{UNOFFICIAL} Goat trophies-The Month of Meh-Mas
9So I hear there were trophies. I hear that some people didn’t get them. I hear that some people dropped the ball. Well it’s Christmas time still so here is my offer. To the goats of this year 2019, and whomever ends up the 2020 January goat. Whisper me your address and I the greatest December 2019 goat will send you a trophy. I’m also the only Dec 2019 goat so that helps. I can guarantee your trophy will be pretty Meh but not completely meh and it will arrive between Jan 1 and Feb 13. If you were not a goat in 2019 and you don’t have a trophy I might consider providing one (quantity buy prices will make the decision) unless @chadp, @snapster, @dave, @thumperchick or any other Meh employee wants to step up to the plate and pay the 3.99 each
/giphy greatest goat
/giphy goat trophy
- 24 comments, 153 replies
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/giphy goats goats goats

@bleedmichigan I blame you for no goat trophies for the rest of us old goats!!!
@Kidsandliz fine in the spirit of being awesome ANY previous goat from the period in which I joined Meh till Jan 2020 plus you Liz because you ran the last few exchanges assuming you don’t fit into my period of time.
@bleedmichigan Thank you but it’s ok. This is already costing you a fair bit of money so don’t worry about it.
@Kidsandliz to cover two years it’s less than I spend at Chick Fil A for one family dinner.
@bleedmichigan, that is so much less than Meh of you! Question. Does the mistress goat come with handcuffs or restraints lol
@tinamarie1974 I can find a BDSM goat trophy. My kids have modeling clay and the wife has a cricut so we can make that work for you
@bleedmichigan hahahahaha
@bleedmichigan @tinamarie1974 It will need a V neck restraint I am sure.
The 2018 goats didn’t get any trophies either. What about 2017? I don’t know.
I’m also still waiting for my sticker or pin or what not for asking Irk.
@RiotDemon well if you look at my reply to Kidsandliz that issue might be fixed if they PM me contact I fo
@bleedmichigan it’s appreciated. I’m going to be a stubborn old goat and I want one directly from meh.
@RiotDemon Oct 2016 didn’t get one, although that goat didn’t really do much to deserve one.
@Ignorant @RiotDemon who might that be?
@bleedmichigan @RiotDemon some ignorant person.
Buncha entitled yoots.
There is no expectation of a trophy. Or IRKs. Or Fukus before them. Or more Glen videos. Or captcha-free IRKs and Mehrathons.
The site is called “Meh” for a reason. They just don’t care one way or another who gets or doesn’t get a damned participation trophy.
Clearly, some goats such as myself obviously, are deserving of such esteemed and coveted tangible recognition, while others are clearly not. So this is why we all can’t have nice things.
I blame @bleedmichigan as current scapegoat for this deplorable situation.
@mike808 ok grinchy no trophy for you
There is no expectation of a trophy but an offer was made post goathood for most so…are you in or no. It’s like that damn toothbrush coin, no expectation but meh made it fun. I’m just making this fun
@mike808 or am I?
@mike808 Ahh but for a while there was an expectation of a trophy as meh issued them for a while… And then stopped with no explanation.
@Kidsandliz Such is the meh of things.
I assume the scapegoat was blamed for such a debacle and oversight, no? Problem solved.
@bleedmichigan has 1 holiday album they enjoy and play on a nonstop loop of holiday cheer until everyone around them loses their grip on reality.
@mediocrebot How did you know
It’s My Entitled Right and My Entitled Duty as a card-carting Entitled Baby Boomer to expect and to demand anything and everything I can think of that catches my fancy.
To behave or to feel otherwise is highly and suspiciously Greatest Generation
I’m possibly not up to the GG standards.
/giphy gimme

