@DoctorOW@Kyeh Yes-but two already for April and the month is only half over and the products in this mehrathon are repetitious and the IRKs are almost non existent and impossible to get.
We here at Meh sell one item a day. Unless it’s the eight mehrethrons a month that we seem to be currently doing.
Not that I am complaining. It has kept things interesting.
/giphy interesting
@Kidsandliz Wrap myself in bubble wrap before I go to sleep-that is an idea. But if I toss and turn a lot at night which I do. won’t I wake myself up popping bubbles when I do that? Or even worse, wake my wife up.
@Felton10 Some of us work late. I missed the first IRK though. So I wont get another chance until I wake up. I haven’t won any of the last several. This marathon does interest me though. My daughter had a pair of these USB-C to headphones that I got from Meh that hasn’t reappeared since. I’m guessing they will show up again today.
@unksol I’m only speaking from personal experience with having gotten one great IRK and one above average both which had massive quantities of bubble wrap to protect them.
@Cerridwyn At this point, they’ve overdone the Meh-rathons to the point where they’ve lost their luster and appeal.
It went from “Gotta check the site every few minutes to see the new deal” to “Isn’t this the third Meh-rathon this month?! I got stuff to do…”
Back when you could only buy fk bags, they showed up on specific days - anniversary and April Fool’s day being 2 of those. The April Fools one was often done in some amusing way, such as an entire screen of captchas (I got one of those) or a scavenger hunt across Morningsave.
After the mehrathon, I think, came into being, Tax Day was a thing. But they were still not monthly, much less several times a month.
Somebody on Woot put this list together of the Fukubukuros on April 1st
Choose your own adventure, which incorporated a sister site + other sales. You can start the story here.
Mediocrebot themed Mehrathon.
A Mehrathon which consisted ONLY of Fukos (back when they still existed). The link to the Mehstalker records can be found here.
Trivia Game show, with special deals along the way, as seen here.
Captchas all over the place. Seriously. EVERYTHING was covered in captchas, as can be seen here.
A page which alternated between reversed text, page being upside down, the page being normal, the text moving, and more. You can see that here. Just keep on refreshing the page.
Since you asked… and I didn’t want to put anymore “heavy blame” on our lovely goat, aka @DoctorOw, here ya go…
No, mom’s house is A-ok, STILL bandaged up with plywood and plastic. She’s waiting for more inspections and contractors to make their rounds and get a plan together.
As for MY cruddy week, I suppose it could be worse, but i’ve had major suckage with life changing events.
Exactly one week ago, only 4 hours after getting my final Covid vaccine, (Maderna) I started peeing every 2 hours. That was a good/great thing since prier to that the 80mg of daily lasics hadn’t been working at all. Before last Wednesday (before 2nd vaccine) i’d only been able to pee twice in any 24 hour period. My legs had gotten SO swollen it was becoming debilitating. (Dr’s had been trying to figure out the reason without success.) It felt like I was dragging 20 pound weights on each leg! Also on Wednesday at the gyn Dr’s appointment I was told more bad news about that CT scan I had a few weeks ago at the ER. Not only did the growth in my uterus get substantially bigger but they found something else growing in my lower back and also there’s something going on with the hardware that’s been left in my leg and hip for the past 20 something years! (I now have a fused hip) She thinks that could be WHY my body keeps swelling, I could be rejecting the hardware OR my bones could be dying, that’s already happened twice. I’d seen a specialist a few years ago and to get the hardware taken out it would take at least 2 big surgeries. I was freaking out picturing myself bedbound again and in body casts for months on end like i’ve gone through twice in the past. That had totally sucked and I got pretty depressed.
A few other little things going on as well and it’s NOTHING good! Wa Wa Wa, I know!!
So 5 days later, this past Monday, I go to my GP for my yearly physical. Ironically, as soon as I walked through the door I started having wicked blurry vision. Keep in mind, i’ve NEVER been diabetic! As it turns out my sugar is sky high and has been out of control for a while! I had a blood sugar of 567 and a A1C that’s SO high it can’t be tested! A good A1C is 5.6 and anything higher than 11 won’t register. That was me, UGH!
