Capresso 4-Cup Espresso & Cappuccino Machine

- 4-cup capacity means little cups of espresso, not the enormous tanks of coffee you can grab at the Gas ‘n’ Guzzle
- Coffee/steam selector, strength adjuster, swivel frother, and all those other mysterious appendages of the barista’s arcane art
- C’mon, you can master this: you gonna let a bunch of Europeans out-coffee you?
- Model: 303.01
Espresso is everywhere! Almost!
If you drink any coffee besides what Seattle baristas call “drip” and what my grandma calls “just regular coffee”, you drink espresso. Espresso is why you go to Starbuck’s. Espresso is what turned the “coffeeshop” from a place with chrome counters where waitresses wear paper hats, to a place with comfy couches, free WiFi, and Tracy Chapman. This handy guide explains what each of today’s most popular coffee drinks are made of, and illustrates how espresso is the foundation for all of them. Clip and save!
Espresso: just espresso.
Cappuccino: equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk.
Americano: a shot of espresso plus 6-8 ounces of hot water.
Caffe Latte: a shot of espresso plus steamed milk, in a roughly 1:3 ratio of espresso to milk.
Mocha: cappuccino or cafe latte plus chocolate syrup.
Caffe Macchiato: a shot of espresso topped with foamy steamed milk.
Canadiano: an Americano with maple syrup.
Caffe Erotico: a caffe latte with Viagra.
Mochapolitan: a mocha with cranberry juice, vodka, and a pair of Manolo Blahniks.
Belfast jumpstart: a shot of espresso dropped into a tumbler of Jameson’s dropped into a tankard of Guinness.
Phillyccino: equal parts espresso, grilled onions, and Cheez Whiz.
Root Beer Float: a caffe macchiato plus root beer and ice cream, and minus the steamed milk and the espresso.
Caffe Pacino: a shot of espresso that overacts.