What are your favorite Meh-mories?
15Unfortunately, I only find myself popping in a few times each year. But this is one of my favorite questions to ask the community around these celebratory times. We always get great mix of nostalgia as well as some fun, more recent stories that I haven’t heard of.
Be sure to star some of your favorites as well!
Kick back, relax, and distract yourselves so I have less IRK competition!
My favorite memory will always be the Mehrican Exchanges. They were never perfect but really exemplified this community. Fun to see people being creative and come up with some truly memorable boxes.
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I will never forget the time @marklog fingered his dog.
@Trillian me too.
@marklog @Trillian lol first one. My first thought.
Well, someone’s going to have to unstar.
Project Seligman.
@narfcake Well, now I’m just sad that I still haven’t seen our offices. This is an amazing idea with what can only be described as the best outcome.
@narfcake It’s been a lot of fun over the years but nothing can top this one
@ExtraMedium @narfcake if I remember correctly all of the stuff is long since taken down (and offices moved)
Irk’s Breakfast Quest! by @Starblind
Wasn’t that Starblind’s creation?
@Trillian nice catch! I don’t know why I keep thinking it was @Kdemo
@kdemo @Thumperchick Probably because she loved Tiny Tub Mummy so much:
@Thumperchick Still the best goat month event ever.
It was sad but also fun to bounce back and forth between Meh and Deals.Woot on the day tptb over there took Deals.Woot down.
@f00l I miss that place
@capguncowboy @f00l deals.woot will always hold a dear place in my heart!
@capguncowboy @studerc
Till the spammers drove us all away.
Meh kinda came along just in time.
@capguncowboy @f00l yea we were just wrapping up PrettyWootPrincess’ Deal Hunter Competition and then some drama came along…then…Mediocre.
@f00l @studerc I had really stopped going there after the “you cheated and you don’t get a BOC” fiasco. The redacted their stance, but I don’t think I’ve bought anything from them since
@f00l DW is where I got to know so many of you. I miss it.
@capguncowboy @f00l @studerc Lol, they tried to change the rules on me after the fact when I should have won Deal Hunter. I sent them a list of 15+ reasons why what they were doing was considered an illegal lottery, amongst other things. They had to get legal involved. They ended up giving me a mega BOC, but not the cash prize.
@f00l @lichme @studerc you’re gonna have to remind me what deal hunter was. That might have been after I stopped going over there
@capguncowboy @f00l @lichme @studerc never heard about this event—I always seem to be a day late and a dollar short so to speak
@capguncowboy @f00l @lichme Im gonna have to reach here a bit. Ok, so it was a three tiered competition on Deals.Woot.
It was over like several months and things got fucking nuts. I remember that Lich had a starbucks deal that had the top overall, but was initially deemed ineligible due to his connection to Woot or something. I remember the guy that one the most clicks literally put like a click program on his and absolutely demolished everyone.
I got one of the prizes. I got tracking info, but the package never arrived. I waited for months and eventually got another sent to me, but it wasnt the same. I got 5 $20 codes as one of the winners I believe.
@capguncowboy @f00l @lichme found this…i still cant remember the mystery cat.
@capguncowboy @f00l @studerc I think it was the most clicked deal, most purchased deal, and most voted deal… clicks wasn’t announced because it was easy to manipulate
@lichme @studerc so, naturally, someone figured it out and manipulated the game and screwed everyone else out of it?
@capguncowboy @lichme if i remember correctly, the clicked on deal one was fucking garbage bags from amazon. 100k click referrals to Amazon or some bullshit like that.
@lichme @studerc that seems improbable. I have no way of knowing what the actual traffic was, but that seems REALLY high
@capguncowboy @studerc My issue was that I posted the deal BEFORE they updated the rules disqualifying me for being an affiliate, and the original rules never said they were subject to change. PWP basically told me I was SOL, which pissed me off on why that contest was such a shitty one.
The main points I had were
You can’t offer a prize for doing something not declared (mystery category) - That would be so easy for them to pick who they want to win, find something that person did, and make it the winner. To offer a prize in exchange for “consideration”, all terms of winning must be clear.
Them requiring people to post sites only that they are affiliated with, IE gain monetary incentives from purchase referrals, added to the “chance” factory, makes it an illegal lottery.
Changing the rules, without actually having rules
There was a long long list, but those were the main points. I have a feeling that the letter I sent at least in part contributed to the “stupidly long list of legal rules” you see nowadays. Hell, they can’t even make you write a haiku now to be entered to win, they have to provide one you can copy/paste.
