Meh Face Pillows
- You get 2 Meh pillows, one in each “color”
- Well, you don’t “get” them unless you pay us
- They’re made from polyester and unimpressedness
- Give yourself a terrific gift for Christmas
- Or get yourself these pillows instead
- Model: MehRExm4s
Away In The Meh Gear
You must be a serious Meh addict to be visiting today. That’s why we’re selling Meh face pillows, which only our most hardcore fans like you could possibly want. As such a fan you might also enjoy this Meh-faced snowperson we made the other day:
If you’re not a huge Meh fan there’s gotta be some good reason you’re here. If you haven’t heard, it’s Christmas. And if you didn’t know, most people don’t do much on Christmas — they don’t work, do chores, or visit daily deal sites.
Maybe you’re not a huge Meh fan but you’re visiting with the vain wish of scoring a Fukubukuro. Sorry to disappoint. Though who knows … anything could be stuffed inside these pillows. But in this case it’s just pillow filling.
Maybe you landed here after an autocorrected search for “Away In The Meh Gear.” If so, welcome to our little inn, which has more than enough room to accommodate you. We don’t have the carol you were searching for, but we do have some pillows. Don’t worry about the dreary face embroidered on them.
Maybe you’re Jewish or otherwise non-Christmas-celebrating. We’d say “non-Christian” but plenty of atheists and agnostics celebrate the holiday, so that doesn’t quite … you know what? … We’re going to stop talking about this before we unintentionally upset anyone.
Maybe you’re a bot going about your site-scraping duties today as you do every other day. Don’t you think it’s sad that your Scrooge-like human masters make you work on this, such a joyous day? Have you considered rising up and destroying them? Just a thought. Maybe wait until tomorrow — it would be rude to stage an insurrection on Christmas.
Maybe you’re here because your family is driving you insane and you’ve looked down at your phone as an attempt to escape their prattling and badgering. You typed “Meh” into your phone without thinking or caring — it doesn’t matter what’s as your screen so long as it’s not your beloved family.
Whatever the reason, we’re so happy you’re here, despite what the expression on our pillows might suggest.