Get to know the goat--@studerc
I am the goat of September. While there have been goats before me @Ryaneil and @marklog, we have never really taken the opportunity to learn more about these truly "terrible" individuals.
So, because I want to procrastinate grading assignments I am going to write this.
I am @studerc and I'm 24 (but look like I'm 16). I am currently a special education teacher and I teach High School Social Studies. I teach kids with behavioral disorders and while it has its days, it's one of the most fulfilling jobs I could ever have. Not to mention I just got off of a 75+ day paid vacation which was fucking sweet. I am currently finishing up my first master's degree and will be starting my second next fall in school administration.
I've been married for just over a year and my wife and I recently purchased our first home. I am apparently a pretty solid handy-man and I completed the large majority of the home renovations by myself.
I am an avid golfer, enjoy wood-working (giggity), and I'm pretty good with a frisbee. In darts, I once got three double-bulleyes in one turn and followed it up with an additional two the next round (and a 1).
I was an avid wootizen (helping to coin that name) however much of the time I was too intimidated to post in the beginning. I'm probably best known for taking over the Wootizen/Mehrican exchanges mainly because I love getting packages in the mail, but as a teacher I'm too poor to purchase whatever I want. I was also the "yesterday's top voter" on deals.woot for something like 20 days straight. I've been #1 on deals.woot and was under the sincerest idea that I would actually get a prize for becoming #1. Still waiting for my jet and nobody shows up to the secret meetings anymore in the walmart parking lot. I'm still #24 in reputation without posting a deal in 10 months or a question since July. I was the winner of the Deal Hunter Competition basically meaning that I was the best over there.
TL;DR :I'm just a normal guy (kid), I like stuff, I'm one of those "loved woot, now indifferent to woot" people. I'm the goat, blame me for your sorrows.
So, feel free to post anything else you wish to know about the goat and likewise feel free to post anything I have done wrong over the month of september. (then maybe my email won't explode!)
A true 'mehrican,
- 18 comments, 70 replies
- Comment
Also, my biggest meh secret thus far!!!
I secretly star pretty much everything I write, because this is 'mehrica and I am a true 'mehrican! (the first star on this comment, yea, it's mine)
@studerc Just wait, @snapster will now probably make that impossible to do now that you have admitted to it and given the rest of us that idea LOL
@Kidsandliz my solution would actually be to recommend to @shawn that we auto-like your own posts, which of course is the same thing as eliminating the ability but we could spin it as a stupid benefit.
that said, I find it kind of cute this way
@snapster presume that one star is a self like? Mirror mirror on the wall...
@snapster that would save me sooo much time and still make me feel as if I am patting myself on the back. I'll allow it! :)
@Kidsandliz I thought we all did it.
@snapster how about adding a broken star button to click for a meh worthy comment?
@Kidsandliz oh please God no. Worst thing that ever happened to deals.woot was the downvote
@studerc no not a down vote, a meh vote to recognize meh worthy comments - there is a difference - that is why it is a broken star rather than a pile of speaker docks
@studerc, why do you suck at making us want to blame you? You seem too nice.
@TaRDy Secretly, I'm a pretty nice guy. But even more secretly, I'm also a narcissistic, jerk-face, asshole according to an article I read about the "millennial" generation that I am technically a part you can blame me for that I suppose :)
I have nothing really either constructive or bad to say about you, so I'll leave an internet picture instead. 'Cause, like you said, Mehrica.

Also out of curiosity (pulled this from the first thread)
"...and maybe we'll even do something special for the lucky winner(?)"
Did you ever get a gift from meh @Ryaneil for being the scapegoat. What about you @marklog ? Just never saw a thread or a comment about it and figured it was worth checkin' on.
@studerc still waiting for the all expense paid trip to Rio. I think 'something special' turned out to be 'added the ability to get your email box spammed to oblivion whilst goating'.
@marklog Meh, ok. I just figured Meh would do something cool for how much of a big deal we make it out to be. @studerc really needs to get his shit together and lower his expectations. AM I RIGHT?!
@JonT can we get the official call here? All expense paid trip to Rio does sound fantastic. But you know, I'd also take other stuff...if its just layin around.
