@bleedmichigan@lisaviolet@RiotDemon@tinamarie1974 That is what I get for not reading the entire thread before I answer and then it is too late to edit. Who is the goat again? Oh yeah @Weboh Their fault!! But they can’t at least add their name to the list of who didn’t get their goat trophy. Yet. Anway
@bleedmichigan@lisaviolet@RiotDemon@tinamarie1974 Oop sorry @Weboh. I’m really tired. I didn’t read beyond the first sentence of this month’s blame thread and really didn’t read it at all other than look for an @. So I retract that blame and transfer it to @kykazaa as this is your fault. And you can’t add your name yet to those missing their goat trophy. When you don’t get one either you can blame the next goat (grin).
I just posted some photos on the blame thread from the fire. I was back there again today emptying my friend’s non-working car that still needs towed, running around to places that might help… Put just over 100 miles on my car today. More than that yesterday. And tomorrow I need to go back tomorrow to feed the ferals. We are tapering them off relying on being fed since I can’t keep that up but I am hoping by doing this every couple of days, stretching out days between feeding with help them survive until they have better hunting skills. Neighborhood has a lot of overgrown razed lots, abandoned houses so likely lots of things to catch. Better if we could trap them but I can’t find anyone to do it based on no house owner to give permission to trespass to do it. I can’t afford the risk of several borrowed traps being stolen (high likelihood event) to do it myself.
@tinamarie1974@unksol It’s in the middle of a really high crime district with empty razed lots that are overgrown, abandoned houses, likely not one on the street would come even close to passing inspection (likely most of them would be condemned) and now this burnt out one. I called an organization that traps, fixes and returns ferals and if it looks like kittens can be socialized to humans fosters them and then finds homes for them. Doesn’t solve the problem of feeding them, but at least no more babies. Hopefully I’ll get a call back Monday.
@therealjrn@ybmuG Well, we could always ask @bleedmichigan to give us an update. I thought he said they were boxed, just waiting to get back to the university. I feel like they should be back by now?
@therealjrn@tinamarie1974@ybmuG they are sitting in my office but grad students have not been given the ok to go back to our office as it is shared space. Mid October is the expectation of when we can go back in
@bleedmichigan@therealjrn@tinamarie1974 I don’t know, I remember being a college student, sneaking around campus at night, getting food from the cafeteria, harassing the night security…seems like it shouldn’t be too hard…we even put a banana in the security guard’s tailpipe…didn’t work, by the way
@therealjrn@tinamarie1974@ybmuG our building is keycard access. Currently the only way in is to be the dean or higher. My keycard has been off since March and while I like the idea I also like my job/school/whatever you want to call it.
@bleedmichigan@therealjrn@tinamarie1974 we also had an illicit copy of a master key and there were no such things as security cameras, so probably a little easier for us
@narfcake@therealjrn@ThunderChicken@tinamarie1974@ybmuG I would hope everyone knew that in the first place. Most locks are a minor deterent. Especially on a house where it’s faster to break a window for idiots. If you want to get into something specific you can. If you just want to get into anywhere to steal stuff and don’t care where… Deterents redirect them elsewhere
If people had affordable healthcare, prescriptions, housing, childcare, education to train a skilled citizenry, guarantee a living wage, and a conservative government limited to filling the gaps employers fail to meet, I posit there would be less crime.
Clearly decades of trickle-down economics, privatization of government functions (a form of corporate welfare that bloats government, and makes it more inefficient), instititional and systemic racism, xenophobia, and regressive tax policy that only drives wealth extraction from the middle class have … failed.
@mike808 while I think I generally agree with you and no one has ever broken into the house while I’m here. Someone did break the window in my 99 Saturn when I was at college and failed to steal my cheap sony cd player just broke it. The window was more expensive than the cd player. Took my maglight…
And before I bought this house people broke in and stole the previous owners tools. And this is out in the country. If someone stole all my tools… I’d be very unhappy.
