “how you treat people?” Because I have concerns about how the people who voted differently than I did view my personhood and right to body autonomy.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002 there is a difference between having an intelligent discussion and name calling. What we have seen most on this site is name calling from the right and the left because others do not agree with a members POV.
The entire population is never going to agree 100%; we would be a boring country if we did. What we should be, is happy that we live in a country where we are allowed to have and speak our opinion without fear of prosecution. We should also be respectful of others even if you don’t see eye to eye with them. We are all human after all.
That statement had nothing to do with my political views, more with reminding people to be civil. Seems like we have forgotten to be kind to each other.

@Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002 @tinamarie1974
Meh is clearly a site whose frequenters tend to lean to the political left. I don’t care about that. I’ve never cared about that. I still have enjoyed the people who post here frequently and the general spirit of the site.
For quite a while, there have been a few of the lefty Meh folk who have repeatedly dropped festering liquid shit bombs of insults as knee-jerk reactions to any suggestion of the political right, Trump, or current events, whether or not anyone actually said anything about or in favor of the right. It’s become a hate-sport of sorts.
I created this account to call that shit out. I still don’t care that there are a lot of people here on the political left. I think most of you are people who mean well, but have different views, and I respect that. I think it’s possible to have discussions with most of you, even though we really are not going to change each others’ minds.
But some of you started flinging hate, for no other reason than because you could. If those individual assholes don’t speak for everyone, why on earth wouldn’t someone in the political majority here have called them out on it long ago?
@Mehrocco_Mole @onlyonetruth @tinamarie1974
The invective comes from feeling personally attacked by the very platform of Republicans. If it were all fiscal, I don’t think you’d see this much rancor. I really wish there was a viable 3rd party, because I don’t think that (most)fiscal conservatives really do feel that strongly about the things that the socially liberal are so passionate about.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mtb002 @onlyonetruth they are not personal attacks. I think that is one of the issues we are seeing these days. Guarantee politicians have no idea who you are and are not passing laws based upon your POV.
People are SCREAMING their opinions and feel that will reform those who do not agree. It does not work, it just pisses everyone off. I think the polls state that only 11% of the US is undecided, meaning the vast majority of the US has already decided where they stand and negative back and forth will not change their minds.
We just need to realize that some people will disagree with our point of view and respect them for their differences. Why be rude and condescending to others? It takes A LOT of energy and puts bad energy out there.
@tinamarie1974 This gutter level of political discourse was started by one Donald Trump. He found out that the name calling, the insults, the bullying not only appealed to his base, but it invigorated them. Yet they act so surprised and upset when the same type of language is hurled back at them. Look who started this trend and maybe take some responsibility for not disavowing that type of language from the beginning.
@Felton10 well I did, if you notice I do not participate or bully folks! Why join em if you are disgusted by them? Doesn’t that make you the same? I am not being an ass, I am genuinely asking.
@Felton10 @tinamarie1974 Felton, I don’t think you’ve been paying attention to the rhetoric of your own side.
A Deplorable
@tinamarie1974 Obviously they response to that type of name calling and insults so I figured that is the only way to get their attention. They obviously don’t respond to reasons or facts or they would have seen through Trump’s charade long ago.
@Felton10 I choose to ignore and walk away. Why engage, neither party will change their mind and like I said by engaging you add more hatred to the world.
To each their own
@tinamarie1974 I am sure that would be the prudent if not right thing to do, but the hatred and vitriol coming from the right-especially at the top of the party makes that very difficult to do. The fact that Republicans totally discount, disregard and forgive all of Trump transgressions just to get the majority on the Supreme Court among other things is unforgivable.
@Felton10 @tinamarie1974 Felton, I wish you’d let someone try to explain it to you. I tried, but you won’t listen to anything I have to say because I’m alternatively a sock puppet, a piece of shit, etc. Maybe all of those things at once. I don’t know - it doesn’t matter.
You’re full of excuses and reasons for why republicans accept Trump’s foibles. You put words in our mouths, attribute malice to our reasoning, and reject any discussion regarding our motivations.
You did not spontaneously find yourself clutching your metaphorical pearls the day Trump came down his escalator. This schtick of yours that you are responding in kind to the stuff you perceive about the right is weak sauce.
If you want to be above that fray, then be above that fray. No one you should want to have a discussion with would want to devolve into hateful vitriol. You very much started that at Meh (along with a couple of your comrades). Trump didn’t make you do that. Republicans didn’t make you do that.
Either be a complete dick and own it, or stop being a dick. But please, for the love of Irk, stop being a dick and then blaming Trump and the republicans for it.
@Felton10 maybe that is true? But by joining in and mimicking an attitude you believe to be wrong, you are as bad as those you find deplorable and you show that it is acceptable.
Again, where does it get you? Both sides yell at each other and no one listens.
@tinamarie1974 All the points you make a good and valid and probably correct, but one can’t help how they react to actions which they consider both unbelievable, unconscionable, and against all good sense and reason.
@Felton10 thank you
But what change has occurred based upon your reactions here or elsewhere? Vote, that is your chance to make a difference. Anything you say here, doesn’t move the needle.
@tinamarie1974 Think my blood pressure has gone up permanently by about 10 points-not good. We already have our absentee ballots and plan to complete them and mail them in this week.
@Felton10 I have started meditating, it seems to help.