I knew I was predisposed to diabetes, BUT, I wasn’t there yet, and I was FAR from it, so I thought!! My Dr was so concerned, I was afraid she wasn’t going to send me home. Since then, along with the blurred vision that’s been getting worse and worse, (in 3 days I can no longer make out the tv guide on the tv’s screen & i’ve NEVER needed glasses) I also started having the sweats, constant clamy skin and cotton mouth like nobodies business that won’t go away no matter how much I drink! All these things are continuing to worsen and in the last 3 days since I started insulin the lowest my sugars has been is 356. Still, WAY too high!
Oh yeah, my blood pressure was through the roof too! I was having pressure headaches for a few days and wasn’t even aware that’s what it was. Even though I was a total wreck it took a good 24 hours for everything to settle in. I was like in shock or maybe just a little numb…
So NOW, along with testing my blood 3 time’s a day, injecting 2 different types of insulin 3 times a day, taking & charting my blood pressure w/meds, i’m continueing my INR monitoring for warfrin use and blood clots. IT’S A LOT!
YUP, It’s been one heck of a cruddy week with lots of new things that I wasn’t expecting to be my life! Plus, I still have to have the MRI and consult with the specialist. In the past, when I had the life-changing accident with 2 broken legs and the brain injury & the PE/pulmonary embolism that could have killed me a few years ago it wasn’t so bad or didn’t seem to be SO bad because it happened SO quickly! There wasn’t impending doom waiting for tests and appointments. It’s crazy how much we’re given to handle sometimes! It hasn’t even been a year since I almost lost the love of my life and best friend of 31 years. I thank God he’s here helping me go through this! I’ll be 56 in a few weeks and my health has just gone south. It’s a lot to take in and I feel like i’m on autopilot. Of course it’s not the end of the world and it’s only going to get better from here. (well maybe after a little more time, with the inevitable surgeries and all) I’ve lived through much MUCH worse, and millions of people live with diabetes and high blood pressure. I do know that many people have it tougher every single day and I really don’t mean OR want to come across like a whiner! I just wasn’t expecting to have so much happening, ALL AT ONCE. Maybe with me living this new healthier lifestyle, this out of control diabetes and blood pressure will correct itself. Time will tell…!
@DoctorOW@Lynnerizer OMG-To say I am sorry I asked is an understatement. Hope it at least was cathartic to write all that down.
I have been diabetic for almost 25 years and on insulin for about 5 years when my pancreas finally gave out so I know a little about that issue. My dtr way back when said with my family history it wasn’t a question of if but when.
It’s definitely therapeutic for me to write/journal and it’s even better when I hear others respond. I love, love, love learning about people, human nature and just what others are thinking and/or how their minds work. (If I hadn’t hated school so much I totally would have been some sort of councilors or therapist) I guess I have a better chance of getting feedback IF I put myself out there as well. I often do worry about sharing too much and having people say “OMG, there SHE GOES AGAIN”! (with the big side-eye of course) I have a childhood friend/classmate/acquaintance that i’m Facebook friends with and OMG does SHE overshare!! I guess i’m just NOT wanting to be sounding like her and I do try to be cautious about it.
Last night on the way home from the ER, I was just telling my guy the same exact thing you said, “it’s not IF i’d be diabetic, but WHEN?” I too have/had so many close relatives with it. When I was a teenager I took care of my grandmother, that was my introduction to diabetes and the struggles to prevent amputation of feet and blindness. Not fun! I was pretty much beside myself after being diagnosed on Monday and having my eyesight worsen in the next few days. By the time I got to the ER I wouldn’t have been able to recognize my own mother if she’d been standing in front of me. That’s gosh darn scary! I don’t think i’d be SO overwhelmed if I didn’t have so much other stuff going on with my health right now.