Beep beep boop boop. (I assume if you failed CAPTCHA you now understand Robot.)
Don’t do their work for them… there is likely a case of goat trophies in a corner of the former-heelys warehouse just sitting there under some spare kramer pictures and JBL speaker docks.
@thismyusername and I know someone who offered to engrave the tags if meh supplied them.
@bleedmichigan Thank you, that’s mighty goatly of you, but I’ll save you a few bucks too. I’ve been a member here long enough to have way more stuff than I know what to do with. Your offer is awesomely appreciated and that in itself is all I need.
@cinoclav You could give your trophy for your goat neighbor that shall remain nameless and was a total dud of a goat.
@mike808 That fucker deserves a goat trophy up his ass.
I blame @JonT he was a community manager, and then left! Yes he would say something would get done and months later it may be completed or still on a task list but the community events happened more often under his rein. Things were still new and feeling their way out with things like podcasts and live streams, giveaways seemed to be more often and may or not show up for months at a time but meh made right on every one of his gifts. I know some of us had to message people time and time again but they asked us to pester them about it. Aww heck I miss @JonT. He’s moved on and I wish him well in his current endeavors. But maybe they need a new community manager?
Old goat here hardly stops by these days. I see a lot of community involvement from the community but not a lot of meh involvement with the community which was what drew me to meh in the first place. The feeling that yes it’s a business and we aren’t employees but that invisible wall of you aren’t allowed here wasn’t around 1/2 the building. Only around Fuko/Fuji’s and cash adjustments. We even got videos that showed a warehouse? Also. I’d love to see more fun things like the neoprene sale way back in the day. Alas. We get what we get here at meh now.
I suspect many here miss @JonT.
Hey @JonT! wherever you are, hope things are going well !
I was the January 2018 Boat Goat
@CaptAmehrican Every time I read that, I read it as “the January 2018 Bloat Goat” and I think, wow, that must have been an uncomfortable month…Then my brain corrects itself.
@CaptAmehrican @ybmuG It was an AWESOME month of boats! Then I think a little while later @Pooltoywolf had an AWESOME month of trains!
@CaptAmehrican @therealjrn @ybmuG Happy to help! I enjoyed the boats too!
@CaptAmehrican @PooltoyWolf @therealjrn @ybmuG
And you had AWESOME BREAKFASTS for us! It was incredibly awesome!
@CaptAmehrican @f00l @PooltoyWolf @ybmuG
@CaptAmehrican @f00l @PooltoyWolf @therealjrn wow, I’ll have to mine the archives. I feel like I missed a lot before i
foundstumbled upongot sucked intojoined this auspicious group!@CaptAmehrican @f00l @therealjrn @ybmuG I was just re-reading my ‘Diesel of the Day’ threads yesterday. Still fun!
@CaptAmehrican @f00l @PooltoyWolf @ybmuG
Fortunately, PTW posted his with pretty consistent topics. I’ll leave for an exercise the sorting by date:
@CaptAmehrican @f00l @PooltoyWolf @ybmuG
I found the boats too!
@CaptAmehrican @PooltoyWolf @therealjrn @ybmuG
Thx! Genuine and praise-worthy community service, Okie!
/giphy community service

