Please keep finding sketchy-possibly-but-not-really-stolen items from companies that like to pretend they’re cool but really have no sense of humor! This was too much fun.
It super awesome you guys are offering this. It was a blast. Not that I would do it again but really cool you kept us in the loop sent a post card and all the emails. Honestly I think I hear more from you guys then I did my kids.
@crapstick It’s a trick! They know if they don’t send the coupon codes we’ll be tempted to just pay $20 for it.
Even though I see through this deception, I’m still really tempted to buy one for fear they will sell out…
I truly enjoyed the ride! You guys are awesome! All I was expecting from the order was to try a toothbrush that I didn’t want to subscribe for and it turned into a journey of a lifetime. BTW, the toothbrush is kinda MEH!
@f00l with my understanding, you had to have bought the toothbrush on December 14th and not cancelled your order. Then you would get an email with a code within the next few hours.
Mrs. G was hoping for the IRK instead of the toothbrushes. Tried the toothbrush on a business trip a few weeks ago. Meh. It’s fine for travel but I’m not giving up my Sonicare at home. But the Souvenir kit? voiceless-chilly-morning !
What a ride. The ride, in the end, was much better than the actual quip, which my wife and I find uncomfortable. Oh well, good as a back-up travel. At least, hey, I can say, did that, got the T-shirt (soon), so …
Just ordered the souvenir kit. I can only hope that one of the surprise items is candy corn. I mean I need something to put the quip through its paces, right?
@aldwardo Post a picture of your drivers license and passport here. Then I’ll know you are legit, because I don’t trust giving my card numbers to random strangers on the internet.
Since I want the XL size, I don’t have to order. Right? That seems odd, but it’s what the email says. Don’t forget to charge me tax and shipping. Oh, forget the tax, since it’s free. You can use order phrase secret-breakfast-octopus. Ok?
@sligett the other thing is we’ll be sending to the place you shipped the Quip, so if that’s not right, then you’ll want to order. (No shipping on these.)
Thanks for doing this, Meh. You didn’t have to, but it’s cool you did. I’m interested to see how many people buy these that didn’t originally buy the toothbrushes that started the whole mess!
The pixelated image implies you won’t be reusing the art from the postcard, which is a shame because it’s genuinely excellent. Though I’m sure this new art will be great too!
This whole adventure has been outstanding. Forget that the original order was the same day I got fired from my job. Forget that my wife actually “adopted” my Quip toothbrush so I will never know if I liked it or not. Forget that my memory is so bad that I would have completely forgotten that I ordered the Quip in the first place if they never shipped it and never told me. Forget all that because of the way that the Mediocre folks at Meh made this one of the most fun online purchases I have ever experienced, and I was a long time Woot!-er way before they sold out, er, um, got invested in.
I have told several people about this adventure since the first email announcing the supposed theft, and I know that because of those stories, Meh has picked up a few new folks to click daily on the Meh button, perhaps some of them will even buy something someday, who knows!
Thank you, Meh. The consistent humor coupled with honesty and truly amazing customer relations sets you apart from the rest of the online deal-proffering crowd.
Now, just don’t let all of this go to your head and cause you to do something truly fucking stupid and sell yourselves to the big A.
Thanks for the assist, meh! I gave one of the Quips I ordered to my wife for Val’s Day, if only because of the shipping container it came in. I want to shake the hand of their packaging designer, if only because they have chutzpah in spades!
I have missed an update here and there, but I was wondering if I get three gifts since I ordered three toothbrushes. From the ordering process, I’m guessing no.
I got the quip for my wife for Christmas but it ended turning into an adventure with all the emails and post card and stuff and now more stuff. Plus the toothbrush. I love Meh.
The jury is still out on the Quip… the idea is good, but the brushhead is kinda meh. Not “Meh,” but meh. I’ll stick with it for a bit, see if I change my mind.
Meh, however, the jury is not out on that (unless there is a jury trial with Quip Corporate still?). This ride has been awesome. Three huzzahs for Mediocre!
@redrock0597 I’m in your club as well. I think since we suffered twice as much trauma as those who ONLY ordered one toothbrush…all the daily weeping, worrying, gnashing of teeth…I think we deserve three, four, or heck SIX times damages! Isn’t that the way our litigious society works? Oh meh…I’ll take my one & cower in the corner until Spring I guess.
Has anyone else reported their QUIPS draining a AAA in record time? It was DOA, I replaced the battery, tested, it worked, and put it in meh drawer for a few weeks, went on trip, packed it, tried it….didn’t work again.
@cschrader same here…exactly. i’ve used 3 more AAA batteries since arrival and all fail within a week. so, i just use the toothbrush, rinse it, and lift out the motor a bit so there is no contact with the battery. PITA, but at least i don’t have to replace the battery every other time i use it…
I’m coming out really far ahead on this. I mean, I deserve it for still being VMP, but… The only reason I’m in this club is because my roommate wanted the quip and knew I got free shipping. He asked me to order it and handed me cash. He got his toothbrush, eventually… I’m not sharing the souvenirs.
As my first Meh order, I feel like I’ve been hazed into the club somehow. Regardless, thanks for the adventure and the awesome gift, Meh! At this point, more excited about the souvenir kit than the toothbrush.
This was particularly harrowing for me because when I first ordered it, we were MONTHS away from moving- so I figured it was a safe bet. Less so the second time, but I figured, hey, why not?
The thing showed up literally 3 days before we were leaving the state for good. That’s a little bit too close, Meh. I got the word ‘toothpaste’ in my souvenir bag order, though, so that’s neat.
@Thumperchick Cool, thanks. I had thought of that but I forgot my mail was forwarded from another account - it was in the first one’s spam folder.
Hey, was there another coupon code related to the Schrödinger’s Toothbrush Club? I think I remember seeing it in comments and not knowing what was going on then…
@jhatmeh I experienced the same issue. Girlfriends has been working great since its arrival. Mine was DOA, brand new battery lasted 6 days. Reverted back to my old-school brush.
Is there a special way to get that white piece out when you need to replace the battery? I YouTube searched and it looks like it slides right out. Mines in there and I’m afraid I’m gonna break it
Did this sale at some point replace the extended battery cases that were sold last Friday? I was clicking through the meh faces yesterday in order to find the cold brew bottles instead of just clicking the orders page since I like to make my life difficult. This morning I discovered I had left a couple of the tabs open and one was this sale. It looks like the link is redirecting here instead of the battery cases. I did purchase the toothbrushes through the VMP sale, but missed out on the initial sales. Now I’m just really bummed I missed out on the mystery bag and shirt. @meh, can you just take my money for them? Pretty please?
@RiotDemon I figured that’s what happened based on the posting showing the 15th. Strange that the link for what should be the battery cases is redirecting here. Oh well, I’ve missed out on things before and I’m sure I’ll miss out on things in the future. That’s life.
Poor @meh, still getting tagged for stuff that has nothing to do with them.
@wilstev btw, meh doesn’t work for You just tagged a long time user. The only way to truly get a hold of staff is Staff will respond here sometimes when tagged directly.
@RiotDemon LOL I don’t think I even realized I was typing the @, I’ve been spending more time on Facebook where they are @ meh, so I may have just subconsciously typed it. As soon as I saw the response I figured that it was just a user who happened to have a good choice in username (with a slight chance that it was actual meh staff having fun).
As for the link, yes I was mass opening the February faces in new tabs starting at the previous day and going back for a bunch of tabs till I found the cold brew bottles (again, maybe because just clicking my orders would have been too lazy :-P) and the link that was meh .com/deals/2-22-2019 which should have been the battery cases linked here instead
For my teeth, I ordered a brush.
Good thing I was not in a rush.
Meh made it a sport
While it was settled in court
What really happened is still hush hush
Waiting now for the promise of a kit
And hoping the t-shirt will fit
March 8 came and went
It still hasn’t been sent
It’s free so I won’t throw a fit.
Ugh, why am i just finding out about this today? Stupid emails… first i missed the casemates tshirt email, now this one. i swear, emails for free tshirts always get misssorted in my inbox.
edit: well, it is apparently my fault. I did something to my email sorting tags and the email was exactly where it was supposed to be. I’m still blaming @blaineg for my being a complete nincompoop.
We are…close…to having everything for these kits. Once we get everything (hopefully tomorrow) we’ll start building these out. My current estimate is we’ll finish building them by the end of next week and start shipping after that.