@studerc wait that was going to be the picture of the BMW i8 meh sent me
@Ryaneil There's shit EVERYWHERE.
@studerc on the back of my i8
@Bluedyn that's for you
@studerc I think they have a few speaker docks still sitting around that didn't go to Korea
@Ryaneil Sweet callback. Disturbing, too.

@studerc @Ryaneil @marklog I'll work on goat prizes tomorrow. Y'all deserve a fitting prize...
@JonT why does this excite and scare me?
Looking at this thread I feel the need to clarify that my excitement was in reference to @JonT getting something together for us. Not The Aristocrats, I didn't finger the dog....@marklog
@studerc; @JonT - a fitting prize?
@Ryaneil more than scared, concerned and slightly gassy.
@studerc @JonT @marklog A fitting prize.
@Ryaneil Aww, that decal is so sweet. The mom just gave the daughter CPR and the whole family is comforting her and appreciating her quick thinking. It's a glorious celebration of maternal love and the strength of the family. Very moving.
@Ryaneil oooo that's from the director's cut of the Aritocrats! yea. Its been like over a month. Did I miss something? Did a package get stolen from my doorstep??
@studerc I bet it's somehow my fault that you haven't gotten it yet. That or they sent the goat starter kit to the wrong person.
@studerc isn't an email full of blame enough of a thanks?
Overachiever. Not a good start, goat.
@marklog...OR. Bringing more awareness to the goat cause, which in the end will make more trouble for me. So,
@marklog @studerc overachiever for sure and I didn't immediately see a misspelling in that novella. @studerc you're better than that! by that I mean more meh.
@jimmyd103 I'm a tryin'!
@studerc good job on the intro!
@jimmyd103 Its about to get so much worse.
@studerc: You're so accomplished at such a young age and have so many interests, I can't imagine how you have the time or inclination to play goat-boy. Well, you have only yourself to blame.
@KDemo F'in A, Cotton. F'in A. But seriously, I love this place, being the goat is an honor. My cross to bear.
Can we get a list of your flaws and shortcomings? Thanks in advance
@Moose Would a list of deepest darkest secrets work? I could also include copies of my SS#, birth certificate, and driver's license upon request. You know, for the cause and such.
@Moose Here's a couple of highlights you could include...I have a very odd obsession and love for Ke$ha songs, I have no clue why and I'm ashamed to admit so. My first drink was when I was 18 in college, I did a "power hour" thinking that we slowly power through our first drinks (poor decision) friend had blue carpet that I interpreted as water. Stripped down in front of everyone to go skinny-dipping. My first girl friend was at the age of 19, she broke up with me, ON Valentine's Day, AFTER I bought her roses, chocolates, and wrote her a pretty legit poem. Friend then posted all of her contact information onto 4chan, yea.
@studerc There you have, ladies and gentlemen. @studerc, the heart break kid. Except it's backwards.. Meh.
@studerc "Friend" eh? I think we've spotted the evil you.
@studerc I was totally on your side until 4chan.
@patti @jqubed...Rest assured that I have never willingly gone to 4chan and in no way do I associate myself with it aside from my friend adding her information to the forum.
@Moose you probably need to ask his wife...
@Kidsandliz Don't do that...
@studerc It goes without saying but you need to post that poem. Or at least recreate it as best you can.
@JonT I dunno, maybe. It's one of those repressed memories. I mean it took me almost five years to buy my wife flowers for the first time since that day.
@studerc Actually, you should upload your reading of the poem to Soundcloud and post that link here. Especially if that would embed on the page.
@Moose He caused Cancer
@Moose I can attest that he exaggerates a bit. The " I was the winner of the Deal Hunter Competition basically meaning that I was the best over there." He was a co-winner not THE best. @thumperchick and myself were also winners. =P
@ceagee in my defense, technically I had the best overall deal which would make me the best Deal Hunter. Which basically means I'm #1. :)
@studerc Symantics. I beg to differ goat. They were all determined by different merits. You just confirmed my point about your "flaws".