Now I’m mad about the whole thing all over again.
Well… my son waking me up for my first fuko…. And damn. I guess a lot of family events are Fuko related.
Gumball machines
Live streams, amongst other shenanigans
Late night Jack Box party games
Oh-Shit Reports
@lichme oh yeah, game night was great!
@djslack @lichme I miss game night.
@lichme I am still afraid to use the “b” word on this site! Image how many trakkers you would get! i still have those built sleeves and use them!
@lichme I miss ohshit reports
@lichme although to be fair I think it’s been a while since anything actually broke that deserved one.
Once getting a @JasonToon Trivia 5-spot question before @cinoclav
@lehigh Lmao - Damn you for that!
@cinoclav IIRC you were working that lunch hour!
@lehigh Pretty sure I was at work the majority of time the questions were asked. Fortunately it was a slow job. Ironically, a handful of the discount codes given didn’t even work.
@cinoclav @lehigh I was just happy Jason limited it to one win a week so I could get a few too.
@lehigh @sammydog01 I do recall @JasonToon saying they would be bringing it back. Lies! All lies!
@cinoclav @sammydog01 By the way, @JasonToon trivia introduced me to this Trinidad banger earworm (3:15 mark) Robot Overlords
@Trillian And miracle berries
@Trillian no.
@Trillian Ah, Malört. Absinthe’s uglier step-cousin that lives up North.
The fuckwad @carl669’s Fun Fact Fuck Count.
/giphy “fuck that”
Speaker docks
Getting an email from JonT that meh needed my phone number for a surprise
Getting Irk to send me photos to build a present
After 3 years in progress, finally pulling an all nighter to finish, delivering said present, and meeting the crew at HQ
Also, seeing how clean my workbench was 3 years ago working on that project. Gotta fix that.
@djslack That clock is amazing. You got a pallet of something, didn’t you?
@sammydog01 Thanks! And yeah, that was the JonT phone number email. A pallet of (mostly broken) Emerson 39" TVs arrived via air freight the next day and blew my mind. Some of those are still in service today!
@djslack I was called for that pallet of TV’s first and only because I had no room for a pallet where I was staying I had to turn them down. Wish i could have been able to take them as I could have used a few TV’s made by swapping out parts. JonT had called me because I had posted on the forums about making one working mac laptop out of 2 broken ones after only 3 tries and only had two left over screws.
My ‘other thing’ letter drawn by @Moose starring the flying remote control robots.
And I have to say, I’m still pretty proud of my ‘Field of 32’ that I ran during my month of goatdom. I had a lot of fun with that.
@cinoclav I remember the letter, it was not long after I got hired I think, but I cannot for the life of me remember what the “other thing” was
@Moose Well, let’s just say I’m in the mood for some peanut butter & jelly.
@cinoclav @Moose Hi Moose!
The clock above was my “other thing” that started with a similar letter. I don’t think I have a pic of the letter though. But I found out that it came from Moose’s personal collection. So thank you again, sir, and good to see you!
@cinoclav @djslack @Moose it’s always awesome to see a moose just don’t try and take a selfie
I almost forgot about the time I got the “other thing” letter in my Fuku and received a ton of faux security cameras. It took me ages to get rid of those
I’ve repressed it all.
Besides those already mentioned the many pet threads
Getting a letter in an fuku and then getting a giant gumball machine!!! The gumballs in it were so old that if you dropped one, it shattered. A lot of fun.
@pooflady Did you find a good home for it?
@sammydog01 I did. After I got tired of giving the grandkids quarters, I listed it somewhere and a nice gentleman thought it was worth $80. All in all, pretty great.
If you don’t miss
/youtube something went terribly wrong
And the other daily vids a pox on… Your possum skulls
@unksol Hiram is my favorite.
@unksol this is my favorite, I have it bookmarked, and send it whenever I have any issues with any thing…
@unksol And the (more than one) thread on how to turn that song into one’s ring tone.
Several or the already mentioned above are on my list. I will add Irk answers questions videos. The thoughtful response and learning the proper pronunciation of names. Irk is a genius!
I can’t remember what it was called but the game someone did where we submitted pop culture people as subjects (I did Meredith Grey from Greys Anatomy, she got pretty far) and each day or so we’d be told what had happened to various characters and who was left etc. anyone remember this? I remember another character was the Kool Aid pitcher guy
@moonhat The Hunger Games!
Also fun the western town murder game.
