Fukubukuro 7 Reveal Thread
46Damn, Smart Post was fast! Fuku was supposed to arrive Monday, but it made it early. It doesn't hurt that I live about 6 miles from Meh. World HQ :)
Great Fuku haul!
Starting with the best items:
Irk and Glen Valentines cards
6 - Meh heart candies
Pink Fuku bag
Pair of Izon Stem cameras
Dart gun
Mini vacuum cleaner
Pig thermometer
Thanks a bunch Meh!
This more than makes up for what transpired on the night the Fukubukuro went on sale... My 5 year old woke up at 10 to explosively vomit all over the bathroom. So after we cleaned that up, I relaxed for a bit and was able to check Meh at 11:00cst on the dot. I am indeed not a robot, I just fix them at work.
- 167 comments, 448 replies
- Comment
That is a good haul and I really like the pink bag. Maybe Meh will do a purple one someday.
@Barney I like purple.
@Barney This. Would be awesome.

@heartny Yes, this!
@Barney You could, maybe ... wash your pink bag with some brand new blue jeans. It might come out purple-ish. =)
@SColburn I would worry that I could be looking at a tie dyed bag.
The valentines definitely make me sad I missed this fuku. Enjoy all! Looks like we are in for a great reveal thread.
@bdp same. Least I can enjoy everyone else's stuff!
@bdp maybe they will make them available to print for us suckers who missed out. @snapster pleeeeeeeeeeease
@bdp Or send them to all the suckers who missed out... the one on the top right would make that an appropriate one to send LOL
@bdp Yeah, I was okay with missing out. But now I see those valentines...:(
@pitamuffin I was NOT okay with missing out, and now I want to burn something.
Mine is still processing? I sure hope it goes through, 'cause this I have been trying every night for over a year to get one!!!

@Baybay11 Mine is still processing too...don't play with my feelings, Meh!
@Baybay11 @ninjaemilee
no worries! The ones that are still processing are the good ones, didn't you hear?
My two lbs of meh shipped today, but I won't get it until next Monday!
@Baybay11 Mine is due Saturday, 7.4 pounds... getting excited! :)
@mehdaf yeah that's how mine was last time processing for awhile -- git my FUKU and a note if other things to come --- then a great meh FUKU this time just meh really -- was hoping for roomba but alas it was not to be a clean sweep deal this time -- still fun though
Cupid Irk alone is worth the price of admission.
Ahh, I wanted a pink Fuku bag. And that one has handles on top and everything. 😢
@awk You can have mine if my order ever fully processes
Poor Glen though, nobody to insert their fist on Valentine's. We've all been there, bro.
Mine is on the way and weighs 2 lbs. Only thing I know that weighs 2 lbs is a henweigh..
@somf69 What's a henweigh? :)
A hen weighs about two pounds!Note: this is a regional colloquialism usually meaning "not much", and generally used derogatorily. (Answered for those that don't get the joke / reference)
@somf69 I first heard the "henweigh" line in 1966 or 1967, I think. I had hoped that by now it had been long forgotten...no such luck. ;-p
@gertiestn I once had an asshole car salesman tell me there was a $100 "henweigh" fee on a car I was looking at. I told him He would need to take at least $1000 off the price for bringing up that lame joke with me....He said he could do that, and I said, I couldn't buy the car
@MrsPavlov .. And here I thought it meant 'no right tun on red'.. (so, whadid ya' expect from a Barcelonanenenen?)
Mine is 2 pounds also... Should be here soon.
@Roadie Mine was 2 lbs when it first shipped. Changed to 3.2 pounds after two days.
@GiantTarget Yep. Mine changed to 6.9 pounds now... According to fedex, it should be here Thursday.
Mine is still label made, waiting to leave the docks at some point. Still at magic 2lb weight.
The mystery continues....
:( My Fuku is still processing
I received my Fuku today!!
The bottom box is my Fuku (the top one is my BOC that just happened to arrive the same day lol)

Pink Fuku Bag!!
Meh Valentines!
Meh heart candies
Izon View Camera Set
Mini USB Vaccuum
Neoprene Sleeve (can never have enough of these right??)
Donald Duck Hockey Ornment (with a broken but easily glued foot)
Thanks meh! I love the note on the camera...

Was the camera buyers' remorse and therefore set aside for a Fuku or is this the official Buyers' Remorse Fuku? Either way, no remorse here!
@stardate820926 um... we need a head to head competition/comparison with the BOC.
@carl669 BOC for comparison

@stardate820926 @snapster by a knockout in the first round, i declare Fuku the winner.
@stardate820926 I guess it's lame for me to judge. Nice haul - love the monkey cape style.
@carl669 shoot - that would have been fun round by round matching up each product.
@carl669 I have a matched set coming this week- want me to save the BOC until the fuku shows up? (@snapster- last time I did this the BOC won.)
@stardate820926 I like that cup!!!
@snapster that was my first instinct, product vs product. then i remembered i actually have to get some work done today. maybe tonight.
@sammydog01 i say do the head to head. it's always fun. i think i bought a BOC some time last year figuring i'd give it one more chance. sadly, it was incredibly disappointing.
@sammydog01 sure! I promise not to bribe for votes!
Bite my tongue, but I'm kinda liking the BOC, which is really strange because most of them, lately, have been trash.
@Barney I was pleasantly surprised as well.
@snapster I'm pretty excited about the monkey. I didn't have that one yet. Still, the Fuku wins, hands down ;)
Holy shit! That usb vac is LOUD!! I plugged it in and scared the crap out my cats (and myself).
Also, here is the back of valentines since it hasn't been posted yet

@sammydog01 Woot is now owned by the deep pockets of the Anti-Christ. I would hope a zillion billion dollar company could out mystery crap Meh.com.
Got mine today!
Pink fuku bag!
Irk valentines and meh sweethearts
Heart shaped straw
Plastic golf ball
Pet-o-meter (gift to my parents for their corgi)
Razor headset (haven't tested it yet but my steam friends will be tickled pink ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) if it does work)
Alphabet fun blocks collectible. (I got W for Winnie the Pooh!)
And "Desk cleaner" which is a terrifying orange car with a vacuum underneath. I'll have to find some AAAs to see if it rends time and space on first start. Or at least becomes a handy way to remove the fuzz from my new headset!
@Cody2003 Post some pics! :)
The headset, she's dead Jim. :(
But not to worry, her parts will be removed and live on in future models and projects.
That orange car vacuum barely sucks and smells like frying electronics. It's fantastic fun! :D
From codys' album for us lazy types:
Thanks. Couldn't for the life of me get it to embed. :)
My #7 FUKU bag has arrived

1 box that has warm Texas air -- not really hot air-
6 MEH Valentine's Day hearts !
1 FUKU pink bag
4 Valentine days cards , 2 of Irk and 2 of Glen that are very "PUNNY"
1 Frog alert for water leaks - really for basements and since I'm in Texas - no basement-- that's ok I'll leap over this prize!
1 Keep it Calm mug that says Now Panic and Freak out
1 Mushroomed shaped Mini vacuum cleaner - not a roomba but it still sucks:)!
And one 7 Inch Tablet PC with High Defintion TV-- best meh gift in my #7 FUKU besides meh bag of course.. Thanks meh -- no job included inside the box but hey I can always hope.
Thanks Meh for making me and my dogs smile ( dog gone it)
@AttyVette Put your Leak Frog in your utility room by the washer, in case a hose breaks.
@Barney my washer and dryer are in the garage but thanks for the suggestion
@AttyVette http://imgur.com/a/jnRr1
@AttyVette Put it on the floor in case one of your dogs puddles?
@AttyVette I too am awaiting notice of my remote employment. Perhaps in the next Fuck-You-Buckaroo.
@Barney wow if they puddle that much I'm moving...
@AttyVette Put the frog in the A/C drip pan in the attic.....
@AttyVette put the frog on the roof to let everyone know it's raining
@mdrcoast I have one in the drip pan under my water heater. It's not a frog, but I think I bought it here.
@AttyVette Holy (bag of) crap, a leakfrog... I haven't noticed one of those from The Other Site in ages.
@GiantTarget love this idea but my neighbors might "croak" if they see him there -- hey you gave me an idea though- traveling frog , similar to travelocitys gnome--Maybe I should now take picture of the frog wherever I travel now :)
Not sure if anyone said it yet but a pdf of those valentines would be appreciated!
@march5th00 I'm not sure how to upload a pdf to the forum, but you can email trillianmeh at the gmail address and I will send it to you.
@Trillian Psssst... www.scribd.com
A neighbor just knocked on my door to let me know that a rather large package was sitting on my porch. That sneaky postal carrier delivered my Fuku one day early and didn't ring my doorbell to let me know. She's new, I'll have to break her in. Note to self: Bake some cookies.
Anyway, as most of you know, I do not have a camera, so use your imagination.
In my 26.3 pound box was:
One pretty in pink Fuku bag
4 Valentine's Day Super Cool Meh Cards
6 Valentine's Day hearts (Only 2 were purple)
A Pet-O-Meter (The dog can't read numbers)
A Mr. T. Read along Book and Recording
The Mystery of the Forbidden Monastery (The dog can't read words)
1 set of Cobra Walkie Talkie and Weather Emergency Radios, AND
A Eureka AirSpeed MyVac!
Thanks, Meh. I'll be waiting on the porch step for the maid!
@Barney Awesome haul! That vacuum will make a nice looking paper ... er... carpet weight :)
@capguncowboy No cookies for you!
@Barney It's all part of my new healthier lifestyle. Thanks for being so supportive of it
@Barney I gave you a star, even with no pics, because I know you ran out of purple crayola.
@thismyusername Aw, you are a sweetie.
I got my 3 pound Fuku today, but I’m pretty sure this one was meant for @studerc, since it contained so few items. Besides the standard bag, valentines and candy hearts, it came with:
• One heavy-as-hell men’s blue steel Quadtec watch. I’m not sure what the point of this watch is.
• Clean Robot, which looks like a Roomba imposter from wal.co.kr. It purports to be a hard floor sweeper, but I think it is actually a cat toy.
• That’s it, seriously.
So cheer up, sucker, er, @studerc, you are probably getting my fabulous fuku with Samsung tablet and hockey tickets! You can keep the tablet, but please forward the hockey tickets.
I really do love the valentines and bag. I am now searching for a frame for the valentines, and a place of honor to hang them. Thanks, Meh!
@Trillian Framing the valentines -- that's a good idea.
@Trillian Fear not! Mine went from 3.0 lbs to 1.7lbs during its journey and is apparently only 8x8x8". Indeed your box reminds me of my past 4 fukus but when mine arrives tomorrow i am confident you will feel better about your "meager" items!
My guess...
1 fuku bag
1 bag of hearts
1 desk vacuum
We shall see in 16 short hours.
@Barney Found a temporary frame:

@Trillian Nice! Wanna do mine for me?
I'm rooting for you, @studerc.
@Trillian Something went terribly wrong:

@Trillian looks great!!!
@Trillian well done! love the candy hearts on the frame! I am so stealing that and will frame mine whenever (and if the valentines and candy hearts are in the fuku) the package is delivered. Come on Friday!
@Trillian GREAT HAUL! I just moved into an all wood floor apartment! I could use that. Also, my wrist are LARGE and that watch would be so fun! I work in sales, that watch could be a nice conversation starter!
Where do you find the size of the box? I don't see it on the FedEx site.
@dhodges22 i think you sign up for a myfedex account. (it's free)
that said, my fuku has no dimensions. so, i can only assume they're shipping me a singularity.
@dhodges22 Try this: meh.com/orders
Click on tracking and scroll down to bottom of FedEx page. Dimensions should be in bottom right hand corner. @carl669 maybe it will work for you?
@Barney still nothing damnit! Oh well I think I'll have it tomorrow. Thanks for the help!
@Barney thanks, but nothing there either. so, it's confirmed, my fuku has no dimensions. i wonder how much stuff can fit inside of nothing?
@carl669 I have an empty box I can send you.
@carl669 maybe it's a TARDIS and you get all the things!!
@carl669 an infinite amount would be able to fit if you broke the time space continuum or put it in a Tardis through a black hole or something equally as physics breaking.
@Kidsandliz so.... you're saying there could be an infinite number of Kristen Bell in my fuku?? SCORE!!
@carl669 Of course - likely all in different dimensions, might not find more than one in yours though..
So I bought a BOC and a fukubukuro on the same day, and managed to receive them the same day, so how about a BOC VS fukubukuro post here.

