@PurplePawprints i struggled initially to remember whether or not you missed the last one...i did remember though moments later when i commented on capguns!
@capguncowboy@studerc I knew one was coming soon and still almost had a heart attack when I saw it. I'm undefeated, and my husband has only missed one (the last one, I think) but each time I fear it will be my last. Glad you're both still in the club!
Way too late to edit, but I just looked at my husband's account and realized I was wrong. He's only got five in his order history, so he has missed more than the one I was thinking.
@PurplePawprints I figured one would come up last week and had been checking it every night -- tonight I literally forgot until exactly at 12:00. I didn't even click to refresh until at least 15 seconds later. Probably the only reason I got one.
@ShaoRyn I had to select all pictures that contained grass. There were only two of them and that worried me because usually there's 3 or more. I hate that captcha type.
@Mehrocco_Mole I really hope whoever took this picture proceeded to kick the shit out of this asshole. Goat kickers and dead-horse beaters are on my shit list.
@PurplePawprints Have you seen this video in context? This goat was attacking a preggo woman who did nothing to it just seconds before. This guy was defending the woman.
@zachhh i was where you are a while back and missed once after a long streak on THE anniversary day, have tried to kick the midnight habit since then, fortunately had a slight relapse tonight and, as fortune would have it, I got one.
@zachhh Well you have to accept the small set backs in your recovery as normal, and don't let them stress you out, we are human, and then maybe your feng shui will change and you'll get lucky like me (or is that karma?), Meh.
Wow I actually got one this time. I shall only say nice things for the rest of the month. Luv ya meh!
And for those like me who have complained about Captcha, (I missed out on the past two fuku's solely due to Captcha lag), it actually worked this time, I had to pick pictures with oranges, but it still got in in time...
For those who missed out, you have my deepest condolences, I know what it's like, please blame @thisismyusername
@kyanostiger@grobbins That really is a feat in itself. The Kickstarter Box wasn't really hard to get (no server crashing, etc).
I did, however, manage to land a $5 backer spot on Kickstarter with this account, and a $10 backer spot on my wife's account -- then I misread and thought the $10 spot yielded a better Fuku. I withdrew my spot for $5 and changed it to $10.
In hindsight, I felt foolish, but it was still worth it. That first bag had some great stuff in it.
@Tin_Foil I'd love to hear the explanation that goes with it ...
"Right, they put warehouse leftovers into boxes ... no, no, I paid them actually ... no they don't sell blow-up sex dolls, what do you mean ... babe where are you going?"
@n8mack33 ya know it tried to screw me, it had what they called a "milkshake" with fruit in it! like a smoothie or something... I was like "that is not a milk shake" and it was like "please select all the milkshakes" so I clicked the smoothie and it let me go...
I can't believe I actually got my very first Fuku after so many failed attempts. How the hell did that happen! My hands are actually shaking. assertive-shocking-frame
Calling shenanigans, I click I'm not a robot and it tells me I can't buy it because "I didn't click I'm not a robot". Kinda some BS if you ask me....let the anger flow! No love here meh.
@DrunkCat when i loaded it on the computer it showed sold out at only 487 sold, then upped to 545 on a reload. I think we definitely strain the stats system.
@mike808 We couldn't write the clickstream data to InfluxDB fast enough before the deal sold out and the stats got all wonky. Removed it until we can come up with a fix.
@mike808@Northir it means the stats for visitors during that time was -35.66% more than the number of purchasers. Or 35.66% less. Whatever, it looks like it means it sold out faster than visitor counts were being logged, which is pretty ludicrously good server load handling for important stuff like ordering fukus. Big ups to @shawn and team!
edit: see that Shawn said the same thing while I was going through all the posts. Still fun!
@shawn it still means 1 out of 3 customers that showed up saying 'shut up and take my money!' Were told by meh to go away. Also, by constucting the fuku sales process as a skill-based purchase contest is a discriminatory practice that intentionally shuts out ADA participants. So, yeah, way to go!
@djslack First-come, first-served with an accessible captcha introduces a time delay discriminatorily upon the disabled. Accessibility != non-discriminatory practices.
Since Meh is well aware that demand outstrips supply (seriously, you're going to argue ignorance with <60 sec sellouts in a 24 hour sales cycle?), a lottery system or time-distributing blocks of items (10-20 items available every 5 minutes would spread the demand and not disadvantage folks that must use accessibility accommodations or don't happen to be on the local ISP trunk via OC-192).
P.S. you couldn't give me a fuku anyway, so I've no skin in this game. I'm just here for the speaker docks and fine goat literature. :-)
@sthiede1 I somehow convinced myself to stay up those last few minutes after my 14 hour work day. Intuition? Maybe. Luck with the trigger? Definitely!!!
@boygenius1991 There's an app for the iPhone called Pretty OK that pops up a notification at midnight Eastern. Since it pops up, I get it on my Pebble too.
@boygenius1991 load site when phone turns to 11:00. Still speakers, that's weird, reload, click buy the second you see $5, scroll down, check I'm not a robot, wait for that to process, then click do it already while walking to the computer to load the site to read while the order processes, fingers crossed that it takes. Yell when the order comes through. That's how i did it.
Why would you be allowed to buy more than one WTF MEH! Im cancelling the damn membership since you haven't posted any decent crap in the past 3 months and now this BS. One less customer to worry about mehhhh byeeeeeeeeeee
@Rodytoon Yep, turns out these fuku deals cause quite the strain on our servers. As such, sometimes folks will have an extra purchase sneak through. But as has been mentioned above, we go in and cancel those extra orders to make sure that everyone with the misfortune of actually placing a fuku order only gets one terrible box of stuff to figure out what to do with.
When they sell out before it even ticks over to 12:01 am, perhaps go ahead and tick it over to a new item for sale while you're at it instead of letting the sales page sit useless sold out for a whole 23 hours, 59 minutes and 40 seconds.
omgomgomgomgosh i cant believe i finally got one of these. congrats to those who did and sorry to those who didnt. i know how it feels to be late to the party.
Had to enter my new address, re-enter my credit card number, and do the captcha. No bag for me. Literally the first time I've checked at 9 Pacific, too.
Aw. I was just sitting here waiting for midnight too! Then in those last 4 minutes, I got distracted.That stinks. Darn. Now what am I going to do except edit my post a few times. I'ms glad there are people as miserable as me though. And glad it happened at midnight. Maybe I'll go to bed and forget about it tomorrow instead of it happening at 9am and me having to think about it all day. So, I came back a minute later to edit my post and it's hidden already! I wanted to yell at the world "Everything is lousey!" and my dogone post is hidden. Oh, silent suffering just isn't as effective.
tepid-baled-cub I can finally sleep at night. Last fuku i got a surface pro 3 box with a charger and stylus but no surface. So my expectations are at an all time low, please prove me wrong guys!
@andrd. Actually by the time the Twitter notification came through tonight it sold out. I refreshed at the stroke of midnight, got one and then got the tweet.
Anyone else not expect to see a pink fuku bag and were so throw off they damn near missed clicking buy because they didn't realize what it was? At first I thought it was some breast cancer awareness thing. I almost had a heart attack when the whole thing clicked in my head and I realized I had wasted 20 seconds just starring. Still got one though! This will be my 3rd, whether it'll be a charm remains to be seen.
SOLD OUT in 1 minute??? Do I need a tablet with an atomic clock to be able to score one of these??? This is the 7th one I haven't been "lucky" enough to snag. DAMMIT! 😠
@Kerig3 it's a joke that some hoarders get everyone. Meanwhile lots of people who have come since the beginning are basically shut out. There should be a limit of one per year or something. In any case.. Sigh
@Kerig3 I'd say 80% of the time I'm checking at midnight on my phone. The time on my phone is actually a split second faster than the atomic clock, which my watch uses and updates every night. By the time my brain registers that it's 12, that split second has passed and I'm refreshing right at atomic midnight. So apparently that's how I just landed my 5th Fuku...
Seriously, 545, that's it. I get on at 5 after the hour and they are already sold out!!! Need an UBER MEH button on this one. Come on, surely you got more crap than that laying around!!!
I watched it turn from :59 to :00, refreshed the page, clicked buy it, I'm not robot, okay already, something went wrong, okay already, sold out. I blame my 2.5 year old phone. Still haven't gotten one since the days when fuckyoubuckaroo bags would crash the site. Remember those days?
Got one! Finally got a Fukubukuro! I think I got one. Went through when there were only fourteen sold for $78, but I don't see it my recent orders and I don't remember the three words! Hope I don't get screwed outta my Fukubukuro.
@alpine There were, apparently, several of us who got through for the first time tonight. I've been checking in every night for over a year and this is the first time I've gotten in on one. My internet at home sucks, but I happen to be at my brother's house tonight, probably the only reason it went through quick enough.
@sadalex I had to pick pictures of soup. I messed it up the first time and quickly fumbled for another picture of soup that looked like coffee. That captcha looks insane.
@lenea9011 alarm clock. seriously, i have a calendar reminder for everyday. i was so annoyed on my cruise and when i was out of country wiht no cell service and i couldn't check it.
VMP for a year and NO fukubukuro. Where is the love? I'm starting to think this is rigged. How can that many people possibly get an order through in a few seconds? Something is up. There must be a cheater app or something. I've lived for the fukubukuro now the fukubukuro may be the death of me. It's like chasing flatulence in the wind.
@equable1 I've been here since day one. I gave up on these things after the first couple. Before that I stayed up to midnight just hoping.
But I still check and I hit refresh right at the new page load. Quickly tried entering my new credit card info. Too late. Within a minute the hoarders and people who get every single one got them again. I'm really done now. No more vmp for me. The stuff they sell has been getting really bad anyway lately. And if this is how they treat long term fans.... Forget it
@equable1 No cheating here and I'm eight for eight. It's just a matter of refreshing on the dot and being really, really lucky. Heck, my husband wasn't even signed in and snagged one.
@equable1 I've gotten every one I've ever been home for at 9pm (I think tonight was the 4th?), no cheater app. For some reason I've also never had to do anything besides click not a robot, regardless of device (One on an iPad, one on a Mac with Safari and two with Chrome on Windows).
@alpine you realize they lose money on these right? There's no conspiracy, just supply and demand at work. You rage quitting just makes it that much easier for me and all the other members of the nefarious "hoarders club". This is like getting angry that as a long time lotto player you still haven't been rewarded with the jackpot for your loyalty.
@equable1 no cheating, just luck. I shit my pc off at 11:59, said oh shit, grabbed my phone, hit my meh favorite, page came right up, clicked buy, checked the robot, and then done. Got the fuku just as fast as a normal buy. VERY LUCKY.
Whether I get anything good or not, I'm not trying again. I'll let others have a better chance, unlike those other mean people that brag about getting one every time.
@equable1 I must commend you on the appropriateness of your username. It was a vocabulary word from a recent Meh order for me, and I must say that it is most fitting; this is a remarkably even-tempered fuku rage post. Keep trying!
@equable1 Pretty much in the same boat. I seem to miss them every single time! Sigh. Sometimes though, after reading what people get, I'm somewhat thankful for that...
The way I look at it, and what @PurplePawprints just kind of confirmed, is that once the initial excitement of getting a Fuku (or Fuko) dies down, most of it won't necessarily last among your possessions, and you'll eventually forget what you got.
My most valuable thing from Meh (which possibly snuck it's way into the envelope) is a purple paperclip sent along with a red drawstring bag.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's not necessarily the expensive stuff which is important, but the useful stuff.
The paperclip is sitting on my desk in a place of honor (near a few other fun things i have sitting there).
Do i still blame @thismyusername that my card didn't work? Sure, but I'm not going to start getting mad at Meh, then cancel my VMP and rage-quit the site.
@FroodyFrog I have a horrible memory in general. I can't remember what I purposely ordered last week, so I usually forget things that come in the mystery bags unless it's something that ends up being used daily.
But yeah, I don't buy them only in hope of getting something amazingly expensive (though I wouldn't turn my nose up at it, of course) it's more for the hunt and in the hopes of getting something useful. And for the bags, of course. I use the tote bags regularly.
I've gotten a few pretty unique things, lots and lots of useless things, and one or two nice things (got a Roomba once that was broken and my husband managed to fix it). Hopefully you'll manage to grab one next time!
@FroodyFrog Yeah, I think my husband and I were bagless last time, also. However, since we obviously already had lots of bags from previous ones, I don't think I mentioned it or asked for one. It's nice that they sent out ones for those that said something though, especially if it was a first-timer.
Oh, and growing up, my parents always took advantage of the day to show all of us kids their love, with the chocolate and the cards the the words and stuff. My first wife bought the kid gifts too. The current wife forbids me from feeling any obligation other than to enjoy the day. Valentine's is the best. It's love, motherfuckers. How sick are you if you don't wanna celebrate love? All I can figure is you need a big hug. Get on that.
@sammydog01 I heard one time that everyone needs several hugs daily. Happily, I am married to an awesome hugger, and I get, I'd say, three or four a day at least. That and some serious snuggles. I don't even care (okay, I care a little, but not enough) that saying "snuggles" makes me sound a little less manly. Snuggles. Snuggles, snuggles, snuggles.
So the cool thing is that our son's--um, I think they're avoiding the term "girlfriend," so let's just say--"frequently present female companion" is from that part of Russia, near Japan.
Yay! My first one...and its lucky # 7! I don't know what kind of stuff comes in these things (hopefully not the lame shit in the woot BOC), but I really like the rope lights (when they work) and mini quad copters! Heh heh.
For instance, in the last one, some people got Roombas as the big item, yet other people got nothing as exciting. Now, the second round of Fukus (i.e 7.2), are the ones not to really get your hopes up on if you manage to get a note hinting at one.
@jzmacdaddy I got a (used, broken, fixable) multi-camera security system in mine... pretty random. I took out the 320GB hard drive and put it to good use.
@FroodyFrog those were part of an accidental oversell. Those 72 were unplanned for thus the haphazard way they seemed to be put together compared to the first batch. It was much better than 72 people thinking they won and then having their order canceled - which is what most companies might have done.
The 7.2 was just an example i used to define what i meant by round 2. It (to the best of my knowledge) has nothing to do with overselling. It's completely random but specifically put together.
@jzmacdaddy on the last one I got an Onyko reciver and some mugs and a bunch of plastic cars. Usually it's just a bunch of random stuff that gets given away to friends and such. I'm waiting for the day that I get a roomba! A lot of times folks get those! Gotta be lucky though and quick on the buy button!
@MEHcus really? I thought I remembered a whole bunch of posting about there being an oversell one time which is why the 72 were late and without bags. My bad for the misinfo. In my defense i am very, very stupid.
@mrkenneth Looks like sales processed faster than they could log visitors. Which, if you consider how much more complex one is than the other, shows how much optimization has gone into handling a mass influx of orders on fuku/stress test day.
Awww, you're so sweet, @stardate820926. I've gotten all the others except kickstarter, so I can't really complain. I guess the fates just decided it's someone else's turn this time.
(Excellent gif find - kind of TTM-y and purple-y and robot-y.)
Robot-y? Hey, wait - are you working for Captcha? ;-)
Maybe my luck will change now that I got a lucky #7 FUKU bag....Laid off job last month, mom still in skilled nursing facility with broken ankle, I found out I have skin cancer ( 2 different types) and went to dermatologist that said they took my insurance and AFTER I went there, discovered they don't take my insurance plan after all, our travel trailer we just got out of the shop today ($1900 repair bill that insurance won't cover ), DD car out of shop last month with over $400 repair bill, one of the stray kittens I have been feeding got run over in front of my house Saturday ---so things have been stressful to say the least ....BUT I realize it could always be a lot worse so I am grateful despite the setbacks...so this purchase tonight made me smile..Yes, I know I haven't received my #7 FUKU bag yet but hoping this purchase tonight is a sign of good things yet to come my way..#hopeful-miracles-happen!! BTW my sons birthday is on Valentines Day so that day never sucks for me( sucks for him though as I chose his birthday and when he got older he asked me why I picked that day -- said it was a terrible birthday as he could hardly ever go out to a nice restaurant on his actual birthday because it was too crowded ) and when he was dating (before he married), he also told me that he always had to pay for his dates meal on HIS birthday so didn't seem like HIS birthday......guess I didn't think his birthday date through before I chose Valentines Day...oh well...
I am seriously surprised at how disappointed I am for missing this. I think the Valentine's Day tie-in made it sting just a little more. I mean, I still don't get all the "fuck this shit" rage going on, but still, I should probably get out more...
I am so excited. I got one! I am really feeling lucky this time. I did get a couple other fukus, but the "big" item in each was broken. I think the odds of that happening were pretty high. But I got a lot more than $5 dollars worth of excitement each time, and did get a handy red shopping bag. I know how disappointing it is to miss out, so I will just enjoy the suspense.
Ahhhhh waiting months and months checking every day. Today I see its 11:01 and think "oh I need to check Meh!" And then I was distracted with Doctor Who (and the fact that Netflix is dropping it right as I finally decided to watch it for the first time), and just now remembered to check...FML.
I was wondering why I wasn't able to buy one then I checked my order history and remember "oh yeah, apparently I can only buy even numbers"... My first one was fuku 4, missed out on 5, got fuku 6, now missed 7... come on lucky number 8 :P
Screw the fuku. Murray and Ferrer in Aussie Quarter finals. Am I the only tennis fan on here?
Ok I checked here during a commercial and thought what if .... And it was. It sucks but what are you going to do? One makes choices. so I will go back to my tennis Enjoy your wins ! Love the pink.
Today was a awesome day, my favorite band announced a tour with another band I love, I took a pretty girl to see reel big fish, I found out the closing date for this house I'm buying, and I got a fuku. Awesome. Life has been good
I've been waiting my entire life for this!!!! Why do you hate me, meh!!???!?!?!? I've been loyal to you. I even stopped talking to other deal sites because I wanted to show my loyalty to you. Still, you show me no love. I slip up one time, show up a little late, and once again I don't get any Fuku? Fuku. You broke my heart. I just wailed out loud, and my family sympathizes for me, but clearly you never will.
It would be nice if you'd limit the number that can be purchased so that some of us who can't sit by our computers day and night could have a chance at one of these. Or how about a link for those of us who pay VMP every month? I've never gotten one of these. They're always sold out. Seems I'm not the only one.
Congrats to the ones who were successful. Maybe next time to the rest of us!
@Tadlem43 It's ridiculous there's people bragging they've gotten everyone. There should be a limit of one per year or something to make it a tad more fair...
@Tadlem43 It has been said many, many times, in this thread even, that Meh only allows one fuku per account before they sell out. If a glitch allows an account to get two, they manually cancel them the next day. It's the exact same policy as Woot has. What more do you want from them? They are a business, not a charitable organization with the mission to bring fuku's to the fukuless. They put an item up for sale and it's first-come, first-seved until all products for sale are gone.
@PurplePawprints Then I'd like for people to be considerate enough to honor their policy and not buy 2-6 and then come on the forum and brag about it. It's rude and inconsiderate, not only of other buyers, but also of the company and it's policy. Other sites won't let you check out if you have more than one and if you order more than one at a different time, they won't ship either.
@PurplePawprints I understand. People are inconsiderate and greedy. I wish YOU would understand. I don't hold any hostilities one way or the other. I just said, simply, that I wish that Meh would do something to make it a bit fair. Why is that such a deal to you? lol
@Tadlem43 That's just it though, they can't make it any fairer than they already do. Every single person who gets here when the item goes up for sale has the same chance of being able to buy it. Meh can't control your internet speed, but from their end, it's perfectly fair. They only allow each account to buy one per sale. That's fair. With the amount they have to sell, even if every person who has ever bought one chose to not buy again, you still wouldn't get one by waltzing in two and a half hours later because it will still sell out in seconds. That's what happens with high demand products.
@Tadlem43 I think what @PurplePawprints was trying to explain is that some of the 'unfair' here is a misconception. The folks you see with more than 1 order either: a) are pulling your chain and just ruffling feathers. OR b) experienced a glitch that allowed the order to go through more than once - in which case any duplicate order will be canceled by the system, or staff the next day. The reason the system sometimes allows the glitchy orders is just, pure volume/speed. Tens of thousands of hits on the system within a few seconds is enough to allow for a few 1's and 0's to get lost here and there. Which is why there's a secondary check to remove the duplicate orders. The odds of the glitches actually having an effect on your ability to purchase a fuku are infinitesimal - so they don't really hurt your chances. It's also unlikely that anyone manages to order more than one on purpose - though those happen once in a while, too. They all get deleted in the end.
I'm sure some would suspect auto-purchase bots, but if even some humans aren't getting past the CAPTCHA check, the bots aren't going to, either.
The fuku is about as fair as it can get for their business model and technology. It comes down to luck, internet speed, and more luck. Inconsiderate and greedy don't get much of a chance to factor in.
Of course, all this doesn't make anyone feel better when they miss out on a fuku!
@Tadlem43 I thought there was nothing wrong with your comment and was surprised you were attacked, although I was attacked by the same person (and someone else) on another thread for jokingly nominating for goat someone who has starred 92% of posts - 11,600+ and counting in something like around 5 months (talk about making starring a post meaningless, unless of course they are going for the most star clicks - eg like meh face click - record). The person I nominated got all bent out of shape - you'd think for all the posts they'd read they'd realize it is an honor, abet in a twisted sort of way, to be nominated. Nope. Instead they blew a cork and went on several rants. Talk about touchy.
I agree with your Geezz comment. I'd suggest just blowing it off. Some people seem to be really skilled at being snarky - they practice it a lot. At times the snark is funny, at other times there is an undertone of mean, snotty, whatever... intent. I also think there are a handful of people who take this forum way too seriously. Perhaps they don't have much of a life outside of online. Perhaps right now their life sucks and they are taking it out on others that won't bite back in real life so they can survive real life... Perhaps...who knows. Sad for them for whatever is causing this kind of behavior (and no I am not being sarcastic).
@Kidsandliz Thank you for the support. It's a reflection on them, not me. I was just making a comment that I thought would be taken in the spirit of fairness. I guess some people don't get it. Whatever. I figure it's their problem, not mine, so to me it's over. But, yes, it's sad. (and yes, I have no problem with 'snarky funny', but snarky to be snarky is well, that's sad, too) Thank you, again.
@Tadlem43 My first comment wasn't even directed at you and had nothing to do with your initial comment. It was addressed directly to someone who had been complaining all over this thread. You chose to make it all about you and took it personally, so I responded to you afterward. shrugs
@PurplePawprints I just said that your comment was rude...and it was, no matter to whom it was directed. Then YOU started engaging with ME so I'm not the one who made it about me. And, if you'll notice, I have laughed throughout this whole thing, so no, I didn't 'take it personally'. It's a forum. It's about Fuku. How personal is that? lol Whatever.
Ooh pooey meh. Since you won't be my Valentine fuku I will console myself and get your speakers. That way come Valentine day I can record myself sobbing cause meh doesn't like me, and play it back in stereo
@sohmageek That was me for the last one. Totally wiped out, first night in ages I went to sleep before midnight. Woke up briefly some time after and saw I missed it. Slept less peacefully.
@cinoclav I didn't wake up for it. I stopped my meh alarms. I figure I have enough junk around the house. I gotta downsize first. :) Abe Vigoda really threw me off. But my doctor is saying something about unhealthy sleep patterns will lead to less weight loss. Blah blah blah. I'll try it.
Ps most days I'm just still up for midnight. Then up at 4...
Finally, I'm not a robot. It was just a checkmark for me this time instead of the impossible (on my phone) photo puzzles that Captcha used to screw me the last few times.
The past 24 hours were kinda crappy, but me missing out on the fuku was the least-worst thing. Our department had a meeting telling us that our shift-differential of 10% is going away, so working 1am-9am has absolutely no benefits. That's a LARGE chunk of money I don't already have. Then immediately afterwards I had to go to a meeting to be part of a committee to help spread spirit and boast about how awesome our company is by being part of a skit and some crap. Woke up this morning at midnight just missing out on a fuku because of the cruel captcha game of picking soups. Like I said, missing out on the fuku was the least-worst thing, but it was a bit of a nut-shot.
@hems79 I agree. I've been through several layoffs. Survived a few, didn't survive a few.
One time I didn't survive was when they had to make major budget cuts. I wish they gave me the option of taking a pay decrease instead of just discontinuing the job. I would have taken the decrease. Less money is still better than zero money.
@cengland0, I agree....@hems79 sorry about your pay cut as that's bad too but no job really a sucks.......I was laid off work last month ---told I was being laid off right before Thanksgiving, my December birthday, and Christmas ( in that order) Oh and also told hope you have happy holidays- really....?
@hems79 That truly sucks- I feel for you. But I'm sure your committee will be so awesome that everyone will be happy about the pay cut. Because that's how life works. According to management.
BLEH Was here last night at 11:02 because I got distracted by a show I was watching and BAM All gone.... Ill never get one of these I Feel. Oh Well.....
I did get one, which is satisfying-at least so far! I guess I was so intent on getting the form in that I didn't notice that apparently I could have put in for more than one. Oh well, no regrets. I'll be happy with what I got and not worry about what I might have gotten. I might have missed if the extra second in clicking for more bags caused me to be too late.
@andyw I'm not sure where your misunderstanding comes from, but you could not have gotten a second bag. A few people claim to have gotten two on one account, but those orders will be canceled by staff today.
@PurplePawprints Thank you for the quick response. My misunderstanding (and I was NOT disappointed) came because in the first comment I saw after my order went through, a person said he was in for 3. On previous events I knew I could not order three, so I didn't even look for it this time, especially as I did not want to waste time over greed (just greedy enough to try for one!). So I appreciate Meh's even-handedness in allowing only one and thereby spreading the joy. Thanks to Meh again for a fun and rewarding site. Keep up the good work.
@andyw Oh, I didn't think you were voicing disappointment, I just didn't want you to think that you may have missed out or something. And, I didn't want you to think, in the future, that people were getting multiples if you happened to miss the next one. I'm glad you were able to get this one! :-)
@andyw every once in a while, especially when orders are going through at the speed which fuku's sell, some people are able to have more than one order slip through the cracks. These orders are glitches and short lived - if the system doesn't kick them back, staff go through the next day and delete the duplicates. More interesting (to me, at least) is that fuku's almost always oversell. I'm going to guess that today's limit was 500, yet 544 will go out. The system processes so many, so quickly, that it cannot stop at the exact number - so they plan for this by having extra crap... er... wonderful fuku items on hand for the oversell.
Of course the fuku is sold on the ONE day that I go to bed before midnight.. I'm pretty sure that the last time I went to bed early was the last fuku! Meh must be hacked into my IP Cameras that they sold me, and plotting against me!
Was going to say how long before the "why does meh hate the east coast" thread is created like every time a Fuku drops but looks like someone already created one. (I'm from the east coast and I did score one)
Casually logged-in to the iPad @ 12:00:58am ET, expecting to find more speakers or an expensive coffee maker (alerts go only to my phone & Martian watch). After a small server delay (i.e. recovery time), found only disappointment as I'd already missed my chance. Was so depressed, I didn't bother to post till this morning. Ah well, 5/7 ain't bad. Left to wonder if I'd missed a signal or a sign of impending Fuku -- I normally pick-up on those things.
Sweet! It pays to check Meh.com at 12:00am religiously every night. I think I've gotten every Fuku they've done since I started coming here! (starting at Fuku 4 I think)
In for one. My significant other is going to significantly disappointed in her VD gift this year. I'm wondering why it wasn't a fukbox. You know so you can put your junk it in as described in step 2.
Still sold out? I thought they would do something nutty, like bring them up again,(call me first, please). Or, Hey, how about Sending Fukubukuros to everyone who missed them, and not sending to those that did? Let's make it wacky!
Work kicked my butt yesterday so I had to turn in early. I've been checking in at 11:59 for months to see if I can snag a FUKU. Ahh man it's hard living on the East coast.
@username My first one I got was I think the 6th one. It had a SUPER BRIGHT flashlight (with weird, touchy settings where if you touch the on button without pressure it goes into epileptic strobe mode, seems the batteries have since died though), a random brand little movie player thingy (like a Radio Shack item), a USB hubman, a bag of cheap plastic cars (like the really cheap plastic mold snap on wheel axle) and a roll away alarm clock. The light, once you figure it out, pretty bright. The cheap cars were given to a niece that got into geo caching for loot to leave behind. The alarm clock went to a family member we didn't really want to shop for, and they loved it... so that one made it worth it. A money clip... that was about it.
@username In the Birthday Fuku I got one of these : Amazon has 2 new ones for sale, the lower price is $1393.74 The used ones go for about $500. It's an amazing machine!
@username I got very very lucky and ended up with a brand new roomba 790 on the last one. It combines two of my favorite things: cleanliness and laziness.
@dannyjoe08 There is an order limit - 1. It sold out in seconds. If you want a fuku, you gotta be here at rollover, on the dot and be fast. Better luck next time!
That awkward moment when you check your email and realize that in your haste to get a fuku and post your order number the night before that you'd accidentally subscribed to the thread...
I think what I'm happiest about most of all is that I can comfortably go to bed before midnight for a while without that nagging feeling that I might be missing a Fuku. Had a couple of really long days at work after that fun day Sunday of clearing the snow. Fuku scored, life is in balance.
@somf69 I think is not so much the EC bitching about getting things as it is that we have to stay up until midnight to meh. As a 5:30 alarm clock hitter, Meh'ing is tough, but I do it most of the time anyway.
@rhcurry02 I'm a East Coast guy, From Pennsylvania. I stay up every night, I really don't see what the big deal is. I used to stay up every night for woot too.
@somf69 People from all over bitch every time something desirable sells out before they can buy it. I'm from PA, too, and I remember when the Snow White knives (that were selling for $7 or something) sold out and a bunch of people went down the "discriminating against the EC" road. Then there were the others who complained it was a bad business model to sell out quickly. All of it was ridiculous.
Most people don't seem to realize that they don't need this stuff. Anything even close to a necessity (such as comforters) can be gotten elsewhere for similar or better prices. Maybe not as nice as a deal on here, but if warmth is the need, it'll still be met by an ugly castoff.
I like this site, but I can't imagine getting so into it that I get angry when I don't get something.
@somf69 I'll stop the EC bitching when they change the sale time to 9pm Eastern, but I stayed up and got one any-who, from MI. BTW, why does no one ever say they saw it at 10:00, is this not a thing in CO and the mountain states?
@tfreeman451 that's odd. I'm guessing those are authorization charges and at least one will fall off in a few days. If you're sure you don't have a successful order in your meh.com/orders - please write in to meh.com/support to verify that those charges will not go through. Hope you got a fuku and just didn't get an email, though!
Internet broke here last evening so couldn't even try. Probably would have had happen to me like the last two times where it wouldn't let me past "I am not a robot". Sigh. Likely I will never get one again. Got the first couple but that is likely to be it. Too many people now trying too.
@Kidsandliz Heads up Kids. I got screwed the last couple of times with the photo captcha "I am not a Robot". Last night it was just a check box. Got right through on my Windows Phone. We'll see if it's the same next time.
Just wanted to say congrats to all who got them. As an east coaster, I am usually up for around 80% of the midnight jumps. This was in the 20% so I missed it cleanly. It hurts, but not as much as those of you who were there at the jump and still missed out. I feel for you.
For the lucky 500ish of you, congrats and I can't wait to see your photos in the reveal thread! Hope to get lucky next time.
@bdp I actually like the midnight turnover on the east coast. I stay up specifically to check meh every night. If it happened at 9pm, I would be busy doing something else. I could be in the racquetball room or in the shower at that time and would be more inconvenient. I'm rarely home to check it at 9pm.
No matter what time it switched over, there will always be people inconvenienced. I wake up at 3:55am every morning so I get very little sleep after checking the site at midnight but I do make up for it with little naps throughout the day.
Meh has caused me to change my entire sleep cycles and I made that a priority in my life. If others choose to sleep instead, that is their problem.
@boc Just goes to show you they have a woot off going on and I don't even give a shit and didn't even bother to stop by there to see what they were pawning off. Another great job by them....
@connorbush LOL. That was posted over 17 hours ago and it was during an active Woot-Off! Woot-Offs are the most common/typical (but not only) way to get a Bag of crap. The one I posted wasn't on the Woot! homepage and it was up (live/available) for over 17 minutes (which is almost an eternity for a Bag of Crap.) As you can see from the comments above, several people were able to get it. Sorry you missed out.
@jzmacdaddy The link I posted was from the Woot-Off! It was not from the app. During this most recent Woot-Off! they had a Bag of Crap as the second item and it sold out quickly with no disruption to the site. The second Bag of Crap was later in the day and it basically crashed the site. At that point Woot! moved all of the subsequent Bags to the "Wootsquatch" version which meant that that you had to watch for their version of Sasquatch to appear along the item up for sale on Woot! Most people are not aware of what this is and as result when Wootsquatch appears (clicking on it links to a "hidden" Bag of Crap sale) it tends to last a lot longer than when a Bag of Crap is the main Woot! item. And from my experience the Bags of Crap offered only on the app ("Appsclusive") sell out very quickly. I've clicked on one the second it appeared and was still not able to get it. I've never seen one on the app last more than a few seconds.
@boc I spent a totally ridiculous amount of time trying to get a BOC on the first day- I got the evening one before the servers crashed. Then the second day I watched the Wootsquatch bag stay active for over 15 minutes. I feel so stupid.
@shawn Yeah, but I'd have to create a wikipedia account and learn how to use it and all... and not having one is about the only thing keeping me out of trouble... well, that and abject laziness.
@baqui63@shawnCheck it again. In History. I think this is my first (certainly most major) edit. I'm sure the tone is all wrong for Wikipedia standards. I'm too damned lazy to check. We'll see how long it lasts. I know the the pedia community is full of pedants who love nothing more than spoiling everyone's fun (don't get me wrong; shit should be accurate, but there's no good reason it can't also be fun). I'm pretty sure I'm the problem; I bet you can guess how I feel about that. You're welcome (to fix it). It was kind of a pain in the ass. What I do for you people.
I once contemplated fixing some stupid shit someone said once about my boy, William Blake, but I don't even remember anymore.
@sammydog01 I was particularly pleased that I figured out how to link suckers, since the primary is a disambiguation page. Again, it was kind of a rushed effort. And I spent most of my time figuring out formatting. It looks like my only other entry was a simple text insertion on the movie Pi (the whole section where my edit occurred has been removed). Wikipedia intimidates me a little, but I do consider myself now one of the world's foremost authorities on meh.com and fukubukuro. ;-)
Now I think the power might be going to my head. I'll have to go back and look at other stuff I care about. There's no page for Mediocre Corp or for meh.com, for instance.
On the flip side; east-coasters. I am generally involved, actively, in a task at 9pm PST>>> It would behoove me if the meh-change-over occurred at 12 midnight. I have nothing going on at that hour and am usually in bed. I could be so focused on meh.com...
Damn, Smart Post was fast! Fuku was supposed to arrive Monday, but it made it early. It doesn't hurt that I live about 6 miles from Meh. World HQ :)
Great Fuku haul! Starting with the best items:
Irk and Glen Valentines cards 6 - Meh heart candies Pink Fuku bag Pair of Izon Stem cameras Dart gun Mini vacuum cleaner Pig thermometer
Thanks a bunch Meh!
This more than makes up for what transpired on the night the Fukubukuro went on sale... My 5 year old woke up at 10 to explosively vomit all over the bathroom. So after we cleaned that up, I relaxed for a bit and was able to check Meh at 11:00cst on the dot. I am indeed not a robot, I just fix them at work.
Got Meh stuff in. I was shocked to see such a huge box on my porch. Turns out there was a very dirty, but very awesome refurbished Dyson Vaccumm in it. Alright!
Love the Meh Valentines candies and the pink bag is even more dope in person. I got a Coor light bottle opener necklace for those times when you are chillin nude with the natives, but need to open some bottles. Some I ❤️ cocunut and creme hand lotion that is sorely, sorely, sorely needed. And a neoprene kindle slip cover that can go into my box of 40 neoprene kindle slip covers I bought from Meh months ago.
P.S. I don't seem to understand how to add pictures to my post from mobile. Very meh, indeed.
I keep waiting and checking by the door and no fuku. I just looked and it says it was delivered on Friday. I have never not received any package. What do I do?
I have been trying to get my package but no one seems to have it. I went to the US post office. They told me to go to USPS. Not there. I called the US post office and spoke to a manager they told me they do not have the tracking info on file. I never have had this problem. Where do you suggest I start to look again?
@Mellaine Doggone it, I hate it when a Fuku disappears. If it doesn't turn up and you would like, I'll send you a replacement Fuku. Sorry, there will be no vacuum, but there might be a purple item in it. Let me know what happens in your quest to find your lost Fuku.
@Barney Thanks, I just want to find the one that was sent. I wish I answered the door last Friday when I heard someone knocking but I messed up my back even worse looking for my dog which still has not been found. I hope it is not true that things come in three's. I already have 2 my dog and my fuku. I would rather have something I ordered missing than my fuku.
@mikibell awww you are so nice. I really just want my fuku. I will go back to post office tomorrow. Thank you so so much. I do not need anything It is just about the fuku suprise.
I know I am new here and there was a question if I was telling the truth about my dog. YES I am telling the truth. I cry if I talk and think about her so I am sorry for not responding right away. I want everyone to know how much I appreciate your help. I am telling you this because I think of everyone as my friends. I do not know how I got sucked in the forum but I can honestly say this is the first forum I have ever been in. Sorry, too much talking. I just want my fuku or know what was in it.
@Mellaine Unless your Fuku gets found and delivered to you, there is no way to know what's in it. No records of what Fuku has which item are kept. Who gets what is the luck of the draw.
@Mellaine I'm sorry people were so quick to jump on your lost dog thread with skepticism. It's hard to reach out when you're going through something like that and it's made worse when people start throwing out accusations. With your package - when you run the tracking on Fedex & USPS, what comes up? Did it just stop getting scanned somewhere? Or is there a weird status update?
@Thumperchick It is nice to see your back again. I do not know anything about running the tracking through. I never had this problem before. I did not get a notice saying they tried to deliver the package which is strange. I will figure it out, you have a new adorable baby to take care of. Thanks for your help like always
@Mellaine In the upper right corner on most meh pages click on "Account" then "My orders" then scroll down to the Fukubukuro order and click the number next to "tracking"... that is the Fedex/USPS tracking number... when you click it it should take you to the Fedex site and show you what they think happened.
If it says delivered contact your local post office and let them know you never received it.
@Mellaine ah, okay! So the USPS (post office) had it last, attempted delivery, and that's the last anyone heard of it. You could try goong in to your local office again and ask them to locate it. However, they may have sent the package pack to meh if they've had it for more than a few days. I hope that isn't the case.
@thismyusername Thanks, I did do that. I also called and went to the postoffice like you recommended last week. They were clueless. Going again tomorrow.
@Thumperchick I really hope that did not happen. I could not move last week because I have a bad back which I am getting surgery for. Thanks, Your the best. I hope you get some rest.
Thank you, Meh, my eternal Valentine, for the filthy and non-functioning no-name Android tablet. I've never seen one that rattles when you shake it before. It was a real roller-coaster of emotion there.
I bought a bunch of ifixit tools for myself while drunk on Black Friday, so the tablet isn't a completely unwanted burden. Even if I can't get it working, it gives me something to have a crack at without worry of damaging it further.
The 4GB MP3/Video player in the shape of a miniature Palm Pilot in the badly damaged packaging is kind of a score since it actually turns on, though there were no earbuds included as the package promised and there's nowhere to stow the stylus. I'm looking forward to putting it's potato-camera through it's paces, though!
The ugly but functional polarized sunglasses will be used for my drunken river floats until I lose them forever while jumping off a raft around the middle of the summer.
I have a friend who will be way stoked to receive the Pooh and Piglet figurine.
The battery powered lady-bug desktop vacuum was the surprise hit of the FUKU. I just used it and it made quick work of the ABV I spilled last night and also gives me a use for some of these AA Eneloops that have been piling up.
Overall, I rate this $5 spent as 11/10. Even the "here, you throw this tablet away" will give me a small amount of pleasure.
@bmtka I love those glasses. I will buy them from you. I would be happy with the valentines candy, considering USPS keeps giving me the run around telling me they will call me back, but never does. They say they are looking into to it and talking to the driver. I am on the phone now for the 6th time. Not including going into to the PO and Fedex. I just hung up time to make a claim considering all the hours I have spent finding it.
Condition: Fuku
Warranty: Hahaha
Estimated Delivery: Eventually
What’s in the Box?
It is a mystery…
Pink bag
90 days
In for 3.
@KevinKevin sold out :'( even woot doesn't want to be my valentine
Edit: I meant meh.
@kus now you know why!
Woot! oh wait...

