Champion Sunglasses (Polarized or Non-Polarized)

  • Beat out all the sunglasses brands to be the champs
  • Don’t forget: they’re still sun in the winter
  • Looking for the IRK? It’s over here!
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Goodbye Summer: a Meh-rathon

Farewell to the summer days filled with sun and no reflective snow to double its power and blind us when we stumble out of our houses like mole people.

What’s a Meh-rathon?

Normally, Meh is all about one deal per day—simple. But sometimes, we throw that out the window. A Meh-rathon is an all-day gauntlet of nonstop deals. One after another, untill we run out of stuff (or patience). It's chaotic. It's fun. It's a terrible way to shop responsibly. You've been warned.

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So far today...

  • 305112 of you visited.
  • 40% on a phone, 1% on a tablet.
  • 322 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 116 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $1303 total.
  • (including shipping)

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