Medium Tardis zip front hoodie
Large Trooper T-shirt
Vtech Retro phone handset
Super Hero Masher
Pack of boxer shorts size large
Mini screw driver and bit set
Hamburger patty maker
Woot crap bag
Built Neoprene Kindle Fire sleeve
USB Vacuum
Classic Marvel Battles with the Hulk and Captain America
Pink Fuku bag
meh Valentines and candy hearts (my 5 year old daughter took the candy as soon as she saw it and when I saw it again there was 1 piece left)
And a Meta M1 smart watch (refurb/return or something) seems to work but I had it charged up to 68% before I came in to work tonight and within 5 minutes it dropped to 44% and now it's at 30% about 1.5 hours later and it's just sitting there, so maybe it will hold a charge.
As far as a winner between the 2, if the Smart watch continues to hold a charge and work the Fuku might have just edged out the BOC. I never would have bought a smart watch on my own, so any free smart watch I get is what I'm going to have for a smart watch, so hopefully the battery holds up.
I found it amusing that I managed to get a super hero item in both the BOC and the Fuku.
@owlhooter Did the cat come with the Fuku? 😻
@transplant The cat usually doesn't want anything to do with the boxes as I'm opening them up and taking pictures, so must have been something special about this box that caught the cats attention.
So far it looks like the Watch is doing ok. Battery life definitely isn't getting the 5-7 day life they say, but I'm getting at least a day out of it it would appear, so charge it every night just like my phone doesn't seem too bad. Maybe it will get better after charging and draining a few times, if not maybe I can find a replacement battery for it.
My disappointment at missing out on the Fuku has now completely dissipated. What a bunch of crap.
@retlaw127 That's, um, kinda the point.
@retlaw127 ...and those Valentines Cards are TOTALLY worth it! I <3 IRK!!
@retlaw127 The first couple were actually really worth it. There was some nice stuff in there. And a lot more stuff than there is now. They seem to have gone downhill a bit.
@retlaw127 I'm with you, and I haven't even received mine yet. If I don't get a pony, I'll ship my pink Fuku bag to the first taker, at shipping cost...
I missed another fuku bag? SON OF A
I missed the Fuku & the BoC.
I'm not even mad.
The nap was worth it.
@mamawoot Seriously, they tell us not to get out hopes up, but they're dashed anyway.
After being bummed out by being a few seconds too late for a fuku... and after seeing a few of the fukus received... all I have to say is...
Thank GOD I have no chance of getting neoprenes!!! I am STILL randomly finding those things in my house, even after I swear I got rid of all of them months ago.
Thank God for captcha!!
@hems79 You are a robot.
@hems79 @stumpy91 I got a fuku.
Got mine today.
@GiantTarget i'll take the doggy bags. because i have a dog. and because my toddler wants to poop outside like the dog. so, i'm just going to go ahead and assume he'll just do it at some point.
@carl669 Unfortunately this lifetime supply of doggy bags will be going to my sisters dog, Chewbacca (shih tzu)
@GiantTarget yay! You got my favorite vacuum!
@hollboll It works and I find it funny that you have to screw off his head to empty it.
Honestly.. I tried, Meh. I really tried to get an Imgur upload of my Fukubukuro for proof...but even they didn't give two shits about it. One can only handle this shit for too long...it's getting close. No need to temper my expectations...I no longer expect anything.
1 Fuku Bag
1 bag of Candy hearts
1 page of Valentines
1 Green Phone Case
1 Pig shaped Meat Thermometer.
@Trillian...welp my guess was pretty damn close.
Heres my BOC comparison.
Fuku...pretty much nonexistent.
BOC...nonexistent because i didnt try for one.
The verdict...the Fuku was better...but just barely. Step up your game good sir.
@studerc Aww, you poor baby. Well, I guess there's always next time?
@Barney Gotta keep the streak alive for sure...it would just be a nice change of pace to actually get my $5 worth of items.
The fuku fight rages on into that dark night.
@studerc I'll give you this, it definitely looks like you're missing a thing or two that's supposed to be there (nothing specific of course). But I can most certainly assure you that it wasn't done on purpose.
@MEHcus I thoroughly enjoy when Meh marginalizes @studerc <3 ahh the misfortune of others.
jk I just wanted to try being a meanie. I do not like it. Back to being kind.

@connorbush Meh just has this insane vendetta against me. Haters gonna hate. The tears are delicious i suppose. (BTW, i love that episode and scene! )
@MEHcus...i was pretty sure a few things were missing. Go ahead and toss my DJI drone into a box.
@studerc I bet you could sell that pink bag for five bucks.
I can smell it from here. Why friday?

@whistlingwilly I know, right? Mine has been sitting in the same place since saturday. Every time I check, this is me
@whistlingwilly Meh even tells you they ship it with the cheapest shipping available ;) Mines been in the same place for like 4 days now
Bag, Valentines - Natch.
Crumby Animal Crumb Vacuum. Lamb Shaped. Plan to re-gift this to my server at The Palm come Christmas time.
Lone Ranger Figurine with silver bullet that stores in the curio base.
Dog Pet-o-meter. I got more that one dog and dogs do not like to share.
7inch 8gb KitKat tablet that requires a hard rap to the back of the device to activate the touch screen*
If the tablet can cast my stories to my television I figure I did okay.
That is it besides the green tinted pillows of cross town air.
*a non documented feature
FUKUBUKURO 7: VALENTINE'S DAY SUCKS. So if we all get vacuums, doesn't that mean someone HAS to get a roomba or dyson? Is there a prize for seeing the pattern? Or was @attyvette in on the pun already?
@mikibell That is not the Roomba or Dyson you're looking for.....
@mikibell Congratulations... At least one of the items you get suck. Here: have a cookie!
@mikibell Good find! Here I was looking at that big suckin' vac in my living room and reading all of the other reveals and I never saw it coming. That really sucks.
@BillLehecka I see no cookie... And I still haven't forgiven you for instilling in me the fear of the word beginning with b and ending with th! :)
@mikibell I actually suspected the suck theme as soon as I saw the usb vacuum in the first post. I hoped/expected we would all get some kind of vacuum. But I also thought the suction cups on the little dart gun were part of it, too. So... My tendency is to make so many connections between things that only a few of them are legitimate.
@christinewas - Well, one would also suck on the heart-shaped candies too, right?
@mikibell darn guess I missed the memo that really sucks ...
So jealous of the Valentines! If anyone is willing to give up a set, email me a quote. username at the Google place or ping me here.
💘 I love the theme, someone should get a raise, I mean meh. 🐐
@speediedelivery I'll send you some for free, but only if you let me fill them out with our names and you promise to hang them up where everyone can see them.
@capguncowboy Done. Everyone will know about us, though.
@speediedelivery Everybody but his wife (unless you live in the same town that is). Oh wait... she might read this. NOW you are in trouble. LOL
My MEHticulous MEHtacarpals MEHddled into...
1x auto vac
1x Spider-Man vs. Green Goblin Classic Marvel Battles & Team-Ups
1x Pet-O-Meter
1x Foscam security camera
1x pink Fuku bag
1x sheet of 4 Meh valentines
1x bag of 6 chalky Meh hearts
@potestasx damn! nice score on the foscam (if it works). i love those cameras.
@potestasx I have 3 focsam's setup in my house. Record to NAS upon motion is an excellent feature... Love them.
A lot of folks got spoiled in the mehniversary fuku I think. Too high of expectations. I like seeing the return of the more meh components. And the pink bag and valentines for me cover the cost imho so I'd pay anyone their full fuku price for those 2 items alone.
Enjoy, hope to join you fine folks for fuku 8. If I'm not sleepy before midnight est.
@bdp The early ones were really good too.
@bdp mine arrives saturday, so says fedex, do you want to bid on it for $5 plus actual shipping cost to you, "unopened"? btw, there might be a pony, drone, receiver, sailor moon book, and a cupla other things in there i forgot. others can outbid you, but the minimum increase is $0.25 USD. i'd bet a lot of folks just want the bag and stamps with IRK, Meh.
@DMlivezey I bid $20.
@er1c hang on, $20 plus actual shipping? this feels a little sleezy, now i am starting into sellers remorse, ok, fuggetaboutit, $20 plus shipping, unopened, but the deal is, you have to share 'the opening' with me with pics, kapeesh?, $0.25 bid increments until 2/9/16 11:59 EST (the end of my birthday)
@DMlivezey and perhaps, to avoid appearing greedy, no bid increments greater than $0.25, Meh... if they sent a f'ing pony u'd better be ready for some hefty shipping $$$
@DMlivezey $20.25
@connorbush @er1c - this was a bad idea, what was i thinking (or drinking)? for those that already bid, i'll send you something form my load...
the contest/bidding is now officially cancelled :)
@DMlivezey 11.9 lbs, the anticipation is building, bidders, let me know your deats so I can send you something... @connorbush, @er1c, @bdp
@DMlivezey @connorbush, @er1c, be happy you still have that $20 in your pocket (and @bdp for starting this mess :) )- see post below and let me know if you want anything from my 'Meh.score'
I second that

@mehhead the motion is carried.
@carl669 Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl
I am moderately excited; mine is due here tomorrow but may have made it to local post office this morning.
Oh - and its weight went DOWN to 1.1 pounds. Says my precocious seven-year-old daughter: "Some of the coolest stuff comes in the small ones, Daddy."
My Fuku is within a day or two of arriving, 7.2 lbs . Would love to see a Foscom or Ion camera and a Tv/Tablet but will be grateful with what comes
@stryper2000 Mine now says it will be delivered on Saturday, can't wait! And it, now, says 7.4 pounds, getting excited!
My first FUKU! Almost here... any minute now... 22.5 lbs, hoping for some IP cameras, a dyson or a TV. All purchases I was planning on making anyway.
OH MY!!! Im so excited thank you meh!
Botvac 85!!!!
Tweety Xmas Nightlight
Bottle Opener
Mother Goose Vinyl
2 Bags of heart candy
Pink Meh Bag
Alphabet Fun Blocks
@whistlingwilly Wow, I can see why you are so excited -- a Tweety nightlight!
@whistlingwilly Give your father the tweety nightlight. - Thanks... Your Father.
@whistlingwilly Yay! That's my favorite item, the Tweety nightlight!
@whistlingwilly What was the weight on the tracking page?
@galmaegi Gave it to father like he asked :( ill just stick with the stupid robot.
@mills 17x17x17 18.9LB
@whistlingwilly Ooooo, that's the same as mine. Fingers crossed! I would love a tweety night light (and I guess the vacuum too)
@whistlingwilly You did the right thing. What about heart candies since you got two?
@whistlingwilly SQUEEE!!!! That makes me very happy. Hopefully my Fuku with the same dimensions and heavier weight means I get a Neato too. Botvac bros unite!
@galmaegi Father does not eat candy, gave to a coworker and i ate the other one.
@whistlingwilly Hm, you gave yourself a star. Ok... good job!
@galmaegi Between you and me, i always give myself a star :( no one else does.
1x Pink Meh Fuku Bag

1x Pack of Meh Chalk Hearts
1x Now Panic Mug
1x Aspir' Oreillo Ear Cleaner (How did they know!?)
1x Izon WIFI Monitor (Works!)
1x Mother Goose Vinyl (Classics! If only I got the ION record player, I have nothing to play this.)
1x Glen & Irk Valentine Cards (Sucks)
@lilsrm123 A little worried about trying that ear cleaner.. Dont know where its been.
@lilsrm123 Hah, love that your vacuum is an ear vacuum!
@lilsrm123 A refurbished ear cleaner? Oh hell no!!
Fuku just arrived! I'm pretty pleased with its 2.7 pounds of meh-ness!
• CX-10C quadcopter ("the world's smallest aerial photography spirit" according to the box)
• 4 colorful silicone kitchen utensils
• 6 meh hearts
• meh Valentine cards
• "Lovely Practical Mini Car Vacuum"
• AAANND the coup de grace, a stainless steel motorcycle cup holder! (I'm pretty sure the Harley I asked for on the Fuku shipping thread will be arriving separately.)
Thanks, Meh!!!!
@rv617 It would appear that my quadcopter is not entirely new given what's tangled in its rotors -- carpet fuzz. Or gray pubic hair. But I'm really REALLY hoping it's carpet fuzz.

