6-Pack: Bernini Table Guard Fly Fan Repellers
- Finally, Meh is selling some fans!
- But you see, these fans keep away bugs and flies
- Bending the holographic blades provides even more protection, creating a “dome around your food”
- Pretty sturdy - 1.1lb each and 10" high
- It’s black fly day, y’all!
- Are they available in Georgia Red: No, because they went to Michigan, which is located in… Fann Arbor
Not Too Exciting
It’s Black Friday! The biggest commerce day of the year! And we’re selling… a 6-pack of fans with bendable blades for keeping insects away?
More like bleak Friday, amirite? (If you’re a bug, at least.)
But, ah! There’s a twist! Much like these fans are built to repel bugs, this sale is built to repel customers! Or, wait, that doesn’t sound right. How about this: it’s built to send customers to our side site where we offer other deals, which we cleverly named–wait for it–SideDeal.
That’s right, today and all weekend we have a special SideDeal-o-Rama going on. Here are the sales events you’ll find over yonder:
Cook, Brew, Cut, Etc.: An array of deliciously marked-down products for making an array of delicious foods and beverages.
Things That Provide and Take Power: Stuff you plug in to charge and use, stuff you plug that stuff into (or put that stuff onto), and even the cables to join those two things together. In a word: electronics and accessories. (Fine. That was three words. Friggin’ sue us, okay?)
Pay, Eat, Love: Remember that first sale we mentioned? Of kitchen appliances and other stuff to make foods and drinks? Well, in this sale, the foods and drinks come ready to consume.
Festive AF Stuff: A whole bunch of stuff to make your house/office/cubicle/yard festive as all shit this year.
Presentable Presents: These products would make great gifts. Which might make you wonder… does that mean the products in the other sales wouldn’t make great gifts? Guess you’ll have to click into each one to find out.
So there you have it, all the rad sales going on now (and all weekend) over on SideDeal. Now buy some anti-bug fans and head that way to really get shopping.