Let's Play Mafia, Day 5: "I am predicting we’ll lose this"
3The Story So Far:
Troll’s Butte is a small town in the foothills of Colorado, settled by disillusioned miners. A gang of bandits, looking to wipe out the town, has recruited three locals to start killing townspeople one-by-one. The townspeople, determined to take justice in their own hands, have been voting for which of their neighbors they think is a traitor, and executing them summarily. They have not had much luck. After accusing the innocent @Sabre99, the bandits attacked @PlacidPenguin and left them to die on their horse. Then the locals turned on @Medz, whose only crime was trying to hunt down the truth. @Kevin was the next one on the bandit’s chopping block, left tied to a water wheel for elk fodder. With the focus on him, @DrunkCat tried to vote for himself for sympathy until it backfired and got him killed by the townspeople, and his ghostly figure made his innocence (and frustration) clear. After @stardate820926 was found face-down in the lake, an innocent @therealjrn took the fall. As the number of innocent locals dwindles, it becomes more apparent that the Meh-leficient Marauders are not only deadly, but skilled at manipulation. Will they ever face justice?
Original thread with Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
It was early in the afternoon, and the whole town - what was left of it, anyway - was gathered in the cemetery, circling yet another freshly-dug grave. The undertaker’s coffin supply couldn’t keep up with demand, so it was an oddly fortunate outcome of the bandit’s methods that the remains from last night fit in two small crates.
“…@amehzinggrace was many things to many people, but one thing to everyone: a friend. As we lower both halves into the final resting place, I ask that we all sing @AmehzingGrace’s favorite hymn: How Great Thou Art.”
After the funeral, the group slowly dispersed for lunch before reconvening in the courthouse, as the the undertaker began digging the next grave.
- 22 comments, 84 replies
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So, who’s the wolf in sheep’s clothing?
Man, those bandits are a shifty sort.
Ahm ashocked that @amehzinggrace aint a bandit cause ah knew fer sure that that there mine collaps that kilt her husbund werent no accydent. Ah guess her maker can decide what be done wif her.
Welp, now what?
@tnhillbillygal Random guessin like the last few times?
Hey @CaptAmehrican, you gots any of them crime fightin’ powers i see in the dime store novels you could use round here?
@tnhillbillygal well not so much but I consulted the secret decoder ring from the back of my comic book and it says @riotdemon is a demon and thus likely to be a bandit. So I accuse them.
@CaptAmehrican @RiotDemon I ain’t doubtin’ ya but you sure it didn’t say “Drink Your Ovaltine”? I’ve heard tale of them decoder thingydoozits.
@CaptAmehrican accuse or nominate?
@CaptAmehrican meanwhile the Capt has been hiding in the back until now. I nominate them.
@Moose accuse and nominate
@CaptAmehrican @RiotDemon Eenie meenie… I guess I’ll second @RiotDemon fer hangin.
Sherif @Moose ah have a question. Ifn we townfolk accidently pick anothr townfolk tonigh is this here thing over or we keep killin until one survives?
@sammydog01 meanwhile me and penguin were your alibi at the beginnin. I sees how it is.
@sammydog01 Oh wow yeah we’re already to that point. If y’all choose wrong, then that leaves three bandits vs two locals the next day, ending the game.
I’d like to hear what them quiet ones @metaphore and @djslack have to say too. With this being what could be our last chance to get it right, we need to hear from everrbody. Keepin’ quiet doesn’t help the investigatin’ much. What say ye?
@tnhillbillygal What say me? Well what say you? So far you ain’t said nothing, just askin others to speak up so you don’t have to.
@metaphore Whoa, sounds a little too defensive there for my taste. I been seconding and participatin’ all I can in between dancin’ and saloonin’ round here. I did get a bit skiddish on nominatin’ just cuz wut went down betwixt me and ole @medz. Seems like you jest like comin’ in after watchin’ all us townsfolks gettin’ riled up and then sittin’ back and enjoyin’ our misery as our team keeps gettin’ smaller. You got something to hide?