@rv617 Well was the a sd card in it? You could watch the video and see what it flew into...For your sake, I hope it's carpet as well.
@MrMark The card is in it! I will indulge my voyeurist impulses and report back.
On the down side, it's missing a charging cable, so I'll have to see if I can rig something up to charge the thing. :(
@rv617 Okay, so without a charging cable, my CX-10C quadcopter may end up being a tiny, little paperweight. And after I picked all the pubes out of the rotors, too.
@rv617 I have a few of those copters- I can send you a charging cable.
@sammydog01 That would be amazing! Thanks so much! Is there a way to DM you my address? Not sure if this forum supports that...
@rv617 " I picked all the pubes out of the rotors, too." Not something I thought I'd read today. This place keeps surprising me.
@hollboll Not something I ever expected I'd write, either!
@rv617 Here is a charging cable for a $1 Comes from China so takes time, but the site is legit, despite the pornish sounding name.
@rv617 You can just pop the rotors off and the glob of pubes just slides off rather than having to pick at it...unless you like picking at pubes.
@rv617 I'm at sammydog001 at gmail- send me your address and I'll drop one in the mail
@sammydog01 Thanks again! I really appreciate it! I'll drop you a line now.
No one has received my second-favorite vacuum yet.
@hollboll I'm hoping someone gets one of these

Mine came today. Got all the usual stuff, candy, bag, dart gun, cards, plus cupcake print wrapping paper. My sucker item is the earwax thingy. Can't wait to try it - on someone.
Thanks Meh! Love you guys!
@Teripie Oh yeah, also got one of the smart watches. Has a note on it says it won't charge. They're right, it won't.
@Teripie That cupcake print wrapping paper was passed on from @hollboll to me. Now it's yours!
@galmaegi Wow! That makes it extra special! Genuine celebrity wrapping paper!
Redistribution of cupcake print wrapping paper is theft.

@MrMark well done, sir
@MrMark good on ya.
Mines arriving soon, 15x15x15 at 10.2lbs. Any guesses?
I got punked by MEH. My last two Fuku's were amazing this time, I think the whole thing is worth 5 bucks. What I got:
Pink MEH bag
Dart Gun
Eclipse MP3 Video Player
USB Vacuum
Valentines cards
A cellphone cover
and an Army man.
That's it. I was I hoping everyone got punked so we could all laugh about it but people got good stuff. Oh well. Thanx Meh.
@lennon818 That fuku package is clearly worth over $5. You should not be a Price is Right Contestant.
@TheAlmighty1 I would never make it on the Price is Right. I could win a car and still wouldn't get very excited.
Worst one by far. Like I mean the previous ones were meh. But this one is just ass.
-LED Rope light. Redeemable. Box was open though.
-Looney toones MP3 player. Great now I don't have to listen to music on my phone anymore!
-Some sort of pet vacuum thing. 90% sure it's a refurb. Box was open and stuff jammed in there. Not even an expensive item, why refurb?
-A fucking vinyl record. A freaking vinyl record. Insult to injury, my record player broke a few weeks back. Not that I use it, it just fell off the shelf and stopped working.
NO VALENTINES :( I mean come on. What've I done to deserve this, do you not love me, Meh? I wear your shirts I buy your products I was honest about two bags going on my account. Break my fragile little heart.
4 items and no valentines :( At least the bag was there.
@Nexar ill be stoked if i get a vinyl record in mine
@Nexar Are they in the bag? My valentines and candy were both inside the bag.
@riceatusc if you don't you can gladly have mine, no clue what I'll do with it :p
@stardate820926 Nope! Might've fallen out when I opened it, but I don't see it anywhere.
@Nexar the valentines aren't in the bag?
@Nexar So the LED lights have this warning on them about how touching them exposes you to lead. Oh and they keep flashing in various parts. I don't think they're supposed to. Also I found the valentines on the floor, but no candy. @hollboll I mean the cards bump the Fuku back up to meh. Though the broken rope lights trying to kill me really put a dampener on things :p
@Nexar tried out the pet vac. Cat nearly killed me as soon as he heard it turn on.
Oh and the lights are busted.
I blame @jaremelz for your false valentine claim.

-Pink meh bag
-Irk valentines
-meh candy hearts
-2 pack of KooKoo Birds toys
-Portable vacuum cleaner
-Miller Lite hat
-Stealth Pro 7" tablet
Hopefully the tablet works. It's plugged in now and lights up but no luck turning it on yet.
@smashthesymbols The hat alone makes this worth while. Such America. Much beer.
Fuku showed up a day early.
Box was larger than the 13x13x13 that Fedex showed:
After removal of Texas air, box could've been much smaller than it was...
1 glorious pink Fuku bag
1 set of Meh valentines
1 pack Meh candies
1 Pet-O-Meter
1 Built Kindle Fire case
And the part that sucks:
1 car shaped desk vacuum
1 Rival vacuum sealer
As a side note on the vacuum sealer, it reads "Includes Bag Starter Kit" on the box, which simply translates to "includes one bag". lol
My first Foku:

1 (broken) fake security camera
1 real WiFi camera
1 desk vacuum cleaner
1 valentines sheet
1 pink speaker
1 weird figurine
1 pink bag
Is it normal to get something that is broken?
@nbousfield Yes.
@nbousfield yes. yes it is.
edit: damn. @galmaegi beat me to it. damn you @jaremelz!
@nbousfield I'm guessing the stack of cash in the background wasn't part of the Fuku?
@rv617 lol no it wasn't
@galmaegi @carl669 thanks. also damn I spelled Fuku wrong
@nbousfield That weird figurine would be Salacious B. Crumb. Here's a YouTube video of him.

@nbousfield how do you know the fake security camera is broken?
@jonkliao it is in three pieces. it is physically broken
My Valentines Suck Fuku made it to me today. It lives up to its theme!
Roxy is the official box inspector around here.

My very meh fuku contents:

Thanks, Meh! My husband's was still processing until yesterday, or maybe the day before, so it'll be a bit before his reaches us. I'll try to remember to post his when it comes since he's not much on forums.
@PurplePawprints the 808s are actually decent! I like mine, sound is surprisingly good too.
@Nexar The box is pretty torn up, and they were obviously returns, so they may or may not work. I'll try them in a day or so. I would be thrilled with them if my laptop had Bluetooth. I may have to research and see if there's a way to add Bluetooth. The headset is the over the ear type which would actually work quite well with my hearing aids. I have a nice turtle beach set that I use now, but it has a lot of cord.
@PurplePawprints if your laptop doesn't have bluetooth built in, you can get a USB dongle for $5-10.
Thanks, @carl669! Once I figure out if they work I'll look into getting a dongle. I was surprised when I looked a few months ago to find my laptop doesn't seem to have Bluetooth. It's only about a year and a half old.
@PurplePawprints @Nexar The 808s are ok... but mine broke after a few dozen uses. I don't think I ever recharged them more than 2 times. The power switch broke right off the board. It should have cables to use corded if you don't have bluetooth.
@Potatoboy I have no need for another corded set, but if they work and I don't use them with Bluetooth, they'll be saved for the inevitable time one of my kids break their current sets. I'm sorry yours didn't last longer. :-/
@PurplePawprints Come on, you really need the bug vacuum for backyard science experiments: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00170725S
@PurplePawprints oh the 808!!!! I wish they would sell them again... :)
Good to see all the sour grapes here. The tradition continues.
@Teripie I know, right? I laugh at all the people who drop $5 on a box of junk, and when the "as advertised" box of junk shows up, they get offended that they didn't get good enough junk to justify their $5.
@Teripie No sour grapes from me. I look at it like buying a lottery ticket (which I don't actually do). Some tickets "win", most "lose", and the fun is in giving up your money for the chance to play.
All the vacuums are hilarious. We got a tiny little Barbie-esque vacuum in our Fuku.
As well as an RC helicopter
Pork Thermometer (which I'm using tonight... to tell me when my bath is the right temperature).
Cake icing spreader things (which my wife is using this weekend to fend off Zika-squitos).
So basically all stuff we can use!
@zachary pics or it didn't happen
Mine are here & I have no complaints. I got
pink Meh bag
those splendid valentine cards
those splendid valentine candies
weirdass toadstool desk cleaner (haven't installed
batteries yet, but I assume it SUCKS!)
Insteon WiFi camera
Built slim cover for Kindle Fire
PoGo power card portable smartphone charger
If this were not exciting enough, Rand Paul and Rick Santorum both dropping out of the presidential race today would have floated my boat big-time!
@gertiestn boooo. America needs a libertarian president. Would do us some good
@gertiestn pics or it didn't happen :)
@thismyusername For three weeks, all manner of worker bees have been in my apartment tearing into the walls, adding upgrades to plumbing & electricity. I have a hard enough time finding my kitty and my bed. Good luck on locating any kind of camera and/or the patience to get the stuff online.
ok, good excuse, you get a star :)My 1st Fuku Bag was measured as 17x17x17 and weighed 22.2 lbs by USPS. But the box does not look like a cube to me.

It contains:
1 Pink Meh Fuku Bag
1 Valentine Card
1 Slimclip Money/Card Holder
1 Pogo Powerbank
1 Xtreme Power Bank
1 Dyson DC41 Vacuum
I also got a 2016 Not the First Bag of Crap today. Below is the comparison of box sizes. BOC is the top box.
I think that I am much luckier at meh.com than at woot.com. Thank you, meh! I really appreciate and enjoy the stuffs. The vacuum works great!! (Wife is happy; I am happy, too.)
@DonDonSu Awesome win on that vacuum!
My 17″ all-around box was also none of those dimensions, but let's see if that's forgivable…

What've we got?
The BCBS was not included, but did make for a good unboxing drink.
@brhfl - I'd say all-around forgivable. Awesome score!
@brhfl although I think I'll really like my vacuum, I would have LOVED another Neato. Wow.
@brhfl Great haul! Four packing peanuts!!
@brhfl I love purple.
Mine arrived today and it was meh-tacular, but well worth it for the joy it will be to see the looks on people's faces when they get the re-gifting
@pengieh pics or it didn't happen
Alright, despite that I didn't get one, I have to ask… what's with the Mother Goose record? The inconsistent price tags suggest that these are actual vintage items. Yet, it's not like the recipients got differing weird 45s — somehow, someone at meh scored a lot of old Mother Goose 45s, for the sake of a(n unrelated) themed Fuku? I realize that it's zero important, but… enquiring minds simply must know…
Mine gets delivered today. 9 lbs and 14x14x14.
Should I call in sick or be a responsible adult and go to work? (Hmmmm... We had a massive computer system failure, maybe they'll tell me not to show up!)
@transplant you should go to work and earn more cash to buy more fukus in an attempt to make up for the disappointment of the last fuku. :)
Mine has made its way to 20 minutes from my house!!
QUESTION: How are you all seeing dimensions and weight? I've still got the 2lb placeholder weight showing, and can't see any dimensions. I am using the tracking link from the email, and my shipment left TX and is in CA.
@stevenmontes from the fedex site... but just to let you know in the past many have been delivered with the incorrect weights and dimensions still showing.
@stevenmontes I've very rarely had the FedEx site ever update weight for my packages (it's not strange) this is the first Fuku (of 4) that has updated for me.
@stevenmontes Last time, mine updated after it was delivered. You know... when the extra info was completely useless to me.
It updated with the specs... 17 all around and 18 lbs. It is at USPS now.
after my last one i wasn't so sad when the mehstalker reminded me at 12:01 and I missed this one but congratulations to all you suckers who got one and to all you suckers who didn't perhaps next time
@sp3ar Hey, there. Do you have 5 minute warnings enabled? This option on the app allows you to trigger a notification 5 minutes before the new item pops, in case there is a delay with the data feed (which seems to be the case more often than not)
Checking forums on toilet, no pic.
Mine included:
1 x Pink Bag
1 x Mushroom Desk Vacuum
.9 x Motorcycle Cup Holder (missing mounting bracket, will need to go to the hardware store so I can attach it to my work table)
1 x Green rubber phone case for a model I've never heard of, dig the color though!
1 x Keep Calm style Freak Out coffee mug
1 x Panasonic electric toothbrush, seems to work. Never had one of these before, neat!
Most meh thing was the lack of valentines.
@SLepe Did you look inside the pink bag? That's where they should be.
@SLepe uhh... thanks (?) for letting us know you were on the toilet.
@SLepe And another big "thanks" for no pics while on the toilet... :)
@SLepe I got one of these Panasonic electric toothbrushes in the birthday fuku. Initially I wasn't too excited about it, but it is the one item I still use daily. Works great!
Got home and found this:
That would be 1x pink meh bag
1x bag of candy hearts
1x 4 panel valentine
1x 4GB mp3 player
1x Children gift set
1x pet pedometer
and the pièce de résistance, 1x EurekaAirSpeed MyVac vacuum.
It's like they knew I'd just moved (oh wait, I did tell them to ship and bill to a new address...) about a month ago and had LOTS more carpet to vacuum. Wow meh, that's really paying attention to detail.
I'm sure my wife will love how thoughtful I am when I give it to her for Valentine's day.
But this is my first Fuku without any bagged Texas air, so I'm kinda bummed. (But not too much, the Toshiba chromebook came today as well and it had PLENTY of bagged Texas air, so you're forgiven.)
Oh, and my daughter has been using one of the previous fuku bags so I'm sure she'll love the upgrade to pink.
Here are meh goodies!
I hope I did that image link correctly...doesn't look too promising from this end. But anyway, here is the list:
1 Pinktastic Bag
1 Sucky Mushroom Desk Cleaner
1 Cute LeapFrog
1 Crazy Slim Phone Charger (will try it tomorrow)
1 Funktastic Bluetooth Speaker (lights flash to the beat!)
The best part of the bluetooth speaker: IT TALKS! Turn it on, it says, "Se boo-toosh de-wise is wetty to pair-is." And then, after it amazingly effortlessly pairs, you get: "Se boo-toosh de-wise is con-ec-ed successfully." (For some reason, it pronounces "successfully" extremely successfully.) It didn't include any cables or anything, but that is okay - I love this thing. It was already charged, so the kids and I turned the kitchen into a mini disco and boogied out. I have a feeling this is going to wind up "missing" very soon... :)
But wait! There's more! As I start to clean up my spoils, out of meh Pinktastic Bag drops those Irktastic Valentines and Candies (2 pink, 2 purple, and 2 white - for anyone keeping count). Awesome!!
@kathyl Love the speaker!
@kathyl A leak frog, great catch!
:-( i never manage to get any fukus
Great fuku, thank you meh!