So I have something that’s called “informed delivery” from my post office. It says that there is a package that left yesterday from “medicore labs.” Could it be that these have shipped and you guys haven’t updated yet?
Just saw my automatically made order. I never noticed the original email, it got lost in the daily meh emails with weird subjects. Looking back, it says if I didn’t buy one by 2/22 I’d have it automatically ordered. Weird that it didn’t do that until right now.
@andrd I missed it until way after they were “sold out”, too. I wasn’t expecting to get one, but today an order confirmation showed up. I’m a little bummed about the XL shirt size after a pretty substantial weight loss has made all of my other Meh shirts unwearable. However, I’m pretty sure I don’t deserve one of these kits I’m not going to complain about the shirt being too big for me and too small for my spouse. Haha
@andrd@PurplePawprints If you were a first offering purchaser and never cancelled your order, you qualified for one of the free kits. Those, who did not respond, automatically received a size XL shirt. Thus, those who wanted an XL didn’t have to do anything. Everyone else, who wanted a different size, needed to submit an order.
I received a tracking number, but the tracking stopped two days ago, when the “package left shipping facility” … so my package is neither shipped nor unshipped. While I appreciate the comedic value, I’ll be bummed if it doesn’t show up.
@RiotDemon I don’t believe so… at least not a written one. That said, I’m not going to be the one to out the booty… not without the secret STC handshake.
#134. Cool. In numerology that’s an 8, which is the money number. Most likely that means absolutely nothing in my life, but thanks anyway, Meh! It’s been fun.
If that’s a coin that I see in the picture, if I’m getting a Schrödinger’s Toothbrush Club coin, then it will be worth more than all the wait. The wait for this kit and the two different times I waited for a toothbrush. It might even make up for every time I have waited at the DMV.
#01180 … it’s been a great ride. Meh, you have shown real class with the way you handled this entire debacle. (however, if saying that offends the Meh mediocre mentality, please ignore this post and move on).
@twz how dare you accuse meh of being more than mediocre?! your absurd accusations have been noted and will be placed on your permanent record for all eternity in case you get reincarnated.
@lilsrm123 I ordered for and only got one coin so I guess it was luck of the draw. Still happy and I got a really good chuckle when I opened up the package
Starting to worry about mine. Last update: Your item departed a shipping partner facility at 4:05 pm on March 22, 2019 in GREENWOOD, IN 46143. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date.
Usually doesn’t take this long for the hand-off to usps…
@medz If it makes you feel any better, mine also left on the same date and time as yours. Nope, I don’t have it yet. I figure you will get yours before me.
@aldwardo yeah this was my last update before it went radio silent
March 22, 2019, 11:04 pm
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Your item arrived at a shipping partner facility at 11:04 pm on March 22, 2019 in LOS ANGELES, CA 90040. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date.
I had another meh package go through that facility on the 25th and that one is out for delivery today.
Well far as I can tell, I’ve got the highest number yet - 04947. Makes some sense I suppose, since I didn’t have any part in the quip debacle. I just like blowing money on random stuff. I like the heft of the coin. Thanks Meh.
Oh and my Meh. sticker is bent which is very meh.
@qwerty82 I just beat you with #04949. I didn’t buy a Quip either, but I bought this 2 minutes after it went on sale, so I wouldn’t miss out on any fun. Glad I did!
@sammydog01 i was kind of hoping i would get coin 669. i’d post a whole thread about it, but since this one got marked as “spoilers”, i’m not sure i should.
#00040 here. Not only did I discover the best toothbrush I have ever owned. But along with it came a free journey of absurd proportions, highly anticipated email updates, a meh discount code, a schooling in the american legal system, a dope ass coin, a dope ass shirt, a dope ass bag, a dope ass pink hotel toothbrush, and best of all, the bank had $19 less of my money to lend out in a high interest loan while the whole thing went down. Can we do this all over again?
Curse you, Meh. My wife wanted to know what Schrodinger’s Toothbrush was, so I had to spend fifteen minutes I’ll never get back telling her the whole freaking story, starting with, “You know that small electric toothbrush I pack when we go away? Well…”
Member 049211 checking in here. I love this! It’s hard to overstate how awesomely glittery this swag is! It’s hard to capture the fullness of its glittery glory, but perhaps, in some small way, these gifs will give you an idea of it.
I received my IRK yesterday, and I am tickled pink! Thanks to Meh for making this a fun adventure, I have enjoyed it every step of the way! You guys are the best.
I am distinctly uncomfortable that I just got back from my dental xray and cleaning appointment to have the toothbrush kit arrived today. It is certainly illuminati related.
Meanwhile I quite like the quip brush, its much thinner and more comfortable than my oral B electric monstrosity, but I’ve already changed the batteries twice and the button seems to randomly not activate and vibration power seems to weaken and vary quickly.
I got mine today, coin number to 2602.
But I was wondering, I thought that I read that someone received two coins because they purchased two quips. If that’s the case I guess I’m owed one, if not I guess one is enough because this is too big to fit in the toll booth basket on the parkway
@Ignorant translation. Option 1. Mailman is a MEHmember and decided to keep it for himself. Option 2. You did not hear his telekinetic message to come out and get your package, hence the fail. Option 3. Like many mail people, yours is lazy and did not want to carry your box to the door.
My package has been trying to find the post office since label creation on 3/22. Poor baby - I wonder if it will take the same amount of time to arrive that the toothbrushes did? (If you see my package and can help it find its way, I’d appreciate it. It’s got to be so cold and scared by now.)
@rm9116 I have one Meh order that is in limbo since January. They refunded me but I still check the tracking every once in while wondering if it will ever move…
I just got mine. That’s a pretty nice quality tee shirt. And I assume that once Meh has their IPO and eventually becomes a Fortune 50 company, that coin will really be worth something.
I’ve worn the shirt (yes, in public) and used the bag at the grocery store, and frankly after being asked more than a few times I’m unable to tell the story of this toothbrush saga in any meaningful, humorous or even interesting way. My reply has devolved into “If I have to explain, you wouldn’t understand”.
Honestly, there is no greater truth about this whole mess than that - and I got a HOT PINK toothbrush out of the deal to boot!
@MrIncognedo For what it’s worth, and if it gives you hope, mine was trapped on it’s way to Sparks NV until yesterday, but it showed up today, and for a bonus, I have a two digit number (19), so hang on little tomato!
Awesome Schroedingers toothbrush package!!! I love the coin! The shirt is too small, but it is still a nice shirt. My wife will love it…after I explain to her what it means! Haha!!! Thanks Meh!
Absolutely hilarious. I was like damn I don’t even remember what I bought. Opened it up and just started laughing histarically. Good one guys and thanks!! The people at meh are good people
The coin is awesome. I just got my kit today. What a way to cap off a truly epic adventure. Huge thank you to Meh totally unexpected, eternally grateful.
#929 here. I didnt see the coin at first, found it the day after opening the rest of the package somehow, so for me it was a double whammie, and I loved it.
#1837 This totally amazed my children and made my day. It was, like the best thing ever. Saw the delivery and wondered what the heck garbage have I ordered this time…? Opened to reveal so many amazing gifts, each one better than the last and overall far superior to the quip itself which turned out to be of the most mediocre quality and design, perfectly suited to where I got it from.
This was totally unexpected and really really cool. Kudos to the shirt graphic designer(s) classy! Loved the coin, and the stickers went ON my trash can (not in)
I have soooo much envy for those of you who got this - it’s so cool!!! I didn’t even know about Meh back then but I probably would have bought a Quip because I had seen ads for it and was tempted to try it.
@heartbleed The thing about it was that the folks who wanted this kit mostly had ordered the Quip toothbrush, and then things got really strange when Quip tried to claim that the stock was stolen. Some very long and dramatic delays ensued, resulting in the ha-ha-no-seriously commemorative thing up at the top of this.
@Kyeh the coin is one of my favourite fiddle toys. I fiddle with it to help me focus. It saves me breaking pens. I have accidentally broken so many pens over the years by fiddling with them while I work. The coin appears indestructible to my fingers.
@OnionSoup I DID get a coin once, in an Irk! Someone was lucky enough to get a bunch of them, and they didn’t even know what they were. I thought the design on it was fantastic.
What’s in the Box?
1x Shirt
1x Tote Bag
1x Meh Sticker
?x Additional Items
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, August 17th - Monday, August 24th
/giphy dapper-unlikely-seahorse