@mike808@unksol I had all my tools stolen too and boy that is a PITA. In the tool box I also had all the pieces, screws, etc. of all the furniture I had taken apart to move. Except for the two knobs I needed to mend that were in there too, I did finally manage to get parts to reassemble everything, but the knobs were for an 1864 melodeon (precursor to the pump organ) that was a family item. Those were not replaceable. Never did replace all the tools. The thing I was the most upset about though was my father’s blue wooden screwdriver with interchangeable heads. That was the only thing I had of his after he died.
@therealjrn@ThunderChicken@tinamarie1974@ybmuG I take full responsibility for the lost key. Send me your address and I’ll mail you a few. I cant promise they will open anything though, but you will have found a key.
Well, Fuck! My husband just went to bed in the room where it lives. This terrible picture will have to serve as proof of existence. The fact that I still had that ridiculous meh party hat in there when this picture was taken is beyond absurd, but it does make the engraving look a little better.
@christinewas Hey, I know you! Fancy meeting here. I should be working, even though I clocked out an hour or two ago. But here I am on meh and with the frogs and all that.
@kykazaa Hell no, you don’t count, princess. You lose. You get nothing—nothing but blame. Did no one tell you what this gig is about? Jesus fucking Christ with these newbs.
Btw, welcome to the herd. Enjoy your time. It’s over before you know it. Thank you for your service. Things were pretty well broken long before you arrived, but try to not completely fuck things up while you occupy the pastures of scorn. Don’t worry about locking the gate when you leave. We should be so lucky that something “escapes”—and what could get in that’s worse than what’s already here? Etc.
@kykazaa Nah, that’s my “them’s just the facts, kid” tone. I do on occasion express anger here. It’s several notches above that. I mean, hell, that’s like a .5 on the anger knob; I go well past 11.
If you feel bamboozled, start a GoFundMe.
If you didn’t send any money, then WTF are you complaining about? Not getting free stuff?
Talk to the goat. Boo hoo.
@mike808 Ha ha. you’re a laugh a minute what with your socialist whining. You are definitely “all in” when it comes to taking other people’s money. You would not understand.
@Mehrocco_Mole@mike808@therealjrn oh ffs… People try and do things all the time and then forget. Or get distracted. Or get busy. Or have life. Or people leave. Unless someone donated money to support our illustrious dead gyros who cares? Yes I know usually sheep not goat.
I don’t think I have seen anything about requesting money please correct me if I’m wrong. If we wanted to it can’t be that hard to get a generic goat with masking tape over the lab which I feel like I recall some being. And reflects the meh spirit
Actually, my reply was poorly written and folks aren’t catching that I was talking about a different, other scammer. Totally my fault for careless writing.
But it is interesting seeing all these ffs posts. LOL
@carl669 I did not and have never been goated. And don’t really want to be I think I would be… disappointing.
I was just providing an example of how meh/little effort they might take. That was @studerc note the making tape or whatever on the bottom and sharpie. Classic meh. No engraving lol which is perfect
@therealjrn I had asked him about what was up last spring. He said the stuff (no longer remember what the definition of stuff was - everything, only some of what was needed…?) was at his office and his work wasn’t letting anyone in the building due to covid; he wasn’t sure when they would be allowed back in again.
I didn’t get a fucking trophy.
@cinoclav no fucking trophy here either.
@cinoclav @RiotDemon i’d send you mine, but neither of your names are carl669. sorry.
@carl669 @RiotDemon The fuck it isn’t! Need my address?
@carI669 @RiotDemon the fuck it is! where’s the dead goat next to your name? GTFOH with your capital I tomfoolery!
@carl669 @RiotDemon Hey, I’m not the only one to request no dead goat by my name!
@carI669 @carl669
@Barney @carI669 i will admit it’s weird seeing me talk to myself about things that are already in our possession.
@Barney @carl669 It’s like looking in a mirror. Except I don’t see a goat trophy in the reflection.
@carI669 @carl669
@Barney @carI669 @carl669 How often do you with an argument with yourself?
@Barney @blaineg @carI66
i always win!
no, I do!
@cinoclav I didn’t get one either.
@Barney @blaineg @carl669 This is a losing battle.
No. But weren’t we SUPPOSE to receive trophies from someone?
@tinamarie1974 someone volunteered to send something out… It didn’t happen as far as I know. I’m not sure, I didn’t give up my info.