3.9 lb, 11x11x11:
1x Pink bag w/ valentines
1x Playing cards
1x Mushroom sucker
1x Pig thermometer
1x Haier 9" tablet - open box, working
I was lucky enough to score Fuku 7 and volatile-verdant-pizza (10x10x10 and 3.1 lbs) arrived Wednesday morning 2/3/16 (and for those of you with VMP that are nosy with profile pages or keeping track, @Pavlov and I now buy under a separate username that maintains VMP status, which is why our order counts don't appear to rise).
1 gorgeous pink Meh carry bag (@Pavlov won't steal this one from me - YAAAAY!)
1 sheet of Irk and Glen Valentines cards (already framed and hanging in @Pavlov's office waiting for his return)
1 deck of playing cards (this is the third time we've gotten them in a fuku, Meh must have a lot of them!)
2 mushroom suckers, both work as well as expected (totally Meh)
1 PoGo power card portable smartphone charger (new, functional, in use right now)
1 Insteon WiFi camera (NIB, sealed, 100% funtional [awesome!!!!!])
18 bags of Texas air - 15 breathable in case of apocalypse, three were punctured.
No candy, but I'm not complaining!
THANKS SO MUCH, MEH and Happy Valentine's Day! I'll be sure to send something down to your office in return!
@Pavlov hasn't been back in town to report on his goat prize, but it is here (along with two - yeah that's right @studerc, two large fuku's) and I'm sure he'll update when he has time in late February when things settle down for him and he has a chance to get caught up!
I called him (he's in London) to tell him about the fuku (and a few other things), it was about 2:30AM there when I finally reached him - he was either drunk as fuck or really tired, as he said to me, "Cool. Walk without rhythm, and it won't attract the worm. Love you, see you soon."
I have no earthly idea why he quoted Fatboy Slim, but hey, he's completely nucking futz, I'm just along for the ride. Although, he may have been dreaming he was on Arrakis (again).
So, here's one of the the greatest music videos ever:
@MrsPavlov First...major props for droppin' the Walken on us, I love that video!
Second, great fuku haul!
Third, Im glad you both were able to get things sorted with the last blunder...i hope the big fukus are filled with wonder and joy. Maybe i should have followed a similar path!
@MrsPavlov love that video!
@MrsPavlov pics pics pics
Got mine in yesterday 5 days early from the estimated time. Seriously quick from Meh as I'm near Buffalo and takes a while for stuff out here to appear. Here we go..
did NOY like them
Metawatch in green!!! (did meh ever sell a green one?), I have the metal leather band one but it sorta stopped working so I'll have to see if that works.
Thanks meh for the haul and he knife in the pic is my go to knife from @goldenthorn in the last exchange. It's a seriously cool knife.
I got mine. Meh.
3.Meta smart watch
@dhodges22 You don't really sound excited about "Desk cleaner vacuum that looks like a car". Okay...
@galmaegi I still hope mine will be a Zamboni.
@sammydog01 ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@dhodges22 pics pics pics must... see... car... vacuum....
Got mine this morning two whole days ahead of the smartpost schedule!

On its way to me the fuku grew from 2 lbs, to 2.5 lbs to 3.1 lbs.
I coincidentally also received a BOC today (thank you to @boc for the alert here in the forums), and the fuku is the clear winner among losers. In the BOC I got a flying monkey, a plug in light timer, a shower radio or something(?) and some other crap I'll never use.
Weird forum formatting note: I wrote 5 (and even tried to go back and edit and it says "5" in the text box there), but it still says 1 here. Hmmm...
Also- It's JLAB not JBL which is my own error :)
@liz How do you set up an alert for BOC?
@StrangerDanger I don't know. But there's a very helpful user named BOC here on the meh forums here who posted in the main fuku thread saying it was available (and a link), and I happened to be online at the time.
@liz That's how I scored one as well.
Well, I received my 32.4lb Fuku this morning... And technically I didn't get anything that sucked...
-Meh Valentine's Cards: Damaged.
-Meh Candy Hearts: Damaged.
-Meh Pink Bag: New.
-Soft Dart Gun: New
-Edward Scissorhands Photo Album: New; Weird.
-O-Cedar O-Duster: New. No Suckage, though. It just dusts.
-Ion Bluetooth Block Rocker Speaker: Used. Ding on corner. Had a microphone supplied, but no power cord... Oh, you think you can defeat me, Meh? Well, luckily I work in a place that has a ton of those AC Adapter plugs just lying around. Plugged it in, and now let's see if it holds a charge. It does work plugged in... The Bluetooth connection works. The thing even has wheels, like it's a carry-on bag.
Most excellent haul, even without an item that performs any suckage.
@BillLehecka you are the one whom gets sucked... after giving the valentines?> Mehby? Too grotesque for meh?
@BillLehecka I think we can say that the suction cups at the end of the darts suck.
@christinewas No Suction cups at the end of my darts.
@BillLehecka Hmmm. I guess yours is a suck-free zone, then. Your fuku is just one big lie.
Okay, just got mine in, and it makes up for the crappy ones I've gotten before:
Donald Duck ice hockey Christmas Ornament with one broken leg
Classic Marvel BATTLES and Team-Ups, Incredible Hulk and Thor. Squeeze handle to make them look like they're battling
Izon View (webcam thing I guess)
Pink Fukubukuro bag, candy hearts, V-Day cards
And suckiest of all: iRobot Roomba 790 (and its not even refurbished!)
@LionMan Awesome!
@LionMan congratulations! That's a great one!
@LionMan http://imgur.com/aB8rjmg
Here it is. The box was 17x17x17 and weighed 20.4 lbs.
direct image for us lazy types

@LionMan are those those collapsible storage bins? I've been eyeballing those at sams (waiting for a price drop ;) ).
@thismyusername Thanks for the picture. I couldn't figure out how to post the picture in the thread. The bins are the heavy duty bins from Lowes. Currently using them to hold two monitors on them.
My 11x11x11 4.4lb Fuku also arrived earlier than expected. Seems well worth the $5 lottery.
Got my Valentines/Birthday 2/14 Fukubukaru

45.9 ft of LED Lights
Pull back soft dart gun
Desk Cleaner mushroom shaped vacuum IT'S PURPLE :D
Sillicon kitchen utensels
pink fuku bag
heart shaped straw
meh valentines cards
meh hearts.
No pictures, but I got mine today.
The standard Fukubukuro Bag, Candy and card sheet.
a bundle of Garage sale signs made of heavy plastic. I could sell them for the $5 I spent since they are marked $8.92. A really cool mug based on the "Keep Calm and Carry On" posters that says "Now Panic and Freak Out", a USB Vacum, and the best one is the Meta M1 Smartwatch, which seems to be working, but I'll charge it and see.
Here's what I'm 'buz'zing about!!!
@mrjoshg "For use on Windows 95" HAHAHA! nice.
@mrjoshg haha does the software for that buz come on a Clik! drive? rofl
@WhiteKenny Hopefully my Dell Pentium w/ MMX can handle this!
@mrjoshg Forgot to mention is has about a half-inch of dust on it, too.
@mrjoshg Things sure have changed…
My Fuku says it will be delivered today (Was supposed to be Saturday)! 8.3 lbs and 14' square. Will update later with details!
edit: make that 14" square.
@DaveInSoCal 14″ cube? ;)
@brhfl thanks :)
Amazing haul picks to follow later
No i dont know how to add pictures so here we go 2 leak frogs, the monkeys at home toy, 4 valentines day, cards meh candy, body composition bathroom scale, oduster, and of course the pink meh bag.
@mwalradt imgur.com!
@thismyusername is "direct link" the same as "share link"? btw, i don't have an account that i authenticate to.
@DMlivezey You don't need an account. And, after you upload it, 'direct link' is (or should be) one of the choices on the right.
@DMlivezey No you want the "direct link"... or alternatively you can take the "share link" and just add .png on the end of it.
Wasn't expecting my Fuku until Monday, but it arrived today! My awesome contents:
Pink Meh bag
Meh Valentines
3D Puzzle blocks (set of three)
Henry desk vac
PoGo Credit card portable smartphone charger
Funai Blu-ray/Dvd player! (presumed refurb, and not yet tested.)
Thanks Meh!
@Nuveena I love Henry.
@Nuveena wait, the blu-ray player came w/ the remote? you hit the motherload there!
@WhiteKenny Remote and cord!
I got mine today.
1x Pink Fuku bag
1x super shitty dart gun
1x mushroom noise maker disguised as a cleaner of some sort
1x Beef Thermometer
1x Valentine's Cards
1x Totally screwed up Meta watch
@capguncowboy Ha! my watch can't hold a charge for more than a couple of hours, along with other misc. problems. Thank heavens I didn't pay for it.
@mfladd You're welcome
@mfladd Mine turns on, but it won't boot. Then it goes into non-stop vibrating mode. I've tried about every button combination possible but it won't reset. It's sitting with the battery removed right now. Hopefully that works. Otherwise, It's destined for the garbage.
Happy valentines day indeed....
I got my Fuku today, I'll try to get a pic up today
1 pink Fuku bag
A set of Meh valentine's
1 pet pedometer
1 Fisher Price kids push back
1 Insteon IP camera, no cords but looks wireless, hoping it works( Yay!!!)
1 new in box LG DVD player
Thanks Meh for a non sucky Valentines
Ok, I got my fukubukuro package today! Inside was the following:
1 Pink fukubukuro pink bag.

1 Kiss Naturals Glycerine Soap
1 Henry Keyboard Vacuum.
1 Janky taped up meta smart watch
1 2010 Doughman T-Shirt - Size Medium. Must be some sort of marathon thing. Has a bunch of sponsors on the back that looks like it was some sore of course the marathon took.
6 Meh candies.
4 Meh Valentines
Returning home from work, there on my front porch was a box containing my FUKU goodness!

Here’s what I got:
30+bags of Texas air (would it be a Fuku without them?)
One pretty in pink Fuku bag
One 0 Cedar-Duster robotic floor cleaner
One Chefs Pal Pork thermometer
One GT express 101 food cooker (It bakes, it fires, it grills!)
One porcelain time flies hinged box with little star and moon
(Just like @owlhooter, the cat was not included in Fuku, just happen to think she should check things out.)
No Irk Valentines or candy hearts, but I do love the bag. I’m currently using a knee scooter to get around after ankle surgery, so will be using my Fuku bag to carry stuff. I'm sure they’ll be amazed and astounded at work.

