Grilltastic Grill Steamer
- Clean a grill?
- What’s next, you’re going to tell me I should clean my fridge or my oven?
- Generates steam to obliterate grit and grime that builds up
- No chemicals required
- Model: 6R1LL1N6-M3-50FTLY
Going in for the Grill
In honor of this Grilltastic Grill Steamer (a powerful tool for keeping your grill clean) and “Love The Land” (two super cute shirts celebrating nature, currently for sale on Mediocritee), we present:
Another Joke That Is The Peak Of Stupidity!
Thus concludes:
Another Joke That Is The Peak Of Stupidity!
And don’t forget: this design is currently for sale over on Mediocritee, along with its equally cute but more-difficult-to-cartoonify counterpart (pictured below)!