Come to think of it, I haven’t been seeing daily Meh mails for a while now. Seems like I get one every Monday, and that’s it. E-mail settings haven’t changed, same account, no filters, etc.
I just realized that we’re living in the golden age of Meh. Someday something will change (@Irk will die in a macrame pileup, @matthew will get an offer from Cher he can’t resist, and/or @jasontoon will start a rival site called and we’ll all look back on these as Halcyon Tymes, the Salad Daze, the Storied Moments, usw., and us oldsters will complain about how everything sucks since the change and cool everything used to be.
@matthew any offer? So would you take an offer of human organic compost rotator where you went and rotated Cher’s compost using only your physical form? Pay and benefits are negotiable after 5 years. Solid apprentice pay and benefits to start. 1 free shower included.
@therealjrn - Uh, I believe 12 is correct at 1:30 LCT*, unless I blinked at the wrong time. I’ll probably drop off very soon though - still sick and need sleep.
You can always go to “Past deals” at the top and count the items sold so far, or use Meh Stalker.
Well it’s almost 7am est and as I check the Meh-rathon past deals I missed as I slept, I realize that this far this has been a crap-athon more than anything. I would like to offer as tribute my money Meh, but the cause has to be worthy of my greenbacks.
In past 'thons, there have been at least a few items that I’ve wanted/purchased. Besides the Fuko, the stuff in this one has been especially bad. Not even any crazy low quantity deals like $94 GoPros where they only have 5.
This has been a slower meh-raton has it not? I guess their warehouses aren’t as full right not. (I mean, I guess they are full of those disposable battery packs)
@pkschroeder What is a fuko?
Think of the most fun item in the world. Think of amazing wonderful beauty and perfection on Earth all carefully wrapped with love, hugged and shipped only to you!
Then, think of something else.
The fuko is that ‘something else’.
Yay!! (I think…?)
but why oh why on a Sunday night?!?!
@canneddirt because its technically monday and they only do fuku and mehrathons on weekdays and special holidays
10 minutes of poop pillows? I need to sleep!
@ELUNO then you definitely need a poop pillow!
Boy, I sure love not sleeping on the first day of a workweek.
Where is the poll?
@wmbarr it’s there now.
Woo hoo!
welp,(cracks open a red bull) lets do this thing.
@jdude727 i knew i bought a case of this stuff for a reason
Meh, I’ve got this
Oy gevalt.
A Friday or Saturday night would be nice since a great many of us are off on Saturday and Sunday.
Stoopid football game messed my schedule all up. And I don’t even watch football!
In case anyone missed it, or is peacefully sleeping, there’s a very fancy email telling all about the Meh-rathon.
@OldCatLady Not seeing it. When was it sent?
Come to think of it, I haven’t been seeing daily Meh mails for a while now. Seems like I get one every Monday, and that’s it. E-mail settings haven’t changed, same account, no filters, etc.
@ShotgunX JUST got the mail. The “you survived cyberweek!” one. Is is the same one that you’re referencing?
@OldCatLady Ooh thanks, I like being fancy.
I think this link works if you didn’t get the email but want to see it:
@dave Yes, that’s the one I got 8 minutes ago at 12:48 AM EST.
What a useless site with those picture captchas that make you click over and over again like 3 times before it goes through.
I was at Barnes and noble yesterday, and am really regretting not buying the “An Anthology of 9 Minute Short Stories” book I saw.
so how does shipping work with meh a thons?
@shadowgaurdina pay per item.
What’d I miss?
@lenea9011 Meh sells titties now.
So does anyone remember from the last time about what time the fuko’s were? Got the endlessly loading green bar on the first one.
Sometime in the 8am ET hour.
For VMP people, sometime in the 4pm ET hour.
@f00l belated thanks
I just realized that we’re living in the golden age of Meh. Someday something will change (@Irk will die in a macrame pileup, @matthew will get an offer from Cher he can’t resist, and/or @jasontoon will start a rival site called and we’ll all look back on these as Halcyon Tymes, the Salad Daze, the Storied Moments, usw., and us oldsters will complain about how everything sucks since the change and cool everything used to be.
So! Enjoy ‘em, kids. They won’t last forever.
That would be literally any offer from Cher
@matthew any offer? So would you take an offer of human organic compost rotator where you went and rotated Cher’s compost using only your physical form? Pay and benefits are negotiable after 5 years. Solid apprentice pay and benefits to start. 1 free shower included.
A Top Job.
How long will this last? Into tomorrow afternoon. Or just tonight?
@xguntherc In the past is runs for the 24 hours of the business day. While no specific length has been announced I would bet on the same.
Has anyone else noticed the clickface eyes growing larger?
Likely due to lack of sleep.
@KDemo how many should we have by now?
@therealjrn - Uh, I believe 12 is correct at 1:30 LCT*, unless I blinked at the wrong time. I’ll probably drop off very soon though - still sick and need sleep.
You can always go to “Past deals” at the top and count the items sold so far, or use Meh Stalker.
*Left Coast Time
@KDemo I’m already in bed. Gonna drop off soon. Thanks
Well it’s almost 7am est and as I check the Meh-rathon past deals I missed as I slept, I realize that this far this has been a crap-athon more than anything. I would like to offer as tribute my money Meh, but the cause has to be worthy of my greenbacks.
This week is my birthday and I got a Fuko. Shitty start
Greetings Mr. Musk sounds more like Tom Steyer.
I didn’t need 3 emails about this
If we could get browser-based notifications for meh-rathons that would be awesome.
In past 'thons, there have been at least a few items that I’ve wanted/purchased. Besides the Fuko, the stuff in this one has been especially bad. Not even any crazy low quantity deals like $94 GoPros where they only have 5.
Boy am I glad my VMP is paid up. It’s paying off today.
This has been a slower meh-raton has it not? I guess their warehouses aren’t as full right not. (I mean, I guess they are full of those disposable battery packs)
@ELUNO And fidget spinners. Still.
Little does work know this is what I will be doing all day. #nosleep
So is the VMP Fuko the same as the regular one?
Botheth Sucketh, Kind Sir.
This is my first meh-athon… what is “fuko”
Also, I bought a quadcopter a few months ago, any chance that it will come back for the meh-athon? I have a nephew that wants one now. lol
@pkschroeder Fuko is as fuko does, sir.
@pkschroeder What is a fuko?
Think of the most fun item in the world. Think of amazing wonderful beauty and perfection on Earth all carefully wrapped with love, hugged and shipped only to you!
Then, think of something else.
The fuko is that ‘something else’.
@daveinwarsh so, similar to a boc on woot. Got it. Thanks!
This is the most Meh, Meh-rathon yet. My excitement has it an all-time low, Meh level. Not one thing of interest.
Great, it’s VMP hour, and new stuff every ten minutes. Guess I won’t get my afternoon nap today.
Yes! Bag of Crap and Fuko!

/image casual-moping-birthday
to Meh management,
Have you made any money at all today???
Pretty crappy selection, I may have to tone it down a bit here.
How many meh buttons could have been clicked during the meh athon?
@AttyVette All of them. duh.