Despite others being disappointed in their FUKU, I’m a happy camper. Thanks!
@transplant make sure you check inside the bag for the valentines and candy
Thank you, @stardate820926 I didn't look there.

It's almost like getting a 2nd fuku!
Now to find an mehappropriate frame!
@transplant Yay!
@transplant What a pretty cat!
Got a bluetooth speaker thing.. with the return receipt still in it? Why would I possibly want a defective used bluetooth speaker?
@jeffca51 to learn about electronics and fix it yourself?
@jeffca51 fuku bags, disappointing people since day zero. Get used to it.
@somf69 Just wasn't expecting a literal box of garbage.
@jeffca51 now you know what to expect with a Fuku.

@jeffca51 be happy you didn't get a pallet of broken TV's. I almost got that but fortunately they respected that I had no place to put a pallet of anything broken or not.
My very first Fuku contains:
1 pretty pink Meh bag.
1 Belkin Universal Keyboard Case for a 10" Tablet (damaged box)
1 Pink Charge & Sync 3.2 ft Tangle Free Micro USB Retractable Cable
1 Blue Mushroom desk vacuum/desk cleaner
1 Neoprene Sleeve for iPad 2
1 page of slightly folded Meh Valentines
1 bag of tiny Meh hearts
Overall haul is Mehtastic, pretty much what I expected.
I have no Valentine this year, would anyone like my Meh Valentines?
@mehgrl I have that neoprene sleeve!
@sammydog01 I have no idea what do with it. Any suggestions?
@mehgrl I have an ipad air with a plastic case and hinged cover. The whole thing fits nicely into this sleeve for added protection. I use it for travel. Your nifty new universal cover and keyboard may even go in there.
@sammydog01 That's a good idea! Thanks Sammy.
@mehgrl Are you looking for a valentine or to rehome your valentines? I am claimed for the former and looking for the latter.
@speediedelivery I'd be happy to send you the Meh Valentines so they can be rightly appreciated. How do we make this happen?
@mehgrl If you email my username here at Google we can work it out.
My Fuku #7 arrived today. 16X16X15 box, 11.5 lbs.
The score:
The bag
Valentines (colors WAY offset)
Valentine's meh candy
Oster Ice Cream Maker!
Item that sucks: Fisher-Price toy vacuum, for new grandson Gunner!
Pull Back Dart Gun
Rectal thermometer for a tiny cow
Texas farts-in-a-bag
Looks like everything works. Probably won't get a chance to try the thermometer.
Thanks meh!
My fukubukuro arrived this afternoon!! First fukubukuro after 6 failed attempts
1 awesome pink fukubukuro bag
1 valentine's day card set
1 mushroom desk vacuum
1 tweety bird globe nightlight
1 purple iPhone 5 gel case
1 Mota smart watch
Great job meh!
@dieselbrain A purple gel case AND a Tweety nightlight -- You hit the jackpot!
I Got Meh Candy Hearts!!! YEAH!!!
I also got.....
1 - Pull back soft dart gun
1 - Green rubber iphone cover
1 - 19.7 ft long string of led lights
1 - sheet of meh valentines
1 - pink meh bag
1 - ROOMBA 970 !!!!!!!
meh, pulled a nice one with the 2lbs weight, I got home from the office today for lunch and there was this big box on the front porch. I was stunned when I opened the box! Hell Yea! I'm pretty sure this in NOT a refrub too. It's got factory seals on the flaps too. I saw a couple of online prices for this model and I am stunned. I am sending a big thank you gift to the staff for this one!!! Thanks meh!!!
@somf69 awesome haul and congrats!
@somf69 deleted that other post for you. :)
Ok, got mine today. Posting on mobile, sorry for formatting:
Pink fuku bag
Meh candy hearts
Meh Valentines Cards
Heart Shaped Straw
Memorex CD Player Boombox
Tablet Stand
Eco Travel Mug
Electrolux 2in1 cordless Standing / Handheld Vacuum
I feel this made up for my last fuku :)
@stevenmontes Wow - awesome! :)
Much larger than 9x9x9 placeholder size. Not much heavier than the 2lb placeholder weight (maybe 3-4lb)
- Pink bag
- Irk valentines
- Captain America and Ironman Classic Marvel Battles
- Pogo 850mAh battery pack
- Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Vacuum
- Skyflyer NX fiber optic drone! With bonus hole in front of box, hope it works!
Sweet! Thanks as always, Meh!
Ha, joke's on me, the drone controller has no sticks!
@djslack Golf Tees and epoxy :)
My 9.2 lb came today. Got the standards:
Edward scissor hands photo album
A Neato Botvac 65

It needed a thorough cleaning and de-hairing. I put it on the charger and after some googling, figured out how to change the language back to English. It's cleaned half the house and is back on the charger to get a battery pick me up. I am beyond happy! Thanks Meh!!!
Got my first Fukubukuro today:
Irk and Glen Valentines cards
6 - Meh heart candies
Pink Fuku bag
Dart gun
Mini vacuum cleaner
META Smart Watch
Extreme Power Card
And just in case I'm needing to be reminded this wasn't a BOC: this...

@Mehrocco_Mole pics?
@Mehrocco_Mole Looks like it's my handwriting.
@galmaegi I like how efficient our handwriting of Fuku is. No time wasted between the k and the u. Great work.
@snapster And didn't waste a whole post-it note either. Very efficient indeed. You should be proud!
@galmaegi So if I sent this back to you I can get your autograph? (just ignore the carbon paper and blank check underneath it) I promise to frame it and hang it in a suitable place.
@galmaegi @snapster Whoever wrote this note in my Fuku used similar letter writing efficiency.

@stardate820926 whoa that's like full on cursive. mad skill.
@Mehrocco_Mole yup, send it back to me I'll make sure to sign and mail it back to ya! Also, I know Fuku doesn't deserve the whole post it note, just a little piece.
@snapster No time to waste for CS.
Got my 4.4lb box today...not too mehy! Got the usual valentines swag, Chinese doll house toy vacuum, 850mah usb charger, and a Braun CT5CC razor! Only exciting because I hate to shave and was pissed I missed the cheap razor on here last month.
@elmookador did your CT5CC come with the cleaning cartridge? We just got a $125 razor for $5 :)
oh and ... pics or it didn't happen.
@thismyusername haha, it did! Mine is new and complete. Haven't plugged it in yet though to see if it works...no pics for now, sorry
Fuku came today and here it is: http://imgur.com/a/WmfLu
Thanks for the tiny giraffe!
for us lazy types:

@DaveInSoCal - Hahaha - Banana for scale!
Clearly not 17x17x17 inches, but 23.4 lbs felt about right:

Here are the contents of the box:
* Pink meh fuku bag
* Irk & Glen valentine's cards
* Pet-O-Meter
* 360 deg. UFO XL flying thing without remote or charger
* Mr. T. "The Dilemma of the Double-Edged Dagger" readalong book and VINYL from 1984
And drumroll the sucky item:
* Full sized Eureka Airspeed vacuum in working order with bags, manual and attachments.
Mine arrived.... and it contains....
Thanks meh! Now I just need to find me a cleaning cartridge....
I think pictures of everything I got have been posted already, so I'll save a little of everybody's bandwidth. Besides the pink bag, candy hearts and Valentines, I got:
All in all, well worth the $5.
Standard fare:
-Pink Fuku bag
-Meh hearts
-Valentine's cards (bent for extra meh)
Theme Item:
-Green mushroom vac (complete with clothing tag with Amazon.com seller's webfront QR code)
Closeout item: (?)
-Moocow thermometer
Dollar Store item:
-Dart Gun
Random thing from the meh warehouse:
-Razer Tiamat headphones- Last sold on Meh in November 2014? instead of 2.2 they play 1.1 which is ok if you only have one ear. The mic also pulls out a bit too far for it's own good and you can see the naked cable!
Ah, broken refurbs from over a year ago. Where was this hiding? It's a fukubukuro miracle!
Pic maybe later, you can see everything above except for the headphones.
Pretty solid actually.
In addition to the standard items my fuku included:
A vacuum names Henry.
A grippy sticker for my phone.
A tablet case
And a 9" tablet that doesn't fit in the case.
Took some work to get the tablet to power on but it seems to be functional or at least as functional as a tablet with little ram and "8 GB" of storage space can be.
hollboll edit, FTFY
At first I was very sad that I didn't get the cards or the candy. Then I looked in the bag itself, whew, at least I was not that unlucky (after the BOC I got the day before ... )
Disney Mixtuff case
The Monkeys at home (must be a collectors edition worth big bux, let me check eBay ...)
a straw
and an ear cleaner
Texas air (not pictured)
Our Fuku came. My kids waited for me to get home, then helped with the unboxing.
Pink Fuku bag
meh! candy hearts
Irk valentines
Green silicone iPhone 5 case
Sharper Image Pet-o-meter
Pink doll size toy vacuum
7" RCA tablet
The RCA tablet came with the usb charging port pre melted. At least it didn't burn my house down. It also came with Samsung Galaxy Tab manuals in the box...
I have a 6 year old girl, so she hit the jackpot. She claimed the pink bag with "Chinese New Year letters" and the pink doll size toy vacuum cleaner. Her dolls spent the rest of the night cleaning our couch pillows.
Thanks meh!
I was the recipient of a fukubukuro today as well. This lovely pile of loot arrived in the mail
Contents include
-the usual pink bag with candy hearts
-Winne the Pooh figurine
-Samsung bluetooth headset
-Pogo USB power bank
-and a Crumby cream sheep table vacuum
I must say that I'm glad to see so many Fukubukuros included vacuums. Given that my last one included a Shark upright vac and this one has a table vac, I was beginning to think you were trying to send me a message.
Sorry guys, commenting via my phone, no pics.
My 3.3lb box contained:
- Eragon lunch box
- Edward Scissorhands photo album
- Purple mushroom desk cleaner
- Razor gaming headset
- Pink Fuku bag
- Valentine cards
- Heart candies
Always exciting to open these up. Thanks Meh!!!
@el_bandolero007 I love purple.
@Barney Haha! We all know, Barney.
Picked up my Fuku from my leasing office yesterday and I'm really happy with it!

Thanks Meh! My girlfriend immediately claimed the shroomvac and Winnie the Pooh block, so we're both p happy.
Image because I'm dumb and didn't format it right.
The bag, the cards, the candy (almost over looked in the bag),

4 pack of green kitchen spoons,
Pork thermometer "It Oinks!", (4stars on Amehzon)
Eclipse MP3 & Video Player - 4GB (2.5 stars on Amehzon)
Journey's Edge Auto Vacuum now with 100% more LED lighting (1 star on Amehzon)
Thanks Meh!
Nice haul for $5. Most already posted by others.
Pink Bag with candy and cards
Izon Wi-Fi Camera
Desk Vacuum
Bottle Opener Necklace
Desk Vacuum
Leak Frog (Yea!! Can never have too many of those)
and...a Mini Porcelain Hinged Box Retrospect Collectors Series with Outstretchd hands holding a Slinky??
Received my 18.5 pound Fuku today. Luckily it came a day early even with the 5" of snow we got this morning.
I was lucky enough to receive the following:
1 - Pretty Pink Bag
1 - Very Small bag of candy hearts
1 - Sheet of Valentines Day Cards (it's a good thing too because I have been procrastinating on getting my wife a card!)
1 - Leakfrog
1 - Pink Toy Vacuum and cleaning accessories playset
1 - Marvel Tin Toy Action Set with Wolverine and The Thing
1 - Four Channel Wired Camera System with Monitor and Cameras.
Overall it was a pretty good Haul!
@woozy99 Damn, I was just looking to get some cameras for the ol' homestead. My fuku is only 7lbs though.
I promised I would do an item by item comparison of my crap and fuku. Woot crap on the left.

Woot wins
Texas air:

Meh wins
Branded items:

Meh wins- not even a monkey on the left
WTF items:

Tough call- I'm leaning toward Woot because I like the tiny fighter planes. Although my desk is dusty.