Get that ballot in early!!!
amen, sister!
@tinamarie1974 No need to try to convince anyone of anything-Trump did it in spades last night-if his performance didn’t convince people to vote Democratic nothing I am going to say is going to change their minds.
@Felton10 @tinamarie1974 Trump wasn’t a sweet gentleman, but please tell me any one thing that Biden said that was not a deflection, a duck, or a flat out lie. Really - tell me any one thing.
@Felton10 @tinamarie1974
By the way - just a bit of food for thought:
Telemundo poll on who won the debate:
66% Trump
34% Biden
These are the Hispanic folks Biden has “locked in”…
@Felton10 @onlyonetruth hey guys please remove me from this back and forth. I don’t want to be in it nor do I want to be notified and see statements that go south (we know it will happen)
“Telemundo hosts warned the poll was “not scientific” but was based on the responses on the participation of its followers on Twitter.”
@cinoclav Does that surprise you? Or maybe he was listening to Trump who said that every poll said he won the debate.
@cinoclav @Felton10
Meanwhile, Trump forced Biden to declare himself (although Biden managed to avoid stating explicitly that he’ll pack the Supreme Court, ending the American experiment). This is what Trump got Biden to say:
“The party is me. Right now, I am the Democratic party.” The Democrat party is a doddering old man who everyone knows was hopped up on Adderall to handle the debate.
On the subject of socialist medicine, “There is no manifesto…” Biden just disavowed the Democrat Party platform, which Bernie Sanders’ team wrote. It’s filled with socialist ideas.
“The Green New Deal is not my plan.” First, this is a lie. Second, this is an atom bomb against the base, as it would be if Trump were to tell his base, “I’m going to tear down the wall.”
“Nobody’s going to build another coal-fired plant in America. No one’s going to build another oil fire plant in America.” What’s that? Did I just hear Pennsylvania and West Virginia throw their weight to Trump?
“Antifa is an idea, not an organization.” Tell that to those Americans – many of them Democrats – who saw “ideas” clad in black and spewing vile obscenities, burn down their businesses and drive from the streets the police who keep their communities safe.
Trump gave his base red meat. Even those who disliked his style will vote for him. Meanwhile, Biden left his base with a sour taste in their mouths, knowing they’re being used.
@Felton10 @onlyonetruth I’ve stopped responding to you because it’s really just a waste of time. I wasn’t going to this time either but I had to one last time. I don’t give a flying fuck about your flowery writing. You’re incredibly pompous and you believe it makes you appear all knowing. You live in this insane fantasy land where almost everything your keyboard vomits is derived from Trump or his followers false narratives. Your entire post is one big opinion piece as usual, with no facts reinforcing your words.
First of all, Biden has never been accused of using drugs until Trump started making excuses for why Biden might not be as dull witted as Trump was attempting to make you believe. Your ilk ran with it on the basis of, ‘If we repeat it enough it has to be true.’ In the meantime, Trump has an actual witness who has discussed his Adderall abuse. Not to mention an actual video of something looking suspiciously like a piece of a white pill flying out of his nose.
When Biden said, “I’m the Democratic party,” you know damn well he was inferring that he represents the party and decisions made would be by him, not by the party pushing a different agenda on him. It was in response to Trump saying Democrats wanted to abolish private health care plans. He’s made it clear that’s not what he wants to do. It’s also not what the party is pushing. Though to be honest, I wish they would. Private insurance is the bane of healthcare and the reason people are gouged for anything and everything health related.
Read Biden’s plan. It is definitely not the same as the Green New Deal. If you actually followed the past discussion about it, overall the base doesn’t agree in full with it. It’s a plan spoken of by the most left leaning members, which are certainly not the majority. The only bomb here is your attempt at claiming it’s a lie. But we all know if you just claim it’s a lie than it has to be, right?
Are you even remotely aware of what’s happened to the coal industry under Trump? All his false promises have backfired. The largest privately owned coal company in the country, Murray Energy (run of course by a bigly Trump supporter) filed for bankruptcy last year. Trump did nothing to save them. Coal output has dropped continuously. West Virginia and Pennsylvania (where I happen to live) are well aware that coal is a dead industry. They don’t want false promises of it’s revival, they want jobs. That means the future of renewable energy, which has overtaken coal is where the jobs are. Biden and Democrats understand this and that is where they’re focused.
Antifa is NOT an organization. There is no Antifa headquarters and no President of Antifa. It’s a movement. You and Trump can declare it whatever you want but that doesn’t make it so. Even the fake Twitter account posted as Antifa was found to be run by Identity Evropa, a neo-Nazi, white supremacist organization. As for your ‘men in black’ it is widely known by law enforcement that white supremacists have been at the heart of much of the worst violence during the protests. I’m sure you’re aware of ‘umbrella man,’ known for starting the fires and looting in Minneapolis. Gee, what a surprise it was when he was identified as a member of the Aryan Cowboys and Hell’s Angels, right? But that doesn’t jibe with your anti-BLM mindset, so continue placing blame where it doesn’t exist. By the way, do I really need to break down the meaning of antifa? I’m sure I don’t, but let’s do it. Anti-fascist. Wow, isn’t that simple? Against fascism! What a grand idea! If you’re not against it, you’re with it. So good job being a fascist. You must be proud. Hell, you might even be so proud that you would want to be a proud boy. Stand back and stand by, I’m sure they’ll be there for you.
Finally, Biden sure as hell didn’t leave his base with a sour taste. Trump made an absolute fool of himself, acting like an insolent child, constantly interrupting, making a concerted effort to get Biden’s stutter going. Yet Biden laughed him off, told him off, and stood strong without ever showing signs of that supposed decreased mental ability Trump would like you to believe. If you think Biden’s base wasn’t thrilled with this debate you may want to explain why Dems raised almost $10 million during the debate, including donations from more than 60,000 brand new contributors, and had almost 100,000 people sign up to volunteer for his campaign. Since RBG passed away two weeks ago they’ve raised over $300 million. Hey, come to think of it, that could almost put a dent in the loans Trump owes to foreign countries.
I really am done. As always, I know you’ll insist on getting the last word in with yet another diatribe of opinionated lies. Feel free. I won’t be reading it and I certainly won’t be responding to it.
@cinoclav @Felton10 Touchy touchy…
You’re consistent - both of you. Always wrong but never in doubt.
I think I piss you off so much because the arrogance, hypocrisy, and bluster you accuse me of are you. Projection. I’m not a shrink, or I’d try to help you.
It’s the added hate that really is your special secret sauce, though. Seething, angry, and utterly irrational. That’s what makes you people so damn dangerous. You and your “movements”…
I’d just say that one of us will have the last laugh on Nov 3rd and let it go, but I really do think there are good odds you people will manufacture enough post-facto “votes” to steal the election.
@cinoclav I’ve stopped responding to that POS-he gets off by you responding to him. Don’t give him that satisfaction. Just let him jack off by himself-the way most Trump supporters get satisfaction.
@cinoclav @Felton10 Ah, the jack-off comment again. One of your NPC programming subroutines or just more projection?
I don’t mind that you’re too ashamed of yourself to respond to me. I’ve read your posts. It’s totally understandable.
Trump said why should he agree to change the rules for the 2nd and 3rd debates since he clearly won the first debate.
Was their another debate on TV that I missed?
The one I saw was one where Trump was totally delusional with diarrhea of the mouth and where he interrupted Biden and the moderator 73 times with lie after lie.
@Felton10 Actually, Trump didn’t lie at all. Biden didn’t say a word of truth. This isn’t just me hitting you with a counterpoint. This is just fact.
But you like the appearance of gentility, over the reality of integrity. I can’t fix that for you, but you should really try to work on it on your own.