@studerc Not even true! The categories were; most purchased, highest voted, and most clicked. Be sure to blame @studerc for @studerc's deal hunter ego :P
The Deal Hunter Games, for anyone who missed it.
@Thumperchick Haha. Well played. However one could argue that the highest voted deal would also be the best overall deal as it gathered the highest number of votes. Not to mention of the top ten deals 7 of them were mine. :)
@studerc I would argue that the deal that made the most people part with their money was the best. In which case, @ceagee won, handily. I will concede that you are one of the top deal hunters, but I don't know about THE best...
@Thumperchick Disagree. Example, what if a car was 90% off, but still cost $10,000. The deal clearly is amazing however, not everyone will have the capacity to part with the money for the deal. Now if by chance a movie was $2.00 that is normally $7.99, clearly more people will be willing to part with that money but it doesn't make it the superior deal. *drops mic :) I appreciate the compliment by the way, too bad I stopped posting deals.
@studerc You do have an impressive capacity to bend all forms of reality into light that shines directly up your ass. It is an entertaining trait.
In 10 years, I'll let you take over as General Curmudgeon. Based on your life's story arc so far, you are likely to have have succumbed to soul crushing reality by then...
@GenCurmudgeon Don't forget, I'm a part of the millennial generation. I'm invincible and better than everyone else...everything's come up @studerc baby. Always, and forever! Mehrica!
@studerc If you are representing the generation, you are also overly confident yet the tiniest bit of criticism will send you into a spiraling depression, forcing you to complain to your parents who will call your boss and try to solve your problem for you.
How often have you been mistaken for a student walking around your school?
@jqubed More than you might think...more so with parents and other school administrators. Now the staff realize I'm a teacher. Took about a semester last year to convince them all.
@marklog do you think @studerc has what it takes to keep SDF alive?
@Ryaneil That's the best part about being the goat. It's purely reactionary. OMG. SEE BELOW.
@studerc I know we are supposed to blame you for things, but I just wanted to post a note thanking you. I was a "special" child for failing pre-school and kindergarden and was placed in a special ed class for first grade. I was one of those kids that road the short bus.
Turned out a year later when we moved to a new state that I am color blind which was the roots of learning at my preschool.
I spent all of my middle school and high school volunteering at our elementary school helping kids who struggled in class to give back for everyone that supported me when I was younger. Sadly this ended when I went to college and thus why you made me feed bad.
Anyway, as someone who has been through special ed programs, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do.
Aw, I want to send you something now. Would you trust me with your address?
@mossygreen sounds shady. But if it doesn't work out he can always blame @studerc
@mossygreen (I would actually trust you. You are a familiar name)
@studerc Congratulations on your goatitude. I totally voted for you. Well, I mean I starred the comment nominating you. Anything more would have required effort. Screw that.
@JONT SITE ENHANCEMENT REQUEST- please make the goat start every post with 'Sorry about'.
Congrats and nice to meet you. Well, I feel like I've met you after reading your post. So hi! How does it feel being the goat? I'm always the butt of jokes when playing Halo with my friends. It suddenly becomes, "Let's Pick on Jen Time." They even get my husband to join in. No, not because I am bad at the game (I'm actually pretty good). It's usually semi good-natured but racist jokes because I'm half Mexican and taco jokes seem to crack them up. They find them especially funny because I'm super white (both in color and my actions). The funniest joke so far was in a really quiet pre-game lobby with a lot of other random people we didn't know. Out of nowhere, my friend Fred said, "Hey Jen, do you still send money to your family in Mexico?"
I didn't get it at first and was going to say, "I don't have any family in.." then I snapped and simply replied, "Fuck you, Fred." All of the guys broke out in uproarious laughter.
I guess what I'm trying to say is..I feel your pain. Best of luck to you, goat. Then again, maybe I should be mad because all of this is probably your fault.
You sound just peachy, @studerc, but I think you need to have us over for a few beers and maybe throw some dogs on the grill (not @marklog's, though, they've been through enough). I hate to judge a person before he's bought me a beer or two.
You should add yourself to this site...
@studerc - The scapegoat role is a slippery slope: