Holy slowness, Batman. I'm typing this after taking five minutes to load the page while there's only one comment on the thread. I assume there will be lots of comments about the 'deal' and/or slowness by the time my comment finally posts.
@PurplePawprints : same thing here, I wasn't able to get on until 9:15 or later. I was positive I was missing out on the first ever streaming deal mehpocalypse/mehzaar/tsunameh or whatever. But then I got on. And saw this. Oh well.
I bought the Micro first, then bought one of these for $40. This is not only better in terms of sound, but has the rechargeable battery to boot! I have this baby sitting on my desk at work-love it! I would have loved it $10 more for $30, but can't see any reason to buy another...my wife will start asking questions!
@kikilof Why is the price rising? please dont do that. no white ones either. i bought just one after a long and careful consideration. why dont you guys throw in a meh t-shirt at least and make it 30.
@EthanP explicit: Yo. why the price went up? you cocky assholes think you can do that because you make some coins now? dont you ever do that. and I needed a white one. get it from somewhere. but ill get one anyway. next time you make the price up, do something that make sense like throwing in a t-shirt or somethin. im out.
@kikilof@mia This appears to be the big brother of the micro dock previously sold, and fits iPads, not iPhones. Plus it has a rechargeable battery so you can take it outside.
@Thumperchick The first duplicate was during the first FUKU offering so I thought the first duplicate had a purpose. I expected the second duplicate to be another FUKU but now it looks like it was just a mistake or something.
@TBoneZeOriginal Ah... Not trying to be edgy, I just get tired of hearing about and seeing Apple stuff all the time when their products aren't that great and cost so much. Not sure why people like them apart from it being "trendy" or whatever.
@Al_Coholic Because they are great products. You may not like them, but that doesn't make them suck. Their mobile devices don't cost much more than the competition, and when you consider the much higher resale value, they're often times even cheaper in the long run. Even if they were more expensive, the developer support alone would make it worth the cost. Even their computers don't cost much more, but when they do, people consider them to be worth the money due to build quality and how long it'll last them. Bottom line is, you may not value these things, but some people do. It doesn't make Apple products suck.
One day, in the not too distant future, I will daisy chain all the speaker docks I have bought over the years, and then, I will place them in a circle, all facing into the middle, where I will place my music device. And with the power of audio, I will create a wormhole that will take me back to the day I bought my first speaker dock ever...and I will b*tch slap myself until I understand that speaker docks "are an addiction", and then I will travel back to the present, and the speaker docks will be all gone, and my music device will be there, smoking, having given it's life to prevent my eventual dock-sanity...
Does this mean Apple announced new iPads? I guess this is what happens when I don't pay attention to them. I find out through another amazing speaker dock sale.
By the way, my shirt arrived. It's been like 2 days and I should probably wash it now, but... meh. I've spread the word as best as I can and have told at least 10 people face-to-face, though two of them were strangers at a check-out line, so no idea if they'll even bother to look. I also made a post somewhere on the nets that got over 1,300 views.
We have a couple JBL compact speakers (amongst others) and really like them for the money. Clean sound, not too boomy like many.
Unfortunately, the only likely place left on our property that isn't already "speakered"? Our dog Charlie's house in the back yard. Hmm... He does seem to like Classical music. It relaxes him.
Not sure, could you Explain please? “Hidden feature: unplug it & take it outside as a portable rechargeable speaker dock.” Does this mean while unplugged it will charge the device? Will it work with the USB chord?
So what gives meh? I tried to log on this morning for 30 mins and you treat me like chopped liver. I gave up and tried again tonight and actually bought what you were hocking and I got an abstract-pure-beef what am I now, pink slime?
Manufacturer’s Specs
Condition - New
Warranty - 1 Year JBL
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in th Box?!
JBL OnBeat Mini
Retail Box
Price Check
JBL OnBeat Mini $57.99 at Amazon
90 days
Meh, decent if you need yet another speaker dock for your collection.
Hooray for Speaker Dock Friday!!!
It's been far too long!
@curtise far too long? really?
Holy slowness, Batman. I'm typing this after taking five minutes to load the page while there's only one comment on the thread. I assume there will be lots of comments about the 'deal' and/or slowness by the time my comment finally posts.
@PurplePawprints : same thing here, I wasn't able to get on until 9:15 or later. I was positive I was missing out on the first ever streaming deal mehpocalypse/mehzaar/tsunameh or whatever. But then I got on. And saw this. Oh well.
@belowi Ooh, I really like the idea of seeing a Tsunameh.