I somehow missed that there was a coupon code making it free… So I cancelled my $20 and placed one for free.
I placed the order before reading the write-up. I guess if they’re still for sale later when I can actually get to my email, maybe I’ll try that too.
@walarney @aardwolf …I looked through all the Quip Saga emails… no coupon code. When did we get a coupon code to redeem like the write up says?
@aardWolf @bramby2 @walarney It’s in the email that linked you to the souvenir kit page.
@aardWolf @dkaine @walarney
Yes…there is an email now…5 hours after the kit went live…
@aardWolf I did the same thing. Sorry,meh.
Best toothbrush-related experience evar!
Please keep finding sketchy-possibly-but-not-really-stolen items from companies that like to pretend they’re cool but really have no sense of humor! This was too much fun.
/giphy scandalous-tumultuous-list

/giphy Surprise Friday Win

@davidfast I approve of this giphy
Seriously I’ve never had such a thrilling saga over purchasing a toothbrush. Thanks Meh! My family and I love the toothbrushes!
Can’t wait to see the print images. Or, wait. Are they pixilated on the bag & shirt?
That’s cool too.
@kdemo That would be so funny!
@kdemo pixilated, or are they just still loading?

@kdemo would be cool if it was the image on the postcard.
@Justin_w - I wouldn’t know. - Has anyone posted that image in the forum?
I’m going to guess it’s Irk with two shiny teal teeth.
@kdemo it’s free. I don’t care what it looks like.
@OnionSoup - It’s not free for everybody.
@kdemo it’s free for the important people.


It super awesome you guys are offering this. It was a blast. Not that I would do it again but really cool you kept us in the loop sent a post card and all the emails. Honestly I think I hear more from you guys then I did my kids.
This is freaking me out ‘cause there’s no face to clicky. Where’s the face, Meh? Where’s the freakin’ face?!
@ruouttaurmind that kinda threw me for a loop for a minute or two…
I haven’t received my coupon code. What gives?
@crapstick It’s a trick! They know if they don’t send the coupon codes we’ll be tempted to just pay $20 for it.
Even though I see through this deception, I’m still really tempted to buy one for fear they will sell out…
I see. Thanks for the tip. Sneaky Bastards nearly had me.
Emails are still getting sent, you should get one in the next few hours (if you bought a Quip on December 14th).
@dave Yay!
I truly enjoyed the ride! You guys are awesome! All I was expecting from the order was to try a toothbrush that I didn’t want to subscribe for and it turned into a journey of a lifetime. BTW, the toothbrush is kinda MEH!
@Jim_Mostowski I agree, and two of us wrote the same. Good back-up for travel, though.
One only gets a coupon code if one originally ordered the toothbrush?
Ordered paying $20 plus tax because I was sent the link. Ordered without reading, of course.
Then cancelled today’s order until I can figure out this coupon code stuff.
Would rather have this for free and all. But I did not purchase the original toothbrush.
Someone explain all this Very Simply to me, please, so I don’t have to bother trying to understand.
/giphy very simply

@f00l with my understanding, you had to have bought the toothbrush on December 14th and not cancelled your order. Then you would get an email with a code within the next few hours.
/giphy petty-cluttered-hawk

Yaaaaaayyy it’s time! Great job Meh!
/giphy red-wide-panda

Mrs. G was hoping for the IRK instead of the toothbrushes. Tried the toothbrush on a business trip a few weeks ago. Meh. It’s fine for travel but I’m not giving up my Sonicare at home. But the Souvenir kit? voiceless-chilly-morning !
@gglockner Agree, I wrote the same.
I need a bandwagon jumper code since I bought in on the VMP resale.
@Ignorant ditto.
What a ride. The ride, in the end, was much better than the actual quip, which my wife and I find uncomfortable. Oh well, good as a back-up travel. At least, hey, I can say, did that, got the T-shirt (soon), so …
Just got the email, code and ordered the SCHRÖDINGER’S TOOTHBRUSH CLUB SOUVENIR KIT. Thanks MEH for everything.
/giphy sticky-superfluous-crab

/giphy zippy-revered-rib

@submariner wow! What kind of animal ribs are those???
Edit: beef ribs. I’ve never seen them that giant before.
@RiotDemon Definitely, I’ve never seen them that big, either… definitely ribs to revere
@RiotDemon @submariner
@RiotDemon @submariner bison maybe?
@Kidsandliz @RiotDemon @submariner
Dem be Bronto-Ribs!
@Kidsandliz @mike808 @RiotDemon @submariner …are those Fred Flintstone’s hands in the video…??
/giphy glossy-facetious-channel

/giphy mushy-sleek-tick

What a ride. I hope it ends with meh sending me a stolen t-shirt.
@abmille It says “woot!”
/giphy critical-buff-merlin

/giphy united-prickly-frame

thanks meh, it’s been a fun ride
If we bought multiple toothbrushes does the code work for multiple kits?
@maereax Nope. Kind of a bummer, but I also feel like a mooch for thinking that…
@psantora I bought them as gifts, would like to be able to give folks that got xmas gifts in February a little consolation
Just ordered the souvenir kit. I can only hope that one of the surprise items is candy corn. I mean I need something to put the quip through its paces, right?
Nice! Thanks, Meh. I appreciate that you are thinking of us toothbrush buyers out here.
The fam likes the toothbrushes and wow, do I love free stuff plus the ride was fun all in itself! Thanks meh!
What happened in Denton county district Court?
I bought 2 toothbrushes, but was only able to get 1 kit.
This has been a fun club, I can’t wait to see the design!
@evbarnstormer I agree! That was a fun side bit of drama to follow over the holidays. Glad I stuck with it.
I’ve ordered several conflict-free toothbrushes from Meh, but I’ll never be part of the true Toothbrush Club.
@arielleslie We can pretend.
Well played, meh! Classy move.
I wonder if I’ll get the shirt in time to wrap up my shirt a day nonsense…
Either way, stoked!
I enjoyed the ride. Thanks for the laughs, codes, toothbrush, and now (what I hope is) a dead cat.
brushing it’s teeth, right?
Funny enough, I waited so long to get my toothbrush that when I did get it, I failed to open it and forgot about it until now. Just me?
What did I just buy and why could I not resist?

