The constant noise of the other creatures in the house. If for any reason the house is emptied of the noisy ones, then I’m probably not wasting that quiet time on chores.
@xobzoo If there’s any silence in my house, it’s usually a bad sign. They were quiet yesterday and my dogs were eating my wired earbuds. I’ll find one of the silicone tips in some poop tomorrow. I know because it’s happened before.
@catthegreat@xobzoo I think these are too big. Although I have larger ear tubes, the actual size of my ears is kind of small and all of the earbuds that are like this are way too big. I have been looking at some on Amazon that are specifically designed to be worn while you sleep and they are really tiny. Unfortunately, they are also kind of pricey.
@llangley I had a really bad double ear infection earlier this year. Was almost deaf for a week or two.
But was it blissful silence?
Nope… I couldn’t hear the outside world, but the ringing in my ears… That’s a sound that didn’t go away and without all the natural sounds around me it was louder than ever.
Nothing_I don’t do chores-I listen while my wife complains while she does the chores while I watch TV. I take care of all the bird’s needs and that is enough.
I listen to the complaints of the cat who believes that what I am doing is not as important as scritching, feeding, or otherwise attending to the cat’s current “needs”. (Several of ours are very vocal-oriented.)
Whatever is on TV in the background, usually. Rarely, the tube radio in the kitchen.

/image 1960s tube radio
@pmarin I actually have two of those T1240As (but mine are surrounded by wood cabinets). Hybrid sets, with tube amplifier and transistor tuner!
Am I doing chores? I must be listening to my wife’s nagging.
@hchavers good answer!
@tweezak yep, not listening to the wife could be dangerous to your health?
The constant noise of the other creatures in the house. If for any reason the house is emptied of the noisy ones, then I’m probably not wasting that quiet time on chores.
@xobzoo but you helped create the noisy ones… plus you would not want to be without them for too long… But a break is good some times!
@xobzoo If there’s any silence in my house, it’s usually a bad sign. They were quiet yesterday and my dogs were eating my wired earbuds. I’ll find one of the silicone tips in some poop tomorrow. I know because it’s happened before.
@Fuzzalini @xobzoo Well, at least you get them back.
@Fuzzalini @xobzoo now you can replace them with these
@catthegreat @xobzoo I think these are too big. Although I have larger ear tubes, the actual size of my ears is kind of small and all of the earbuds that are like this are way too big. I have been looking at some on Amazon that are specifically designed to be worn while you sleep and they are really tiny. Unfortunately, they are also kind of pricey.
Tinnitus. Everywhere. All the time.

@llangley am there, doing that.
@llangley @werehatrack Free private concerts!
@llangley I had a really bad double ear infection earlier this year. Was almost deaf for a week or two.
But was it blissful silence?
Nope… I couldn’t hear the outside world, but the ringing in my ears… That’s a sound that didn’t go away and without all the natural sounds around me it was louder than ever.
The voices in my head.
(Hipshank is particularly entertaining.)
@macromeh Especially the voice that’s saying this can wait until next week, month, year.
Am I the only one who whistles while they work?
/giphy whistling dwarves

@pakopako Many of us hope so.
/showme contagious whisting
Nothing_I don’t do chores-I listen while my wife complains while she does the chores while I watch TV. I take care of all the bird’s needs and that is enough.
I listen to the complaints of the cat who believes that what I am doing is not as important as scritching, feeding, or otherwise attending to the cat’s current “needs”. (Several of ours are very vocal-oriented.)