How about the length of the summer days, combined with the fewer-people-around of the winter?
While I’m at it, can I get the prettiness and fun of the snow, but with the clean roads and safer driving of summer?
(In other words, it is not clear to me if the question is asking our preference just about the length of the days, or the entirety of season.)
@brainmist@xobzoo I mean I’ve only ever been on a blocked highway twice in my life… Back roads speed limit is 60. Cities suck lol. The zombies will get you faster
@PooltoyWolf Summer was way too HOT here in Phoenix, this year too. 119 degrees fried our brains. We had several of those days. The coldest winter will never ever be worse than 119 degrees.
@werehatrack Yeah, where is the happy medium option when it’s enough daylight to enjoy outdoors, early enough night to make a campfire welcome, and a comfortable, not-dying temperature?
Here. Right here is the best season. More of this, please.
@werehatrack and one where there is never a time change again no more spring forward no more fall back. One of the only things that attracts me about Arizona
@Cerridwyn@werehatrack we should probably be discouraging migration to the desert though. The Colorado river compact is already a mess… Can’t keep moving people there… Without some changes.
The upper mid West does fine if you can tolerate some moderate winters
The salt on the roads is a bit of a bitch when you get under old cars.
@unksol@werehatrack absolutely. The older I get the harder adjusting gets twice a year both directions. Not looking forward to the weekend after Halloween
@Cerridwyn@werehatrack I vote permanent daylight savings time. I want more light after work. So I can do shit. But I get people are split some feel better having morning light
Fine. Let’s just pick one and be done. The reasons for this horeshit are long over.
I could be down for some time zone consolidation too if it made sense
@Cerridwyn@unksol@werehatrack I was in AZ in April 1976 and remember it hitting 90 part of the time. My mom tried the “But it’s a dry heat” line, but hot is hot.
I like spring and fall as it is dark a decent hours of the night and not getting light at 5am but light a decent number of hours. The temperatures are reasonable too.
When I lived in NW Ontario it would get dark at midnight and light at 5am. In winter it wouldn’t get light until 10am and it would get dark at 3pm. The northern lights were a plus in all seasons. I saw them so many times. They were so cool.
It’s that time of year where is often dark and rainy by the time you’re off work. When all your time with sunlight is spent at work and you can’t get anything done outside it gets a little… Eh. Its very grey at the moment too
I’m living in Busan, South Korea. It has lots of beautiful beaches so I prefer longer summer days to enjoy outdoor activities like beachgoing, hiking, and water sports. This place comes alive during the summer months with festivals, outdoor events, and a lively atmosphere. It’s a great time for tourists and those who enjoy the buzz of a crowded city
I’m a total summer person! More daylight means more time for BBQs, beach trips, and late-night ice cream runs. Winter’s cozy, but give me those long summer evenings any day.
How about the length of the summer days, combined with the fewer-people-around of the winter?
While I’m at it, can I get the prettiness and fun of the snow, but with the clean roads and safer driving of summer?
(In other words, it is not clear to me if the question is asking our preference just about the length of the days, or the entirety of season.)
@xobzoo Sooooooo… zombie apocalypse?
Seriously, how many of you all see that inevitable zombie apocalypse scene of open, empty highways, and heave a huge sigh of content?
@brainmist @xobzoo I mean I’ve only ever been on a blocked highway twice in my life… Back roads speed limit is 60. Cities suck lol. The zombies will get you faster
Longer days of summer for sure, I don’t care care about the people I hate the SAD of winter grey.
I was always told every day was 24 hours long, whether in Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring.
/youtube princes summerfall winterspring
(Taller than the original.)
I dunno I’m just a fan of the dark so I like the winter days
I loathe the long, hot, humid summers here and really wish winter lasted longer.
@PooltoyWolf Summer was way too HOT here in Phoenix, this year too. 119 degrees fried our brains. We had several of those days. The coldest winter will never ever be worse than 119 degrees.
@AZnatural1 At least it was dry out there! >.>
/youtube hazy days of winter
/youtube hazy days of winter Simon Garfunkel
@f00l I love that song.
How about the middle-of-the-road fleetingly brief days around the solstice when it’s close to being balanced?
@werehatrack Yeah, where is the happy medium option when it’s enough daylight to enjoy outdoors, early enough night to make a campfire welcome, and a comfortable, not-dying temperature?
Here. Right here is the best season. More of this, please.
@werehatrack Are you the one prophesied about, who will be balance to the seasons?
@werehatrack and one where there is never a time change again no more spring forward no more fall back. One of the only things that attracts me about Arizona
@Cerridwyn @werehatrack Arizona is pretty hot in summer. But it’s a dry heat/can be adjusted to. Considering the water situation though… Eh…
@Cerridwyn @unksol I’d rather adjust to Prescott or Flagstaff.
@Cerridwyn @werehatrack we should probably be discouraging migration to the desert though. The Colorado river compact is already a mess… Can’t keep moving people there… Without some changes.
The upper mid West does fine if you can tolerate some moderate winters
The salt on the roads is a bit of a bitch when you get under old cars.
@unksol @werehatrack the reference was mostly to the fact that Arizona does not change time twice a year they don’t have daylight savings time
@unksol @werehatrack and p. S. I already live in the desert
@Cerridwyn @werehatrack yea I got that bit. Indiana used to not. We were in the special club till 2006 so my entire childhood we were correct.
Although which TV shows you got to stay up to watch varied by other states changing their time.
Then we went eastern. The whole clock change needs to stop in general.
@unksol @werehatrack absolutely. The older I get the harder adjusting gets twice a year both directions. Not looking forward to the weekend after Halloween
@Cerridwyn @werehatrack I vote permanent daylight savings time. I want more light after work. So I can do shit. But I get people are split some feel better having morning light
Fine. Let’s just pick one and be done. The reasons for this horeshit are long over.
I could be down for some time zone consolidation too if it made sense
@unksol @werehatrack