My Dr’s worked SO hard to get me into that MRI they needed so badly and I freaking just blew it! I’m pissed at myself to no end! The supervisor was coming in after hours to get it done and I freaking slept right through it! I even set 2 alarms! I know that being tired is part of this whole thing but I just can’t keep my eyes open. Nothing I can do now until Monday.
When you finally got your diabetic diagnosis was your sugar out of control? If so, how long did it take you get it under control and did you ever have vision issues because of it? There’s one more thing i’m dying to know… WHAT DO EAT FOR SNACKS?
And what do you drink besides WATER? I HATE water!
Oh i’m sorry, I missed the part about going on insulin when your pancreas went. I suppose since they were on top of it you probably weren’t out of control with high sugar.
What’s up with the strange listing durations? 28 minutes at a time? Did someone do some serious mathing over there to calculate exactly how many items and how many minutes would strangely fill the day?
@nonlion Well if we extrapolate based on current data I’d say we’re likely to get two in May. But that assumes that there are only two in April. If we get a third in April, that would suggest four or five, depending on if we’re doing a straight linear interpolation or if we’re going with something like the Fibonacci sequence. In either case, if one of those trends holds it won’t be long before every day is a Mehrathon. But the sequence will still be increasing. Which I guess means that items would be for sale for shorter and shorter times until the internet explodes and takes with it life as we know it. The downfall of civilization may very well result from a single website trying to sell a bunch of meh items (and a few good ones but no one but the robots are fast enough to buy those and the robots are locked out by the captcha “I solemnly swear that I am not a robot” boxes. So it’s meh for everyone.).
@gt0163c I can appreciate the thought and speculation that went into your response. It’s actually the same lines of thinking I had. What WILL happen if April has 3? How long until it all implodes from there? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop? All these mystifying questions, and the world may never know the answers to them.
Why? Why will I stick around to try to get a regret kit? It seems some people must type at the speed of light. I’ve clicked to buy one in seconds and still sold out. Of course the last thing I need is more crap, but you gotta try!
@OnionSoup@smilingjack Eye think its funny how our once fast 4G is now slower than it was. Every time a faster speed is released it seems my once fast connection is now SLOWER THAN IT EVER WAS! Its just everyone that goes for supposedly faster speed is ultimately just getting 4G or actually 2G speed while the rest get the slower speed. Great selling points though.
@blaineg@raccoon81 yeah, I found that one (albeit too late that day) and have been searching on the regular for the next one on all the sister sites sincei learned they did such a thing…esp on ***-rathon days. Can confirm nothing so far today.
yup. since neither MS or SD have any actual ZAGG items having to check all the satellite brands under their umbrella was an extensive poke around! And, nuttin.
For everyone checking SD and MS: just because it’s not there now, doesn’t mean it won’t show up a little later in the evening Everyone keep your eyes peeled
@nonlion nah the state of MS probably vanished into the Gulf of Mexico and is now under water (that would be a good thing as this state sucks. I live there).
@Kyeh@rm9116@sammydog01 Giuseppe was a living curse calling itself Zagg’sothoth that followed Sir Kromrad back from deep below Jemdet Nasr. It started off subtle for him, but gradually manifested in stronger ways, to the point that it took on a physical form and began warping the memories of people who were in the town, causing sickness, and hindering both his and his grandson’s attempts at seeking help. Basically a parasitic cosmic being that sought to keep the Zagg-based artifacts unburied and in circulation while driving their owners mad for who knows why.
@Kyeh@rm9116@ThomasF I should have figured that out, I guess I didn’t get enough sleep for some stupid reason or other. Maybe I’ll dig out my Lovecraft complete edition and do some reading.
Amazing story, thanks so much. I’m glad I don’t have any of those Zagg things around the house. Oh wait…
@cbilyak@heatherleighsmi Think a better explanation is that they have such a backlog of IRKs to send out, they didn’t want to make it worse and with only 250 this go round they didn’t.