Woot by a landslide
Useful items:

Again a bit tricky. The razor is obviously more valuable than the Wario amiibo, but only if it is thoroughly cleaned of the large quantities of gray hair that cover the razor and case. And also it depends if the razor works. And also it depends if I ever get drunk enough to clean it off and find out if it works. My son has been pestering me for the amiibo since it arrived, so it definitely has a use. I'll be generous and call it for Meh.
It looks like Meh by a hair (or a pile of gray bristles).
@sammydog01 My Braun shaver was also covered with grey fuzz, but I thought it was just "factory" dust. Now, after taking another look, I'm not so sure it isn't from a previous user. At least the accessories all look good and comes with a solution to clean it off.
@kuoh My manual had the accessories that go with this model circled in pencil- I have a feeling they were added new to the box. And the solution looks new.
@sammydog01 ewww! soak it in alcohol razors can cause infections, such as warts (caused by a virus), folliculitis (typically caused by staph bacteria), or jock itch (fungal infection)
Received today:
Pink Fuku bag
Mushroom Desk Cleaner
CD (Funny Freaking Phone Calls)
Kitchen Meister (10pc. - Silicone Cupcake Baking Cups)
My Fuku arrived today!
pink bag
meh valentines
meh candy
gojo handfree cellphone holder x2
pink toy vacuum
a traffic jam....bag of cars
an insteon wifi camera new and sealed in the box!
thanks meh!!!

Let's see what we got here...
- Bag, Valentines, and Candies
- Shitty mushroom vacuum
- Reading Glasses
- A Tiny Decorative Box Commemorating the Slinky (?)
- Open Box Return Hamilton Beach FlexBrew Coffee Maker!
Thanks, Meh!
@denton You got ahead of the meh deal on 2/06/2016.
-1800 mah Keychain battery back
-prank phone call cd
-children's gift set
-used eureka airspeed myvac missing multiple attachments and full of dirt. Haven't tested it yet and don't know how much use it will get because my new home is 100% carpet free. But I guess I can vacuum the hardwoods.....
Ours snuck up to our front door today without us or the dogs noticing! Pretty impressive considering the size....
Why no Roomba?! just kidding. Thanks meh! Best fuku I've gotten so far... although we do already have a dyson (on account of 2 dogs and 2 cats in a carpeted house) so I'm trying to find a home for the Eureka. Probably going local if I can find a friend that needs it, but if there's any interest here in mehland that's a possibility too!
@Mehntok Ok, I have to see the Dr. Doom vs Mr Fantastic metal toy - please post.
@mfladd similar to the others, like this:
got the goods!
pink Meh bag (not pictured due to confiscation by child)
Meh valentine cards
Marvel Hulk vs Thor thingamahootchie
4 pack silicone spoons
Mota G2 lite smartwatch (haven't checked it)
Heart shaped straw
Candy hearts
Mushroom vacuum
i'd have to say the mushroom is the biggest hit because just this last weekend, the boy learned to vacuum. he's quite thorough.
@carl669 A purple mushroom?!?!
@carl669 I'd pay for a thorough cleaning service like that. What's his hourly rate? :)
@Barney yes! a purple mushroom!!
@einrad he'll work for pork rinds, salami and 85% chocolate. i, however, charge $2/mile for the drive.
@carl669 Aww, I love purple... and your kid. He's such a cutie!
Do people still want a hi-res scan of the valentine sheet? Or has somebody done that already?
@denton I haven't seen any announcement/thread of that yet so I think maybe it hasn't been done yet...
@denton Id appreciate a good scan
@MrGlass Here you go. https://meh.com/forum/topics/hi-res-scan-of-meh-valentines
Pink bag
Mushroom vacuum
Letter block
Valentine's Day cards (best thing in the box)
Silicone kitchen utensils
A Braun razor so covered in hair and someone else's dead skin it went straight into the trash
It was fun anyhow for my first Fuku. Thanks Meh.
@mcque23 Why throw the razor away? Did you not get the accessories and cleaning solution? Heck I'd pay you shipping and a small handling fee just to have the spare accessories and parts!
@mcque23 Why don't you buy another Braun and return that one for cash back. Then you have a brand new one.
@densa - Bad Karma.
i got my sucky fuku today!
well, i got it wednesday but postal service was holding it hostage because they do not know how to deliver packages
technically the ocedar is a duster not a vacuum, so my fuku doesn't suck!
^ not really :) thanks again
Great way to finish the week!
(Hope I do this correctly)
-Pink Meh Bag
-CleanRobot (!) (have not opened yet, but my son is having fun sending pics of the mostly all (Chinese?) text ☺️) I love it!
-PoGo portable smartphone charger
-Samsung HM1900 Bluetooth headseat with extra set of instructions and warranty for an LG headphone set
-Classic Marvel Battles Team-Up of Spider-Man and the Goblin
-Packaged Air and Box
-Meh Valentines
And 6 lovely Meh Hearts
Thank you!!!!
(Uh-oh something went wrong on the links? )

Same son pointed out my error:
Here's pics:
@marnakangas Aww, purple hearts on purple background. You have stolen MY heart.
@marnakangas Nice Haul. The robot packaging is Japanese, btw (since you asked). I tried to translate for you, but alas, it's been too long

Awww Thanks!
ahh thank you! :)
@marnakangas Ha! I love it. You should post in the forum more often.
@marnakangas FYI Its actually Japanese on the Clean Robot box not Chinese.
@marnakangas @kleineleh From top to bottom in a clockwise pattern the package says:
- Cleaning robot for floor
- This robot can move freely, your room is always clean
- This robot can clean your room instead of you
- This robot needs a cleaning sheet, it includes 20 cleaning sheets
- This robot can move under the desk and bed
- When this robot touches a wall it can change direction
- Needs four AA batteries
@mehdaf - Nice. So it's more like a robot swiffer than a roomba.
I love the line "This robot can clean your room instead of you". lol

Oooh! Thank you!
Here's my reveal:
-Pink bag
-Heart straw
-Candy Hearts
-VD Cards - I could really use a hand if you know what I'm talking about.
-Eclipse - 4gb mp3, video player, extraordinary, with a price tag that claims it to be 24.99. It may or may not work.
-An Eclipse Model No. X-Stream speaker - it was tossed in the box. I haven't had any luck turning it on.
-Sliding Robots.
-the part that makes VD bag sucks. A USB vacuum.
Bags of air that may have made me and the misses sick.
I blame you MEH.
Of course, we already had sliding robots. Anyone want to trade the sliding robots for those neato's? FYI, the work pretty good... even on wood floors. They go for cheap at Menards occasionally.
Lastly, thank you NH for taking those politicians away for us. Daily polls calling to see how you vote.... it was yeah.
Thanks, Meh.
Can't believe you guys! I was stressing over what to get my wife for Valentine's Day...and I got the Fuku. So rather than open it now, I'm giving it to her as her Valentine's Day.
You know what they say,....when you want to give her the best, give her Meh!
18.6 lbs
1 bag
6 candies (not shown, kiddos swiped them)
1 sheet valentine's
1 stp hat (the car part company not the band)
1 deck of cards
1 850mah pogo battery
1 botvac 850, slightly used with all the accessories, charged it up and it works pretty well. By no means does it compare to my Riccar upright, but, it is hellafun and good for lazy days.
@drewcroa. Very pleased to report that the botvac, though slightly dirty, is fully functional after a full test if it's programing(scheduling), and super fun to watch. Not pleased to report that my dear wife had threatened the couch as my future residence should I recieve any further boxes from anywhere in which i do not know the contents prior to opening.
I got mine early too. I got the pink bag
6 candy hearts
A tweety bird bubble night light
A cow meat thermometer
A querky egg minder
An o-duster robotic floor cleaner.
I hope the rest of you fo as well....
@kcface I love the Tweety Bird night light.
Me too.
Got my fuku today, a day earlier than the estimated delivery date. I kinda wish I didnt get it early though cause the mailman decided to leave the box on my snow covered porch and not ring the doorbell. the whole bottom was soaked and it spread up the sides about half way. when i opened it up there were 2 items inside in their own cardboard boxes, both of which were also soaked. nothing seems damaged though.
so anyway, I got the normal pink meh bag, irk valentines sheet, meh heart candies, the pork thermometer and some small 'time flies' thing. the box says its a porcelain hinged box.
the 2 items that came in soaked boxes are a brand new mini sized dirt devil vacuum cleaner called a simpli stik 3-in-1, and a refurbed vacuum food sealer by rival.
not a bad haul for $5! cant wait for the next fuku.
@alxj about that izon cam.... do the manual setup, that QR code never works... well supposedly the firmware update makes it work better, but of course it needs to be connected before it can update firmware, so just do the manual setup.
Too Lazy to take a picture, so (as it were) Meh:
- Dirt Devil 3-in1 stick vacuum
- Magnavox BluRay player in LG box (sans remote)
- Creature Cups Crocodile coffee mug
- Suction cup dart gun w/ three darts
- Meh bag w/ Valentine cards and Meh candy hearts.
(I would pay for a large bag of Meh candy hearts... those things are awesome.)
I actually scored a triple crown last month... Plugster, BoC, & Fuku.
--> Meh leads in large items
--> Plugster had the most small items (battery powered LED spotlight, plug in speaker, misc. swisstech thingy, screwdriver bit set, first aid kit...)
--> Woot was a solid third place... so, yeah.
how do you get a fukubuku box?
If you are very fast and very lucky (or unfortunate) in Step 3 you might prove you are not a robot before they sell out and then you brace yourself for the disappointment of the eventual arrival of the fukubukuro you just bought.
To help you with your odds you can practice deceiving google that you are not a robot by clicking here and checking the box next to "I'm not a robot".
Good luck!
@thismyusername Step 3. *you're
@carl669 thanks carl... got you a badge :)
My 3.3lb Fuku arrived last night! Here's how we made out:
Fuku Great Success! It's always so much fun - even if you only get junk. I think my kids were just as excited as I was!!
Man, my Fukuburu is 35 pounds and in a 3 foot long box and has been turned over to my local postal service three days ago and has gone from "Friday Delivery" to pending. I'm slowly going up a tree.
21 lbs!
One bag complete with Meh hearts and Valentines
One purple phone case
One set of monkeys being stared at by a three year old
One meta smart watch, functional (as much as it ever was)
One Roomba 790, with RMA information from New Egg (definately used, but after 12 hours of charging appears to be perfectly functional and solving my endless pine needle problems on a white floor).
Thanks Meh!
@Deelron I love purple.
@Deelron u got a roomba congrats -- that's what I was hoping for -- enjoy your great FUKU bag #7 :)
Got Mine today:
1-fuku bag
1-Dime bag of meh. candy hearts
1-Sheet of 4 Valentines cards
1-cool heart shaped straw
1-laptop sleeve case
1-Sharper image Pet-o-meter (will never know if it works, Brutus sleeps 24 hours a day)
1-Childs plastic toy vacuum (was hoping for at least something that actually physically sucked and not
just sucks. My fiancee actually fell to the floor laughing at me for getting it.)
I saved the best for last,
1-extra large pet bed. Brutus loves it. You made his Valentines day!!!!!!!!
Arrived today:
- 1 heart straw
- 4 Meh valentines
- 6 Valentine Meh candy hearts
- W for Winnie the Pooh
- 3 closet organizer thingys (modeled by my lovely wife)
- 'My very own' vac toy
- Beef thermometer
- Headlamp
- Pink Meh. bag
- If the 3 aMeh.ricans above try to claim the same item, I'll make up a contest to decide
- Missing from shipment: a Refurbed Toshiba Chromebook, an Onkyo Receiver and another Sailor Moon book, yea that would've been nice, oh yea, and a pony! Wait (edit), one more thing, one of those $300 drones too.
View post on imgur.com
@DMlivezey lolz, i just checked inside the headlamp and it is powered by, you guessed it, Fuji AAA batteries, just like the leakers (yeah I kept mine too)
@DMlivezey Bummer about the pony.
Received my Valentine Fuku today:
• Pink Fuku bag
• Meh Valentines
• Meh Valentine candy hearts (some are purple :-)
• Crocodile creature cup
• Soft dart gun
• Very cool Zamboni Desk Vac
• Not new Stealth Pro 7" Internet Tablet
I will try the tablet after I clean off the cooties. I was hoping I would get a tablet in my Fuku. I suspect I may still be hoping.
Thank you Meh!
@heartny - You got the zamboni! Score!!!!!
@heartny nice!
@heartny Love the Zamboni.
@hollboll ...Theres the ZAMBONI!
@heartny I love purple.
@Barney But do you love the Zamboni?
@heartny You, of all people, should know the answer to your question, "It's not purple."
@Barney It's dark blue, so it's half purple. You can half like it?
@heartny Your argument has halfway convinced me.
@stardate820926 it was so hard not saying anything before! @heartny, yay! That's definitely my second favorite vacuum. :)
@hollboll It's just so awesome! I have a lego-like zamboni on my desk and I think I need one of these too.
@hollboll Thank you. What's your first favorite?
@heartny the R2D2 one above. I have a third favorite but I don't think it's been pictured yet. Only one of those was shipped.
FedEx told me my box arrived in Boston 3am Thursday, still waiting.
@axleman1011 rut row
@axleman1011 They probably passed it off to the Post Office for delivery. Not to worry. Yet.
Clearly I have pleased the Gods of Meh!
But Annie was not pleased to see another of those evil sucking machines enter her home.
@Zott Nice- a good vacuum and a copter too.
This will be my first post in a reveal thread without a photo to accompany, sorry.
As always thanks Meh, was a fun journey.
@Ignorant forgot about the Donald Duck ornament.
He must have been in deep because he was decapitated and both legs broken off. Poor guy.
This is a test to see if I can get a Photo Bucket picture posted.
@Teripie WTF??? Since downloading Windows 10 I can not post pictures. Dammit!!!
@Teripie This was posted from Photobucket on Win10:

The only difference I see is that my image ends in ".jpg" rather than ".jpeg"
@rockblossom It's making me a little crazy. I can't get the right property addresses on any of my Photo Bucket pictures, even the ones I know have posted in in the past. Grrrrrr
@Teripie use imgur, photobucket has always been a bit odd with them forcing you back to their ads.
@thismyusername Let's see if this works, dammit!

