2-Pack: Atomi Smart WiFi LED Sconces

  • The Meh-rathon is finally over, so it’s time for something different
  • Mount them outside
  • Make them turn any color at all
  • This is the very last of our supply!
  • Are they available in Georgia Red: What is it about “any color at all” that you don’t understand
see more product specs

Bright Out There

We’ve sold these things a few times now. We’ve pitched you on how they can be programmed to produce light of just about any color and their sturdy construction (they’re not plastic!). We even showed you @snapster’s deranged attempt to make two into a lamp.

But we haven’t checked in with you, the customers who actually bought them.

So that’s what we decided to do this time: check the forums and collect a couple reviews.

@CraigDanger said:

Bought these last time, have installed them and they look great! My neighbors all like them too. The app is a little clunky but did end up getting them to schedule how I wanted. Mounting them was simple (with some minor accommodations since they wouldn’t seat over the shallow surface junction boxy previous lights were on). Very glad I got them, use them on the garage, front door, back door and deck.

(And if you don’t want to take their word for it, check out this picture they posted on a different sale. Pretty snazzy if you ask us.)

Meanwhile, @jaybird got around the app issue:

I’ve bought 4 2-packs of these for the previous price of $50 each. 6 were installed at church and the last two will be installed on my back porch. They work very well and we use a third party app to control them along with many other ‘smart’ lights. Very pleased with them.

So, they sound pretty good, right? We sure think so. And now is the perfect time to buy them!

Yes, that likely sounds a little silly coming from a site that’s been slinging these things with zero seasonal concern. But think about it: if you order them today, you’ll have plenty of time to set them up and make them turn orange and green for Halloween or green and red for Christmas.

Or you know: any other color at all, to provide a little light on the cold dark days of winter.

Just get some, is what we’re saying. They’re nice outdoor lights that can do color. Who doesn’t want that?

So far today...

  • 78409 of you visited.
  • 48% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
  • 2814 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 139 of these.
  • There’s still some left.
  • That’s $7722 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?

How many are you buying?