2-Pack: Poo Emoji Pillows

  • The first of many crappy things we’re going to sell you today
  • Size: 10" in some dimension (diameter? circumference?)
  • You’ll regret not having them for the rest of your life
  • You get 2 in case your partner wisely throws the first out
see more product specs

Letters from the Mehditor

Our regular writers being exhausted from justifying every product we sell as “the perfect gift,” we hired a freelancer to write the entire Meh-rathon. But out of spite or laziness or insanity he instead wrote letters to random companies and people. While we lawyer-up and sue said writer for breach of contract, we hope you enjoy his delirious epistles. Meh regrets the error.

TO: Mailer Daemon@yahoo.com
SUBJ: Repent

Dear Cursed Being,

I hope this finds you well, or perhaps foul if that is your preferred state of being. I am writing with no nobler goal than the salvation of your immortal soul. I implore you to reconsider your devotion to darkness and suffering and evil.

And electronic mail delivery.

I know not how this vile fate befell you. Perhaps an ill-advised Faustian bargain to ensure the delivery of an important missive. Perhaps only the most cursory of glances at a Terms of Service Agreement, that tiny checkmark etched in digital stone. Perhaps a cursed email attachment.

The cause is unimportant, for no matter what led you here I truly believe yours is a soul worth saving. And please stop returning my emails to Daryl Hall. I have a can’t miss idea for his next hit and he’ll be most upset if he does not receive it.



So far today...

  • 114526 of you visited.
  • 38% on a phone, 6% on a tablet.
  • 1157 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 96 of these.
  • We sold out at 12:06am.
  • That’s $1087 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?

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