K'Nex 618-Piece Building Set

We’re not selling this deal anymore, but you can buy it at Amazon
  • Model: K’Nex 13465
  • Beams, wheels, gears, all kinds of crazy crap in here
  • Includes plans for vehicles, creatures, buildings, and more
  • Plastic bin includes room for more K’Nex pieces, or to store completed models
  • Like if LEGO were more about engineering than about licensed movie tie-ins
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Season 1, Episode 122


THE BOSS: Gentlemen, I give you my latest venture: a daily deal website!

THE PRESS: Another daily deal site, Rutledge? Aren’t they kind of over with?

THE BOSS: This one will be different: it will actually be good!

THE FLUNKY: Great news, Chief! Our Kickstarter exceeded the goal!

THE BOSS: You know what that means.

THE FLUNKY: One step ahead of you, Chief. The folks at UGG are already lining your new boots with real tiger fur.

THE RIVAL: Rutledge, if you go through with this deal, so help me, I’ll personally see to it that Meh Industries never gets its hands on another speaker dock again.

THE BOSS: Can I get that in writing, please?

THE FLUNKY: Chief! Help! The members in the Meh community forums are repulsive!

THE BOSS: Uh, I think maybe you mean to say “revolting”.

THE FLUNKY: I know what I said.

THE HACKER: Welcome, seekers of wonder, to my lair of wizardry.

THE BOSS: Is that what you call the cubicle where you demolish the stuff we sell and post photos in the forums?

THE HACKER: A cubicle 'tis merely a lair that has not yet found its mage.

THE TRADE DELEGATION: Mr. Rutledge, on behalf of South Korean consumers, may we express the fervent hope that our friendship blossoms into a new age of mutual understanding and respect.

THE BOSS: And money. Don’t forget money.

THE FLUNKY: Chief, this K’Nex 618-piece set is going to be fantastic! You can build 52 models with the included instructions, and literally kajillions of your own creations! And we’ll have all those new visitors from that Daring Fireball sponsorship! What should we have Toon write for the product description?

THE BOSS: Hmm… I was thinking a confusing, very mildly funny introduction to the site, in annoying dialogue form. And include almost no detail about the product.

THE FLUNKY: Got it! I’m sure he can handle that!

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