Improvements 4-In-1 Snow Shovel & Snow Brush

  • Everything you need to battle the elements
  • Nice bag to keep it contained
  • How do I use this for myself if everyone hates it? A shovel can dig a car out, but it can also dig a car in.
  • Looking for Irk-in-an-IRK? It’s over here!
see more product specs

Can’t-Miss Stocking Stuffers That’ll Make You a Hero (A Mehrathon)

The Deal: Serious gear for digging out your car

The Potential Ingratitude: If you’d get those boxes out of the garage we could park inside.

The Retort: Excuse me for trying to help you build some character this winter.

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  • 26% on a phone, 1% on a tablet.
  • 314 clicked meh
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And you bought...

  • 59 of these.
  • We sold out at 4:41pm.
  • That’s $984 total.
  • (including shipping)

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