@mike808 @onlyonetruth Monte Python for the win
Not all Trump supporters are racists, but you can be sure that 100% of racists are Trump supporters.
@Felton10 You topped yourself again! I thought that you really could not possibly say anything stupider than the stuff you said in so many prior rants, but you have outdone yourself marvelously!
/giphy well done

@Felton10 @onlyonetruth
That has to be the most asinine statement coming from you in the history of forever. The Democrats and their side groups BLM and Anti-First Amendment keep saying that all white people are racists. Hmmm, following your logic that means all white people will be supporting and voting for President Trump.
Hope Hicks just tested positive for Covid-19 but Trump and Malaria aren’t going to get it because it is almost gone and a Democratic Hoax-right?
@Felton10 Her name is Melania. You really don’t know anything, huh?
@onlyonetruth Try to be nice and understanding. @Felton10 is xenophobic and can’t help it.
@onlyonetruth Do you remember when Michelle and the children were strictly off limits? And the Republicans and MSM respected that limit? @Felton10 I know you’re too young to remember but it really did happen.
Let’s see. It been over 2 hours since the news broke about Hope Hicks testing positive although they may have known it since Wed. Now the President is in Quarantine. Don’t you thing the first thing they did was give him a rapid test and the result surely would be back by now. If it was negative, don’t you think they would have announced that fact.
Yet-this disgusting POS mocked Biden for wearing a mask. If there is any justice in this world, he will see first hand what happens to those who do not wearing a mask.
@Felton10 I’m trying to make sense of whatever point you’re trying to make here. Let me see if I’ve got this straight. While you’re gleefully hopping up and down hoping beyond hope and praying to… gaia?.. that Trump gets really sick and then dies a horrible suffocating death, you’re also hoping that the world will learn the moral about how masks are key to everyone’s survival?
How do I explain that to all of the committed mask wearers who also contracted the Wuhan Virus?? I just can’t seem to understand how not wearing the mask is why Trump (maybe) got it, but wearing the mask didn’t protect so many others who also got it.
@Felton10 @onlyonetruth
@Felton10 @Mehrocco_Mole With that said, if you’re actually sick, wearing a mask can modestly decrease the amount of particles you sneeze and cough into your immediate surroundings.
However, if you are at a BLM or Antifa (concept/movement/bullshit-leftist-lie-du-jour) “peaceful” protest, then no masks are required. Gaia protects those sweet souls from the terrors of the OrangeManBad virus.
@Felton10 News just out 5 minutes ago that both he and the first lady tested positive. Let’s just hope that Biden was far enough away not to be exposed too. With Trump doing all that yelling even 10 feet away isn’t enough.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz
But the source is CNN, so it must be fake news.
@Felton10 @mike808 Apparently he tweeted they tested positive and so now a bunch of stories. No one has brought up yet that Biden could have been exposed due to the debate.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz @mike808 Even a stopped clock is right twice per day…
Word is that Hope Hicks started showing symptoms coming back on AF1 and they snuck her off the back of the plane trying to keep this quiet. And Trump although he had been exposed, he went about his regular schedule on Thursday infecting other people rather than quarantine himself as recommended for people in his situation.
Couldn’t keep himself safe, couldn’t keep the people around him safe and couldn’t keep the country safe.
Total failure as not only the President but as a human being as well.
@Felton10 Not to be outdone even by himself Felton comes up with another asinine statement. So 7,361,455 of your fellow citizens are total failures because they tested positive for the covid19 virus. Huh. A normal human being would express some sort of sympathy and wish a speedy recovery. Both Biden and Harris did. And you have the gall to call President Trump a failure as a human being.
I’m going with pale green.
That would be the color of the sky in your world.
Sympathy for what?
His total disregard for mask wearing and social distancing plus his mockery of those who wore masks. His total lack of admitting and addressing this problem on a national scale given him being the President.
By his inaction he is directly responsible for thousands of deaths as well as his own infection. He totally got what he deserved.
@Felton10 @Mehrocco_Mole
Felton, you are a caricature of the cruelty, blindness, and rigid devotion to a destructive ideology that characterizes the modern left in this country. A caricature in that you take these wretched traits and magnify their most grotesque elements into an even more hideous monster. I would again venture that you are embarrassing your own people with your disgusting rhetoric, but I don’t think you understand or care.
@Felton10 @onlyonetruth
So this is the high road Michelle Obama speaks of so fondly. Obviously a road less traveled by you my friend. If you have to ask…
You need to work on your definition of total. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

He wears masks as called for. Always has a mask on his person.
Plus his mockery of Biden was along the lines of mocking those who wear their masks while alone in their car. “President Donald Trump is mocking his Democratic rival for letting his mask hang off his ear when he delivers speeches.”, according to this MSN story He does not mock the actual wearing of the mask. As a matter of fact he stated during the debate that masks are good. Biden on the other hand seems to use his mask as a prop. All alone, 200 feet from anyone. and wearing a mask until he starts talking.
By his actions it could be argued he saved millions of lives. The original estimate was for 2.2 million American deaths. We now stand at a little over 0.2 million. President Trump was taking action while the Democrats were still playing games with their sham impeachment. He was taking action while Biden was calling him a xenophobe for shutting down travel from China. And remember what the repatriated Americans went through when they were recalled from China? No? Didn’t think so.
You really need to get a grip on your rabid hatred. It really does make you look the 13 year old eating Hot Pockets in your Mom’s basement. Not a good look for you. Not really a good look for anyone.
So try this; Show us you are capable of stating your point of view without using hateful names. I know it’s a challenge but I think you are intelligent enough to pull it off. Your current methods will not change my mind. Your current methods would not change anybody’s mind. So we know how you feel about things but we do not know why you harbor such vile hatred. So try to explain it to us in a civil, factful, non-ranting manner.
We’ll see if you’re capable.
@Mehrocco_Mole Holding up a mask that he took out of his pocket more times then the number of times he actually wore one means my statement is more true than false. Only seen him wearing one twice as opposed to the hundreds of time he could have worn one but didn’t.
I find it amusing that you take offense to what you consider to be hateful names considering Trump is the king of calling people hateful names knowing that his base gets off on it. So it is OK for Trump but not OK for others to respond like that.
Maybe if I had any inkling that Trump cared at all about the American people rather than his own wealth, stature, greatness and what people think of him I might give him a pass. But he is the most unfit person ever to be President. He cares nothing about you and me-but you are either too uneducated, retarded or brain dead to see that.
@Felton10 @Mehrocco_Mole
@Felton10 @onlyonetruth
Yeah, I didn’t think so either. I held out hope though.
@Felton10 @onlyonetruth
@Felton10 @Mehrocco_Mole
You try to talk to them, but…

Possibly a limited vocabulary? The thread further up was going pretty good as far as civility was concerned. Proof that you can have a discussion, disagree with each other, and still have a civil discourse.
@Mehrocco_Mole Sorry, can’t really reply. I’m a Trump guy, so I’m too busy jerking off and flushing myself down the toilet. Or something. Did I get that right? I’m subbing in for Felty here, as he seems to have wandered away again…
@onlyonetruth BTW: Isn’t retarded at the top of the PC verboten list?
As of October 1, I accept full and complete responsibility for the insanity that is the US political system right now. Civil War 2 coming soon.
@kykazaa no. Goats get blame but for the stupid little stuff not major systemic stuff.
@CaptAmehrican @kykazaa
Who do we blame for not explaining the Rules of Scapegoatingdom to the newbie scapegoat when all scapegoats are newbies, by definition?
I do blame @kykazaa for Cap’s unreasonable expectation here, despite agreeing with it.
@kykazaa @mike808 perhaps that is the previous goats fault? Lets blame @weboh
@CaptAmehrican whew. I thought I was going to be responsible for the end of the world
@CaptAmehrican @mike808 where is the ‘idiots guide to being a goat’?
@kykazaa No, there are things well and beyond the blame of the goat. You’re excused from those.
@kykazaa @mike808 i wrote you a guide
@CaptAmehrican @kykazaa