@RiotDemon @tinamarie1974
@RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 I offered to make them if Meh sent me the supplies. You know, send me the tags, I engrave them and send them back to meh.
Never got any response.
@lisaviolet @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 someone else also was going to do something and send them out like maybe last March?
@Kidsandliz @lisaviolet @RiotDemon see below. It is @bleedmichigan. He responded with some feedback
@bleedmichigan @lisaviolet @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 That is what I get for not reading the entire thread before I answer and then it is too late to edit. Who is the goat again? Oh yeah @Weboh Their fault!! But they can’t at least add their name to the list of who didn’t get their goat trophy. Yet. Anway
@bleedmichigan @Kidsandliz @lisaviolet @RiotDemon hate to tell you, but @Weboh is no longer the scapegoat.
Sorry about your friend
@bleedmichigan @lisaviolet @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 Oop sorry @Weboh. I’m really tired. I didn’t read beyond the first sentence of this month’s blame thread and really didn’t read it at all other than look for an @. So I retract that blame and transfer it to @kykazaa as this is your fault. And you can’t add your name yet to those missing their goat trophy. When you don’t get one either you can blame the next goat (grin).
I just posted some photos on the blame thread from the fire. I was back there again today emptying my friend’s non-working car that still needs towed, running around to places that might help… Put just over 100 miles on my car today. More than that yesterday. And tomorrow I need to go back tomorrow to feed the ferals. We are tapering them off relying on being fed since I can’t keep that up but I am hoping by doing this every couple of days, stretching out days between feeding with help them survive until they have better hunting skills. Neighborhood has a lot of overgrown razed lots, abandoned houses so likely lots of things to catch. Better if we could trap them but I can’t find anyone to do it based on no house owner to give permission to trespass to do it. I can’t afford the risk of several borrowed traps being stolen (high likelihood event) to do it myself.
@bleedmichigan @Kidsandliz @lisaviolet @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 @Weboh completely my fault @kidsandliz that you dont have a trophy. I do have a 3d printer (or seven to be precise). If anyone has a good design we could manufacture them. They’d be pretty Meh though.
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 our shelter lends traps for TNR or turn in. Can’t imagine who would want to steal a trap but I don’t live there.
@tinamarie1974 @unksol It’s in the middle of a really high crime district with empty razed lots that are overgrown, abandoned houses, likely not one on the street would come even close to passing inspection (likely most of them would be condemned) and now this burnt out one. I called an organization that traps, fixes and returns ferals and if it looks like kittens can be socialized to humans fosters them and then finds homes for them. Doesn’t solve the problem of feeding them, but at least no more babies. Hopefully I’ll get a call back Monday.
Here’s my fucking trophy, you fuckers.
@Barney it’s beautiful, even if it’s not purple.
@carl669 I still haven’t figured out who that “Bamey” is.
@Barney @carl669

/image Bamey
@carl669 @narfcake A bar stool, huh? I hope that trophy wasn’t meant for @carl669.
Hey, watch the motherfucking language, you!!
@joelmw I guess I’m hanging around with the wrong crowd. Wanna see my meh tattoo?
@Barney I would actually.

oh man, where’s mine? sad.
Y’all get off my lawn…
@2many2no but our goat (trophies) will mow your lawn for you.
@2many2no @carl669 Oh, how I wish that was true. I have a yard that really needs mowing.
Not at home, but I still have mine. I was May 2015, so also 5½ years.
Yeah, I still got my fucking trophy, in a place of honor.
Here’s the one I made with my Silhouette Curio for @Moose. Remember @Moose? He’s the guy who did the engraving for the fucking trophies.
I got mine
@Moose baby arm!
(Rhymes with ‘Bruuuuuuuce’)
Hope you’re having fun, wherever you are.
@kdemo @Moose But it sounds like “morose” that way.
@joelmw -
@bleedmichigan told me in whisper that, I quote:
I did give up my deets. No trophy as yet. I like to remind @bleedmichigan to keep my information confidential please.
Here’s the thread full of broken promises:
@therealjrn ah yes, THAT’S who promised them. Wondered what happened to that…

/image pink panther it’s all coming back to me now!