Ridiculous-Wandering-Anteater!!! Yahoo!!!
Still undefeated.
Fucking fantastic!
@capguncowboy...still undefeated?
@studerc I know you didn't ask me, but I am, too! Yay!
@studerc Yes sir. It's getting tougher, but not tough enough, apparently :)
@PurplePawprints Glad you're still in the club. Three's a party!
@PurplePawprints i struggled initially to remember whether or not you missed the last one...i did remember though moments later when i commented on capguns!
@capguncowboy @studerc I knew one was coming soon and still almost had a heart attack when I saw it. I'm undefeated, and my husband has only missed one (the last one, I think) but each time I fear it will be my last. Glad you're both still in the club!
@capguncowboy room for 4?
@Ignorant Hooray. There are more of us!!!
Way too late to edit, but I just looked at my husband's account and realized I was wrong. He's only got five in his order history, so he has missed more than the one I was thinking.
@Ignorant Glad to have you aboard :)
Anyone else care to chime in?
@PurplePawprints I figured one would come up last week and had been checking it every night -- tonight I literally forgot until exactly at 12:00. I didn't even click to refresh until at least 15 seconds later. Probably the only reason I got one.
@studerc My streak is unbroken also. I'm 0 - 7. East Coaster who needs sleep trumps all.

distracting-distrustful-toe , dunno how I knew this was tonight.... but I knew.
p.s. fuck valentines day.
@RogerWilco the two periscopes...
@baqui63 That's happened a few times, with no fuku after. I think you've just been on fuku alert for a month.
(The one below is much much scarier, but wouldn't link correctly.)
@Eddiegrau Agreed. Probably have to be sitting next to the server to even get through.
@lionheartssj I got through! But the captcha kept glitching and saying I was a robot. Session expired, reload page...SOLD OUT. Sadness.
@lionheartssj I'm near Philly and I got one. Have to be quick on the draw.
@ShaoRyn I had to select all pictures that contained grass. There were only two of them and that worried me because usually there's 3 or more. I hate that captcha type.
I ended up with 2? what?
Like I legitimately have 2 orders. I guess it went through twice but uh why? Now what?
@Nexar Can I have one?
@Nexar Ditto. I cancelled one of them. craven-swanky-soup cancelled, faceted-sloppy-cake still good to go.
@Nexar Don't worry, I'll take care of that pesky second order for you.
@MEHcus I'll buy the extra one for $11.00 shipped. You can secretly pocket that extra $1. Or maybe it's an extra $6 because @Nexar is VMP.
@MrMark nah
Got one!!
Yes I got one..happy happy HAPPY !!!
@AttyVette Did you just opt to pay for shipping? No VMP?
@mehdaf yes I just opted to pay for shipping ..
@AttyVette as did I... Just to streamline the transaction. It seems to have paid off!
Here we go again... like a brassy-extreme-skink.
wow sold out before I could sign on!
@pyro that will teach you to sign out.
@thismyusername I do believe it's your fault pyro was signed out! And then you come along and kick him when he's down? Bad Goat!