I didn’t get a guide. Oh, I see it is just a topic.
Idiot’s Guide to being a Goat
I still didn’t get a trophy. So there’s blame for that.
@CaptAmehrican @kykazaa @mike808 I made that trophy with my Curio machine.
Trust your lefty elites. They just care soooo much!
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf and Representative Wendy Ullman… were caught on a hot mic giggling about the “political theater” they were about to partake in at a press conference.
Wolf is heard telling Ullman he’s going to take off his mask to speak while Ullman responds that she’s going to keep hers on for the cameras to make sure people see her in it. “I’m waiting so we can do a little political theater,” she says, laughing. “So it’s on camera!”
@onlyonetruth Sort of like LA County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer Saying Schools Won’t Reopen Until After November Election.
It’s a farce. Nothing but political theater.
Biden campaign pulls all negative ads; Trump campaign continues bashing opponent.
Trump’s campaign has made no such promise. In a fundraising email sent to supporters after Trump was hospitalized for the coronavirus, the campaign attacked Biden, saying he wasn’t “fit” for the office.
“We all know that Sleepy Joe isn’t fit to be YOUR President,” the email states. “We know it. You know it. And even Obama knows it — that’s why he’s holding a fundraiser with Kamala instead of Joe, who is probably already asleep in his basement.”
@onlyonetruth Will you look at this! @Felton10 actually posted something that could be called mostly true. Hallelujah!
@Mehrocco_Mole Everything I post is true. You are just too stubborn to recognize it.
@Felton10 @onlyonetruth Well it looks like the Biden folks lied. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-campaign-blasts-biden-for-running-negative-ads-while-president-is-hospitalized
@Felton10 @Mehrocco_Mole @onlyonetruth while ads can be pulled it is not instantaneous and for some it can be too late to pull. Look in a week or so after there is time to actually get all the different media outlets to take care of it. Also he doesn’t have control over what some groups who support him do as they are run totally independent of him. All he can do is pull the ones from groups he is responsible for/has some say over and ask the others he has no control over to please pull theirs too.
Fake News. Trump and his sycophants lie about everything, and this is no different. They’re just desperate for any press at all now that Trump is incapacitated and laid up in the hospital like the weak, overweight, frail 74-year old man he is.
Biden pulled the negative ads. They switched them out for his Build Back America themed ads that don’t mention Trump at all. I saw one, so it’s true.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz @onlyonetruth
Yeah, it pretty much is. I have 20+ years in the television business, some of it in Master Control and working with the traffic department. We’ve had to pull political spots before at a moments notice for various reasons; and that was back in the days of chain breaks. Today it’s all automated with computer based logs and video files. A spot can literally be pulled and replaced in seconds.
Biden’s campaign said, “It’s not as easy as flipping a switch to pull down all negative ads nationwide across hundreds of TV stations. It may take a day or so for the ads to be fully removed from the rotation, but Biden is committed to doing so, the campaign added.” So Mike, I guess they’re generating their own fake news now?
But wait, you saw one (just 1?) so it must be true for every market? And this despite what Biden’s campaign said? Did you even bother to read the story or are you manufacturing your own facts again?
Why is it so hard to believe a politician lied?

@Felton10 @Mehrocco_Mole @onlyonetruth Hey folks if I could be deleted from all the replies I’d appreciate it. Thanks.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz @onlyonetruth
The good news is that not all democrats are soulless monsters…
Survey Finds Disturbing Results On How Democrats Feel About Trump’s Coronavirus Diagnosis
The poll found that a stunning 40 percent of Democrats reported feeling “happy” over the news, while 31 percent reported feeling “excited.”
The poll also found that a disturbing 61 percent of Democrats were either “not too concerned” or “not concerned at all” about “Trump’s well-being,” and that 56 percent of Democrats were either “not too concerned” or “not concerned at all” about “Melania’s well-being.”
@onlyonetruth What a sad commentary on today’s political, not to mention moral atmosphere.
An attending physician at Walter Reed National Medical Center harshly criticized President Trump’s motorcade photo op as something which could endanger lives of Secret Service agents who accompanied him in his SUV.
“Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary Presidential ‘drive-by’ just now has to be quarantined for 14 days. They might get sick. They may die. For political theater. Commanded by Trump to put their lives at risk for theater. This is insanity,” Dr. James Phillips tweeted.
Phillips has been an attending physician for almost three years at Walter Reed medical center and is also a board certified emergency medicine physician and assistant professor at George Washington University Hospital in Washington, D.C.
“That Presidential SUV is not only bulletproof, but hermetically sealed against chemical attack. The risk of COVID19 transmission inside is as high as it gets outside of medical procedures. The irresponsibility is astounding. My thoughts are with the Secret Service forced to play,” Phillips tweeted.
@Felton10 Huh. A democrat doc has his 15 minutes of fame, and Felty wets himself. Who here is surprised?
Anyone? Anyone at all??
NEW: Doctors okayed POTUS drive-by supporters. Deputy Press Secretary tells @markknoller “Appropriate precautions were taken in the execution of this movement to protect POTUS + all those supporting it, including PPE…cleared by the medical team as safe to do.” @CBSNews
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) October 5, 2020
@Felton10 There’s just so much commentary from various people. Here’s more, Felty!
"Everyone in the car was masked up, with the Secret Service in the car in N95 masks, gowns, gloves and face shields.
But the very same people who talk about masks all the time and drive around masked up in a car by themselves flipped out that he took a ride outside with the two Secret Service people."
"President Trump with coronavirus riding in a car with Secret Service who he is around ALL the time to wave at supporters?
NY hospitals sending coronavirus patients to nursing homes where thousands died?
— Heather (@hrenee80) October 5, 2020"
@Felton10 Why, Felty! It’s almost as though biased people say biased things! Wow!!!
Now would you like to share some other dumbass shit, or is it time for you to wander away again?
Someone had a bad case of diarrhea last night, but given that he is full of sh-t, that is not surprising.
How many people never got to see or speak to their loved ones before they died and this contagious dotard takes takes a joyride photo op for his deplorables.
@Felton10 Ah, now you’re onto something. I suggest you take that adorable rage of yours and direct it toward the “leadership” of the blue states you’re so very fond of. Those brave emissaries of Decency ™ kept up such draconian “health” measures far, far beyond their expiration dates as political ploys against OrangeManBad. They’re still up to it.
You can make a difference Felty, you unique precious snowflake! Call them right now and direct your particular brand of fecal-onanistic animus at them until they can’t help but do something right, for a change…
Letter to the editor in local paper
I’m an intensive care and infectious diseases specialist taking care of and doing clinical research on COVID19 patients. I am absolutely astounded at President Trump’s cavalier attitude towards his staff. When i have go into a COVID patients room, i have on a full body gown, gloves and an N95 mask…every single time. And even then, i’m worried i’ll catch this illness. Nobody goes in the room unless absolutely necessary. This infection kills a small number of adults with risks going up with every decade of life. I assume most of the secret service agents are in their 30’s and 40’s. Their risk is not insignificant for severe illness and death is certainly possible. For older agents, the numbers only get worse. It’s just unconscionable to put these public servants at risk for this kind of purpose. I’m sure that secret service agents would take a bullet for the president. Doesn’t he owe them some consideration of their health in return? I mean, god forbid, if one of those agents gets sick and dies, what is he going to tell the spouse and children? This is insane.
@Felton10 @onlyonetruth And this ‘local’ doctor is where? He/she is privy to all the precautions taken? I thought it was unethical for a Dr. to do a long distant diagnosis without speaking to the patient or consulting attending physicians.
But hey, why pass up your 15 minutes of fame, right doc?
I believe her. Don’t you?
Helps to know most people have awareness and good sense.
@kdemo Obviously not some of the trolls, Russian bots and low information people here.
@Felton10 - Don’t tell them, but the Covid stunts are only helping Biden.
@kdemo You would think that anyone with an ounce of sense would know that, but then again you are dealing with people who voted for and still support Trump so there you go.
The hallmark of decorum and decency - a return to the norms all smart ™ Americans are desperately striving for! Ladies and gentlemen, your racist, pedophile, perverted candidate…
Mike Pence told the Hill in 2017 that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won’t attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side, either. He confided he might try to “rawdog” the women like Trump did to Stormy Daniels.
x 200,000
@mike808 Mike, do you have any intention of sharing whatever it is you’re smoking?
You sound like a liberal socialist. There’s hope for you yet.
Now, replace what you think I’m smoking with healthcare.
@mike808 Please don’t be insulting.
I was referring to your implication that I should share my resources with you for free without question or compensation. Pretty much the definition of a liberal socialist expectation.
Perhaps I mistook that for your dog-whistle exercise of white male privilege and that I should “help a fellow proud boy out” with some free stick-it-to-the-man over-regulated medicinal substances for self-medication.
My bad.
200,000 dead Americans from Coronavirus.
He EXPOSED us all
to COVID-19.
He EXPOSED his incompetency.
He EXPOSED his racism.
He EXPOSED his disregard for the health, safety, and wellbeing of anyone.
He EXPOSED his sociopathy.
He EXPOSED his narcissism.
He EXPOSED his corruption.
He EXPOSED his inability to be truthful.
He EXPOSED his lack of decency and morals.
Well you should be getting it by now. In what way? When? How? Is it verifiable?
You are entitled to you own opinion.