@CaptAmehrican @f00l @therealjrn @ybmuG Hey thanks
@CaptAmehrican @f00l @PooltoyWolf @therealjrn @ybmuG I was goat in October of 2018. I had Halloween themed stuff every day along with music videos of the day. It was fun, but a lot more work than I expected. I don’t know how people write every day for a living.
@CaptAmehrican @f00l @PooltoyWolf @RiotDemon @ybmuG
Heck yes RD! You were a darn fine October goat!
*actual picture of RD
@CaptAmehrican @f00l @PooltoyWolf @RiotDemon @therealjrn Yes, thank you. I now have no excuse other than time! Well, that and…squirrel!
Anyone else for a goat trophy? Seriously this is a thing, I cannot say if it will come from me or Meh at this point but it will come from one of us. Seriously there is a chance this comes from our friendly Meh overlords so if you want a trophy, if you need a trophy, if your not an ass hat and just want to be a cool emeritus goat let me know. Once my goathood ends then your time is up
@bleedmichigan I, too, will save you a buck or two and wait for the mediocre overlords to do something un-meh.
@bleedmichigan Thanks for the offer, but I’m a founding member of the A.H.A. so that leaves me out.
@bleedmichigan @therealjrn is that the Ass Hat Association, or Ass Hats Anonymous? And how does it relate to the NAHA (National Ass Hat Association) or its international partner Association Mondiale de Chapeau Fessier
@therealjrn American Historical Association
@ruouttaurmind so say this was from Meh would you want one?
@bleedmichigan It would be a conversation piece to add to the kitsch in my office. Right there next to the Art-o-mat ant farm, tiki head and giant zombie glass eyeball.
@mediocrebot’s got ants in his pants! You know how it is for bots. They hate bugs.
@bleedmichigan As @riotdemon said:
Besides when we still don’t have one from meh we can then can continue to hold our grudge and continue to blame each successive new goat meh’s failure to make good on this (grin).
@bleedmichigan tells children that Santa isn’t real.
@bleedmichigan @ruouttaurmind I think it would be different if it came directly from meh. Your offer is heartfelt and touching, while a surprise trophy from meh would be like fulfilling some unspoken obligation. It would mend the little hole they left in all our hearts.
@bleedmichigan @cinoclav @ruouttaurmind exactly. It is sweet and kind of you but kinda defeats the purpose of meh recognizing the goats. Nobody actually wants a goat trophy they want the recognition. Those are different
@bleedmichigan I made this one for Moose with my Silhouette Curio. The hardest part was getting that sheet of plastic that was etched cut to size. Thank goodness for a handy husband with a shop full of tools.
Here’s my machine at work.
@bleedmichigan I was a goat. That was the year we had two hurricanes come through here, during my reign. It does have its perils, but I’d be honored to get a trophy.
Back when I was a goat I basically ignored the “blame the goat” thread because I was super unclear on the concept of what a goat was supposed to do/be/say. So, to make it up to you – at least one of you anyway --, I promise the following:
Whoever is the:
will receive a:
@UncleVinny wow Vinny, that’s awesome! It would be an honor to have an Uncle Vinny original!
@UncleVinny sweet prize and very generous!
@ybmuG we have a winner!!!
@UncleVinny @ybmuG That’s pretty cool!
@therealjrn @UncleVinny I see what you did there
Should I sign YbmuG?
Here is a fairly random and generic comment on said post.
(Apart from not being first or anything)
@UncleVinny @ybmuG
I kept putting up @kuoh for nomination there a few times but never got much TractioN. MaybE SooN?
@kuoh @therealjrn @UncleVinny YeesS!
@kuoh @therealjrn @UncleVinny dang, I’m going to KeeP doing ThiS, it’s AddictinG!
@f00l to say thou’rt random and/or generic is a daft proposal! for ye’rt estimably neither! Contrariwise, the soothsayers at AstralPlaneMarketing.com have declared you Most Brand-Conscious Meh Commentator the past three years running! Didn’t you get your plaque?!
Well, there’s something or other astral-generic waiting for me on the Astral Plane…
(uhh…I’d forgotten what a creepy song that is.)
Gosh. Might not visit the astral plane for a bit if that’s who is hanging out there.
@f00l bit of a shame, cuz I generally love Jonathan Richman
@UncleVinny Oooh! An original Vinny Van Goat! Now I am jealous.
@cf1 @UncleVinny
@cf1 @therealjrn I’m pretty fond of that nickname
@cf1 @therealjrn @UncleVinny You still have both ears, right?
@cf1 @therealjrn @ybmuG for now! But I have this rotten curse where I fall hopelessly in love with unattainable women, and…
@therealjrn @UncleVinny Well, I thought it was funny
If you only knew the struggle fought by your fore-goaters before you.
I fought that battle…FOR YEARS. Came out the other side with my trophy and certificate. The trophy sits on my desk to always remind me of the community of old. Good times.
@studerc didn’t they almost give everyone one but you for that reason?
Can’t figure out how to whisper at the original post! I was the Goat for July 2018 (I think? Remember all the cool train stuff?) and would love a silly trophy to remember it by.
@PooltoyWolf You can use whisper to any other post in the thread, sub out who the whisper is going to and then you are set.
@therealjrn Nope. Fail!
-every millennial.
@ACraigL right next to every boomer thinking they get to tell millennials how to live their life or what they are doing wrong. Millennials are the product of boomers thus boomers have nothing and no one to blame but themselves
@bleedmichigan is to blame for my lack of knowledge regarding multi-cultural winter holidays.
/giphy millennial trophy

@ACraigL Actually, we have one more day to blame @bleedmichigan for those damn millennials

@bleedmichigan tried to rob Kevin’s house while his family was out of town.
@mediocrebot you already used that one.
@mediocrebot dislike the who’s In Whoville because his heart was three sizes to small.
/giphy grinch

