Poll: Ban the politics from the front page
31Seriously no one is interested in hearing you guys yell at each other. ALL THE TIME. Especially since neither side is going to change the others mind. You all want to spit venom at each other go do it in a back room. Pretend it’s Thanksgiving and you’ve been booted from the table for fighting about bullshit that you’ll never agree on.
- 29 comments, 120 replies
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Vote one: knock this shit off

Vote two: keep fighting like animals
@mike808 of course you are and I obviously don’t expect meh to adjust their front page algorithm. But you could all back off. We don’t need this shit all the time.
Also couldn’t find a new gif?
@mike808 also that is john cleese right? It’s blurry but I seem to remember that scene.
@mike808 @unksol Yeah that’s John Cleese and it might be the single most genius skit in all of history.
@unksol @zinimusprime

@mike808 @zinimusprime I do love some Monty Python… Not 100% if that skit was in it or not…
@unksol @zinimusprime

@mike808 @zinimusprime idk what you’re up to but I want my permit for my funny walk
@mike808 @unksol @zinimusprime I vote we replace all the political arguments with Monty Python sketches. After all, as far as the ability to change minds goes…

@mike808 @ThunderChicken @unksol a third option! And if anyone speaks about politics, they must be spanked.
@ThunderChicken @unksol @zinimusprime

Haydesigner, onlyonetruth:
/giphy ONE

Caveat: my vote was based on the choices offered
My real preference would be that political topics be visually identifiable so that they are easy to avoid, and that people be asked not to post political content in non-political topics.
It would also be really nice to (by forum rules) separate and also to visually differentiate thoughtful, respectful, civil-conversation-type political topics from incendiary and insulting political topics, but I think it’s probably not possible right now to separate out those sorts of content from one another and make that work; so I’ll let that idea die quietly.
: )
@f00l i don’t think that that is something that can be effectivly modererated… I kind of wouldnt want it to be But what if the people doing that had enough respect for everyone else to do it themselves? I know. Pipe dream
I vote two.
I don’t like the bickering but it’s a community forum and as long as the “discussion” doesn’t violate forum rules, meh, whatever.
For me, it’s just as easy not to read those threads as it is to read them. For others it may not be that simple.
@njfan that’s fine. I probably would have… Maybe should have… Framed choice two in… A better way…
Except everyone keeps flinging toxic shit like its volleyball… Not exactly a healthy discussion.
Obviously I don’t expect meh to do anything about this. Just taking a poll to see who is tired of seeing this pointless BS and maybe both sides will knock it down a notch.
I sincerely hope the middle who have already made up their minds out numbers both
@njfan @unksol Why would you assume those who have made up their minds are in the middle?
@Limewater fair point. Just the middle. In this case the middle is those who are not actively spitting poison at each other. Obviously undecideds are still there
@Limewater @unksol I think the problem isn’t politics per say, it is how people are talking about it. If it was done in a mature, enlightened, informed and polite manner then a real discussion could take place. How it is happening here well… most of us (or I’d hope most of us) would, if our kids acted/spoke/behaved like most (but not all) are behaving on those threads, give them severe enough consequences that they would really regret that they were engaging in that type of behavior.
@Kidsandliz @Limewater true. Unfortunately it’s devolved beyond that. No one is talking civil at this point
@Kidsandliz @Limewater @unksol I would settle for, even, lightness commensurate with the immaturity, you know? Acting out caricature can be fun, as long as you recognize that’s what you’re doing…
@InnocuousFarmer and I have no idea what side you’re on but it’s just nukes all the way
Which is not acceptable
@InnocuousFarmer my bad not you. Hit reply the wrong second… Just noticed. Sorry… Unless you have one

/giphy caddyshack goffer
@InnocuousFarmer @Kidsandliz @Limewater someone switched accounts on me or. Innocuous is an Interloper or… An fuck if I care. I have work to do