I have no interest in Apple products so this is an instant meh for me.
Was the site down till now ????
Baby arm and glorious #SDF!
I waited 40 damn minutes for the site to come up for this.
I want my 40 minutes if sleep back.
I bought the Micro first, then bought one of these for $40. This is not only better in terms of sound, but has the rechargeable battery to boot! I have this baby sitting on my desk at work-love it! I would have loved it $10 more for $30, but can't see any reason to buy another...my wife will start asking questions!
Speaker dock Friday, IT'S ALIVE!!!!!
Fix the Servers!!
Yes! But will it work with a Sansa???!!!!
Of course, this leads to the Sansa issue.....no, the Sansa crisis.....where are they?
@eeterrific Hell yes! I've been itching to buy a Sansa. Instead I keep getting VMPed into reasonably priced water bottles.
Servers Down Friday
That's some '08-worthy MehSEO keyword stuffing.
fuck speaker docks
Look at Delaware all lit up on the map. Way to go, Koreans!
틀린건가 하고 봤는데 센스있는 한글 설명덕에 같은 제품인걸 알았네요. 당신은 센스쟁이!
@hyongnim84 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ햇갈릴 사람들을 위한 meh의 배려!! ㅎㅎ
왜 가격이 조금씩 오를까요....
잘팔린다고 가격올리지 마세요.
이번엔 흰색도 없고...고민하다 하나만 샀어요.
다음엔 전처럼 티셔츠라도 넣어서 30불 어때요?
@kikilof Why is the price rising? please dont do that. no white ones either. i bought just one after a long and careful consideration. why dont you guys throw in a meh t-shirt at least and make it 30.
@EthanP explicit: Yo. why the price went up? you cocky assholes think you can do that because you make some coins now? dont you ever do that. and I needed a white one. get it from somewhere. but ill get one anyway. next time you make the price up, do something that make sense like throwing in a t-shirt or somethin. im out.
@kikilof Ditto. It's a bit disappointing, Meh.
@kikilof 우리엄마가 어릴때부터 항상 하시던 말씀.. 흰옷, 흰물건 사지말라는 말씀.. 때탄다며. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그때이후로 흰색은 죽어도 안산답니다
@kikilof 어 저번 딜에도 마이크로는 15달러, 미니는 30달러였을텐데요...
@MasterST ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ센스쟁이
@kikilof @mia This appears to be the big brother of the micro dock previously sold, and fits iPads, not iPhones. Plus it has a rechargeable battery so you can take it outside.
@badmouse 이거 배송 정보 어디서 봐요?
@cjung https://meh.com/orders 여기용
Your link of specification
Quick start guide, see page 7
The frequency response is different.
In former, it is 70Hz – 20kHz
in latter, it is 20Hz – 20kHz.
Which one is right?
I am 41 and have never owned a "Apple" branded product. Even back in the dark ages I used Color Computers and Tandy instead of a Apple2e.
An Apple a year keeps all your money away.

Duplicate face for today. October 17 matches the July 23 face.
Today's Face:

July 23rd Face:

@cengland0 good eye
@EthanP It must be a good eye because my memory fails me at this age.
@cengland0 how old are you?
@EthanP I am 9 btw
@EthanP Hint, next year I will qualify for the senior league for racquetball
@cengland0 I think that is our second repeated face.
@Thumperchick The first duplicate was during the first FUKU offering so I thought the first duplicate had a purpose. I expected the second duplicate to be another FUKU but now it looks like it was just a mistake or something.
@EthanP welllllll, so u mean ur a elementary school student? UNBELIEVABLE!!
드디어 기다리던 아이패드 스피커가 나왔군요~! 2개주문완료. 그런데 배송대행 해야하는데 트래킹번호는 어디서 보죠?
@hayansae 멜로와요 아님 3일 뒤쯤 오더보면 있어요
이거 말고 마이크로 내 놓으라 말입니다
Not these!! I want Micro!! Meh~~ @darkman100 알았단 말입니다 ㅎㅎ
Apple still sucks. Meh.
@Al_Coholic Don't cut yourself on that edge.
@TBoneZeOriginal wat
@Al_Coholic sigh You're so edgy being an Apple hater.
@TBoneZeOriginal Ah... Not trying to be edgy, I just get tired of hearing about and seeing Apple stuff all the time when their products aren't that great and cost so much. Not sure why people like them apart from it being "trendy" or whatever.