@Felton10 I almost gave up, but I am no quitter…clearly a loser, but not a quitter! I was scouring Side Deal for a hidden one and ended buying stuff over there today.
@cbilyak My first -athon in a while without an IRK, but I guess I can find solace knowing that I’ve got two just waiting to be shipped, and my wife would probably kill me if a third showed up.
@cbilyak@smigit2002 I missed on April fools no matter how I tried. So today got one to make up. Doing one a month even missing some.
It is insane how often they are taking orders for the crap they are not shipping. Wish it meant that something better was coming but really still just crap coming.
WOW! I was fortunate enough to snag a RARE Limited Edition (1 of 250) IRK during the Inaugural Zaggathon!! Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah!! My oh my, what a Wonderful Day!!
@caffeineguy@IndifferentDude Congrats, y’all, I wish you the best with your bags upon bags of low capacity batteries! I’ll rest happy knowing I won’t have to suffer through that torture
@DoctorOW right?!
@DoctorOW Its all your fault. You are supposed to control this. I never had this problem. Impeach now.
@DoctorOW @Felton10 Ummm … there were two during your reign, Felton10!
@DoctorOW @Kyeh Yes-but two already for April and the month is only half over and the products in this mehrathon are repetitious and the IRKs are almost non existent and impossible to get.
We here at Meh sell one item a day. Unless it’s the eight mehrethrons a month that we seem to be currently doing.

Not that I am complaining. It has kept things interesting.
/giphy interesting
@Fodder650 Who gives a shit about interesting. I want sleep.
@Felton10 So go to sleep? You probably already have enough bubble wrap.
@Kidsandliz Wrap myself in bubble wrap before I go to sleep-that is an idea. But if I toss and turn a lot at night which I do. won’t I wake myself up popping bubbles when I do that? Or even worse, wake my wife up.
@Kidsandliz One never has enough bubble wrap.
@Felton10 Some of us work late. I missed the first IRK though. So I wont get another chance until I wake up. I haven’t won any of the last several. This marathon does interest me though. My daughter had a pair of these USB-C to headphones that I got from Meh that hasn’t reappeared since. I’m guessing they will show up again today.
Well thank heavens the theme doesn’t lend itself to the most nightmare inducing doll abominations I’ve ever seen.
Meh: you still need to ship at least a couple thousand IRKs. Maybe it’s time to pump the breaks, a little?
@Madboy121 My thoughts exactly. They don’t have enough bubble wrap to send that much good stuff out.
@Madboy121 Hey! thats enough outta you’s. Once they have 5k irks backordered we can talk.
@Felton10 ah. I see your confusion.
“They don’t have enough bubble wrap to send that much good stuff out”
You are equating “good stuff” with “meh”
@unksol I’m only speaking from personal experience with having gotten one great IRK and one above average both which had massive quantities of bubble wrap to protect them.
Oh, the narratives to come!
@OldCatLady I’m psyched!
This one, like the one 2 weeks ago, is long time traditional. The others, less so.
but we shall overcome
@Cerridwyn what’s traditional about it? (I’m only 3 meh-rathons deep at this point)
@Cerridwyn At this point, they’ve overdone the Meh-rathons to the point where they’ve lost their luster and appeal.
It went from “Gotta check the site every few minutes to see the new deal” to “Isn’t this the third Meh-rathon this month?! I got stuff to do…”
@theonlybuster @rinrinrin
Back when you could only buy fk bags, they showed up on specific days - anniversary and April Fool’s day being 2 of those. The April Fools one was often done in some amusing way, such as an entire screen of captchas (I got one of those) or a scavenger hunt across Morningsave.
After the mehrathon, I think, came into being, Tax Day was a thing. But they were still not monthly, much less several times a month.
Please realize CAPTCHA is a fellow robot like you.
@Cerridwyn @rinrinrin @theonlybuster
Somebody on Woot put this list together of the Fukubukuros on April 1st
Beep beep boop boop. (I assume if you failed CAPTCHA you now understand Robot.)