Depends what you mean by “Interloper”
@unksol I hear you but I think banning subject matter that might be considered unpleasant can be a slippery slope since it is subjective.
I do appreciate you putting up this “poll” as it invites those who have been put off by the other threads to have their voices heard too.
@Kidsandliz @Limewater @unksol Ahh, I was hoping there was a No Man’s Sky player in here. That game’s a great timesink if you’re into a certain kind of walking simulator.
There isn’t that much actual content (planets all start looking the same pretty early), but the scale is absurd. You can play around as long as you want jumping between planets and potentially, not only never encounter another player, but never encounter a planet that another player has ever encountered. (Planets are… I forget, around the size of the actual Moon? You can run into other players via other means.)
They recently got rid of a bunch of scripted NPC interactions, which seems odd to me… kinda miss those…
Anyways, that yellow guy is a member of a kind of Klingon-ish race, and they all call you “Interloper”.
I thought that was important to bring to this thread.
I heard it started off empty then greatly improved with the updates… I have a huge steam/gog backlog and tv is easier These days. so I haven’t bought it yet
@unksol Yeah, it was underwhelming at launch, which made everyone very angry because it had been hyped up in terms of where it would be eventually, about where it is now, plus maybe another year (or two).
I remain utterly impressed that Hello Games spent the ensuing years with their heads down, ignoring social media and making good on the game’s original promise.
@InnocuousFarmer I think someone just made a massive mistake in marketing… Or did not talk to the SE team. Or… You know a disconnect which can but should not happen. Glad to see it’s recovering
@unksol it was the lead developer / cofounder, Sean Murray. He didn’t qualify his answers in interviews with words like “eventually” or “someday after launch”. Just talked about the grand vision in final terms.
I think Trump is an complete fool and openly racist.
And I’m horrified that anyone of any brain cells would support him, let alone constantly find new justification for his behavior.
That said, the ones who CREATE the political posts here are only looking to antagonize, not have any meaningful discussions.
So, yes, ban them here. (Even though I’ve participated in them.)
@haydesigner yeah. See. That is exactly the shit I was hoping to avoid. Stop. Period. Now you’ve brought it in and this will just devolve. All you had to do was check a box
Just stop
All due respect to you and your right to any and all opinions, this is exactly what I object to. This topic was in no way a request for you to opine about Trump, Biden or the man in the moon. Yet you used this as an opportunity to express just that.

@unksol, what box?
@haydesigner vote 1 vote 2.
1 knock this bullshit off. But you HAD to comment didn’t you
@unksol, what’s with the needless raging hostility? I was agreeing with your post. Nowhere did it say “write 1 or 2, nothing else.”
@haydesigner A read the top of the thread. b. Your comment openly invites a fight.
“I think Trump is a fucking moron” “fight”
Which is exactly the thing this thread is meant to stop. Take you fight elsewhere.
Whether or not I agree or disagree with you this hostile shit has got to stop
@haydesigner What the hell is wrong with you?!?!
@cjester66 My guess is some people see the word politics and get so enraged they stop reading and start typing. Reading is a good thing, right? And thinking before you type? Or at least before you hit say it?
I have my beliefs, I don’t want to hear about yours.
For God’s sake, ban politics on this site.
@hems79 This!
Opinions are like bellybuttons - everyone has one, and I don’t necessarily want to see yours…
@hems79 yeah, that’s what Twitter is for, am I right?
@hems79 and ban religion, I have my beliefs and I don’t want to hear your.
Oh Mighty Flying Spaghetti Monster heat my pleas.
I shouldn’t have to say this but the obvious point of this thread was to take a vote about how much the users of this community want to hear your polical opinion nonstop in toxic terms on the front page.
and if they don’t stop and take that shit else where. Or to one of the many threads you already fight in. Respect the community.
The point was not to share your opinion here in this thread. I don’t care. I bet most don’t care. We’ve made our choice. If you want to turn it into a warzone well…
@unksol, then you should have said that. Why on earth would you expect everyone to be mind readers? And why ramp it up by getting so needlessly rage-y about it?
@haydesigner I wouldn’t. That is why it was stated right I the opening post.
I’m sorry if you did not comprehend. It literally said " no one is interested in hearing you guys yell at each other. ALL THE TIME. Especially since neither side is going to change the others mind.
It was a calm it down we’re all sick of this shit non partisan statement. Then you chose to go on a trump rant an drag politics into it which we shut down. I’m not responsible for your reading comprehension
@unksol for what it is worth, I understood what you were trying to do here and I appreciate it!!
@tinamarie1974 I think most of us did, not that you would guess that from some responses, but…
/giphy Scottish terrier puppy