@Al_Coholic Because they are great products. You may not like them, but that doesn't make them suck. Their mobile devices don't cost much more than the competition, and when you consider the much higher resale value, they're often times even cheaper in the long run. Even if they were more expensive, the developer support alone would make it worth the cost. Even their computers don't cost much more, but when they do, people consider them to be worth the money due to build quality and how long it'll last them. Bottom line is, you may not value these things, but some people do. It doesn't make Apple products suck.
@TBoneZeOriginal I've never seen an Apple product that I could consider "great"...
캐나다로는 배송이 안되나요??
@Hyusoon 캐나다로는 안되는걸로 알고있습니다.
@MasterST 캐나다 배대진 없나여? ㅎㅎ
@galmaegi Reship.com 이라고 있네요 ㅎㅎ
@MasterST 오호... 페이지 한국어로 보기 했더니 어색한 구글 번역이... How it works --> 그것이 작동하는 방법... ㅋㅋㅋ
Not interested in iStuff and even less interested in speaker docks.
Thank you Meh, I know now that it is Friday. All is right with the world. # SDF
detailed review
Review: JBL OnBeat Mini Speaker Dock with Lightning Connector
video review:
videoOOOOOO arrrr bla bla bla
Yay, yet another substandard speaker dock for yet another tablet that I don't have! I'm in for six!!!
I bought it. Then, I need ipad mini 2 refurb. less than $199!
One day, in the not too distant future, I will daisy chain all the speaker docks I have bought over the years, and then, I will place them in a circle, all facing into the middle, where I will place my music device. And with the power of audio, I will create a wormhole that will take me back to the day I bought my first speaker dock ever...and I will b*tch slap myself until I understand that speaker docks "are an addiction", and then I will travel back to the present, and the speaker docks will be all gone, and my music device will be there, smoking, having given it's life to prevent my eventual dock-sanity...
Does it come with the candy corn?
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 3개 주문할게요 ㅜㅜ
흰색은 없나용?
공짜배송도 한번 해보고~ ㅋㅋ
@sherryblue 쉐리님의 스피커 사랑은 무한~
@sherryblue 흰색 때타요 ㅋㅋㅋ
@MasterST 어머니가 말씀하시길..
Does this mean Apple announced new iPads? I guess this is what happens when I don't pay attention to them. I find out through another amazing speaker dock sale.
By the way, my shirt arrived. It's been like 2 days and I should probably wash it now, but... meh. I've spread the word as best as I can and have told at least 10 people face-to-face, though two of them were strangers at a check-out line, so no idea if they'll even bother to look. I also made a post somewhere on the nets that got over 1,300 views.
Albino Baby Arm is back!!
@PurpleCave I love purple.
Does this one have a connector high enough to accommodate a phone/ipad with a thin case on the bottom?
Is it weird that when I see speaker docks, I wonder if I need to take my trash to the curb? That is how ingrained #SDF is now.
@Thumperchick Are you purposely providing more reasons to keep SDF going? Either way it's all your fault.
We have a couple JBL compact speakers (amongst others) and really like them for the money. Clean sound, not too boomy like many.
Unfortunately, the only likely place left on our property that isn't already "speakered"? Our dog Charlie's house in the back yard. Hmm... He does seem to like Classical music. It relaxes him.
Not sure, could you Explain please? “Hidden feature: unplug it & take it outside as a portable rechargeable speaker dock.” Does this mean while unplugged it will charge the device? Will it work with the USB chord?
Now you will all pay.
What does 'detrimental-poetic-bait' mean??
@kbkcastle It's your order number.
@kbkcastle ...or it means you fed Walt Whitman to the fishes.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
So what gives meh? I tried to log on this morning for 30 mins and you treat me like chopped liver. I gave up and tried again tonight and actually bought what you were hocking and I got an abstract-pure-beef what am I now, pink slime?
난 아무생각이 없었다
정신을 차려보니 결제는 끝나 있었다
Think I'm in my order?
Payment played with Amazon account ???
@SEONHO 한국어로 해주세요... ㅠㅠ
배송은 언제쯤 ??
When and how will my order ship? Is there any way to track the status?
@manickermom https://meh.com/orders
아직 뜨지 않았다 쉽넘버! 첫구매라 넋놓고 기다리는 중이긴 한데.. 언제쯤 ㅠㅠ 배송이 될까요.....
@lateman 헐 메일로 트래킹넘버 오는줄 알고 기다렸는데 안와서 몰랐던 거네용.. 홈페이지에서 확인했어요 ㅠㅠ 드디어 내가 스피커독을 사다니! Finally I will get one!
I want white mini! I expect this friday~~. SDF!