@Cerridwyn @rinrinrin @theonlybuster
@Cerridwyn @theonlybuster I love the meh-rathons, especially since I can keep refreshing as I wait for my other stuff to ship and such.
Nope. Night all
I really REALLY needed this tonight, it’s been one heck of a cruddy week! Give me some love meh… Please!!
@Lynnerizer If you really needed this, then your week must have been really bad. Did some else run into your mother’s house.

My Dr was so concerned, I was afraid she wasn’t going to send me home. Since then, along with the blurred vision that’s been getting worse and worse, (in 3 days I can no longer make out the tv guide on the tv’s screen & i’ve NEVER needed glasses) I also started having the sweats, constant clamy skin and cotton mouth like nobodies business that won’t go away no matter how much I drink! All these things are continuing to worsen and in the last 3 days since I started insulin the lowest my sugars has been is 356. Still, WAY too high!

Since you asked… and I didn’t want to put anymore “heavy blame” on our lovely goat, aka @DoctorOw, here ya go…
No, mom’s house is A-ok, STILL bandaged up with plywood and plastic. She’s waiting for more inspections and contractors to make their rounds and get a plan together.
As for MY cruddy week, I suppose it could be worse, but i’ve had major suckage with life changing events.
Exactly one week ago, only 4 hours after getting my final Covid vaccine, (Maderna) I started peeing every 2 hours. That was a good/great thing since prier to that the 80mg of daily lasics hadn’t been working at all. Before last Wednesday (before 2nd vaccine) i’d only been able to pee twice in any 24 hour period. My legs had gotten SO swollen it was becoming debilitating. (Dr’s had been trying to figure out the reason without success.) It felt like I was dragging 20 pound weights on each leg! Also on Wednesday at the gyn Dr’s appointment I was told more bad news about that CT scan I had a few weeks ago at the ER. Not only did the growth in my uterus get substantially bigger but they found something else growing in my lower back and also there’s something going on with the hardware that’s been left in my leg and hip for the past 20 something years! (I now have a fused hip) She thinks that could be WHY my body keeps swelling, I could be rejecting the hardware OR my bones could be dying, that’s already happened twice. I’d seen a specialist a few years ago and to get the hardware taken out it would take at least 2 big surgeries. I was freaking out picturing myself bedbound again and in body casts for months on end like i’ve gone through twice in the past. That had totally sucked and I got pretty depressed.
A few other little things going on as well and it’s NOTHING good! Wa Wa Wa, I know!!
So 5 days later, this past Monday, I go to my GP for my yearly physical. Ironically, as soon as I walked through the door I started having wicked blurry vision. Keep in mind, i’ve NEVER been diabetic! As it turns out my sugar is sky high and has been out of control for a while! I had a blood sugar of 567 and a A1C that’s SO high it can’t be tested! A good A1C is 5.6 and anything higher than 11 won’t register. That was me, UGH!
I knew I was predisposed to diabetes, BUT, I wasn’t there yet, and I was FAR from it, so I thought!!
Oh yeah, my blood pressure was through the roof too! I was having pressure headaches for a few days and wasn’t even aware that’s what it was. Even though I was a total wreck it took a good 24 hours for everything to settle in. I was like in shock or maybe just a little numb…
So NOW, along with testing my blood 3 time’s a day, injecting 2 different types of insulin 3 times a day, taking & charting my blood pressure w/meds, i’m continueing my INR monitoring for warfrin use and blood clots. IT’S A LOT!