And its not even Meh Face Popsockets?!?
/giphy credible-airy-machine
Hmm. Anyone else get the SCHRÖDINGER code to work?

@mike808 that isn’t the code
@mike808 it is hard to know why without seeing your full card number.
@Ignorant Are you certain about that?
Maybe the code works for you. Have you tried it?
@aldwardo Post a picture of your drivers license and passport here. Then I’ll know you are legit, because I don’t trust giving my card numbers to random strangers on the internet.
@aldwardo you’ve already got a stolen quip toothbrush, now you want more? :p
Was there ever a final recap from @snapster as to what happened?
The fine folks at MEH are way too cool! Thanks!
I’m excited (and still delighted with my quip)

/giphy thinkable-righteous-faucet
Since I want the XL size, I don’t have to order. Right? That seems odd, but it’s what the email says. Don’t forget to charge me tax and shipping. Oh, forget the tax, since it’s free. You can use order phrase secret-breakfast-octopus. Ok?
/giphy secret breakfast octopus

@sligett the other thing is we’ll be sending to the place you shipped the Quip, so if that’s not right, then you’ll want to order. (No shipping on these.)
Thanks for doing this, Meh. You didn’t have to, but it’s cool you did. I’m interested to see how many people buy these that didn’t originally buy the toothbrushes that started the whole mess!
@aperfecttool72 I’m one!

Might be able to use that sticker to make a knockoff Meh Face Popsocket.
/giphy surprise surprise

I got mine!
/giphy mellow reverent club

/giphy fierce-tempting-cake

The pixelated image implies you won’t be reusing the art from the postcard, which is a shame because it’s genuinely excellent. Though I’m sure this new art will be great too!
/giphy sad-crazy-starfish

This was so mehgnificent of you to do. Loved the ride and actually like the brush. I never realized what a 2 minute brushing really feels like!
@readnj The toothbrush is of very low quality and was not worth waiting for even with all the hoopla.
This whole adventure has been outstanding. Forget that the original order was the same day I got fired from my job. Forget that my wife actually “adopted” my Quip toothbrush so I will never know if I liked it or not. Forget that my memory is so bad that I would have completely forgotten that I ordered the Quip in the first place if they never shipped it and never told me. Forget all that because of the way that the Mediocre folks at Meh made this one of the most fun online purchases I have ever experienced, and I was a long time Woot!-er way before they sold out, er, um, got invested in.
I have told several people about this adventure since the first email announcing the supposed theft, and I know that because of those stories, Meh has picked up a few new folks to click daily on the Meh button, perhaps some of them will even buy something someday, who knows!
Thank you, Meh. The consistent humor coupled with honesty and truly amazing customer relations sets you apart from the rest of the online deal-proffering crowd.
Now, just don’t let all of this go to your head and cause you to do something truly fucking stupid and sell yourselves to the big A.
Thanks for the assist, meh! I gave one of the Quips I ordered to my wife for Val’s Day, if only because of the shipping container it came in. I want to shake the hand of their packaging designer, if only because they have chutzpah in spades!
/giphy silver-helpful-party

I am not sure why, but…
/giphy athletic-best-jelly

I have missed an update here and there, but I was wondering if I get three gifts since I ordered three toothbrushes. From the ordering process, I’m guessing no.
Seems greedy.
I got the quip for my wife for Christmas but it ended turning into an adventure with all the emails and post card and stuff and now more stuff. Plus the toothbrush. I love Meh.
/giphy damaging-acidic-peace

The toothbrush is of very low quality and was not worth waiting and this obviates all the hoopla.
@HALFEEL Since this is at least your second post saying the same thing, we understand YOUR opinion. I happen to not agree.
@HALFEEL the toothbrush was disappointing, but the ride wasn’t.
@HALFEEL @readnj Points for using the word hoopla.

/image sore-needy-flavor

The jury is still out on the Quip… the idea is good, but the brushhead is kinda meh. Not “Meh,” but meh. I’ll stick with it for a bit, see if I change my mind.
Meh, however, the jury is not out on that (unless there is a jury trial with Quip Corporate still?). This ride has been awesome. Three huzzahs for Mediocre!
I bought 2 toothbrushes, but was only able to get 1 kit.
@redrock0597 I’m in your club as well. I think since we suffered twice as much trauma as those who ONLY ordered one toothbrush…all the daily weeping, worrying, gnashing of teeth…I think we deserve three, four, or heck SIX times damages! Isn’t that the way our litigious society works? Oh meh…I’ll take my one & cower in the corner until Spring I guess.
What is this about toothbrushes?
Isn’t this just a IRK Deluxe?
Twice as nice at four times the price!
Has anyone else reported their QUIPS draining a AAA in record time? It was DOA, I replaced the battery, tested, it worked, and put it in meh drawer for a few weeks, went on trip, packed it, tried it….didn’t work again.
Just curious….not looking for anything.
@cschrader same here…exactly. i’ve used 3 more AAA batteries since arrival and all fail within a week. so, i just use the toothbrush, rinse it, and lift out the motor a bit so there is no contact with the battery. PITA, but at least i don’t have to replace the battery every other time i use it…
@aperper bummer. I guess I can use my ole’ elbow grease.
@cschrader mine is still on the first battery, used daily.
@cschrader mine is on the first battery… used monthly though. Not sure if that would have an impact on battery life.
/image distasteful-unjust-pancake

@dbriggs Is that one of the new Korean face masks that all the makeup bloggers are raving about?
mediocre bot cracks me the hell up
@Cerridwyn mediocrebot is AWESOME!
YAY, Free is my Favorite 4 letter word!!!
Good times we’ve had…

/giphy heartsick-kindhearted-behavior
The toothbrush is OK, but the journey to get it was awesome. When I smile at the thought of it, my teeth will be sparkling clean. Thanks, Meh!
I’m coming out really far ahead on this. I mean, I deserve it for still being VMP, but… The only reason I’m in this club is because my roommate wanted the quip and knew I got free shipping. He asked me to order it and handed me cash. He got his toothbrush, eventually… I’m not sharing the souvenirs.
/giphy alluring-unlikely-dress

I got the word “regret” in my order #. How appropriate.

/giphy absorbing-nondescript-regret
So, is everyone’s mystery item going to be the same, or is this like an irk?
Hip Hip… HOORAY!!!
The toothbrush may not be awesome, but the Meh ride was first rate. Thanks for the fun Mediocrebot!
As my first Meh order, I feel like I’ve been hazed into the club somehow. Regardless, thanks for the adventure and the awesome gift, Meh! At this point, more excited about the souvenir kit than the toothbrush.
/giphy walloping-invincible-anteater

Ryuk, you’re so cool.
/giphy ryuk

This was particularly harrowing for me because when I first ordered it, we were MONTHS away from moving- so I figured it was a safe bet. Less so the second time, but I figured, hey, why not?
The thing showed up literally 3 days before we were leaving the state for good. That’s a little bit too close, Meh. I got the word ‘toothpaste’ in my souvenir bag order, though, so that’s neat.
so people who tried to by this the first go around don’t get the kupon? cause they already got one?
(November 29th)
I’m in. Now I’m part of it.