You are entitled to peacefully express those opinions.
You are NOT entitled to call your opinions facts without backing them up with verifiable facts.
@mike808 @onlyonetruth

Trump called his Coronvirus infection a “blessing from God”. If it is the final nail in his coffin re him getting elected, I will agree with him.
That was not a fly on Pence’s head last night. It was a miniature drone Mother deploys whenever Pence is going to be spending time with members of the opposite sex.
Now we know for sure why the fly was attracted to Pence last night
@Felton10 Felty, Felty, Felty…
You may want to be a little bit more careful hurling around your silly, puerile, and utterly meaningless NPC drone insults… Or, perhaps the shoe fits, yes?
Looks like my comments hit too close to home to our gutless comrade? Pence is hiding something-we just don’t know what it is yet? But for Trump his insanity and immoral corruption is on full display now.
@Felton10 You’re just babbling now. Try to say something rational. Oh wait - it’s NPC Felty…
/giphy belly laugh

@Felton10 Colbert just speculated that Pence is a zombie, because of the fly. Thoughts?
@OldCatLady Whatever he is, he sure isn’t human. Bet that man has some serious anal-retentive issues. And calling his wife “mother”-creepy to say the least.
@Felton10 @OldCatLady Colbert is the libbies’ “thought” leader. Yeah. That’s about right. Inasmuch as libbies have thoughts.
To be accurate, Americans understand libbies’ “thoughts” as programming. Unfortunately, you’re not going to understand any of what I just said. It goes against your programming…
Educating liberals. One idiot at a time…
@onlyonetruth I love the look on that guys face when he realizes just how racist Biden still is.
@Felton10 See, now you’re dissin’ on the Goonies. You can say whatever the fuck you want about Trump, Republicans, and all of the other good and decent things that you cannot understand. That’s fine. No one takes you seriously, and you keep reinforcing your NPC drone status with every post.
But DO NOT shit on the Goonies - especially Sloth.
That crosses a line, bitch.
Watch it with the name calling.
I’d also like to point out that you think it’s an insult to Sloth for him to be put onto Trump’s body. Looks like we can agree on that.
@ExtraMedium I didn’t mean that as a name call, as much as a tongue in cheek “ghetto” slam. Please feel free to edit out the last word.
@ExtraMedium As to your second point, using anybody’s physical characteristics as a way to make fun of someone is pretty damn awful. That’s what Felton is doing here. So no, we’re not going to agree on that.
You mean epithets like “Pocahontas” Elizabeth Warren, "Fat"Jerry Nadler, “Little” Mark Zuckerberg, “Little” Adam Schiff, “Liddle” Bob Corker, “Little” Marco Rubio, …
Yeah, I agree, its pretty damned awful.
@ExtraMedium Was it simply a misspelling of “beeotch”? These kids nowadays…
@mike808 The vast majority of us, including I imagine a lot of Trump’s supporters, do not like that shit. It doesn’t change what he stands for in terms standing up for America’s history, borders, culture, and ideals, so the package deal is what it is.
For how much you libbies claim to be shocked (!) - SHOCKED I TELL YOU(!!!) - and wounded by Trump’s rhetoric and name calling, you seem to indulge even more heavily in even worse yourselves. But yeah - Trump’s words are soooo terrible that you’ve just about clutched your pearls into mush. More projection, I suppose.
It’s one of the less destructive (though still irritating) mental disorders that liberals share.
/image Pence fly on head