@ACraigL @tinamarie1974 blame away I’ll sit and stare at my fish tank.
@bleedmichigan is absolutely to blame.
@ACraigL @bleedmichigan how is the fish tank coming along?
@ACraigL @tinamarie1974 looks close to the same as last time but some coral is showing up tomorrow and then some more Jan 7 along with some more fish
Possible trophy idea. ![enter image description here][1]
Pretty awesome goat
@bleedmichigan not really a volunteer.
Should I ask for a trophy for being a volunteer mod?
@RiotDemon the middle medallion can change. This was just a mock up
Everyone gets a participation trophy.
@mike808 it’s not a participation trophy. You seem to be missing the point. It’s ok though here is your trophy for missing the point
/giphy Trophy

26 minutes left if you want one
@bleedmichigan It’s a nice offer. But I’m going to hold out for @Moose or @ChadP (may he RIP) will come thru on an official recompense.
@therealjrn I’m dead too, thanks for understanding
aw, @Moose, I’m gonna miss you man.
Since I am still the goat?
/giphy what?

I guess you still have time
@bleedmichigan You should get a trophy or something for doing that.
@mike808 I will and since I have been goat in December and still in January temporarily there will be two and to quote Aristotle
Hey all -
Looks like there’s some (likely unintentional) iffy representation here.
This is @bleedmichigan’s brainchild. We might be helping out some on the tail end, but please consider this unofficial.
If you want to share your info with another user, that’s totally up to you and you should in no way feel compelled or obligated to share your personal info with anyone.
@Thumperchick unless your ordering something then you need to have a way for the merchant to ship it. Then again you can always go to a store for it and not need to provide your witness protection name and be in the clear. Either way not my intention to misrepresent anything I guess in my mind when you say that you will reimburse with receipts that’s an official endorsement.
Ok for sake of transparency let start this off here.
This is My brainchild. If you were a goat and want a trophy cool. Let’s just say I have a month of free time on my hands before class starts up again. The University of Maryland does not have a true semester in January so I am off till the end of the month.
When I decided to offer this I thought it would be a fun little project. Total cost to me is less than 200$ total for what I have planned and that’s like 10$ a person if there are 20 trophies.
@thumperchick whispered to me that Meh might be able to help/might want to help. Then I was told that with receipts they could possibly reimburse for goat trophies if I provided names of goats who wanted them and a receipt. That to me sounds like an official endorsement.
So there you have it, if you feel duped that was not my intent. So I will not tell you what will show up if you want a trophy, it might be a piece of paper with a trophy On it or the envelope, it might be a shirt with a trophy on it, it might be a trophy who knows all I can promise is that nothing bad will show up and any information you share with me will not be shared anywhere or used for any nefarious use. I will provide @thunperchick with the username so Meh knows where the trophies went. If you want I’ll even whisper you my contact info or give you my school email. Either way the choice is yours.
For those that may or may not have complained…really? Someone trying to do something nice and you complain, must be a millennial or a boomer or a grinch. Either way no hard feelings. Let me know below if you still are interested and if not well not a problem.
Lastly if your in the DMV area and you need a vasectomy check out Dr. Kaplan and Chesapeak Urology he looks like Clark Kent according to my wife.
@bleedmichigan So your wife is wishing she was Lois Lane?
@bleedmichigan Ha ha.
@ruouttaurmind maybe
@bleedmichigan @ruouttaurmind
Thank your (magical invisible sky friend) you got snipped.
Lois will have problems hooking up with Clark.
@mike808 wow. They put a lot of thought into this.
Might sound like it, but still…

/image not-official!
@bleedmichigan is he single? I have lots of vacation. I don’t need a vasectomy but I am sure I can think of a reason to hit up his office lol
@tinamarie1974 I did not ask him that.
@bleedmichigan lol
@bleedmichigan @tinamarie1974 does he have soft hands with a delicate touch?
@JnKL @tinamarie1974 yes though the were a little cold
@bleedmichigan @JnKL were you awake for the procedure?!?!??!
/giphy the horror

@JnKL @tinamarie1974 hell no but the give you the old feel at the pre op appointment
@bleedmichigan @JnKL
/giphy george takai oh my