@Mehrocco_Mole I really hope whoever took this picture proceeded to kick the shit out of this asshole. Goat kickers and dead-horse beaters are on my shit list.
@PurplePawprints Have you seen this video in context? This goat was attacking a preggo woman who did nothing to it just seconds before. This guy was defending the woman.
@ongware No, I had not. I guess that slightly alters my gut response to the picture.

Success! My husband and I have Valentine Fukus! Woohoo!
@PurplePawprints Congratulations! Now you can ruin your marriage by sharing ;)
@einrad Who's sharing? He has his and I have mine. Valentine's or not, I'm not sharing my Fuku! haha
Aww yiss!
My clock just turned to 12:01 and it's already sold out. Sheesh.
Mine was 24:00:01 and sold out
@fyreblazer Par for the course. You need to be on Tardis time.
@duodec I got one last time, this time was not to be.
@MehnofLaMehncha How far past 24:00:00 does your clock go? Isn't that pretty much the end of the day?
@sligett Ha, that had me laughing.
I finally got one!
@nbousfield Me also!, Super excited, and ive been here since the woot days
Cool...now I've got Valentine's day taken care of....
Whoop Whoop!
12:00 EST and it's SOLD OUT already...
Oh hell yes!
Server test? Seems to have worked if it was.
Sold out in under a minute my god.
@morganlogan Yup, missed it. That's what I get for catching up on Agents of Shield. Two missed in a row. Sad face.
Yep. Slightly annoying. Oh well.
Literally the first time I've ever caught meh right at 9.
@otherstalin I WISH Meh was at 9 for us. Have to stay up until midnight on the East Coast. Zzzzz all day tomorrow....
sunken-curvy-whip suckas!
I LOVE meh!
I cannot believe I made that! So excited!
Yesssss, scored one! Just got done cleaning kid's vomit. Now I can go to sleep happy.
@eVil I'll take the caviar please!
@bdecker202 yeah. Double dammit. Capcha crapped out on me. That's a new one.
@jakbrooklyn same here. Damn captcha.
@jakbrooklyn Unfortunately that is an old one for me. Multiple times.
Woo Hoo!
A fuku-day miracle!
I can't believe I got one!
I love you, Meh!
1 effin minute!?!?!
You people need to get a life >:|
I did it! I finally got one! I hope it's as good as everyone says.
@Nebulium i think you may need to mehnage your expectations.
@Nebulium I think you mean "better than everyone says".
Oh yeah my second one. Uh yeah
Woohoo. Even though it's going to the wrong address, it's worth the 30 minute drive.
God damn.
Nope. Missed it. Had a 43 day streak and was still here at midnight and missed it. I might find another hobby.
@zachhh i was where you are a while back and missed once after a long streak on THE anniversary day, have tried to kick the midnight habit since then, fortunately had a slight relapse tonight and, as fortune would have it, I got one.
@DMlivezey so you're saying I have a problem but I should stick to it?
@zachhh Well you have to accept the small set backs in your recovery as normal, and don't let them stress you out, we are human, and then maybe your feng shui will change and you'll get lucky like me (or is that karma?), Meh.
Wow I actually got one this time. I shall only say nice things for the rest of the month. Luv ya meh!

And for those like me who have complained about Captcha, (I missed out on the past two fuku's solely due to Captcha lag), it actually worked this time, I had to pick pictures with oranges, but it still got in in time...
For those who missed out, you have my deepest condolences, I know what it's like, please blame @thisismyusername
@mehdaf. I gave up on computer captchas. The phone one is just a checkbox which goes a lot qucker. My first one since Kickstarter.
sold out quit as hell
Woo hoo! Got one!
faded-panoramic-mushroom Almost forgot to check the site, glad I remembered in time.
why do this instead of offering something to sell when you got basically none to offer? fuko's use to be like double this amount.
@upbeatanime None to offer? They sold 545 within a minute. That's a lot of them. Just a high demand and still not enough supply for all the demand.
Know that Meh takes a loss on every Fuku they sell so they must have a limit to how many are offered.
Congratulations to everyone who was lucky enough to score one.
@cengland0 shhh, tell him it's crap, raises our odds... ;)
@thismyusername @cengland0 Yeah, it's all garbage anyways, nobody really wants this trash
Damn. I had it in the cart...next time
@mypiesarepiff Are you on the right site? There is no cart on Meh.
I got one. I just helped some one who ran out of gas and had no money. So bless others and good things happen
Seriously? Sold out at 9:01??
@sugarpike They rounded. It hadn't gotten to 1 past yet when I got a sold out error at check out. ;-)
Oh well
Sweet! VMP did not go to waste in January! petite-budding-power
@DaveInSoCal Me too! It would have been the first month in over a year it went to waste
@DaveInSoCal As luck would have it my VMP renewed yesterday (the 26th) so I'm good for February. Yay.
Still running PERFECT! @studerc -- Are you still perfect too?
@capguncowboy haha. Love it. Totally just commented the same to you. Our rivalry for the last undefeated continues.
Cant remember if @purplepawprints is still in the club....Pretty sure she is...
The mystical fukubukuro trifecta continues to battle on!
@studerc I have a, uh, friend, who hasn't missed yet.
@Barney are you also undefeated?!
@studerc Barney hasn't purchased anything, but my "friend" is undefeated.
@studerc wait, there's an undefeated club? I'm in it too! So far 7 for 7. When do we meet up in the VIP lounge?
@Barney So, are you alluding to the fact that you have a second account that you purchase with? Curious.
@grobbins, we have a potluck occasionally. Welcome!
@grobbins TECHNICALLY in order to be in the club you must be 8 for 8...gotta include the fukobukuro.
Also...I don't see your Kickstarter K...that counts as a fukubukro also...or am I missing something.
@PurplePawprints Admittedly, there are times that I feel like I have a split personality.
@studerc I....I think I've been living a lie. I got Fuku's 2-7, and the Fuko, but no Fuku 1. Was that Kickstarter only?
No Fuku 1.....I don't even know who I am anymore. Well, enjoy your potluck, you guys. :/
@grobbins...yea....Kickstarter was Fukubukuro #1. You still have an amazing streak though. Something to really be "proud" of. Haha :)
@grobbins We can have our own club. I didnt know about the Kickstarter until it was too late, but I've had every one after that.
@kyanostiger @grobbins That really is a feat in itself. The Kickstarter Box wasn't really hard to get (no server crashing, etc).
I did, however, manage to land a $5 backer spot on Kickstarter with this account, and a $10 backer spot on my wife's account -- then I misread and thought the $10 spot yielded a better Fuku. I withdrew my spot for $5 and changed it to $10.
In hindsight, I felt foolish, but it was still worth it. That first bag had some great stuff in it.
@Barney I hope your "friend" gets a bag filled with purple things.
@sligett Me too! :)
Not heartbroken, but now hangry for bacon
I GOT ONE! My FIRST fuku! I'm SO excited!
I've only ever been able to snag the fuko before....
After over a year of trying every single night, I finally got one!!! Yea!!!
Now, who's brave enough to give this to their significant other unopened as their sole Valentine's day gift?
@Tin_Foil Grounds for Divorce right there. Possible instant break up if not married. You're also possibly handing them a murder weapon.
@Tin_Foil I'd love to hear the explanation that goes with it ...
"Right, they put warehouse leftovers into boxes ... no, no, I paid them actually ... no they don't sell blow-up sex dolls, what do you mean ... babe where are you going?"
I had a feeling it was going to happen, so I was rushing home and got pulled over by the police. Missed it by like 45 seconds.
@conandlibrarian Rushing home? I was laying in bed and got it using my phone. No cell service for you?
@cinoclav I am in California, so it was still fairly early for me. Cell coverage can be pretty spotty where Iive.
@conandlibrarian Did you at least try? You gotta try man!
Fucking hell, sold out in 60 seconds. I hope I got in.
Whoa, I actually nabbed one!
rat bastards!
out before 12:01 am, meh sucks!
WTF Meh? Less than a min. till sold out?
Gone in less than a minute? Yowza!
Gone in 60 seconds. That sucks, just like the movie
Ooh, baby.
First time in a long time! Yes!
I am not a Robot screwed me!
@n8mack33 ya know it tried to screw me, it had what they called a "milkshake" with fruit in it! like a smoothie or something... I was like "that is not a milk shake" and it was like "please select all the milkshakes" so I clicked the smoothie and it let me go...
Havent missed one yet! Cant wait to get it!
Phew, what a rush. Great confirmation code, too:

Thank you. Thank you very much.
Would've been better with a purple bag.
Fucking robot
Seriously 1201. Poop
Seriously? 35 seconds after midnight and it's sold out. Refreshed and clicked buy and it didn't process quick enough. Ugh!
a BOC and a Fuku all in one day. I have serious issues. :)
Missed due to hitting buy button before realizing there was a captcha that hadn't loaded yet. I should know there is always a captcha!
And I had been training for this moment for months, Rocky-style. Damn it.
@awk You were punching frozen beef and chasing chickens in order to score a Fuku? I think I'm beginning to see your problem...
I can't believe I actually got my very first Fuku after so many failed attempts. How the hell did that happen! My hands are actually shaking. assertive-shocking-frame
Ahhh fuck
Holy shit! I tried to get one and it was sold out before the clock read 11:01!
@ManiacClown yeah me too :(
Woohoo!!! I got a pretty pink bag!!!! Thanks Meh!!!!
@woozy99 Don't count on it. The last two Fuku's I got were missing the bag.
punctual-tranquil-lock Got it suckas! I need an image of deez nuts.
Got one!!! Whoohoo!
Damn I screwed up for 2 minutes and this is what I get from you, screwed!
Calling shenanigans, I click I'm not a robot and it tells me I can't buy it because "I didn't click I'm not a robot". Kinda some BS if you ask me....let the anger flow! No love here meh.
@TaRDy had that happen to me 2 fukus in a row. Oh well... likely never to get another one. Couldn't even try last night as internet was broken here.
It was 11:01 when the new item popped up. Sold out. ????? Damn.
Lucky #7. I can't wait to get my bag of rotting cow hearts.
Sold out in 1 minute?!? FUKU
On my lucky 77th meh click in a row too!
Man you guys Fuku'd so fast that you broke spacetime:
@DrunkCat when i loaded it on the computer it showed sold out at only 487 sold, then upped to 545 on a reload. I think we definitely strain the stats system.
@DrunkCat i saw that too, i think it means 35.66% of people got told they were sold out while ordering? #breakallthethings
@DrunkCat Nice ops stat there, Meh.
Servers only able to handle 65% of load if 35% failed to complete the sale.
@Northir Yeah -- that happened to me, which I admit kind of made me grin, even as I gnashed my teeth. GNASHED!
@mike808 We couldn't write the clickstream data to InfluxDB fast enough before the deal sold out and the stats got all wonky. Removed it until we can come up with a fix.
@mike808 @Northir it means the stats for visitors during that time was -35.66% more than the number of purchasers. Or 35.66% less. Whatever, it looks like it means it sold out faster than visitor counts were being logged, which is pretty ludicrously good server load handling for important stuff like ordering fukus. Big ups to @shawn and team!
edit: see that Shawn said the same thing while I was going through all the posts. Still fun!
@DrunkCat I thought that we also broke math ($3197 / 5 = ?!?!?!), then i remembered the poor souls that are charged tax.
@shawn Oooh, a new OhShit report incoming???
@shawn Do I get a cookie for pointing it out?
@shawn it still means 1 out of 3 customers that showed up saying 'shut up and take my money!' Were told by meh to go away. Also, by constucting the fuku sales process as a skill-based purchase contest is a discriminatory practice that intentionally shuts out ADA participants. So, yeah, way to go!
@mike808 I bet far more than 1 out of 3 didn't make it. It would be interesting to see the actual visitor stats for the first minute.
And it's not skills-based, it's first come, first served. Performing a captcha is accessible.
@djslack First-come, first-served with an accessible captcha introduces a time delay discriminatorily upon the disabled. Accessibility != non-discriminatory practices.
Since Meh is well aware that demand outstrips supply (seriously, you're going to argue ignorance with <60 sec sellouts in a 24 hour sales cycle?), a lottery system or time-distributing blocks of items (10-20 items available every 5 minutes would spread the demand and not disadvantage folks that must use accessibility accommodations or don't happen to be on the local ISP trunk via OC-192).
P.S. you couldn't give me a fuku anyway, so I've no skin in this game. I'm just here for the speaker docks and fine goat literature. :-)
You gotta be fucking kidding me. A minute!?!
impulsive-bickering-lark, which gave me... this...
Five hundred forty friggin six, and none of them mine.
I knew my luck had been too good with these. Sold out while processing. Congrats to the 545 of you faster than me!

@mmatricc looks like someone had safe search on...
YEA !! i can start crashing at a normal time again. In for 1
@sthiede1 I somehow convinced myself to stay up those last few minutes after my 14 hour work day. Intuition? Maybe. Luck with the trigger? Definitely!!!
Ahhh Meh,
We sold 546 of these.
462 clicked meh.
OMG I FINNALLY GOT ONE. My heart is racing much faster then it probably should be.
...but woohoo!
Blame @thismyusername!