/giphy obsessed-hellish-copy

@pikafoop those boots don’t look like they were made for “walking”.
@OnionSoup and yet, walking is what they will do.
So I ordered FOUR of those bad boys. I can’t get four souvenir kits? Rude!
Ok ok

/image obligated-moist-poppy
/giphy obligated-moist-poppy

Like many, I loved the trip. Didn’t care much for the toothbrush, but a good traveler. The case doubles as so many other things.
Wait, I bought the toothbrush. How do I get a coupon? Did I miss something?
@mediocrelabs Did you buy it in December? Those people are the only ones who got coupons.
@mediocrelabs Check your spam folder.
@Thumperchick Cool, thanks. I had thought of that but I forgot my mail was forwarded from another account - it was in the first one’s spam folder.
Hey, was there another coupon code related to the Schrödinger’s Toothbrush Club? I think I remember seeing it in comments and not knowing what was going on then…
@mediocrelabs there was another one from the very first offer.
I wonder if the two Mystery items are toothbrushes. Looks like box mine came in.
Sweet! I’m glad I didn’t bail on this adventure; not that I’d ever planned on it!
So, my quip keeps going through batteries like candy. 3 so far, not including the original that was dead on arrival. Anyone else?
@jhatmeh I’ve been using one of mine since arrival and haven’t had an issue. Girlfriend hasn’t reported any issues with hers either.
@hanzov69 hmmm, maybe I just got a bad one. Thanks.
@jhatmeh I experienced the same issue. Girlfriends has been working great since its arrival. Mine was DOA, brand new battery lasted 6 days. Reverted back to my old-school brush.
@jhatmeh Mine was DOA as well. Just now read through this group to realize I could replace the battery and how to open it.
/giphy adorable-sliced-oyster

Anybody’s shipped yet?
@j37hr0 I’d hazard to guess (due to the wording) that they won’t ship till Friday at the earliest.
/giphy shrug

/giphy dear-fastidious-roof

(Facepalm) ordered, forgot coupon, cancelled reordered with coupon. Let the odds be ever in my favor! (Just hoping I didn’t screw up!)
Is there a special way to get that white piece out when you need to replace the battery? I YouTube searched and it looks like it slides right out. Mines in there and I’m afraid I’m gonna break it
@membrr the two rectangular tabs.
@membrr thank you! I didn’t break it! Much appreciated!
Any updates on shipping these?
@bigheadinc always in the specs at the top of the page:
@RiotDemon Ahhh for some reason it defaulted to hiding like 10 comments, the specs comment included. Thanks!
Wish there was a way to get two of these for free since I bought two tooth brushes…
@tabbi13 same. Hell my order is still in processing.
@Sirbloody @tabbi13 Double Double Same Same (me too)
@Sirbloody @tabbi13
@RiotDemon @Sirbloody @tabbi13
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, April 23rd - Monday, April 29th
@RiotDemon Did the printing machine break?
@sammydog01 maybe they need to hook up the tzumi USB charger and give it a boost.
Did this sale at some point replace the extended battery cases that were sold last Friday? I was clicking through the meh faces yesterday in order to find the cold brew bottles instead of just clicking the orders page since I like to make my life difficult. This morning I discovered I had left a couple of the tabs open and one was this sale. It looks like the link is redirecting here instead of the battery cases. I did purchase the toothbrushes through the VMP sale, but missed out on the initial sales. Now I’m just really bummed I missed out on the mystery bag and shirt. @meh, can you just take my money for them? Pretty please?
@wilstev I’m not sure what they can do. The email for this went out weeks ago.
It did not replace any other sale. This was a separate deal that lasted for several days.
@wilstev no
/eightball is @meh in a crabby mood?
It is decidedly so
@RiotDemon I figured that’s what happened based on the posting showing the 15th. Strange that the link for what should be the battery cases is redirecting here. Oh well, I’ve missed out on things before and I’m sure I’ll miss out on things in the future. That’s life.
Poor @meh, still getting tagged for stuff that has nothing to do with them.
@wilstev btw, meh doesn’t work for You just tagged a long time user. The only way to truly get a hold of staff is Staff will respond here sometimes when tagged directly.
@wilstev were you clicking on the February meh faces? I can’t find where the battery case links back to this deal.
@RiotDemon LOL I don’t think I even realized I was typing the @, I’ve been spending more time on Facebook where they are @ meh, so I may have just subconsciously typed it. As soon as I saw the response I figured that it was just a user who happened to have a good choice in username (with a slight chance that it was actual meh staff having fun).
As for the link, yes I was mass opening the February faces in new tabs starting at the previous day and going back for a bunch of tabs till I found the cold brew bottles (again, maybe because just clicking my orders would have been too lazy :-P) and the link that was meh .com/deals/2-22-2019 which should have been the battery cases linked here instead
Hey @shawn are the links mixed up?
My order status is still “processing.” Anybody else?
@ballaX54 @narfcake My original order said: ESTIMATED DELIVERY Monday, March 4th - Friday, March 8th-- I guess they changed that?
@ballaX54 I’m still processing…
… And so is my order.
@readnj They’ve done it before with zero notice or explanation, so this would not surprise me in the least.
@ballaX54 @narfcake @readnj Mine too.
@ballaX54 @narfcake @readnj
Mine still says that.
Reading here…I’ve had 1 DOA toothbrush and 1 working great. Wonder if this is part of the reason they were sold in the first place.
For my teeth, I ordered a brush.
Good thing I was not in a rush.
Meh made it a sport
While it was settled in court
What really happened is still hush hush
Waiting now for the promise of a kit
And hoping the t-shirt will fit
March 8 came and went
It still hasn’t been sent
It’s free so I won’t throw a fit.
@mshipp Hmmm… I paid for my Schrödinger’s Kit so do I freak out now or what?
@GLaDOS If you ordered a quip or quips on the original deal, you were able to order one kit for free.
@GLaDOS @mshipp Unless you asked for a refund. They still allowed you to get a kit, but not for free.
@Lamario @mshipp No worries. I know how this works.
Anyone know when/why shipping got bounced back to late April?
@shines_20 It really doesn’t matter. You’ll be just as disappointed then as you would have been on the original date.
@Barney you have NO IDEA the level of disappointment I can reach with free t-shirts. Don’t clip my wings.
@shines_20 I suspect the T-shirt company claimed the shirts were stolen.
Ugh, why am i just finding out about this today? Stupid emails… first i missed the casemates tshirt email, now this one. i swear, emails for free tshirts always get misssorted in my inbox.
If only there were some goat to blame @blaineg
edit: well, it is apparently my fault. I did something to my email sorting tags and the email was exactly where it was supposed to be. I’m still blaming @blaineg for my being a complete nincompoop.
@jaybird Might as well blame me, I missed out too.
We are…close…to having everything for these kits. Once we get everything (hopefully tomorrow) we’ll start building these out. My current estimate is we’ll finish building them by the end of next week and start shipping after that.
@dave did it really take a whole month to collect enough empty toilet paper tubes to send us? You guys in Texas need to eat more fiber.
Kidding… take your time. It’s been a fun ride.
/giphy whistling

@dave our free tee shirts are being held hostage!
@anetaaa123 @dave They finally got the replacement Quip brush heads that fell off the back of a truck delivered.
@dave I’m leaving my job for another on Friday. Is there any way to change my shipping address?
@mrfoggy is your best bet
@mrfoggy I’m on it, bud., or whisper me, and I’ll update that.
@Cythwulf Have you forgotten where you work? Wayyyy too efficient!
Should the goat be blamed for this?
An eagle grabbed your coin out of the air!
@speediedelivery does it help my defense that the post was up for an hour?
@dave yyeeaaaaaa

/giphy HAPPY
I think these are shipping! Just got a USPS alert about a package from Carrollton, although my order still says processing.
So I have something that’s called “informed delivery” from my post office. It says that there is a package that left yesterday from “medicore labs.” Could it be that these have shipped and you guys haven’t updated yet?
@BrianZFL Maybe because it has shipped AND hasn’t shipped. We won’t know till we observe it on our front porch.
@4bel @BrianZFL Schrodinger’s tooth brush
@BrianZFL Same, I have a package from Mediocre coming. But what could it be?
/giphy very interesting

My birthday is coming soon, maybe it’ll get delivered then and I’ll have the best birthday ever.
@Jumy You must have a sad history of birthdays.

