PCH Digital Pulse Massager
- Shocks your aching nerves into meek submission: no, seriously, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation is a real thing that works
- Includes eight massage modes, two sets of large pads, one set of extra-large pads, and all the wires and cables to make it go
- A rechargeable internal Li-ion battery keeps that sweet, sweet voltage coming
- Models: 101339S (too many ones, too many threes, too many digits)
If you say it works, it works.
This is not the same Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation doohickey we sold last September. It’s a different brand, and this one comes with a belt and more pads. But the one thing all TENS devices have in common is our kneejerk skepticism that they can ease your aches and pains with electrical current.
Not that we know anything about the science. We just can’t get over the taint of handlebar-mustached, garter-sleeved quackery attending to any “electrical cure”. Step right up, sirs and madams, and take Professor MacMarvel’s Electropathical Stimulative Wonder Remedy! Cures dyspepsia, impetigo, nervosis, foul humors, and frigidity in wives!
But that’s just us. Medical science says TENS is real. More relevant to our interests, we sold more than 1700 of those other ones, and gave it some rave reviews afterward. We like to think we don’t have 1700 idiots, rubes, and liars in our audience.
So, our initial skepticism aside, here’s another one. It’s a pocket-sized doohickey with eight massage modes, an assortment of pads, a rechargeable lithium battery, and the incontestable seal of scientific approval. Just don’t use it with leeches, or to “read” the bumps in your skull, and you should be fine.