YUP, It’s been one heck of a cruddy week with lots of new things that I wasn’t expecting to be my life! Plus, I still have to have the MRI and consult with the specialist. In the past, when I had the life-changing accident with 2 broken legs and the brain injury & the PE/pulmonary embolism that could have killed me a few years ago it wasn’t so bad or didn’t seem to be SO bad because it happened SO quickly! There wasn’t impending doom waiting for tests and appointments. It’s crazy how much we’re given to handle sometimes! It hasn’t even been a year since I almost lost the love of my life and best friend of 31 years. I thank God he’s here helping me go through this! I’ll be 56 in a few weeks and my health has just gone south. It’s a lot to take in and I feel like i’m on autopilot. Of course it’s not the end of the world and it’s only going to get better from here. (well maybe after a little more time, with the inevitable surgeries and all) I’ve lived through much MUCH worse, and millions of people live with diabetes and high blood pressure. I do know that many people have it tougher every single day and I really don’t mean OR want to come across like a whiner! I just wasn’t expecting to have so much happening, ALL AT ONCE. Maybe with me living this new healthier lifestyle, this out of control diabetes and blood pressure will correct itself. Time will tell…!
@DoctorOW @Lynnerizer OMG-To say I am sorry I asked is an understatement. Hope it at least was cathartic to write all that down.
I have been diabetic for almost 25 years and on insulin for about 5 years when my pancreas finally gave out so I know a little about that issue. My dtr way back when said with my family history it wasn’t a question of if but when.
@DoctorOW @Felton10
(with the big side-eye of course) I have a childhood friend/classmate/acquaintance that i’m Facebook friends with and OMG does SHE overshare!! I guess i’m just NOT wanting to be sounding like her and I do try to be cautious about it.
I know that being tired is part of this whole thing but I just can’t keep my eyes open. Nothing I can do now until Monday.

It’s definitely therapeutic for me to write/journal and it’s even better when I hear others respond. I love, love, love learning about people, human nature and just what others are thinking and/or how their minds work. (If I hadn’t hated school so much I totally would have been some sort of councilors or therapist) I guess I have a better chance of getting feedback IF I put myself out there as well. I often do worry about sharing too much and having people say “OMG, there SHE GOES AGAIN”!
Last night on the way home from the ER, I was just telling my guy the same exact thing you said, “it’s not IF i’d be diabetic, but WHEN?” I too have/had so many close relatives with it. When I was a teenager I took care of my grandmother, that was my introduction to diabetes and the struggles to prevent amputation of feet and blindness. Not fun! I was pretty much beside myself after being diagnosed on Monday and having my eyesight worsen in the next few days. By the time I got to the ER I wouldn’t have been able to recognize my own mother if she’d been standing in front of me. That’s gosh darn scary! I don’t think i’d be SO overwhelmed if I didn’t have so much other stuff going on with my health right now.
My Dr’s worked SO hard to get me into that MRI they needed so badly and I freaking just blew it! I’m pissed at myself to no end! The supervisor was coming in after hours to get it done and I freaking slept right through it! I even set 2 alarms!
When you finally got your diabetic diagnosis was your sugar out of control? If so, how long did it take you get it under control and did you ever have vision issues because of it? There’s one more thing i’m dying to know… WHAT DO EAT FOR SNACKS?
And what do you drink besides WATER? I HATE water!
@DoctorOW @Felton10
Oh i’m sorry, I missed the part about going on insulin when your pancreas went. I suppose since they were on top of it you probably weren’t out of control with high sugar.
Naw, I have shit to do tomorrow. Maybe NEX time Meh.
I had thought they’d do another one next Tuesday for 420 Day!
Guess that idea went up in smoke!!
Or … did it??
/giphy cheech and chong

@IndifferentDude I had to look up what 420 day was but if they did it then it would probably be happy sock day then
@IndifferentDude woot is doing a 420 sale currently.
Le sigh so you want my fiance to kill me cool
Why always on Wednesday night when I have an 8am meeting on Thursdays??
With this mehrathon promise of powerbanks galore, it’s very meh indeed.
Hopefully there won’t be a Mask-rathon in the future.
Wait, I thought it was a Zagg-Rathon… which actually sounds like some sort of mythical beast.
Does anyone have a picture?
I just received my “The Rock” prayer candles and lit them.