/giphy here here
@Cerridwyn @unksol @werehatrack Dry heat is still hot as shit when it’s in the triple digits.
@Cerridwyn @lisagd @werehatrack true. I like visiting in the spring
I think Dad took us in the summer for a month out west but I don’t recall Arizona/new Mexico/Utah being anywhere near as hot 30 years ago
@Cerridwyn @unksol @werehatrack I was in AZ in April 1976 and remember it hitting 90 part of the time. My mom tried the “But it’s a dry heat” line, but hot is hot.
@Cerridwyn @lisagd @werehatrack 90 was a thing. But not tripal digits.
Deep south or even just south Carolina 90 with 100% humidity you want to die till you start to adjust.
At least in Arizona you can sweat it out if you get very the water
@Cerridwyn @werehatrack I guess

Is one way to go
the longer days of summer; it makes you feel alive and keeps vampires at bay longer…
the shorter days of winter; it makes you feel alive and allows you to hang out with your vampire friends longer…
I like spring and fall as it is dark a decent hours of the night and not getting light at 5am but light a decent number of hours. The temperatures are reasonable too.
When I lived in NW Ontario it would get dark at midnight and light at 5am. In winter it wouldn’t get light until 10am and it would get dark at 3pm. The northern lights were a plus in all seasons. I saw them so many times. They were so cool.
I prefer the longer days of summer with one caveat: the pets start demanding their breakfast at sunrise, so no sleeping in for me.
@macromeh fuck em
Um, pass…
@macromeh obviously not literally. They can learn to wait till you get up
It’s that time of year where is often dark and rainy by the time you’re off work. When all your time with sunlight is spent at work and you can’t get anything done outside it gets a little… Eh. Its very grey at the moment too
I like the shorter days because I that’s what I like.
I like days where I am in the center of an eclipse path (total or annular)
And the skies are clear that day at my location.
/giphy clouds

I’m living in Busan, South Korea. It has lots of beautiful beaches so I prefer longer summer days to enjoy outdoor activities like beachgoing, hiking, and water sports. This place comes alive during the summer months with festivals, outdoor events, and a lively atmosphere. It’s a great time for tourists and those who enjoy the buzz of a crowded city
@mx3cofee That’s nice but no spam allowed.
@werehatrack @Ignorant @narfcake
@Ignorant @Kyeh @narfcake @werehatrack it’s no spam. That’s the tourism statistics in Busan. It also has weather in Busan.
I’m a total summer person! More daylight means more time for BBQs, beach trips, and late-night ice cream runs. Winter’s cozy, but give me those long summer evenings any day.