Easylife Quick Zip Bright Light

  • Hooks onto stuff
  • Magnetizes to stuff
  • Can be belted onto stuff
  • Oh, also: it provides light
  • Give it a google and you’ll probably find some videos of it in action
  • [Pretend there’s a great bullet point here where we effortlessly tie together this light and the amazing Washington State wine sales on Casemates today]
  • Favorite improv warm-up game: ‘Zip-Zap-Zop’
see more product specs

Let There Be Light

Sometimes you need to investigate a dial or a switch or something on your hot water heater that the overhead light in the basement just doesn’t reach.

And sometimes, you start a project on the deck in the late morning or early afternoon, and then the sun sets, but you only have, maybe, an hour of work left, and you don’t want to pack up all your tools only to unpack them again for finishing touches come tomorrow morning.

And sometimes, you’re in the middle of two things, a power outage and a good book, and you don’t want the first thing to impede upon your completion of the second thing, but the days are already getting shorter…

And sometimes, you’re in a dark cave looking for the best deal ever on some amazing Washington State wines.

In all of these situations, you need some light. (Except for that last one; for that, all you need is to visit Casemates today!)

More light that your phone can provide. Because, let’s be honest, your phone’s light is really only good for when you drop something and it rolls under the couch or the bed. In other words, you KNOW where it is, but you just need only a few lumens to find it.

With that being said, the phone is a good instinct, because you also don’t need a full-blown fixture or even a bulk lantern. You just need something you can move around to shed a little light on hard-to-reach areas.

And with that being said, you probably don’t want to hold that light the whole damn time.

In summary: you need a good, bright, portable light that you can set up somewhere so you can work with both of your hands–whether you’re using them to do something serious like fix a hot water heater or complete a deck project, or just to turn the pages of a book.

This light is that. It’s got a convenient hook on the back to hook onto stuff. Don’t have anything to hook onto? It’s magnetic. Don’t have something to magnetize onto? It’s got a zip-tie belt thing. Don’t have anything to zip-tie/belt onto? Then… uhh… sorry, you’re on your own. A product can only provide so much versatility!

Anyway, get one of these lights. There’s a 100% chance you’ll use it at some point.

So far today...

  • 72347 of you visited.
  • 47% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
  • 3103 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 293 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $2742 total.
  • (including shipping)

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