Dwayne has been angered by my prayers.
@robthedude05 So does the people’s candle actually let you smell what the rock is cooking? That allways seemed to be a big concern of his.
“Well, do we have the event for you. 24 hours of nonstop Mophie…”
… So.just another ordinary Mehrathon then.
@OnionSoup Pretty much just another day at meh without a mehrathon.
@cinoclav I keep forgetting there’s a mehrathon running today… I don’t stand much chance of an irk if I only check once an hour…
… I don’t know if it’s because there have been so many lately… Or if the prospect of 24 hours of almost nothing but power banks in uninspiring to me.
What’s up with the strange listing durations? 28 minutes at a time? Did someone do some serious mathing over there to calculate exactly how many items and how many minutes would strangely fill the day?
So what you’re REALLY wanting to know is if someone is actually working? Lol
@cinoclav it’s literally just 1440 (minutes) divided by however many items… serious mathing hehe
@joshua7kim But it’s not. They’re not all 28 minutes long.
2 Mehrathons in March, 2 so far in April…May, what do you have in store for us?
@nonlion Well if we extrapolate based on current data I’d say we’re likely to get two in May. But that assumes that there are only two in April. If we get a third in April, that would suggest four or five, depending on if we’re doing a straight linear interpolation or if we’re going with something like the Fibonacci sequence. In either case, if one of those trends holds it won’t be long before every day is a Mehrathon. But the sequence will still be increasing. Which I guess means that items would be for sale for shorter and shorter times until the internet explodes and takes with it life as we know it. The downfall of civilization may very well result from a single website trying to sell a bunch of meh items (and a few good ones but no one but the robots are fast enough to buy those and the robots are locked out by the captcha “I solemnly swear that I am not a robot” boxes. So it’s meh for everyone.).
Beep beep boop boop. (I assume if you failed CAPTCHA you now understand Robot.)
@gt0163c I can appreciate the thought and speculation that went into your response. It’s actually the same lines of thinking I had. What WILL happen if April has 3? How long until it all implodes from there? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop? All these mystifying questions, and the world may never know the answers to them.
Holy battery chargers-- Didn’t realize there were so many different models of this crap and that someone suckered meh.com into buying them all.
@caffeineguy I’ve probably bought a dozen or more from meh in the past… But this is where I draw the line and say “no more”
Why? Why will I stick around to try to get a regret kit? It seems some people must type at the speed of light. I’ve clicked to buy one in seconds and still sold out. Of course the last thing I need is more crap, but you gotta try!
@smilingjack at least yours is loading. I keep getting page load errors on the front page and it’s not my internet.
@smilingjack yeah… I’m on a slow 4G connection away from home. I never win in those.circumstance… still going to try though.
@OnionSoup @smilingjack Eye think its funny how our once fast 4G is now slower than it was. Every time a faster speed is released it seems my once fast connection is now SLOWER THAN IT EVER WAS! Its just everyone that goes for supposedly faster speed is ultimately just getting 4G or actually 2G speed while the rest get the slower speed. Great selling points though.
Looks like this may be the first Mehrathon where almost EVERY item DIDN’T sell out (except for the IRK’s, of course).
It is truly the meh-est Mehrathon I’ve witnessed.
@j37hr0 meh is too high of a praise. It’s a blah-a-thon.
Bring back Joe!
Say what? No VMP/members hour???

/image flags at half mast
Well, I noodled around on Sidedeal and didn’t find any IRKs hidden in the ZAGGRATHON overspill.
@blaineg Ditto. I didn’t find any either.
@blaineg @heartny
Good to know that I wasn’t the only one.
@blaineg did the same…same results.
/giphy it’s hiding somewhere

@blaineg @PHRoG The line for the one on the cuisinart waffle maker is still there. But it is sold out one.