@therealjrn @ybmuG Well, we could always ask @bleedmichigan to give us an update. I thought he said they were boxed, just waiting to get back to the university. I feel like they should be back by now?
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG they are sitting in my office but grad students have not been given the ok to go back to our office as it is shared space. Mid October is the expectation of when we can go back in
@bleedmichigan @therealjrn @ybmuG sigh…
We are not a patient bunch lol
Thanks for the update
@bleedmichigan @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 I don’t know, I remember being a college student, sneaking around campus at night, getting food from the cafeteria, harassing the night security…seems like it shouldn’t be too hard…we even put a banana in the security guard’s tailpipe…didn’t work, by the way
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG our building is keycard access. Currently the only way in is to be the dean or higher. My keycard has been off since March and while I like the idea I also like my job/school/whatever you want to call it.
@bleedmichigan @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 we also had an illicit copy of a master key and there were no such things as security cameras, so probably a little easier for us
No fookin trophy here either, mate.
My what?
yeah… that’s what I thought too.
I thought mine would be waiting for me in the clubhouse, but I lost my clubhouse key.
@ThunderChicken @tinamarie1974 has the key…wait…you lost your key? Where did you lose it?
@therealjrn @ThunderChicken @tinamarie1974 where were you when you last knew you had it?
@therealjrn @ThunderChicken @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG Watch enough of the Lock Picking Lawyer and you’ll realize that keys are mostly useless anyway.
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG The last time I saw my key was when I showed it to @kykazaa. I blame kykazaa.
@narfcake @therealjrn @ThunderChicken @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG I would hope everyone knew that in the first place. Most locks are a minor deterent. Especially on a house where it’s faster to break a window for idiots. If you want to get into something specific you can. If you just want to get into anywhere to steal stuff and don’t care where… Deterents redirect them elsewhere
If people had affordable healthcare, prescriptions, housing, childcare, education to train a skilled citizenry, guarantee a living wage, and a conservative government limited to filling the gaps employers fail to meet, I posit there would be less crime.
Clearly decades of trickle-down economics, privatization of government functions (a form of corporate welfare that bloats government, and makes it more inefficient), instititional and systemic racism, xenophobia, and regressive tax policy that only drives wealth extraction from the middle class have … failed.
@mike808 while I think I generally agree with you and no one has ever broken into the house while I’m here. Someone did break the window in my 99 Saturn when I was at college and failed to steal my cheap sony cd player just broke it. The window was more expensive than the cd player. Took my maglight…
And before I bought this house people broke in and stole the previous owners tools. And this is out in the country. If someone stole all my tools… I’d be very unhappy.
@mike808 @unksol I had all my tools stolen too and boy that is a PITA. In the tool box I also had all the pieces, screws, etc. of all the furniture I had taken apart to move. Except for the two knobs I needed to mend that were in there too, I did finally manage to get parts to reassemble everything, but the knobs were for an 1864 melodeon (precursor to the pump organ) that was a family item. Those were not replaceable. Never did replace all the tools. The thing I was the most upset about though was my father’s blue wooden screwdriver with interchangeable heads. That was the only thing I had of his after he died.
@therealjrn @ThunderChicken @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG I take full responsibility for the lost key. Send me your address and I’ll mail you a few. I cant promise they will open anything though, but you will have found a key.
Well, Fuck! My husband just went to bed in the room where it lives. This terrible picture will have to serve as proof of existence. The fact that I still had that ridiculous meh party hat in there when this picture was taken is beyond absurd, but it does make the engraving look a little better.
Thanks again to @sammydog01 for my cherished Irk.
@christinewas Hey, I know you! Fancy meeting here. I should be working, even though I clocked out an hour or two ago. But here I am on meh and with the frogs and all that.
No trophy for me.
I had to make my own and it has since fallen apart. The gold nail polish painted goat figure is in a bin in kid’s room somewhere.
Another thing I got screwed out of. Oh woe is I.
Here is the goat trophy I cherish to this day:
/giphy me too

The goat trophy is a lie.
@shahnm a shiny lie.
@carl669 @shahnm That would make a great T-shirt. How many “dead” untrophied goats do we have now? It’d be a best seller!