Seriously, sold out in less than a minute.
God. Damn. It.
Congrats to those who got one. My clock still said 00:00 when I got the sold out message.
@nickiwhite also is there any significance to 545 or is that just what you're willing to break the bank on?
@nickiwhite It was almost certainly supposed to be 500, with 45 oversells.
@brhfl damn. I was probably 546... Or more realistically 600.
<3 minutes and sold out.
And that is a strictly less than 3.
Got one! I've managed to snag all but one Fuku. That missed one still hurts, but I LOVE the pink bag. Disappears again.
How the hell does this crap sell out in one minute?!?!
@loudgazelle Quickly. Very, very quickly.
patronizing-relished-fuel - won't get my hopes up for anything good, but I always enjoy playing.
sold out in less than a minute. how do people buy these? is there a sniper?
@boygenius1991 There's an app for the iPhone called Pretty OK that pops up a notification at midnight Eastern. Since it pops up, I get it on my Pebble too.
@boygenius1991 load site when phone turns to 11:00. Still speakers, that's weird, reload, click buy the second you see $5, scroll down, check I'm not a robot, wait for that to process, then click do it already while walking to the computer to load the site to read while the order processes, fingers crossed that it takes. Yell when the order comes through. That's how i did it.
@djslack I did that and it did not work. Oh well, better luck next time. glad you got one.
@boygenius1991 No sniper program and there is a captcha feature to prevent anyone from creating one.
@cengland0 I have my computer opened to the site and hit refresh right at 12. Finally worked!!
ashamedly-worthless-uranus Suddenly I can't wait to see what I get.
@CaptainSparkles I can't decide if I want to see the image that matches that or not...
@eVil I got this...
Holy Jesus that sold out fast. The alert hit with sold out and that is usually slightly ahead of the site updating.
Computer's clock said 1 minute after and they were already sold out. What are you going to sell for the next 23 hours 59 minutes?
@mecca Likely look at is as a day off. But wow, is that a new record sell out time?
@mecca Meh represents only 25% of mediocre's revenue so they will probably just work on other projects.
Thank you Al Haymon.
Lame. Recaptcha stalled out three times at 9:00 on the dot. Sold out while I was ordering.
@kristoffer me too. Never saw that before. I blame Trump.
The notice came across my screen, I touched it and it's sold out...
You guys are savage.
Awesome... Was distracted by a show, showed yp at 11:02... Gone damn you scuba steve
Why would you be allowed to buy more than one WTF MEH! Im cancelling the damn membership since you haven't posted any decent crap in the past 3 months and now this BS. One less customer to worry about mehhhh byeeeeeeeeeee
@Rodytoon You're not allowed more than one. If anyone managed that they'll cancel the extras.
@Rodytoon Byeeeeeeeeeee
@cinoclav reads the comments above some people got 2 and 3
@Rodytoon It happens sometimes with the server overloads. Meh will go through and cancel the extras.
@Rodytoon Yep, turns out these fuku deals cause quite the strain on our servers. As such, sometimes folks will have an extra purchase sneak through. But as has been mentioned above, we go in and cancel those extra orders to make sure that everyone with the misfortune of actually placing a fuku order only gets one terrible box of stuff to figure out what to do with.
Sold out it literally one minute!? Come. Freaking. On! I can never manage to get in on this!
<1 minute. My clock still had 11:00 on it. Jeez.
Are you kidding me! I clicked I'm not a robot and it still wouldn't let my purchase go through!
@goudaman40 That's cause they sold out. The meh ninjas were out in full force tonight.
I clicked it! it looked like it was ready!! it didnt go though!
Well drat, the one night since January started I wasn't promptly here at midnight. Just the way the ball rolls.
That's us right?
Bloody hell...lost it just when hit order submit... Sucks
When they sell out before it even ticks over to 12:01 am, perhaps go ahead and tick it over to a new item for sale while you're at it instead of letting the sales page sit useless sold out for a whole 23 hours, 59 minutes and 40 seconds.
@upbeatanime But then we'd be going against our very business model. We can't do that now can we?
@upbeatanime Go back and read the description for the Chromebooks Meh sold a few days ago. They just don't feel the need to chase every last dollar.
I am NOT image searching that in public.
Scarce-fine-cream... not gonna Google search that one!!!
FINALLY. now I can rest in peace.
Eight seconds..... I am not a robot shit... Servers busy.... Sold out. Years I've tried, never get.
I really hate this site. Haven't once been lucky enough to get one. And there's people who've gotten each one? Really? Been here since the beginning.
Had to get that out of my system. All of you go back to your celebrations.
sold out in less than a fucking minute
omgomgomgomgosh i cant believe i finally got one of these. congrats to those who did and sorry to those who didnt. i know how it feels to be late to the party.
I just casually strolled in and got lucky.
Had to enter my new address, re-enter my credit card number, and do the captcha. No bag for me. Literally the first time I've checked at 9 Pacific, too.
As a married guy with a kid, I'd say that accurately describes my Valentines Day.
Damn, wouldn't believe I was not a robot!
@sassymango was it the milkshake one? cause if so google thinks a smoothie is a milkshake it seems...
I … I got one. After more than a year. I actually got one.
happy birthday to me! I... didn't get the fuku, because I ordered at... midnight?
545 total fukus might be a few too few. Just saying. It even processed and nothing.
Scored! I couldn't believe how quick and how smooth my purchase was. AWESOME!
Aw. I was just sitting here waiting for midnight too! Then in those last 4 minutes, I got distracted.That stinks.
Darn. Now what am I going to do except edit my post a few times. I'ms glad there are people as miserable as me though. And glad it happened at midnight. Maybe I'll go to bed and forget about it tomorrow instead of it happening at 9am and me having to think about it all day. So, I came back a minute later to edit my post and it's hidden already! I wanted to yell at the world "Everything is lousey!" and my dogone post is hidden. Oh, silent suffering just isn't as effective.
After many frustrating Fuku Failures, and after forgetting to click "I'm not a robot" the first time I clicked order tonight, success!
Sounds promising.
So sad. I missed it because I was doing the dishes. At least sleep would have been a better reason to miss it.
Yea f*ck that... I'm not a robot and I checked it off and it kept asking... Legit 12:00 and 5 seconds... F*ck this sh*t
Winner winner burgeoning-affable-cloud dinner!
tepid-baled-cub I can finally sleep at night. Last fuku i got a surface pro 3 box with a charger and stylus but no surface. So my expectations are at an all time low, please prove me wrong guys!
'surface pro 3 box with a charger and stylus but no surface. '
Only from Meh... too funny!
@Baybay11 maybe i deserved it for sending them fake scratch tickets for their birthday...
East coast representing. Tipsy-atomic-skeleton
Coy Brutal Wave!
My first ever 😳 (Be kind?)
Aw, darn. My phone didn't give me a twitter notification tonight. Good luck to everyone who got one!
@andrd. Actually by the time the Twitter notification came through tonight it sold out. I refreshed at the stroke of midnight, got one and then got the tweet.
@readnj Ah, that's too bad. I managed to get the last 2 fukus from the twitter notification, so it's what I had been going by.
This is my first fuku. Stroke of midnighting finally paid off.
Anyone else not expect to see a pink fuku bag and were so throw off they damn near missed clicking buy because they didn't realize what it was? At first I thought it was some breast cancer awareness thing. I almost had a heart attack when the whole thing clicked in my head and I realized I had wasted 20 seconds just starring. Still got one though! This will be my 3rd, whether it'll be a charm remains to be seen.
@Superjimtendo Yeah, it totally threw me for a second. But then the writing kicked in and it was off to the races.
Sure would have loved one for the little lady, but nope I was 30 seconds to late. Congrats to the lucky gomes that got one
I'll get you one day fuku!!
My birthday is Valentines day, this makes this a Birthday Fukubukuro :D Got one
My first fuku, and it's pink!

How the fuck do you get one of these when it sells out before the page even loads?
The feeling when your heart sinks when you refresh and see FUKUBUKURO!!
Then.. you get that feeling when its sold out in under 30 seconds...
But i didn't get that feeling... droopy-mythical-pixie!

OMG! Got one! One Year and two days trying and hapless-cumbersome-needle!

Yay only my second fuku. Cold clean zinc. I too am surprised it sold out so fast. Now to try and lower my expectations
Once again...
Mad fucking props to @Shawn and the rest of the crew...that was a fucking flawless under one minute sell out.
Well played.
My card didn't work, then by the time i switched cards (which took 23 seconds roughly), it was sold out.
Oh well.
At least I saved some money.
This is a rip! None there at 12:01
Well well well nothing says Valentine's like a possessive undervalued boar.
SOLD OUT in 1 minute???
Do I need a tablet with an atomic clock to be able to score one of these??? This is the 7th one I haven't been "lucky" enough to snag. DAMMIT! 😠
@Kerig3 it's a joke that some hoarders get everyone. Meanwhile lots of people who have come since the beginning are basically shut out. There should be a limit of one per year or something. In any case.. Sigh
@alpine Yep, I'm getting a feeling of major Fuku-inequality. Time for a revolution!!! 👍
@alpine I'm clearing a space for all of my new fuku stuff!

@sammydog01 You made me giggle.
@Kerig3 I'd say 80% of the time I'm checking at midnight on my phone. The time on my phone is actually a split second faster than the atomic clock, which my watch uses and updates every night. By the time my brain registers that it's 12, that split second has passed and I'm refreshing right at atomic midnight. So apparently that's how I just landed my 5th Fuku...
Why do I pay money to have a day wasted with something that sells within the minute it comes out?
12:06 and it's already sold out?!
@Froggy56 It was sold out in under a minute...only 545 available this time around. 😞
Still at work. Got one. Yea me.
Fuck. The one night I decide to pack and move. Fuck shit fuck.
joyful-unexpected-skeleton. yes, yes it is.
Out in 5 minutes? WTF
@gadellr nope. Sold out in one minute.
@Roadie Less than one minute. I clicked at the 10 second mark and got all the way through the ordering process before 12:01, and it failed.
Seventh time is a charm, I guess! Woo!
YAY!!! I'm sure you'll make me feel "meh" after smart post takes its sweet time and the mystery is revealed, but for now I'm feeling YAY!!!
P.S. I'm panoramic-qualified-catfish . Catfish on Valentine's Day... Hmmmmmm.
poised-reclusive-picture - haven't even been checking in at midnight lately, after just the opposite last fuku (forgot to check on THAT day)
Thanks to my super secret meh.com notifier watch I didn't miss out on this one! First time getting a fuku!
All the images are terrible.
Seriously, 545, that's it. I get on at 5 after the hour and they are already sold out!!! Need an UBER MEH button on this one. Come on, surely you got more crap than that laying around!!!
loosely-swanky-shame - nice. My first one.
I got a fuku! And still technically on my birthday! :D
@Cody2003 - Happy birthday!!!

YEAH!!!! My lucky night. Thanks MEH
@Mellaine woops. YAY.
toxic-plaid-chemist! I got it this time, no weird hiccups, just a little slow completion. Congrats to the coders for getting the site ready for this.
fixated-fluffy-trout. First one ever even after frequenting woot for many years in the old days. HOORAY! Or meh.
no fuku for meh today. :(
Seriously, 545 total? Just stop doing this shit and consume an entire bag of dicks.
@armchair that made me laugh.
I click I'm not a robot and it tells me I can't buy it because "I didn't click I'm not a robot",
Story repeated over and over. Get a different formula, you are alienating you long term base.
I watched it turn from :59 to :00, refreshed the page, clicked buy it, I'm not robot, okay already, something went wrong, okay already, sold out. I blame my 2.5 year old phone. Still haven't gotten one since the days when fuckyoubuckaroo bags would crash the site. Remember those days?
Got one! Finally got a Fukubukuro! I think I got one. Went through when there were only fourteen sold for $78, but I don't see it my recent orders and I don't remember the three words! Hope I don't get screwed outta my Fukubukuro.
@francml well if you didnt do you think they would care? The hoarders who get everyone bought them all up
@alpine There were, apparently, several of us who got through for the first time tonight. I've been checking in every night for over a year and this is the first time I've gotten in on one. My internet at home sucks, but I happen to be at my brother's house tonight, probably the only reason it went through quick enough.
@alpine want some cheese with that wine?
Meh, usually a three letter word for buyer's remorse, except tonight.
I got one! Whoo-hoo! Also, I love the series of bag photos this time. Well played, Meh.
Did it really take a million days for the check mark to show up in the "i'm not a robot" before I could finally say "Let's do this already"???
Sure seemed like it!
Was playing Dota at the time. Oh well. GG.
What the fuku? I was there to get it, the payment screen gave me some stupid captcha, then called me a robot and wouldn't let me buy it.
@sadalex pretty sure you are a robot, only robots get that captcha. You can't buy the fuku if you are a robot
@sadalex I had to pick pictures of soup. I messed it up the first time and quickly fumbled for another picture of soup that looked like coffee. That captcha looks insane.
@sadalex do you have the "disconnect" add on running in chrome? if so that can cause this to happen.
@Knightp I had it all done correctly within seconds, and still got jacked. What's up with the bullshit long ass code it wanted me to copy and paste?
@thismyusername nope... on mobile, so no chrome add-ons at all.
Who, Mehhh? Oh you shouldn't have! Woot woot!
Wow, that was Fuku Fast, this curious-swanky-comparison got lucky. Can't wait to be disappointed.
Well...... I missed the past 2, but I got one this time, on my phone too, easy as all shit!
Damnit! 11minutes late and there all gone :'( will I EVER get a fuku ??? Seriously, I was reading Reddit . Fml
@lenea9011 alarm clock. seriously, i have a calendar reminder for everyday. i was so annoyed on my cruise and when i was out of country wiht no cell service and i couldn't check it.
@lenea9011 priorities.
VMP for a year and NO fukubukuro. Where is the love? I'm starting to think this is rigged. How can that many people possibly get an order through in a few seconds? Something is up. There must be a cheater app or something. I've lived for the fukubukuro now the fukubukuro may be the death of me. It's like chasing flatulence in the wind.
@equable1 I've been here since day one. I gave up on these things after the first couple. Before that I stayed up to midnight just hoping.
But I still check and I hit refresh right at the new page load. Quickly tried entering my new credit card info. Too late. Within a minute the hoarders and people who get every single one got them again. I'm really done now. No more vmp for me. The stuff they sell has been getting really bad anyway lately. And if this is how they treat long term fans.... Forget it
I caught mine in a jar once when i was younger. I still have the jar.
How do you define "long-term"? I've been here 513 days, only bought 1 item, yet I'm not complaining.
@equable1 No cheating here and I'm eight for eight. It's just a matter of refreshing on the dot and being really, really lucky. Heck, my husband wasn't even signed in and snagged one.
When you say 8 for 8, I'm assuming you're including the fuko?
@equable1 I've gotten every one I've ever been home for at 9pm (I think tonight was the 4th?), no cheater app. For some reason I've also never had to do anything besides click not a robot, regardless of device (One on an iPad, one on a Mac with Safari and two with Chrome on Windows).
@alpine you realize they lose money on these right? There's no conspiracy, just supply and demand at work. You rage quitting just makes it that much easier for me and all the other members of the nefarious "hoarders club". This is like getting angry that as a long time lotto player you still haven't been rewarded with the jackpot for your loyalty.
@equable1 no cheating, just luck. I shit my pc off at 11:59, said oh shit, grabbed my phone, hit my meh favorite, page came right up, clicked buy, checked the robot, and then done. Got the fuku just as fast as a normal buy. VERY LUCKY.
Whether I get anything good or not, I'm not trying again. I'll let others have a better chance, unlike those other mean people that brag about getting one every time.
@FroodyFrog Yes, I was counting that one because it was still hard to get.
Out of curiosity, what'd you get in it?
@equable1 I must commend you on the appropriateness of your username. It was a vocabulary word from a recent Meh order for me, and I must say that it is most fitting; this is a remarkably even-tempered fuku rage post. Keep trying!
@FroodyFrog i got a broken TV in my fukobukuro. I also got a fanny pack...pretty much the highlight of that box...haha.
The fanny pack itself should have been worth it. ;)
@FroodyFrog Absolutely. Still one of my favorite things ive received from meh!
@FroodyFrog To be honest, I don't even remember at this point, so it must not have been anything too good or too horrible.
@equable1 Pretty much in the same boat. I seem to miss them every single time! Sigh. Sometimes though, after reading what people get, I'm somewhat thankful for that...
The way I look at it, and what @PurplePawprints just kind of confirmed, is that once the initial excitement of getting a Fuku (or Fuko) dies down, most of it won't necessarily last among your possessions, and you'll eventually forget what you got.
My most valuable thing from Meh (which possibly snuck it's way into the envelope) is a purple paperclip sent along with a red drawstring bag.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's not necessarily the expensive stuff which is important, but the useful stuff.
The paperclip is sitting on my desk in a place of honor (near a few other fun things i have sitting there).
Do i still blame @thismyusername that my card didn't work?
Sure, but I'm not going to start getting mad at Meh, then cancel my VMP and rage-quit the site.