@Teripie It worked! I think I'll post this picture in every fucking thread!
@Teripie - That would be most of the threads in the forum. lol
@Teripie Found it:
Your URL with ".html" appended gives the page containing the image, but not the image itself. From the photobucket image page I just right clicked the image and used copy & paste to get the URL here.
@Teripie Now we can see the famous @hollboll and @galmaegi wrapping paper :) Btw. I had to google that ear sucker thing and only found it on French amazon. Demo video:
@einrad Not sure exactly what you're saying you did here. "Right click the image, click properties, then copy the URL there." That's what I do and the URL works when pasted to an open page. But does not work here. http://s71.photobucket.com/user/Teripie/media/Shaka%20Flowers_1.jpg.html?o=0
Doesn't matter. I got a Imgur account and I think it's quicker and easier than damned Photo Bucket.
Thanks for your efforts to help me.
@Teripie Hmm. I can see your fuku photo in this thread fine. Even from a private browsing window. Not sure what I was doing differently from you.
Your URL:
I got the worst fuku...again. 6.2 lb 13x13x13 box
20 Texas air.
Pink meh bag.
Meh heart candy
V.d. cards
Used kitchen soup laddles with stand.
Kids cheap ass plastic dollar store tiny vacuum.
Pogo battery charge
Cheap iPod plastic cover.
That's it . I would've been satisfied with just meh quality but this is amazon woot level shit.
@msujp was the box damaged/opened/retaped?
@thismyusername That doesn't sound like 6 pounds worth of stuff. Unless the kitchen stuff was really heavy.
@sammydog01 the box did not seem to be in bad shape or opened. It did seem really light for six pounds . i would have guessed it was about 3 pounds. The box was huge compared to the contents. It did sit in the same fedex office in kentucky though for four days before moving again. Oh well i guess
@msujp sounds like you're missing a medeocre tablet
@msujp was it the fisher price vacuum? My brother got that. It's actually a $15 toy with 4.5 stars.
@StrangerDanger no it was a chinese dollar store toy thats called something like "family fun set" real cheap crap.
@StrangerDanger woozy appears to have recieved the same cleaning set and has a picture. Its not available anywhere but one is on amazon for $60 .lol i found lots of people though who wrote about it and it coat them a few dollars at dollar store. Looks like i just didnt get the quality item most people did. Which always seems to happen to me when it xomes to fuku or boc type things
@msujp depends on what you consider quality item. My nicest was a defective stata watch (I did fix it though) and my brother was the fisher price vac that he's giving to my son. For $5 I got my money's worth. No complaints but yea some people got some nice things. Luck of the draw
Mine was:
Yeah, not feeling the love with this one, but meh.
Can someone tell me what BOC means? Totally confused 😕 thanks!!
@catiedesch Bag of Crap. It's a woot.com thing.
@catiedesch boggy 'ol creature
@catiedesch - Bandolier of carrots.
@seraphmonkey thank u for explaining!
@catiedesch bandolier of coriander.
@catiedesch thanks for asking as I was wondering about that too
Checking in
• Pink meh bag
• Candy
• Meh cards
• Heart Straw
• Pork thermometer
• Mushroom vacuum
• Who deck of cards
• Razer Carcharias xbox 360/pc headset (currently using on ps4)
Very happy with mine. Thanks Meh!
p.s. - fuck Valentines Day
I got my FUKU on Thursday and... life... so here is the lovely reveal!!!
I got:
Silicone kitchen wear
W-Pooh figurine
Bug Vacuum
IZON View Camera
Valentines (Hooray!!!)
Meh Candy
My cat looks somewhat annoyed that I made her sit for the photo shoot. I loved the "screw this" shot so I had to post it, too.
Thanks Meh!
Pretty decent haul :)
@daveJay I bought one of those sealers.. They work great.. (You just need to remember you have them.)
sorry was busy.
I got some sweet valentines cards
a record album of classical piano
no candy unless it fell to the bottom of the vacuum box
and a kitty tea pot set.
@sthiede1 - And a Eureka vacuum? Nice!!
yep sorry vacuum looks like a refurb Eureka def worth the 5$ but who has time to clean ?
Here's mine. I'm a happy person.. I can't believe I finally ordered one in time!! (Thanks daily silent Android alarm).
Finally got it today! In a medium size box I received:

The usual:
-pink fuku bag
The unusual:
-lady bug desk vac
-funny freaking calls cd
-set of two hands free headsets
The big prize:
-First Alert HS-4700-S Wired Four Camera Security System with DVR. http://www.amazon.com/First-Alert-HS-4700-S-Security-Recording/dp/B003NCWPR8
New for 2010 from First Alert, the ultra low resolution you have come to expect from a first generation wireless system, now with all the inconvenience of wired cameras!
The head-unit has a 320GB DVR, 7” display, the cameras are 656x492, but the DVR portion only records at 352x240 so yeah, mediocre is quite appropriate… It’s cool that it’s indoor/outdoor and has night vision, and it comes with a remote, (that didn’t work but hopefully it’s just a dead battery). This item was clearly a return, so I fired it up to see if it worked. Initially it didn't, but after determining that one of the four included cables was bad, I disconnected that one and I was able to get a good image which I posted below in glorious low def. All kidding aside, this is a completely unexpected and perfectly appropriate item from meh. I am very grateful to have received it, and I am simultaneously underwhelmed, mostly because I am not quite sure what to do with it. Thank you meh for finding the most entertaining ways to turn retail returns into pure fun!
I'd say I got my $5 worth. Daughter already took the dart gun. Also, Meh, are you psychic?

@OneMHz Congratulations!
@OneMHz You spelled psychotic wrong.
I haven't had the opportunity to read through the thread, but I got my bag today, and it's pretty damn awesome.
The big ticket item is a vacuum (Eureka MyVac All Floors Rewind Pet w/ Airspeed Technology). It's clearly used, but seems to work just fine. It came with the book and all the bits and pieces, and even some bags. Sweet. It's roughly $100 new on Amazon, but mine's better because it comes pre-dusted. It's that extra special touch that makes Meh what it is.
The rest...
1 Blackmore BSS-101BT recharable speaker (excellent, but no power cord... works well, though)
1 Classic Marvel Battles Team-Ups -- Dr. Doom & The Fantastic Four (squeeze for battle action!)
1 Mr. T in the Dilemma of the Double-Edged Dagger read along and recording (45 rpm for the hipsters)
1 set of Meh Valentines (swoon)
1 bag of Meh candy hearts (more swoon)
1 pink Fuku bag (extreme swoon action)
This is by far the best $5 I've ever spent. Thanks, Meh!
@peaceetc Haha. Same vinyl read along book. But your MyVac is better than my MyVac since I couldn't find any dust in mine. I'm not saying mine is not used, but maybe got cleaned before being returned?
The Fuku has landed. Still no Roomba. Sigh. I got the same bundle as @mehdaf except instead of headsets I got a mooing beef thermometer. No idea if the camera system works or not, will let hubby figure that out. Then he can put it over in the corner on top of the other security camera system that he bought a few years ago but still hasn't installed. :p

The ladybug vacuum works as a cat-vac. LOL I've only tried it on one of our cats, but she seemed to enjoy it, and it lifted off the loose dander. :D
-The pink bag
-Meh Valentines
-Meh candy hearts
-Chef Pals Beef Thermometer
-Playing cards
-Eclipse 4GB MP3 Music + Video Player
-Eureka Airspeed MyVac
and the kicker:
expired Newegg RMA paperwork listing the vacuum as defective.
Having @strangerdanger do this for me. Got my bag Friday.
Bag with the valentines and candy
Kids toy vacume
A cars plane toy in a destroyed box.
An awesome knife
A photo booth bombing cat! (Snuck in as I took the pic)
Good haul, thanks meh
@Brehma22 Hi there, cat!
Some of us come late to the party. Some of us were just lazy. Anyways, here goes:
-Sucky? Thing: "O cedar O-Duster" floor dusting robot (how did you know that my apartment has hardwood floors?! Eh, I'll still never use it)
Well that's it! I can't post pictures right now, maybe later.
Thanks for being my first, Meh!!!! I've never gotten a BOC or a Fuku before (and I've definitely tried), so this is both awesome and definitely meh. How about some ice cream?
@placeholder "blatent disregard of the Oxford comma" I cannot stand blatant disregard of the Oxford comma. Thank you for acknowledging this.
Here's my Fuku! I received it on Saturday.
Pink Fuku Bag
Meh Candy Hearts
Meh Valentines
"Time Flies" Clock with porcelain wings
Purple Mushroom Desk Cleaner thingy
Egg Minder (tells you when your eggs are bad by phone app)
Pioneer Receiver (that we are in the process of testing)
So overall a good haul, I'd say.
@ninjaemilee I love purple.
@ninjaemilee I got the egg minder in the last fuku. My heart goes out to you... Congrats on the sweet everything else!
I got my first Fuku and it's amazing!
Pink bag, candy, etc.
Miller light hat
Cell phone case (droid razr m?)
bluetooth speaker (it lights up and talks, pretty neat)
"Rumby" (that's what my girlfriend calls it) It's a neato botvac that loves to thoroughly vacuum one corner of my room. It was very entertaining watching it spin around in the corner for awhile and well worth my $5. I'm sure it's a coincidence, but I was asking meh to donate to my local Boys and Girls club since they desperately need a new vacuum. I might try to donate this, but I think it would set off their security system if it knocked about in the corner all night.
Extremely happy with the experience. Thanks!
Happy Chinese New Year!
As part of the holiday celebrations we opened my very first Fukubukuro:
-Pink Meh bag (Yay! It's taken me F*O*R*E*V*E*R to get one of these)
-Irk Valentines (Aw shucks! Thanks Meh. Probably the ONLY valentines I'll get this year.)
-Heart straw
-Candy hearts
-Box of 6 Cedar Grilling planks and 12 Cedar wraps..... mmmm sounds delicious.... I'll have to give them a try
-4 Taco Salad shell makers
-Funny Freaking Calls
-(Item that "Sucks") Ear Cleaner.... (snicker) I think I know who I'm going to give this to.
Thanks Meh! Tons of Fun.
@jjc One of these things is not like the others:
My Fuku arrived on Saturday and in my excitement I forgot to post details until now!
– 12 bags of Texas air (two of which apparently escaped en route)
– Pink Meh bag
– Meh Valentines
– Heart straw (this is actually pretty sturdy!)
– Meh candy hearts
– Mushroom desk vacuum
– Winnie the Pooh alphabet block
– "Mr. and Mrs. Who?" playing cards
– A Minions-themed Minion WinTAB 7! It looks like everything was in the box, so I'm going to try and charge it and see how it goes. It comes with a bumper case so maybe it can be a good alternative for when my daughter tries to steal my iPhone to chew on...hmmm...
Thanks, Meh!
@nptacek That tablet is awesome!
Got mine finally.
Pink Fuku bag
Meh candies
Valentines cards
Heart shaped straw
Toy vacuum that sucks but doesn't suck.
Now Panic and Freak Out mug
Gojo hands free adjustable headset. (extremely uncomfortable)
Shark Steam and Spray mop system. ($79 value, had new egg shipping stuff with it but seemed like it hadn't been opened.)
I would gladly trade if anyone got one of the IZON view cameras and didn't need them.
@agermane not to forget: one cute photo bombing dog ;)
Well played Meh, well played.
Thank you again Meh for the fun.
I gots me 2 (!) pink bags with Valentines
A Tidy Up Vacuum Set
A pork timer
A laptop case
Meh Chalk hearts
and the pizza De reistance...
The Philips Wireless Surround Blu-Ray player and speakers...with no remote!
Monsters! I had my own Burgess Meredith moment after hooking up all the speakers and cabling it. "Time enough at last!"
@poppaearl - Ohhhh noes. But at least you can see?
@KDemo Yes but now every hour I crap lightning.
My Fuku finally arrived, i must say i'm pretty stoked about it. Well about one thing at least, this Oneida 14 piece knife set with block is just what I needed.