Shoe soup was the highlight of last year’s party! How’d you know?
@Jumy You should stop by and chat more often.

I just got tracking info. YYEESSS
what has the toothbrushes has in it’s pocketsses
Are we in for another Perry Mason case on the souvenir kit…
Just saw my automatically made order. I never noticed the original email, it got lost in the daily meh emails with weird subjects. Looking back, it says if I didn’t buy one by 2/22 I’d have it automatically ordered. Weird that it didn’t do that until right now.
@andrd I missed it until way after they were “sold out”, too. I wasn’t expecting to get one, but today an order confirmation showed up. I’m a little bummed about the XL shirt size after a pretty substantial weight loss has made all of my other Meh shirts unwearable. However, I’m pretty sure I don’t deserve one of these kits I’m not going to complain about the shirt being too big for me and too small for my spouse. Haha
@andrd @PurplePawprints If you were a first offering purchaser and never cancelled your order, you qualified for one of the free kits. Those, who did not respond, automatically received a size XL shirt. Thus, those who wanted an XL didn’t have to do anything. Everyone else, who wanted a different size, needed to submit an order.
@PurplePawprints Congrats on the weight loss.
It’s shipped!
@Jumy yay, mine too!
Yay for automatic orders! Missed the original email/coupon.
/giphy popular-rugged-history

I received a tracking number, but the tracking stopped two days ago, when the “package left shipping facility” … so my package is neither shipped nor unshipped. While I appreciate the comedic value, I’ll be bummed if it doesn’t show up.
Still waiting

/giphy sigh
Mine is out for delivery!!!
Hype! Still en route to USPS but Hype!
Got mine today!!
I love everything about it… 'cept my number’s too high
Yay! I got my kit today!
Mine’s enroute from meh to their local post office!
Got mine today! And what a haul! Nice work Meh!!!
Who is going to be the first one to reveal what they got?
@RiotDemon I want a photo from someone. Please?
Number? Where’s the number? It’s cool!
@Liya the number is on the thing.
i’m #01422
the thing is pretty effin’ cool.
@Noddy93 Yes I found the number! It’m like #01340 or something close to that, the thing that has the number is very cool!
Shit. Now it’s become Schrödinger’s Toothbrush Club Souvenir Kit Delivery. Did it even happen?
Cool, can’t wait…
#216 … Meh.
Share yours!
@Vendo Trade you for 303. I’ll pay shipping!
#248, yay!
/giphy scandalous-tumultuous-list

#1422… pretty weak. at least i still have my K
My #02084 is high and I responded right away so don’t think there is a pattern. Love the kit though and the manual version is a great episode closer!
Mine’s supposed to be delivered today. So, who got the lucky #00001?
#00097! Love the “In Meh we brush”
Was there a rule that no one is allowed to share what they got?
@RiotDemon I don’t believe so… at least not a written one. That said, I’m not going to be the one to out the booty… not without the secret STC handshake.
To be one, ask one.
#01408. Thanks for the toothbrush ride, Meh.
@legacy216 I’m not sure what photo you tried to upload, but it’s not showing.
@legacy216 now I wish I had dropped twenty bucks on this kit, even though I didn’t go for the toothbrush ride.
@djslack @legacy216 gah… and the other sided hasn’t even been spoilered yet.
after going to the website listed on the sleeve and pricing the options… the kind folks at Meh spent a small fortune on these things.
#134. Cool. In numerology that’s an 8, which is the money number. Most likely that means absolutely nothing in my life, but thanks anyway, Meh! It’s been fun.
and perhaps it will please (us) one day to remember these things
@sstrickland Thank you. I was wondering what that meant!
If that’s a coin that I see in the picture, if I’m getting a Schrödinger’s Toothbrush Club coin, then it will be worth more than all the wait. The wait for this kit and the two different times I waited for a toothbrush. It might even make up for every time I have waited at the DMV.
@davidwr99 well now that side one of the coin has been spoilered… at least you still have side two as a surprise… which is also really cool.
@davidwr99 never mind.
#01180 … it’s been a great ride. Meh, you have shown real class with the way you handled this entire debacle. (however, if saying that offends the Meh mediocre mentality, please ignore this post and move on).
@twz how dare you accuse meh of being more than mediocre?! your absurd accusations have been noted and will be placed on your permanent record for all eternity in case you get reincarnated.
fellow MTC member… did you get number 93?
you did? man, that’s really frellin’ cool!
oh, and i’m quite interested in adding it to my collection of #93 stuff. say $20 and my much higher numbered coin… would that do it?
somebody sure likes the number 93
@Noddy93 Owww so close!
@lilsrm123 beautiful regardless.
Very cool! I ordered two for the ride thus, two coins!
I got member 00094 and 00095.
Hate to be the one to spoiler the coins but…


@lilsrm123 I ordered 2 as well!!!
Whooo Hooo!!!
@lilsrm123 I ordered for and only got one coin so I guess it was luck of the draw. Still happy and I got a really good chuckle when I opened up the package
@lilsrm123 I ordered 2 also. 01128, 01105… weird that yours were consecutive and mine were not.
Waiting on mine…

/giphy waiting
@somf69 yeah i exiled myself from clicking on this thread tell i got mine this morning.
That’s a good number!
#1194. This tote is huge. I love it.
/image twss animated
I’m Number One! I’m Number One! And it HAS to be true because that’s my Dad’s nickname for me.
(The sky is so pretty here in my Blonde Math Numerology Bubble, and my day became so much better now that the Kit arrived.)
PS. Thanks for the toothbrush, Meh! When I placed my original order, I forgot to order one for myself.
Starting to worry about mine. Last update:
Your item departed a shipping partner facility at 4:05 pm on March 22, 2019 in GREENWOOD, IN 46143. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date.
Usually doesn’t take this long for the hand-off to usps…
@medz I am also getting nervous, mine says:
March 23, 2019 at 3:33 pm
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item GRAPEVINE, TX 76051
But who knows, maybe ours are taking longer due to being better than everyone else’s.
@medz Me too. Maybe we didn’t display enough patience while waiting for the toothbrushes so we have to develop more character before it moves?
@medz @rm9116 mine has been sitting in LA since 3/22 hope it decides to move soon.
@medz If it makes you feel any better, mine also left on the same date and time as yours. Nope, I don’t have it yet. I figure you will get yours before me.
@medz FINALLY!! at noon today my tracking page updated! its in my town at the post office, so hopefully it’ll arrive for me tomorrow!
What a wonderful Tuesday! And #3032
And what an awesome addition…
forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit
“And perhaps it will be pleasing to have remembered these things one day”
Just got mine. What a hoot! Nice work, Meh!
Not a damn Meh Face Popsocket anywhere in the bag. They were in there until I looked. I just know it! Mine is defective!
OMFG I LOVE THIS THING! Best toothbrush almost not buying experience ever. The kit is awesome.
#1485 member here! Looks great.
This is completely hilarious.
Member 2305
I hadn’t even ordered the Quip but I had to get this kit. It’s amazing.
#1509 and the bundle is beautiful!
This is hilarious
Mine left Texas on the 18th
It has been sitting in Indiana for 2 days
and left there today.
I guess it’s taking the scenic route to Pennsylvania…
/giphy still waiting