I don’t trust anyone left in this town. Y’all just as likely to be bandits as you’re to be innocent. There’s a few I am more suspicious of than the rest but I thought for sure yesterday we had a bandit and it turned out he was just a common grave-robber. I think the bandits have already got us beat. Who would have thunk a town of sex workers and thieves would be such easy pickin.
@Moose Can we just hang everyone to save the next town from the bandits?
@tnhillbillygal I have my suspects. I believe RiotDemon is one of them, so I’ll not muddy the waters today with another nomination.
@djslack you’ll feel real bad when another innocent gets put into the ground.
@djslack @RiotDemon We done got used to putin innocents in the ground un hardly even notice anymore.
Here’s what I’m a-thinkin’. We keep executin’ talkers and therego thereby innocent neighhbors whilst the quiet ones keep their heads down for the most part and keep watchin’ us all. What if we change our ways and hopefully our luck by choosin’ a tongue-holder?
@djslack @RiotDemon Ain’t none of us innocent anymore. Not after we put so many of our own in the ground.
@djslack @metaphore nice that y’all are ganging up on me. Maybe it’s cuz you’re the bandits.
@metaphore @RiotDemon I might-a spoke a bit hastily. All’s I’m saying is we got two nominations and seconds and I’d prefer not to throw out a third.
@djslack jus sayin, you’ll be sorry when you choose someone that ain’t a bandit. I would suggest you vote for someone else.
Well, i am gonna stand behind my thoughts on the quiet 'uns and nominate @metaphore 'cuz I reckon them and @djslack is in cahoots due to their sudden willingness to jabber.
@tnhillbillygal I’m dead anyway. The bandits have taken this town. I hope all these deaths weigh heavy on your conscience.
@tnhillbillygal I’d like to note that the only one left who hasn’t cast a nomination or a second yet is who you are accusing me of being in cahoots with. The way I see it, that makes your nomination dumb or desperate to save one of your bandit friends or both.
@metaphore I done told ya that I am follering through on what I am seein’ between the folks stayin’ too quiet til one of us gets a bit too close to their plans and figurin’ them out. I ain’t too skeered to speak up when it needs to be done…
@djslack @tnhillbillygal If you are innocent as you claim, and even if both I and @djslack were bandits, then that leaves a bandit that had already put someone’s head on the chopping block. Wouldn’t efforts to stop that one, and save the one they are trying to frame, be better than trying add another name to ballot?
@djslack @metaphore I haz read that three times over and still can’t figur out the logic in that statement. Wut I said and you seem to be tryin’ to skirt is the fact that we keep votin’ out talkative folks and lettin’ the quiet’uns just keep sittin’ back and watchin’ til’ it gets time to vote and then they all of the sudden appear in time to execute an innocent. Seems apparent to me that you have just given away that you know a bandit is on the choppin’ block. How would you know unless you is one?
@tnhillbillygal 5 people have put names on the chopping block now. That leaves 2 that haven’t. Even if both that haven’t are bandits that means one bandit has for sure put up a name. At least one person nominated has to be innocent. I would rather figure out who the innocent one is and hope that we got one bandit up there than just throw out more and more names.
@metaphore Ohhh, that’s much clearers. Why didn’t you say that in the first place? I still seyz the quiet onez is the onez we gots to keep our eyes on.
@tnhillbillygal If you’re innocent than at least one of the other 4 must be guilty. I know I’m not a bandit so even if you are at least one of those 4 is still guilty. If we can figure that one out there’s a chance some of us could still make it out alive.
sherif @Moose- ah gots a question. We be needin 4 votes to hang someone- aint that correct? Un ifn you nominates or secunds someone you be required to vote fer that un? Can we withdraw a nomination or second? Cauz I be seein no end to this.
@metaphore @tnhillbillygal if you’re a-sayin’ I hain’t nominated nobody, don’t forget I sent that corpse-robbin’ but otherwise innocent @therealjrn to his re-ward.
@sammydog01 the motivation behind the rule is “don’t nominate/second multiple people” so yeah you can nominate/second in order to have an election and then vote contrary to it
@djslack @metaphore @therealjrn @tnhillbillygal I dun see nominatin an innocent townfolk as a defense frum bein a bandit.
