Infinity PR Pro Advantage Percussion Massage Device

  • Five different speeds to issue between 1500 and 3200 impacts per minute
  • 6 head attachments: Dampener, Flat, Ball, Wedge, Bullet, and Fork heads
  • Loosens muscles and increases blood flow through brute force
  • Will it help me connect with drummers in my area: No, you’re looking for a percussion message device
see more product specs

Pain In The Butt

The other day, I had one window to jog: 4:30 in the afternoon when my wife got home from work. Now, if it had been April, this would be no big deal. In January, however, that meant the sun set when I was barely a block or two away from home. But not a big deal! I wore my best thermal running gear to keep warm as the temperatures dipped and donned a headlamp to look out for patches of ice and snow on the mostly cleared sidewalks.

But it was the sidewalk itself that did me in.

And for once, I managed to fall well. Like, you know how NBA players do the thing where they fall and then push off the floor to slide to accentuate contact? That’s how I felt. My shoe caught the lip of one sidewalk slab (maybe two centimeters uneven with the other; a total fluke that my foot would land exactly where this would be an issue), I stumbled a step or two and then fell perfectly into some soft snow. After a minute to recover from the surprise, I got up and kept running.

It was a great run, followed by a nice hot shower! Then, the next morning, I woke up to the pain of a tweaked muscle deep in my right butt cheek, something I’d managed to do to myself in those few stumbling steps. The discomfort made sitting down an Is this really worth it? proposition.

I share this story for one simple reason: you don’t have to be a UFC fighter or an ultra-marathoner or a heavy construction worker to need a good massage gun. I was jogging when I fell, but had I merely been walking at a brisk pace down the block and back, I still could have tripped this exact way and pulled an ass muscle. Hell, who says any movement would be necessary? I’ve woken up with a nasty ache from sleeping in the wrong position.

My point is: this thing does not care if you hurt because of the pummeling you took in the ring, or because you resolved to go to the gym more in 2025, or just because you sit at your desk with bad posture all day. It’ll still issue a pulverizing targeted massage, dishing out between 1500 and 3200 impacts per minute (depending on which speed setting you’re using) with the attachment head of your choice.

So get one! You’ll probably use it soon.

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