JBL Portable iPad Air 2 / iPad mini 3 Audio Station

We’re not selling this deal anymore, but you can buy it at Amazon

  • While plugged in, charges your iPad or iPhone, basically any Lightning devices.

  • Hidden feature: unplug it & take it outside as a portable rechargeable speaker dock.

  • Better for just iPhones than that stupid iPhone speaker dock we sold. (upgrade!)

  • Please don’t think we’re doing this so we end up as the Official iPad Air 2 or iPad Mini 3 site for SEO purposes.

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We're not just saying "iPad Air 2" and "iPad mini 3".

It’s shocking, shocking how shamelessly the bottom-feeding accessory shills exploit the positive energy of a big Apple announcement. No sooner are the new iPad model names announced in a grandiose stage presentation (or through shitty leaked screenshots) than a thousand huckster outfits plaster iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3 all over their grubby aftermarket wares. Have they no decency?

When we say this JBL OnBeat Mini is compatible with iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3, it’s because we genuinely want to help you get the most out of your iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3. We’re not just leeching on to the latest, hottest gadget names in the news, hoping that some of the glow of iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3 shines onto us. That would be so sleazy.

We just believe we have a sacred duty to the buying public to point out that this thing we’re selling lets you charge your iPad Air 2 or iPad mini 3 while you listen to it. If we just let you stumble through life without a halfway decent audio station for your iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3, we would be betraying your trust.

Of course, the JBL OnBeat Mini doesn’t just work with iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3. You can rock ‘n’ dock with any Lightning-compatible iPhone, iPod, or iPad. And if you just need a decent set of mobile speakers, the auxiliary-in connection works with just about any audio source. Just because the JBL OnBeat Mini is ideal for the iPad Air 2 or iPad mini 3 doesn’t mean it’s limited to them.

If you buy an iPad Air 2 or iPad mini 3 and you happen to be one of those poor befuddled suckers who bought an iPhone-only JBL speaker dock, you’ll need to upgrade to the JBL OnBeat Mini to fully enjoy your new iPad Air 2 or iPad mini 3. But the way we see it, that’s a small price to pay to join the iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3 era.

In closing, we think we speak not only for ourselves, not only for you, but for all of humanity, living, dead, and yet to be born, when we say iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3. Thank you.

아, 헷갈리진 마세요, 보시는대로 예전에도 판매했던 JBL OnBEAT Mini 스피커독이 맞답니다. 어제 애플에서 새 아이패드 모델을 발표했잖아요? 근데 애플 신제품 나올때마다 악세서 리도 새로 쏟아지는거… 웃기는일이죠. 그래서 말인데, 이 제품은 라이트닝 케이블 지원 제품 포함해서 신제품이랑 모두 호환이 된답니다. 어쨋든 이 오디오시스템은 여러분이 완전 사랑하는 맨날 보던 그 옛날의 JBL OnBeat Mini가 맞아요.

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