Ifn ahm readin this aright we gots @riotdemon and @CaptAmehrican both nominated und seconded. And a lot of accusin. Any other nominees?
@metaphore @sammydog01 @therealjrn @tnhillbillygal
I were only respondin’ to this:
I didn’t realize metaphore might-a been talkin just about today.
@sammydog01 where was @CaptAmehrican seconded?
@CaptAmehrican @Moose Right down there by @tinamarie1974

@sammydog01 ah, it was collapsed for me.
I recon the Capt be a tad too quiet for my likin. I don’t recon I re-kul seeing him in town lately…I second his nomination
@tinamarie1974 captain is a female
@CaptAmehrican oh my bad, so sorry ma’am
Whoa there, Jethro, we finally made it here. Whew! Hop down off’n the buggy and hobble on over to the blacksmith. I’ll meet ya over there in a minute.
Well, Jethro threw a shoe just outside of Pistol Roost and I’ve been pullin’ the buggy, with him in the back, ever since. Boy, my achin’ back. Hope, @sammydog01 will take a look at it.
Ya know, I seem to have this here craving for carrots…
So, so sorry I missed the deal’ns and all with @therealjrn. I bet there was some shindig after all that. Anybody sober yet? Huh? Ya know, I always thought @therealjrn had a heart of gold – stolen gold. Oh, and poor @amehzinggrace, what a terrible way to go. I heard tale that she was beside herself.
I just can’t figger out why there ain’t no noise in this here town. It’s quiet – too quiet.
See’n as how everyone’s in such a surly mood, I think Jethro and I will head off to our next town. Now what was that name again? Oh yeah, Last Hope Hollow. It has such a nice ring to it, don’t it?
And ain’t Jethro look’n right nice in his new shoes?
@sammydog01 I hope I git ta see ya next time I’m in town.
Please let my transfer happen to that thar new circuit court. Please! Please! Please!
@Barney sorry for the tense reception Judge. I reckon being told this could be our last chance sobered us all up a bit…
@tnhillbillygal No offence takin, Miss @tnhillbillygal. I do wish the best fer all of the good towns people.
@Barney Perhaps next time ya swing thru you shoud jes hang every body here- itll be all bandits by then. Jethro done looks good- bye boy, see ya in the next life.
@sammydog01 It’d be my pleasure to be called the hang’n judge once again.
@Barney Pleze have that there put on ma tombstone.
Time To Vote!
Maybe for the last time ever!
@CaptAmehrican nominated @RiotDemon, seconded by @sammydog01
@RiotDemon nominated @CaptAmehrican, seconded by @tinamarie1974
So, which is innocent and which is a no good bandit?
@RiotDemon or @CaptAmehrican?
attn: @CaptAmehrican, @djslack, @metaphore, @RiotDemon, @sammydog01, @tinamarie1974, @tnhillbillygal
I hope y’all don’t choose wrong. The Capt been silent most of the time until they on the line.
@Moose Ah gots no clue but am gonna vote fer @riotdemon acause she always votes so late.
@Moose @captamehrican has my vote. Lord help us if we ain’t right.
@Moose Ill stick with my nom-ne-na-chion of @Captamehrican. That filly is a might too quiet for my likin.
@sammydog01 so I guess being your alibi doesn’t count for anything. I notice you ignored me last time I brought that up.
Meanwhile Capt didn’t even vote at all last time!
I can’t help that I’m takin care of these horses. My new foal almost died upon birth. Can’t hang out at the saloon all day long like the others.
Our last shot at this and it looks like it’s already decided. I’ll go with @CaptAmehrican and really hope we’re right.
@Moose voting for @riotdemon as I know I am innocent.
@Moose I’m obviously voting for Capt.
Welp, Imma stickin’ with my idea that it’s the quiet’uns bein’ sneaky and Imma votin’ fer @captamehrica. This has all been too stressful, and Iza headin’ back to the saloon to calm my nerves and see what happens. Hopefully we all survive the night.