@FroodyFrog I have a horrible memory in general. I can't remember what I purposely ordered last week, so I usually forget things that come in the mystery bags unless it's something that ends up being used daily.
But yeah, I don't buy them only in hope of getting something amazingly expensive (though I wouldn't turn my nose up at it, of course) it's more for the hunt and in the hopes of getting something useful. And for the bags, of course. I use the tote bags regularly.
I've gotten a few pretty unique things, lots and lots of useless things, and one or two nice things (got a Roomba once that was broken and my husband managed to fix it). Hopefully you'll manage to grab one next time!
I kinda feel bad for Meh though. When I got Fuku 6, there was no Meh gear of any sort, so more money was wasted to send me one.
If only more sites had people like @hollboll and @galmaegi
@FroodyFrog Yeah, I think my husband and I were bagless last time, also. However, since we obviously already had lots of bags from previous ones, I don't think I mentioned it or asked for one. It's nice that they sent out ones for those that said something though, especially if it was a first-timer.
I almost missed that in my casualness. Whew.
Hey, and don't be talking shit about V-day. It's my birthday. For reals. I was my mama's Valentine. And she loved me.
Happy birthday fuku me.
I can see Russia from here.
Oh, and growing up, my parents always took advantage of the day to show all of us kids their love, with the chocolate and the cards the the words and stuff. My first wife bought the kid gifts too. The current wife forbids me from feeling any obligation other than to enjoy the day. Valentine's is the best. It's love, motherfuckers. How sick are you if you don't wanna celebrate love? All I can figure is you need a big hug. Get on that.
@joelmw Happy Birthday in advance. But screw Valentine's Day. Maybe I do need a big hug. Or something.

@stardate820926 Awww, thanks!
@joelmw Hippo Birdies Two Ewe, and your gift from me is that I didn't sing it to you.
@sammydog01 I heard one time that everyone needs several hugs daily. Happily, I am married to an awesome hugger, and I get, I'd say, three or four a day at least. That and some serious snuggles. I don't even care (okay, I care a little, but not enough) that saying "snuggles" makes me sound a little less manly. Snuggles. Snuggles, snuggles, snuggles.
So the cool thing is that our son's--um, I think they're avoiding the term "girlfriend," so let's just say--"frequently present female companion" is from that part of Russia, near Japan.
i am so stoked about the pink bag. i seriously would be happy with just the pink bag.
@vampje Me too! :) Anything in it is just a bonus.
Seems about right. Vowed to not waste time on getting fukubukuro again, but as soon as one shows up, waste no time hitting buy and end up with one.
@LionMan ditto
I'll have to try again when it hits VMP Last Call.
@G1 lol
I do not know why I bother. Never make it past the captcha before it is sold out.
Got 1. Word! Fukuuuuuuuu
Awwww....I would have been happy for the pink bag. Why did I have to work tonight?
Score, now time for sleep.
Yay! My first one...and its lucky # 7!
I don't know what kind of stuff comes in these things (hopefully not the lame shit in the woot BOC), but I really like the rope lights (when they work) and mini quad copters! Heh heh.
Totally random.
For instance, in the last one, some people got Roombas as the big item, yet other people got nothing as exciting.
Now, the second round of Fukus (i.e 7.2), are the ones not to really get your hopes up on if you manage to get a note hinting at one.
@jzmacdaddy I got a (used, broken, fixable) multi-camera security system in mine... pretty random. I took out the 320GB hard drive and put it to good use.
@FroodyFrog those were part of an accidental oversell. Those 72 were unplanned for thus the haphazard way they seemed to be put together compared to the first batch. It was much better than 72 people thinking they won and then having their order canceled - which is what most companies might have done.
@Superjimtendo I wonder if they oversold by 45 this time?
The 7.2 was just an example i used to define what i meant by round 2.
It (to the best of my knowledge) has nothing to do with overselling.
It's completely random but specifically put together.
@jzmacdaddy on the last one I got an Onyko reciver and some mugs and a bunch of plastic cars. Usually it's just a bunch of random stuff that gets given away to friends and such. I'm waiting for the day that I get a roomba! A lot of times folks get those! Gotta be lucky though and quick on the buy button!
@jzmacdaddy I have gotten two and they were both crap. Anyone want the Desperate Housewives' game? No, I didn't think so. Third time's a charm, right?
@heartny @Superjimtendo we sold just about as many as we intended to
@MEHcus really? I thought I remembered a whole bunch of posting about there being an oversell one time which is why the 72 were late and without bags. My bad for the misinfo. In my defense i am very, very stupid.
@Superjimtendo Oh sorry, I'm referring to this sale only
"-35.66% of you didn't bite before we sold out at 12:01 am ET."
@mrkenneth Looks like sales processed faster than they could log visitors. Which, if you consider how much more complex one is than the other, shows how much optimization has gone into handling a mass influx of orders on fuku/stress test day.
Damn it. Missed it again. Well theres always 50 percent valentines candy to look forward too!
@natekimh Day after 50% off Vday chocolate just tastes better.
shady-mechanical-stick !!
Here on time, but Robot ID check hung for me, then sold out while ordering. I knew it would happen eventually, I still love you meh.
Congrats to the lucky 545!

Awww, you're so sweet, @stardate820926. I've gotten all the others except kickstarter, so I can't really complain. I guess the fates just decided it's someone else's turn this time.
(Excellent gif find - kind of TTM-y and purple-y and robot-y.)
Robot-y? Hey, wait - are you working for Captcha? ;-)
It was a rough-easy-crime, but I managed to pull off my second Fuku! Sweet payoff after working 14 hours today. I'm tickled pink!
This is where I piss people off by pointing out that I got mine, on my phone, in NY... Right?
If you would have mentioned that you were using dial-up internet, then you'd probably have started a riot ;)
@Thumperchick So did I.
While on my couch.
@BillLehecka @thumperchick...i win.
On my phone. On WiFi. While holding a bottle of formula and rocking my daughter to sleep.
Unfortunately my jolt of excitement after the purchase caused her to wake up. I tried to explain that i got a fukubukuro...she didnt give a shit.
@Thumperchick Not fair, you east coasters get all the nice things. Oh wait a sec...
This seems oddly appropriate.
It is only 11:31 and you are sold out already??? How disappointing. :-(
@kmcless lol
I got the exact same thing tonight that I got for being a Kickstarter: nothing. Hooray! At least meh is consistently disappointing like they promised.
@fuzzmanmatt nothing? you got the cool circle k symbol next to your nickname!
Maybe my luck will change now that I got a lucky #7 FUKU bag....Laid off job last month, mom still in skilled nursing facility with broken ankle, I found out I have skin cancer ( 2 different types) and went to dermatologist that said they took my insurance and AFTER I went there, discovered they don't take my insurance plan after all, our travel trailer we just got out of the shop today ($1900 repair bill that insurance won't cover ), DD car out of shop last month with over $400 repair bill, one of the stray kittens I have been feeding got run over in front of my house Saturday ---so things have been stressful to say the least ....BUT I realize it could always be a lot worse so I am grateful despite the setbacks...so this purchase tonight made me smile..Yes, I know I haven't received my #7 FUKU bag yet but hoping this purchase tonight is a sign of good things yet to come my way..#hopeful-miracles-happen!!
BTW my sons birthday is on Valentines Day so that day never sucks for me( sucks for him though as I chose his birthday and when he got older he asked me why I picked that day -- said it was a terrible birthday as he could hardly ever go out to a nice restaurant on his actual birthday because it was too crowded ) and when he was dating (before he married), he also told me that he always had to pay for his dates meal on HIS birthday so didn't seem like HIS birthday......guess I didn't think his birthday date through before I chose Valentines Day...oh well...
@AttyVette (((Hugs))) I hope your luck turns around and getting a pink Fuku is a sign that good things are coming your way.
I am seriously surprised at how disappointed I am for missing this. I think the Valentine's Day tie-in made it sting just a little more. I mean, I still don't get all the "fuck this shit" rage going on, but still, I should probably get out more...
I am so excited. I got one! I am really feeling lucky this time. I did get a couple other fukus, but the "big" item in each was broken. I think the odds of that happening were pretty high. But I got a lot more than $5 dollars worth of excitement each time, and did get a handy red shopping bag. I know how disappointing it is to miss out, so I will just enjoy the suspense.

Ahhhhh waiting months and months checking every day. Today I see its 11:01 and think "oh I need to check Meh!" And then I was distracted with Doctor Who (and the fact that Netflix is dropping it right as I finally decided to watch it for the first time), and just now remembered to check...FML.
@Zypher it sold out in less than a minute tonight just FYI
@AttyVette Wow! That's nuts.
Ugh. Sold out in 30 minutes. 😐
@kennneal less than 1
@kennneal it sold out in less than a minute not 30 minutes
@kennneal It sold out in seconds.
I don't know if that makes me feel better or worse. I'll go with better.
I was wondering why I wasn't able to buy one then I checked my order history and remember "oh yeah, apparently I can only buy even numbers"... My first one was fuku 4, missed out on 5, got fuku 6, now missed 7... come on lucky number 8 :P
@mehybe Did you get the Fuko? Because that messes up the sequence. I got 4, missed the Fuko, got 5, missed 6, and got 7.
@nalesean Nope 4 and 6 are the only ones i've got so far.
The one night I forget to check right at midnight! Dang flab-it!
Screw the fuku. Murray and Ferrer in Aussie Quarter finals. Am I the only tennis fan on here?
Ok I checked here during a commercial and thought what if .... And it was. It sucks but what are you going to do? One makes choices. so I will go back to my tennis
Enjoy your wins ! Love the pink.
But Valentine's Day is my birthday! :(
@Pamela See! Silly Valentine's Day - getting in the way of your birthday!
Today was a awesome day, my favorite band announced a tour with another band I love, I took a pretty girl to see reel big fish, I found out the closing date for this house I'm buying, and I got a fuku. Awesome. Life has been good
I've been waiting my entire life for this!!!! Why do you hate me, meh!!???!?!?!? I've been loyal to you. I even stopped talking to other deal sites because I wanted to show my loyalty to you. Still, you show me no love. I slip up one time, show up a little late, and once again I don't get any Fuku? Fuku. You broke my heart. I just wailed out loud, and my family sympathizes for me, but clearly you never will.
@TimePollution I like your nickname a lot.
Bummer no one not even meh wants to share Valentine's with me. 😭 I think it's because Wyoming has the slowest internet speeds. ( that's my reasoning)
It would be nice if you'd limit the number that can be purchased so that some of us who can't sit by our computers day and night could have a chance at one of these. Or how about a link for those of us who pay VMP every month? I've never gotten one of these. They're always sold out. Seems I'm not the only one.
Congrats to the ones who were successful. Maybe next time to the rest of us!
@Tadlem43 It's ridiculous there's people bragging they've gotten everyone. There should be a limit of one per year or something to make it a tad more fair...
@alpine Here, have some
to go with your
@PurplePawprints Well, that's rude. No one can make a comment without you stooping to such childishness? Wow.....you must be about 12 or so, huh?
@PurplePawprints lol No, I'm not mad. Just didn't see the need to be condescending. Other sites restrict how many you can buy. Good example is Woot.
@Tadlem43 It has been said many, many times, in this thread even, that Meh only allows one fuku per account before they sell out. If a glitch allows an account to get two, they manually cancel them the next day. It's the exact same policy as Woot has. What more do you want from them? They are a business, not a charitable organization with the mission to bring fuku's to the fukuless. They put an item up for sale and it's first-come, first-seved until all products for sale are gone.
@PurplePawprints Then I'd like for people to be considerate enough to honor their policy and not buy 2-6 and then come on the forum and brag about it. It's rude and inconsiderate, not only of other buyers, but also of the company and it's policy. Other sites won't let you check out if you have more than one and if you order more than one at a different time, they won't ship either.