Mike Pence goes into a bar with a fly on his head.
The bartender asks, “What can I do for you?”
The fly says, “Can you get this guy off my ass?”
@mike808 So, I see it’s time for jokes. Here’s one that funny because it’s true!
How can you tell a butthurt libbie whose candidate lost the debate?
They will talk about anything (even an insect) except the facts that their candidate was snarky, unlikeable, and more importantly, lied, ducked, and flip-flopped miserably for all 90 minutes.
@mike808 @onlyonetruth When America puts a political “debate” (“interrupted, chopped up stump speech”) on TV, everyone involved loses. As far as I could tell, they both were lying constantly, with Pence ignoring the moderator and clock and Harris being annoyingly smug.
Thought they were both bad, but better than their respective Presidential candidates.
Don’t see anything wrong with being smug. At least she didn’t draw flies like that POS-Pence of shit did.
@Felton10 @InnocuousFarmer That’s weak Felty. You’re just wasting everybody’s time…
Can’t you at least try to be witty or something?
@Felton10 Fail. Syphilis isn’t a virus. Damn you’re a dumbass. I mean, weaponized level dumbass.
@Felton10 Aaaannnd… Felty’s very next post proves my point about as thoroughly as it is possible to do. Honestly, I did not pay him to post that. He did that of his own, exceptionally dumbass, accord.
Indianapolis, IN — In a surprise announcement today, Vice President Mike Pence said that gay conversion therapy saved his marriage. The controversial Republican, who was elected the 50th governor of the Hoosier State, has been a long-time proponent of a “Biblical view” on homosexuality.
As a member of Congress stated that the legislative branch “should oppose any effort to recognize “the homosexuals” as a ‘discrete and insular minority’ entitled to the protection of anti-discrimination laws similar to those extended to women and ethnic minorities.”
“It [gay conversion therapy] was instrumental in helping me in overcoming certain urges,” said the Vice President in an interview with Fox News. “With God’s help and the work of many of His therapists, I was able to seek the straight path when I was a younger man. If it weren’t for that, I would have never been able to marry.”
@Felton10 Felton, you’re not just an idiot, you’re a gullible idiot. But this is consistent with your pattern of leftist insanity: you will believe anything your programmers feed you.
On 12 November 2016, the Nevada County Scooper web site published an article reporting on Vice President-elect Mike Pence’s “surprise announcement” to Fox News that gay “conversion therapy” helped save his marriage by helping him to resist “certain urges”:
There was no truth to this story. The site on which this story originated, the Nevada County Scooper, is a fake news site which we have highlighted for its bogus posts in the past. Besides failing to include any video of Pence’s “interview” with Fox News, it also invented a fake college roommate for the Indiana governor who used stereotypical language to describe his “younger self…
It’s a win win situation for everyone. tRump drags his sick fat contagious ass down to Florida for a rally. His idiot retarded base turns out in droves without masks and social distancing. Either they infect themselves or tRump does it to them like he did to everyone in the White House. His numbnut followers get Covid and are too sick to vote on November 3rd. Everyone wins except those who might die, but then they are probably too stupid keep on living anyway.
And if I dare to dream, a side benefit is that Gov Ron DeSantASS gives tRump a big hug and a wet sloppy kiss on his lips (if he can get his lips off tRump’s ass) and gets Covid also.
@Felton10 Remember that time when you cried and whined and whimpered about the bad Orange Man calling people names? Remember how that was totes mean and terrible and nobody should do that because it hurt your FEELZ?
You hate yourself Felty. That must suck.
If it’s any consolation to you though, lots and lots of people also hate you (from both political sides - you should see some of the things people have whispered to me), so you have lots of company. It’s good to belong, I suppose. Yay for Felty.
Isn’t this the point where you say something about name calling?
@Mehrocco_Mole I don’t care even the slightest about people attacking politicians. The name calling statement was forum user directed to forum user. That’s where my concerns lie. Feel free to call any political figure of your choosing anything you choose.
@ExtraMedium @onlyonetruth I understand and respect your position, but could you please explain to me how calling me a retarded idiot is not forum user directed to forum user.
@Mehrocco_Mole Saying a group of people are idiots is not the same as saying you are an idiot regardless of your affiliation with the group as the attack is on the group and not you, but I see your point and understand that this isn’t limited to a single statement in a single thread and is much more widespread as a problem. That said I’m sorry @Felton10 hurt your feelings and I’m sure he’s very sorry for doing so.
@ExtraMedium It’s all good.
But you have to admit that last part was a bit snarky.
Hint: They’re all Biden quotes…
@Felton10 Reductio ad Hitlerum = You Lose.
The problem with your silly meme is that none of the stuff in that list that you NPC fools believe about Trump is true, except the part about the press as the enemy of the people. But even that isn’t globally true - it just applies to the NPC programming venues.
But yeah. Literally Hitler. Good NPC. Felty is a Good little NPC…
After absurdly pulling down his face mask to cough during a campaign event in Las Vegas on Friday, Joe Biden decided to ditch the face mask while campaigning in Erie, Pa., on Saturday.
But maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. And I don’t mean because of the obvious inconsistency of when and where he wears a face mask.
Maybe he should have worn the mask so that he could have blamed the following gaffe on the mask muddling his words.
“Everywhere I’ve been hearing all around the country, ‘You’re trying your breast, but it never feels like enough.'”
Oh, Joe… really?
Okay, I know he’s pushing up there in years, and he’s, I’m sure, trying his “breast” to speak, but come on, man.
How may ways can I feel up my daughter-let me count the ways Trump says
@Felton10 As generally nuts as you are, this particular obsession of yours is just sick. You really should think about how what you post reflects about yourself.
@Felton10 As I think about it, I wonder… are you jealous of Trump?
Wait - Are you jealous of Ivanka???
Yep - that’s it!! I finally figured Felty out!
@Felton10 @onlyonetruth Some day Felton, you too will be old enough to actually have children yourself, assuming of course you don’t earn yourself a Darwin Award first. And maybe, again someday, you might have a daughter of your own. At that time you might understand the bonds and deep love that exists between father & daughter. There is nothing sexual in any of those pictures except for what you seem to want to see. The most questionable picture (lower, right corner of the last group) is President Trump withdrawing his hand from his daughters arm. Nothing to see here folks.

