Mask on Every Face UV Sanitizing Wand

  • Be a wizard…
  • …of sanitization
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A Meh-rathon of Sweet Meh-mories

This is a UV sanitizing wand. You either know what that is, or can jump in the forum to ask other people about it.

Why aren’t we giving you more info? Well, we weren’t sure what to write for the Meh-rathon so we decided to look at some past Meh write-ups for inspiration. (You can find a random one here, if you want.) Unfortunately, all that did was make us nostalgic and maybe a little teary-eyed. And then the boss was all “Where’s the write-ups, writer dude?” and we panicked and… uhh… Please enjoy this classic write-up about an entirely different product! Also, feel free to share in the forum if you find one you liked or forgot about or missed entirely.

What makes a bluetooth speaker an extreme bluetooth speaker? Well, marketing. That’s pretty much it. You just call it an “extreme” bluetooth speaker, then you make it look a little aggressive, and bingo! You’re in the extreme bluetooth speaker business!

We don’t mean to say this “extreme” bluetooth speaker from Wicked Audio isn’t extreme. What we’re getting at is that calling it as much does it a disservice. Because, sure, you can listen to the latest metal album with it. But you can just as easily use it to play some serene ambient soundscapes, or give a little extra volume to your meditation app.

But really, right now is the perfect time to get yourself a good, wireless bluetooth speaker like this one and listen to some fun podcasts while you go about your daily routine. Of course, you probably already have a few favorite of your own, but if you’re looking for a place to start, we have three recommendations! (Or, to be clear, three more recommendations; we’ve definitely done this before.)

Dead Air

History is replete with ghastly unsolved murders. And now, podcast-hosting platforms are replete with unfinished podcasts attempting to solve those ghastly unsolved murders. But why did these podcasters give up? Each week, blogger Cassie Melvins investigates a different unfinished unsolved murder podcast to see where it all fell apart.

Brush Hour

Despite the clever name, every installment of this twice daily micro-cast–one released at 5am, the other at 8pm–is just 2 minutes long and split into 4 segments, each one lasting exactly 30 seconds. Why? Because this is the first ever podcast designed to be listened to while brushing your teeth! Topics include the latest in dental tech, strange tooth facts, and hilarious tooth anecdotes from an array celebrity guests. The sultry voice of host Christian Loch–voted sexiest dentist in Columbus, Ohio (2014)–doesn’t hurt either!

Graph Laughs

Sure, graphs can be useful and informative. But can they be funny? This is the question that drove verified Twitter jokesters Hal Divers and Melanda Cartlite to finally dip their toes in the podcast game. Find out just how hilarious it can be to listen to two people verbally describe and then riff on various wacky graphs!

Those are just a few we’ve been listening to. If you’ve got some to recommend, be sure to post them in the comments! Otherwise, grab an Outcry Extreme Wireless Speaker from Wicked Audio and upgrade your podcast-listening TODAY!

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