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Foscam Wireless IP Camera (Refurbished)

  • Connects to your network via WiFi so you can watch your baby on the Internet like a Mad Max: Fury Road trailer
  • And you can watch on your PC, smartphone, tablet, what-have-you
  • Pans 300°, tilts 120°, night vision up to 26 feet, basically better than your eyes
  • “Baby cam” for exhausted and paranoid parents, “wireless indoor webcam” for the barren and alone
  • Model: FI8910W
see more product specs

Never miss a thing.

“Hello? Can I help you?”

How much would you pay for a camera that would show you who was at the door?

“Excuse me?”

Think about it. If you had one of these cameras in that window right there, pointed out here at the porch, you could’ve looked at your phone or your computer to see that it was just a camera salesman.

“You’re a salesman?”

A camera salesman. A cryogenically unfrozen camera salesman. Neil Ross is the name, best damn pan-and-tilt camera salesman in the whole damn world. They dropped me in the deep-freeze eleven years ago but I’m all thawed out and working for a living. Good to know you.

“That’s fine. Don’t need any cameras, thanks.”

Not even a pan-and-tilt night-vision IP camera that you can view and control from any Internet-connected device?

“Don’t think so.”

Not even from a fellow Boston Red Sox fan? I noticed your t-shirt- wait a minute, does that say “WORLD CHAMPIONS”? Is it a joke, or-?

“No, it’s real, it’s from when they won in '04.”

WHAT? THEY WON? The Red Sox finally won the World Series and I just barely missed it?

“Uh, yeah, guess so.”

Aw, man! Well, maybe I’ll catch it if they win a second time.

“Well, and then they won again in '07.”

Are you serious? Jeez. At least I’ll be around for the third one, though. Right? Right?

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  • 26% on a phone, 6% on a tablet.
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  • on this deal.

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  • 1064 of these.
  • We sold out at 9:47am.
  • That’s $37557 total.
  • (including shipping)

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