2-Pack: Realtree & Ducks Unlimited Camo Sleeve Sling Coolers
- Carrying beer in a cooler is lame
- This, though, is super rad

Endless Jokes: a Meh-rathon!
Some ants decide to leave the colony. They’re sick of gathering food all day for the queen. They want to get jobs in the service industry. They apply to waiters at a local trattoria that, since being bought by a Venezuelan family, also offers excellent arepas.
Seeing that they’re ants, the manager feels comfortable with their ability to carry food. But he’s a little concerned that they might eat the dishes themselves, so he says, “How can I trust you not to nibble?”
To which the ants reply:
We set up the joke, which everyone knows is the hard part. Now, all you need to do is help us out with the ending. So go ahead and post your best punch lines in the comments. And keep checking back for more great deals and unfinished jokes all day long!