2-Pack: HyperGear True Wireless Earbuds
- Two pairs of true wireless earbuds
- Usually, they’re $40 each
- Today, you can get a 2-pack for $20
- They might not be perfect
- On the other hand, what if they’re perfect??
- Are they available in Georgia Red: Nope, but you can listen to university fight songs on them no problem
The Ear Of The Beholder
There aren’t too many Amazon reviews for these buds, just 60 global ratings. Yet, despite this fairly low number, you still find a wide variety of opinions, especially when it comes fit. Here are a few snippets:
- “The ear buds actually stay in my ear.”
- “Comfortable.”
- “Fit is awkward at best.”
- “Really love how they fit and feel.”
- “Too big to fit in my ears even after switching ear pieces.”
- “Se caen al hacer ejercicio.”
Looking at what people say about the sound quality, the reviews are similarly varied. Some say, “pretty good.” Some say, “very good.” Some say, “great.” Some say, “decent.”
So, what does this teach us?
That shopping for earbuds is perilous as fuck.
No two ears are the exact same shape and size. Even two ears ON THE SAME HEAD can vary in significant ways. To combat this problem, earbud makers include multiple tips, which is nice. But the tips aren’t everything. It’s the shape, the weight, the angle of entry; all that stuff can be ideal for one person and terrible for another.
As for sound quality? Sure, there are probably some MIT nerds who have been researching what levels of bass, treble, volume, and whatnot add up to the “optimal listening experience.” But really, it’s subjective. What sounds too loud and too tinny to you might seem quiet and washed out to someone else.
Unfortunately, we can’t change everything about the earbud-buying experience. Like, we can beg you to hop into the comments and give your thoughts on these if you’ve used them, but, as we’ve proven above, that’s more likely to end up with an array of contradictory opinions.
The one thing we can change, though, is the price. Instead of about 40 bucks per pair, you can get a 2-pack for 20. That way, you’ll be ecstatic if they’re perfect (for you), and you won’t be too bummed if they’re awful (for you).
So maybe get some. You might love them. Or you might not. But at least you won’t hate yourself for spending a bunch of money.