in addition my box contained
1x pink fuku bag
1x pedometer for dogs
1x pack of candy hearts
1x iphone 5(?) case
and this fun little vacuum cleaner:
I did notice an absence of meh themed cards, i guess there just wasn't enough love to go around ;(
@axleman1011 look in the fuku bag - that is where people are finding them
Mine came while I was away on vacay last week so at least I had something to look forward to when I got home.
Thanks meh peeps - you all are awesome. Truly a spectacular haul. Figure it comes in somewhere around a $600 MSRP value.
P.S. Valentines Day still sucks.
@cinoclav Nice!
@cinoclav I covet the botvac so hard.
@Pony You and @cengland0 apparently. I was thinking of putting this one up for sale. My Dysons were threatening to kick it's robotic ass.

@cinoclav If it's a working model, I'm interested. I'll pay you every penny you paid for it plus s/h. :)
@cinoclav Wish I had money to buy it from you- but being a stoopid old cripple means I have no income to speak of. No expensive robot minions for me.
@cengland0 Let's see... The $5 Fuku, plus the $350 or so worth of grief that I've paid from the gf in ordering said Fukus. Alright, $355 should do it and I'll ship it for free!
@cinoclav No. Considering I bought my first brand new one from meh on August 3rd 2015 for $325, that is not a good deal for me. I'll just wait until they sell another one at that price.
@cengland0 I was actually kidding, but I really would sell it for $300 +shipping. I was considering listing it online at $350 but mehmbers get a discount. :)
For some reason everything in my box was wet. Not only did I get 6 bags of Texas Air, but a few ounces of Texas Water! No pics, The boxes were ruined, but all the stuff was salvageable. The worst part is that my valentine's got ruined!
I got my Pink Fuku Bag, a Child's vacuum, a nice stainless Kitchen Tool set, a pair of Piranha sunglasses, and an awesome Survival knife.
Got my goodies a day early, last week. A fun haul, that kept my kids entertained for a while, and dogs freaked out. They thought the mushroom was going to kill them, and one got trapped in the delightful pink bag. Fun afternoon!
Oh yeah, in the bag:
Valentine's cards and Sweethearts (hidden away on desk for posterity)
Bag in pink
Kindle cover in neoprene
Metawatch in greeeeeen
PHB collection "Time Flies" trinket. I'll be keeping mah pills in it.
Mushroom desk vacuum. Trying to see if I can use on the dogs.
A whole lot of huzzah!!!
@tartanknickers Correction: A purple mushroom desk vacuum.
@tartanknickers Got the same meta watch. Mine was all screwy until I updated the firmware on the site. After that it worked great.
Mine was:
1) Pink bag with Irk/Glen cards and Meh hearts
2) Ladybug desk vac
3) Travel cup
4) Pull Back Soft Dart Gun
5) Hamilton-Beach Flexbrew coffeemaker - refurb in soggy box with spent Earl Gray tea k-cup left inside, two tea-stained copies of the manual included. I hope somebody at Meh got a nice cup of tea out of this.
@blueyed510 or possibly a plastic cup filled with a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea
@blueyed510 No, no, no... That's the Hamilton Beach Nutri-Matic machine.
@blueyed510 crap. I knew I left my tea somewhere.
@blueyed510 Hey! You got one of the very, very rare unbroken SMART PLANET ECO CERAMIC MUGS ! Wow! Score!
@OldCatLady I was going to point that out too. It really is a score!
@cinoclav Share and Enjoy! Sorry, was that supposed to be "Go stick your head in a pig" :p
@OldCatLady wow, I was unaware of the import of that cup. It is intact, are they pretty fragile?
@blueyed510 Most arrived in pieces; spectacular packaging failure. Not that I'm sad or anything. Meh immediately gave us refunds; they're good about that. I don't know how they stand up to daily use; I gave the one that did arrive safely to somebody as a gift.
Notable Items:
Edward Scissor Hand Photo Album (no photos :( )
Dirt Devil Suck Stick
Laptop Sleeve
Neat Lantern Light
The heart shaped straw was cute but it's already been lost.
@DrunkCat i have that dirt devil. it works quite well actually. and it's light enough that my 3 year old can now vacuum. it's about time he started doing his share of chores.
@carl669 - He shouldn't ever have to work, he'll get by on his cuteness, don't you think?
@KDemo others might give him a pass because of his cuteness, but i'm on to his little hellion ways.
Shipping info said 9x9x9 and 2 lbs. The journey begins
So this is the email My roommate Paul sent to meh the day after I bought the fuku.

opened up the box and there was this
Instead of sending me an empty box like he wanted meh sent me a revenge weapon and a freaking Samsung 4k monitor!!

They really showed him!...or did they??? Paul just showed me this picture of a note he wrote two weeks ago explaining how his true plans were to double cross those meh sons of bitches that sent me a monitor instead of just an empty box. And in doing so get me the best birthday gift ever.
I don't know who to thank...
also along with the sexy 4k Monitor I also got a...
-sweet mooing meat thermometer
-the aforementioned nerf gun that is super dope
-a Winnie the Pooh alphabet fun block
-a toy Dirt Devil vacuum. hot damn it lights up.
-some sweet meh valentines.
@coleafiory - Well played, my friend . . . SO well played.
Running out of superlatives to say how cool are these people.
@coleafiory hey send that monitor back and make your buddy pay the postage. He promised pics/video of opening the box which should have included getting shot at. A deal is a deal, even if everyone involved is a double crosser.
I hope everyone in the meh office is ready for "prank" letters from roommates and/or brothers.
@Moose pictures of Paul getting shot to follow. Also thank you meh. you guys are incredible.. err i mean.. mediocre.
@axleman1011 Nope, it was a one time deal. No precedents set here.
@MEHcus Which begs an answer for my question. Still wondering if my completely honest statement about not caring about a Roomba is the exact reason I received a Neato?!
@Moose TECHNICALLY the deal was that if you send him that empty monitor box, I send you pictures.
But you people broke the deal trying to double cross me! So I owe Nothing. But heres Cole-
Nailed it. #doubleagent
That was a pretty dope Nerf Gun though.
@coleafiory Ahh, leave it to a couple of local guys to win this round. Though I dare say you may as well never buy another Fuku again.
@cinoclav Nope, I can genuinely say this was a one off.
@MEHcus Hell of a...
Turns out one must read the entire post to see that this scammer totally took advantage of meh's playful nature. Bad/sad news for everyone.
- anyone?
@KDemo all I did was finally get my first fuku! I've been hellbent on getting one for over a year. There was no scamming
@coleafiory - Calling out your roommate. You seem innocent, but it feels like your roommate has been less so. Just doesn't feel right, like he put a negative vibe on something so positive.
Anyway, enjoy your monitor.
@coleafiory I'm not a big fan of the whole double-doublecrossing. But I'm glad it's you who got an outstanding fuku. Someone who really appreciates an extraordinary fuku.
One advice to your friend Paul: Well intended and it was ok to hope that meh would come through, but counting on it and putting it on paper is low and makes me feel sorry for the meh folks who went above and beyond only to find out they were expected to do what they did.
TLDR; big "huzzah" for the meh folks! shame on Paul for the final coup de grace ;)
@KDemo i'm suspicious the roommates are one person with two accounts, even more ingenious/devious
@DMlivezey I assure you we are different people and I had no idea about any prank until I opened the fuku yesterday.
@einrad an extraordinary fuku indeed. using the monitor right now. so much screen real estate!!! I just want to put it out there that I don't think paul thought meh would actually send me an awesome monitor, and I assure you he would have been just as happy watching me open an empty box as originally intended to see the look on my face because I've been looking at monitors like crazy lately. That being said he clearly considered the fact that they might prank him by sending me an actual monitor and wrote that note so that if they did he could make it seem like he was some kind of evil genius (he seems to be fond of this title).
TLDR; Paul really likes pranking me, but also likes the idea of himself as some kind of evil genius. best 1st fuku ever. meh is amazing.
@einrad and @DMlivezey -
Two people indeed
Though I have no interest in trying to justify my beautiful plan to you internet people, I would like to thank Meh.
Yes, I predicted the outcome of my email and how the folks at Meh would react. But the fact that I suspected what may happen, does not diminish the really awesome gesture that Meh made towards the two of us. Despite attempting to mar my face with Nerf bruises, you guys are awesome, and we both really appreciate how freaking awesome this whole situation was.
Thanks Meh. You people are Dope.
@coleafiory Definition of a con artist. A person who cheats or tricks others by persuading them to believe something that is not true.
I feel bad for the people who deserved a fuku but could not get it. Sorry, but I would not want a friend like you. I believe in honesty.
@Mellaine Sorry, Too late to delete. I did not mean to offend you. It hit home for me. Enjoy the monitor.
happy valentimehs day meh. Loved the fuku.
valentimeh cards
heart shaped chalk (to fill out cards I assume)
vacuum ;)
Skype headphones
head mounted phone holder!
doggy pedometer. (the dog enjoyed eating it)
thank you!
Thanks Meh!!! I must be the last one to post, but here goes.
1x Meh Fuku bag
1x sheet of Meh valentines
6x Meh candies
1x VCR to PC cable, really awfully wrapped in tape, no idea if it works
1x Dyson DC41!!!!!!!! Perfect for our new house occupied by our long haired Siberian cat! Refurbed, not much in the way of packaging or manuals, a bit dusty but works fine! THANKS MEH!
@mills Nope. Mine is sitting at the post office. I will have it posted Monday. I cannot wait for my late V-day gift.
Here's pics of mine finally
@mwalradt O Cedar... O Duster...
@hollboll Oh Captain! My Captain!???
I was out of town so I didn't get to open mine until today. Happy Unvalentines Day!
I got some of the normal items:
- Pink Fuku bag + valentines + candies
- 'W' Winnie the Pooh alphabet block
- Green mushroom vacuum (this thing is so ridiculous that it's amazing. I love it!)
- Goodyear cap
- An opened and repackaged (read: stuck back in clamshell, then taped back together) Cobra radar detector (no clue if this works or even contains all the important bits). Even if it doesn't work, the plus-side is that I got to sacrifice less blood to the clamshell packaging gods!
Thanks, Meh! It was thoroughly meh-tastic!
Thanks Meh!

- Pink Fuku bag, cool
- Valentines, very artistic, I like
- 4 candies, couldn't find these at first, in the bag
- Minion Container - Teacher at school loves Minions, so going to her
- Purple mushroom vac
- Edward Scissor-hands photo book, er something
- Motorola battery pack for charging cell phones n such
Thanks Again!!!
@ugadogch I love purple.
@ugadogch Oooo. I wish I got a purple mushroom...
Finally got around to pulling the vac out of the box it looked like someone took a swing or 2 with a mini sledge to the bottom of it. Figured I would still see if it sucked, because hey i have cats and it doesn't have to work that great to suck up stray litter around the box. No go wouldn't power on so out to the bin it went.