@Barney @carl669 It would also be very trippy to encounter one of those shirts in the wild!
@Barney @carl669 @shahnm There should oughta be an ex-goat t-shirt, in any case.
@joelmw for a second i thought the book on the far left said “Martini’s” and i wanted to read it.
@Barney said:
count me as one.
@Barney @chienfou me too!!
@chienfou @tinamarie1974 You guys sure you just didn’t misplace them?
@Barney @tinamarie1974
@chienfou Yo!
@chienfou do live Goats count?
@kykazaa by the time we get all the dead ones to sign on, your’s will have bit the dust too!
@chienfou we could just count how many months meh has been around. But this is fun too.
@chienfou dead untrophied goat walking
but that begs the “untrophied” question.
@chienfou ahh oops. I missed the untrophied part.
I think the trophies stopped in 2015/early 2016.
@chienfou I just looked. I was goat in 2017, October. It stopped before then.
@RiotDemon … story of my life… day late and a trophy short…
@kykazaa Hell no, you don’t count, princess. You lose. You get nothing—nothing but blame. Did no one tell you what this gig is about? Jesus fucking Christ with these newbs.
Btw, welcome to the herd. Enjoy your time. It’s over before you know it. Thank you for your service. Things were pretty well broken long before you arrived, but try to not completely fuck things up while you occupy the pastures of scorn. Don’t worry about locking the gate when you leave. We should be so lucky that something “escapes”—and what could get in that’s worse than what’s already here? Etc.
@joelmw you’re an angry
elfgoat@kykazaa Nah, that’s my “them’s just the facts, kid” tone. I do on occasion express anger here. It’s several notches above that. I mean, hell, that’s like a .5 on the anger knob; I go well past 11.
/giphy rage fury wrath

I feel bamboozled by @bleedmichigan with the statement he offered that “meh was backing this.”
Come to find out later, he was wrong, but too late for people like me that trusted his word.
There’s another scammer that’s been operating a long time around here. It will never stop.

If you feel bamboozled, start a GoFundMe.
If you didn’t send any money, then WTF are you complaining about? Not getting free stuff?
Talk to the goat. Boo hoo.
@mike808 Ha ha. you’re a laugh a minute what with your socialist whining. You are definitely “all in” when it comes to taking other people’s money. You would not understand.
@therealjrn You should share whatever you’re smoking with @Mehrocco_Mole. I’ve never taken other people’s money, so whatever.
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @therealjrn oh ffs… People try and do things all the time and then forget. Or get distracted. Or get busy. Or have life. Or people leave. Unless someone donated money to support our illustrious dead gyros who cares? Yes I know usually sheep not goat.
I don’t think I have seen anything about requesting money please correct me if I’m wrong. If we wanted to it can’t be that hard to get a generic goat with masking tape over the lab which I feel like I recall some being. And reflects the meh spirit
I recall someone was tracking the list
Official masking tape host trophy?
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @therealjrn I bet we could manage the masking tape lol
@Mehrocco_Mole @mike808 @therealjrn also you may have missed this
Actually, my reply was poorly written and folks aren’t catching that I was talking about a different, other scammer. Totally my fault for careless writing.
But it is interesting seeing all these ffs posts. LOL
@unksol whoa… you got a fucking certificate???
@carl669 I did not and have never been goated. And don’t really want to be I think I would be… disappointing.
I was just providing an example of how meh/little effort they might take. That was @studerc note the making tape or whatever on the bottom and sharpie. Classic meh. No engraving lol which is perfect
@carl669 @unksol my trophy was engraved. By hand no less, but yes engraved.
@carl669 @studerc my bad then pic looks like a sharpie. Lol. Point was it couldn’t be that hard to buy a batch if we wanted
@therealjrn I had asked him about what was up last spring. He said the stuff (no longer remember what the definition of stuff was - everything, only some of what was needed…?) was at his office and his work wasn’t letting anyone in the building due to covid; he wasn’t sure when they would be allowed back in again.
@carl669 @studerc
@unksol Said:
Hm…this is indeed an oversight of the community…
@carl669 @studerc @therealjrn I strongly disagree. I think they had their sight just fine.