Today's SideDeal

End of the World New Zealand Manuka Honey (10.6oz Glass Jar)

  • Honey that’s high in Methylglyoxal (MGO)
  • It’s good for you (maybe)
  • It’s also delicious (definitely)
  • Can it make a margarita: No but you could use honey in simple syrup instead of sugar, and that’s part of a margarita?
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Potentially Good For You

Manuka Honey. Ever heard of it?

Well, if you haven’t, here’s the gist from Australian Manuka (although, just to be clear, ours is from New Zealand):

Manuka honey is unique because it contains antibacterial and antimicrobial compounds. The most prevalent compound present in Manuka honey is Methylglyoxal (MGO). The antibacterial and antimicrobial strength of Manuka honey means it can be used for healthcare and wellbeing. Manuka honey can be used to naturally treat range of ailments including skin conditions and wounds, digestive conditions and for colds and flu.

WebMD seems to agree with this, mentioning its use as a topical treatment for “wounds and leg ulcers,” before going on to outline some even more compelling functions. Like this:

Another study suggests that Manuka honey may help prevent gingivitis and other periodontal disease by reducing the buildup of plaque. In some studies, Manuka honey seemed to help prevent inflammation in the esophagus caused by radiation and chemotherapy used for cancer.

And this:

Another possible benefit of honey is that, unlike antibiotics, it doesn’t appear to lead to resistant bacteria. These so-called “superbugs” develop after repeated exposure to common antibiotics.

But an article from BBC Two’s Trust Me, I’m a Doctor comes across a bit more skeptical:

There is not enough evidence that methylglyoxal survives being eaten, nor that it does any good inside the body. This is not an area in which a lot of independently-funded research has been done, but although there is a small bit of evidence that in general honey can soothe a sore throat, there is not yet conclusive evidence to suggest that eating shop-bought manuka honey will be any more effective at this than a cheaper alternative. Similarly, there hasn’t been robust conclusive evidence to show it can be used to ease indigestion.

So, maybe it works. Maybe it doesn’t. (And also, maybe we’re entirely misunderstanding what any of this means.)

Then again, none of this takes into consideration the other thing people like about honey beyond its potential healing properties. But thankfully Amazon user Chris summed up this aspect of the conversation quite concisely:

Very good-tasting honey

Panacea or not, honey is delicious, and this is some particularly delicious honey for way cheaper than you’ll find elsewhere. So buy it if you like honey.

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