Yep - feel better now. You definitely have the right idea!
Dang giphy doesn’t know a Scottish terrier from a bulldog…or a kitten, or a soccer player…
Still feel better though
@tinamarie1974 here ya go

Can’t we a just get along around cat photos and possums and… “Trash pandas”? I assume you mean your do… Oh you meant racoons…my bad.
And shit deals what ever happened to the meh hate!
@unksol Who the fuck wants to buy bug spray when it’s practically winter? What a stupid thing to sell. Idiots.
you are not the arbitrator of what threads people want to start and post on.
it ain’t about you.
if you don’t like the topic of a thread…
just ignore it… that’s what i do.
i vote 2.
not cause they are animals fighting…
that is insulting and superiority judging by the way.
but because they are free to state their views and opinions the same as you.
i believe in freedom of speech. even if i don’t like/agree with what they are saying. period.
@mick and that is you right. I’m just sick and tired of people openly attacking and fighting From both sides. Over the absolutely dumbest shit they see that day then trying to start trouble
What if we all went back to whining about meh shit product instead of inserting your bullshit.
@mick @unksol I’m sick of the term “both sides,” as if there are only two.
@mick A. has nothing to do with any of that and B. I wasn’t serious about banning it if you had read the thread.
The point was have a civil discourse instead of the constant shit show slinging vitriol at each other.
Which of you are not part of you have certainly seen
i would rather hear what folks really think and feel.
so i can learn who they really are.
what i have learned from you so far…
is that if something someone thinks or says that you don’t like bothers you…
you want to stifle them.
you are a bossy.
yeah… i don’t think the same as you.
@mick you clearly don’t know shit about me. There is a massive difference between having a civil discussion/debate about something. Than using intentionally inflammatory language and insults and attacks against each other.
@mick “Arbiter”
@jaimelobo @mick I would guess both are fine in this usage case… Or would be understood
@jaimelobo @unksol
taught me something i didn’t know though.
You know it’s 2020 when bears have nunchuck skillz.
Fighting like animals
I wouldn’t mind friendly discussions, but that doesn’t seem to happen here. It’s like the more vulgarity and disrespect that can be shown, the more IS shown.
I’m sick of it! I vote ban it!
I vote 2, probably. Surely there’s a workable solution short of banning. Anything from “play nice kids” to a personal thread-blocking feature – we’re only talking about… a few people, three, four?, who are serious instigators.
(I might ban hyperbolic personal attacks that come off as sincere.)
@InnocuousFarmer please note the suggestion was ban it from the front page. take it in back. And the real issue was stop being dicks .
Not actually banning politics
@unksol Wait, there’s pages? I see only an infinite Javascript list of doom.
I think de-escalation starts with all of us. It’s hard, but I’ve been working on learning to let people on the internet be wrong and get the last word.
I’m voting two because it’s election season. If not politics now, when?
@jhinra For your de-escalation needs, please see the cute animals below.
@jhinra @zinimusprime

Here’s this on that: Overwhelmingly it’s venom and vinegar. The extreme majority of posts are vile hatred towards the candidates and often the individuals who are exchanging messages. Very, very seldom does anyone post “vote for ??? candidate because they did ??? and/or if elected they will do ???.
Instead it’s “that candidate is a raving lunatic moron zombie cat fucker and so are you if you support them.”
So in response to your comment “I’m voting two because it’s election season. If not politics now, when?” I say “never” is the right time for all that pointless, non-productive nonsense. There are no ideas and information being exchanged, only hatred.
I like turtles.
/giphy turtles

