2-Pack: Zak! Bluetooth Bottles & Tumblers

  • Totally acceptable tumblers
  • Detachable bluetooth speaker for some reason
  • Don’t forget the IRK!
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A Meh-rathon Murder Mystery!

Eccentric billionaire steam mop mogul Dallas McAllen has been murdered! And in his own home, no less, while a great party raged on. With 30 suspects and clues galore (some helpful, others less so) only Sadie Dufresne–an Inspector of the Royal Knights order (shorthand: IRK), one of the highest ranking detectives in all the land–can be trusted to solve the mystery. But she’ll need your help. So, what do you say? Will you help IRK Dufresne crack the case?

Nina Mercedes, Dallas McAllen’s secretary, wanted so badly to own a Mercedes. Then, she could get a vanity plate that said N1N4. It was so perfect, and yet Dallas McAllen refused to give her the raise she would need to buy a new one, saying instead that she should save up for something more affordable, like one from thirty or forty years ago. “But I want to drive it for a long time, and if it’s from the 80s, it’ll die soon,” she argued one day, while they were getting ready to leave the office. “Not necessarily,” Dallas said. “I was around in the 80s, and I don’t plan to die for a long time!” Could Nina have come to the party with the intent of proving her boss wrong?

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