@Thumperchick Maybe you can explain this in a way that will get through, please?
@PurplePawprints I understand. People are inconsiderate and greedy. I wish YOU would understand. I don't hold any hostilities one way or the other. I just said, simply, that I wish that Meh would do something to make it a bit fair. Why is that such a deal to you? lol
@Tadlem43 That's just it though, they can't make it any fairer than they already do. Every single person who gets here when the item goes up for sale has the same chance of being able to buy it. Meh can't control your internet speed, but from their end, it's perfectly fair. They only allow each account to buy one per sale. That's fair. With the amount they have to sell, even if every person who has ever bought one chose to not buy again, you still wouldn't get one by waltzing in two and a half hours later because it will still sell out in seconds. That's what happens with high demand products.
@PurplePawprints OK. Sorry I said anything.
@Tadlem43 I think what @PurplePawprints was trying to explain is that some of the 'unfair' here is a misconception. The folks you see with more than 1 order either:
a) are pulling your chain and just ruffling feathers.
b) experienced a glitch that allowed the order to go through more than once - in which case any duplicate order will be canceled by the system, or staff the next day.
The reason the system sometimes allows the glitchy orders is just, pure volume/speed. Tens of thousands of hits on the system within a few seconds is enough to allow for a few 1's and 0's to get lost here and there. Which is why there's a secondary check to remove the duplicate orders.
The odds of the glitches actually having an effect on your ability to purchase a fuku are infinitesimal - so they don't really hurt your chances. It's also unlikely that anyone manages to order more than one on purpose - though those happen once in a while, too. They all get deleted in the end.
I'm sure some would suspect auto-purchase bots, but if even some humans aren't getting past the CAPTCHA check, the bots aren't going to, either.
The fuku is about as fair as it can get for their business model and technology. It comes down to luck, internet speed, and more luck. Inconsiderate and greedy don't get much of a chance to factor in.
Of course, all this doesn't make anyone feel better when they miss out on a fuku!
@Thumperchick lol Thank you, but there was no misconception. I got it. I had it from the beginning.
Geezz... it was just a comment.
@Tadlem43 I thought there was nothing wrong with your comment and was surprised you were attacked, although I was attacked by the same person (and someone else) on another thread for jokingly nominating for goat someone who has starred 92% of posts - 11,600+ and counting in something like around 5 months (talk about making starring a post meaningless, unless of course they are going for the most star clicks - eg like meh face click - record). The person I nominated got all bent out of shape - you'd think for all the posts they'd read they'd realize it is an honor, abet in a twisted sort of way, to be nominated. Nope. Instead they blew a cork and went on several rants. Talk about touchy.
I agree with your Geezz comment. I'd suggest just blowing it off. Some people seem to be really skilled at being snarky - they practice it a lot. At times the snark is funny, at other times there is an undertone of mean, snotty, whatever... intent. I also think there are a handful of people who take this forum way too seriously. Perhaps they don't have much of a life outside of online. Perhaps right now their life sucks and they are taking it out on others that won't bite back in real life so they can survive real life... Perhaps...who knows. Sad for them for whatever is causing this kind of behavior (and no I am not being sarcastic).
@Kidsandliz Thank you for the support. It's a reflection on them, not me. I was just making a comment that I thought would be taken in the spirit of fairness. I guess some people don't get it. Whatever. I figure it's their problem, not mine, so to me it's over. But, yes, it's sad. (and yes, I have no problem with 'snarky funny', but snarky to be snarky is well, that's sad, too) Thank you, again.
@Tadlem43 My first comment wasn't even directed at you and had nothing to do with your initial comment. It was addressed directly to someone who had been complaining all over this thread. You chose to make it all about you and took it personally, so I responded to you afterward. shrugs
I just said that your comment was rude...and it was, no matter to whom it was directed. Then YOU started engaging with ME so I'm not the one who made it about me. And, if you'll notice, I have laughed throughout this whole thing, so no, I didn't 'take it personally'. It's a forum. It's about Fuku. How personal is that? lol
Ooh pooey meh. Since you won't be my Valentine fuku I will console myself and get your speakers. That way come Valentine day I can record myself sobbing cause meh doesn't like me, and play it back in stereo
Wow! Four hours later, and I still haven't seen "janky" or "pawn" in the comments thread yet.
@brakeforbeer That was yesterday. Although if Twofer Tuesday comes up with a Fuku one day, double complaints might break the forum :)
@brakeforbeer Yup...gotta echo @djslack, Twofer Tuesday that lives in the alley near the janky ass pawn shop only comes to life on Tuesdays.
@studerc Sigh. I'll never correctly wrap my brain around the innards of this subculture. And no, it's not as if I only check the site on Tuesdays.
@brakeforbeer Haha, no worries. There is so much going on in here that sometimes I don't even quite understand everything that's happening.
I can speak heavily on the Twofer Tuesday bit as I am the creator.
I'm so mad that everyone else scored one, that I'm never coming back again!

I choose sleep. (I've been feeling sick) had a feeling it was a fuku. Congratulations you lucky 500+ people! I await to see what you get.
@sohmageek That was me for the last one. Totally wiped out, first night in ages I went to sleep before midnight. Woke up briefly some time after and saw I missed it. Slept less peacefully.
@cinoclav I didn't wake up for it. I stopped my meh alarms. I figure I have enough junk around the house. I gotta downsize first. :) Abe Vigoda really threw me off. But my doctor is saying something about unhealthy sleep patterns will lead to less weight loss. Blah blah blah. I'll try it.
Ps most days I'm just still up for midnight. Then up at 4...
@sohmageek Yeah, I'm usually up at midnight too but I can sleep in til 5:15. Total night owl which is so bad for my health.
Finally, I'm not a robot. It was just a checkmark for me this time instead of the impossible (on my phone) photo puzzles that Captcha used to screw me the last few times.
Slept right through this one. My Fuku-dar let me down. Now I hate Valentines Day too. Congrats and best of luck to those that got them.
Aw man. Just missed it by 6 hours. So close.
@MrMark Almost man... Almost..
The past 24 hours were kinda crappy, but me missing out on the fuku was the least-worst thing.
Our department had a meeting telling us that our shift-differential of 10% is going away, so working 1am-9am has absolutely no benefits. That's a LARGE chunk of money I don't already have.
Then immediately afterwards I had to go to a meeting to be part of a committee to help spread spirit and boast about how awesome our company is by being part of a skit and some crap.
Woke up this morning at midnight just missing out on a fuku because of the cruel captcha game of picking soups. Like I said, missing out on the fuku was the least-worst thing, but it was a bit of a nut-shot.
@hems79 ...and yes I know it's better than not having a job, but being told that your pay is being cut was pretty devastating.
@hems79 I agree. I've been through several layoffs. Survived a few, didn't survive a few.
One time I didn't survive was when they had to make major budget cuts. I wish they gave me the option of taking a pay decrease instead of just discontinuing the job. I would have taken the decrease. Less money is still better than zero money.
@cengland0, I agree....@hems79 sorry about your pay cut as that's bad too but no job really a sucks.......I was laid off work last month ---told I was being laid off right before Thanksgiving, my December birthday, and Christmas ( in that order) Oh and also told hope you have happy holidays- really....?
@hems79 That truly sucks- I feel for you. But I'm sure your committee will be so awesome that everyone will be happy about the pay cut. Because that's how life works. According to management.
BLEH Was here last night at 11:02 because I got distracted by a show I was watching and BAM All gone.... Ill never get one of these I Feel. Oh Well.....
I did get one, which is satisfying-at least so far! I guess I was so intent on getting the form in that I didn't notice that apparently I could have put in for more than one. Oh well, no regrets. I'll be happy with what I got and not worry about what I might have gotten. I might have missed if the extra second in clicking for more bags caused me to be too late.
@andyw I'm not sure where your misunderstanding comes from, but you could not have gotten a second bag. A few people claim to have gotten two on one account, but those orders will be canceled by staff today.
@PurplePawprints Thank you for the quick response. My misunderstanding (and I was NOT disappointed) came because in the first comment I saw after my order went through, a person said he was in for 3. On previous events I knew I could not order three, so I didn't even look for it this time,
especially as I did not want to waste time over greed (just greedy enough to try for one!). So I appreciate Meh's even-handedness in allowing only one and thereby spreading the joy.
Thanks to Meh again for a fun and rewarding site. Keep up the good work.
@andyw Oh, I didn't think you were voicing disappointment, I just didn't want you to think that you may have missed out or something. And, I didn't want you to think, in the future, that people were getting multiples if you happened to miss the next one. I'm glad you were able to get this one! :-)
@andyw every once in a while, especially when orders are going through at the speed which fuku's sell, some people are able to have more than one order slip through the cracks. These orders are glitches and short lived - if the system doesn't kick them back, staff go through the next day and delete the duplicates.
More interesting (to me, at least) is that fuku's almost always oversell. I'm going to guess that today's limit was 500, yet 544 will go out. The system processes so many, so quickly, that it cannot stop at the exact number - so they plan for this by having extra crap... er... wonderful fuku items on hand for the oversell.
@Thumperchick Very interesting-and nice that they can acommodate their overflow.
Fudge...that is what I get for being sick and going to sleep early.
I snost, I lost. Congrats to all who got one!
Of course the fuku is sold on the ONE day that I go to bed before midnight.. I'm pretty sure that the last time I went to bed early was the last fuku! Meh must be hacked into my IP Cameras that they sold me, and plotting against me!
Darn darn darny darn DARN!!


And @jasontoon perfectly nailed my feelings about the worst holiday ever. Glad I'm not alone.
Was going to say how long before the "why does meh hate the east coast" thread is created like every time a Fuku drops but looks like someone already created one. (I'm from the east coast and I did score one)
@StrangerDanger Me too! I check it every night. But I'm a night owl
@daveJay @StrangerDanger
In my mind i get annoyed when other people from East Coast complain that it's not fair based on the timing.
It's their loss to be honest.
Casually logged-in to the iPad @ 12:00:58am ET, expecting to find more speakers or an expensive coffee maker (alerts go only to my phone & Martian watch). After a small server delay (i.e. recovery time), found only disappointment as I'd already missed my chance. Was so depressed, I didn't bother to post till this morning. Ah well, 5/7 ain't bad. Left to wonder if I'd missed a signal or a sign of impending Fuku -- I normally pick-up on those things.
Girlfriend and me both got one :D
I am never going to get one of these. Not ever. >_<
Went to bed early because I am sick...now I am sick I missed the Fuku. I think I will go vomit now.
Sweet! It pays to check Meh.com at 12:00am religiously every night. I think I've gotten every Fuku they've done since I started coming here! (starting at Fuku 4 I think)
Wow. Imagine the comments if Meh sold Powerball tickets.......
wooh! meaningful-greedy-jar
This shows up the night I expect to see a vacuum cleaner and go to bed just before 9pm
Yeah I'm slow in posting this. But fast when it matters!