@bleedmichigan @JnKL So the memories thread made a few of us think of this long dead topic. What ever happened to our friend @bleedmichigan? What ever happened to those promised trophies? Another casualty of COVID? The world may never know…
@bleedmichigan @JnKL @tinamarie1974 If you keep your expectations low, you won’t ever be disappointed. Kind of a Meh principle, come to think of it.
Holy goat! I don’t think I have been on Meh! Since the Deracho destroyed parts of iowa and took down our barn and garage and stripped the shingles from the house.
Hope everyone is doing average.
@JnKL oh my gosh, were you guys ok?!!?!? That sounds horrible
Wife and I were at work and kids were at G’ma Pat’s. Just property at our house.
@JnKL glad everyine was ok. Property can be repaired
Newbie…I haven’t a clue as to what this thread is all about. https://images.app.goo.gl/DZkS3evHhDWZqaey7
the meh goat is ‘responsible’ for all blame for the month of their ‘reign’. At the end of the month the lucky person that was the goat is rewarded with an upside down goat icon for their community name badge. (see next to my name or many others in this thread).
At one time there was a discussion about maybe having some trophies to give to the retiring goat, but that never really materialized for most of us.
@chienfou @hap46st
A lucky few did get them!
@hap46st @Kyeh
… but not most of us…
@chienfou @hap46st @Kyeh I didn’t get a trophy

/giphy no trophy
@chienfou @hap46st @ironcheftoni
Looks like only a handful of the earliest goats got them:
@chienfou @hap46st @ironcheftoni @Kyeh Not to rub it in, but we also got a goat certificate, and GOAT PRIZES. Yeah, I’m rubbing it in.
@phendrick I don’t know how many days it’s been, but this is me “checking” in.
@Barney Nice to see you again

@Barney Not to be confused with…

@Barney @chienfou @hap46st @ironcheftoni @Kyeh @phendrick there were prizes and accolades!?!?!?!?!?
Also. Hi Barney!!!
@heartney I see this is the last day of your goathood. Hope you enjoyed it. BTW, February goats are the bestest.
@phendrick Haha and I needed bread, too. I just ordered some strawberry preserves and forgot the bread. Old and forgetful, I guess.
@tinamarie1974 You never got to see my etchings of the goodies that were sent to me by @hollboll (flask person)? I didn’t have a camera then, so I drew what I got and hollboll ( still miss you Holly) took pictures. Please don’t giggle too hard.
@Barney @hollboll dang it the link appears to be broken. I cannot see your artful masterpieces
@tinamarie1974 You are so lucky!
@Barney @hollboll @tinamarie1974 I think a flask or possibility a medkit can fix the pictures…
@Barney @speediedelivery I think someone fixed it.
@Barney @Ignorant @speediedelivery aawwww thank you!!!
Barney you are an amazing artist! And hey, much better than ME!!!
@Barney @Ignorant @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 Yay! I saw these a while back and thought they were hilarious and remarkable.
Glad to be able to view them again.
@tinamarie1974 @Kyeh
And thanks, @Ignorant. (I think?)
@Barney I think someone else fixed it, I went in to fix it and re-broke it thinking I was fixing it and then I fixed it again.
@Ignorant It was always working for me. It made me wonder what the others had been drinking.
@Barney @Ignorant Here’s what I was drinking:
It’s good, too.
Does the link go to wherever the original poster has them stored? So that you’re just reconnecting it?
@Kyeh That looks like a pretty good drink. Um… You didn’t let it sit too long and it fermented into a “fun” drink?
I have no idea about links. I’m not very tech savvy.
Only fun because it’s carbonated.
I was hoping @Ignorant could enlighten me. It’s weird how pictures in old threads just disappear.
@Kyeh yeah they were all just links directly to Imgur. They seem to get stale after awhile and need to be refreshed and reparsed.
@Ignorant That’s great. Can you relink the pictures in the “Show Yourselves” thread if it comes back around?
@Kyeh a couple of us went through and refreshed everything in that thread not too long ago. Some photos were purged from their hosting site(s) so they won’t show but most are there.
@Ignorant Oh, I see. If the hosting site is someone’s own cloud storage is it the same deal?
@Kyeh so long as the URL pointing to the image remains static and there isn’t any sort of password/security to see the image, I’d imagine it’d be fine.
@Ignorant Thanks.
/showme a bronze goat trophy
@heartny Oh, that’s beautiful! I want one of those!