Member 136. I feel honored. It’s been a lot of fun! Thank you for the gift, I love it!
5 days ago mine arrived at a post office in Indiana, then nothing.
@aldwardo yeah this was my last update before it went radio silent
March 22, 2019, 11:04 pm
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Your item arrived at a shipping partner facility at 11:04 pm on March 22, 2019 in LOS ANGELES, CA 90040. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date.
I had another meh package go through that facility on the 25th and that one is out for delivery today.
Well far as I can tell, I’ve got the highest number yet - 04947. Makes some sense I suppose, since I didn’t have any part in the quip debacle. I just like blowing money on random stuff. I like the heft of the coin. Thanks Meh.
Oh and my Meh. sticker is bent which is very meh.

@sammydog01 what are those??
Haha just joshin’. But yeah I’m not worried about it. Once it’s stuck on something, it’ll be fine
@qwerty82 My sticker was all bent up too. Seems apropos.
@qwerty82 I just beat you with #04949. I didn’t buy a Quip either, but I bought this 2 minutes after it went on sale, so I wouldn’t miss out on any fun. Glad I did!
@qwerty82 @Trillian
#4955 in the house.
#2247 Best non-event/event ever…and perhaps it will please (us) one day to remember these things
yes…yes it will! Meh for life
Got mine! The coin is pretty sweet. (Member 3200)
#01264 - i may have to do some studies to compare the meh toothbrush with the quip and see which one is worse.
@thompp Ooh, data!
#04928 checking in.
i love this coin. probably more than i should.
@carl669 external use only
@medz where there’s a will, there’s a way.
@carl669 Me too. And I don’t know why.
@carl669 @medz Maybe you could trade for number 669?
@sammydog01 i was kind of hoping i would get coin 669. i’d post a whole thread about it, but since this one got marked as “spoilers”, i’m not sure i should.
#00016 - Thanks for this mehdallion!
Fucking delightful to receive. Proud to be member #348. Thanks for the fun, meh!
#00146, checking in.
Just opened the package. Awesome. Our son and I were cracking up looking through the stuff. Our daughter said “This is weird”. I said “exactly”.
dear people,
i am currently the owner of coin 04928. i would like to be the owner of coin 00669. would the owner of aforementioned coin be willing to trade?
@carl669 for years my pc number at work was 669…
@sohmageek am i gonna have to fight you for the 00669 coin? because i totally will.
1325! The weirdest part was how far above mediocre the thought was that went into this.
Anyone else not receive a shipment notification? My order shows no info not even an estimated ship date.
I got mine today!!! I love the fact that meh took the time to design and manufacture all the items just to celebrate the fiasco that was.
Mehmber 02157 reporting in. The Schrodinger bag will go in the other Meh bag holding the other Meh bags.
#00040 here. Not only did I discover the best toothbrush I have ever owned. But along with it came a free journey of absurd proportions, highly anticipated email updates, a meh discount code, a schooling in the american legal system, a dope ass coin, a dope ass shirt, a dope ass bag, a dope ass pink hotel toothbrush, and best of all, the bank had $19 less of my money to lend out in a high interest loan while the whole thing went down. Can we do this all over again?
What happened after the temporary injunction expired and mediocre subpoenaed someone from quip?!?
Curse you, Meh. My wife wanted to know what Schrodinger’s Toothbrush was, so I had to spend fifteen minutes I’ll never get back telling her the whole freaking story, starting with, “You know that small electric toothbrush I pack when we go away? Well…”
Not entirely sure my #01916 medal is worth it.
Member 049211 checking in here. I love this! It’s hard to overstate how awesomely glittery this swag is! It’s hard to capture the fullness of its glittery glory, but perhaps, in some small way, these gifs will give you an idea of it.

Thank you, meh!
@GLaDOS Those are supposed to be three different images
@GLaDOS I’ll delete the duplicates if you want to try and upload the others.
@RiotDemon You take a pic of the coin for those of us living vicariously?
@Kidsandliz I can’t take a pic of something I don’t have.
Someone else uploaded photos already.
@Kidsandliz @RiotDemon
@RiotDemon Oh. Sorry. Didn’t read carefully. Oops.
@RiotDemon Those coins are spectacular!! Hats off to whomever designed them.
XL? How many meh shirts have I bought? G-D it, guys.
Member number 611 checking in. All is well. Awesome IRK quip edition btw! Thank you!
Mine arrived yesterday. Guess I’m member number 04936.
Walmart told me it wasn’t real currency when I tried to buy a 52" TV with the coin.
Yay! Honestly, I don’t even like the tooth brush. It’s weak. I’ve used it three times and went back to my Phillips. This makes it all better.
Still no movement since the 22nd.

/giphy why me
@medz Mine is MIA, too (since the 22nd).
@medz Hey, check your status. Mine is now at the post office with delivery scheduled for Friday.
@Barney Nope. Still nothing new. You win again.

/image loser
@Barney It finally made it to the local post office early this morning.
@medz Great news!
Coin #436 here. And not only that, my meh! branded toothbrush is HOT PINK! Thanks for the wild ride, meh!
/giphy silver-helpful-party

I received my IRK yesterday, and I am tickled pink! Thanks to Meh for making this a fun adventure, I have enjoyed it every step of the way! You guys are the best.
And in case no one has googled it…the edge is from Virgil. Such a great sentiment for this adventure
Checked on the status of my shipment. For some reason it’s taking a road-trip through the Midwest to get back to me in the Deep South.
Got my IRK earlier this week and it was worth the wait. I gotta say though, the 2xl t-shirt looks like it would fit a large kid
So, is it true meh gave the people they like most the yellow toothbrushes?
@OnionSoup mine is due for delivery later today, so I’ll let you know.
@OnionSoup I got pink, they must hate me.
@OnionSoup I also got yellow so I guess your theory is incorrect.
Ordered a women’s XL and got a men’s XL. Unless there was no difference? Oh well it’ll be a great nightshirt
I am distinctly uncomfortable that I just got back from my dental xray and cleaning appointment to have the toothbrush kit arrived today. It is certainly illuminati related.
Meanwhile I quite like the quip brush, its much thinner and more comfortable than my oral B electric monstrosity, but I’ve already changed the batteries twice and the button seems to randomly not activate and vibration power seems to weaken and vary quickly.
@bph My coin number is also 123. Truly this is the occult at work.
@bph I didn’t like the quip at first but it’s growing on me… Obviously I mean that in a non literal way.
I totally forgot about this, mine just arrived and it is glorious. The coin is out of control. Its hilarious and I love it all.
Got mine! Even the bag is pretty cool! I did get a red toothbrush. The coin is on display!
I got an orange toothbrush and holy hell this coin is amazing!
quick question- what kind of batteries does the toothbrush take?
(and yeah- the coin is f’n awesome)
@alacrity AAA
@medz nih-uh. I’m talking about the purple one I got toda- wait. nevermind.
@alacrity Purple? I love purple.
I got mine today, coin number to 2602.
But I was wondering, I thought that I read that someone received two coins because they purchased two quips. If that’s the case I guess I’m owed one, if not I guess one is enough because this is too big to fit in the toll booth basket on the parkway
@somf69 they bought two kits I believe.
#946 finally arrived today. My two year old is obsessing over the coin. “Monies? My monies?”, she keeps asking.
I’m sure my wife will claim the bag to use for something and probably the shirt too…
Well, at least I got a very pink toothbrush!
@aperfecttool72 very LOTR
So I just saw the mailman sitting out front of my house, then he drove away and no package…I check the tracking and see this:
March 28, 2019 at 6:31 pm
Delivery Attempted - No Access to Delivery Location
@Ignorant No homemade cookies for your mailman!
@Barney definitely not
@Ignorant translation. Option 1. Mailman is a MEHmember and decided to keep it for himself. Option 2. You did not hear his telekinetic message to come out and get your package, hence the fail. Option 3. Like many mail people, yours is lazy and did not want to carry your box to the door.
@tinamarie1974 I’m going with #2 because it has to somehow be my fault.
@Ignorant that is correct. In my experience, it is NEVER the post offices fault 🥴
It’s out for delivery!

