36-Pack: Frookits Chocolate Covered Probiotic Fruits

  • You all loved these last time
  • You get your choice of dark or milk chocolate covered fruit
  • Either way, you’re getting over 5 pounds of chocolate covered fruit
  • That’s a lot of fruit! And a lot of chocolate!
  • Probiotic so they’re good for your tummy and immune system
  • Model: 5R4N63-FR00
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Snack Your Way To Health

On the surface, this seems like your typical Meh troll job. Like, seriously? The day after Valentine’s Day? That’s when we decide to sell you some fruit covered in chocolate?

But here’s the thing: these aren’t romantic. They’re probiotic. You eat them and they’re good for your gut health and your immune system. Pretty cool, right? Beyond that, though, they’re solid healthy snacks that taste just indulgent enough to make you forget they might be good for you.

But if you ask us, the biggest selling point is that they’re the go-to quick bite on fruit film sets around the country. Which is how they were able to get endorsements from such luminaries of the fruit film industry as:

  • Chris Pineapple
  • Tom-egranate Holland
  • Jesse Plum-ins
  • Pear-yl Streep
  • Sean William Apri-scott
  • Kiwi-n Latifa
  • Banana-thony Hopkins
  • Sig-orange-ey Weaver
  • Berry Tyler Moore
  • Tom-ato Hanks
  • Melo-nie Griffith

Usually, this is around the point in the pun-centric write-up where we apologize for how stupid these are. But you know what? This time, we’re not going to say we’re sorry. Because we had fun, dammit! And that’s what matters!

Now please, buy our chocolate-covered fruit.

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