Question for Meh Staff: Biggest Surprise Hit
11OK, so Meh asked us what the weirdest thing they sold was. Someone else asked, what’s the worst.
I’m curious what the biggest surprise hit was. If there was something that everyone in the office thought “how the hell are we going to sell that?” only for it to sell out really quick. There has to have been times everyone thought the buying agent was off his/her rocker- only for it to be a home-run.
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Selling 1,592 of these was probably the biggest recent one of those:
@dave just goes to show what a hairy bunch we all are… Or were.
OH, GOOD ONE! And gender friendly!

Pretty sure the name of the product could have been Balls, boobs and bodies!
Being Lebanese, I’ve got some pretty hairy female relatives.
Jus sayen!
@Lynnerizer I can relate…I’m (mostly) Italian. ‘Nuff said.
Let’s just say I’m very, very thankful for laser hair removal.
Hated shaving, and too much of a wuss for waxing…so it was totally worth the money, lol!
But these things are definitely gender friendly and handy for all sorts of jobs!
I bet it was mostly gals buying it for their guys.
Might’ve come in handy for the Barbie movie
Barbie doesn’t have body hair and neither does Ken except on the top of their heads and they have eyebrows and eyelashes
In order to keep the slightly surreal toy land, all the actors and actresses got wax for any part that would show their arms, legs and chests.
Supposedly this repeated sessions for waxing
/giphy just ken

I’m gonna go with Fidget Spinners… a whopping $90,000 worth for a total of 186,250 fidget spinners. I fondly remember many coworkers thinking the buyer and I were crazy to buy this many spinny thingies… but we had a hunch and sometimes those gambles pay off!
@troy Luckily for you it was at the tail end of the fad. Also your price was right (very cheap) and the timing of selling them was good as well if I recall correctly. I handed out a bunch at halloween and the kids were thrilled. I had some left over and found college students worked their butts off to be the winning team in class to get one each too
@troy I’m sure they were boxed so you didn’t get to see them all in one pile, but I’m kinda curious what 185k+ fidget spinners would look like.
@troy I am still have some at work to distract children of all ages. Fun to see the grin when I tell them to keep them! I did buy more than I should have but still in use.
/showme 185000 fidget spinners
@Cerridwyn The bot can’t count.
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz Some of those spinners look pretty fidgety, with their arms bent all weird and stuff.