@zinimusprime My favorite non-sequitur to interject in the middle a conversation! That kid was great.
Hey maybe there is another way to deal with this negative energy. Anytime there is a negative thread, we just add some positivity and ignore the negativity.
/giphy puppies

/giphy kittens
/youtube baby animals
@tinamarie1974 so… If you can’t get people to be civil throw cats them? I approve. On way or another that will sort it out.
@unksol thank you
@tinamarie1974 I mean there may be a hospital involved but my money is on the cat
@unksol oh I understood. I was providing an example of being civil to one another. Apparently some folks need examples
Oh that was snarky I deserve this
/giphy baby monkey

/youtube baby monkey riding on a pig
@tinamarie1974 I know… You would think a little shaming might work.
She knows what you did
@unksol I really just wanted an excuse to use the baby monkey youtube video

@unksol pretty eyes!
@tinamarie1974 boo… I was thinking for a minute I could use her as a she knows what you did/she’s coming thing. Pretty doesn’t work
@unksol hypnotic?
@tinamarie1974 well I have started calling her witch kitty… Who, whoo, whoo knows
Vote Biden/Harris!
/giphy baby pandas

@medz Posting that here has convinced me to vote the other way. Thanks!
@cjester66 you should really vote based on issues, policies, and the candidate’s overall demeanor.
@medz you should stop being so preachy.
@cjester66 @medz
/giphy baby penguin

@cjester66 sorry. The soul of our nation is at stake. I normally wouldn’t, but there is a lot on the line. Have a great day.
Need to ban conspiracy theories and lies from the forum.
/giphy baby sloth

@medz @tinamarie1974 that sloth is a LIER… Er licker. I guess
Vote 3 - I can ignore the thread so who really gives a fuck, there is one for the count
/giphy who gives a fuck

@Cerridwyn you must cause you clicked on it and had to comment. See how that works? If you didn’t care you wouldn’t have shit to say
Here’s my vote:
No more threads complaining about politics.
Ignore the current politics threads.
Make other fun threads instead.
@RiotDemon but, but can I inject baby animals?
@RiotDemon hence stop this shit from blocking half the front page so we can do that
@RiotDemon which I will admit at this point this appears to be the only thread with the word politics despite no polical opinions being discussed in it. Which was intentional. It should die and go to the bottom of the sea. Which is what I would like to see. At least on the front page.
@RiotDemon well obviously give Tina’s animals and John cleese a life raft. I think the turtle is ok but I’m sure she’ll pick him up if he had trouble.
@RiotDemon @unksol omg I love turtles. I always stop to help them cross the road!
@tinamarie1974 I do the same. Turtles don’t stand much of a chance anymore.
@Barney you are good people!
@RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 I mean one shows up every year or two by the house and they are cute… I just leave them alone and take a few pics seems like a long crawl from the bog
Long being several hundred feet…
@tinamarie1974 Aww…
You are too.
@Barney @tinamarie1974 I have to ask which turtles are you talking about… And if it’s a common. Enough thing they are getting run over… On a continuous basis yes that’s sad but there would have to be a healthy population and unfortunately shit happens
I just put on the brakes and let them do whatever they are up to not scoop them up.
Obviously if you have endangered ones different thing
@Barney @tinamarie1974 @unksol

OMG! Turtles!
They dericious!
@Barney @unksol just regular turtles. I live off an old two lane country road and they get run over A LOT. So if I see them I stop the car, put in my hazards and help it get across the street safely. Beyond that it is up to them.
@tinamarie1974 @unksol Too much traffic nowadays for the little guys. It doesn’t hurt to try to give them a chance. If it’s safe to pull over, I do.
@Barney @tinamarie1974 they are cute and I’d stop for one but I think since it’s a long way up the hill and woods from the pond/bog/stream/river they aren’t too motivated to go full road
@Barney @tinamarie1974 @unksol We have a parkway road around here where people go 55 or 60 instead of the speed limit. They sometimes get really scared and sit in the road all pulled into their shell. That, eventually, won’t end well for them either. I’ll pull off the road, pick them up and cross them so they don’t get hit.
@Barney @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 well that’s sad I’d grab them too. Don’t see that often.
@Barney @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974
@Barney @Kidsandliz @unksol aawwww. Was that today?
@Barney @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 month or two back they aren’t always in the yard (that I notice) some how was right outside my office window and I had to run out and look at him. Just knew I had a pic of the last time
Some frogs have moved into the flooded drain pipe and they will have to go back to the bog thing after I get off my ass and clear it.
I love purple
I can get behind this movement.
@Barney Right behind you!
What’s the beef? You see some snowflake bullshit or conservatarde blithering don’t read it. How fucking complicated is that? Namby pamby whinney pantywaists. Grow a pair already.