@Moose, is it time? I think everyone is nervous/anxious hoping we made the right decision THIS TIME! The Good, The Bad, The Ugly @CaptAmehrican, @djslack, @metaphore, @RiotDemon, @sammydog01, @tinamarie1974, @tnhillbillygal
Well that’s it! Though all of the bandits survived, to the local’s credit they did at least nominate all of them at some point, and I think all but one election was between a bandit and a local. There will be another game soon, with some game mechanics in place to let the innocent players have a bit more edge in solving the mystery.
@Kevin, @medz, @PlacidPenguin, @Sabre99, @DrunkCat, @stardate820926, @therealjrn, @amehzinggrace, @CaptAmehrican, @tnhillbillygal, @tinamarie1974, @RiotDemon, @djslack, @metaphore, @sammydog01
@Sammydog01 @RiotDemon
That’s why I don’t keep friends. They’re likely to stab you in the back.
Choir girl my butt.
@Moose Wow, we sucked at this.
@Moose this was fun. Thanks for coordinating! And Yee Haw
Good Game everyone! @Medz totally had me pegged from the first day and I also thought @amehzinggrace was going to get me outted. Thank you @Moose for the fun game and for putting up with all of our antics!
@Moose thank you for this! And thanks to everyone for playing.
I wound up building a spreadsheet like @medz but only late last week once we were under pressure. I wasn’t close enough to right with it to make a difference. It had me pegging @tnhillbillygal correctly but @sammydog01 incorrectly. Something @sammydog01 did made me change my vote at the end. But hindsight is always 20/20.
This were fun, thankee Sheriff!
@Moose Thanks Sheriff! It was a blast!
@Moose I told then I was innocent and the decoder ring said @riotdemon was a bandit
@PlacidPenguin @sammydog01 so sorry. I never get to play the villain.
some versions of mafia have characters like the doctor(can save 1 person at night) , and detective(can find out who 1 person is at night)
@RiotDemon @sammydog01
“Play” would imply doing something that you otherwise don’t do.
@PlacidPenguin I don’t. Even in video games I usually lean towards the good person. In Fable 2 I was so good that I got a halo. Then I had to be bad for an achievement, so I ended up with devil horns and a halo.
In Skyrim I refused to kill this one guy and I ended up losing an achievement because of it… Damnit. He ended up being an awesome follower though.
I suppose most people think I’m an asshole because of my name.
So your bark is worse than your bite.
Got it .
@PlacidPenguin have you ever seen me be truly mean here? If you have, keep it to yourself, lol
Dammit…we should’ve listened to @medz…sorry sorry sorry
Judge Barney was appointed to the new circuit judge position. And Judge Barney and Jethro lived happily ever after.
Nice game bandits. Nice game you loser Townies. Thanks for the fun @Moose.
@Barney your commentary was fun. You should of played.

/image purple honorable mention ribbon
@Barney @RiotDemon Fun? She rides into town claiming to be some sort of fancy judge then besmirches my good name. I reckon she was in cahoots with the bandits all along. I figure they paid her to make it seem as though I had a checkered past.
@Barney @medz she claimed to be your cousin.
@medz @RiotDemon
Aw, don’t be a sore loser, Cousin Medzy. Afterall, I did mourn your passing.
And they only paid me a few bucks to hold me over until payday.

@RiotDemon Thanks for the purple ribbon. I never guessed you were one of the bandits.
I was oddly prepared for different scenarios, as some of you found out from me.
@PlacidPenguin oh so sad. The poor penguin
@PlacidPenguin sorry. I did feel bad murdering you off.
It’s fine. I got to haunt some people day after day.
The “other side” involved Disco music though, so that was not fun.
/giphy Yay!


As a lurker that obviously lacks the creativity and quick banter of you folks, I enjoyed watching the happenings as a pure lurker. So you can count the enjoyment on more than just those posting.
I would have been lynched on day one.

I enjoyed following the game. I especially enjoyed the bandits winning

/giphy thumbs up
Thanks @moose that was a ton of fun. I always wanted to be a toothless prostitute.
@sammydog01 I didn’t know you were toothless, no wonder you were so popular
@sammydog01 @tinamarie1974