/giphy woohoo!
/giphy what’s in the box

Toothbrush, shirt, coin… Anything else?
@RiotDemon Bag- black bag the same size as the Irk bag with the same print as the shirt.
@sammydog01 ohhh, bag.
I got a red toothbrush. No purple.
@Barney Red is half of purple.
I assumed I’d be getting a Quip toothbrush… Not this trash toothbrush. I guess I can use it at the next hotel stay…
@medz I’m #04911.
@Barney I’ve been bested again
@medz I didn’t mean anything by that. Have you been having a bad week?
@Barney nope. I don’t mean anything by it either other than you had a lower number.
Have a great weekend!
@medz You have a great weekend, too, loser.
@Barney @medz #4955. Now you both can bask in having lower numbers.
@mike808 I like my number. It is very meaningful to me.
4929 checking in!
If you hummmm while brushing this new brush is just as effective as the Quip at fighting cavities.

Member 00066 reporting in. Love the package. And appreciate the use of “I” as opposed to “J” in iuvabit.
My package has been trying to find the post office since label creation on 3/22. Poor baby - I wonder if it will take the same amount of time to arrive that the toothbrushes did? (If you see my package and can help it find its way, I’d appreciate it. It’s got to be so cold and scared by now.)
@rm9116 I have one Meh order that is in limbo since January. They refunded me but I still check the tracking every once in while wondering if it will ever move…
@rm9116 mine is the same… Still in destination to the first post office.
@jkifer @rm9116 who knew there was something worse than SmartPost
I just got mine. That’s a pretty nice quality tee shirt. And I assume that once Meh has their IPO and eventually becomes a Fortune 50 company, that coin will really be worth something.
#00006 here!
Just got home from a trip to Germany to find #4913 on my doorstep. Woo hoo!! It was a nice welcome home gift.
#102 here. Just missed double digits. Green Meh toothbrush.
member 02791. all this over a shitty toothbrush. I went back to my Philips after two uses.
#843 checking in. My wife now knows about my secret double life as a meh customer and toothbrush aficionado
I’ve worn the shirt (yes, in public) and used the bag at the grocery store, and frankly after being asked more than a few times I’m unable to tell the story of this toothbrush saga in any meaningful, humorous or even interesting way. My reply has devolved into “If I have to explain, you wouldn’t understand”.
Honestly, there is no greater truth about this whole mess than that - and I got a HOT PINK toothbrush out of the deal to boot!
@Jon651 Fight club, but for teeth and then walk away.
@Jon651 @riskybryzness
That is an awesome all star answer.
If only that bag had some pop sockets in it, then it would have been The Best.
“We are prototyping a swear jar, except it’s for every time you say “pop socket.” We’ll put it on your tab”- Mediocrebot, probably.
Fittingly mine has been trapped in an unknown status in Elizabethport, NJ since the 27th.
@MrIncognedo in our hearts, we are all trapped in an unknown status in Elizabethport, NJ.
@MrIncognedo For what it’s worth, and if it gives you hope, mine was trapped on it’s way to Sparks NV until yesterday, but it showed up today, and for a bonus, I have a two digit number (19), so hang on little tomato!
Still trapped…
1867 just showed up, I love you meh. The coin is going in my collection next to those issued by Generals… you’ve earned it.
Thank you for doing this meh! This was a lot of fun.
Awesome Schroedingers toothbrush package!!! I love the coin! The shirt is too small, but it is still a nice shirt. My wife will love it…after I explain to her what it means! Haha!!! Thanks Meh!
Has anyone translated the slogan on the edge?
@hotrodder I had a hard time making out the letters…too shiny.
Shanks! I should have done more due diligence.
“and perhaps it will please (us) one day to remember these things”
Absolutely hilarious. I was like damn I don’t even remember what I bought. Opened it up and just started laughing histarically. Good one guys and thanks!! The people at meh are good people
The coin is awesome. I just got my kit today. What a way to cap off a truly epic adventure. Huge thank you to Meh totally unexpected, eternally grateful.
#929 here. I didnt see the coin at first, found it the day after opening the rest of the package somehow, so for me it was a double whammie, and I loved it.
thx. lov u.
#1837 This totally amazed my children and made my day. It was, like the best thing ever. Saw the delivery and wondered what the heck garbage have I ordered this time…? Opened to reveal so many amazing gifts, each one better than the last and overall far superior to the quip itself which turned out to be of the most mediocre quality and design, perfectly suited to where I got it from.
I gotta be honest, I liked my mystery bag more than the toothbrush.
This was totally unexpected and really really cool. Kudos to the shirt graphic designer(s) classy! Loved the coin, and the stickers went ON my trash can (not in)
What the heck! I didn’t know about this!!!
@wifeduck Gotta hang out with us more often!
Oh, I am in here now. LOL
I have soooo much envy for those of you who got this - it’s so cool!!! I didn’t even know about Meh back then but I probably would have bought a Quip because I had seen ads for it and was tempted to try it.
OK…got one in my IRK. Now…does this mean that my teeth are either there or not there, and I won’t know until I look? Makes me afraid to look…
@eeterrific Got a coin in my IRK. I guess I’m member #3999 now
@eeterrific @reedmo welcome to the club, someone will be by shortly to teach you the handshake.
Missed it
@medz I’m so confused.
How did I ever miss this?
I think it is just an old one??
@jmruru Very old. Scroll up and look at the dates
It’s been 4 years. I don’t know how I got in the club, but I’m in now.
@heartbleed The thing about it was that the folks who wanted this kit mostly had ordered the Quip toothbrush, and then things got really strange when Quip tried to claim that the stock was stolen. Some very long and dramatic delays ensued, resulting in the ha-ha-no-seriously commemorative thing up at the top of this.
I will forever be sad and jealous that I got here just half a year too late to be in on this!
@Kyeh the coin is one of my favourite fiddle toys. I fiddle with it to help me focus. It saves me breaking pens. I have accidentally broken so many pens over the years by fiddling with them while I work. The coin appears indestructible to my fingers.
@OnionSoup I DID get a coin once, in an Irk! Someone was lucky enough to get a bunch of them, and they didn’t even know what they were. I thought the design on it was fantastic.