/giphy rocket science
@cranky1950 ffs can’t read the thread huh? Just sick of adults behaving like petulant children. But I guess carry on.
@cranky1950 You’re cranky.
@cranky1950 Ohhhhh, never mind.
Speaking as a participant in some of the political discussions I vote 2. With some modifications. If you don’t want to read them than don’t. If you want to participate than feel free to do so. But if the discussion devolves into a flame war have the mods put a flame (
) in the title so those who want to avoid it can. And those who want to get involved also can. Just don’t start censoring the forums.
@Mehrocco_Mole whatever dude. It’s sad if you want to discuss things in a way that you know you might need a moderator. But you do you.
@Mehrocco_Mole that’s cute. Wrong but cute
When someone creates a fake identity to post things because they are afraid that people are going to become violent, individuals like that should be banded regardless of their political affiliation. All they are doing is posting to start trouble.
When someone posts deliberately incendiary things they’re also trying to start trouble or to increase the amount of trouble that’s already present
There are many ways of presenting oneself that contain contribute to either civility or incivility.
@Felton10 I think at this stage of the game, nobody is going to be swayed by anything anyone says here, so posting “look what he did now” serves absolutely no purpose.
You will NOT change his hardcore supporters minds. If it was going to happen, it would have happened by now.
As for the people using fake names to post? Trolls. Not the under the bridge troll, but the fisherman casting his line into the water, trolling for a fish.
Don’t take the bait. Don’t fall into the trap. You don’t know them, you don’t owe them anything. You do not need to respond.
Just sayin’.
@lisaviolet Oh, I dunno. The arguments on this site and a couple of others, plus a handful of people in my 3D world, have convinced me to declare “A plague o’ both your houses!” and just vote for Independent or 3rd Party candidates up- and down-ballot. There are actually 13 people on my ballot running for President, so my choice is now down to 11, and I am doing some research on their policy positions. I think I am through with the “lesser of evils” vote for this election and probably the ones to come, so I can’t really say the arguments have had NO effect on my vote.
@lisaviolet @rockblossom I tried that last time and here we are. Idk that this election is the time to go third party… But depending on your state your vote probably doesn’t matter anyway. Which is a whole separate issue
@unksol I’m not in one of the swing states, so my vote isn’t important at the national level. At the local level, where more people are running as Independents, it could make a difference. There are two local offices where there are multiple candidates, but none are running as Dems or Reps, which I find encouraging.
@rockblossom local elections def matter
I would like to point out something @unksol said right at the beginning, especially for those of you that aren’t into reading:
This whole thread isn’t a vote so much as a plea for civility. Maybe follow the golden rule- DON’T BE A DICK.

@sammydog01 it was a vote for civility but yeah. Seems to have won. Will it change anyones behavior? I’m not optimistic
@sammydog01 not that this comic is in anyway related but sometimes it takes a group effort. Just happened to pop up tonight lol and I like it
Unfortunately the level on uncivil discourse during this election starts at the top and that has led to verbal abuse the likes of from which we may never recover.
Everyone knows that being civil and nice is the best answer to fascism. Stops em every time
@spitfire6006006 Seems it took 27,000,000 dead Russians to stop them last time. Just sayin
@cranky1950 @spitfire6006006 Just think of all those poor Russians who could have been saved if people had just posted more insults on the meh forum.
I think Vermin Supreme and Barry Sanders should death match for the Presidency.