too tired to post a pic last night... I wish it were like the old woot days where I could win the lottery and get a complete pallet of car wax... lol
I always get horrible combinations of words that bring up craptastic pictures... quite fitting though.
In for one. My significant other is going to significantly disappointed in her VD gift this year. I'm wondering why it wasn't a fukbox. You know so you can put your junk it in as described in step 2.
Still sold out? I thought they would do something nutty, like bring them up again,(call me first, please). Or, Hey, how about Sending Fukubukuros to everyone who missed them, and not sending to those that did? Let's make it wacky!
@wew Yes, because choosing not to send a product to someone who has paid for a product is a sound business practice.
Work kicked my butt yesterday so I had to turn in early. I've been checking in at 11:59 for months to see if I can snag a FUKU. Ahh man it's hard living on the East coast.
@jmoor783 If you're checking in at 11:59 you're 23 hours and 59 minutes too late. Try checking in at 12 am, you might have better luck.
so what were some good things in past fukus? i think i got one of them but it was barely worth it. (as advertised)
anyone got like 25 broken sansas? or anything cooler?
@username My first one I got was I think the 6th one. It had a SUPER BRIGHT flashlight (with weird, touchy settings where if you touch the on button without pressure it goes into epileptic strobe mode, seems the batteries have since died though), a random brand little movie player thingy (like a Radio Shack item), a USB hubman, a bag of cheap plastic cars (like the really cheap plastic mold snap on wheel axle) and a roll away alarm clock. The light, once you figure it out, pretty bright. The cheap cars were given to a niece that got into geo caching for loot to leave behind. The alarm clock went to a family member we didn't really want to shop for, and they loved it... so that one made it worth it. A money clip... that was about it.
@username Peanut butter & jelly spreaders. Lots of them. But that was my Fuku Pt 2. https://meh.com/forum/topics/my-other-fuku-shipment--or--why-the-fedex-guy-now-hates-me
good stuff
@username In the Birthday Fuku I got one of these :
Amazon has 2 new ones for sale, the lower price is $1393.74 The used ones go for about $500.
It's an amazing machine!
@Teripie looks pretty cool, but i'm prolly not sophisticated enough to enjoy it
@username I got very very lucky and ended up with a brand new roomba 790 on the last one. It combines two of my favorite things: cleanliness and laziness.
Wish they would have put a fucking limit on order amounts. Its not even 9 am and its sold out here. The fuck?
@dannyjoe08 There is an order limit - 1. It sold out in seconds. If you want a fuku, you gotta be here at rollover, on the dot and be fast. Better luck next time!
@dannyjoe08 They did put a limit on order amounts. Each account can buy one before they sell out. They sold exactly how many they wanted to.
@Thumperchick I think he was making a joke
That awkward moment when you check your email and realize that in your haste to get a fuku and post your order number the night before that you'd accidentally subscribed to the thread...
@bakerzdosen Seriously? Ouch.
@bakerzdosen Yikes! I hope your phone was on charge, otherwise you likely would have woken up to a dead battery. Have fun deleting them all.
I think what I'm happiest about most of all is that I can comfortably go to bed before midnight for a while without that nagging feeling that I might be missing a Fuku. Had a couple of really long days at work after that fun day Sunday of clearing the snow. Fuku scored, life is in balance.
@cinoclav Big star for that.
@cinoclav +1
Missed it! Happy Birthday to me.
@thismyusername Thank you. We still made merry!
So.......looking at the who's buying this stuff map it appears that Pennsylvania and NY did pretty good. Can we stop the east cost bitching now?
@somf69 I think is not so much the EC bitching about getting things as it is that we have to stay up until midnight to meh. As a 5:30 alarm clock hitter, Meh'ing is tough, but I do it most of the time anyway.
@rhcurry02 I'm a East Coast guy, From Pennsylvania. I stay up every night, I really don't see what the big deal is. I used to stay up every night for woot too.
@somf69 People from all over bitch every time something desirable sells out before they can buy it. I'm from PA, too, and I remember when the Snow White knives (that were selling for $7 or something) sold out and a bunch of people went down the "discriminating against the EC" road. Then there were the others who complained it was a bad business model to sell out quickly. All of it was ridiculous.
Most people don't seem to realize that they don't need this stuff. Anything even close to a necessity (such as comforters) can be gotten elsewhere for similar or better prices. Maybe not as nice as a deal on here, but if warmth is the need, it'll still be met by an ugly castoff.
I like this site, but I can't imagine getting so into it that I get angry when I don't get something.
@somf69 I'll stop the EC bitching when they change the sale time to 9pm Eastern, but I stayed up and got one any-who, from MI. BTW, why does no one ever say they saw it at 10:00, is this not a thing in CO and the mountain states?
I can't post the image for mine, it's definitely NSFW/ NSFL.
But on a more positive note, Yeah! I got one!
so why only 544?
collectible limited edition?
@username Not sure about "collectible", but yes, very limited as in limited number available for sale.
@username that's how many boxes that crack staff can put together in an 8 hour shift
Blah. Went to bed early last night. I had a feeling it would be coming soon since it's been three months. Oh well :(
No confirmations through email or on my orders, but my credit card was charged....twice.
@tfreeman451 that's odd. I'm guessing those are authorization charges and at least one will fall off in a few days. If you're sure you don't have a successful order in your meh.com/orders - please write in to meh.com/support to verify that those charges will not go through.
Hope you got a fuku and just didn't get an email, though!
@tfreeman451 when they ship, you will get a confirmation. It's 5 bucks, don't worry @snapster isn't running away with your money
@tfreeman451 could also be that your VMP reupped on fuku day?
Why did it fail me! I was so close! Anyone want my soul in exchange for one? A Tortoise soul? a 3d printed tear? WAH!
Internet broke here last evening so couldn't even try. Probably would have had happen to me like the last two times where it wouldn't let me past "I am not a robot". Sigh. Likely I will never get one again. Got the first couple but that is likely to be it. Too many people now trying too.
@Kidsandliz Heads up Kids. I got screwed the last couple of times with the photo captcha "I am not a Robot". Last night it was just a check box. Got right through on my Windows Phone. We'll see if it's the same next time.
Just wanted to say congrats to all who got them. As an east coaster, I am usually up for around 80% of the midnight jumps. This was in the 20% so I missed it cleanly. It hurts, but not as much as those of you who were there at the jump and still missed out. I feel for you.
For the lucky 500ish of you, congrats and I can't wait to see your photos in the reveal thread! Hope to get lucky next time.
@bdp I actually like the midnight turnover on the east coast. I stay up specifically to check meh every night. If it happened at 9pm, I would be busy doing something else. I could be in the racquetball room or in the shower at that time and would be more inconvenient. I'm rarely home to check it at 9pm.
No matter what time it switched over, there will always be people inconvenienced. I wake up at 3:55am every morning so I get very little sleep after checking the site at midnight but I do make up for it with little naps throughout the day.
Meh has caused me to change my entire sleep cycles and I made that a priority in my life. If others choose to sleep instead, that is their problem.
Go get a Bag Of Crap?
@boc thanks!
@boc Thanks for the heads up! My very first BOC! I'm sure it will be, well -crappy - but it takes away a little of the sting of not getting a Fuku.
@boc Just goes to show you they have a woot off going on and I don't even give a shit and didn't even bother to stop by there to see what they were pawning off. Another great job by them....
@somf69 why bother when you can just get what you want with low hassle returns on amazon for nearly the same (or better) price? :)
@boc sold out.... deal is dead.
@connorbush LOL. That was posted over 17 hours ago and it was during an active Woot-Off! Woot-Offs are the most common/typical (but not only) way to get a Bag of crap. The one I posted wasn't on the Woot! homepage and it was up (live/available) for over 17 minutes (which is almost an eternity for a Bag of Crap.) As you can see from the comments above, several people were able to get it. Sorry you missed out.
@boc yeah. They put them on the app now almost exclusively. I don't think a lot of people check there.
@jzmacdaddy The link I posted was from the Woot-Off! It was not from the app. During this most recent Woot-Off! they had a Bag of Crap as the second item and it sold out quickly with no disruption to the site. The second Bag of Crap was later in the day and it basically crashed the site. At that point Woot! moved all of the subsequent Bags to the "Wootsquatch" version which meant that that you had to watch for their version of Sasquatch to appear along the item up for sale on Woot! Most people are not aware of what this is and as result when Wootsquatch appears (clicking on it links to a "hidden" Bag of Crap sale) it tends to last a lot longer than when a Bag of Crap is the main Woot! item.
And from my experience the Bags of Crap offered only on the app ("Appsclusive") sell out very quickly. I've clicked on one the second it appeared and was still not able to get it. I've never seen one on the app last more than a few seconds.
@boc I spent a totally ridiculous amount of time trying to get a BOC on the first day- I got the evening one before the servers crashed. Then the second day I watched the Wootsquatch bag stay active for over 15 minutes. I feel so stupid.
doucebags of crap
wow, I missed the shit out of this one.
@stoopkid I'm sorry you missed out but this comment made me laugh so hard that my coworker asked what was wrong haha
Fuku; Just another four-lettered word I just added to my anger repertoire. 😒
@meh (sorry meh, but I couldn't resist) and @shawn and @snapster et al... I just noticed that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fukubukuro does not mention meh.com at all. WTF is up wit dat?
@baqui63 you weiner
@baqui63 you should fix that
@shawn Yeah, but I'd have to create a wikipedia account and learn how to use it and all... and not having one is about the only thing keeping me out of trouble... well, that and abject laziness.
@baqui63 @shawn Check it again. In History. I think this is my first (certainly most major) edit. I'm sure the tone is all wrong for Wikipedia standards. I'm too damned lazy to check. We'll see how long it lasts. I know the the pedia community is full of pedants who love nothing more than spoiling everyone's fun (don't get me wrong; shit should be accurate, but there's no good reason it can't also be fun). I'm pretty sure I'm the problem; I bet you can guess how I feel about that. You're welcome (to fix it). It was kind of a pain in the ass. What I do for you people.
I once contemplated fixing some stupid shit someone said once about my boy, William Blake, but I don't even remember anymore.
@shawn @snapster BTW, I think we're long overdue for an utsubukuro.
Yes, TIL what utsubukuro means.
@joelmw Woot already does a disappointing bag...
@joelmw Awesome! Still there as of now.
@sammydog01 I was particularly pleased that I figured out how to link suckers, since the primary is a disambiguation page. Again, it was kind of a rushed effort. And I spent most of my time figuring out formatting. It looks like my only other entry was a simple text insertion on the movie Pi (the whole section where my edit occurred has been removed). Wikipedia intimidates me a little, but I do consider myself now one of the world's foremost authorities on meh.com and fukubukuro. ;-)
Now I think the power might be going to my head. I'll have to go back and look at other stuff I care about. There's no page for Mediocre Corp or for meh.com, for instance.
@joelmw Irk needs his own page.
@Trillian I concur.
@sammydog01 @shawn @baqui63 @brhfl @liz @PurplePawprints It all reminded me of this guy, for whom I decided to create a separate thread.
23 hours and 14 minutes after missing the fukubukuro, I've stopped crying.
@wew Hope you bought stock in Klenex when you started your crying jag. : )
I never got a chance for any Fukubukuro or similar stuff. Is there any certain frequency when meh.com post this? Every month?
@hatimus About every 3 months
😰😰😰was in hospital. Sold out when I you out 😰😰😰wanted😰😰❤️
@gma1944 Hope you are feeling better soon
Bummer, Been sick with the flu and some how missed this sale in my fuzzy sick haze. :(
@Bogie Hope you are feeling better soon
Fuku 1 - 6/24/2014 (Kickstarter Launch)
Fuku 2 - 9/17/2014
Fuku 3 - 11/14/2014
Fuku 4 - 1/14/2015
Fuku Unlucky - 4/1/2015
Fuku 5 - 7/9/2015
Fuku 6 - 10/21/2015
Fuku 7 - 1/27/2016
@whistlingwilly Seems we're most likely going to see the next one on April Fools Day again.
@cinoclav Yea! More busted TV's and PB&J spreaders by the pallet load.
On the flip side; east-coasters. I am generally involved, actively, in a task at 9pm PST>>> It would behoove me if the meh-change-over occurred at 12 midnight. I have nothing going on at that hour and am usually in bed. I could be so focused on meh.com...
turbulent-premium-rhythm is on the way

Damn, Smart Post was fast! Fuku was supposed to arrive Monday, but it made it early. It doesn't hurt that I live about 6 miles from Meh. World HQ :)
Great Fuku haul!
Starting with the best items:
Irk and Glen Valentines cards
6 - Meh heart candies
Pink Fuku bag
Pair of Izon Stem cameras
Dart gun
Mini vacuum cleaner
Pig thermometer
Thanks a bunch Meh!
This more than makes up for what transpired on the night the Fukubukuro went on sale... My 5 year old woke up at 10 to explosively vomit all over the bathroom. So after we cleaned that up, I relaxed for a bit and was able to check Meh at 11:00cst on the dot. I am indeed not a robot, I just fix them at work.
@bluebeatpete You need to start a new thread (SOP) and title it so that we know it is the official non-official "reveal" thread.
@bluebeatpete Those vday cards are the shit.
@Barney you are 100% correct, yet your use of the term SOP in re: something as trivial as a fuku still managed to crack me up.
In other news, mine is scheduled to arrive 2016-02-08.
@brhfl Ahh, but this is where you are wrong; nothing is trivial about a fuku. This is serious stuff, bud. ;)
@Barney Done and done. Never been first, wasn't sure the protocol on the reveals.
Meh likes puns too...the valentines day cards say it all...they are PUNNY!!!!!
Got Meh stuff in. I was shocked to see such a huge box on my porch. Turns out there was a very dirty, but very awesome refurbished Dyson Vaccumm in it. Alright!
Love the Meh Valentines candies and the pink bag is even more dope in person. I got a Coor light bottle opener necklace for those times when you are chillin nude with the natives, but need to open some bottles. Some I ❤️ cocunut and creme hand lotion that is sorely, sorely, sorely needed. And a neoprene kindle slip cover that can go into my box of 40 neoprene kindle slip covers I bought from Meh months ago.
P.S. I don't seem to understand how to add pictures to my post from mobile. Very meh, indeed.
@mehdic just realized that the Meh Valentines cards have a the Dyson on it.
@mehdic upload pics to imgur.com then copy/paste the direct url to your post. (url should end in he file name jpg, png, gif, etc.)
Here's my fuku. Happy? YES.
@gwrankin how curious... BrandSmartUSA tag...
also the reveal thread is here:
if you want to post over there, if not... meh.. whatevs.
I keep waiting and checking by the door and no fuku. I just looked and it says it was delivered on Friday. I have never not received any package. What do I do?
@Mellaine if it says delivered contact your local post office.
@thismyusername Thanks so much, I will do that tomorrow.
I have been trying to get my package but no one seems to have it. I went to the US post office. They told me to go to USPS. Not there. I called the US post office and spoke to a manager they told me they do not have the tracking info on file. I never have had this problem. Where do you suggest I start to look again?
@Mellaine Doggone it, I hate it when a Fuku disappears. If it doesn't turn up and you would like, I'll send you a replacement Fuku. Sorry, there will be no vacuum, but there might be a purple item in it. Let me know what happens in your quest to find your lost Fuku.
@Barney I can chip in a vacuum from my fuku..
@mikibell Aw, I'd hate to have you give up that brand new Dyson you got. :)
@Barney If only ;) .. I don't have enough rugs to need a dyson.. and the shopvac gets all of the cobwebs!
@mikibell Aren't dirt floors wonderful? Low maintenance.
@Barney Two kids, a husband.. might as well have dirt floors :)
@Barney Thanks, I just want to find the one that was sent. I wish I answered the door last Friday when I heard someone knocking but I messed up my back even worse looking for my dog which still has not been found. I hope it is not true that things come in three's. I already have 2 my dog and my fuku. I would rather have something I ordered missing than my fuku.
@mikibell awww you are so nice. I really just want my fuku. I will go back to post office tomorrow. Thank you so so much. I do not need anything It is just about the fuku suprise.
@Barney If I do find my fuku. and it is a robot vaccum you or some sad person who did not get the fuku can have it. like at @studr spelling?
@mikibell No husband. 2 kids, 3 cats, 1 dog left, fish, 15 chickens, 7 ducks and the cute baby possum living on my deck I feed.
@Mellaine @studerc I think is who you are paging. I was listing my dirt devils.. but I think you may have a need for a good vacuum too :)
@Barney I love purple
@Barney I am not that lucky
@Barney That would be my floors. dirty
@Mellaine Ha! He did get a Fuku, in fact he has gotten all of the Fukus that have been offered. He just hasn't gotten THE fuku of his dreams.
@Barney That is hilarious. When I saw his post he did not get one I felt bad and thought twice if I should tell him he could have mine.
@Mellaine It's kind of a running joke about how bad his Fukus are.
@Mellaine @Barney - He received a make-up fuku https://meh.com/forum/topics/meh-does-some-cool-shit
I also called Fed Ex. They do not know what happened to it and said to go to Post Office which I have done.
I know I am new here and there was a question if I was telling the truth about my dog. YES I am telling the truth. I cry if I talk and think about her so I am sorry for not responding right away. I want everyone to know how much I appreciate your help. I am telling you this because I think of everyone as my friends. I do not know how I got sucked in the forum but I can honestly say this is the first forum I have ever been in. Sorry, too much talking. I just want my fuku or know what was in it.
@Mellaine Unless your Fuku gets found and delivered to you, there is no way to know what's in it. No records of what Fuku has which item are kept. Who gets what is the luck of the draw.
@Mellaine I'm sorry people were so quick to jump on your lost dog thread with skepticism. It's hard to reach out when you're going through something like that and it's made worse when people start throwing out accusations.
With your package - when you run the tracking on Fedex & USPS, what comes up? Did it just stop getting scanned somewhere? Or is there a weird status update?
@Barney That stinks. The not knowing part of what I am getting is what makes it exciting.
@Thumperchick It is nice to see your back again. I do not know anything about running the tracking through. I never had this problem before. I did not get a notice saying they tried to deliver the package which is strange. I will figure it out, you have a new adorable baby to take care of. Thanks for your help like always
@Mellaine In the upper right corner on most meh pages click on "Account" then "My orders" then scroll down to the Fukubukuro order and click the number next to "tracking"... that is the Fedex/USPS tracking number... when you click it it should take you to the Fedex site and show you what they think happened.
If it says delivered contact your local post office and let them know you never received it.
@Mellaine ah, okay! So the USPS (post office) had it last, attempted delivery, and that's the last anyone heard of it. You could try goong in to your local office again and ask them to locate it.
However, they may have sent the package pack to meh if they've had it for more than a few days. I hope that isn't the case.
@thismyusername Thanks, I did do that. I also called and went to the postoffice like you recommended last week. They were clueless. Going again tomorrow.
@Thumperchick I really hope that did not happen. I could not move last week because I have a bad back which I am getting surgery for. Thanks, Your the best. I hope you get some rest.
Thank you, Meh, my eternal Valentine, for the filthy and non-functioning no-name Android tablet. I've never seen one that rattles when you shake it before. It was a real roller-coaster of emotion there.
I bought a bunch of ifixit tools for myself while drunk on Black Friday, so the tablet isn't a completely unwanted burden. Even if I can't get it working, it gives me something to have a crack at without worry of damaging it further.
The 4GB MP3/Video player in the shape of a miniature Palm Pilot in the badly damaged packaging is kind of a score since it actually turns on, though there were no earbuds included as the package promised and there's nowhere to stow the stylus. I'm looking forward to putting it's potato-camera through it's paces, though!
The ugly but functional polarized sunglasses will be used for my drunken river floats until I lose them forever while jumping off a raft around the middle of the summer.
I have a friend who will be way stoked to receive the Pooh and Piglet figurine.
The battery powered lady-bug desktop vacuum was the surprise hit of the FUKU. I just used it and it made quick work of the ABV I spilled last night and also gives me a use for some of these AA Eneloops that have been piling up.
Overall, I rate this $5 spent as 11/10. Even the "here, you throw this tablet away" will give me a small amount of pleasure.
@bmtka I love those glasses. I will buy them from you. I would be happy with the valentines candy, considering USPS keeps giving me the run around telling me they will call me back, but never does. They say they are looking into to it and talking to the driver. I am on the phone now for the 6th time. Not including going into to the PO and Fedex. I just hung up time to make a claim considering all the hours I have spent finding it.
@Mellaine Ha Ha, The manager just told me she would look into it again. This is the first time she has heard of my situation. Really???