@speediedelivery yes yes yes! The Hunger games! That was really fun
@moonhat @speediedelivery I got stabbed in the back in that game. Totally worth it.
@sammydog01 @speediedelivery It was so fun. I wish someone would do another
My favorite is anything forum related. I like the random exchanges and the mehmbers seem genuine.
I’m a big fan of sammydog01 (not @ing her because I don’t want her to feel self-conscious). She once sent cookies to the Meh headquarters and one of the team mehmbers posted photos. I think she sent it in anonymously and I thought it was a sweet gesture. She also got me into the pokemon group, book club, and fantasy football (cough current champion cough) meh groups. I don’t know her but clearly I think highly of her.
I also enjoyed the short-lived fitbit meh group. I definitely got my steps in those months.
I even enjoyed the political quarantine. To remain sane, I didn’t read it regularly and avoided posting anything but it was good to see people were passionate even though most arguments were myopic and/or asinine most of the time. On second thought, I didn’t like the political quarantine thread, lol.
I like this community and occasionally the sales too!
@njfan Trillian has delivered treats and fun stuff a few times. The Great Pizza Party coordinated by Aetris and delivered by Amazingrace were fun. I lurk in the forums and like many people here because of the personality that comes out in the posts.
@njfan How much is Sammy paying you for this testimonial? And if it’s in cookies, her snickerdoodles are the bestest.
@Barney victory in last year’s championship game. Wooo!!
@Barney @njfan I let you win last year. Totally. Is it pre-season yet?
They sold a chamomile infused pillow that was supposed to be cool to the touch and help you sleep. Best pillow I have ever had- when I get to sleep on it. After searching forever, I finally found another one which was $15 more for one- I got 2 on MEH for $29. Thanks again MEH.
Craft Beer exchange? Anyone?
@marklog We don’t know where yours has been.
So still very new here. My favorite memory so far has been the Xmas IRK exchange. It was fun to make an IRK and I had a blast 3d printing cat butt cookie cutters, and also getting rid of some of my other regrets that I got in the past. It is great that the community is willing to do those kind of things. It gives me faith in humanity. Especially during the epic POS of a year 2020 was…
My first Meh-mory was the first day or two I actually started working. We’ve got that fancy new warehouse that you can see here in this video if you haven’t this link here will take you to it.
So, I walked in and before we were in the main office area and such we were tucked all the way in back of a small side area. We didn’t have as many people back then so it was fine. Come in and sit down and shortly afterward @snapster just rolls on past on what I think was a Onewheel. That is kinda how I knew I would like working here.
Meh’s toilet paper shortage and our response (sent them rolls and rolls, many of those rolls were “unique”). Or when we sent pizza delivery to meh. The games that required no skill or special knowledge we used to have where you could win that product (I think mostly in JonT’s time). One contest was a speaker doc smashed in to a zillion pieces and we had to guess how many peices.
Oh and the sharpie solution to not problem of available in the color someone wanted. Someone got a sharpie and a note telling them they could fix the problem.
The 4 or 5 years in a row we banded to together to fund teacher projects listed on whatever that site is. And the group who does the micro loans on whatever that site is. Anyone remember the names of those sites?
And while I may be wrong… some years ago snapster posted an idea to send out an email that vanished after an hour for a product meh would be selling for that hour only. I asked him if that was a solution in search of a problem. Looks like that idea may have morphed into the meharons.
@Kidsandliz kiva was the microloans site.
That email thing is totally doable now.
My first batch of Meh birthday contests, wherein I scored my first IRKs/ Fuko. I can’t remember which. But that’s when I got hooked on IRKs.
And, of course, the Saga of the Pasta Box. Which I should probably continue as promised, lo these many long months ago (this year got busy in many, many ways).
Funny thing: after years and years of being the person FedEx and other delivery showed up for, I now have new neighbors who also get a lot of deliveries. Some big enough that they’ve elected to back their truck up the Alley of Doom to drop it off.
And every time, having been conditioned to think that truck is always for me, I find myself watching excitedly for the inevitable pallet of Martian Watches.
That time @felton10 got a pallet of balls and bubble wrap. OH WAIT, that hasn’t happened YET
@tinamarie1974 After the IRK I just got today, that would be an improvement.
@tinamarie1974 Just can’t leave my balls alone can you?
@Felton10 I can’t! It is too much fun to play with them and push your buttons
/giphy push buttons
@tinamarie1974 Forget the buttons, just concentrate on the balls.
@Felton10 nah, buttons are more fun!
@tinamarie1974 Not for me.