Going forward could you please try to keep your perversions focused on your obsession with poop and leave the pedophilia to Biden.
@Mehrocco_Mole Have to talk about shit because every time I read the stuff that spews forth from your uneducated mouth-shit comes to mind.
And yes-we have had a lot of people who do inappropriate things, but Trump is a pervert pure and simple. Grab them by the pu$$Y, rawdoging a porn star and paying her to keep quiet right after his wife gave birth, walking into the dressing room where teenage beauty contestants are dressing, 26 women accusing him or inappropriate touching and rape.
I am sure your response along with diarrhea from the gutless Russian bot will not focus on anything I said above because all you guys have to offer is name calling and insults just like tRump. No facts are ever presented because you have none.
@Felton10 @Mehrocco_Mole
Felty, I’m not sure all of your other NPC comrades have the built-in English translater upgrade yet. Here’s your above printout in language that they too can understand:
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@Felton10 @onlyonetruth 48 65 20 77 6f 6e 27 74 20 67 65 74 20 69 74 2e 20 20 49 20 72 65 6d 65 6d 62 65 72 20 75 73 69 6e 67 20 74 68 69 73 20 61 73 20 61 20 73 65 63 72 65 74 20 63 6f 64 65 20 61 20 6c 6f 6e 67 2c 20 6c 6f 6e 67 20 74 69 6d 65 20 61 67 6f 2e
@Felton10 @Mehrocco_Mole
72 101 32 100 111 101 115 110 39 116 32 97 99 116 117 97 108 108 121 32 103 101 116 32 109 117 99 104 32 97 116 32 97 108 108 46 32 72 101 32 106 117 115 116 32 114 101 103 117 114 103 105 116 97 116 101 115 32 115 104 105 116 32 82 97 99 104 101 108 32 77 97 100 100 111 119 32 116 101 108 108 115 32 104 105 109 46
@Felton10 @onlyonetruth 84 104 105 115
32 105 115 32 116 114 117 101 46 32 32 83 97 100 32 98 117 116 32 116 114 117 101 46
@onlyonetruth It’s these kind of posts that give you absolutely no credibility. Biden/Harris weren’t holding a rally, it wasn’t a public event. They didn’t announce any details about it in order to prevent crowds in the middle of a pandemic. Seems they actually care enough about people that they don’t want to see them getting sick.
When senior citizen Floridians have swung to the Democratic nominee, you know Trump is in trouble.
Is there any leftist BS talking point that you wont bend over and spread for?
Here’s another of your “not a public event”…
@onlyonetruth I really don’t even get if you’re this completely ignorant to reality or you think you’re somehow pushing buttons with stupid comments about ‘leftist bs talking points.’ The reporter in the video that YOU posted even starts to explain how staffers kept the details of the visit quiet before the audio suddenly shifts and her comment is cut off. But hey, if you want to think that it’s some sort of empty rally and that makes you sleep better, then you do you. Seems pretty clear you won’t be sleeping very well in a few weeks.
As for the photo above, that was a Sanders thing. Sorry, but no one gives a shit about Sanders. Even so, you can see the ‘socially distanced’ boxes painted on the grass.
Remember when Trumpers said that no one ever showed up to Hillary’s rallies? Yeah, I took this at one I attended. They had to turn people away. Be sure to enlarge it for a better view.

Then again, Trump just really draws them in every time, doesn’t he?

Please, for the love of God, stop embarrassing yourself here. It’s gotten to the point where you’re posting five times as often as Felton and the only one that gives a shit anymore is a mole.
@cinoclav And yet you can’t help but keep an eye out… in case Felton needs an assist, I guess. And he does. Very, very often. Every time, actually.
You’re not very good at it, though…
It’s funny you should bring up “Hillary’s” crowds. She had a lot of celebs do shows to open her events. People would show up for the free show, and then leave before and during Hillary’s speech. You must have been quite proud. Worked out well for her, too…
Donald Trump tried to go after former McCain Campaign Strategist Steve Schmidt, the head of The Lincoln Project, on Twitter.
In case you did not already see his reply (you probably already did) - - Schmidt didn’t hold anything back in his reply:
“You’ve never beaten me at anything. This is our first dance. Did you like, Covita? We are so much better at this than your team of crooks, wife beaters, degenerates, weirdos and losers.
You are losing. We heard you loved Evita. You saw it so many times. Where will you live out your years in disgrace? Will you buy Jeffrey Epstein’s island? One last extra special deal from him? Or will you be drooling on yourself in a suite at Walter Reed? Maybe you will be in prison?
I bet you fear that. The Manhattan District Attorney may not be around to cover for you or your crooked kids anymore. Eliza Orlins doesn’t believe in different sets of rules for the Trumps. What about the State Attorney General? You know what you’ve done.
Oh, Donald. Who do you owe almost $500 million in personally guaranteed loans to? It’s all coming down. You think you and your disgusting family are going to be in deal-flow next year? Are you really that delusional?
You are lucky Chris Wallace interrupted you after Joe Biden said you weren’t smart. You started to melt down. That’s the place that hurts the most. Right? Fred Sr., knew it. You’ve spent your whole life proving it. You aren’t very smart. You couldn’t take the SAT on your own. What was the real score? 970? We both know you know.
Are the steroids wearing off? Is the euphoria fading? Do you feel foggy? Tired? Do you ache? How is the breathing? Hmmm. Are you watching TV today? We will have some nice surprises for you. Everyone is laughing at you. You are a joke. A splendid moron turned deadly clown.
Did you watch Martha McSally in her debate against American hero, fighter pilot, test pilot, astronaut Capt. Mark Kelly? She is so embarrassed by you. She is ashamed and full of self-loathing for the choice she made in following you over the cliff. She is in free fall now. She will lose, like most of them, because of you.
We hear from the White House and the campaign everyday. They are betraying you. They are looking to get out alive and salvage careers and their names. It’s Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner vs. Donald Trump Jr., and Kimberly Guilfoyle on the inside. T hey are at war over scraps and who gets to command what will be the remnants of your rancid cult.
It’s almost over now. You are the greatest failure in American history. You are the worst president in American history. Disgrace will always precede your name. Your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will grow up ashamed of their names.
One day, I suppose there will be some small and not-much-visited library that bears your name. It will be the type of place where a drunk walks by, staring at the wall for a minute, before deciding it is beneath his dignity to piss on. That’s what is waiting for you.
Joe Biden is a better man. He’s smarter. He’s winning.
Do you remember when you didn’t want to name Donald Trump Jr., Donald because you were worried about him being a loser named Donald? You were right about that. He is.
But it is you who will be remembered as America’s greatest loser. You will be crushed in the election!”
I see you found your next spiritual leader, Felty… OmmmmmOrangeManBaddddd…….
@onlyonetruth You must be hard of hearing-I’m not going to respond to your posts. If you want to reclaim what little credibility you still have left-if you feel the need to respond-how about responding to the substance of my posts rather than name calling.
Otherwise you can continue to post (play with yourself) for your own amusement as you have been doing all along. Bye Bye.
@Felton10 Do you think you see name calling in my post, Felty? Do tell – where?
Oh. Your posts do not have substance. Sorry to break it to you, but it’s about time someone was honest with you.
What substance? Are you referring to your poop?
And you, of all people, have the gall to accuse someone else of name-calling?
You’re not responding to @onlyonetruth 's posts because you can’t. Just admit it, you are out classed. Sorta like swatting flies with a Buick. So please stop; just stop. You are really embarrassing yourself.
@Mehrocco_Mole OK-not responding to any of your posts anymore either-like you care? You and the Russian Troll can form a circle jerk and continue to jerk yourselves off because no one is responding to your posts or cares about what you have to say. Bye Bye.
@Felton10 @Mehrocco_Mole
Felty, you do realize that the Russian troll you keep harping about turned out to be Hillary, right? I mean, anyone with any brain at all knew this from the start, but at this point there’s written proof of this so even liberals kinda need to acknowledge it. One would think that that would be enough to convince you to at least stop humiliating yourself with the “Russian troll” attack line, because (though you obviously do not see this) you are only hitting yourself in the groin every time you say it. That’s ok with me, but I hate watching someone make a fool of themselves over and over. It’s my job to make you look like a fool - you’re completely killing the challenge!
Anyway, I imagine you’re better with pictures than with written words, so here’s a picture of your Russian troll:

(Does anyone really believe him?)
@onlyonetruth And from CNN & MSNBC, crickets.
@anytruth You’re clearly one of the leftist types. You don’t need a dummy account, because conservatives will not dox and harass you for your political views. For example, not a single person in these photos is a conservative - we just don’t do that shit.
@anytruth I suppose you’re not going to respond when we call out your lies either, right? I watched this clip and actually paused so I could read the list. I would say 75% were debunked BS and the rest pure fabrication. For example: Allowed bounties on our US Troops? Seriously, he ALLOWED it? This has been a practice since Viet Nam and probably before. Just how can President Trump stop our enemies from doing this? Bet you can’t come up with one.
While I was serving in the US Navy I tried to pass on a philosophy I had to the men in the 200 division I supervised: If you complain about something without a solution, you’re just bitching. I think that applies here. And before you claim Biden is the solution remember: he had 36 years to fix things as a Senator and 8 years as the VP. He did nothing. Nada. Zip. If he was so good why was there anything left to fix? If he knows what this country needs why didn’t he share that info with President Obama?
But of course you
won’tcan’t defend your lies so…Well that went well for the Orange Skidmark last night didn’t it?
President Trump got boxed around the ears at his NBC town hall Thursday night.
After refusing to confront former vice president Joe Biden in a virtual debate, Trump in his solo outing sounded just as he did in the in-person debate on Sept. 29 — unhinged, incoherent and angry. He feigned ignorance of and refused to denounce QAnon (even praising it for being against pedophilia) and tried to brush off his retweet concerning a crazy conspiracy theory about former president Barack Obama, Biden and Navy SEALs (don’t ask).
“I know nothing about it. That was a retweet. That was an opinion from somebody. I’ll put it out there — people can decide,” Trump said. Host Savannah Guthrie responded, “I don’t get that. You’re the president. You’re not like someone’s crazy uncle.”
The “Trump Show” continues on toward cancellation.
You just can’t get enough, can you Felty? Ok then.
@Felton10 @onlyonetruth And an immigration lawyer too. Can’t make this stuff up.
This is for all of the lefty Kool-Aid drinkers:
15 Crazy Things Joe Biden Said at the ABC Town Hall
Aside from many factually-challenged statements, Biden said a number of truly outlandish things.
8-year-olds should be allowed to decide they are transgender. Biden: “The idea that an 8-year-old child, a 10-year-old child, decides, you know, I want to be transgender, that’s what I think I’d like to be, it’d make my life a lot easier — there should be zero discrimination.” (What happens when the 8-year-olds hit puberty?)
Police should shoot criminals in the leg. Biden: “You can ban choke holds, but beyond that, you have to teach people how to de-escalate circumstances. De-escalate. So instead of anybody coming at you and the first thing you do is shoot to kill, you shoot them in the leg.” (Are police shooting “anybody”? Shooting unarmed people, even criminals, is usually a crime.)
Gather all of the governors “in a room.” Biden: “You can go to every governor and get them all in a room, all 50 of them as president and say, ‘Ask people to wear the mask. Everybody knows.'” (What about social distancing?)
Trump “didn’t do anything” to help the economy during coronavirus. Biden: “When the first round of money for unemployment, enhanced unemployment went by, he didn’t do anything.” (Trump signed the largest economic stimulus in American history, and extended that with the Paycheck Protection Program, as well as an executive order on expanded unemployment benefits.)
Hire workers in fracking industry to cap wells “and get a good salary doing it.” Biden: “[T]here are well over 100,000 wells that are left uncapped in the region. We could hire 128,000 of these people who are working in the industry to cap these wells and get a good salary doing it now. (Less than one well each. What do they do when they’re done?)
Trump could have kept schools and businesses open during the pandemic. Biden: “The president had an opportunity to open and allow schools and businesses to stay open if they got the kind of help they needed.” (Didn’t he say Trump should have shut everything down sooner?)
Trump “actually” said you should “inject bleach in your arm.” Biden: “Inject bleach in your arm, and that’s going to work. I’m not being facetious, he’s actually said these things.” (No, actually, he did not.)
Raise taxes to invest in “green infrastructure.” Biden: “We’re going to invest a great deal of that money into infrastructure, and to a green infrastructure.” (Remember what happened last time he tried?)
America has 20% of the world’s coronavirus deaths. Biden: “W make up 4% of the world’s population. We have 20% of the world’s deaths.” (That presumes China and other “developing” countries are providing accurate figures — a big presumption.)
Biden admitted his own crime bill was a mistake — but not at the federal level. Biden: “Yes, it was. But here’s where the mistake. The mistake came in terms of what the states did locally.”
Solar and wind power will save Pennsylvania. Biden: “And what we have to do is focus on the transmission of energy across the country from areas relating to solar and wind. The reason is that they have not, that has not been mastered yet.” (California has trouble keeping the lights on.)
Give all first-time home buyers $15,000. Biden: “We’re going to guarantee first-time home buyers a $15,000 down payment.” (There are about 2 million first-time home buyers per year, a cost of $30 billion annually)
Judge Amy Coney Barrett doesn’t have a judicial philosophy. Biden: “I don’t even think she has laid out much of a judicial philosophy in terms of the basis upon which she thinks.” (It was literally the first set of questions in her confirmation hearing.)
Packing the Court might be OK. “Depending on how they handle this.” (Biden said he was open to the idea of expanding the Supreme Court and packing it with liberal justices if the Senate confirms Barrett.)
The Boilermakers Union endorsed him in Pennsylvania. (It endorsed Trump.)
Would you leftists who can’t quite get over some of the mean stuff OrangeManBad tweeted please address these issues? I’m having trouble figuring out how the most corrupt crime family in the history of American politics is a better look for us:
1 ) The New York Post’s blockbuster expose of the Biden Family’s criminal enterprise, centered around a 50-year pay-for-play influence-peddling racket run by the current Democrat Party presidential nominee.
2 ) The Big Brother Big Tech oligarchy strangling the first amendment in an attempt to cover it all up.
It’s bad enough that this shit happens. It just makes it hard to swallow that people willfully hide it, ignore it, and in some cases applaud it. You have no idea what whirlwind you’re going to reap (all of us, really) by sowing the wind this way.
Or maybe you do think you have an idea, and are in favor of it because you think “your side” will be in power. That won’t end well for anyone.
It’s bad enough that the “moderator” at Biden’s “Town Hall” was the press sec to Clinton.
Biden’s ABC town hall questioners include former Obama speechwriter, wife of former Pennsylvania Dem candidate
“Two of the questioners at the ABC town hall featuring Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Thursday had ties to high-profile Democrats, including one questioner who previously worked as a speechwriter in the Obama administration.”
Dems lie, cheat, steal, and stack the deck for themselves in every corrupt way possible.
The Poetry Of Joe Biden Part 3 (Using Biden’s actual words…set to music)
@onlyonetruth OK, now everyone has to admit THAT’S funny!
For political discussion, head here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/political-quarantine