72-Pack: Solely Organic Fruit Jerky

  • The banana pecan flavor is a fruit jerky made from organic bananas and organic pecans
  • The pineapple coconut flavor is a fruit jerky made from organic pineapple, organic coconut, and organic cacao
  • The pineapple chili flavor is a fruit jerky made from organic pineapple and also some organic chili powder and salt
  • Choose the assortment you want!
  • Can it make a margarita: No, but it can free up some valuable margarita calories
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Computer, Enhance

They claim this to be simple fruit jerky. But what’s actually in this stuff? For that, we’ve hired Jeff, the computer expert from a 90s movie!

We have three flavor offerings in a variety of configurations: banana pecan, pineapple coconut, and pineapple chili. Let’s focus on the banana pecan to start. Here are the nutrition facts.

Now, Jeff, zoom in.

Uh, not on that part, Jeff. We want the ingredients.

Huh. Okay, but Jeff, that’s not super helpful. Could you zoom out a bit?

Maybe a little too far out there, Jeff. Could you make it so we can actually see the ingredients?

Wow, so when they say it’s banana and pecan fruit jerky, they mean it. Just two ingredients. Hmmm… why does that sound familiar? Jeff, show us the front of the product please.

Okay and zoom in on the two ingredients part.


Anyway, we assume the pineapple coconut and pineapple chili ones are similarly straightforward.

Please buy.

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