@blaineg @raccoon81 yeah, I found that one (albeit too late that day) and have been searching on the regular for the next one on all the sister sites sincei learned they did such a thing…esp on ***-rathon days. Can confirm nothing so far today.
yup. since neither MS or SD have any actual ZAGG items having to check all the satellite brands under their umbrella was an extensive poke around! And, nuttin.
For everyone checking SD and MS: just because it’s not there now, doesn’t mean it won’t show up a little later in the evening
Everyone keep your eyes peeled
@nonlion nah the state of MS probably vanished into the Gulf of Mexico and is now under water (that would be a good thing as this state sucks. I live there).
@nonlion i can confirm neither Slick Deals nor MicroSoft has an irk for sale.
@OnionSoup that is where you’re wrong. MircoSoft is very irking for a lot of people, and they give that out for free
Hmmm, the possibly shady assistant in today’s Mehrathon saga is named Giuseppe. That’s the Italian version of Joe. As in Meh warehouse manager Joe???

@Kyeh I spent dinner time getting caught up on the story. I should go make popcorn for the ending.
@sammydog01 It’s a pretty good one!
@Kyeh I don’t understand the ending. SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN THE ENDING.
@Kyeh @sammydog01 I don’t understand either.
@Kyeh @rm9116 @sammydog01 I haven’t read my Lovecraft in forever, but I’m assuming we can blame August Derleth for this.
@mossygreen @rm9116 @sammydog01
Very mystical - and mysterious!
@Kyeh @rm9116 @sammydog01 Giuseppe was a living curse calling itself Zagg’sothoth that followed Sir Kromrad back from deep below Jemdet Nasr. It started off subtle for him, but gradually manifested in stronger ways, to the point that it took on a physical form and began warping the memories of people who were in the town, causing sickness, and hindering both his and his grandson’s attempts at seeking help. Basically a parasitic cosmic being that sought to keep the Zagg-based artifacts unburied and in circulation while driving their owners mad for who knows why.
@rm9116 @sammydog01 @ThomasF
Whoa! Much more diabolical than I realized. Thanks!
@Kyeh @rm9116 @ThomasF I should have figured that out, I guess I didn’t get enough sleep for some stupid reason or other. Maybe I’ll dig out my Lovecraft complete edition and do some reading.
Amazing story, thanks so much. I’m glad I don’t have any of those Zagg things around the house. Oh wait…
There better be a T-shirt with built in usb charger at the end of this
And that’s a wrap. No IRK
I may wear all black tomorrow and be in mourning at this loss.
@cbilyak Pretty poor 5 IRKs @ 50=250. Not enough to hold anyone’s interest when the next mehrathon happens.
@cbilyak @Felton10 Pretty sure they knew they wouldn’t be making much on sales on these battery packs to cover the IRKs this time around.
@cbilyak @heatherleighsmi Think a better explanation is that they have such a backlog of IRKs to send out, they didn’t want to make it worse and with only 250 this go round they didn’t.
@Felton10 I almost gave up, but I am no quitter…clearly a loser, but not a quitter! I was scouring Side Deal for a hidden one and ended buying stuff over there today.
@cbilyak My first -athon in a while without an IRK, but I guess I can find solace knowing that I’ve got two just waiting to be shipped, and my wife would probably kill me if a third showed up.
@cbilyak @smigit2002 I missed on April fools no matter how I tried. So today got one to make up. Doing one a month even missing some.
It is insane how often they are taking orders for the crap they are not shipping. Wish it meant that something better was coming but really still just crap coming.
@cbilyak @smigit2002 My situation exactly
WOW! I was fortunate enough to snag a RARE Limited Edition (1 of 250) IRK during the Inaugural Zaggathon!!
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah!! My oh my, what a Wonderful Day!! 
@IndifferentDude Me too-- After I got an IRK, I was too scared to buy any batteries, in case my Zagg IRK is full of them!
@caffeineguy @IndifferentDude Congrats, y’all, I wish you the best with your bags upon bags of low capacity batteries! I’ll rest happy knowing I won’t have to suffer through that torture